Reclaiming the Hippie Movement!

Six months of planning and several years of infiltration has brought us to this strange but inevitable day. Now, we take back the outcasts of the white race! The hippie movement was formed by young white men and women in the 1960s who wished nothing but to be free of the ZOG which controlled the cities. By the mid60s they had abandoned Sanfrancisco to the yuppies, addicts, and niggers and went off innawoods to form their own societies to follow through with the 14words, whether they admitted and understood the calling or not. What many of us now see as "The Hippie" is a far cry from what the movement once was, a degenerate parody of what the movement stood for, and those that remain are as full of hatred and contempt for this as they were full of love for their volk in their youth.
Personal freedom and individual responsibility.
Self sustaining volkish communities.
A rejection of the city and ZOG, by whatever name's they knew it. (((The Man)))
A rejection of wars in foreign lands. No blood for the kikes!
Spiritual freedom from the doctrines of the kikes.
And above all else, family, a thing many of them never had due to the destruction of their parents due to the ravages of the war against the Reich, and the import of niggers to their homes.
There still exists ONE TRIBE that spreads across all white lands. One Family which has survived the onslaught of the (((Yippies))) kike controlled Youth International Party, the (((media's))) tactics of comercialization and degeneration, and the deaths of their leaders and oldfags. The Rainbow Family! Although they've seen better days, they still exist and are still active. They provide temporary homes for their nomadic Volk and meet deep in the forests, as far from the degeneracy of the cities as they can.
They tap springs. They run kitchens. They provide for one another without question or expectation, and they take in every outcast who has lost their way. They do so without any official hierarchy beyond he mythical elder The oldfags and many do so without any form of official ID or recognition from the state as to their existence. They are in danger though. The oldfags are dieing out and few have the skill and motivation to take their place, and here we are, ready to do just that.
For the past six months many Holla Forumsacks have been preparing. We have assembled for a great operation to revive the movement and assemble the lost volk of the Rainbow Family to prepare them for the new age. Where before the family turned backwards to the happy days of Krishna, now we direct them ever forwards through the end of this Kali Yuga, with Kek and his digits to guide us through the turning pages of time, and to the vicious days od the Kalki, the man who is to come, in which all filth and degeneracy shall be PURGED from these lands!
I call you my brothers, anons of the new volk, the Holla Forumsack to join us at the gatherings of the Rainbow Family! We shall answer their prayers with great redpills! We shall remove the corruption of the kike! We will bring back these outcast into the Volk and rally the most unlikely of legions to our cause! We will secure the existence of ournpeople and a future for white children! By the law of Polarity, the children of love will learn to hate!

Other urls found in this thread:

Good idea.
Can this be made into a White Supremacist song?

The hippie movement was created by the (((usual suspects))). What the hell are you talking about?

You're thinking of the yuppies who jews used to coopt the hippies.

threadly reminder: Long hair on men was promoted kikes because it covers up Aryan jaw lines.

Don't kid yourself. Birkenstocks are the shoes of the Aryan and made in Germany



Information incoming! Assembling from Pre-Op thread on the darklands of the chan! Operation Bifröst is LIVE!
The regionals are starting NOW! Utah and Oklahoma are live! Seed camps are already seeded! Nationals will be in Southern Oregon at the end of June! Pack your bags and prepare! Herbalanon/hippie mafia user here! After Nationals, Colorado is the meetup point at the start of August! All who have been preparing, ASSEMBLE!
Prepare your redpills!
Spread the Hopi Swastika and revive the knowledge of the ancient pact!
Consider the Hare Krishna's compromised but redpill them anyhow, the rainbow's krishnas hate their leadership which was hijacked by the pedophile kikes, so they are the ultimate converts to the kalki!
HIDE YOUR POWER LEVEL, but never stop redpilling! Many are well aware of the JQ and consider all train kids to be at least partially redpilled and blackpilled, if not complete race realists!
20% will be former military! Look for good posture and discipline, they show themselves by their deeds!
IGNORE COMMIES WHO BARK! They are hated! Lead by example and REPLACE them!
I'll see you at the end of the rainbow! Stay safe, Sieg Hiel, and SHADILAY!

Nice story though I'm not convinced of the truth behind it all. Regardless though; these lands are OURS, all of them. Why should we give up 90% of it and hide away in the forests? Take back what is ours; and then take the rest.

For the Empire!

That's the plan user, and this is the army that's begging for the command! All hatred is born of love, and the switch is about to be flipped!

Oregonian here. Are you insane?

This. Hippies were always degenerate retards.

Does it matter? We have already infiltrated! The kitchens, the camps, the medics! WE'RE THERE!


Case closed

Answer me honestly here, do you advocate for the use of drugs? Do you do drugs yourself? Don't avoid the questions or everyone will know the answer anyways.

What exactly can the average Holla Forumsack do? Seems like most here aren't that receptive anyway. Good luck, herbalanon.

Pagan/survivalist/volkisch movements are a good point of departure. They have an off the grid/rustic out look, but have better defined gender roles. Plus neofolk for some music

This. >>>/pdf/623

This entire thread is skitzo insane. "Reclaiming" a movement that was/is about equality, American savage spirituality, and drug use? Any 'pills' will fall on deaf ears. That crown doesn't need conversion, they need elimination. And we need to reclaim the cities, not go wallow in the mud.

Cool. Thanks.

OP is a newfag kid. He doesnt understand these things.

So, as usual, OP is a faggot.

This thread is fucking absurd. However, I can vouch for one thing.

As a former train rider myself, I can confirm train kids DO tend to hate the whole egalitarian hippie thing and a decent majority are blackpilled with a number of downright redpilled race-realists with a surprisingly small minority espousing "anarchism" and similar leftist bullshit. A number are vets too and almost al of them exhibit discipline far-removed from the hippie types. They ALSO tend to be alcoholics/drug-addicts and mostly just want to be left alone to do their own thing (get fucked up, travel, and eventually settle down).

Other than that, OP have you ever MET a rainbow kid? Insufferable egalitarians the lot of them. Outside of "A" camp, the alcoholic crusties/train kids.

checking that

Good luck.

Yup. Pretty absurd.
And why the fuck would we want to pill people with no resources, drug dependency, and minds/backgrounds that resulted in their sorry state.
I feel bad even bumping this thread. I can feel that rage again. The one I felt when I went to the "Country Fair."

Ah, tasty tasty bait. For the record, I do not advocate getting high or drunk for that matter. If you're talking about weed, I lived in the PNW long enough to hate degenerate stoners, though the medicinal value of cannibas is undeniable for management of pain and for people on chemo and a healthier alternative to the addictive opiates of the pharmakike. If a person uses a substance to seek intoxication, they are a degenerate and should be helped. Though from my experience, 90%+ of tweakers and heroine addicts should be left in a pit until they sober up. If they do not recover, fill in the fucking pit.
>>9858919Thank you for your wisdom user, your assessment of the trainkids is spot on. Somewhat related, I'd like to direct towards the recent riot in Olympia. Those "Homeless attacking Antfags", a number of them were Rainbow Family, I know them personally and a few of them owe me their lives. I used to be a bit of a streetdoctor. I've bandaged them up and treated them when they were ill with herbal preparations.
I know hundreds of them by name, probably a thousand by face. I've spent several years gaining reputation in the movement. If the antfags were to show up, point me out, and shout "NAZI!", the family would physically remove them. I'm betting my life on this one.
I won't deny that one bit. They're essentially halfchan right before the exodus. We're looking at 1/5 volkish 1/5 weedlmao, 1/5 degenerate losers and 2/5 confused.

Armed takeover of hippi communes

Man I'd like to smash your stupid face.

I've owned a pair of these before. You don't want to use them regularly. They get gross pretty fast, particularly if they ever come into contact with any sort of moisture.

This is a group of people that lives and travels with no resources but what their skills provide. They travel the country international actually often without ID, social, or even birth certificate. Set up bases with scouts months in advance. Dig latrines, tap springs, set up water filtration, have medical staff better than any event I've ever been to, kitchens to feed an army, provide mental help, addiction treatment/therapy, and do this all with no official leadership right under the nose of the forestry service, and have done so for over fifty years. They're also over 95% white. Why do you think this could be useful?

I tried that once for carpal tunnel pain management (it was getting bad enough to impact my ability to work). It very marginally reduced my wrist pain, but….

It brought back pains that had gone away years ago. Injuries that healed years ago suddenly all hurt again. It was as though the pain signals never stopped, my brain just grew to ignore them. And the weed reset that, rezeroed all pain tolerance so that pains I hadn't noticed for years came back full force.

Medicinal weed is horseshit. It's just an excuse used by people who want to get high.

I know who they are. They are trash that should be burned and not recycled.

Not to derail, but why would you use weed for that? You need anti-inflamatories, stretching, and rest to recover from that. Pain killers should not be given for tendon issues/injuries, they just wind up increasing the risk of aggrevation. It's not the same, but I had some major injuries and recovery time/physical therapy involving my achilles tendons. Damn near broke them both in two and they healed short. I refused painkillers. I sympathize.

I notice that you conveniently left out LSD.


Fuck Hippies.
Bunch of middle-class faggots larping as low-class retards.
Their music was good, though.

any info on a midwest regional?

To me, it would be more worthwhile to "pill" people with REAL power in this country. The moneyed, the producers, the lawmakers, the publishers, etc.
But OP wants to revert to some kind of caveman existence innawoods, just like the hippies failed to do. I don't give a fuck if you can organize a hippy gathering and shit in a hole. People with real power meet at convention centers and shit in toilets.

Ibuprofen is what I typically use. It was getting bad to the point there the pain was clouding my thinking, so I gave weed try. 0/10 would not recommend.

I've never had success with stretching. It all first became a problem for me when I was young working on farms, lots of repetitive high impact motions (rakes and hammers). But these days I just use a keyboard. My posture and typing technique is correct but maybe once or twice a year for a week or three it becomes a problem again, seemingly without reason.


Ill nevwr inderstand why some anons who disagree with a lifestyle feel the need to shit up a operations thread with their shotty opinions
Speak for your fucking self. Ibe met these hippy family types in my travels to the pnw and theyre good white folk that would give you the shirt off their back and are more handy than the vast amount of video game playing, anime watching NEETS that saturate this board. You don't personally agree or like what the OP is proposing? Then fuck off to one of the many other threads. This has been in the works for months now in the/Temple Of Kek/ and anons are moved to action to reach out to their nomatic folk who reject modern Judaic society.

So sick of anons that stall and impede other anons from getting out and connecting with their volk on any kind of level because of muh degeneracy or muh priniciples. You're not fucking special so just shut the fuck up and fuck off.

Fuck off kike.
Also hippies dont exist. In 2017 it's the Rainbow Family of Living Light. They're traveling panhandlers and vagabonds

Like this fucking post right here. All it does is shit on the volk that have rejected modern civilization because they know in their hearts its not our natural state, that it is corrupted. All they need is the why but no. They're not worthy, right user? Its the rich cosmopolitan s that matter. If that's the case, make your own operation you fucking faggot, neck yourself.

OP, don't listen to the naysayers in this thread. We are everywhere, and our world is a lot more redpilled than outsiders would believe.

The kikes co-opted the original hippie movement as an early mass marketing of "cool" to the kids. The real deal had no dumb name prior to that. They were primarily beats who just wanted to be left alone to explore their conciousness and learn eastern philosophy.

It's a great record. Gets really dark in a few spots too, which I consider to be crucial in psychedelic pop.

You must have forgot to wear socks with them, socks and sandals are non-degenerate and are a rejection of (((fashion)))

I'm in too. Been lurking the board since it originated back in January.

Nobody called anybody a schizo in this thread. Nice persecution complex though.

You sound like a hippie.

>not realizing anons have been working on this for months on /tok/

I bet you have fucked a man.

Nah, I always wear wool socks. If the weather is anything but dry they'll go to shit. Weather forecast says clear skies but you get a light drizzle later on in the afternoon when you're walking home? Tough luck.

Boots are better. Good pragmatic durable footwear. Birkenstocks aren't good for active lifestyles.

So why come here now then? Its like you want this board's help but for noone here to be able to voice a negative opinion about the operation. People are not going to just praise everything and be your grunts without you managing to be convincing of the merits of this.

I did. He's a fucking degenerate with mental problems.

Sweet gaslight

You post some degenerate shit like that and I'm the homosexual? Kek filtered.

You need to lurk moar. /tok/ spun off a sticked thread here regarding hippies and the jq. That how this whole operation got started. Filtered.


If this is an Op, how do I know about it, months in advance? I think I'll alert my old PNW Heeb GF. She has a fuckton of "egalitarian" Facebook friends that are also the children of a failed ideology.

I don't have info yet for that one. We should have it pretty soon though. Most regionals start in June and again in August. Closest one I can get info on ATM is in Oklahoma, which just started. We're working on finding out the active lifelines (hotlines that give GPS coords) and will update as info comes in. the midwest number I had is apparently outdated, most of my personal connections are westen USA.

It's our defense mechanism against shills and I'm happy for it. Newfags and foreigners will cry and runaway, and shills will assume they've failed or been found out. I'm accustomed to greetings going like "Fuck you" and responding with "You're welcome!" Tis just the nature of things.

I'm not going to derail, but if you want help I'll do what research I can. >>>/tok/426 Holla Forums isn't really an advice board though.

You're describing the very yippies and yuppie hipsters who drove the hippie movement innawoods. made me kek though.

Hi Chiam.

Like your water.

Science says otherwise Schlomo. I bet you like your (((pharmaceuticals.))) Prohibition is degenerate,

This is probably the dumbest Holla Forums shit I have ever seen. And that's an achievement even I didn't know was possible.

I'm a Heeb for suggesting this is the dumbest fucking Op I've ever heard of, and likely total bullshit?
Not all that covert, for an Op. Like every 3rd gen. family member isn't hooked by the gills to the internet.

DUDE WEED "science".

Dude you don't know what you're really looking at. I've made piles of money with the family and it isn't as wholesome as you think it is on the surface. There are some genuinely good people in the mix, but it's got an underbelly and there are a lot of bikers underwriting the whole operation.

And Rainbow has a website that lists events and locations, it isn't like some secret underground club. Only one person I know went to Vermont last year, and for good reason. The gathering is just a bizarre for hemp braided jewelry and boiled sweet potatoes. Real events go down in Ohio and aren't advertised, usually.

So basically, the whole hippy shit is just a PR front for "white supremacist" biker gangs, anyone somewhat initiated knows that. The fun is pretending it isn't so that chicks aren't intimidated and take their clothes off. You're going to blow our cover by being an insufferable aspie.

bump, in hopes I hear some good 'new' '60s tunes whilst I red about the CIA and the canyon

Yall posting in a bait thread

Their walls are built of cannon balls, their motto is "don't tread on me".


And you're stating the obvious in a bait thread

ya moishe that's why the US government has a patent for medical marijuana and (((Isreal))) is one of the worlds leaders in research into its medicinal properties

thanks user, I'll keep watching for info. If there's a gathering near enough I'll attend. I'd love to meet some of these people, I have a funny feeling I might know some of the old ones from back in the day.

What happened here? In October, this thread would have been deleted, and everyone involved would get a week ban.
This is a thread about some non-existant Op to "pill" a half dozen members of a group that defines itself as egalitarian(we all equal), mind expanding(drugs), and spiritual(AIM bullshit).

I haven't been to a gathering in a long, long time for a number of reasons. A-camp got out of hand with a lot of bums, the scene got infiltrated with anarchist crusty kids who brought a lot of problems with them and often attracted the attention of police, and the scene had too many of the same ills that the SJW types create - no real leadership and everyone trying to take things in different directions, some spiritual, some feminist, some individualist.
I do know a couple of people who still occasionally go but they're more crust punk types.
So how can a nationalist type of movement co-exist with the anarcho-anti-fascists, and the peacenik "everyone is equal" "multiculturalism is our strength" hippies?

Marijuana is a gift from our alien overlords on Sirius B.

The only Op, is this thread.

You raise a valid point, one that was considered. We kept this dark as long as reasonably possible, but if we waited any longer there simply would not be time to prepare to travel and make arrangements. We waited until the very first regionals had locations announced (utah) and that is what triggered this thread. In the end, we have to rely on the capabilities of individual anons to hide their power levels. On that note, infiltrating a group of peaceful hippies is probably the safest way for anons to gain real world experience at infiltration in person. Even if outted, you're more likely to be questioned and then loved to death, rather than recieve a violent reception. For all their dysfunction, the rainbows are kind hearted and good people for the most part. Also I have never once met open and belligerent antfags at a gathering, despite some sharing similar circles. They may be there, but should they react violently, they will be the ones removed. Some irony, I've met scores of trump supporters.

Dubs confirm, but please do not fall for bait.

If you can make it to a regional, you'll have no trouble hitching a ride to Nationals. Also, if this is too short notice, there will be a very large regional in Colorado in August and many of us will assemble there as well. As Nationals are in Southern Oregon, most of the east-coasters will be taking I-84 east, and a large number will regroup at the Colorado gathering as a result.

Dynamics have been changing. The oldfags are quite literally dieing out and settling down. There are numerous fracture points and even the Hare Krishna's DO NOT EAT THE KRISHNA FOOD! are becoming disillusioned due to the official krishna cult being co-opted by a fucking known murderer/pedophile/kike amazing redpill potential btw. and as a result, our chances of successfully embedding ourselves in the culture, and revitalizing it, have skyrocketed. I hope to see you there, many of us have had some involvement with the family for years, some of us for longer.

Satelite 3 is a better meme IMO.

I thought you filtered me, you mental defective.

Are you the user that's going to be dressed as a priest of Kek this summer at Oregon Festivals? I'll be looking for you and will introduce myself with a, "Shadilay Brother Shadilay".

Probably because he didn't want to have to defend it against people who are as narrow minded as leftists when it comes to drugs. I also despise degenerate potheads that waste their life away and "dab" the strong stuff, but I smoke weed and have no problem admitting it. I'm also autistic, build houses, and make white babies….so judge me however you will. As with ANYTHING in life that alters our brains, moderation and dosage is key. Crick admitted usage on his deathbed in 07 back during the early 50's before they elucidated the structure of DNA. Or how about Dr. Kary Banks Mullis, inventor of PCR….wanna call him a degenerate piece of shit for using drugs to shift his frame of mind?? Motherfucker changed modern science forever with his simple enzymatic reaction.

Drugs have their place. Most have weak minds and allow themselves to become submissive to their chosen chemicals. A select few see: Bell Curve can use these "degenerate" substances without having them destroy their lives. ProTip - 10% of all methamphetamine users are white collar pepole who make over 6 figures a year, they just know how to handle their shit and use that boost to push themselves harder.

WTF? Is their no safe haven?

fuck this place too. ZH comment section is the last safe harbor for grown-ups, for now.

If opsec allows. I'm going to be playing things by ear. Shadilay, things will work out.

Don't fucking compare us to that Kekistani cancer from plebbit.

The operation is more important than debating entheogenic use. Though, cannabis and lsd will be flowing around the gathering, so everyone who plans on attending should be familiar with their effects and methods of handling those effects should they accidentally consume them. On that note, be sure to check that random qt3.14's pupils before you stick your tongue in her mouth and do not share drinking vessels or even cigarettes if you're avoiding the love free love DOES NOT mean free sex. The perverted kikes pushed that meme. Love was code for LSD in the hippie movement, due to the word starting with the letter L.

My bad. I forgot you were a cryto-faggot 'pilling' your old friends, rather than making new, better, ones.

Yeah, I never eat cult food off of a bus.
The family gets a bad rep from the media wherever they go, but before they got invaded by the crusties and nu-hippies, they used to be an interesting experiment in independence and self-sufficiency. Drinking and drug use was actively discouraged in the main camp and they were good at helping people learn self-improvement and survival skills. Kind of a old hippie prepper/survivalist group without the weapons. Lots of good knowledge in those elder types.
But the crusties showed up in greater and great numbers, and they drinking and drugs and FUCK YOU attitude was really shitting the scene up pretty bad. I hope it gets better. Even if I'm not there, I would like to know it would move on in a good direction and not be just another antifa flophouse. They took over the DIY urban scene, the woods should be for everyone else.

reposting this, because it's the only worthwhile thing in this thread:


Lastly, hippies didn't drive Volkswagens because they hitlered. They drove them because they were NOT AMERICAN, and relatively inexpensive.


There's a good chance I'll be there.

I remember you guys from Temple of Kek.
Good luck.

At one time, they were the most common vehicle on the road in America. But the reason most drove them was because they were cheap, you could find parts easily, and you can take the whole damn thing apart with a wrench and a screwdriver. It's one of the simplest motors ever made. 0-60 in five minutes! And you could live in a bus, or haul around a lot of people and stuff.

The only good thing about the crusties and A-camp is that they do an absolutely amazing job at scaring off the SJW & hipsters. Snobs and normies wind up running away thinking they're about to lose their anuses.
I trust these old hippies to find me fresh clean water, food, and shelter, more than I trust /k/ to. I'd rather fling /k/ at the enemy anyhow, and I wager they'd rather have the hippies be their housewives. Hmmm. That actually sounds practical.
Any advice for the youngins in this operation?

I remember your threads about this before. Personally I can attest to redpilling plenty of hippies. It's almost easier to redpill people the more LSD they've eaten.

This seems both retarded and funny. I'm going to sit on the fence till it gets gud

Excuse me?


lol bunch of drug addicts
git gud desk jocky

nice trips

Trips confirm medical weed is a joke.

The irony is that the peace symbol is actually an inverted Yule tree, which symbolizes death. It's entirley logically coherent for soldiers to wear it.

I'm sure you probably have a better grasp as to the current state of things. General advice is to try to form bonds with the smart folks that are out there, tho the really smart ones are usually wary, and for good reason. Learn as many skills as you can. If you don't have a steady gig, learn a good trade or a variety of regional cash-job hustles. Keep your feet dry and brush your teeth. Always have an out or a fallback. Try to avoid the attention of authority figures, as that rarely ends well. Know that things are going to change and people will change and learn to accept it and keep pushing forward. Whichever way the crowd is going, go the opposite way. Stop every once in awhile and reevaluate all of your deeply held convictions. Don't fall for any hippie bullshit.

