It's your duty as a citizen you despise corporations and the corporate world

It's your duty as a citizen you despise corporations and the corporate world.

Large corporations must be considered akin to a small state, it acts in it's own interests contrary to the public it serves which is money, the corporation sets out to gain capital by any means necessary, even sometimes against the law.

The corporation is a psychopath that must be kept fearful of the public in order to be in balance with the rest of society. That is it does not abuse it's privileged charter by influencing democratic processes for it's own gain and avoiding taxes.

>>>Holla Forums

Are you serious?

Take it elsewhere.

The corporate state is coming and you will have to help contribute

Does it really matter? He's stupid either way.

Theres only one way to deal with the likes of you

Change "corporation" to "jew" and your rant would actually mean something.

No, it's true, globalism has caused Corporations to amalgamate into larger and larger multinational entities which circumvent the jurisdiction of the international community and seek to advance their own interests, you honestly should all be terrified of Google, they are chomping up every promising technology and idea in the tech industry.

Just ban corporations and distribute the wealth while we're at it :^)

>>>Holla Forums
fuck off commie, this board is natsoc not marxist

Have people seriously still not read the party programme and other books by yours truly?
You know, the guy in the lower right corner?
He too tells you to beware of international cliques of call kinds.

No you simply cannot refute me, global multinational corporations are against us all, they are against the nation state too, they hate nationalisim

Alright, what's your solution to the bad 'corporations' then?

Yeah and they're all kike run you faggot. A large corporation owned by whites wouldn't be bad.

globalism is not the same thing as 'hate all corporations' fucking retard

The International Community should seek to regulate Multinational corporations in order to minimize tax evasion and corruption.


No, even shabbos goyim work with the Jew, the 'corporation' is not a bad type of business model, it's simply a group of private owners putting in their share to invest in a high risk but also high yield business venture.

A lot of businesses however are run by greedy bastards regardless of ethnicity who want to work against the folk for higher profits, think Microsoft or Apple.

You realize that the corporation structure is what allows many people to take risks at all right? And if you don't have entrepreneurs taking risks, you invariably end up with breadlines you commie faggot.

I don't think you understand how business works, nor do you have any reason to think I'm a commie faggot.

The way corporations were first developed was through trade guilds in the Netherlands, they figured that they could minimize their losses in risky intercontinental trading if they came together and pitched in their fair share, they would receive more profit than what they started with, but if they lost their money it wouldn't matter that mich since they didn't invest too much and could try again.

The corporation is a natural development of the business world, even these corporations take risks, they just do it in a more effective way to ensure they don't lose too much money. I don't know what your beef is with "muh corporations" other than being a blatant leftist piece of shit.

The free market is the only way to ensure prosperity to the people. The government is nothing more than a monopoly on governing. All commies must fucking hang.

low effort post OP,

Corporations as a conceptual business entity are not the issue, international corporations are, and the implied internationalism of finance are. A corporation settled in the home nation should not be viewed as the enemy, but as an ally of the Organic State, because in such a State, its worst impulses will be limited and its productivity turned to the use of the people.

Hitler understood this, which is why he cooperated with and advanced the interests of corporate entities in Germany, at times Nationalizing but at times Privatizing elements of the economy. The corporation is not evil–it is a perfectly efficient mindless machine, but like a lawnmower, if you allow it to run wild, it may run over a baby.

The assertion however that we need a "international" anything to deal with this is missing the point entirely. International communities are worse than corporations. Far worse. More dangerous and more evil, because unlike corporations, their desire is not simply for profit but for hegemony.

I agree but, that doesn't mean we abolish property and think that race doesn't real

No, fuck international communities. They are worse than international corporations. How about the fucking people control their own corporations huh? Not some "appointed" international community. Fuck your globalism retard nigger