The Battle of New Orleans
So it looks like a battle is going to be happening on the 7th of May. A shit load of people from all over are heading down to NO to battle the red scum. I didn't see a thread on it so I made one.
The Battle of New Orleans
So it looks like a battle is going to be happening on the 7th of May. A shit load of people from all over are heading down to NO to battle the red scum. I didn't see a thread on it so I made one.
Other urls found in this thread:
If it was anything else and not a NOLA civil war monument, I'd be rooting for them to get their heads kicked in.
Part of the reason I was hesitant on making the thread. Don't think I'm promoting any of those groups or people but promoting the defence of the statues.
I'll be there user. Baton Rouge fag here
Why is Stickman even showing up for this? He has no connection to the south or the civil war. Oath Keepers might just be the token boomercucks and I could live with that, although this won't bode well next time they show up to a nigger riot to keep the nogs safe from the cops.
Anons like you are fucking worthless and why the conservative movement has accomplished nothing in the past fifty years and conserved exactly jack shit. Your so obsessed with flavors of conservatism and labeling that it stifles action. You don't know a good thing when it bites you on the ass
You sound a bit like a disciple of Slavros. Are you going to tell me to read, SIEGE?
But, this battle should be fought. Carpetbaggers, Get out of my South.
Yeah, you can fucking kill yourself, cuck faggot.
Just wait for Hitler/D&C shill faggots can fuck off.
How can you divide that which was never united?
Based Stickman was never Holla Forums, just a civ/nat cuck. Oath keepers said on video that they want to beat up Nazis. Proud boys agreed with them.
What is there to divide?
They are only united with the_donald faggots like yourself.
Stickman has accomplished more then you D&C faggots
Nice discord meme.
The reason that these people who have "rose to prominence" thanks to protests is because they're just another golem.
Jews always play both sides. Jews fund antifa, Jews fund the autkike. We're supposed to "rally" around figures like "Le based stickman" civnat cuck.
The only reason stickman would be going to Nawlins to make a fuss is because he's being paid to.
I'm married to a white wife and I have two white children. I already have done more for the white race than Stickman.
Don't be a faggot make it three. Replacement levels user.
Working on it. Can't afford the third one, but that's not stopping the niggers and spics now is it? She doesn't really want the third one, but the holes in our condoms have other plans. :^)
It's really funny when silly shortsighted faggots like you comment on anything related to the various factions that are currently part of the young conservative nationalist movement. I bet three years ago shitheads like you were saying something akin to "we need to convert more people to our way of thinking." All of these faggots - and yes I'll admit many of them are cringey kekistani, r/the_donald dumbasses - are in their own disntict redpilling phase that will end up where we are. You'll notice most of them are pretty young - in their early timid twenties. Everyone has seen the liberal -> lolbertarian -> true conservative -> tradionalist meme. That shit holds true. The kekistani/the_donalds are recent Reddit, young college frat converts in the early stages of redpilling. Trump isn't going to do much, in fact that's not the question. Trump is just a stopgap; he just bought us four years of time to convert people. Stop obsessing over mug based stickman, or shit head e celebs and get out and convert on your own. Your esoteric Evola version of tradionalism isn't going to improve anyone if it's not out meeting people IRL and if YOU don't get out and convert, Baked Alaska and my based stick man WILL.
To what? Having a chink wife and mongrel kids while preaching anti-white nationalism by demanding a dox for someone because he had a Black Sun shield?
You're overthinking this. None of us started out 1488/GTKRWN/100%NIGGERDEATH, we got here gradually. They already use our memes and dick-ride us: their transformation is inevitable .
If Holla Forums sticks to it's role of psyops, intelligence gathering, and black propaganda the majority of them will be closer to our ideal than any Trump-worshiping alt-kike soon enough.
I couldn't have said it any better.
You're too dogmatic. Fellow travelers are better than outright enemies.
And remember how extreme Holla Forums-Tier views are to the mainstream. You can't expect someone to speed from normie to Ben Garrison in 60 seconds. That's not how the real world works.
I expect better from a white man.
There is a wave of D&C shills that do this any time there is somebody who does something somewhat agreeable. There is a laser focus on finding and exploiting any flaw that figure might have thereby to label them a jew. Goebbels warned against this. I'm not saying put stickman on a flag or promote his way of life, but it's pretty obvious what these shills are trying to accomplish.
E-celebs, hell, just celebs in general, want exposure, fame, and power, in that order. They are narcissists of the first order and not to be trusted without cause.
Look at the curious case of Kike Enoch: LARPing as a WN, but married to the most degenerate jew-bitch imaginable. TRSodomites were right about "purity spiralling", but that doesnt matter if you're married to some hebe-hag and your brother is a nigger.
The funny thing is, muh based stickman never wanted to be an e celeb. Holla Forums and half chan promoted him for a week straight and sucked his dick with memes and videos before he did his first interview. Where it was revealed he had a gook wife. Honestly he NEVER promoted himself. Honestly the guy is an insufferable race traitor but he didn't do this to himself. Now D&C shills punch right and try to pull the momentum out of any protest that he or other e celebs may go to. It's actually quite a smart attack vector,
Tl;dr stop over analyzing and get out there. Shows of force and numbers are needed
Current reddit memes are the starting point. What matters is us coming in with our better memes and leading them to true redpills. They'll follow purely because they wanna be a part of "the fablee anonymous". Remember how everyone bombarded halfchan because Pepe? Trump? That influx of manpower needs to be manipulated
But, as a southerner I feel obligated to support anyone who defends our culture. Long live Dixieland.
Agreed, for now we need numbers. As long as r_theDonald faggots don't begin to openly attack right (which they've been getting really close) then they can serve as stepping stones to further redpilling. The first order of business should be to defeat the communist.