All very good advice. Do you have any insight on the Hare Krishna's we could use to our advantage? part of the plan is to usurp their position within the hippie community, directing them towards ideologies more in line with our own, through the concept of the Kalki, and esoteric hitlerism.

Learn your runes, user.

That's one shitty pepe.

Do you not find it suspicious that the symbols of the hippie movement are all classical Aryan symbols and bindrunes? Do you not see that their message was to leave the damned college system where the young were being indoctrinated by the kike and forced into debt? Do you see just how many white children the average hippie couple has? Have you really fallen so hard for the propaganda of the kike that you are incapable of questioning these things, user?
Regardless if you are willing to accept it or not, our work will continue, and the family will be awoken to their volkish roots.

Ironic faggotry is still faggotry.

so you're saying that the term "hippie" is similar to "alt-right" in that sense?

My thanks user, some synchronicity there. While you were posting this, I was looking for information to post of the Lebensreform movement, which was a part of the same movement that you just mentioned. Notable figures were Heinrich Pudor, who was so volkish that he even dared to call out Hitler for NOT holocausting the kikes. In fact, this protohippie demanded it!
Further, another early figure of the lebensreform movement, Richard Ungewitter, another inspiration of the hippie movement and a major reason for the acceptance of nudism wrote this.

YES! In fact the kikes even created their own TRS to co-opt the hippie movement called he Yippies (((Youth International Partie))) that was founded by the kike (((Abbie Hoffman))) and the oldfags are STILL furious about this!

The hippie movement was the spiritual successor to the "Bohemian" movement of the 50s and early 60s which was 100% fully jewish and subversive. Get your head out of your ass.

this is a bait thread

Threads like this are why 8/pol/ is dead. RIP.

if it's dead why the fuck are you here?

The Lebensreform and Wandervogel movements both predate that, user, and they called for the extermination of the kikes. These are the people who were joining the Thule society and pushing for the purification of the blood and eugenics, while demanding the return to nature and the removal of absolutely all jewish influence of society, and they still are.
FFS, the symbols of the rainbow family are the Swastika, the celtic cross, and the same eagle as every volkish nationalist movement out there, and their prophecy is that the white man has come to the Americas to save the world from evil by creating army of Rainbow Warriors, a term that's connotation was a reference to the Bifröst bridge, the road to Valhalla, ie the Einherjar. I really didn't expect to have to spell this one out to the people I hold in the highest regards of any on this earth, but there it is. Watch me get fucking shot for this one. First official rainbow execution since Florida.

Don't blame the anons that don't know what you're talking about. You say hippie movement and rainbow gathering and the first thing that comes to mind is the subversion and kikery that was pounded into it over the last several decades.

aren't yuppies just suit and tie guys?

redpilling normies is a net lost.

remember when /rthe donald became part of pol hydra? well now half Holla Forums can hardly even hold a Nazi thread up without getting bumping down.

normies are too focused on their own gains and holdings to give a shit about any ideal or higher value such as the race, heritage, honor and soul.

amen user, if you didn't live through it you might not understand the extent of the lies in the media's alternate history

god damn hippie piece of shit

How many fam are in this thread? I'm five minutes from pounding back a bottle of the Admiral and throwing myself into the fire for the future of the Volk right now. Should I let it all fly on the hope that the anons pull through and save the family at the expense of my own future?

Reporting in. I've been working the family for awhile too, mostly on the spiritual awakening of magic/consciousness, however if I found folk who where into engineering I may geek out with them too, otherwise I just go around healing people.

in my experience 90% of the people that call themselves family are just full of shit to sell you drugs at inflated prices

I'm not actually apart of any of it since I'm not in the position to go out and participate for the time being but I got to know someone who was very involved with naturist/pagans as vendor of sorts. I learned about unspoiled rainbow gathering first from that person as well as the distinction between the groups. I've also spent a lot of time around crust punks and various drifters and know they often know the score if they aren't fresh to that life. These people are already halfway to accepting natsoc, they just need to know there is a healthy alternative to the societies they've rejected.

I miss GWAR

This has nothing to do with the subversive Bohemian movement which predates Wandervogel by 50 years and started in NYC.

Try this out user

so this is a shitposting thread?

Saw them backing up Roky Erickson a few years ago


This isnt exactly what I had in mind but…. I've been basically working on making that a reality for the past 3 years. I've saved enough money that in 2 years at the absolute latest I am going to be purchasing a sizeable amount of land and inviting a couple of Holla Forumsacks that I know to come live on it and help me build a community building on it while also helping them build houses of their own. It will have a communal farm to supplement personal farms and a workshop for craftwork to be exported out into town. If I can pull this off, and I am well on my way to doing so, I will be able to die knowing I did good by my volk. The only variable is how much land I will be able to afford, I wont invite more people than the land I have can sustain. But hopefully I will have room for more than the handful of Holla Forumsacks that I know.

There is a problem with it that I havent figured out though.. Theres probably legalities to consider about building a community and only allowing whites in.

I trade crystals quartz not L but otherwise I'm no merchant.

I've been watching your project with great interest for some time now. If things ever meltdown where I'm living now it's good to know there is such a place or if the degeneracy becomes too rampant for me to continue to do my work "in the world" there is a sanctuary. I've already sent you an email for a line of coms down the road regardless.

Alright brother, I might need you. If things don't work out as planned, this may be my last gathering once the elders find out. I'm probably retiring and settling down with my wife after this rodeo. Off to find that Admiral, pretty sure he's hiding in a bottle.

Im not that user, but I did post in his thread

Im going to go post a burner email in that thread

Fuck the admiral! I just found my shine!

Good luck with it all herbal wizard. I've almost given up on the "rodeo" myself. I personally don't see anything gained by traveling events unless it's for business. But I'm not retiring to settle down either. Not to Blackpill or anything, but I think the post boomers got the last bit of peaceful retirement anyone will have for a while. Things have accelerated at a pace I could not have foreseen ten years ago, and I have to suspect the "other elders" of the luciferian kind are feeling the sting and making a big push to crush us once and for all.

As much inroads as we've made, we are relatively small, the effort posters of the de-kiked world. A surgical strike on a couple hundred of the right people would be devastating. I'm working on a bit of a tome myself, nothing that wouldn't fit easily in a usb stick, but I hope it to be complete by summers end. With it distributed I would feel safer to expose myself and enjoy a little. In the meantime, I see inactivity on the boards not as a giving up motion so much as a switch to above board activity with plausible covers.

The thing making me feel okay about is that is the same that has the rothschilds sweating us so hard. They've lost control of the memelines and they feel their power slipping. Ours is growing at the same time, but we are limited in scope by the lack of leading lights. We have zealots and acolytes aplenty, but few are compelling in the way that goes truly viral on a global scale. There are those that are compelling, but they either stay ignorant of the out of selfish immaturity, or hide the truth purposefully for (((less than wholesome))) reasons. The best of the last generation tell us the truth clouded in layers of obfuscation that are more apparent to the learned observer, see my post on luc besson here:
for a minor example.

Directors are one of the best examples of the compelling transmitter, and They knew what They were doing when they took over Hollywood. The redpiller of the future has to be both compelling and truthful, and a jack of all trades, all art forms, all media, the truth demands it. He will also use less obfuscation than ever before, just a teaspoon of sugar with the medicine this time, instead of the usual heaping tablespoon. And one day in my lifetime, maybe he will obfuscate no more. It's my destiny to either be him or spend my life finding and helping him. You've been a great source along the way.

t. Friendly zombie
doing east regionals?


Thank you for your wisdom. I'm going to just cut the sugar out entirely… after this drink. No more games. If this costs me every bridge I've built in the past few years, it's worth it to have tried. Miguel Serrano Serrano was the better poet, so I will let his words speak through me here.

Some of us are waiting for the right moment.
Don't strike the match until the fire is built.

The hippie movement was a Jewish mass media astroturf. Don't fucking glorify anything belonging to the boomer era. Don't participate in any of that filth. Hippies were nothing but golems.

I have no idea what you're saying.

OP you are confusing hippies and beatniks. Beatniks were white people who wanted to be free of the system. Ken Kesey was a beatnik. He wrote One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest and Sometimes A Great Notion.

Rainbow family is pretty great. Folkish concepts about white tribalism could be excellent. Naysayers can get fucked. There are really two Holla Forumss. One is the left hand pillar that wants personal power and hierarchy. The other is the right hand pillar that wants freedom and autonomy. Both admire excellence so they are parallel in many ways.

Just google rainbow family. It's a tribal network of oldschool hippies that still live semi nomadically within US society. They have get-togethers.

You can get around the race thing by claiming you're a religious group. I have a couple families I'm organizing into an urban tribe and we might eventually move out to the country to do a similar thing.

Kesey was a hippie. Beats were before his time.

Oh don't worry, I'm a woodpiler piling on wood for now.

Whatever floats your boat. Id reread ttd if i were you and as always, keep an eye on the endgame.

No, beatniks were basically hippies but they all tried to look like dizzy gillespie and recited horrible poetry.



To anyone who knows me, I ask only that you wait until Colorado to pass judgement for what I say now.
To the Anons who believe what I say, you are the the future of the Volk. In my life, I have never come across a people truer to our blood than you. I am honored to have been a part of this. The humble Holla Forumsack is the Sangraal. I toast to you all.

What we now know as the "hippie", a degraded term unfit and unbecoming of the Aryan, but one that has stuck, is but a legacy of the Volk. The movement began as far as recognizable in the early 1800s as a revivalist movement. Not so much in the classical sense, for what was to be revived was not something apparent or tangible, but a revival of the memory of the blood and the connection to the land of the Aryan peoples, and the rejection of all corruption. At the start, drugs, intoxication, social degeneracy in all its forms, especially those that poison the soul were rejected intrinsically. We fought against the city, against the jew, against all we saw that was wrong and corrupt. Through this fight, we sought knowledge of our past, of our blood, and the lands that gave us birth and meaning.
We found the links to the east through our Indo-Aryan cousins. Many travelled to India, Tibet, Khotan, while others scoured the works of the greeks and further to the west, in time we found our legacy had spread everywhere, and everywhere it had spread, we found the Swastika. Ever turning against time, a guide through the cycles of history as bright as the Northern Star which had guided us in ages past. We recovered much of the lore of the old sages, the runes of our progenitors, the gods who were are ancestors, and we found inspiration in them and found that others too had been inspired. The Black Sun and the green flame has a powerful place in my own psyche, and it's legacy had even survived in the occupied lands of Persia through the Sufi mystic of the Midnight Sun and the green ray. These connections created unlikely alliances in time, as can be noted by the great Reich. We formed many groups under many names, the Lebensreform, the Wanderyogel, the Theosophical Society and their offspring, the Thule society, and in time the Artaman League, and there is where I would like to truly start this.
The Artaman League you see is where the story of the Rainbow Family begins in modern history. The Artaman League is the force that inspired and rebuild the Volk. The Volk which created the Reich that we lost. This group had MANY prominent members, and it's teachings, it's deeds rebuilt our people after the great war's end in spite of the treaty of Versailles. If you have read of Blood and Soil, this is where it came from. Every man was one of the Wehrbaur, a free man who would defend his volk, his blood, and his soil out of LOVE! It is love that inspired the Reich, and love that gave us pride, and love of who and what we are and where we came from that gave us the fire of hatred to burn our enemies. All hatred is born of love, and I swear by that, for one cannot understand true fury until something that they truly love is threatened, harmed, or contradicted, and there is nothing in this world more inspiring of love than our volk.
The Artaman League brought up truly great men who could stand proudly in the halls of Valhalla before Odin, beside Sigfried, and inspire us all. Men like Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer of the SS, and Rudolf Höss. Let there be no mistake, the lies of the jew can not decieve us forever, these men were the living ideal of the movement, and their efforts continue to this day. I need not explain their part in this great new age, but I'll say this much, their battle was not in vain, for they prepared the way for us, and their sacrifice will be remembered as one which tolled the bell that marks the end of the age of darkness of the jews, the Kali Yuga.
This is all relevant, for their brothers in arms, and their children, did not all perish with them. Many survived in the fatherland, others came of their own will to South America, and others to the east in India and Tibet. They became the Maestro of whom Miguel Serrano spoke fondly of. They became the Gurua who the volk of the 50s and 60s traveled to India to study under. And others were TAKEN, to the USA, some by force, and others with only the promise of a chance to continue their holy war against the Soviets, joining the army that once fought them, in hopes of revenge and liberation of their lands. LISTEN CLOSELY! These are the ones who built the volk that was labeled the hippie by the kike, who seeks only corruption.

While many taught to rebuild the spirit of the volk as gurus and teachers, constantly in hiding from the reach of the sassoon and the mossad, there were those who worked so fervently that they gained the unwaivering trust of their wouldbe captors, the Americans. By the 1950s many had made their way into the Central Intelligence Agency. There they had resources, and made an unlikely discovery. They were tasked with creating a truth syrum, a wunderdrug for interrogation… and they got something else entirely. An odd crystal. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, and it was in a way a truth syrum perhaps, but not what was intended. It had an impeccable ability to utterly shatter mental programming like nothing else known to man at the time or since. They quickly learned the potential of this substance and before their masters could stop them, they escaped. They fled into the remnants of the volk, they hid themselves within the counterculture, and they taught all whom they believed they could trust this secret. For whatever may had come of this, they put it to use. In a SINGLE NIGHT, a skilled man with a single milligram of this crystal, could shatter a lifetime of jewish programming and change another forever. This secret was kept as best it could, while being spread widely, until the hammer came down and the law was brought to bare. The jewish Media worked hard to corrupt it in every way by spreading absurd propaganda, and simultaneously spreading degeneracy as it's supposed purpose. The term "Free Love" never meant something sexual, it was code for LSD.
By the mid 1960s the noose was tightening, and the volk found an unlikely, yet ancient ally. The Hopi tribesmen of North America. Throughout the ages, they remembered an ancient alliance. An alliance between their people, and the wanderes of an earlier age. After a great cataclysm and rising waters, many Aryan peoples traveled westwarsds across the seas. They became for a time the kings of the Inca, they spread civilization, and at an almost forgotten time in history, they met the Hopi and helped them elevate themselves above the beastial nature of their neighbors, and they left them with the Swastika and the sign that we now know as the Celtic Cross. For ages they held in their heart that these men of the swastika would return, as their prophecy foretold… and when they saw the christian cross they knew something horrible had happened and that the great men would not return in the way they had expected… but they did not despair! The hopi waited, they prayed, and in time the men against time, the men of the Swastika returned, and here is where the story of the rainbow family, and their narrative becomes our story, my story.
A doctrine was created. A culture was formed, and a language born. Through the counterculture we survived persecution. NO ONE even looks at the "degenerate hippie", no, they turn their gaze away from the people of the soil, the children of the sun, and that is what let us survive. In secret, we have given up all wealth, all temporal power, in exchange for this ability to hide in plain sight. In the dark light of the black sun, we have been working to free society from the programming that is pushed by the jew, or rather the Cohen Gadol, the descendants, servants, and slaves of the Demiurge, of Molech, Greed, or whatever name you would call them. The methods may have been questionable, and we have not escaped the corruption that has befallen our lands entirely, but all we have done we have done of love for our Volk.
And now, things have gotten dark. Heroin and methamphetamines run rampant across the world. The Kike has opened the borders and they flood poison into the cities, and from the cities come broken refugees in masses that we simply cannot handle. We do all in our power to help them, but there are too few who remember history, and too few who can live up to the standards of the heroes of old. Our elders are dieing out, and the children of love anf peace do not all understand what fire burns within their souls, within their blood…
So here I am. One man with no right or authority to speak for the tribe that I come to represent. With tears in my eyes I plead with you all. Save my people, my family, my volk. I had hoped to take charge some day, but I fear I have no time left, so I risk my future in the family by saying this all, here, now, and I should have it no other way. Teach us to hate. Teach us PRIDE! Awaken the Wehrbaur, the army of peasants that is my family, and turn us into the Warriors of the rainbow that the Hopi had foretold. Bring us home across the bridge to Valhalla. Make us strong. SAVE MY PEOPLE! We won't last much longer.

Oh, Rogueskills…

You. Can't.

The damage is done, the behavioral sink is permanent. Our people are ruined and nothing can save them. Samson Looms ever closer and the world rots on the vine.

I'm right and you know it Rogueskills. How did that don't with your roommates redhead girl go?

Ashes and Echoes


You really haven't changed your MO since TRS, Rogueskills. Always trying to do some feckless IRL shit that will not end in you and anyone with you getting blackbagged or turned into worse degenerates.

There is no light. There is no hope. There is no love. There is no help. There is only Eternal Misery. Go ahead. Try your plan.

Watch what happens.

Ashes and Echoes

For anyone not in the know, I suspect that OP, who. I call Rogueskills for his claim of ganing "rogue like skills" from being homeless after he washed out of the Army, moved to the PNW and started trying to learn programming out there. He went by the names Vendouris and ColmanCollins on the TRS 504rums and was always suggesting some kind of lets-go-live-in-a-commune-and-get-Waco'd. Or his idea to make signs that say FREE JORDANZ and get niggers to riot that way.

So, why the shift to the hippes?

Did that girl get you into trouble rogueskils?

I still do not know who that is. Second time you've mistaken me for that person. Wrong branch of the service, and I do not into programming.
I've said my peace. Goodnight.

Now, with that in mind, I figure he started coming up with this idea shortly after he vanished from TRS but shortly before the doxing and revelation of Kike Enoch's nature around other Jews.

But. I just want to know why go think it will ever work, Rogueskills. How would it ever work when Samson Looms and the world rots down around you? When women are ruined forever and nothing can change their behavior? When the POZ infests our very genetics from the amount of drudgery and misery that is all of life? From the culture that none will ever give up, ncluding these hippies you love so much. They too are rotten.

The only solution is Omnicide. The Death of All Life. The Cessation of All Error.

Ashes and Echoes

Whatever. Answer the other question. Why do you think it's even possible?

From whence cometh faith.


How can it ever work when everyone is ruined and rotten? How can you save that which is already dust?


I'm right and you know it. Everything is shit and you know it. The world rots and you can't save it and you know it. Women are ruined and you know it.

HELLO ASSHOLES AND ELBOWS, got room in that asshole for more niggerdick you kikess shill?

The Theosophical Society are POZ'd Jews what the fuck have you been smoking with those hippies?

Whatever. I'm right and you know it. Go ahead and follow Rogueskills to Colorado to try and redpill the hippies. Watch what happens. Keep trying to fight against fate itself and the will of the gods, whom have all hated us and will always hate us. Watch what happens.

There is no other way this story ends.

Ashes and Echoes

And how in any way are you going to keep out infiltrators?

Hello shlomo, You'll get the chlorine gas pumped straight into your lungs when we take power.

I dare you. I live near Gadsden, AL. But you won't take power. You can't. You're not capable of it and neither is anyone else here. It's all rotten, it's all worthless, it's all a Bad Idea.

It's Got To Go. Every last bit of existence is worthless filth.


I'm right and you know it. There is no power to take, the gods will just screw you over.

After this one.

But the white bird / Just sits in her cage / Unknown

why do you stick around then user?
why don't you just end yourself?
why don't you end your misery?

I think this is a lot like Ben Garrison, where lots of folks believe his real works of art to be nazi edits, when the opposite is true

So do you suggest we sit on our hands and do nothing? Or prepare for the apocalypse?

I will be building the Temple to KEK along with all of you. Bring objects to incorporate into the Temple. While we are hiding our power level we also don't want to be weak so bring red pilled images as well as memes. The Temple will act as a central point and gathering place for us, and a place to bring recruits who wish to learn more. I will be wearing a lare oathbreaker medallion.


weed is tight

Personally I believe this. my grandpa is a pretty red pilled paleoconservative religious guy and he was a hippie in college, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was more to the original hippie movement


Costa Rica hippie infiltrator reporting in for the great redpilling, there are many more people with open minds out here than I expected when I got down here. I've even heard people down here question Holocaust numbers without me prompting them at all. They all just need a little nudge towards race consciousness and the whole scene will divide between us and them.

I have a friend who refers to herself as beyond-hippie, and it's what happens they realize that they can eat meat and look to Europe's traditions just as much as anywhere else's. Many of these hippies are standard issue, Made-in-California leftists, but I'd say around half of them just hate the government and want to be left alone

I laughed a lot more than I should have at that fucking image

The only thing we have in common with hippies is the muh planet tree-hugging stances.

Hatebus 2.0 when?

Or he stopped being a retarded degenerate once he grew up

Vikings had long hair you idiot.

Then why not take it for ourselves?

It was always ours to claim, user. That is the mission. We are called to the volk. Claim what is rightfully ours. Reignite the green flame of the Aryan spirit within all volkish movements.

but isn't the point of (((co-opting))) to harness people's best intentions and desire for a better,less corrupt, future in more (((agreeable))) ways?

They ARE fucking useless. Life is competition, and instead of playing the game they're running off to play "noble savage" by themselves. They do NOTHING to improve their people's position in the world, or to further enlighten humanity. They're content to see us all burn out on this rock, rather than conquer the universe. Fuck their philosophy of stagnation; they should just kill themselves since they don't believe in effort.

Good OP, I was at a party with a bunch of people I went to high school with that are all very liberal. Some of the whites are waking up and realizing that their movement is coming after them. One of the biggest red pills that hit them was a letter published by a student head of some board at the main liberal college in my state that straight up said "All white people are racist." The hardcore SJW are trying to change the definition of racism so only whites can be racist and some aren't buying it.

Hippies are over.

It's hipsters you're thinking of OP.

Checking dubs in a bait thread.

that's it pretty much

either that or you just say," yes i'm a racist, now go fuck yourselves!".

