So this came up in a thread about preserving Civil War monuments for Jackson...

So this came up in a thread about preserving Civil War monuments for Jackson, I am making this thread in an effort to not further derail the other, because preserving the monuments is still a worthwhile goal. I initially ignored "stickman" as I'm sure many others here did and wrote him off as an ignorant civic nationalist who naively believes in racial harmony. It turns out that I was wrong, he is far far worse. He is fully aware of precisely what happens to whites in countries where we become minorities and wants everyone to keep their mouths shut anyways. Something needs to be done to diminish his influence over other communities, it is clear that he is cancer of the highest order.

Hopefully an antifa guts him and then we can martyr him while putting to bed his civic cuckery at the same time.

Get out

Fuck off, retard. This isn't 2004, we're in the real world now.

Riling up antifa communities by spamming him and taunting them would probably help that along.

Reminder kike chapstick was also promoting American nationalism but his concept of it came from Hans Kohn a dirty yid.

Links to antifa communities?

These lolberg LARPers are essentially diet antifa at this point.
Don't forget he's a racemixing kike and just wants to make himself America's "Nelson Mandela" for the shekels.
In fact he's been shilling himself on halfchan lately after labeling them as "evil nazis", kek.

all of which just pointed to him being a civic nationalist before, but now we see that he clearly is aware that whites are targeted when they become minorities and wants to push towards that anyways. Its the difference between being a useful idiot for the jews and being a malicious participant in their plan.

This is the best possible outcome right now.

Is Hitler an E-celeb too you low effort faggot?

Next demonstration, just pretend to protect him, then disarm him and throw him to the wolves.

Let him preach his civic nationalism to his pets.

cucking now wont stop them from abusing a white minority in days to come

look how hard whites cucked in the "rainbow nation" of SA and they're about to get disappropriated and genocided. In fact, they've been getting murdered, tortured, and raped in droves ever since the end of apartheid.

No you are sliding other threads because the shekels must flow and you know people bitching about something being removed which they cannot stop is easier to manage than the meme-factories churning out anti-matzo in energetic (read useful) threads.

I'm sure he knows this too since he even mentioned Western Europe, he just doesn't give a fuck because his kids aren't white so it won't effect them.

List these other useful threads you're worried about being slid.

His HAPA spawn will be beaten to death by niggers all the same.

Niggers will be the least powerful group if whites lose all power, if niggers weren't such retards they'd be doing everything within their means to keep the country mostly white.

Hey if this faggot wants to go around putting tires on niggers necks and lighting them on fire then who are we to stand in his way

Best possible ending.

This guy is actively causing damage to our cause. He should not be ignored.

Niggers are ALREADY the least powerful group in the country. They went whole hog on the democrat train and vote like 90% democrat so they have no credible exit threat. Therefore, the democratic doesn't have to, and in reality does not, give them any of the stupid shit they want.

The modern democratic party is the party of white cucks and spics, because whites and hispanics actually have a credible exit threat(ie they can turn to an alternative).

Didn't mean to go all "democrats are the real racists", but whatever.

He's right though. The way to kill e-celebs is to ignore them.


He is not just an e-celeb, though. He was one of the organizers of the recent Berkley protests, iirc. He is actively trying to stop white nationalists from organizing in meat space.

Niggers are low on the totem pole right now but I wouldn't call them the very lowest as they can still use NAACP shit to get their way on some gibs. For instance they have an easier time of getting into college than spics do, though spics can score lower than whites and still get in niggers can get away with scoring even lower than spics. If whites are gone and democracy is still shambling along that spic majority isn't going to be focusing on their gibs, they'll be focusing on improving things for spics and niggers will just get table scraps incidentally. If whites are gone and things are anarchy niggers will be a mere 15% of the population(this has been static for decades), are complete shit tier at planning, can't cooperate with one another, and would get completely fucked from all sides in a race war, doubtful they'd be able to hold any territory at all.

This. Radicalizes the aut-kikers, gets rid of a problem, and gives antifa more bad >muh PR.

Kyle fucked up with that comment, he's actively threatening whites who want to stay white with violence
Fucking freak.

Imo they are worse than antifa. Antifa is overt, whereas these freaks are covert, subversive, and pretend they are on your side until it comes down to what really matters. Traitors before enemies.

Are you fucking retarded? Is that why nigger "culture" gets pushed as the predominant one by the kike media? Is that why niggers are basically given impunity to commit crime(google Ferguson Effect)? Is that why niggers are allowed to destroy this country but whenever whitey so much as thinks something bad he gets fucked with?
Is that why niggers have entire institutions like ACLU, SPLC, and NAACP dedicated to promoting them but there is not a single pro-white organization or institution - because they are not allowed to exist?

Nice reddit spacing too, alt-kike scum. Get killed.

This. This is a good post. I like this post.

The only real issue that I see with relying on ANTIFA martyring him is that they're weak numales.

The culture gets pushed because it is a culture of dis-empowerment, and they are protected as such to expand that lawlessness into greater spheres of societal activity