What the fuck am I reading right here? Look in the corner of your screen, what do you see? This is a National Socialist board, you worthless slime.
What a disgusting faggot…
Hopefully he gets killed in New Orleans, honestly at this point I'm hoping subversive faggots like Stickman, Watson, and Lauren Southern, and Richard Spencer are killed. This is some Hegelian dialectic type shit, the civic nationalists are clearly under the thumb of the jews. The one that pisses me off the most is Richard Spencer, he's given air time on CNN, defends Israel, and promotes Hollywood films. He's clearly controlled OP.
Even traitors can be used as martyrs. Von Stauffenberg was buried with military honors.
Don't forget the kosher as fuck 3%ers
that's exactly what he's done ever since he got out of jail the first time and made a statement
e-celebs gonna attention whore
There's a lot of good 2A people out there, don't know any that are threepers or oathfags. Like any group where leadership can be invented and controlled, they're shit
So we can go back to niggers not being citizens then?
This is all correct, but I hope we can agree that shit like is unacceptable and should be criticized. Doesn't mean Holla Forumsacks should never work with the guy, but when we do we should tell him to stop attacking his fucking allies, and if he or anyone else tries to sincerely spread this bullshit here or any other place where we have memetic sovereignty they should be told to fuck off.
Is this faggot suggesting the whites will be slaughtered and have their land taken? If user goes to nawlins and this two faced cuck faggot is there, break him.
I'm just reading the second pic now and now my blood is really boiling.
Someone needs to deal with this fucker.
fucking lol
I would've given them the benefit of doubt that they're just a historically ignorant patriotard-flavored lolberg, but when they're aware of what happens when countries reach peak enrichment and still want to plow headfirst in that direction, that's when I know it's a gate-keeping traitor.
This piece of shit needs to be dealt with severely.
His children will be safe after all because he's a fucking race traitor despite knowing what's coming.
Andrew Jackson is a personal hero of mine. Trouble is I'd have to fly or drive 15 hours to make it to the battle. How can I help?
Great. So a bunch of people who are not from New Orleans are going to come into my city and stir up trouble. If you're not from here, stay the fuck out. All you're doing is making the whole movement to keep the monuments look bad by the opposition being able to point your ass out and say, "See? They need people who aren't from New Orleans! Probably paid opposition!"
We got this.
Shoo shoo jew, you're not fooling anyone.
That's the worst part. Niggers loathe mulattos more than we do, and bully the everliving shit out of them. Rice-mixed children would be a level lower than that. Asia wn't take them in, because they aren't cucked on an ethnic level. His children wouls suffer the same fate in the race to the bottom where they would've had a chance if they just came out of a white woman in the type of nation he's casting aside. Completely naive.
Niggers aren't gaining control of the US, they're only 15% of the population and can't into planning, even the Asians would be in a superior position.
No, you don't get it. This is a city thing. If you're not from here, you can't even vote for things that happens here, so you aren't part of the NOLA movement.
For example, the recent take down of the Liberty Place monument. Since you're not from here, you wouldn't have known that the LP monument was originally taken down in 1989 - so you'd just look like an idiot screaming about these monuments being part of eternal New Orleans history. You'll stand out like a sore thumb. You won't help the movement, rather you'll just make it look like some Soros-paid controlled opposition. This is our city. We'll handle it.
Good point. Good luck brothers!
Your city is full of niggers, if we just let you handle things on your own, the statues would be gone within a month.
That's what you said when the city council voted to remove the statues a year ago. They still stand. We got this.
I don't believe you're actually from New Orleans for a second. You're some Holla Forums shill who doesn't want to have to deal with larger numbers than usual. What kind of person tells their backup not to show up?
Made a thread about Chapman, so this one can stay focused on the actual monuments.
Doesn't matter what you believe. We literally do not need the backup. The last protest held at the Jefferson Davis monument to keep it up had so many people from Mississippi and Texas that the news reports could easily print that "nobody actually from here cares what happens". That allowed them to sneak in at 3 in the morning and take down Liberty Place.
If you block actual New Orleanians from speaking, then you're hurting the cause.
This makes zero sense.
Think about it. If the only people who seem to be against the take down are people who are not even from here, then they are emboldened to go ahead and take them down. We know this city and how it works, you don't. We can force a popular vote, rather than a city council vote, and you can't. We can get Liberty Place put back up, and you can't.
Running into a 68% nigger city and screaming "nigger go home" makes you look retarded - they ARE home. We, however, know that they don't go vote. Half of the dumb niggers sold their social security numbers for food during Katrina - bet you didn't know that - so they can't even get an ID to vote.
You don't know how things work here and you won't help if you flood in waving Confederate flags and shouting internet slogans.
Suck a dick you worthless cuck, the media will never be on your side. The only way we win is through sheer force of will, through superior numbers and online narrative control.
Civic cuck spotted. Niggers don't belong in America. New Orleans is not their home.
No. That will not stop the New Orleans monuments from coming down because without an actual popular vote from the residents of the City of New Orleans, then the Mayor can exercise his will. The Louisiana Constitution allows the use of the National Guard to enforce it. What are you going to do … fight the National Guard?
If you come here, you will be told to go home. Hell, it may even be me personally doing it. You won't be helping. At all.
We're rooting for you.
New Orleans is 68% black. Good luck with that argument.
Black sun shield guy was antifa tho
so he was demanding a dox of the antifa
No he wasn't you shit spewing twat.
You failed to keep Liberty Place up, instead allowing them to come in in the dead of night and take it down. Even assuming that you aren't a shill why should we listen to you when you have already failed once?
Liberty Place was taken down in 1989 and we sued in Federal Court to get it put back up. Maybe if you knew how shit worked around here, then I'd take you seriously. Go ahead and look it up.
