Wikileaks Publishes Secret CIA Tools That Attacked Computers Inside Offices

WikiLeaks published on May 5 "Archimedes", a tool used by the CIA to attack a computer inside a Local Area Network (LAN), usually used in offices. It allows the re-directing of traffic from the target computer inside the LAN through a computer infected with this malware and controlled by the CIA.

This technique is used by the CIA to redirect the target's computers web browser to an exploitation server while appearing as a normal browsing session, the recent leak discovered.

Release today of CIA 'Archimedes' malware documentation includes hashes which can be used for virus detection

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)

"Today, May 5th 2017, WikiLeaks publishes 'Archimedes', a tool used by the CIA to attack a computer inside a Local Area Network (LAN), usually used in offices. It allows the re-directing of traffic from the target computer inside the LAN through a computer infected with this malware and controlled by the CIA. This technique is used by the CIA to redirect the target's computers web browser to an exploitation server while appearing as a normal browsing session," the press release read.

The previous batch of the documents called The Scribbles was released on April 28.

On March 7, WikiLeaks began publishing what it said was a large archive of classified CIA-related files. The first part of the release shed light on hacking techniques developed and employed by the agency, including programs targeting all major computer operating systems.

According to the website, a large archive comprising various viruses, malware, software vulnerability hacks and relevant documentation, was uncovered by US government hackers, which is how WikiLeaks gained access to some of the data from the trove.

The "Year Zero" batch was followed by the "Dark Matter" released on Match 23. The third batch called "Marble" was released on March 31. The "Grasshopper" batch revealing a platform for building malware was released on April 4. The HIVE batch revealing top secret CIA virus control system was released on April 14.

The first batch of Wikileaks' CIA revelations shed light on a technology allowing to turn on a Samsung smart TV set's audio recording capabilities remotely which had been designed by the CIA and the UK Security Service MI5.

In March 2016, WikiLeaks published over 8,700 classified CIA documents that revealed the agency's hoarding hacking technologies and listed major operating system vulnerabilities.

On April 21, WikiLeaks presented a user guide for CIA's "Weeping Angel" tool, a surveillance program using Samsung smart TV sets.

Notice how this is being slid? Bump.

Well, the thread title/subject line is pretty crappy, but it is important.

Thanks Mendax

Isn't this the 3rd or 4th time they've released alphabet agency hacking tools in the past month or so?

are you illiterate?
in this thread

so ya… 3 or 4

Obligatory video

I was expecting something a bit fancier, like a way to bypass router security or something. This thing only works if you can execute arbitrary code on a machine on the LAN, right? Not really useful for 400-pound basement-dwellers, although I suppose it could be extremely useful for corporate moles.

Why is it that every time I see the code names these programs were given by the CIA, I automatically think they watched too much of pic related?


Fucking true, or CSI……. ugh seriously, who wastes this much time into making

This gui, I haven't read have to save it for tomorrow, but by the looks of it, they have actually wasted 6 million hours on creating their own GUI rather than just using some existing framework and focus on le hack. Sure it's handy to render on d3d surface some times for illustration purposes, but for a hack…. c'mon… No wonder this has been a costy affair. some hours on the actual malware, 6 million hours and shitloads of shekels cuz TV movies and series

Also the GUI/HMI looks like absolute
hey look the bottom right viewport there, man that's a good ol 90ies look. Reminds me when I started coding assembly and was limited to 256 colors.
YAY I shade the blues
Kill me.
Left part looks like a typical HMI in factory - the vaults, pressure and whatnot sensors

thats a vidya gaem, not the CIA hack

Get'cher guns'ere, boyos!


mods please sticky

Looks like right on cue lol

Has anyone noticed the wikileaks tweets about the french election???
Dont trust these leaks.
The alphabets outed themselves.
Marine Le Pen has no chance goyim, the (((polls))) said so.

You can always see things from an accelerationist point of view if Macron wins. Obama did more to wake up white people than Trump ever did.

D-Don't look goyim please

1005 days in faggot, have fun with the 7+ years

He's already set a bad precedent, if he wants re-election he'll have to do a lot better.

Some of the best programmers have trouble naming variables or projects due to autism or the concept itself being difficult to explain in a simple word by natural language. Because programming at an advanced level is more philosophy than arithmetic. If you look at most of the complex algorithms you'll find in research papers its mostly _v1, (_f2 arg1 arg2) and _c3:m0

Not everything is a deliberate conspiracy

Sometimes important news get few replies simply because there isnt much for the overage reader to comment on.

