What does Holla Forums think of Libertarian Socialist Rants?
What does Holla Forums think of Libertarian Socialist Rants?
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Pasty white nerd loser
SJW first and anarchist second.
Understands anarchism, makes quality videos that are well editied, not the worst person to be the biggest leftist youtuber.
However, entrneched in idpol, has very little understading of Marxism, is very hostile and sectarian (sooo sectarian) and an anarchist.
too concerned with other youtubers and youtube drama imo. i think hed rather have a shit slinging match than regularly create educating content. Too idpol for me liking aswell.
He is breedy good on piano.
He's not bad for an anarkiddie.
He's k but gives into the YouTube ownage game he decries too easily tbh
SJW idpoler and second rate anarchist.
He's ok but he exemplifies the anarchist version of someone like Jason Unruhe, a total historical reenactor except instead of Mao and Stalin it's the CNT-FAI or IWW.
Basically this, if he kept to making videos talking about theory (like the Left Libertarian did) and if he did not constantly talk id pol and start drama with other youtubers I think he would be a much better youtuber.
Go to bed Adrian.
He need to buy some anti-acne cream, immediately.
obnoxious idpoler who plays a perfect strawman for the online right; he fulfils their view that the typical leftist is just a "pasty white nerd loser," to quote , so they can just dismiss him and whatever he says. a contributor to the left's image problem, basically.
Maybe book a thorough despooking to get rid of all that idpol
He's cool tbh
Seize the means of production so we can get him acne cream
m8 he's like 10x worse than LRS
He makes pretty educational videos based on capitalism and socialism but all the feminist and idpol shit are cancer
What happens when you give a Trot a video camera
Makes quality content, mostly right about stuff. A bit too 'PC' sometimes but I don't really disagree with him on anything major. I'm glad he's a strong left-wing presence on youtube who isn't a complete embarassment like Unroo.
I wish he went back to making decent content again. All his stuff these days is the youtube equivalent of shitposting.
He's a student and the quality videos take a lot of time to make.
isn't libertarian socialism just marxism?
Finnish bolshevik, democraticsocialist01 and badmouse are all better than LSR
No thanks.
DemSoc01 makes some pretty poor errors in logic and argument when responding to the YouTube right, but otherwise he makes decently informative videos. He needs to work on his production value, though. BadMouse has been killing it tho.
A spectacle faggot whose videos I can't watch without getting triggered by their *person says something*, "haha i can't even soo stupid" point-by-point format.
Chomsky ain't a Marxist and neither was Bookchin.
Bookchin was also horribly theoretically confused.
yeah muke, but you understand neither
He's shit.
His videos on American Imperialism are fairly good I guess
LSR is LITERALLY an aspie.
Am I the only one who knows this?
That explains a lot. He was very butthurt when Rebel used autistic as a playful insult in a video, and didn't realize it was not aimed at people on the spectre.
I like him tbh. I don't know why this board likes to bully him. He's pretty good, especially for new leftists, kinda like Chomsky except he's pretty explicitly geared toward answering newbies' questions. Of course some of his anarchist criticisms of other leftist sects get a bit ridiculous, but that's something that you inevitably learn later.
who cares tbh. That was basically all of LL&A's criticism of him. Pretty stale.
Anyways most people on this board are probably at least on the spectrum, myself included.
There is a spectre haunting the internet… The spectre of autism!
so SJW'ism is basically autistic leftism?
He blocks Socialists that don't agree 100% with him.
I don't like him.
yes and the alt-right is autistic rightism
I like him. His thoughts of feminism are on point, and even though I think he takes the language others use a bit too seriously it doesn't kill his videos for me.
The worst part about him is that he strays semi-regularly into LARPer territory, with the whole "acquaint head with pavement" talk and how anarchists should rise up and essentially martyr themselves. I admit that it's the acne and the pasty face but I don't imagine he's at all trained or prepared to physically fight or kill anyone.
He is 7/10
he is an Idpol so you know how it goes.
all judging him does is expose their delusions to everyone else