Also, did you realize that OP is a copy/paste from Daily Stormer?
It doesn't matter. What other option do we have? Make a thread on Holla Forums where everyone checks underneath their bed every two minutes for the FBI boogeyman to organize and have two, if lucky, people show up? Those groups are lolbertarian scum who will get theirs one day, but they are still useful in organizing the fight against Antifa with us.
This is why anons accuse you of being shills.
So where you when antifa showed up the last time. Why didn't you show up then but now you want to show up when these folks are coming down to counter antifa?
He was not. Chapman and others just got pissed about him affecting their optics. If you're talking about the image in which someone with a black mask on has the sign you are clearly forgetting that several people fighting antifa had black masks on, it wasn't just antifa that had them. You also apparently failed to notice that the guy in the pic was facing the same direction as Chapman, meaning they were on the same side of the altercation at that time.
Piss off you fucking bird.
What makes you think I wasn't there?
Ok so you were there?
So? Other than harboring some suspicions about Anglin possibly being a fed I don't have problems with most of their actual content when I see people repost it.
Dixie anons, please spread these fliers to people you know to redpill them. Antifa talks a big game about how they love working class Southerners and Appalachians but will gladly take a shit on their culture and heritage to make outsiders and jewish plutocrats happy.
This is my city. I'm always there. We have open carry without permit as long as you're 21+ and aren't a criminal and I'm not going to let thugs threaten my city.
I don't understand, what are the leftists thinking here?
Seriously, pissing off and purposely enraging one of the groups most prone to engaging in collective self-defense. A group that will readily push back in the event that they're being pushed, but they're not just being pushed by the leftists here. A hell of a lot more than pushing is going on.
What happens when Milton Safespace goes face to face with Johnny Rebel in a high-tension altercation? Anyone want to take a guess?
Well from what I saw it was an effort against antifa, are you telling me people were telling those from out of state to leave even tho they were there side by side with locals?
Yes, people were telling them to leave. Go to and read any story on this monument fight. The local news is far more informative than anything else.
Just show me a link I'm not digging on the website.Also I got the article from the link I posted. I'm judging it from all the footage I saw. I think there is something like a couple hundred antifa there, what I'm getting at locals are going to need back up just so nothing gets to out of hand.
Fine, then come on down. Just don't expect me to bail your dumb ass out of jail for not knowing local laws and ordinances.
Then who are we supposed to rally behind and what are supposed to do while the country becomes like Brazil?
Good enough.
A photo-op for the marxists to put whites on a terror list? A reason to institute a federal police force?
Seems pretty obvious
This is your brain on the blackpill.
He's shilling himself on halfchan right now you faggot.
He's false flagging to get you fags to defend the aut kike.
Otherwise his comment would have been deleted like all the other endchan scum.
This thread is about preserving southern monuments, not about the altright.
Goddamn it I hate these faggots.
He posted some twitter screenshot in a thread asking Holla Forums "to take down antifa scum" for him.
Don't worry by the time this is all over it will be.
It gets even better.
Go to the thread about Chapman, preserving southern heritage is far more important than our feud with lolberg faggots.
Premium boomer material.
Anyway, who cares - I encourage everyone to be there if not for just a few hours
This is the most cancerous shit I've ever seen. By these guidelines they're totally okay with shit like and Israel.
I would love to watch these faggots be gutted by the cartels. I wonder if they think it's coincidence that the Aztecs had regular human sacrifice and heart eating, and now supposed "Catholic" Hispanics are doing the same shit in Mexico.
Folks, keep in mind that the person making the summons posted by OP is a strong pro-White Southern nationalist. Just because some kosher groups show up doesn't mean some based nationalists can't answer too.
Helpful reminder that the groups constructively criticized on this thread all qualify as Patriot movement or Alt-Lite, not Alt-Right.
This shit right here
Not only is this faggot a race traitor he's actively threatening whites who want to preserve their race and culture with violence
These alt-kike faggots want a race war they can have a goddamn race war. Fucking scum.
Fuck this guy and every faggot in this thread supporting him.
Do you have any evidence for that?
It's hilarious watching these boomers go on and on about limited government and be aloof when millions of shitskins are being imported. Individualism and self determinism are explicitly white ideals, and they cannot survive without whites, who propagate them.
They're useful idiots, once the left is defeated, then they get the boot too.
dubs of truth
There is no proof. That notion was pushed by the reddit cunts and kike chapstick.
I had no idea stickman was such a giant kike faggot. Chalk him up as yet another subverting agent of ZOG
Why would you hold your rally at the Jefferson Davis monument when the Antifa Second Line is marching from Congo Square to Lee Circle?
The Jefferson Davis monument is miles away from where the antifa march will be.
The Deputy Mayor of New Orleans has allied himself with Antifa. That's him in the passenger seat. This truck belongs to the ROTC Program at Tulane.
New Orleans has more than one Deputy Mayor.
Hold on. A cop or Deputy is not allowed to choose sides. What the fuck
The man in the picture could only be Andy Kopplin (pic), who hasn't been a city executive since June 2016. The other Deputy Mayors are black or women.
Wait, off by one. We do have a white Deputy Mayor. This fat fuck with huge teeth. That's not him in the truck.
The other two Deputy Mayors.
isn't that shit the assassins creed symbol?
There's nothing wrong with volk who are violent and not leftist queens getting a bit of a following. If it brings violence to the table, then I'm for it. Stop being a queer.
Ryan Berni is in the truck.
Lol the rally isn't even at the confederate monument? Why even do this then?
Technically the Jefferson Davis monument is a Confederate monument, but it's not the one where anitfa will be at. I agree with the other user. If you're going to be so far away, then what's the point?