The Rainbow Family has well over a hundred thousand members of it's tribe in the USA alone, though no official estimates are kept. At least 10% of the Americans are former military, veterans of all conflicts from Nam to the current conflicts in the middle east, though I suspect the number to be higher. They also hate hipsters even more than we do if such a thing can be imagined and many are well aware that the kike is the reason the hipsters exist. Please read through my posts above. These are not the (((Yippies))) and (((Hipsters))) that you are familiarized with, and there is a reason these gatherings are kept FAR from he cities.

If you want to wake up your friends, join us here. When the Rainbow volk are reborn, we will be able to strike at the very heart of the left, from a position of undeniable authority.

Racist "hipsters" and people that like nature (and degenerate drugs) are not the same as 60's-era Hipsters.

Except that's wrong you dipshit. They were rebelling because they thought there wasn't enough ZOG and they wanted more ZOG. They wanted more degeneracy, more race mixing, and basically less wholesome White culture in general. The boomers who ruined the world were all hippies.

I'm still trying to put in my lurking and post OC I make. The fire rises

Care to explain why you believe that kike propaganda? You think they didn't give the movement the TRS treatment the moment they saw the threat? I've explained my side as an insider, and the history of the movement thst was passed down to me. Please see


Do you listen to yourself? What are you capable of doing for the volk? Have you ever tapped a spring? Have you dug a latrine? Have you evaded forestry agents for months innawoods while out of communication in order to find a perfect basecamp capable of supporting THOUSANDS of your people? Have you set up kitchens in the field? Have you set up medical facilities with no funding or materials but what your wits and skills can provide? Have you treated dysentery? Have you talked down a family member who thinks they're back in the war and on the verge of mass murder because a car backfired? Have you repaired a dirt or gravel road without tools, because it needed to be done? Do you have the skills to survive without someone else handing you a regular pay check and gibs?


Gas yourself faggot.

I'll pass.

You love the Jewish shithole that pays billions to Israel every year? American Patriotism is disgusting. Go bomb Syria and Iran, you fucking retard.

The Earth would be so much better without people like you.

user, do your research please. That's like complaining about us while posting screencaps of plebbit.

Thanks to the hippies, we have the sexual liberation that we have now.

There is nothing to reclaim in pure garbage OP, we must reclaim the glories of the past, not the nails in the coffin of human dignity

that looks like a picture of woodstock after the festival, or are you saying woodstock was full of yippies?

That woodstock photo is of the scenesters who thought they were hippies, but instead they grew up to ruin the world. All of that boomer, PBS documentary, nostaligia hippie bullshit is a lie.

I will say it again. The term "Free Love" did not ever mean "Free sex, be a whore." the word love was a codeword for LSD, which was used to deprogram normies. Whether that was ethical or not, or degenerate, I will not debate the matter. The idea of the time was that if a normie were given a heroic dose of the drug, they could then be quickly brought out of the programming of the kike through intense discussion or if a skilled deprogrammer were not available, with recordings and music, and completed in a day. The CIA pioneered this practice, and spread it to the counterculture, for better or worse. The (((media))) and sexual predators (usually kikes) abused the terminology in order to coerce impressionable youth into sex, and is the reason for the misunderstanding.

Woodstock was considered the death of the hippie movement for anyone who had been in it at the start. It was the absolute peak of the (((commercialization))) of the symbols of the counterculture.

This. This fucking exactly.
Now that the thread has passed the 200th post, I wish to direct anyone who is genuinely interested in participating in this operation to >>>/tok/7 for useful information to aid in the mission. I hope we've gathered and presented enough information to have prepared those unfamliar with the scene in their mission. Thank you for having managed to sort through this all and not be dissuaded.

Having read the entirety of the thread, I can agree with this. Things will get much worse before they ever get better and these are the people best suited to survive in that scenario.

I heartell certain native american tribes are stepping up their efforts to create self sustaining communities big time. Have to wonder if they got a whiff of something coming.

Quite impressive. not being sarcastic, just happy that we're through the first half of the cycle.
One of the primary objectives and hopeful goals of this operation is to infuse these skills into the Holla Forumsack. If enough of us can master them, we can be sure that our Volk will survive into the future, whatever it brings, no matter what comes. We will gain the skills to blend seemlessly into various societies while being dependent on no infrastructure, only our own skills and capabilities.

This is crazy but quite possible real. It's the exact kind of bashit madness that would be reality. Hippies secretly aryan sect waiting to bring about the final crusade against degereracy? I guess it doesn't matter if its true. It is pretty damn metal. Sign me up.

His story with the Hopis looking for true white brothers carrying the sign of the celtic cross and the start of the rainbow family checks out. As does the part about nazis inventing lsd. Also if you listen to charles manson he talks about the jews and sending people to india in order to learn the aryan ways.

I have a question for OP. I want to find one of these aryan Guruas. Where should I look?

Not realizing who you are trying to "pill"

surprisingly OP is not a faggot

The common thread between the hippy culture and the more conservative culture of Holla Forums is… Recognition of the importance of the Universal Natural Laws, and adherence to them. We may not agree on what the Natural Laws are, but we can agree on the concept, and go from there.

Hippies will respect almost anything that is of natural origin. It's one of the fundamental elements that define hippies.

Welcome aboard!

Not words I hear often. Strange days we live in.

All paths lead to the same answers if you follow them to the end, always seeking truth. Wish I had a more helpful and direct answer for that one.
Read The Jew in the Lotus. It's written by a kike who was one of these infiltrators. It is also the best example of the psychosis that pervades their blood that I have ever found. These sons of bitches even overthrew the leadership of the Hare Krishnas, pic related. Also, look into the Jubu, the jews who perverted the buddhist movement in the west. Their home base is of course, Sanfrancisco, and are also responsible for the corruption of Yoga. One of my personal objectives is to convert the Hare Krishna outcasts who still travel with the Family, to look forward to the coming of the Kalki.

This will get good traction.

All you have to do to be a hippie is give up. Everything else will happen naturally, i.e. becoming a fucking caveman.

you sound like a blackpilled faggot

shine on you crazy diamond.

Down to business. Here's a quick list of information to help with operations, though by no means a definitive list. The pre-op thread should be referenced before departure by anyone not familiar with the family already.
The glossary above is OUTDATED and far from complete. Familiarize yourself with the terms in it regardless, though do not count on them all to be used. It's better than nothing. Also I personally fucking hate this one Bliss = Cup/container for food and water. This is one you will hear and be expected to know. Given the random assortment of tins people use, I can hesitantly understand the need for a unified term for such. Speaking of, be sure to bring at least a tin cup and a spoon, they will not be provided. Do not bring disposable plates/forks.
Leave them in your vehicle if you bring one. If you are spotted with a concealed firearm, you will be assumed to be a spook/undercover LEO and be treated as such.
The Rainbow Family is a knife culture! EVERYONE who is part of the family will have at least a utility knife. More people will have a fixed blade on their hip than will not. Be sure to have a blade, all lengths and styles are acceptable. You could even walk around with a sword if you wanted, though you'll have to deal with everyone fawning over it.
Absolute no-go. You could probably get away with sparklers though, but better safe than sorry. There are many cultural reasons listed/rumored for this, but it's a practical thing in the end. We will be on National Forest land in the summertime, they are a fire hazard, and a large number of the Family saw too much action in the military and have PTSD/Shell Shock, and they deserve some peace.
Booze is restricted to A-Camp. No booze past the gate. Herbal concoctions can be an exception if the alcohol is not for intoxication.
Alcohol Camp. This is located outside the gathering proper for obvious reasons. Note, A-Camp is NOT just a bunch of drunken hobos. These are the front line of Security. They will troll the shit out of newcomers, just like we troll the fuck out of newfags. Kill them with kindness. They will try to get a rise out of you to test if you're a shill, as shills will respond with hostility while oldfags laugh them off. Many are former bikers, others actually are drunken hobos. If you need to get away from the peace and love and feel at home around bikers, bring a case of beer in your cooler in your truck and save it for nightfall, you can make some friends here.
The Family is NOT vegetarian or vegan! Many members are though, so respect the boundaries, but you don't have to hide your bacon. might want to though. For every vegan that would complain about a case of hamburgers, there will be a line of 20 forming, drooling anxiously for them to be ready to serve.
Food is expected to be shared. If you intend to use the main kitchen facilities, try to make enough to go around, it will be appreciated. That said, feel free to cook up whatever you want at your own camp site.
There will be a waterline at every main kitchen and others scatttered about. A spring will be tapped with a filter on the line. That in mind, shit literally happens, you may still want to boil the water but it's likely unnecessary. Every case of dysentery I've been witness to was because of the victim's own stupidity.
CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF! We must set an example. Leave no footprints, because somebody has to clean it up. If it comes in, it goes out. Every gathering leaves behind a full crew for several weeks to not just clean up, but to re-naturalize the environment. Every firepit will get turned over. The land is usually left in better condition than it was found. If you want to earn reputation here and have the time, the cleanup crew is one place to do it.
Firewood is always in demand. Food always needs cooked, coffee needs brewed, injuries mended, so on and so forth. If you have skills, someone will eventually need them and be deeply appreciated. NOTE! Do not EVER feel obligated to do ANYTHING! Many people will try to bark orders, NONE have authority to give or demand them, any more than you do. Be respectful, but there comes a time and a place to just shout at the top of your lungs DICKS EVERYWHERE! and run off into the woods. You might get a standing ovation for irl shitposting at the right moment.
More to come.


Kill yourself, faggot.

Go back to weedchan.

More info.
Many hippies are pacifists, but like the deadheads, most of the Family are PassAFists. That is they will not be aggressive until threatened, and if it comes to it, they will throw down.
A few years ago at a gathering in florida, a POS pulled a gun and shot a member of the Family. A friend of mine was within feet of the victim who was shot, and described what followed in great detail. This man has never once told a lie in my presence, and has no deception within his being. The people closest drew their blades, disarmed the attacker, stabbed him repeatedly, and then a very large line formed. They proceeded to take turns savagely beating the shooter as he lay in a pool of his own blood. At one point, an entire booted foot was forced up his asshole all the way to the heel. The screams of agony were so loud that forestry service rushed into the site from the road (a good hike mind you) and wound up dragging him out of there. For the shooter, he'd of been better off euthanized. From what I was told, "It would've made a Hell's Angel vomit." So remember, for every man of peace, there are two dogs of war beside him. That being said, they will never resort to violence without it being justly deserved.
Believe it or not, a lot of the Family like him, especially the deadheads. In fact, the vast majority of old deadheads I know at least supported him, and the ones that could/would vote, voted for the Don. I have not heard anyone speak in support of Clinton or any other candidate for that matter. This needed to be noted, regardless of your views of the Don.
This is the central gathering point for the gathering. This is where prayers are held, where many people socialize and play acoustic instruments, mostly guitar, and where many official events take place. This is where you must HIDE YOUR POWER LEVEL! If you are at the main circle, you can be damn sure there are oldfags watching you, and this is where the newfags hang out. This is NOT where the interesting things happen. This is not where the fun happens. This is the public face of the family, not the heart of the volk. The fun stuff happens after dark and everywhere but right here.
Absolute fucking nightmare. Get there early if you can, at least for the oregon Nationals. In fact, knowing the forest roads of Oregon, if you show up with a strong truck with a winch, you will be treated like a god for your services, because otherwise every stuck vehicle is being moved army style, with rope tree and pully. Luckily there will be at least a thousand veterans from the USArmy there.
Hope this info helps.

Nah, the singer was a lefty cunt.

Jesus, what a bunch of fucking savages.

Can I come if I'm half jew? I have a few years of intentional community experience under my belt

I just want to live in a nice, at least partially self-sustaining place with kind level-headed and freedom loving people, where we can eat GMO free and openly believe transsexuals are mentally ill..

A place where we can be free of the demoralizing onslaught of babylonian propaganda while still having a decent internet connection.. where equality actually means equality and peace + love aren't merely platitudes; where you can do what you wish but aren't surrounded by alcoholics and unhinged crusties

I see so much potential in these places.. unfortunately anti-technology regressives, drunks, feminazi radicals and the intolerably woo see it too.

No. Jews go in the oven.

I understand.

Off topic, possibly bait, but…
Take the free ride to Israel that they offer all jews, apply for all the gibs you fucking can, create a cult and try to overthrow the Cohen Gadol. That's what Jesus tried to do.

Hare Krishna is a fucking Jewish movememt, I would know b/c the women at the local synagogue do it

So is this a kike-opted "hippie" thread or are there some actual off the grid pro white emerald pills here?

"Swami" Radhanath, pictured early in thread with Obongo, and here, had the previous leader poisoned to death, and took his place as leader. The last guy was no saint either to be fair though. They use the position to funnel money and child sex slaves in from across the world. I would not be remotely surprised if this fuck is also sacrificing and eating the victims as well. That said, the hare krishna's who follow around the rainbow family have never asked for money, so it is unlikely they are affiliated, and I would consider them to be a high-risk high-reward target for redpilling.
The Hare Krishna movement was founded ahem, bastardized out of much older practices from india. Utilizing similar systems, they could be converted through the idea of "Krishna is the past! We must look forward now to the future! The kali Yuga is ending! Awaken to the New Age! WELCOME THE KALKI! PURGE DEGENERACY, in the name of the next avatar of lord Vishnu!" and a large insert of Esoteric Hitlerism. Though, it's probably safer to just keep our distance from the sulfered oatmeal eaters.

Going off-grid, unless you really have no choice, is pure cowardice A battle for the world is taking place, and these people are largely just running away. They're not redpilling en masse, they're not putting up a fight; they're just fleeing the battlefield. Fuck em.

Funny you mention that, I'm going on said free ride this summer. Had no intention of creating a cult though. Not charismatic enough. Gibs sound alright- but to my understanding becoming a citizen requires 6 months serving in IDF which is absolutely not going to happen.

I'm more or less doing it because I want to eat falefel and swim in the dead sea.

It would also be a huge sigh of relief for me to find out the worldview which has been slowly eating away at my sanity for the past ~8 years isn't true and I really am just the victim of anti-semetic brainwashing. Not holding my breath on that one though.

I'm more into punk and metal.

Most of the people there weren't hippies. They were just people who came to see jimi hendrix shred.
And shred he did.


Silver apples is better.

Sounds like it might be an interesting adventure. The men in my family are prone to big triangular noses easily mistaken for jews. Which is what actually 'redpilled' me at first somewhat. The way they treat you VERY differently when they think you're one of them. I had one bend over backwards to try and give me a job I wasn't qualified for, showed me his naked hand in all his dirty business dealings using illegals to staff a 'bakery.' Place looked like a fucking drug cooking sweat shop that made macaroons. Should've seen the look on his face when he found out I wasn't a jew. I'm certain pretending to be jewish to reap the benefits is a thing. I'd be wary of an inquisition of sorts in Israel put in place to cockblock that sort of thing if I were you. They can't be as stupid as your average american kike.

well then hippies really are ideal because they have very little to lose

Cowardice is staying in your comfort zone rather than seeking the odd, smart and motivated members of your particular human family to awaken to the truth. The normie is eternal, but few normies ever go off the grid because of the lack of bread and circuses and opportunities of materialistic show-and-tell. Find fertile earth for your seeds of knowledge!

Ken Kesey may have been good, but Kerouac, Burroughs, and Papa Jew Degenerate (((Ginsberg))) were all degenerate hedonists.


Savages we all are are if our kin are attacked, even more so for the magnitude of the offense.


yeah, no

You mean like this one?

That's not from FMJ is it? Don't remember the scene.

>>>Holla Forums

Not a big fan of punk, but I grew up as a metalhead. I'd rather be headbanging and windmilling than go to a jam band concert. Shit, by 15 I memorized enough Manowar that I could probably be the singer in a cover band. I know more Brocas helm than I'll ever know of the Dead, but after getting into the culture I can appreciate the music none the less. I won't lie, after a few weeks of Gatherings, the first thing I want to do other than hot shower and a steak is to go to a metal concert to recover from the peace and love. Maybe we can Caravan out to one after we're done for a victory celebration. In recent years I've developed a taste for more volk-metal types like Turisas and korpiklaani.
Still, for anyone going, try to at least familiarize yourself with the Grateful Dead, if nothing else for opsec. The Family has a lot of old Deadheads, especially since there's no Jerry Garcia to follow around anymore.
Speaking of band scenes, there is some irony to this part. I'd estimate about 5%, obviously the younger crowd, entered the scene as Jugalos who wound up completely blackpilled and sought out a more functional crowd that had no damn wiggers in it. That was a shocker for me.

violence is part of the natural order

dumb shit. hippies are peaceful, they are not radical.
leftist extremist tried to co-opt the hippie movement and it didn't work, bc they are all about peace and love, and not about fighting for your race.
read days of rage: status451. com/2017/01/20/days-of-rage/
all you gonna get is larping pagans.

this. it encourages promiscuity and stands against long lasting relationships.

Yet another shitposter who has failed to even attempt to read this thread. Have any sources that aren't kikes?

If we didn't need to reduce the amount of smog that our vehicles produced and we didn't need to improve crash protection, maybe the VW microbus would still be in production, or something that is just as minimalist would be in production.



How do we reach out to those on the fringes of the system and those that are checked out of the system?
imo it's worth it to reach out to these people because they are the small percentage of people who are:
1. willing to think outside the norm
2. actually turn thought into action. They're willing to live outside the system
3. have useful skill sets most are missing like being able to disappear and survival skills
so they have the potential to be real change agents in society if we can get them to actively fight for the 14 words instead of just dropping out. Remember that most normalfags are lemmings that will follow our way once we reach a tipping point. Abnormal, active people are the ones who will get us to that tipping point and we should be converting as many of these types as possible. At the very least we can make them fellow travellers instead of potential adversaries.

Precisely the plan for this operation. Remember, while we dox the pedos and the crooks, these are the people who stab them and get away with it.

Regulations hav largely failed to protect us. While safety per mile driven may have improved, importing nonwhites has decreased the quality of driver on the road and ushered in the most neutered licensing standards for new drivers this side of the middle east. Worse still, the design of roads has worsened considerably in the last 40 years. We are now expected to drive faster and longer on roads that are inherently more dangerous than ever before, and legislators answer is to just keep pressuring manufactuers to make shitheaps, because properly designed infrastructure actually reduces operational costs across the boards for consumers and decreases maintenance costs for governments, which would hurt (((insurance agents))) and (((contractors))).

Smog is a bitch though. But far more complicated than just lolbuyteslas.

Got any plans to hit an eastern regional?

Not this year, personall, though I can never say for certain. I have friends and family on that coast I need to visit eventually, and like to time things in the most efficient manner.
Hopi Origins
Another link between the Hopi, the Family, and the Reich. The Hopi are hollow earthers and claim to have come from there after the last cataclysm. One of the suspected vents they came up from referred to as "Montezuma's Well", which vented into a cavern network of massive proportions until 12,000 years ago note, major cataclysm was 13,000 years ago rouhly when it was cut off from below, and opened to a spring.
Long story short, it's a tale of escaping overpopulation and degeneracy.

Thank you so much, this has been bothering me for a while. Humanity can survive and prosper well in rural lands, but for true innovation to happen we do need urban centers. If we surrender all of them to the enemy, the hotbeds where human advancement is most nurtured will all be turned against us and/or decay, much better if we could be in control of them while operational.

Depends what you mean by "urban centers." The hotbeds of scientific advancement that were western urban centers throughout history were much closer in structure to modern suburban areas, with houses, trees, spread out neighborhoods, etc.. The modern conception of urban life is a jewish perversion used to keep goyim like cattle captive to the urban system. Most of today's technical advances come from more suburban type areas like Arlington, VA, Pasadena, CA, etc.

The first pic is the kind of traditional urban center that needs to be nurtured and restored. The second pic is a pox on humanity that needs to be wiped out.

Agreed. The modern city has become a mockery of humanity. Countless individuals, no community.

Don't lie. They'll never do that. Things like this never work. The universe is always shit and nothing ever goes right.

There is no hope. There is no light. There is only Eternal Misery.

Ashes and Echoes

You can't. The Sprawl eats everything, and nothing can stop the coming dark.

Do you, Rogueskills?

It would seem acurate that homosexuality is implicit jewish identity the amount of gay jews there are and their pushing the gay agenda and all.

How are you going to do this without a hashtag?

Here's the Yippie flag, in all it's degeneracy. Yes, this is a jew run group

Yeah the (((hippies))) a generation who bastardised and wrongly used the word fascist

The fact these disgusting burnouts called capatal shits and zog puppets "fascist" has done nothing but anger this fanatic fascist

Here, have the real culprit:

So this yippie stuff essentially subverted and infiltrated the hippie movement, interesting thread the more I read

A compound comprised of various individualists meeting to travel is interesting, especially ones who are apathetic to the whole egalitarian shit.

I've talked with Holla Forums about topics of homesteading, hippies, and rainbow gatherings on several occasions. One of the things that sets old schools hippies apart from the modern generation of music festival millennials and vegan hipsters is that Hippies believe in sharing the work, but not in a communist way where everyone is entitled to everyone else's belongings and labor. You want food? You want help with something? You put in your labor and you offer your food to the pot.

It's an economy without the (((money lenders))) having a hand in things. The way we used to do it way back when. It's transactions without a government middleman having to take his cut or forcing you to accept someone else's idea of value for an act or object.

Hipsters, SJWs, Lefties, Progressives, and Yippies believe in the "everything is free" model of hippy gatherings.. Unsurprisingly, their music festivals and gatherings are full of rape, trash, and violence. Their communist movements are all about stealing power from others so they can amass it for themselves and appoint themselves as the new arbiters of authority and power. It's no wonder they are this way, as they get their politics and ideology from pozzed universities and cultural marxist professors.

I will be coming to Oregon in June. I have a buddy in Eugene I can crash with… Ill check out ToK. Thank you OP for a dose of hope after 2017 took a turn for the worse…

Seven come eleven boys, I'll take your money home.
Kind of thinking about things, too.

Precisely, but on the bright side, the efforts of the enemy has made the hippie scene entirely immune to any attacks by our enemy. Could you imagine the mockery that would come of anyone calling a band of hippies "Evil Nazis!"? They'd never be able to live it down.