This. I've given shit I've programmed more "accessible" names just so that other programmers who step in can grasp it when, technically, I should've titled them something more "abstract" (generalized).

Also, if you ever hear a programmer state that:
"Now you're just arguing semantics…"
… then they're probably shit. Semantics is everything when it comes to programming.

Government contracts, user.

Intelligence officers are more like used car salesmen. Or reporters.

Because the CIAniggers making decisions are 60+ year old AARP members with security clearances? Imagine your parents laying out specs for evil hacking tools.

You dense motherfucker!

Nigger, they use .NET cancer. The image by is a fucking game.

Most of the cyber team are idiotic point and click operators who couldn't even tell you what a buffer overflow is let alone actually programming. The engineering teams can't even know most of their targets. Compartmentalization is pure cancer. It's the same as the current network engineers, they are all mindless idiots who know how to operate Cisco gear with point and click, if you ask them to do it in a terminal with commands to showcase them understanding the back architecture they no look at you like you just said gibberish.

t. looking at you

What most of these leaks have proven so far is that having a physical firewall hardware like PfSense with proper configuration would have negated almost 99% of their attack methods. So how many of you have a physical hardware firewall behind your router?

That Anti heuristic software like AVG/Avast etc are actually a attack vector rather then aid in security.

You really have to wonder why these anti virus companies STILL can't detect a file encrypting itself and not seeing the maliciousness in it. It's always been reactive rather then proactive. This is why you run a self configured daemon in linux that alerts to any sys changes.

Even the simple changes to the ARP routing scheme should be so easy to alert it it's retarded they still haven't written software that fastens sys configuration.

Literal registry changes, not alerting to this amateur cancer! Fuck winshit.

Systemd now, too.

Yeah, sorry, didn't think it'd confuse anyone. It's just a screenshot from a hacking videogame where you actually can break into LANs remotely.

Whats that game like? I know there's one or two "hacking" games and iv been thinking of giving a go.

I took the *nix pill ever since that clusterfuck fiasco. Mostly use OBSD / HBSD I rarely use Linux anymore, hoping the new VM they are coding will support linux virtualization.

Since this whole CIA tool leaks debacle i've already seen innovative methodologies popping up on HeLL mimicking some of these attacks.

As for Archimedes, there isn't really that much new information, it's a tool out of hundreds if not thousands.

Looks like they weren't even infecting Asian, Arabic, Russian or Central/Eastern Europeans versions of windows with this tool but just straight up western powers with English forms of language. Indicative that the US doesn't trust it's closest allies one bit and might even steal company secret data to enrich it's own companies, what else is new.

Overall showcases their absolute idiocy. I bet if they came across a latvian microtik router with Russian Terra TLR CPU and custom firmware they would shit bricks.

This is concerning because we don't even know what other countries intelligence services are using also.
Only the cia.

Wikileaks needs to attack more than one countries intelligence service.

Five Eyes rules the world, wikileaks is attacking the right people.


This! I've seen crap so far, and some feces too. Like scripts for opening a hole in firewall, clearly written by and for retards.

.net is so damn easy to disassemble too, and it sucks donkey dick.

t. Senior .Net Developer

Can confirm!
Leak as stated happened some time before it was announced on wiki, not specifying date

Why do the CIA niggers use windows if they're super elite hackers?

Maybe becuase they get the uncucked windows? a lot of backdoors arent errors.

nobody in the CIA can install linux lol

Because their brony contractors at Booz Allen are all mac fanboi faggots.

MD5 checksums aren't used for virus detection lol


a specific virus has a specific checksum

Fucking kill yourself.

It's true and you fucking know it. Liberal democrats turn white people into pissed off racists, Trump took that anger and turned it into votes henceforth ameliorating tensions, just like the Brexit. I don't know many people who voted for Trump who had high expectations for him in the first place. He needs to be pushed further right or off a fucking cliff, and if you disagree with that you might as well be your own worst enemy.

Oy vey, get a load of your board owner! if you don't want a kike-controlled Holla Forums. You have no choice if you have witnessed this post before imkampfy takes it down and bans me. I don't have to call him a jew, he says it himself…

As a side note: Trump's time in office hasn't been too long, but most of what he's done so far seems piecemeal.

Okay. Go live in fully accelerated South Africa dipshit. There's still white liberals there with lots of money and power. If you expect me to tolerate conditions worse than SA until all the white liberals turn into pissed off racists you can just fuck right off.


The tools for recent hacks?