The Lee monument is being barricaded.
This is going to be a big one.
Hear my anger.
Relatively small for a NOLA event, but they'll pick up more.
It's really heating up isn't it? Do you think they'll actually have the balls to try and pull it down themselves?
Not the balls but the stupidness. Stupid enemies are the most dangerous enemies for they don't know what they are doing.
I'd love to see them try. Would be hilarious. Those things are meant to last. They can't just be "pulled down". The only reason I'd prefer the city to actually remove them is because the city is actually trying to do no damage to them for two reasons:
1] A federal suit could have them put back (like Liberty Place in 1989).
2] We have a Confederate Museum and these monuments should be preserved at least for placement in the museum.
A bunch of niggers with trucks would destroy the monuments. If they have to come down, then at least let them be preserved.
Why do they have a military truck? Why don't we have a military truck? I remember just a few months ago when two southerners got arrested for yelling at niggers in their car so why aren't these fuckers behind bars?
That's a fucking deuce and a half without power steering.
Buy an old school bus for 1/2 the price and take 60 dudes with you. That deuce is a piece of shit and everyone who had ever had to drive one will tell you the same thing. Stop being envious of dog shit.
It's not really a military truck. If we want one, we can paint one up too.
It is a military truck. It's a deuce and a half. If you want one, you can get a good one for about 5k.
Or buy a fucking schol bus and carry more personnel and customize it any way you want. You can buy two running school buses for $5k.
Even cooler, buy an old RV. That deuce probably doesn't even start half the time.
Sounds like a bunch of fedora wearing faggots
Can you guys please help me phone in to the local hells angels chapters in new orleans to help stop antifa from destroying the statues
This shill doesn't want you to go to New Orleans and beat Antifa to death if you can. This is what a shill looks like. Pay close attention to his narrative: "oy vey, don't come here and actually win! The news might make you nazis look like the bad goys I mean guys!"
please go fill this out requesting that the hells angels gather in lee square on may 7th to stop antifa from tearing down the monument
No Hell's Angels chapters I know of in the area.
Sons of Silence and Banditos territory.
That ain't what he said, turbofag.
We don't need you spergs goin' full retard on us. You will be only be in the way.
We can handle the Antifa fags and the niggers, trust me
Just like you guys did to BLM in Baton Rouge, right?
I didn't change shit, you hapless fuckwit.
We don't need you down here, deal with shyit in your own backyard.
They just wish someone would give them a statue.
Kill yourself kike. Do the first and only decent thing you've ever done and save us the energy of coming to get you.
then explain why they surrounded the monument back when trump was elected?
this isnt about territory this is about protecting american history, even bikers know thats more important then beef with people, they will set aside their problems for a time to handle this
Come on.. You retarded fuckin' younguns bang a mean keyboard, I 'm here to tell ya.
Your fake country accent is literally gayer than two men fucking.
Stop trying to sound like a southerner you kike. We don't type like that.
Your thinking "New Orleans is 68% black" is an unchangeable fact to be accepted rather than a tragedy, a disgrace, and a problem to be corrected is the reason that you actually do need outside help. You have failed to solve your city's problem. You even failed to keep it from growing.
It seems like the only natural solution is illegal.
kek I think that shill was a girl and had to go hyperventilate in her safe space after a tiny bit of gore. They don't build them like the JIDF anymore, that's for sure, I almost miss those guys. At least they put up a fight.
You did good.
Isn't that run by that TRSodomite who has a list of "good jews" that he likes to show off?
Hopefully not.
oh fucking hell bahahahahha
How long before they come for my mountain? Georgia stands with Louisiana.
It's a good message, maybe just edit out the bottom if what you say is true.
I heard the kikes are eyeing taking this down.
I will drive all the way from Northern Michigan to defend that site. If I were closer, I'd be in New Orleans this weekend too.
It's bigger than Rushmore. I be wholly encouraged to join in some civil disobedience I love my benevolent overlords mr. FBI if that were the case. Aside from LOS and the SOCV are their any other southern nationalist groups?
After they break Lee they'll come for Washington. Continental solidarity brother.
*would be
They are gonna put a MLK next to it.
You're right, I don't. The last thing I want is good White people in prison, surrounded by nogs. Do you not think you will get arrested and put in prison? This is a nigger city.
Read what I wrote before you go making baseless claims.
You sound like a huge pussy.
They would. It would just as ugly as the man himself and off-center to boot. No way man, no way that's happening.
Even Hitler went to prison. This is a just battle worth fighting for. If it makes a true martyr so be it.
Then by all means, come on down. As I said before: just don't expect me to bail your dumb ass out of jail.
Louisiana puts murderers to death. If you think it will help the cause, so be it; but you won't do anyone any good by dying in prison. You'll just be another Dylann Roof.
I'm an anonymous person on the internet retard, for all you know I'm at a minimum of 15 feet from your ass as we speak.
You're a huge pussy, I expect nothing from you.
No … I'm pretty sure of everything that's 15 feet around me and you ain't there.
You sure you're sure?
Look out your window user
Yes. I'm extremely sure. Well, unless you're 15 feet below me, which means my downstairs neighbor is very confused as to why some stranger is in his apartment.
If you're outside my window, you're floating 3 stories in the air above a hotel.
It's a ghost user. It's come to haunt you for discouraging fellow soldiers to come and fight
I wouldn't call him that.
In this city, a ghost wouldn't surprise me. What with all the voodoo and all that mess.
Hell, let 'em get a stay at Central Lock Up.
Spergs gonna sperg.,they are like niggers in that regard.
the wannabe good ole boy is back
So, how many of you ITT are actually coming to New Orleans? Or are you all just talk?