The Family has a derogatory term for those type when they show up. They're called Drainbows, and are usually harassed into slavery or ran off.

Welcome aboard digitbearer. Your numbers are appreciated.
Damn, you must be amazing at hiding your power level.

nah charlie manson is still in prison now. this didn't work 40 years ago so it won't work now.

Uncle Charlie also had the bright idea to move to Death Valley with a troop of the craziest women he could find, and rambled about RWN until they decided to attempt to false flag the actual race war. Then when they were caught, he wound up taking the fall for it, because nobody could accept that a bunch of young innocent looking white women could possibly go commit a murder without somebody forcing them into it. Isn't it odd that he's the one still behind bars, while the women who actually committed the murders are not? Let his story be a warning to everyone. Even if you didn't commit the crime, you can still do the time for being the inspiration for it.

I'm not saying we all need to buy teslas. It might not be so bad if we just reached the point of making really good computerized gasoline and diesel engines.

user, computers in cars are bad. They weren't put there to help the owners, they were put there to ensure we had to go to the manufacturer to fix our own fucking equipment.

There are ways to say "fuck the manufacturer" and fix vehicles your own way. For example, people who will not tolerate Volkswagen's bullshit buy Ross-Tech scanners and software. You can find this at many "Euro specialty" repair shops in the USA.

Besides, not every mechainc knows how to work with carbs for gasoline engines and inline or distributor pumps for diesels.

dream on user, greed never sleeps

I used to live with an old deadhead who was a Volkswagen mechanic. Unsurprisingly a common combination. I've heard all of it ad nauseum.

Through self sufficiency, we will defeat greed.
Pic related, Paqua, the Hopi Pepe.

self sufficiency will help to combat (((merchant))) greed but at the individual level you have the term drainbow for a reason. It's a human thing user, some will always want more and I'm not sure there is a cure for that type of person.
I'm still curious to find out if there'll be any regional meets in the midwest near enough that I can get there.


Sure we can cure that, user, pic related.

Great digits! Saved!

That's what LEBENSREFORM is all about for me tbh

I don't look like one of us. I can move undetected through their degenerate circles. As a result, I have high propaganda value.

And the kike? They'll never see me coming.

work camps user?
or are you saying that was a death camp?

Here, read this, it's about their founder.
And this link here is an archive of punks adding to (((Abbie's))) training book that his retarded antifa followers use to train new members:
And finally, a real ANTIFA recruiting video embed, yes, they think this makes them attractive to normies

How about us whites just get together somewhere, set up camp, hunt, gather, breed, and figure out what to call ourselves later? I DGAF if we reclaim an old movement or not. I just wanna be free and sow my seed until I can't anymore!

Let's claim us whites are the real jews and that rabbi Yeshua is really a blue eyed Aryan.

Lots of things one can do to become self sufficient! Sprouting wheat seeds is one of them! Cheap nutritious flour for baking!

So basically live like tribesfolk and breed until we wear our bits out?

To both your questions, does it matter?

You suggest we be catholic?

I have heard many worse ideas than those. At least that's a productive and enjoyable path, though I doubt we will have such a luxury.

Got a question for the crafty webm making folks, can you cut the first intro bit of this video here and webm it?


Why did the hippie movement become Marxist anyway? It seems to me that the whole thing is just a subverted fascism synthesis in a Hegelian dialectic sense. If you take the Marxism out of the hippie movement, it's all fascist from the Aryan religious practices to the environmentalism and love for nature. Is there a historical explanation for this?

Can you prove the Rainbow Family is actually racialist?

What about the Manson Family? They were inspired by Savitri Devi iirc.

My best guess is that the most socially prominent hippies (being inherently more political minded than their peers) decided that extending the commune model to a global scale by any means necessary would be 'totally radical'

It never did. The marxists of the time simply tried to appropriate popular culture of the time, and with the kikes owning the media and taking over hollywood, they pushed this as an attempt to gain support. Of course, the actual hippies were off in the real world and avoiding the yippie scum the best they could, so not much of an argument could be made to the public against it. The only place they sometimes met was in the anti-war movement, but that's a topic I hardly have the energy at the moment to get into. sleep is coming fast and I simply can't put together a proper write-up on that one in this state.
That's a tricky one. I'll quote hitler here with his response to why so many different races were in his military. “Volk und Rasse ist nicht dasselbe.” which translates to “Folk and race are not the same.” In other words my words they may not be racialist in an exclusionary sense, but rather rely on a culture. The Family was founded through an Alliance between the Hopi (american) Tribe and Aryan folk who shared the same values, as had been done before in ancient times. There are in fact a small number of blacks, asians, and indos in the mix (>5%) though in my experience, they have been culturally whiter than the average American that I meet in my daily life, by far, and in general quite well spoken and hard workers, which came to me as a surprise. I cannot and will not speak of the motivation for this, but I am of the opinion that if we are to defeat the Kike, the war must spread to ALL lands, and if it is to be won, there will need to be such people to lead them in their own lands. Remember, when our ancestors forced the kikes out of Europe, they hid in places like India and China to regain their wealth and strength before returning, because those lands were not warned of their menace.
Then again, the only negro who's face i can remember excluding one prick who was expelled was probably a mulatto, in retrospect.
Best explanation I have the energy left for. Death Valley + LSD = Shit planning.

Slight addition to the above post on racialism and quoting Hitler. I was referencing the concept of the Herrenvolk, not implying by any means that everyone is "equal" in the liberal bullshit sense.

Also, here is a sketch of a "hopi prophecy glyph" while I'm at it. going the fuck to bed now. My posting quality is dropping like a rock.

Your both thinking of the "yippies" started by a Jew then spread the degeneracy to the hippies.

Two jews, I think. Hoffman and Rubin.

Already debunked earlier in the thread, hippies come from the bohemians which were pozzed since the 1860s. Stop shilling your disinfo buillshit.


Even if that was totally true and not a subversive force in any way (which I quite rather doubt) pics related still apply, and we can use this angle.


these "reclaiming stuff" threads never cease to amaze me. remember when I was a leftard I hated hippies because they were "literal nazis who're not even aware they are nazis" in my mind. that still stands !
also, organic food agriculture and all that hippie stuff is the way forward for us. basic survival

This striving toward connectedness with the totality of life, with nature itself, a nature into which we are born, this is the deepest meaning and the true essence of National Socialist thought.” -Professor Ernst Lehmann

I've never managed to reconcile these two facts in my minds :

I genuinely have no clue as to what you're talking about, nor do I understand it's relevance to the topic at hand beyond Manson's story being a tale of what NOT to do, and what NOT to become viewed as. The most important figure in Esoteric Hitlerism (other than Hitler obviously) is Miguel Serrano, to my knowledge. Thouh, Heinrich Himmler's work with the Artaman League is more relevant to the topic, unless you're looking for esoteric propaganda for deep ops at the gatherings. I myself will be using Serrano's teachings about the Kalki in an attempt to convert Hare Krishnas to National Socialism. Should be quite fun.

It's weird, I actually get along with hippies really well despite looking like a clean cut nationalist. They're some of the only people that are willing to actually engage in a discussion despite the fact that I rarely bring up my beliefs unless specifically asked.

The hippies are somewhat receptive but often just hedonists with a different dress code. Hipsters (the urban, Portland, Seattle, LA, or NY types, no experience with others) are the enemy. I've been noticing a new onslaught of crusty types that are actual footsoldiers of the enemy though, they may be brittle but they're not afraid of prison. Luckily they only poke their heads out at events and are put away fairly quickly.

Dude the entire fucking hippy movement was a giant goddamned psyop. Look it up. Many public celebrities are directly and family related to military/intelligence higher ups.

Not to mention MKULTRA was started right before all of the hippys started running to festivals.

Secrets inside Laurel Canyon - Dave McGowan

The FBI regularly shows up at acid tests ffs

The inner circle, of what was once the grassroots of the hippy movement, were staunchly anti-modernity. The co-opting that took place (Leary et al) was a manipulation of a "free thinking" demographic, by wealthy families, for the sake of advancing consumerism in directions that the christian majority was opposed to. It was an investment that the hippies were incapable of defending against, since most of them were not initiates and were simply following a trend that led them outside of the narrative of the time. They were already conditioned to lend credence to wealth and influence-peddling, they had not escaped long enough for their offspring to be de-programmed.

The intelligence community had a lot to do with it, partially because most of the children of administration insiders had fallen prey to the trend, and had to be reigned in to ensure continuous control for the families involved in demographic farming.
The fact that most of the influential young people involved still had luxuries dangled in front of them by their parents is what saved the system. Lifestyle expectations and entitlement are what led the momentum back into the consumer world, the inability to truly provide for themselves and create the autonomous communities that they proselytized.
In a volkisch setting, there is no jet-set or investment properties scattered across the country to escape to when your manipulations backfire.

Always compromise the rich kids in your group to the group's benefit, and I say this as a rich kid, compromise them even harder than they are already compromised within their own families.

They seek knowledge and value truth. Life experience will lead people to being willing to question everything.
Most hippies will fully agree on that sentiment. Many choose to prey on such types.
True dens of the enemy. I truly loathe what has become of portland. In Oregon, it was illegal to be a negro until relatively recently, and the kikes have gone out of their way to destroy these lands through immigration and an influx of hipsters. I know this evil far more personally than I had ever wished to. Ten years ago, Portland was one of the only cities in the nation that was affordable and comfortable… Now it is a tweaker and hipster infested hellhole where you're lucky to even find a milkshake for under $10.

user, please read through the thread. This has all been discussed already.
Some topics are best discussed only in private, if at all.
Here is some extra reading you may find interesting.

Utah Spring Regional Gathering happening May 19-29 in Dixie National Forest.

Holding site directions for south Utah holding camp.
From Kanab Utah go north on rt89 for approximately 30 miles.
About a quater mile past the 94 mile marker turn left on forest road 063.
Rock stacks are on the right appoximately 4miles in at meadow.
From I15 get off at Cedar city rt 130.
(Exit57 go north or exit 62 go south on 130)
Turn onto rt 14 east.(center of town)
Go 37 miles miles over over a mountian.
Past the 37 mile marker mark a right at the Stout Canyon sign (forest road 063)
Stay left at Y marked Stout Canyon.
Rock stack 3 miles on left by meadow.

From south Flagstaff is last big town.
Cedar City from west.
Fairly close gas and very small towns.
Bring drinking water.
Water flowing at site.
See you there soon.

Copypasta from utah's page.

Every single fucking one of them, right from the fucking start. There was no need to subvert them because they were the ones doing the subversion. Your LARPy wall of text doesn't change that.


I'm assuming they were both anti-war. What were the grounds for the non-Marxists being anti-war if it wasn't sympathy for the Vietnamese commies?

I worded my "racialist" question very poorly. I meant to ask whether the Family's whiteness was only implicit and based on demographics as a lot of subcultures are or if they actually have a racial consciousness. However, your reply was not in vain because it told me a lot about them.

What about "free love" in the Family? The non-Marxist aspects of the hippie lifestyle are attractive to me, but I wouldn't be able to handle such cuckery.

The anti-war sentiment was much the same as we exprress here. No one wants their families dieing for the greed of others. An incredibly large segment of the original (and current) "hippie" movement are veterans. Many were drafted/conscripted. The WWII veterans learned they were lied to. The Korean war veterans were enraged that they were not allowed to finish the job they started, and felt betrayed when their commander Douglas MacArthur was fired and replaced and the Norks were allowed to survive. The vietnam war was quickly proven to be anything but what it had seemed, and that will be my focus. We could had won the Vietnam war easily, but our men were never allowed to. They would take land, fight and die to take the next mountain, fortify it to the extreme, hold it for a month… and then the command would come to ABANDON it! The next month they would be ordered to take the very same fucking mountain AGAIN, causing the deaths of their brothers in arms to retake the same position, and the cycle would repeat. They quickly came to learn that their struggle was not to achieve victory, but to line some kike's pockets in the name of selling more weapons and bombs at hiked up prices to the military, and rape our country's assets. Then when they would return, the marxists from the colleges and the media would blame the soldier, the CONSCRIPT, who was taken from their homes to fight, while never once blaming the jew who profited from the war that was artificially kept from ending. A modern example would be Bush's occupation of Iraq. It took us DAYS to utterly crush the Iraqi army during Desert Storm, but the next war was a decade long quagmire, because the objective was never to win, but to line some kike's pockets.
If you make it to one of these Rainbow Gatherings, pay close attention as you arrive. The uniforms may be different, but the entire operation is run just like a military field camp, because the people running the operation are almost all veterans, doing exactly what they were trained to do.
I hope this covers that, there is more to he subject, but this is what I've pulled from memory.

I've covered this a few times in this thread already, but there is more that could be said, so here goes.
"Free Love" did not ever mean Free Sex, be a whore. The word Love is code for LSD. It meant Free LSD. LSD was, and is, used as a deprogramming tool. If you drug a normie with a "heroic dose", that is, over a miligram recreational doses of the drug are roughly 100 micrograms. their brains become willing to question absolutely anything. I won't debate the ethical ramifications of this process, only state that in the right setting, it works. In a single night a normie could have ALL of their ZOG/college programming completely shattered. Obviously many minds were severely shattered by this practice, but with it's use, these people were able to deprogram a SJW and redpill them to the very core on absolutely any issue, under the influence of a skilled deprogrammer. I'm drifting off topic though, so back to the misconceptions of free love.
The Marxist Yippies and perverted kikes, upon hearing the term, either assumed or manipulated it in the college scene for their own perverse and degenerate ends. You see, an absolute monster by the name of Wilhelm Reich, a creature so degenerate that as a marxist, managed to become a pariah even in Lenin's Russia actually his most impressive feat is that National Socialists, Leninists, Capitalists, and even kikes like Freud all wanted him dead for the good of mankind had used the term earlier as an excuse to molest his own patients as a psychotherapists. On the bright side the US (and every other) government ordered his books burnt and I suspect he was executed in prison. In summary, the early SJW and sexual predators of the day, within the college systems, tried to manipulate the terminology so that they could get away with rape, which mind you, is one crime that will turn "the peaceful hippie" into a lynch mob. I've met the executioners. There is no mercy to anyone who rapes a hippie. That doesn't mean you won't find a few whores walking around looking for young man-dick, though laughably there's a lower percentage of whores at the gatherings than the average bar. Most women just want a strong man to protect, hold, and provide for them, no matter where they happen to be.


I too have seen the lynch mobs, and the aftermath – I can only hope they where a well informed mob and not one just manipulated into that riled up state by some D&C agent.

Who lives on Communes?


Hippie shit, flower children, peacenick shit was created by CIA social engineers. Are you CIA? If not, you can't take it back.

The Peace Symbol is the Death Rune, for fuck's sake.

And the "anti-war" shit was about "nuclear disarmament".

But anyone could make a nuke, right? So, if we got rid of all the nukes then if one country made some nukes they could fuck everyone, right?

So, that means we need some kind of supra-national organization – a government above the governments – in order to do inspections and make sure no one was proliferating nukes.


Come around me with Hippie Shit, I will wreck you and all the idiots that follow you.

People got around John Deere's bullshit by using the Ukrainian versions of Deere diagnostic tools where the the American laws are unenforceable. People applied translation patches to the Ukranian software, and tractor mechanics could do whatever the hell they wanted with Deere tractors. When parts were needed, they were secretly ordered from places outside the USA.

Deere couldn't get American law enforcement to do a very good job of stopping this practice.

In addition, this also led to more sales of farm equipment not made by Deere.

From what I've seen, these mobs do a better job at dispensing justice than the court systems. They at least reach a community consensus before the execution of justice.

wir mussen die juden ausrotten.

Some reading for ya.
Also, pics related. Truth is sacred.

Very useful information for all interested in homesteading and Blood and Soil doctrines. I personally try to stick with pre-computarized tech, but I know that is growing less practical for people every day.

yup, getting around the BS has become an industry
it's been going on since Captain Crunch started Phreaking
My point was that greed never sleeps and the (((merchant))) is hard to get away from.

Modern society is programmed to be quiet obedient consumers. I've been poor all my life but I've lived well because I've studied the technologies and acquired the skills over the years to fix anything from tube tech to industrial robotics.
But in this day and age I'm a dinosaur, hell 99 out 100 people can't tie any other knots besides the bow knot some still tie their shoes with.

Well he did use LSD and pussy licking to brainwash his girls, among other techniques.

Seed camp is founded, Kentucky Regionals officially start Tomorrow! May 12-19!
GPS Coordinates 38.0473981, -83.5567559
Lightline (directions hotline) is 760 662 6112
Copypasta directions

east from Lex, exit 123,
R on 60E 6.5m,
R on KY211, 400 yards,
R on Main ST, 3.5 miles,
L on Clear Creek/signs for zilpo, 4 miles to L on Buck Creek Rd, L at fork,but
3 miles in, sharp 45 degree (no sign)
R,gravel, 2-3 miles to welcome home.

From Salt Lick, KY. at the intersection of U,S. 60 and hwy 211 (Blinking Light) follow 211 south for 3.7 miles and turn left onto Clear Creek RD. (Unmarked but Brown Forest Service Info Sign on Corner) go 4.0 miles and turn left onto Buck Creek RD. Go 1.4 miles and turn right after crossing Buck Creek.

Remember to hide your powerlevel. Logic and reason work here for redpills. These are not SJW leftards, reason is key! Stand strong in your logic, do not fear the JQ but do not breach subject directly. For anons in the region of KY heading to Nationals in Oregon, it is advised to hit a regional first, especially if you lack your own transportation. Good luck, be safe, use proper OPSEC and report successes and warnings if possible. Trump support is not a problem here, many even voted for him. Deadheads for trump is a real thing.

Hey I just read through the whole thread and you really peaked my interest. There's a few things I'd like to know more about;

LSD and deprogramming, specifically what are the techniques of a "skilled deprogrammer" and do they have application in the field of memetics?

And do you have any info on a gathering in California? Its like the fucking heart of darkness where I'm at, and I was planning on innawoodsing soon, it would be nice to see if there's any volkish spirit left in this place.

Huh I guess that's it. Looking forward to your reply.

Poor bastard. Alright, so I've heard no info about a California gathering yet for this year, though given that Nationals are being placed in Oregon, odds are there won't be a region in Cali until after Nationals, as is the case with Washington this year. On the bright side, anyone worrth a damn in the California scene will be making it to nationals in oregon, so you should have an easy time building connections and gaining useful information should you make it there with the rest of us. Expect to see a lot of travelers (Wandervogel types) on the main roads and freeways in June heading that way. If you need people to travel with, or want to pick some up on the way, they'll likely call the trip "Heading Home". I'll update with more info if i hear anything though.
I'd have to write a whole book on this and reference several others to do the topic justice, but it really just comes down to asking the right questions and allowing he individual to follow the thoughts to the very end and the very beginning. It can be tough though, because everyone has baggage and trauma and it will be dredged up to the surface. Moods will flip dramatically between love and hatred, sorrow and joy, so setting can be key to keeping things smooth and safe. In the end, they will deprogram themselves with just subtle nudges in the right direction to keep them on track. A useful phrase to have, should they begin to lose themselves is "Do not give in to wonder."
I'm sure it can. Take a look at the imagery used by the Deadheads. They have a shit-ton of memes designed for this. For a hippie jam band, they sure do use a LOT of deathheads and such.


Your condolences are appreciated, but they expect some of us in the wreckage brother. Just tell me, have we started the fire?

"If there are gods and they are just, they won't care about your temper tantrum, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods and they are unjust, then fuck 'em, basically."
- Marcus Aurelius (re-interpretation)

This. On top of that aid to Israel, we also spend metric fucktonnes of money to fight a losing war on drugs. And we can't keep them out of the very places we send people for doing drugs, the prisons. Hell, drugs on the inside are often cheaper than drugs on the outside, some junkies get themselves locked up on purpose for their fix.

Yes. The fire rises.
To anyone planning on participating in this operation, are there any questions? I'm sure there is a lot that has been left out.

On the subject of crusties I find Jimmy T Hand's In the hall of the mountain king to be heavily descriptive of their lifestyle.
They're commie scum, watermelons. Green shell-red meat, thieves, urchins, drainbows, and hate hard work like Jews hate extra expenses, and all are usually runaways. The new ones can be redpilled, but the older folks are too set in their ways to be fixed.

The young ones are usually pretty easy to redpill, assuming they're not egotistical self-absorbed douchebags. Just need strong male rolemodels who lead by example.

D/R user here, I'm an experienced Psychonaut, and I have advice for using any entheogens. You need three things: Proper Mindset, Proper Settings and Proper Companions
Proper Mindset is extremely important, you must have either pleasant or neutral emotions going in or you run the risk of of a doubling effect that will cause psychological damage. A tiny dose of pure MDMA (Does anyone else call it EMMA or is that just a PNW thing?) acts as a mood stabilizer due to it being the divine feminine in chemical form. (arguments still as all parties forget their trains of thought simultaneously.)

Proper settings are close to nature, if in the city a house with a yard on a back lane from a busy street with lots of trees a convenience store nearby is Ideal, the rainbow gathering is Ideal too.
Proper companions are those with Ethereal/Mystical inclinations or have been through thick and thin with you. Battle buddies, road dogs, Childhood friends, or folks that have lots of psychedelic experience. 2 companions, you and a Guide is Ideal for a newcomer.

O.K., here's a few tips, You'll need Anchors, chemical substances of Mundanity to bring you down if you feel you're going to fly off somewhere scary as fuck, like legit eldritch horrors. Coffee, Tea, Smokes. (Preferably Djarum Blacks, those ground folks like nothing else I've seen. I made friends giving those out to folks suffering bad trips. They're legal and common in Canada, just nobody notices them until they're pointed out, and they're expensive. like 12-15 CAD.)
You'll also want to administer the doses with a statement of intent, and questions you want answered, as then it lessens the chances of bad trips, and tells the Spirit of the LSD that you're serious on wisdom and learning and not some degenerate partyer looking for cheap thrills.

