HI-riz studio future Overwatch clone?

Holla Forums what's the odds Hi-riz studio will not only make a Overwatch clone soon. But history repeats it's self and they slowly ignore Smite like they done with tribes ascend & global agenda?

Get ready for them. There are going to be a shitload now that it's confirmed OW is printing money.

There always a silverlining

You mean Paladins? Thats been in closed beta for like two years.

But Smite is their biggest cash cow right now with a decent following, not least the esports side of things propping it up.


Isn't Paladins already an Overwatch clone?
I haven't played it or overwatch so I wouldn't know if it's any good, but I do remember hearing Paladins is the least good of any of Hirez's at release games


whatever happened to the one Bethesda was making?

is anyone interested in paladins beta keys? you get to give away quite a few if you have an account. fair warning though, the game is garbage.

You mean nuQuake? It's still in production.

Mind telling me more about it?

wait you mean it has released?

I wanna fuck that elf.

And by this I mean why it's garbage, not market the game to me

Not meme enough.

It's a very moba-ass take on TF2 to the degree where you have the league of legends bushes that you can hide from the enemy team in. Most of your skills are very low impact save for escape abilities, and it takes quite a while to kill anyone. Think Super Monday Night Combat. Additionally, you equip cards to your heroes, stuff like "basic attack slows by 5%". They come in various rarities, and need to be unlocked to use. It's quite shit to have to grind to have the optimal loadout imo. The characters, abilities and maps are all quite bland as well.

I liked MNC. Maybe I should give this one a shot

Use one of these or reply with a throwaway email. These should all be valid, iirc you enter these into the launcher after downloading and signing in with a hirez account.

Paladins is developing nicely, its a long way away from formal release but Smite started off as garbo but turned out to be the best MOBA on the market. People talk shit on it because Blizzard literally blinds people to anything outside their protective bubble. Paladins doesn't treat you like a retard who can't aim by making the hitboxes double the size they should be, this alone makes it a better game to actually play.

The card shit is so weird since they revamped it quite a few times, its a unique twist that lets you mess around with play styles. If it gts balanced properly it'll be a strong selling point of the game. Optimal load out means fuck all right now though, their used to be a ton of must have cards due to them adding dmg n shit but hirez took em out and then build those cards straight into the characters abilities. Default loadouts are more then enough right now and getting the cards is pretty trivial. You either get em randomly from lootcrates you get for leveling up (no level cap so infinite grind if you're into that) or just buy them straight out with gold. So on a brand new account you could have all "optimal" cards relatively quick if you wanted em.

I wouldn't play it now unless you're into playing betas that goes through heavy changes, I expect it to have medium success on PC and huge success on consoles like smite does due to same F2P model as smite (pay one fee get er thing unlocked) has found so much success in.

I have a code left if someone wants to throw down another throwaway email

I would be more acceptive to smite if the abilities were much more akin to Dota's design than Leagues. I don't want low risk high reward incredibly safe abilities, I want something that will risk my hide and possibly my team's hide. I want to swap places with a unit. I want to give my health to someone elses. I want a character that only functions with a teammate, stuff like that


Right, it just has everyone move at a snails pace with no means to dodge or improve their own speed since mounting takes time and a single hit interrupts and cancels it. Cassie alone can kill most characters with about three basic shots and its far from difficult to land them.

So any assassin.
Just play Ymir are throw walls wherever. Or use Sylvanus and drag their tank into your team.
Basically Sobek's charge and pluck. Chiron has a similar thing to a much lesser degree.
Aphrodite? Awilix can roam but shes much better paired with someone else.

I can imagine the reason such things dont exist in the extreme is because it can lead to people being cunts. Theres already gods that are considered troll picks just because of what they can (or cant) do.

But most of those mechanics are in the game in some form already as the other user said.

And for the record league used to be all target abilities with very few skill shots its only the last few years they've changed that philosophy. Although Smite is taking their philosophy of releasing obnoxiously strong gods and blatantly overpowered reworks that really fucks shit up.

I expect movement speed to be changed after the last overhaul they did, its a bit to weird right now. The maps are also getting some changes they'll tighten things up too so that'll help a bit as well. Game has a long way to go but its already more entertaining then the competition at the moment. God knows what it'll be like when it actually reaches open beta/release.

Cassie isn't even the strongest right now, Pip is down right retarded strong with highest sustained damage that comes with no real risk.

Arrow juggling is fun as fug tho

no, there was another one they showed for like a minute at least years' E3.

He meant a risk without having to be a retard like pulling the enemy tank or being a Loki main.
I miss that old mindset that made Ymir and Anhur, the one that made Oldin too.
Aphrodite would fit his needs years ago, before they buffed her to do well on her own.


Tumblr, leave.

Duke doesn't even work there anymore. I have him added on steam though

Erez needs to want GA2 to happen for it to happen, and that man is as fickle as he is made of money


I enjoyed MNC. Its the only TF2/MOBA hybrid I ever liked, and it came out a long while before the TF2/MOBA hybrid fad even started. Its a shame that it faded away while Overwatch was the one that became popular and spawned clones.


They change the games ui to look like overwatch recently in their latest update.

Chasing the Blizzard audience is a fool's errand. Their games all network to one another nicely, have huge playerbases and dedicated support for decades after release. DecadeS, plural.

I wish companies would copy Blizzard where it matters; making good replayable games, generate real goodwill to your consumers, support your fucking products after launch & and try not to gouge the fuck out of everybody.