Take your thorazine like the doctor told you to, sonny. user also forgot to tell you drooling morons about those NOPD cops, they are as crooked as a dogs hind leg.
But hey, bounce your bad asses down here and find out for yourselves.
Sorry, I don't speak yankee.
Please stop, noone talks like this online regardless of where you're from.
The NOPD is extremely corrupt, to be sure; but they have had federal watch dogs and a constant LSP presence since Katrina. So, it's not just the NOPD they'd be facing, but State police and Federal police. It's a mess down here.
Niether do I, hoss. You are very fluent in stupid, I'll give ya that.
Stop intentionally speaking stupid you inferior breed of human being.
Take your meds, boy . They give 'em to ya for reason.
Just a lotta talk. I'll be there, I'm only a little over an hour's drive North of you.
Israel is on the other side of the globe user.
More like Proud Goys
Hello again. Did you enjoy your breather in your safe space?
You ought to know, Shmuley. How is the weather in Tel Aviv ?
Take your meds, please.
Up near Abita Springs/Covington? I head up that way sometimes to hit a couple antique shops, but I don't really like crossing the lake.
Kike argument.
Because they get state funding.
Their leaders do, the idiot kids don't, thats why they have to buy their shitty clothes and signs themselves. Which also makes it look less like an "army" or that their is a big brain behind it.
They come up for sale all the time. Camp Shelby had an auction not too long ago. My boss bought 2 of 'em, a Humvee and some trailers.
Well niggers, get hot right on it and get us a Holla Forums truck. Unless if you goys want to enforce the stereotype that we do nothing.
Don't write all of their members off. Some will eventually see the light. Expose these people to Molyneux.
What a waste of hitler trips.
You cannot have a minarchist government with a white minority population. It just doesn't work. Molyneux has plenty of materials on this, which is why I recommended spreading his videos to these types of people.
Stop shilling, fag.
He's a fucking fraud you moron. He says whatever will get him views and donations.
Molyneux is pretty much the best person to send lolberg types to because he does a good job of putting forward the case that lolberg policies can't work unless the population is white.
They can't work regardless but saying that just makes the lolbergs start screeching autistically
And you can't do that?
Tell that to the large number of ex-libertarians WN who post on Holla Forums
Even if he's not being sincere, which I very much doubt, he's still producing some of the best red pilling material available.
How much is he paying you?
This is so, so very correct. You fags don't get that 14/88 Holla Forums tier fags make up about 5% of the spectrum of conservatism, if that, but a huge swathe are highly amenable and are already in the slow, painful process of being gradually red pilled. When I was a teen and first saw Holla Forums shit on cuck-chan I was shocked and steered away from it do to how I had been conditioned all my life, but gradually I acclimatized, looked at, and began my red pill regimen. You can't hate on or pressure other conservatives to jump into an "extreme" and socially unpopular point of view. You will just freak them out, alienate them, and give leftists more ammo against us as you disempower your own message and are increasingly excommunicated from these kinds of events by normie cons.
If you fags seriously start harassing and shit posting or talking on other young conservative men who are willing to go out in public and battle with antifa and other communist shitlords, you are going to make a colossal fucking mistake. Likewise, if you run out in the open at these demonstrations in full nazifag regalia with 14/88 swastikas and shit everywhere you will only cause the leftists to scream about how right they are, forcing the other right wingers to ostracize and eject you, before the ((media)) can pounce on it. DO NOT prematurely ejaculate all over this by nazifagging too hard IRL anons, we are making huge gains, and looking like the good guys right now. The bickering, LARPing, "what to do with such and such group of people" shit is cancer, because those are discussions and debates we need to be having YEARS from now after we actually have gotten somewhere. The only shit that matters right now is fighting the good fight in the streets as based, edgy normies, and online red-pilling the shit out of people clandestinely.
Look at the Battle of Berkeley a couple weeks back, fucking perfect. Plenty of Holla Forumsfags showed up but all played it cool, LARP'd as normies, while trolling the shit out of antifa with memes, causing them to get aggressive and stupid, causing them to get their asses kicked while also looking like the bad guys. Fucking perfect execution.
We are winning right now faggots, if the Holla Forums and /new/ type fags 10 years ago could see us now they would literally shit themselves in disbelief at how far things have come. We're not going to get another chance after this, this time is for all the marbles, don't fuck it up by pushing the envelope too hard, too fast, don't try to force redpills, let it happen naturally, and don't fucking alienate your brothers in arms who aren't as far along as you. They need guidance, or at worst, ignore and tolerate them until a later time when we actually have problems small enough for that shit to matter. The reason antifa is getting shit-canned is because they, themselves attack all but the most psychotic of leftists, thus driving everyone towards the center and farther right. Let them fuck themselves over, and learn from their retarded mistakes. They have the power of the establishment on their side, we don't.
Nobody's going to read this post, btw.
That already exists you idiot. It's called the FBI.
This. As soon as lolbergs understand that liberty, free markets, etc. are an exclusively white cultural phenomenon and the only way to preserve it is through securing the existence of white people and a future for white children it is a small step from ancap to 1488.
I can't stomach talking to lolbergs for more than a few minutes really.
That's because you're a little bitch.
Call me a bitch all you want even communists are less annoying to talk to because they run out of talking points within a few minutes whereas lolbergs will just drone on and on.
What the fuck do you think I've been doing?
Keep going autist.
thats where you were wrong turbo nigger
theyre still cucked, but to be fair im sure the three percenter movement started before that game came out. the game that totally shitted on the epic redpill that AC was supposed to be…. then karl marx became an ally… thats how you know the jews got threatened by what this game showed the goys, they shut it down but thats a whole nudda shoah that not for now.
The Night of the Long Knives comes after, you stupid fucks. Right now we need bodies.