People who live on communes are a subsect of communalists, not communists. Communists believe that all capital globally should be pooled - a one world goverment giving to each as they need (and taking from each as they produce). Communalists believe instead that power should be shifted from the global level to the local level, and that the local community should decide how resources are allocated and that different communities should compete against each other. In my experience with Communes, they do tend to be left leaning but are more libertarian than communist. Communists gravitate to the big cities.

I suppose the topic did need brought up, for better or worse. Still, good advice for those who do partake in such things.
LSD, weed, and probably to a smaller extent, mushrooms and cacti will show up at these places. Culturally they are accepted, but will not be pushed on anyone. It is NOT uncommon to find that the older crew will abstain entirely, save for some weed to help with their arthritis and aching backs and legs
Designer drugs are heavily frowned upon. Many have lost friends due to overdoses of all sorts, especially the recent influx of NBOME and other "fake-acid" type drugs being imported from china, and many might actually use the term Degenerate for anything related to the rave scene… other than glowsticks of course, especially the older crowd who sees that scene as a literal degeneration of what they tried to accomplish with their lives.

Dubs confirm for good info.
I find that most rainbows take a tribalistic approach to things. High expectations, no obligations. Everyone comes and goes as they please, and leaders arise as they are needed. I genuinely expect that many of us who show up could find ourselves in roles of leadership by our Volkish nature before we even realize that it's happened. My first time showing up, many outright assumed I was some sort of leadership figure, to my surprise and amazement. Though, I also spoke clearly and confidently at all times, and always seemed to be on a mission.

Dubs again for good info!
Leaders are picked up and carried by those who need them, bosses force others to pull their cart like a chariot. Commies dream of being the boss, that's why they're commies, they want to plunder everyone everywhere and enslave them and do it all with governmental force, forever. This purile fantasy is why they smash our heads open and ruin our everything.

I can make it but only first saturday and sunday. Worth it?

I don't know how many other anons will be at the utah gathering, but the more who make it to the regionals, the better in my eyes. Prepare the way for us going to nationals, and PRAISE KEK!


Nigger fights niggers: Nigger remains a nigger.
Chink fights chinks: Chink remains a chink.
Beaner fights beaners: Beaner remains a beaner.

Kike fights kike: Kike becomes gentile European spiritual figure despite being born a kike and coming from a kike god.

Only in Christianity.

One thing is important to christianity, the bible.
Not your papers, not your scholars, not your movies.
The bible.

Which is jewish.

Bumping the thread.
Really more people need to know about Changes, they are really underappreciated.
They were making redpilled neo-folk in the age of hippies, if you want the mix of hippies and right-wing movement, they are the guys to go to. I really feel like there is some untapped potential in this.
Just listen to this shit.

Let's save the Hippies is like saying let's save the Antifa. Both were movements filled with dumb college-age youth led by communist organizations. Most woke up and got a job. The others became terrorists. See the Weather underground. Violent leftist pushing the kiek agenda. Many were kikes. It doesn't matter though. Because all the Hippies are old boomers not long for this world. They can fuck off and join Jerry Garcia.

Someone hasn't read the thread, see and
Also see attached pic for real culprit!

I tend to agree but there is a lack of a great alternative to the enormous amount of culture and memes the West has cultivated around Christianity. Plus Jews HATE it. At least they hate it if you aren't a evangelical zionist cuckboy.

I want to give a round of applause to this thread, been talking to normies in the daytime and they've been sucking a lot of info dropped in here.

The Jews have stolen everything from everybody. The good and the bad. Even the Jew is not so powerful as to be able to vanquish the true and good meanings of those stories, which are inspired by something still higher than they could pervert. Satan still depends on what is true even while he seeks to destroy it. Even the Jew started good but was twisted.

That hardly means we should work with kikes. Even a Jew trying to do good will do evil in spite of themselves, it is simply a part of their nature now. It is worth remembering this when trying to separate the good from the bad. It is in Satan's interest for us to regard everything he has touched as evil in virtue of that.

So the Bible is Jewish. It is seriously compromised. But if you know that, and you know what it's meant to show, it is still of immeasurable worth. The Bible is pretty much the AR-15 of magic, a mass produced book of spells that even grandmas can be taught to use.


Could you give some examples, digitbringer? Knowing what works for different crowds of normies is useful knowledge in the war of the red pill.

You hittin kentucky?



Some dress code advice for anyone attending. Try not to stand out too much. If you are 100% clean cut with all new, brand name clothes and look like you belong in a prep school, you'll probably stand out. (none of these are hard rules, just some useful things to note.)
Most men have facial hair. This doesn't mean you should look like a scruffy hobo, but having a manly bit of beard will help.
If you have a buzzcut or any hairstyle that looks military/police/regulation haircut, and are not former military, I advise you to wear a hat or bandana. Also, it's july, you might want something to keep the sun out of your eyes anyhow. The less standard the hat the better, but if you wear a ballcap, put some pins in it or something unique, these people accessorize! On that note, cowboy hats and country-boy apparrel will work just fine. There are plenty of these types there.
For Nationals, I strongly advise a good pair of jeans or pants fit for hiking, and boots to match, especially if you're a night owl. Oregon is fucking COVERED in brambles! You might want a pair of sandles or shoes that breath well for the mid-day though, or else bring plenty of socks. Foot rot sucks.
Bring a light jacket for the night time or equivalent! We may be at high altitude depending on location. Nights usually are warm in Oregon in July, but in the hills it can still get cold and rain is common.
Colors! Don't expect everyone to be the tie-dyed scenesters you see on TV! Most of the travellers/wandervogel wear earth tones, and the locals may even be growing moss! Camo is common as tie-dye, and anyone who looks like a hipster will be watched like a hawk. Hell, if you show up with an old band jacket on, you'd still fit in at A-camp for that matter. If you happen to be a deadhead though, you're already at home so no point addressing that.

bump with content, conversation drives this place.

The hippies might have some stories about war, best to get a few?

Do any anons have info on Midwest area regionals/gatherings?

just the one in eastern KY

As was just stated, closest one to midwest announced is in KY. They'll start popping up soon though. We will have about a week's notice in each case. There are scouts on the ground, but locations aren't stated explicitly until they're ready to get going for reasons of OPSEC. The Family is remarkably good about their opsec for the gatherings, all things considered.
A note on Nationals. The "vision council" is being held on June 10th to officially decide the location. I have friends who will be at the council meeting, so I will have the location pretty soon after it's announced. I know they're trying to keep it away from Portland though, as to limit the numbers of Hipsters/Tweakers/Outsiders who show up.

Thanks for the info. Thought I saw something about Oklahoma. As that's significantly closer to me than Kentucky, do we know anything about that yet?

Damn I'm having a lot of trouble pinning down the oklahoma gathering, I'll keep trying though. There was a gathering in MI last month though, and a council meeting happened on the 7th so I have some leads. Also, numerous complaints about the midwest lightline (information phone number) so trying to sift through the bullshit.
Also note for anyone digging, ignore all rumors of cancellation. Those are created to be told to "drainbows" like this idiot here

More info. The family is still active on usenet!

Official as it gets guide to the gathering, archived from a goybook page.
Essential info for anyone participating.
We have a tribal anarchy here, where we take care of each other because we recognize that we are all One. The gathering works because each of us takes the responsibility for doing what needs to be done and for teaching new folks. We strive to share, love, and respect each other without anyone getting hurt, physically or emotionally. Many hands working together make a strong tribe.
This Mini-Manual continues to evolve, collecting our experience and wisdom into one place. Your contributions are welcome.
Our Name
Any gathering that bears the name “Rainbow Family Of Living Light” is a completely free, non commercial event. There is no admission fee. All supplies are donated by gatherers, or paid for with money donated to the Magic Hat. No money is exchanged within the Gathering. This frees us from legal and licensing entanglements, and protects our Constitutional right to gather on public lands.
Our Gatherings are also open to all peaceful people. There are no invitations or memberships. No one is turned away, and only violent behavior will get you expelled. If you have a belly button, you can be a Rainbow. You become one simply by deciding you are one, and your voice is then equal to any other Rainbow’s, be it your 1st gathering or your 40th.

Srila Prabhupada? What was wrong with him? He seemed pretty based to me. Look up Srila Prabhupada on Aryans and Kali Yuga if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Forgive me, it seems I may have misjudged this man by the company that he kept. Also, knowing that he was Bengali, I'm more inclined to believe that he was more than he seemed. eh, I have a soft spot for Bengalis due to Bose and the bengali immigrants I met in Jersey once upon a time, and that despite all these years of lies, they still refuse the narratives of the kikes and Ghandi and commie scum. Many still respect Hitler.
Could you give me some leads to start this investigation? It could be of use to me when dealing with the Hare Krishnas at the gatherings.

Ozark Regionals announced! Here ya go Missouri anons! GPS 37.50922 -92.412389 Official dates are May 25-June 4.
Copypasta directions are

[spoiler] whole comment will be ix it dude

all it took me to find the source of the Holla Forums and tok movement was a simple google search - it links to a tok thread discussing nationals where user who had been organizing for us ctrl+v'd a kikebook post for directions that is the -only other- place on the internet that those sets of directions lead to.
Just saying, you may want to spoiler, encode, or vet the people given access to these things - you know, out of respect for the communities you're piggybacking off of and attempting to convert.
They are our actual last resort when shit hits the fan and it is good to be in good with them and not spread their ultrasekret shit out there so much that it can be linked on clearnet, searched for, and identified the TWO locations it is posted in.
It also isn't hard at all to say google directions from [nearest geopolitical capital in the region, paste directions and say if coming from…
It's lazy. Not aying you did, just the format of the directions probably exactly somewhere.[/spoiler]

Eh, I was more concerned at the start of the operation. It already turns out to my surprise that a good dozen anons from Holla Forums have been attending the gatherings for years, and many are quite prolific posters. further, my personal reputation in the family is so solid, that I could Heil Hitler and the reaction would be to pull me aside, get passed a joint, and be told "Enough acid for you my wizard, you need a break." That said, perhaps my confidence has led to complacency. My greatest concern is that others called into this operation could be endangered, so I will try to do better with opsec from here on out.

Out of idle curiosity, to what spells are you referring? I don't recall anything that wasn't faith-based or God-sent miracles.

From the invite to the very first Rainbow Gathering in 1972:

bump for the info

For which info?
Amusing how things turn out.

all of it - this is an important topic

Read it, fun fact, spic brujas use it as way to know their "limits", natural laws and what can they do and what not.

Or just play or watch bible black.

Fuck yes! That is close. Thank you user & family.

Be sure to use proper opsec and hide your powerlevel. Any questions that have not been answered?
Also another note on A-camp, a lot of them are reminiscent of the types from this book.

nice mod edit
it's no worries just wasn't sure if you knew about the linkage.
I know in my circles we try to vet outsiders quite well, we go to KY erry year - all I have to share is:
perhaps it won't be a "user, you did x so you must go y now because you're fried"
and more of a "user, you did x while all these people none of us know also did x, why?
as is yours, my concern is the safety of those on the ground, the last thing we need is a polka listener getting loved by a dozen or so at a time and coming to the realization that it's all a multi-tiered facade and letting loose to the right people

Just stay safe out there, user. We may cross paths again, we may not. Where ever this life takes you, carry righteous indignation.

pacific island fam reporting in

Any canadian gatherings?

Yes, yes there are… but I hear they're not as big. The Canadian government actually comes down way harder on rainbows than the USA does, ironically. I have no experience with them, so tread lightly. best I've got, wish I had more.

Anyone else planning on attending the Ozark Regionals? If not, what should I do in order to further the cause?

I hope you don't have to go it alone.
**I suggest focusing on recon. Keep notes of rumors, numbers of trump supporters vs his naysayers, possible antifa, opinions of communism, hipster presence, anything you possibly find of note.
Be sure to hide your power level and be as friendly as possible. Regionals can be pretty cozy though numbers vary dramatically and not everyone stays the whole week before hopping back on the road. So keep your redpills subtle, focus more on supporting people who are redpilled, a voice of support can be more powerful than a confrontation. Also if you get bossed around by anyone, calmly tell them "We are a tribe, we have no bosses. If you need help, ask me as a brother/sister." and you can help setting precedent against commies. Always say please and thank you as well, have impeccable manners.
Rumors are powerful here as well. If you have the confidence and creativity and feel safe, the rumors you create will spread to Nationals. Praise Kek! I suggest if you speak of Kek, call him Paqua! This is the Hopi frog Kachina, essentially the Hopi Pepe! Pah-Qua! It could be helpful to us at nationals.**
Be safe and test the waters, your work may prove more helpful than wecould imagine… or completely uneventful, so at least have a good time and try to have fun.
Pic related, Paqua, the Hopi tribe's Pepe.

lrn2format user, pls.

My apologies. And thanks, mod-sama?

Might as well add something useful here. For anyone taking the vedic approach to redpilling, this is a fantastic read.

shhhhhhhh, you'll wake the shills
good luck, Anons.

stop saying antfag it is fucking stupid

Ahhhhh! Dubs confirm!

It's not stupid. Autistic though, definitely. Almost at oathbreaker levels.

Your linebreaks are what fucked it up but you should alternate asterisks vs bracket code for nested spoilers anyway

The shilling is a peak levels like I haven't seen in a while. I keep wondering if something big is coming. Kekspeed, Anons.

Thanks. Out of the thousands of posts I've made, that was the first time I ever tried to spoiler something longer than one line. I will burn this into my memory.
Are there any other questions as to what should be needed at the gatherings? At the risk of sounding degenerate, if you anons are single, BRING CONDOMS! There will be a large number of young qt3.14 white women and as we know, women are attracted to confidence and ability, and any user working this operation is going to stand out in this regard, or they wouldn't be going in the first place. Also, being on a mission, we will likely be too focused to notice or care for their advances, which draws more female attention for some reason. There has to be things that we've failed to cover. No question is unworthy of answering.
Also, important note! On sundays, they are silent until noon! There is also silence on the 4th of july leading up to the prayer for peace. They might not be the type for orthodox religion, but these people greatly respect the spiritual world, try to show the same level of respect for these practices that you would show if you were in a church, because at those times, this is their church, and for most of them, these gatherings really are their homes, the only safe place to rest on their travels around the country. It's part of the culture of the Wandervogel.


You can go mess with it on >>>/test/

maybe infiltrating it and sterilizing them all so they can't reproduce. that would actually be accomplishing some good. revitalizing it is a terrible idea, you sound like a dude weed teenager or something.

Found the Jew! Get the Gas!

Nice, many don't know abything about the Old Guard, so to speak.

I bought a VW Bus because it's easy to work on and it is a good conversation piece. Makes me more or less independent of auto-shops, too. Also, mine's painted half hippy (gf) and half subtle pills. It's pretty cool, I get a lot of questions about it.

I really try. I think you'll be happy to find out that the spirit still lives on in Germanic lands as well. There were articles not long ago about how a large percentage of the "green movement" and organic farms were actually funding the right in europe. In fact, the AFD actually gets funding from organic produce.

Are you bringing it? I definitely want to see that. I've gone a similar route with prefering older vehicles with no computer, though mine is pretty plane looking as to draw no attention.

The Hippie-movement?

Do you not know your history? Those were the ones that got indoctrinated by the cultural revolution through the march through the institution-technique. They are the one of the biggest fucking delusional and useful-idiots that was brainwashed into destroying western-civilisation with it's messages.

The hippie-movement was never anything close to being nationalistic, it never cared for their own people. It was one of the first major breakthroughs for the kikes to normalize racial-mixing, drug-use and other degenerate activities for the white people.

Read the thread, do your research, stop falling for the propaganda of the kike. Question EVERYTHING.


If you want a non-computerized vehicle that gets no attention:

Dodge Ram Cummins from 1989 to 1997 will do. When they introduced the 24V Dodge Ram, they went computerized.

From the mid 1980s to 1993, Ford made E and F series vehicles with the 6.9 and 7.3 Navistar engine, a non-computerized engine. When Ford brought in computerized engines, they used the name "Powerstroke" on them.

GM made the 6.2 diesel and early 6.5 diesel non-computerized, but those engines were so prone to problems that you are better off without them.

not so much an update as a bump with content.
Another anecdote for the meme war. MANY members of the right and Trump's cabinet are Deadheads! Examples prominent in the public eye would be Steve Bannon and Ann Coulter. Pic related.

Good advice, though if you're looking for a vehicle when shtf, go with a Chevy with a good transmission. Parts are laying around at the end and along every dirt road in the world at this point.**

Tucker Carlson, too. He talked about it in a post-election interview. It actually enrages some of the Heady Lot Kids to find that out.
Also, Bobby has been to Bohemian Grove. Not sure what that means.

Dubs confirm! Just how deep does this go? I didn't even know that one.
Semi-related. The CIA LSD experiments were officially cancelled in 1964. Immediately after, hundreds of the agents from operation paperclip had left the agency and inn less than a year, Augustus Owsley Stanley III had hooked up with the Dead and was mass producing LSD. His lab was also raided in 65, but everything was returned to him.

That's a deep rabbit hole. I don't know if I possess the capacity to sort it all out - all of the relationships between the musicians and the acid tests and the various files that have become declassified, mixed with legends and rumors. There were a lot of West Coast communes that may or may not have been cults or may have been mind control experiment sites. It all makes for some good fireside theories and talks, that's for sure.

Most folks know the acid test characters but John Barlow and his role with the band and outside of it also makes for some interesting reading.
"For starters, it turns out that Mr Barlow is not as afraid of government, and even intelligence agencies, as one might expect. In fact, he helped the CIA or at least tried to—as a “double agent”. In Munich he reminisced about a visit to the CIA in the early 1990s during which he was struck by how “retrograde” they were: at that time information was still moving around the building in vacuum tubes."

Based Commune under the Cascadian flag when?

That's going to lead me to some interesting research, my thanks. after dinner research is good. If there's one thing to be noted about intel types, everyone worth a damn has more agendas than they themselves care to note.

This is definitely the operation to get involved in if that's your interest. You'll learn everything that works and what doesn't, at a Gathering. One of my hopes when we started this was that many anons would attent with the goal of learning the skills that this volk survives by disregarding the degenerate beggers of course. They call it "spanging" and you can see the personality flaws that such behavior causes when you look at the spangers vs those who survive with their hands and skills, producing crafts or playing music on the road, and skilled tradesmen like welders.
You could probably find some vets who are looking to settle down who are like-minded as well. As always, hide your power level until others breech the question first.

Ex train hopper here I have one question are you fucking serious nigger? They are everything bad about hippies x100. They are massive degenerates I couldn't find a better example of an untermensch if I tried they where degenerates by train hopper standards and we shot dope under bridges.

I thought the peace symbol was a shorthand for the semaphore symbols N and D because it was about Nuclear Disarmament.

Learn how to do it yourself next time.

ffmpeg.exe -i "Survivalists - The Covenant, The Sword and The Arm of The Lord (and various others).webm" -vcodec copy -acodec copy -t 00:01:57.00 output.webm

No offense, but that right there explains your interactions with the family. That's like a nigger's interactions with the KKK. not saying junkies never show up, but they have to hide it.

Well, most "Train hoppers" are broke drug addicts known for stealing shit, so dont expect to be treated like a princess

It's not like he's only visited once. Him and Mickey Hart are basically regulars there. Pretty weird.

Never meet your heroes

Really good advice. I try not to have them in the first place, but if I ever loved anyone it was the Dead, or maybe just Jerry. Wish I could have stayed naive. What shall we say shall we call it by a name

Hahahahaha first off i avoided you faggots like the plague when i was on the road because because of the amounts of trannies,freaks and SJWs you had in your ranks. Ive never had any bad interactions with rainbows like i said i just for the most part avoided you. Also the amount of nonwhites might be a problem in your facile plan.

Ah, mr "Other Drummer" somehow I'm not surprised. Douchebag joined late, left early during the peak years of the band due to drama, failed on his own, and came bag begging to be let back in after the best years were over because he was a hack. Jerry and Owelsey were the band, just like how Ozzy was black sabbath. Funny note about owelsy, he repeatedly stated that the jerrybears "Are not dancing, they're marching!"

When and where the fuck are you talking about? SJW and trannies didn't even exist until ten years ago, and even on kikebook the sjws get called racist by the family. You've never been to a gathering, and would never get past the gate if you tried because A-camp would talk about your asshole, you'd get angry, then they'd drive you out. Honestly I'm betting most anons would fit right in at a-camp, they're the troll army of the family.
Less than 5% at any gathering I've ever been to, and most of them are the whitest acting mutts I've ever met in my life. I have never once heard anyone rap or "freestyle" at a gathering. Further, niggers are absolutely TERRIFIED of psychedelics. Maybe lsd is the antidote to nigger.
Plenty of Phreaks, have to scare off the normies somehow.

Futhark by Edred Thorsson is a good start, though damn if the author isn't in the top 10 of most controversial figures to ever live. Knight of the KKK, founding father of half of the modern heathenry movements, and has infiltrated (and been expelled from) almost every major order in the western world for completely opposing reasons. Knows his shit though.


user, I know you mean well without assholes like you, we'd have too many cucks betas and normie halfers with thin skin here but will you please consider the goals, gains, and history of this op? You have been lied to by the kike on this subject. You wouldn't be here if you weren't capable of questioning the narrative. Can you humor me a moment and question this one as well? Look at this through the same Aryan eyes that allowed you to see through the holohoax.

How the fuck are you going to tell me ? The last group of rainbows i met i was going through Tuscon around gem and jam in iron horse park there was a nigger who wouldn't stop talking about white privilege his white boy friend who i almost had to chin check because he wouldn't stop hitting on me and some alky bitch who i'm surprised didn't get raped cause she passed out everywhere around 4th street. This has been pretty indicative of my experience in regards to your family for the time i was on the road. Good luck with this cause you are going to seriously need it even.

News for you fiend, rainbows don't walk around shouting that they're rainbows, just like we don't walk around shouting "Hey looks at me, I'm a nazi user!". Those were yuppies thinking they had a means to get discounts on drugs.


Rofl, well this argument is now shitposting on both sides. Though… we are getting dubs…
So, you've met the scourge that are referred to as "Drainbows" which are a lot like fat yuppies who walk around wearing guy fawkes masks and posting on plebbit, claiming to be "anonymous" yet have never posted on the chans. These faggots are universally HATED at the gatherings. Care to explain those types more? What makes them freak out? How do we push their buttons so that they make a scene and get others to turn against them openly? Come on, show me your hatred user, we can weaponize this. Can you imagine better lulz than a full circle of hippies turning on and dressing down a few SJWs? I've seen it happen before.


Dubs confirm!
Look into operation paperclip, who ran the lsd operations, and then who left after it was canned and the timelines that follow.

Found a few interesting articles about paperclip. So the nazis gave the Deadheads VWs and LSD which is pretty darn funny considering so many lefty types love to use the Nazi label on others. The only thing that would make it funnier is if Hitler had invented tie dye. One can wish.
Other interesting info is the Dead's connection to various communes such as Harbin Hot Springs (also connections to Huxley, Hunter S Thompson, and many other writers). Also Olompali in Marin Co and Esalen in Big Sur.

It goes far deeper than just the grateful dead though. They represented at most 1/3 of the heart of the movement, though by far the most visible segment.

There we go - free-lovin hippies are already redpilled in alotta ways. Just gotta spread the love around.

That's not what love means…
Valid point about boobs though. There will be boobs, this I promise.

He looks like weev


weev is a clone of ginsberg

Want to help steal William Blake back from hippies and leftists?

This vid is a good start. Also take a look at this website that is ironically in the original sense of the word anti-Hare Krishna propaganda:
^^My two favorites

Well there's some unexpected redpills. The Hare krishna's were moralists, conservatives, and race realists on such levels that uncle Adolf himself would had been proud of. Of course, this brave swami was poisoned by a cabal of Kikes for his great work. His words need memed, we owe him that much.

You might be right…

The mad poet?

Minor update. There will be a regional gathering in Wisconsin from August 24th to September 6th. Location will not be official until mid August.

It's perfect…

Can anyone help find english language texts/pamphlets/propaganda tools about the Artaman League, Lebensreform, and Wandervogel movements? These are key redpills to be brought to thw Gatherings and I'm having some difficulty finding them. The oldfags may already be aware, but the newfags aren't. Blood and soil is key to the family, and these are perfect redpills for the youth.

Hey Herbalanon, There's a great book on Sumerian Civilization and how it was destroyed by the kikes and their lending practices, and exactly how the scams work. You'd enjoy it, and could use the redpills it contains on banking and usury on the hippies, who'd be very interested in how babylon fell, since it's very similar to our Downfall as well.
How the Jews betrayed Mankind: Vol. 1: The Sumerian Swindle

A sample:
This list does not make much sense now but each
point is explained in the following chapters. The
Sumerian Swindle has twenty-one secret frauds. The
Twenty-One Secret Frauds of the Sumerian Swindle
#1 All interest on the loan of money is a swindle.
#2 Collateral that is worth more than the loan, is
the banker’s greatest asset. (Mortgage as legal robbery)
#3 Loans rely on the honesty of the borrower but not the honesty of the lender.
#4 Loans of silver repaid with goods and not with silver, forfeit the collateral.
#5 The debtor is the slave of the lender.
#6 High morals impede profits, so debauching
the Virtuous pulls them below the depravity of
the moneylender who there-by masters them and bends them to his will.
#7 Monopoly gives wealth and power but
monopoly of money gives the greatest wealth and power.
#8 Large crime families are more successful than lone criminals or gangs; international crime
families are the most successful of all.
#9 Only the most ruthless and greedy
moneylenders survive; only the most corrupt
bankers triumph.
#10 Time benefits the banker and betrays the
#11 Dispossessing the People brings wealth to the dispossessor, yielding the greatest profit for the bankers when the people are impoverished.
#12 All private individuals who control the public’s money supply are swindling traitors to both people and country.
#13 All banking is a criminal enterprise; all bankers are international criminals, so secrecy is essential.
#14 Anyone who is allowed to lend-at-interest
eventually owns the entire world.
#15 Loans to friends are power; loans to enemies are weapons.
#16 Labor is the source of wealth; control the
source and you control the wealth, raise up labor and you can pull down kings.
#17 Kings are required to legitimatize a swindle but once the fraud is legalized, those very kings must be sacrificed.
#18 When the source of goods is distant from the customers, profits are increased both by import and export.
#19 Prestige is a glittering robe for ennobling
treason and blinding fools; the more it is used, the more it profits he who dresses in it.
#20 Champion the Minority in order to dispossess the Majority of their wealth and power, then swindle the Minority out of that wealth and power.
#21 Control the choke points and master the body; strangle the choke points and kill the body.

This might actually be effective. They already refer to the normieworld as Babylon, so there is a good in right there. The real question for this tactic is how to disseminate the information. Any suggestions?

what kike promoted this to samurai? pic related.
I'd say you're a fool, but that's not your problem. it's blind hate. that's your problem. You blame jews for everything. You are a problem to our movement. Stop making shit up, that should be beneath you.

That jap has very aryan features if you ignore the hair color and the squint of his eyes…

#16 is forbidden knowledge user

Refer them to posts:

Use the stories of their religions and some basic awesome truths that tie into Hermetic teachings as a lead in to how that society fell due to the earliest bankers scamming everyone out of their money and then selling their dispossessed land to foriegners to start the thieving all over again. Explain how the mathematical scam works!

I really wish it was a faster and shorter road to redpilling the youngins that Hitler fought for them.


Just saw this video and it reminded me of this thread

You are correct user

Colour me intrigued anons. I'm going to make an attempt to see what this group is about. If it's degenerate poz, then it will be a reminder of what I'm struggling against. I'm an ausfag though, so no guarantees that the culture of similar groups here is anything like the US. In fact, finding out current online info about the group is proving to be challenging. Invitations here are word of mouth only, maybe to keep out the gommies and ferals, who knows.

I've heard mixed reviews, but that's honestly a good sign, not a bad one.
If it's done any other way, you wind up with yuppies from the burning man crowd flooding in, treating the place like a fucking music festival and then bitching at elders who slaved all fucking day to prepare a meal for thousands… because "Muh gluten free diet! How can you not have gluten free!" I won't lie, during most of the day, I completely avoid the main circle (center of meadow) because that's where the foreigners, shills, and newfags settle in thinking it's the heart of the gathering. If you sit down there, and are observant, you're sure to notice several oldfags watching them like hawks.
If you make it, the best people usually man the front gate and are the realists, and scattered about pretty damn randomly along the periphery are the people who you'll probably find the most interesting.
Those will be found at the main circle and at the fluffy events. I suspect a lot of the events that people put together are designed to keep noobs busy and to slowly break them from the degeneracy of "Babylon" as they call it.

I highly recommend.
This guy's videos are excellent.

I went to an international rainbow gathering in the middle of nowhere on the south island of NZ. It was spectacular. The international gatherings have only been going on for about 15 years, are much smaller, and a different kind of vibe (the American nationals are pure America). The first one was held in Australia, I believe. I have no clue what they do for their nationals, though.

Yeah, I'm more of the quiet type. Unless I'm intoxicated, then I talk a lot of shit. Digging latrines, collecting firewood and water is more my style than drum circles and face painting. Workshops and interesting people is the draw for me. I'll try and get added to the mailing list, I guess.

He was definitely the king of homo degeneracy, but he did heavily criticize the zog war machine. He wrote extensively on the CIA importation of drugs. He also converted, I'm pretty sure entirely, to buddhism. I believe he even wanted a buddhist style funeral. So at least he seems to have been a ((self-hating one)).

Some other associated beatniks were ok too. I like Tuli Kupferberg personally. Some of his songs with the Fugs, such as "Backward Jewish Soldiers" are definitely anti-zog. At least all these people were pacifists…

One other thing that some of these beatniks were into was Egypt. Y'know, Kek and all that? Give this old joke beat song a listen. Beautiful imho.

Willing to take welfare from the zog, and you want to be a part of an American gathering. Fuck off and stay there why don't you. Maybe you can build a home once you slaughter some palestinians. Plus HOLY SHIT IT NEVER FAILS you also in the same post play the fucking anti-semitic victim card. Holy shit this right here is a zogbot infiltrator. I wouldn't let you anywhere near any gathering of mine.

All of the confusion regarding this time period just makes me wish I was able to live in that time period. Imagine going to a California party that included the Dead, the Hells Angels, Leary, Hunter Thompson, and even some CIA spooks. No matter who was actually controlling everything, it must have been one hell of a time.

The kikes have been attwmpting to destroy Buddhism with deceit and corruption for at least a hundred years now. Just try to find english language Buddhist texts online and check the source, the VAST majority are kikes putting out disinfo.

He already got the gas.

In 30 years, they'll all be saying the same thing about what we're doing right now. Do not give in to longing for a past that is gone, recognize it, feel the current that is the pumping of the Aryan soul within your veins, and strive onward for the future.

These can actually be good. There are always people trying to share what they have learned, for the betterment of their tribe.
Generally a good idea.

Sounds like you'll enjoy yourself. Digging ditches and carrying water will make you friends, too.

I'm getting psyched for the US national now.

Have you read the new testament?
jesus' bantz alone make it worth a onceover

double posting faggot coming thru
calling it jewish is strange

what do you call a self hating jew

a profit :^)

Dubs confirm. NOTHING gets you more rep than laboring for your volk. Bacon is close though.

I hope you idiots realize Kali Yuga has over 100,000 years left.

Damn I want to do this so badly. I don't think I'll be able to make it this year though. I want to drop redpills, discuss esoteric truths with Holla Forumsacks face-to-face, meet qt grills I've really been drawn to fire witches recently, and let's not forget talk to God on mushrooms. I'm going to be finishing a job until early/mid-july though, and I also wanted to bulk up a bit still spookymode will there still be hope for me to somehow make it this year?

If you can't make it to the anual national gathering, there will be more regionals after. Colorado regionals are in august.

Stop falling for the lies of kikes and learn to check your sources. senior newfag
yugas on earth. The duration of Satya-yuga is four thousand celestial
years, Treta-yuga is three thousand celestial years, Dvapara-yuga is two
thousand celestial years, and Kali-yuga is one thousand celestial years. The
transitional periods of the four yugas are four hundred, three hundred,
two hundred, and one hundred celestial years, respectively. In this way,
the total comes to twelve thousand celestial years.

only the worst faggots bump this thread

I am a total beginner in psychedelic experience. Never even smoked weed. But the more I read the more I am convinced that my journey is drawing me inwards, and psychedelics are the tool for this. Would you recommend DMT to a beginner? Should you even bother "working" up to it?

yep. fucking love this dude. learned so so much about the situation in SA from him.

Psychedelics are a short cut and a risky one. They can allow you to question things that normally you would never consider to. Further, they can remove your psyche from normal perceptions of time, in twelve hours you could experience a decade of thought. Many are led astray by this, though many gain a mental clarity and understanding in a very short period of time. I will not attempt to sway you in this decision to either end, though I will tell you this, these substances hold no answers in themselves. There are no secrets in this world but those we keep from ourselves.

What is the "long cut" then? Study, meditation, yoga? I'm already studying every spare moment. Have not meditated or done yoga, or anything like that.

Work. Learn a skill and work for your volk. Treat it as a truly sacred act, putting every ounce of care you can muster into the perfection of your creation. Do not once consider your gains from it, do not once consider the time spent, do not once consider the pain of your labors. Create something perfect, utilising all that you have learned in some way, and do it solely for the good of your volk. Create something great.

Your numbers are wrong, even for the view that holds that time lineage. Kali is 1200 years in that view but that view is based on the fact that 1 demigod year is 360 human years.

1200 x 360 = 432,000

Tfw got a killer workshop planned but live on the least coast

Thousands of jobless hippies are able to make it…
What are you thinking?

I gave my source.

Answered your own question there wiz.

I avatar under friendly zombie here, so think self improvement, diet, exercise. Also can shoot off quite a piece on Egypt. Speaking of diet, you crack that book I gave you at temple?

rofl, I was actually thinking that as I typed it. I was attempting to imply that we need to gain the skills to travel without funds or identification, long distances, as these skills could prove vital for us in the future.
Not yet. I might as well though. damn it, my reading list is growing far faster than I can read it. Though, I am going pretty damn hard on the Iron Pill right now.

You realize MDE smokes weed medicinally, right?

Think about it like this: if you enjoy programming/computer security, do you think this video is realistic? This is the kiked up hollywood version of hacking. There are freshmen compsci faggots all over college campuses acting like this now.

Now, where did you get your perception of "hippie" culture? Was it something hollywood produced, or maybe also some IRL faggot who was acting out what he saw from hollywood?

The kikes outlawed it because industrial hemp was a superior alternative to their existing timber, cotton, and synthetics such as nylon. So they make it illegal, then in the 50s acquire special research permits so only they can research it. They then patent compounds ahead of everyone else, and legalize very slowly as soon they perfect pharmaceutical drugs so they monopolize the plant and its 250+ useful compounds. Either you're very bad at business or you have retard level common sense to not see what has happened. They've done this in MANY other industries.

Now our farmland is poisoned by cotton and corn, the soil is fucked with heavy metals and the pesticides we have to use for the kike's seeds.

goddamnit, sorry forgot to embed.

dat GW pharma

Yup, exactly. Check out the backstory on Skunkman Sam, a kike who is responsible for the success of GW (a partner of (((Bayer))) )

He has also started a company called United Cannabis, and is lobbying for a rescheduling to Schedule 2. The company is really good at shilling themselves (they have a streamed show called "Hash Church" and characters/products created out of thin air such as "Bubbleman" to get the stoners behind them.

Jack Herer was hilariously redpilled btw. He would give people tips on how to domesticate their women and would rant about kikes/niggers at events.

Dude GW are the ones responsible for trying to get the FDA to schedule CBD and they are also the ones who have been lobbying around the US states for CBD only medical laws that only their product would be covered under. And on top of it if they get FDA approval it will be covered by insurance. Thus raking in an asston of money from one plant they effectively monopolized through patents.

Legalization and regulation is the ultimate jew.

Also Sam is involved in a genetics project that insists they are open source but their main genetic tester is a private company. Sam and this other guy have literally been asking people for some of the MOST PRIZED seeds, like oldschool landraces or 50-70s stuff to 'sequence' into their project.

Fucking jewry.

Oh yeah, Phylos is an ultimate jewry company. The guy who's the head of it is unfortunately a good guy who hates Monsanto and the monopolization of any plant genetics, but Phylos basically had a hostile takeover by Sam and the silent backer of the company (hint it's not a traditional pharma company, but similar).

And yup, GW is monopolizing certain states like North Dakota and Nebraska.

Are you involved in the industry? If so how the fuck do I meet more redpilled people in it. I've been in this shit for years and even the self made $100million+ net worth individuals are bluepilled as fuck.

Yeah. You don't really.

Though one buddy of mine that set up stuff in Cali after legalization voted red.

The Sensi Seeds guy is full blown redpill. I'm not going to mention his name but I shit you not you can see him posting anti ZOG shit on his facebook.

We aren't all libtard stoner types that we're painted as.

HAHAHA! For some reason I thought you meant Todd M, was very confused. But yes, the dude you mentioned is very redpilled.

I'm in the process of breaking ground in CA right now, holy shit the regs are a hellhole. I've got half a mind to move to east, consult for the shitty med systems there and wait until a state there has decent regs.

I might setup a /canna/ board on here at some point.. I wonder how many browsers are involved in the industry. Lots of consumers definitely, but it would be hilarious if the Deangelos or something were Holla Forumslacks

For some reason replied to myself…

That would be fucking hilarious.

I know someone that moved their seed company out there. Think they lucked out on one of the last counties doing med? Or something like that not sure. CA went full retard with legalization it seems.

In CO here they're trying to clamp down hard on homegrowing. Saying people can only grow 12 regardless of med status, etc.

Now that's surprising. I know of the sensi guy. I could share some techniques. I used to grow harlequin, actual medical stuff. Did you know that adding choline to your aoil will make plants more stress tolerant? They can handle more UV and take cold/hot cycles better. I also figured out an electrical device to vastly improve crop yields, but have been sitting on it due to the kike and lack of financing. A real tesla-style invention for the farm industry.

Wyoming just passed hemp, which means they'll be set up for medical in a year, though my bet is the whole fed decriminalizing pretty soon. It will be a state issue after that entirely.

12 really isn't bad if you know what you're doing or at least a halfway decent gardener. I won't lie though, I support a lot of the regulations at this point. There are far too many kikes scamming the system… sadly, most new regs are being pushed by the pharmakike, my mortal nemesis. Not exaggerating there, if I went legit, as an herbalist, I'd have a hit put out on me for what I do. Anyone who tries to bridge the gap and use actual science in conjunction with herbalism gets whacked.

Yeah, choline can also be used in breeding. I've seen someone make an electrostatic sprayer and patent it already. Think it is being sold already.

Now the trick is to also incorporate audio into the electrification….that yields interesting results. There are specific frequencies that used in combination with amino acids yield amazing stuff. You can also use electricity to kill of bugs and make the plant express different phenotypes.

12 is bad if you have 6 patients to take care of and numerous other donations…my position.

They're going to kill homegrowing in CO in a few years definitely, have you heard about your MED clamping down on new genetics being imported? Sucks that you guys will be stuck with Blue Dream, etc for at least awhile.

If you could implement that device for greenhouses that'd be a real game changer.. so many people in the industry with tens of millions to blow on ancillary stuff like that. I just patented a few extraction methods actually, was much easier than expected

I've heard of this happening but do you have any examples… the business I'm literally weeks away from going public with (in the industry not stocks), is incorporating a LOT of herbalism…

No, are we talking about importing from other states? cause Oregon already did that and WA as well. You have leeway for a few weeks when you first set up and you can get anything in, after that it's it I think. That's for WA. Oregon now requires all seed to be bred in state.

In CO I still think you can import/source on your first initial setup. If you can't that would suck but that also means

Really nigger?

Ah that would be more logical, I'll have to check…

Either way breeding is the long term play to make. These (((financial firms))) who are spending tens of millions buying greenhouses will saturate the market with pesticide and mildew saturated product until the market bottoms out, and that's when consumers will want quality (and when the demand for quality breeding will REALLY pick up)

It's a dream to start a subtly 1488-branded breeding company where we go around the world and colonize wherever we can get equatorial sativas, etc… one day…

Chemdawg x Kosher Kush….Zyklon B

Don't steal that pls

Yes, money is in genetics. but it isn't just 'dank meme weed' anymore. How many people actually stress test their P1s? Not many.

I want to work on breeding for disease resistance, environmental hardiness and other things. I want to work on 25-30% CBD as well, few other things. Not really interested in making a polygangbanged og girlscout cookiekush hybrid.

Currently sitting on malawi, swazi, durban, thai, vietnam black, thai x viet black, colombian gold, punto rojo, santa marta…and a few other things.

I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't know what I was doing hah.

Dayum you a fan of ACE too? That's my favorite big seedbank, it's a shame they've recently starting auto fem'ing some of their stock…

The only thing in there ACE is the viet black x thai, all others were collected from the actual places.

Heh user. If in a few years you see a purebred landrace seed line out…it could just be me. I will not be giving way to hybridizing any of these and plan on open pollination/multiple males to create new seeds for genetically diverse lines. Pure, on themselves and crossed together. But not crossed with Blue Dream!

Just started the /canna/ board, gonna be super slow obviously but it'd be cool if we could continue dialogue on how to navigate this shitshow of a industry/breeding/whatever

Nigger don't even joke about crossing a purebred landrace with Blue Dream lol… but actually I have just about the same plans! I just hope ONE person can make that happen

I'd be doing it this summer if I could, starting with middle eastern strains. Afghans, Pakis, Israelis, Syrians, etc.

There are people that have the seedstock to make it happen. Instead they decided to make hybrids, Cannabiogen and ACE stand out kind of amongst the crowd. Seeds of Africa has some stuff I'd like to try, not sure if I'd breed with. I don't just want to reproduce ACE/CBG seeds that's why I'm looking for source collections from people that have been on the ground. I'm going to do it though. It is desperately needed before Monsanto goes full kike on the cannabis industry and all the old genetics get fucked.

And it turned into muh weed degeneracy. Awesome thread OP!

How about both you fucking degenerate cunts get off Holla Forums?

Right, go back to posting in the interracial marriage thread guy.

The weed convo is clearly a derail, but it's hardly degenerate. If the industry were kept out of kike control, it allows farmers and gardeners (volkish white blood and soil types) to quickly overturn economic control of the kikes in just a few seasons. The AFD is already funded by organic produce, the same can happen in the USA.

We could try to start a right wing restoration of the psychedelic movement.

I dislike being hounded by the CIA.

FBI rarely likes CIA.
So what are you trying to do in this thread? You have used several different methods of shilling, from d&c to derailment, yet not once in 16 posts have you been on topic.

Well for one if you let the kikes control the weed you're all fucked. I could go into detail about how the laws and patents coming into the FDA is definitely not in the interest of a reclaimed hippy movement. If anything freely sowing seed would be the interest of a reclaimed hippy movement.

And second, there is nothing stopping you from posting shit and yet you sit here and complain instead of writing anything that contributes.

I have a hundred and ten posts in this thread, so to be brutally honest, I hardly can think of anything to add at this point, so until I get questions asked, there's not much I can do but wait until more information comes out.

What is the best way for a redpilled newcomer to attend the Oregon Nationals? I will happily labor for the volk for a chance to sit at the feet of the Masters.

This is true. All of the buddhist temples in my town are kikes charging $20 an hour for "meditation workshops" and subverted "seminars" on buddhist teachings. I would kill for the opportunity to meet with an authentic nonkiked buddhist guru. Kikes have subverted eastern spiritual traditions almost as much as Christianity. Vedic texts and buddhism are some of the best remnants of our ancestors indo-aryan culture.