No, it's because lolbergs are stupid fucking faggots who are nearly as bad as cuckservatives.
I would rather talk with a commie than a lolberg. At least the commie will make me angry whereas the lolberg will just bore me with his abject stupidity and counterproductive moral pieties.
we are NOT Facebook surfing normalfags, you fucking faggots need to get this Info to us ahead of time.
I would have shown up with a CSA uniform and saber to beat commies. Fuck.
You still sound like an unpleasant whiny person who no one would want be around regardless.
Says the bitch nigger who's only posted to call worthwhile posters faggots.
Good luck Glorious Southern folk. May ANTIFA finally cross the line and either get the terrorist watch list or the rope. As usual I'm praying for the latter. Keep us posted here, stay safe and don't forget when the time finally comes to Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed
When you isolate yourself from every imperfect ally, and you, and you alone, stand against the endless hordes and all their corrupt institutions – you win.
No more than two years ago, I would have considered myself a civic-nationalist in vehemently opposition to any flavor of ethno-nationalism. Needless to say, I've since been jolted from that position, wholly. Don't be so quick to cast off CNs, they're just stumbling upon one of the many stepping stones that'll only lead them here. Stickman might be too far gone, though. He has too much investment, including his own blood, in multi-racial, anti-white interests.
Almost all of the "deplorable" types are too far gone. Basically, it's a bunch of boomercucks and "dems r the real racists" types who found something to cling to when Hillary talked about the medium/far right and called it deplorable.
If she would have won, they would have clinged on to something Trump said and became retarded leftists.
The real problem with Trump winning is that everyone who voted for him has been told that they're "Nazis" and "extremists." In reality, they're just boomercucks who now believe they control a movement that's been churning for the past 30 years.
I don't think I've called myself a faggot yet.
I'd like to point out that mass killings of commies and splintered anarchists and leftists far outweigh the cons of trying to find perfect allies. While Stickman has beaten the shit out of commies, the fact he's probably is something I'm more than willing to concede. The left literally eats itself alive over the smallest things, for God sakes, look at Spain during its civil war, the commies and anarchists literally fought one another because they weren't similar enough to the other. At this point in time we don't need that and it would be disastrous to attempt the same. The best you can do is slowly push and prod people who don't fall into nationalistic tendencies over time as we always have, kill a few commies, and slowly work people towards the cause. Show them communist atrocities. Show them just how cruel they are in ruling. Make it terribly shameful to laugh about and make them laugh anyway. It's why you even see normies laughing about Hitler memes on social media shit.
Hell, people are beginning to not even be phased by cries of racist anymore. Let the left eat itself, work the newfags into something better, it all will reach a fever pitch far sooner than I sure thought. That one user talking of accelerationism was correct, ANTIFA is pushing harder and harder, the only mistake they continue to make is not realizing that people here and all over have been waiting for this. They can't wait. It's gotten to the point it sits just barely in the back of their mind. And when the commies finally pull the trigger and kill a bunch normalfags for "being evil racist fascists" in the streets, it'll finally be time. That's what the imperfect allies are for. We already have fifty alphabet groups churning shit here and in real life, we just have to make sure we are proactive and not reactive in who fires the first shot. Even if that means sneaking someone into their group to do so.
pic related
waste of trips
Just in case
Fucking kek, thank you for this fellow dixiefag
Cops/swat already waiting at Congo square
Any streams up yet lads? I was told their would be open carry, antifag, niggers chimping out and a stand down order given to the cops.
I too am awaiting commencement of streamage.
Seconding for stream
Replacement doesn't stop with with statues.
Good thing this wasn't a tattoo
Are you allowed to tie them up?
Broadcasting on and off. We need amplification. Spread this shit to half Chan wherever
Nah. It would be considered taking a hostage or whatever. It's also assault/battery. It's better to let them make the mistakes. Right now the antifa crowd is in the hundreds while our guys are less than 20 people.
Any other live streams?
user's is not working for me.
That's really disgusting. Where are League of the South? Sons of Confederate Veterans? Why are we always so few and they so many?
It's harder for us to congregate because of the paranoia. I mean, just try to make a Holla Forums meet-up. Every post after your OP will be "FBI plz". Radical Leftists are in fashion right now, but if we let them continue to make mistakes, they will fall out of grace. We have to play the long game.
I hate the black pill, and I really don't mean to spread it around. It always seems like some blue-haired dykes can call hundreds out from under the rocks yet white nationalists, hell even Trump rallies can barely break 50 at most. I know there's a rural-urban divide but seeing it on the camera's isn't good for moral.
It's organization over the internet and, in that realm, titties always win. The blue-haired dykes may be ham planet shitlords, but they have titties. Sad as it is to say in 2017: titties draw a crowd.
We could use the women on the right to start organization efforts, but there is a faction of our side that says women are only to be used for breeding and should not be community leaders.
Hunter Wallace is down there as well with the League of the South
It's important to remember good OPSEC. Remember, leftists didn't take over the government and academia and media by sperging out about ideological purity. Okay, the useful idiots and students on the ground might have, but the ones who actually got placed in to positions of power acted like your average All-American Patriot.
They would either lie through their teeth or plead the 5th while saying how this is a “witch-hunt” that's an affront to democracy.
Shifting the Overton Window is important, but putting crypto-Holla Forumsacks into positions of power is the key to long term success. So put on a CivNat face if you have to, but keep dropping low level redpills. Biting edgy sarcasm is my personal favorite way. You will be surprised at how many are open to it. The Liberal Emperor is naked and it usually just takes one person to point it out and cause a chain reaction. Also, keep in mind how fast the Overton Window can be pushed. We we from saying “gays are gross and shouldn't be allowed to marry or be in in military” in 2008 to having to having the fucking white house light up in rainbows in 2015. Real power comes from people in official positions, and once normalized, the rest of the public will usually just go along with it.