Hand out copies of the Sumerian Swindle, Web of Debt, Creature from Jekyll Hyde, etc. simple as that


Remember that opiates thread you op'ed a few months back where you went off on akkuama and I made my zombie manifesto about diet? This feels kinda like that. In that, we should archive and screencap right fucking now because only so much quality before (((someone))) decides this thread needs not an anchor but a snap delete.

Closest thing to Buddhist master in western world is wim hof. Look him up, you will be thankful you did.

I would like some recaps from regionals if anyone has em.

Just show up and try to meet up with the rest of us. If you get there early, go corpuscular and help out at welcome home/main gate after a day or so of getting your bearings. They always need help at night and early morning. You will be loved for gathering firewood for the welcome fires and getting some coffee or munchies together for the workers, and if you have a strong back, cars always get stuck and people are needed to heave them out.

Anyone trying to profit in such a way needs to die, horribly.

Full copies could be a bitch to print….

Check'd, I remember. Screencap whatever you feel is important.
Have some faith, there are few among us as selfless as they. I deeply pity them for the shit they have to put up with, and the constant shilling. Have you ever looked at the boardlog? Without their service, this board would be shilled to oblivion, and of course there is friendly fire on occasion, but when in doubt they toss the anchor instead of deleting threads for being a bit off theme. Also the levels of autism we project at them is astounding… even I am guilty of my share of autistic screeching about heretics.

dubdubs confirm. Wim Hof, not familiar, but I will be soon.

I'd also be interested in some updates, this has been a chaotic year.

Oh Jesus Christ if you didn't already know wim hof you are in for the ride of your life.

(((Vice))) but good

(((Joe Rogan))) but good

How can anything by (((vice))) be good beyond as parody? I did enjoy watching their manlet be taunted by tribesmen as he was sweating from fog toxins. Rogan is amusing though with his Modafinil addiction though, but he'd be best paired with alex jones. Alright I'll watch/read after lunch.

Copy that. If you see a young Aryan man following work around the camp and carrying a rainbow knife, you'll know it's me.

The vice episode I linked is good in the same way that any rogan episode is good - the guest / topic is so good they can't fuck it up if they tried.

very interesting, thanks user. I found the (((vice))) journalist talking head interjection of not so subtle blue pills amusing (take the poison, charismatic leader etc…).
When discussing the power of the mind over the body one incontrovertible fact is the known factor called the placebo effect, this makes it impossible for any doctor or scientist to outright deny that we do indeed have power over our bodies systems beyond what (((they))) want us to know.

Don't really need full copies, even 5-10 pages from creature from jekyll island explaining the Federal Reserve scam would be useful, summarize and pick key parts of the book.

The placebo effect is proof positive that the brain is more powerful than western medicine will admit. Funny enough it is a similar technique that Hof uses to teach brain control ("control yourself, remember your brain is always trying to trick you").

But as for concrete proof of wim's technique, here ya go

I'll see if I can find ink for my printer before we run out of time. I'm considering just binding a tome and transcribing things I find to have meaning into it by hand, and reading to those that would listen. I find the Havamal to be the greatest redpill for travelers/wandervogel, as it speaks directly to the soul of the wanderer.

I'll keep my eyes open for ya, we'll hopefully get a shrine set up nd mark the path in a way that we all would be ble to notice, but cofuse others. Repeating digits marking the right way, nonsensical digits leading in random directions. Also, if you haven't yet, check out the pre-op thread on /tok/ as it covers some things in more depth than here.
To all attending, remember, we inspire those we meet with our deeds as much as our words. Many of the younger crowd do not have any exposure to Volkish ways in a formal sense, show them what it means, and when ask, tell them what inspired you personally. Be a role model, many have never had one.

Yes, years of discipline and training. Funny story, I meditated so much that by the time I actually encountered psychedelics normal dosage levels where pretty much non-effective to me because I was already at the state of consciousness naively all the time. If I actually do do trippy stuff I need AT MINIMUM 5-10 times normal dosage to really feel much and still to this day I've tripped way harder doing breath exercises than anything else.

I'm working that angel myself, or at least for an inner shrine. I'm bringing lots of Earthen love and Heavenly power.

This is really important. We should exude virtue in everything we do, it will inspire others and demonstrate the righteousness of our actions.

you realise the very fact that placebos are used as a control in every trail involving drugs or such? science is very much aware that placebos are strong, to the point it needs to be completely excluded from drug trails, since it can skew the effectiveness of the drug.

Here is the number for the northwest lightline (information line ) 503 727 2498 it should have the coordinates after the 11th for the national/anual gathering taking place in Oregon. Location is being decided at the council meeting on the 10th.

The hippie movement exists because of psychedelics. When done properly, psychs are the most powerful tools of our movement. When abused it is the most powrerful tool of our enemy. The best bet for reclaiming the hippie movement is to read trip reports and get the feel for what the drugs do. Or even partake in some shrooms or DMT in the proper set and setting. Then write up trip reports on how SWIM learned we are nothing but animals and races are the sub species of our main species and it is your duty as a living thing to further your species.
Possible settings are a walk through town, a canoe trip, anything pretty much.
I'm not going to write a 1,500 word trip report but will give a poorly written fiction of what the basic elements could be. Remember it is meant to appeal to those that will soon be hippies, not for current hippies. Change those that will become.

Kind of the basics but it would need much more detail put in. The hippie movement is more so the psychonaut movement in the current age, hippie is just a stolen term. But as I said, it is the drugs that makes hippies what they are. It puts their brain into a very volatile state that is ready to absorb information. It increases brain activity to be similar to a child's, just insane brain activitt that is ready to absorb info like no tomorrow. The difference is the hippies have learned more than children so can quickly grasp concepts and stick to them because they already know the language and the world around them, where the kids do not.

Ah yes, (((drug trials))) and (((science))). Next you'll mention (((peer review))).

Dubs confirm for interesting idea…
Could we spam erowid with redpilled trip reports?

Don't spam, just slowly release redpills into hippie culture. Write some on women doing psychs and they realize they don't want this whole going to college and getting a job mumbo jumbo, they just want to be a mother and care for her man.
I have been mulling this idea over long before this thread popped up but decided it was time to bring it to light. The original hippie movement is what pozzed the white race into the mess it currently is.
Anons that see this. DO NOT SPAM, you're just going to come off as a troll. Just push light redpills such as
Don't just push the stuff on psychonautica sites like erowid, do it on outer circles that are influenced by psychs on normiebook, reddit, 4chan, shroomery etc. Aesthetic pages on NSAbook for example, they appeal to these people. Expose them to aesthetic images of a woman cooking and caring for her children or aesthetic images of a man carving a statue.
It is memetic warfare. Expose the most easily influenced to our ideas through imagery. Remember there is a whole generation coming up on the internet and we are the pioneers. Expose the coming generation to these thoughts and ideas. They are tomorrow's citizens. Put them off on the right foot.

Yeah, this is going to be a bit of work but it can be done. Just going to be a fine line to walk between encouraging degeneracy and encouraginf traditional values with this one.

You do realise ayn rand was peak kike

Just a reminder that the roman empire was more tolerant of kikes under pagan emperors than christian emperors

Kill yourself shill. The empires who served Aryan gods were the ones who slaughtered the Kike of Carthage and slaughtered the Cohen Gadol at their home in jewrusalem, destroyed the temple mount in it's entirety save for one wall, executed their priests, cut down EVERY SINGLE olive tree in jerusalem (driving the jerusalem olive extinct!) and then salted the fields!
To this very day, the kikes sob with the pain of their defeat by Titus and his men!


The council is together now in oregon, the location will be official tomorrow. I will update as soon as I have it. Good luck everyone, and you all have my thanks for bearing with me for this long.
Praise Kek! SIEG HIEL!

I'm eagerly awaiting. The energy is rising, I've been feeling it this whole month but today I felt it increase and upon checking the date I see why. I'm even surprising myself with the amount of sensitivity I have to the Rainbow Fam Oversoul.


And remember most important of all, he alone who owns the youth gains the future.

Getting conformation on location today. There was some lulz at the council meeting. Some foreigner showednup named "Noah James Anthony Destefano" and stabbed someone and was quickly stabbed right back before running off and getting picked up by police. Really having a hard time grasping this one though… he only managed to stab a guy in the tricept, and then got stabbed in the upper calf, so this must had taken place on the ground. Incredibly unlikely places for wounds in a standup knife fight. Wish I had a picture of the faggot, hoping he's a kike. DeStefano is a Sicilian generic name (Stevenson) and supposedly the perp was from stockholm.

Self sufficiency is the key to conquering hippie communities. There's two types of people focused on self suffiency: conservative preppers and liberal hippies. Introduce prepper habits into hippie communities. Guns would be the most obvious thing.

Short hair on men being in fashion was caused by two successive world wars, same for shaving beards. If you like being a replaceable tool for ZOG then go ahead and cut all your hairs off so you look like a slave.

Bare bones stuff like lots of brown rice in sacks, guns, and thermos method stewpot techniques are awesome things to help teach hippies with to convert them to prepper values.

How may an organic chemist who practices the art of creating new psychoactive molecules Schulgin style since 12 years for his own experiences be of help? The personal goal would be not to have to work for food and chemicals, except of course cooking and having test persons who nobody would miss, if they met Kek and refuse to return.

Any chemist worth shit tests on himself.

We don't need more psychedelics, we need things to enhance life and performance. Any chemists here who know a thing about long chain peptides?

I guess we can reclaim the hippies if we kill them and turn them into fuel or fertilizer or something.

Testing on your self is never enough, you need to get a large number of people to see various reactions, and also be able to observe with a trained eye. Many people have very noticeable reactions to observers, but are personally unaware of the effects.

Read the thread, newfag.

calling me newfag just because I pointed out the obvious (hippies are and have always been trash) seems a bit unreasonable

I called a newfag because you clearly did not read the thread, or else you'd at least have made a proper trollpost. It's not like there is any shortage of material to work off of here. It was lazy, like a halfchanner would have posted. Although, if it was an early morning or late night shitpost, you are forgiven.
On topic though, if anyone sees pic related, especially as a tattoo, i's a sign for squatters/societal dropouts. Expect them to be race realists but don't expect much else out of them.

Still don't have the official location. Lots of camps set up and it's looking like eastern oregon, but no point in speculation. OPSEC has been upped due to another outsider causing problems. Here is a report of the stabbing incident at the council meeting, from the woman who was stabbed. It shows a great example of how security is handled.
Long story short, crazy foreignor was driving through at high speed as a female passenger screamed for help and tried to hop out. Shanti Sena (all able bodies for security) was called for, three individuals hopped in a car and gave chase, performed a pit manoeuvre of some sort, freed the woman who was in distress, the perp stabbed a chick in the arm and tried to steal the woman back, they apprehended him and sent the wounded female back to radio police to pick him up (also so wounded female could get medical attention) and that's pretty much that.

a good point of separation. the larpers are all faggots and need to be avoided.

Good point, they generally are receptive to this. I taught a bit of the runes to some at a gathering a few years ago. Be sure to go into detail and force home the sacrifices made for them, and why.

Surprised I missed that post. As said though

Around my area they're called Metaphysicals, standard definition is "A hippie with a bath and a haircut" Point out that they're pack people, like wolves, and that government and lefty types are herd people, with a herd collective mind always seeking new additions, and because you refuse to be added to the herd, and that your success means the herd might lose members to you or your way of independent thought, that means you'll always be hunted down and never left alone, because your very existence is a dire existential threat to the growth of the herd. This is also why they hate guns(leads to independence/internal dissent), but don't mind predators killing a few members here and there as it only causes them to band together and double down on their cowshit. Everyone's disposable, except if they try and leave.

The real problem I have with these guys isn't the faggot sharing dicks and arseholes/thighs, (as long as they stick to their own folk and not fuck outsiders and reproduce with their wives) it's just how weak their bonds are between each other. They're weekend larpers that don't live it except for a few folks in the wolves that are solidcore and true believers. Their beliefs are needing a few strange miracles and portents and unexplainable events to bring them together and become something other than a bunch of bare chested metalheads.
I'm hoping they have a few run ins with Skinwalkers.

Start from John Day Oregon, Go south on US-395 about 45 minutes right (west) on road 63 (AKA Izee Rd to Bush Ranch Rd) ~18 miles > then right on road 24 > second road on the left > rainbows!
If you're coming from the south the turn for road 63 is ~50 miles from the town of Burns, Oregon/JNCT US-20.
That's right, it's in the motherfucking desert. Be prepared for it to be hot as balls during the day and chilly at night. Possibility of rattlesnakes as well, but the numbers of people will drive them away from the main areas. Make sure that all food is well preserved, your cooler won't stay icy for long. Good luck everyone, and PRAISE KEK!

What day does it begin? This is the guy telling homeless user not to go to that cult in that anchored thread. I was thinking about going to Hawthorne bridge this Sunday to get a ride.

I don't have much in the way to trade. Is this a bad thing? Will gladly labor.

Officially it does not begin until the end of june, unofficially, it's already started the moment the directions are given. Right now people are setting up. Feel free to arrive as soon as you would like, the earlier we have anons on the ground the better, especially if you like to work. Prepare the way for us user! I won't be able to attend til the end of the month, I have a lot of work to finish up and have to raise funds for gas. Hide your power level until you have a good grasp of the scene and make some friends. Good luck. Praise kek!

Looks like the local news has alread picked up on the location and posted a story on it.
Comments are pretty lulzy. The rainbow presence online is pretty damn low though of course. could be a good place to either help fix image or spread subtle redpills.


Whatever, I'm fucking going. We're going to have a WN camp, correct? Working on sorting out a ride right now.

At least it's high altitude, weather shouldn't be above 90 during the day or below 40 at night, still the temperature shift will suck. The spring water will be ice cold though at least.
The Hopi name for kek is Paqua, so we'll probably work with that when we set up a temple space to Kek. I'm expecting a good dozen anons and I'm bringing a few friends as well, as are others, so we might have thirty or so people, which should be enouh to keep the camp going. Bring a bit of food, even if just spam. Meat is always in short supply, but vegies are everywhere. Also, be sure to bring a flashlight of some sort, LEDs are cheap and plentiful.
I'm running some damage control on the news sites as well, and talking to people who run some things at the gathering. This is going to be epic.

All American White Males should hike entire Appalachian trail to be considered as legal adult.

All White women should be required to have two white child before they're considered to be adult females.

I won't be able to go, due to many many problems, but I'll be helping from afar with research and other things. Hope you can help a few vets with the Tranquility potion I mentioned. Also, teach a few folks how to sprout beans in a plastic bottle for food on the road:
t.DR user

Have fun Rogueskills. Just remember: Samson Looms.

Ashes and Echoes

You're retarded. The damage is done, it is permanent. Watch what happens.

Eh, at least you'll get to miss out on the shittiest people in our nation, Oregonians.

See you anons there, may the gods favor our quest.



If anyone wants to look at the site on a satellite map you can enter the coordinates on this.

Nice work! Things are looking good so far, some of us are already on the way though most will arrive closer to the end of the month. Any questions!? This operation is a go!

The hippie movement as OP posts pictures of it was degenerate.



The green movement is rightfully ours. Our volk invented the ideology of blood and soil!

I did read it. I still don't know what spells you are referring to. Can you please give me an example?

Psalms. Psalms are spells, and some of them are meant for use as battle hymns and War rituals. I'd look up medieval warfare and the clergy's role in it prebattle, and take Codrenu at his word:

For anyone participating on the ground, please see these posts.
Also, there is a shortage of oven mitts at the kitchens, so if you have an old pare to donate, it would be appreciated.

These are the GPS coords! 44°12'05.6"N 119°13'58.8"W.
The meadow south of coords is the main gathering site.

Do you need a 4-wheel drive vehicle to make it, or can any regular sedan handle the roads?

If you want to go more than 3mph, yes, if not, no, any car should make it. I suggest getting there before the end of the month though and arriving during the day, the ruts can get BAD and you'll want to see them so you can avoid them. This might actually be why they picked the location, if it were in the coastal region, the road would be gone from all the traffic and rain, while here it should be more firm. Also, should you get stuck, you will be pulled out immediately by winch or strong back, I swear to that one.

Can anyone find information on the federal task force that runs the harassment campaign against the family? There seems to be about 40 agents based out of DC with a $500,000 budget.

Man, as someone who's done a lot, that reads like a cop wrote it. I'd honestly recommend just going and doing some without the intent of writing it up, quiet and safe place, no distractions, with a sober friend. It's a fantastic tool of meditation that can be used by ill-minded people to control others. Ultimately, you don't need to go and try to deceive to get your point across. These drugs, absent overt stimuli, help 'suss out truth' for lack of a better term. If your ideology is based on natural truth, then that will be the natural path along which the drug leads. I think the problem is that these have been posited as 'party drugs' for far too long. Acid is GREAT in a nice setting, however if you take a lot at a loud rave and you're going to become overwhelmed and vulnerable if you don't possess the correct mental tenacity. Throw motivated agents in the mix to recruit and you've got a recipe for easily-controlled and socially bound people. The point though, is that their conditioning must be maintained. I've changed many a hippie's mind over the campfire while tripping. There are even a fair amount of conservatives in the mix. I've noticed the older ones tend to be a bit better about separating politics and productivity.

All in all, I've learned a great many things from my hallucinogenic journeys, but the common factor was that I took them with the intent of contemplation and not as some feel-good. Ultimately the tools must not be blamed (lolgungrabbers), but those with ill intent. IMHO the best path here, is to simply be a leader, have good and provable truths, and pick your battles wisely. People are not so far gone as it it often said here, it's that that 'far gone' state is easier to follow at the moment.

kek, I actually have some experience with rainbow family. They showed up to my mountain town in Colorado to coincide with a small yearly music festival. They didn't show up in tens of thousands (which would completely overrun our town) but it was still crazy. They come with problems, one woman tried to drown her baby in a stream while whacked out on something. It was interesting but locals wanted them gone.

SHILL DETECTED, you know what to do.
Also I should mention that the *.mil ZOG has a team dedicated to fucking with those hippies. Also a team in the USDA dedictated to fucking with them. They enjoy propaganda in the form of a shill going out there to fuck shit up like drowning babies but not actually killing the children(yet?) it seems.
Also locals are shilled weeks in advance to be afraid of them and then nothing happens besides the occasional shit in the woods and false flaggin kikes.

Fuck you. I'll tell you this happened in Nederland, CO where I used to live. The place has a lot of generally hippies but they are not entirely fond of rainbow gatherings. I did not witness the attempted drowning event. I do not doubt it, there quite literally are a fucking shit ton of transient shitbags and addicts around that group.
GG on doxing yourself indian/chink. Timezone's are a bitch arent they? Otherwise sorry lurker :

(((associated press))) was citing this article here, where more complaints were voiced over the law enforcement presence than the rainbows.
Here is another.
And here is an article by an actual local.
Fact is, the law enforcement task force shills this shit hard so that they can keep their jobs.
Speaking of, requesting DOX of said task force.

Here's another local news source. Comments are pretty good though require approval so likely censored.

I find all this very interesting, although I have to say, you should be more strict and concerned about drug abuse in your community, if things are as you say. The immature, weak and crazy only cause more trouble by taking drugs, and even if you get rid of them, wouldn't be better if you could get those types to work as part of the group by keeping them in line? I don't mean by not allowing them to use anything, just not promoting and handing over drugs to those who are not likely to deal properly with it.

Also, you seen to be doing nothing about the reason why you are isolating yourselves to begin with. Who you are running away from are still there and WILL come after you if you ever become a threat, what about that?

Pretty much everything but plants and lsd will get you removed immediately unless you agree to go into rehab, which is offered at the gatherings by therapists, religious types, and peer pressure. I have never seen a needle at a gathering except for use by diabetics and medical staff, though I have spotted a few closet junkies at gatherings too close to the city. LSD is used as a deprogramming tool though, for better or worse. It's amazing how easy it is to redpill a libshit once they're in the mindset that everything can be questioned.
The gatherings are for gathering. That is, to meet, share information, recover from the road, and reaffirm societal values, as well as to barter resources. Everyone does their own thing once they leave. Though, I'm not confidnt that I fully understand your question.



Essential Rightist Reading List:




Sorry, I kind of time-traveled into the future where you have already managed to redpill and convert the whole movement when writing that message.

It's still a good question, though. What I meant is, how would you deal with all the degeneracy of the modern world if the group become redpilled and influent enough? How would you deal with hitpieces from the media, harassment from law enforcement, changes in legislation to make the meetings or even the very existence of the group illegal, these kinds of things. Or would you strike first?

I'm going more to experience basically the only White tribal gathering in existence than to redpill. And maybe to learn more about living innawoods. Should be extremely interesting and fun.

I'm confident that having anons on the ground at all, will assure that redpills happen. Either way, welcome aboard and as long as hou bring something comfy to sleep in, I'm sure you'll have fun.

I thought you were the OP, I'm talking to him in my first post (>>10141495), he is talking about reclaiming the movement.

From what I have seen, the group has a low online presence, low media presence, no concrete leadership for law enforcement to target and has been dealing with law enforcement, forestry and other groups since inception.

It's resilient, not bulletproof. I'm not sure converting or co-opting the movement would be possible, at least not from one attendance. Converting members, sure, it's probably why the Hara Krishnas attend. Planting seeds, user, at least that's how I view it.

As stated, there is nothing the zog can do about this group. It's withstood everything that has been thrown at it, and the feds know not to push them too far because #1 it is an army without fear, and #2 Shooting hippies is the worst press imaginable.
Beyond that was covered by
Speaking of.
But damn close.

Let's put things in perspective, the movement is already redpilled to a large degree and was founded by volkish types and vietnam veterans. Our objective is to fan the flames of the smoldering embers that already exist more than start a new fire. That said, the more volkish ideology and influence of old aryan traditions and lore, the more pride for our people we can raise, the faster things will take off on their own. Remember, the moment we all swallwed the redpill, the rest comes on it's own, by our own research.

Anons are on the way! Others have scheduled their arrival. THIS IS HAPPENING!!!


This is fucking retarded. They were always commie fucks.

The feels are coming. More anons are on the way.

That first one, gave me chills. Although I know it's totally true as I too am without a modicum of fear. Keks at the second point.

I do.

There is nothing scarier to the jew than a free white man.

And that's why they do everything they can to keep us from freely assembling.

When I learned that the Feds harass these gatherings yearly with overreactive force, it become blatantly clear this is the reason why.

Anons incoming! Last chance for anyone else who wants to help, get moving!

For anyone arriving at the gathering, be on your toes and keep your car completely legal. The (((feds))) are issueing frivilous tickets left and right and have already shot a family's dog in front of two small children and their mother, because he was off of a leash.

Fuck, my tabs are out of date.

Uhhh what is this referring to?

The feds are giving out frivilous tickets and set up a temporary kangaroo court explicitly for rainbow family, so they can give jail time for traffic tickets and not offer probationary sentences. The family has set up a team of attorneys to fight every charge, and the majority get dropped. It's a mix of harassment and theater to justify their budget. This is something that I wanted everyone to see, and see how to deal with it, we're all going to be getting this treatment soon, or worse.

Another post made reference to a shuttle going to the gathering. Know where it is and if it's outside the LEO's zone?

the hippie movement died out a long time ago, friend.
the hippie movement was almost entirely driven by the US/Vietnam war draft, and that only occurred for two years–1969 and 1970, for drawings that were done in 1970 and 1971.
there was a few other counterculture groups around and they all kinda intermingled for a while, but the draft was the main motivator.
the observed proof of this was that after 1971, the huge gatherings didn't happen anymore.

hippies were 100% guys, and only guys who were draft age during 1969-1970. nobody else is, or can be, a true hippy.
the girls who took to the fashion were just along for the ride (or following their boyfriends) since girls were exempt from the draft.

most things that hippies did were directly tied to trying to avoid the draft.
the reason they wore silly clothes was to try to appear mentally unstable
the reason they tried drugs was because back then tobacco and alcohol were the only two socially-acceptable drugs
the reason they advocated "free love" was because a guy would take off running, and his girlfriend would decide not to go with him–she'd stay at home.
the reason they moved to communes (where they lived on somebody else's farm and did farm labor for room+board) was because the draft board couldn't find you if you had no address of your own
the reason they disparaged capitalism was because they couldn't have normal jobs; the draft board people came around looking for people who hadn't signed up, or who had not reported after being called

the reason they studied communism courses in college was because they hoped to get rejected due to having "anti-American" sentiments
…and even better than that…
a lot of college students thought that having gone to college should totally exempt them from the draft; they felt that they were "too smart" to be mere soldiers

when the draft wound down, most of those ideological hippies came back home and resumed normal lives–insurance salesmen, accountants, etc.
and a major reason the draft was discontinued, was the very poor opinion of draftees by the military.

Well, this IS a valid argument. Don't use good steel for making nails, as the Chinks say. I did a short stint myself, and while the officer class has to be on top of it's game, an IQ above 115 is wasted on the common grunt, as harsh as that sounds. Many, MANY good men died in Vietnam for… for what?

Shuttle usually refers to vehicles going either to the parking areas and back, or to town and back. Your best bet is to get new tags. could try fake ones… but risky
LEOs are harassing family inside the meadow! Making any arrests they can. They are severely outnumbered though, 15,000 vs 30. Watch them like a hawk.

Another redditer who could not be assed to read the thread. You have to go back.

kek pls

See ya tomorrow!

OP here, on the way!

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wtf is this? Horrible bot? You cannot have our tapestries!

week 1 bump /r/ing after action report

So the clergy were the propaganda department.


Updates incoming, anons on the road. Things could have gone a lot more smoothly. many had transportation problems, myself included
Planning for Colorado operation will begin after the ARRs come in. Colorado gathering will likely happen between august 7th-20th.

I and another user arrived from my neck of the woods on the 28th. We tried, and failed to meet up with others for 3 days. I assume that they either where not there or else didn't see our messages on the info board. After awhile I did run into 3 other anons for a total of 5 of us. I suspect there may have been others among the crowd however I was not staying at Kamp Kek during the day and only dropped in a few times during the evenings. Had several good conversations however I spent most of my time healing & spreading the green pill.

I don't believe I made (knowing) contact with hippy maffia user nonetheless I am cultivating great relations with the family, young and old. Despite only having gone a couple of years my presence was most noted by several of the elders and the younger one's are often enraptured by my presence and power as well; so all is good and in order.

I am still on the road, this is the first time I've gotten net access since I left prior to rainbow. There is no foreseeable end in sight at the moment, chances are quite good that I shall be at the Colo regional as well.


it's genius..

Evil works by turning the beautiful into the ugly. Could it not be that good works in the inverse?

charles manson was a rebel from the south, and he 2 took the hippie movement by storm

Sup fags. I heard the next phase of this thing is happening in Colorado. That's where I live, what can I do?
I used to be a hippy/stoner/degenerate and I'm tip top at powerlevel concealment, who do I need to talk to?

We have just under a month to prepare. It will likely start around the 10th of August and go on for a bit more than a week. We'll have more info soon, but i can confirm this, Colorado will have a bigger turnout of anons than Oregon did.
Update Incoming
Compiling reports from those who attended and those who assisted in other ways. So far, the primary points of improvement are logistics, communications, and hiding of power levels a bit better, at least thematically. Too many normies showed up at the national gathering, but difficulties were minimal… though the normies also contaminated the damned water supply and a few anons fell ill as a result.
oathmeme in honor of oathy, as he really helped carry this op on his shoulders.

traditionalism much rebel against the spirit of the age

its funny you mention this angle though
the guys on the rebel yell podcast were just talking about this a week or so ago:
how the right needs its "woodstock moment"

well that's the point:
woodstock was the moment normie/middle class kids became swept up into the culture

as dumb as this hippie reclaim idea is:
having a culturally comparable woodstock moment would be good

oh awesome: jan's got a new channel!
shame his other one got shoadown


For me, I remember looking back at footage of those times, and the overwhelming message I got from that hippie era was white people saying: "let's all come together regardless of race as one humanity and choose love over hate"
And the majority of non-whites in the world today have basically said or at least imply by their actions: "fuck you whitey"
So I think we gave them their chance, in fact we gave them too much leeway, and they threw it back in our face.
Do we want a new woodstock?
Maybe, but I would prefer a new Nuremberg rally.

contaminated water supply is easily solved by rigging up a junk still. Plans for one >>>/tok/>>1013

Is Colorado the nearest regional? We just started having meet ups here in the Carolinas and that would be a great way to network

I'll be in the Colorado area on those dates. Considering stopping by, will there be a thread on lessons learned and AAR stuff after nationals? How to find where it is? Check /tok/?


Woodstock was the moment when the kikes finally struck a serious blow to the movement. The entire event was a smassive shilling. EVERYTHING about woodstock was the work of the enemy, and the real hippies abandoned society at that point.

Thanks. Realistically though it only needed boiled… We can just keep a big pot of tea and a pot of coffee going all the time. Of course… distilled water makes better extracts, and is also safer to put in a radiator.

The nearest that I am aware of. I'm sure some will pop up on the east coast soon, and possibly california as well, but Colorado is also a good central point to focus on. It is also not far from the path of the eclipse, and after the gathering we could head north for better viewing and memetics.

/tok/ is a sure thing. It's a slower board with a lot of prolific if autistic posters and will serve as a repository for this information.

I've been reading your posts here eagerly for a while, OP. I have something I want to say to Holla Forums, but it doesn't warrant its own thread, and this thread is the closest I have seen to relevant.

I'm leaving. I have made arrangements. I'm going to spend 8 weeks in South America to receive the healing powers of a shaman, so that I can recover from living with chronic PTSD for half my life. I have a friend near where I am now, an old man with an old affiliation with the AB. He has land in the wilderness, and skills to survive there, to hung, to trap, to fish, to move unnoticed. When I come back from Peru, he's going to teach me. I've made arrangements for after all that, too. I'll be deep in the woods living a hermitage. Alone, building primitive things, letting the wild encroach upon me so that I may be strong, performing the Work of Initiation in occult isolation.

I seldom post, but I bet a few of you will recognize me and remember what I've told of my story. I'm posting this not to hijack your thread, but to ask for some help. It will be four or five years before I emerge again. When I do, I will be in need of contact with good people, with volk. I would like to have correspondence with experienced men before I go, with men who can offer me some wisdom, advice, and guidance. With men who I can contact when I get back, who can catch me up on the state of the world since I will be gone for so long, who can help me continue to prepare for you know what.

Would a kind user or a few kind anons be willing to send me an email to establish a long term line of communication? Please do not waste my time. I do not have a lot of it left. Kikes need not apply.

This operation is wonderful and destined for success. I regret that I am not able to take part in it this summer. Maybe later. Not that you need my well wishes, but I do wish you fortune.

You could just acquire a mandrake root and meet us in Colorado, instead of going to Peru…

This entire thread is cringe filled garbage, so glad I left this shit board
Also hippies where always degenerates. Hell I remember George Rockwell saved one from the depths it

I fucked up the link. Here >>>/tok/1013
Also have some sample pages from a century old book on industrial processes and medicine manufacturing for joe average. Even patent medicines and how to make any of them.

Ayahuasca or San Pedro is what he's after, I guess.

A lot of Holla Forums were conspiracy stoners. Hippies are a few steps away from becoming literal NS. NS is Truth exercised. The hippy is a follower of peace and love, these things being aligned with Truth. Many will join the ranks if correct pressure and information is applied to them.

Well I live in South Carolina and the eclipse is happening right over my house literally plus I have a job so I whont be able to.make that happen, I guess I'll just keep doing the Holla Forums meets for my area

godspeed user

Regionals across the country should pop up over the next month or two, for all of the family returning from the anual gathering. I'll post up if I hear anything about the carolinas.
Nationals didn't go as smoothly as planned, but many redpills were dropped. The overall turnout was half of what was expected, for regulars and anons alike, and some failed to meet up in the chaos, and others were unable to reach the destination of the gathering and congregated in small groups with other rainbow family and travelers/wandervogal. Many redpills were dropped, and our local autist, Mr OathsVoid of all people, seemed to carry his weight with maximum autism and tenacity as always.
A small temple space to Kek/Paqua was established, redpills were spread, and those who made it all seemed to have learned a lot from the experience, as well as acquiring a greater degree of confidence in their abilities.

Minor update, locations for the Colorado gathering are being scouted and compared as we speak, main problems being a good watersource and proper distance from a major city. We should have a location before August.

Anyone willing to help compile some quotes from Miguel Serrano for redpilling the more religious hippies?

Read up on Neil Young and his experience at Kikestock.

I was loosely using the term "esoteric hitlerists", meaning edgy / fringe stuff (bands like early Current 93, Boyd Rice, Blood Axis, PTV, etc)

the same kind of description applied to Holla Forums NEETs must not be pretty either

lol wut?

There is finally a meeting happening to decide the location of the Colorado Regional today. With a bit of luck, it will be decided soon. There will be an update when the information comes in.

FFS these hippies are like ents! Today they managed to decide that they must come to a conclusion on where to hold a council meeting, in order to hold a council meeting to decide where the location for the gathering should be at.

Lol I come back to Holla Forums and threads like this have 600+ replies.

The Hippie Movement is what enabled the Anglobitch.

Have a bump

Have an update.
Scouts are on the ground for the Colorado gathering. They're mostly scouting the northern regions of the state. One scout group contains /ourguy/ and is feeding me updates as they come.

So how did nationals go?
Is the user who started this still around?
What happened to /tok/?
And does anyone have a copy of the 88 dreams of kek?

Hippies die on DotR. Period.

Disregard these last two points. I am apparently just retarded at typing. >>>/tok/389
That's me.
Could have gone better. Communications were an issue (radio for next year.) but most problems were due to the normal hazards of Nationals, being yuppies and scenesters and issues with management for the gatherings. Half of the water supply was contaminated (idiots didn't follow regs and tapped the creek instead of a spring) so 1/3 were ill. Primary success was from simply meeting up and general redpilling. I'm personally responsible for much of the rough sailing though, as I was stranded in a desert and failed to make it… although I was stranded with several scouts for the Colorado region and made some very redpilled connections, and even convinced (rather easily) these scouts that the world would be better if Hitler had won. The best redpills involved the Artaman league and the anecdote that the Reich had created free lodges for travellers across the nation so they could have basic comforts on their quest to see the beauties of the world.

How many anons are planning to attend Colorado Regionals? Trying to plan for this.

When and where, exactly? Can't commit to anything if I don't know how to get to it.

You 2 should honestly feel ashamed of yourself for bumping this.

We're going to awaken the memory of the racial blood and there's nothing you can do about it!

The Colorado crew really takes their time… The next meeting is on the 12th. Somewhere on Pikes Peak They best not make it too close to the eclipse or it will be a total bust…

Yep. Gonna be 1k+ miles from colorado on the eclipse

No, friend. Far away wars and multiculturalism at home are the ingredients of peace.

How in the fuck is this shitty thread still alive?
Hippies are gay.
Hippies always were jew-toys.
They are Boomer-Tier as fuck.


Colorado gathering should be happening between the 14th and 20th of this month, according to /ourguy/


Except Weev's eyes are even crazier.



gathering is from the 22nd to 27th

Colorado gathering is pretty damn far innawoods on the border with wyoming. A good hour and a half + northwest of Walden. Detailed directions incoming.

Hippie, Yippiy, faggots, what does it matter what they call themselves? They give up technology and human advancement to fuck trees. Plus, even if its all whites, I imagine that these communities are a magnet for the wilderness-degenerate, who needs to justify being a smelly dirty faggot and treefucker by serving mother nature. Keep these drags out of the natsoc movement, I say.

I guess I should not be surprised. We see this sort of thing happen all the time. It's the same reason why normalfags have such a hard time grasping that the gun doesn't kill, it's the person that pulled the trigger.

Colorado light line for directions to location. 3034714469

Millennial here, don't know much about hippies but…

It seems to me that the 'SWIPL' types are a more modern version of a hippy.

You know the sort of people that:
-Reject ZOG industrial food and eat only locally-produced organic.
-Often are vegetarian (like Hitler) or vegan.
-Often into hiking/surfing/running/etc
-Often interested in Buddhism/Paganism/Wicca/Other vague 'spiritual'-ism
-Often sheltered from 'diversity'
-Almost always blue-pilled

The stereotype is that of an upper-middle class liberal that can afford to live in a nice White area and enjoy organic food and herbal tea.

Compared to that, actual hippies seem like dregs of society that can't afford the sheltered SWPL life. Not sure if hippies are worth the effort.

You're talking about Hipsters and Yippies. Please read the thread.

I throw myself before the court of board opinion, gas me if you must.

I'm from Colorado and I have engaged in more than my fair share of "dude weed." I think this is an excellent idea. It was during this time that the prodding problem of jewish influence began to rear it's head. If you can find what sticks for that particular person, whether it be the ship ledgers that prove jews were in control slavery or their control over corporate pharmaceuticals. It well be a compounding problem until there is no denying the truth of the situation. Drugs would very much be on the agenda in a Natsoc society. MDMA was developed in Germany before it was stole after the great war, and amphetamine inhalers allowed the soldiers to engage in the blitzkrieg like never seen before. What we require is a cultural tradition to use these things properly. The degeneracy is in the application not the medium, jews well poison any new technology they can get their hands on.The example of north American Indians engaging in ape level cannibalism and human sacrifice is a failure of their people not the use of substances that Europeans similarly consumed in their infancy. I completely gave up cannabis because it was interfering with my study of these things on the academic level. I want to develop new, better, safer drugs for the betterment of my people. The concept of Nootropics and SARM's well likely play a stronger roll than any of the psychotropics. I love drugs and I love my people, more than I thought I ever could with the modern brainwashing.

I think a really good point was made about the summer of love. Like with colonization bringing actual civilization to these ingrates. Although it was never ultimately sustainable, they got their chance at peace. It's time to make them pay for not taking it.

Wanted to post with a picture of Anton Köllisch but couldn't find one perhaps because he died in the war.

This is a great album of garage rock and psychedelic from the time period.

having grown up in the SF area among real hippies from the 67 summer of love including its founder and many surrounding him, i can say first hand you BETCHA the hippie movement was invented and manipulated by kikes, hands down. even the cia got involved.

to understand the full kikery of the hippie movement, all one really needs to do is listen to the lyrics of the song "My Brother Esau" by The Grateful Dead, whose members Ive known and played with for many years.

remember Esau is another name for Edom, Jacob's brother

>torfag claims to be (((other drummer))) from the grateful dead…
Nobody liked you.

So how would one even get there if he had to take a bus or train? Any way to organise a carpool from fort Collins?

I'm still in Carbindale if anyone happens to be driving there and is willing to help me out

As long as you can make it to walden, someone would pick you up from there. People have to go into that town from the gathering site for groceries and supplies if nothing else. so pretty much just hang out at the store until you see hippies show up.

huh, i guess they like their tricks


In thanks for anti-slide bumping, I give update.
Colorado gathering is going strong despite being on the edge of nowhere at an elevation of over 9000ft! Several hundred have shown up so far, no count on Holla Forumsacks as of yet, though a decent number of redpilled diaspora.

Well fuck.

Fuck the Hippies
They are the exact reason why we have today's problems

If you sincerely believe that, your understanding of the mechanisms of history is complete shit. Fuck off back to T_D

1960's hippies didn't care about ZOG or whites.
At least a third of the hippies were Jews. They were just a bunch of druggies that didn't want to be arrested anymore so they formed communes.

discord .gg/Va3tTFv pepe discord : )

Prabhupaba was in fact based.

There's something to be said for this thread.

Yesterday, in my thoroughly pozzed west coast college town, I was in the co-op and saw a beautiful "hippie" chick: light hair, blue eyes, no makeup, natural fiber clothes, with 4 or 5 children.

She aligned with biological reality and wants the best for her kids. She's living the 14 words, even if she might never have heard of them.

Permie crowd might be the closest thing to modern american lebensreform.

This is what I am referring to - Your Salinskian Hippies - Those are the hippies

Those 1960's era hippies and yippies that are still alive are the ones that are teaching college students how to be a 'Progressive,' if you haven't noticed. They are our institutional professors. They are the ones that our young ones look up to because they seem older and wiser. Their word is Gospel to these college students.
Ever notice that you can fail an exam if you disagree with the professor?


Good stuff, hippieanon.

Operation Bifrost log, day 60

The rainbow trail has again made a turn for the solo traveling. There is promise of another regional gathering upon the next fullmoon I am trying to track down now. I have rode with family since the nationals, mostly. For a few hundred miles between a few gathering sites I hitched myself. Mostly on my journey this season the pills where more green than red, though I still obliged when possible.

I'm keeping my ear to the ground though autumn is falling and usually folk start to settle in, at least till spring. (At least I've always lost the rainbow road over the winter before.)

It's pretty hard to say how many folk I had deep and lasting interactions with where NatSoc Wizard tier or not but the one thing that is for certain is that the amount of respect and honor I am given by the family has deepened greatly with my services. I await our side Rainbow Illuminati gatherings once we have enough initiates.

Good god, just look at those digits.

Hail brother.

The day of which you speak fast approaches. There will be a time of deafening thunder after which the powerful will be laid low and their abused citizens raised into the light of truth, blinding and painful though it may be to they who have long dwelt in the liar's caves.

Listen for the sign and ready yourself. 2020 will be one hell of a year.



Well, it's over now in CO. There will likely be a few regionals across the country over the next month or two, but everything dies down during the winter. Perhaps next year we'll be better organized, if the DOTR doesn't come first.

very jealous that i didn't have time to trek from Iowa for that meetup at least I had time to travel and see totality

Why not have some winter gatherings in Florida?

Wants me to bump this thread.

The hippie movement is just a poor American ripoff of German naturalism that existed for 100 years before it.

The German movement morphed into the Wandervogel, who were like the boy scouts, but youth-led rather than being patriotards led by old pedophiles. They were also sometimes anti-Semitic while the hippies mostly turned into good goys.

Guru Prabhupada made them into conservatives with his Krishna movement for a while, and even somewhat wise to the JQ and race. But the Jews literally assassinated him and even censored his Bhagavad Gita translations, leading to some Jew-wise splinter groups and then a mass of mainstream brainwashed Hare Krishnas

You're mixing up the wandervogel with the artaman league, user. The wandervogal were what we now just call travellers. Other than that mixup, all is true… though has already been stated.

Florida sucks… but there is a decent presence. Sadly, it's also one of the most corrupted presences. Not by hipsters, but by scum in general. The rainbows have been forced to be violent there on many occasions and have even been shot… of course that led to brutality that would even make niggers cringe.

Any news? or was that the last gathering this year?

There's bound to be a couple more over the next two months, but as of yet, I have no idea where. Though, Florida is a strong possibility. Southern states in general.

Subversive kikes, everywhere you go, you fucking kikes show up.

What protesting trump supporters should have done along time ago is to dress up ass literal hippies at the clashes and protests. That way when the ((media)) reports normies will see masked antifa dressed in all black, while right wingers will appear like the oppressed side.

They will realize that the alt left is infact fascists.

Fuck you

Shill reported. antifa = communists/jacobins
Good idea still. Deadheads for trump, back to the front!

Yeah…don't think that's gonna happen with the wrath of Poseidon going on.

time will tell.

>>>Holla Forums

In my country most squatters are commie/anarchists of the worse most committed kind (see junkies who can't get their act together thus pretend to be working class warriors by never having worked,and independent but depending on society as a whole through welfare and charity)
Absolutely 0 race realists except in that they are basically like niggers only with clearer skin)
10/10 would ignore in race war and would shoot in fashy state although in such a state nobody should lower themselves to such shit

thx for the bump

Time done told. Se y'all next year.

Dubs confirm. Nothing new coming on this front til spring. There will be small meetups, just potluck gatherings for discussion, but nothing big until the thaw. Cya in spring anons, we'll be better prepared next year. and so will my vehicle.

Why the fuck do you think our teeth and bodies are made to eat/kill animals? We're hunter-gatherers by nature, hence canines.