People like stickman, while useful, are faggots because they seem to spend a inordinate amount of time attacking those on the Right. It's not that people like him are shills or controlled opposition (although some are), they're just narcissists who believe that their version of libertarian kosher conservatism is the only real right-wing allowed. So if you are at one these events and you find yourself as the e-celeb of the week, or you get interviewed by blogger, or your family just asks questions about your beliefs, don't waste time firing to those on your right. If you have to, just dismiss the “extremists” with a wave of your hand, and pivot to attack the real enemy on the Left. e.g. “Yeah some kids out here with swastikas are kind of stupid I guess, but the real issue is why Antifa is allowed to violently attack peaceful protestors while the police just sit and watch. They're not only attacking us, but they so waving the Communist hammer and sickle which has been responsible for 80 million deaths, etc…
As for stickman himself, I'd really just ignore him for now. His expertise is in fending off Antifags, not as an intellectual leader.
It's not only paranoia; the concept of a meet-up is anathema to Holla Forums. Ideally Holla Forums should participate in local nationalist organisations and get involved in activism, out on the streets, etc. But as members of those particular organisations, not as Holla Forums.
lol at those guys shouting "fuck you" and "yo mama". Not productive, but funny.
The faggot with the raybans and green shirt needs his chin checked.
Yeah, he does; but that would end things immediately. Stand strong in the face of opposition.
Yeah no doubt.
No, fuck you. We're out of time to slowly bring the slow idiots to par, the longer we sit silent against those who wish us ill, or worse cuck out and work with them while keeping our traps shut will only make our work over years moot and lock the overton window onto CivNat, rather than NatSoc.
So 1 commie has already been knocked out top kek
half jews twat with biracial kids got knocked out bahahahahahahaha
I hope someone got Tin Man on video.
Is anyone there actually from New Orleans?
So was it a commie or a Trump supporter?
He said he was a trump supporter
Rewind this stream a few minutes for tin jew interview. Kek.
Huh. What an odd assortment. civnats lose again
got a timestamp?
Rewind 8 minutes
Damn. Shut down stream just before Bike Cuck confrontation.
Baked alaska stream:
He's talking to bike cuck
Finally a local!
Someone needs to tell him that the antifa crowd is starting at Congo Square and marching to Lee Circle.
Group of /ourguys/ on the move.
Any idea where they're going? Antifa's heading down Rampart toward Lee Circle. Those guys are going the wrong way.
Well, he's disgracing the US Flag by wearing it… so, yeah. unpatriotic faggot is what I assumed.
He is the one who got knocked down the stairs at Lee Circle for being 1/2 Jew.
wish it wasn't $48 for 24hrs of parking, would have been there right now
if you're a bad enough dude, pic related is a good "tolerance test" ;^)
Im starting to find this hysterical.
Anti-Fa and Alt-Kike both shouting
While kicking ten bells of shit out of each other.
/ourguy/s are seriously going the wrong way. And they don't know what Congo Square is? Do some homework, guys.
… Jackson Square isn't coming down. Fuck … sorry, but these guys are ignorant as fuck.
Are you going to go down and stream for us lad?
Shit, yeah. It's 1:30. I'm headin' down to Congo.
Godspeed user
Be sure to flash us a White Power symbol if you get on a stream.
Gods speed my friend.
You better have a hakenkreuz or sonnenrad on your helmet, bud.
Jeff Addleson @jadddleson
Local Jew reporter spreading shit propaganda.
Old man dropping truth to baked alaska
do this…
It wasn't on any live stream. Hopefully video pops up later on.
Is baked alaska a coke head?
I don't know but he's a faggot and failing hard at trying to get that snowflake upset
Not watching that one but let me guess it's cause he's being tryhard at it.
this alt liter on stream needs to fucking die, fucking retards getting triggered by some green haired ess jay dubble yoo - this is what happens when you don't become a white power national socialist
Ugh. It's a full-scale cuck-off between Coked Alaska and brownbeard the conservative.
They'll never understand that true power lies in smug. That they must never allow others to place themselves in a position to smug more than them.
thread theme :^)
where is dank quarterjew in a gas mask?
I wanna be watching when he gets his faggot teeth kicked in.
I see Styxxenhammer made it out there
So, it's been known that violent anarcho communists are going to try and destroy public property and where are the police?
Stay cucked, retard. If whites can't look past muh PR and realize that nonwhites want to wipe them out, then they deserve what's coming.
this cat lady whore needs to go raped in the ninth ward
Fuck off nigger.
The other thing everyone seems to be forgetting is that commies don't have pesky shit like jobs or families or responsibilities of any kind.
Marchers inbound. will post habbenings when it occurs
I heard someone say there were a bunch of police by a convenience store.
Basically, if you want to find cops you type "where can I get donuts and coffee" into a map search. Never fails.
This is why to increase security I support coffee shops and donuts to be zoned only into white areas.
The blazing press guy said 300-500 antifa marching.
I can't argue with that logic
Bloody hell just through that twat into the ocean
Antifa incoming!
George Lincoln Rockwell was right when he said that conservatism won't defeat marxism- only National Socialism has done that.
Basically. He also has some fat fuck oath keeper "bodyguard" who's probably going to get dropped. I really can't wait to see the highlights of faggot antifa and civnat cucks beating the shit out of each other while police do nothing, I hope the faggot with the suit of armor gets set on fire.
Watching the Baked Alaska feed and he really should do some homework before his shit. The monuments are coming down legally. The city voted, court cases were heard, they're coming down legally.
He also doesn't seem to know that Antifa started their march at 1:30 at Congo Square and are heading to Lee Circle now.
league of the south, some klan boys, nsm, and some others are there I'm hoping they raise some hell.
Good post user, capped for posterity.
Gif related.
He's the personification of TD
How the FUCK are these trips of ever-powerful smug not checked yet?
If he wasnt anti white i could forgive him his life choices as long as his message was correct. But hes a kike and of course acts like one. Failing to even realize that his mongrel offspring are better off in a country becoming more white than in a formerly white country becoming browner.
here they come
They got bands n shieeet.
has a few streams up
That bleached haired cunt who showed up with baked alaska needs a good ass kicking from antifa.
It going to bite him on the ass when Antifa shows up. He's spent a lot of time talking about "they aren't showing up! lowtest beta cucks won't even show up!!"
Well … here they come. And there are a LOT of them.
I guess that larping is better than nothing, but is this normal for the anti antifa protesters ? But then again this might be enough to frighten the soft lefties so that antifas numbers decrease.
God bless Dixie
Just got to this thread. No time to read it all. Does anyone know if anybody actually went to confront these pukes?
There are about 500 or so antifa marching down on about 30 confeds.
Yeah, sorta. Just seems like a lot of people hoping it'll turn into Berkeley or better, but I don't know about that.
Supposedly the police told baked alaska that if they didn't want to get shot with less than lethal ammo that they have to clear out.
Oh come on. If these were really Holla Forumsacks they'd slap his shit down and scream NYPA in his face.
Like sparta against the persians
Nah, more propaganda points if you beat the ebul nutzees then if you spray paint some old French statue.
Where were you when they tore down Liberty Place?
who are you talking about?
A monument was already ripped down. First of 4.
Baked Alaska. He's goin' on about "we're protecting history!" but that statue is coming down just like Liberty Place came down and nobody fired a single shot.
Any fights yet?
Not yet. Antifa in 30
yeah he's a fucking uber cuck. The only good lads that are their are being called racists by the commies and the cuckservatives.
Just one little scuffle. Nothing good yet, but Antifa hasn't finished marching in yet.
thanks satan
I really hope this doesn't turn into a shitshow. Apparently Minnesota had a rally for the Suidlanders and it was just shouted down by the reds and the republicans there turned on the nationalists. The entire event got cancelled. It was really pathetic.
Here's hoping for the best then. Baked is a faggot, though, so I can only hope the normalfags there will make up for him.
absolute pieces of shit these cuckservatives deserve the worst death possible.
What a homo.
the France election chimps are a bit hard to watch
Except when our democracy votes to take down the statues. The city voted. That's democracy!
More niggers listening in to conversations and takingpictures/recording, just like before the last berkley event.
Could it be blm/new black banthers collecting info?
Crowds converge in less than 10 minutes
Lazy niggers. Took 'em long enough.
Which stream?
It was always their plan to start at Congo Square at 1:30 and march to Lee Circle. It was on their damn flier. People need to do some research some time.
I can't find any non-red sources for it. Apparently a speaking event for Simon Roche of the Suidlanders got stormed and shouted down in Minnesota. Looks like the IWW is trying to come back as they were involved too. When the Republicans came to celebrate Trump and free speech they took the advice/threats of the reds and called the suidlanders and all the American supporters nazis.
too many unchecked dubs.
It seems to start soon, but i think it may end in a shouting match with both groups divided by cops.
Fucking embarrassing.
This lad is decent.
Link to stream?
Not that we aren't all on the same page but just a reminder these faggots will hang along with the commies.
Look I came to watch commies and cucks duke it out
Police chopper overhead.
More likely WGNO chopper.
Can we dispel this out of africa theory once and for all
We already have, but normies don't care. They prefer their humanist fantasy.
Nah. It's pretty well known. Modern humans did originate in parts of Africa. It's just that the White people were smart enough to get the fuck out.
You're from reddit, aren't you?
Machine races are a social construct.
fucking hell baked alaska is on the same page as that pavement ape
Nope. I'm from New Orleans. I honestly don't give a shit where humans came from. I can live with being from Africa 2,000,000 years ago. It doesn't change who I am now.
ayo hol up
Are you that dumb nigger that told white people to stay out of your city?
Ok … and? Chimpanzees also come from Africa. Just because we came from Africa doesn't mean we're the same fuckin' species.
No just you nigger.
If you live in Louisiana you should give a shit where humans came from.
There are ancient ruins right along your coast line, NWO want to destroy them because it might reveal something about how the ancient world wide civilization remained peaceful… Also, demonstrates Out of Africa is bogus. If they'll lie about that, they'll lie about everything.
this isnt live. Are there any live streams?
You're this retarded. You're the nigger. Go rake the yard or something, ape.
would be nice if commies were punctual for once…fuuuuck this is boring.
Nigger, you don't understand what the out of africa theory is used for. Technically we all came form a nasty ocean worm, but that doesn't have the same ring as "WE WUZ ALL NIGGAS, FAM, LET ME FUK DAT BLONDE BITCH FAM!"
Why dont you take your bitch ass down to the monument you fucking boot lipped knuckled dragger.
police removed barricades
it's a trap?
So the police removed the barricades, what does that entail exactly?
Niggas can get now swarm the whites.
I am at the monument, you colossal faggot. Why aren't you here? All talk? Fuck you, traitor.
How many WNs/NatSocs are there? Where's the pro-white group?
Can you give us a "White Power" salute on a stream?
nigger I'm not even in the same country you piece of nigger filth.
Well fuck. Traitor cops again huh? This isn't looking like a victory on the outset but miracles happen.
about 30
They left a while ago. They went to the Jefferson Davis monument. I don't know why they left
All cops are traitors in a Jewish owned nation.
Hang on. I have to go refind Baked Alaska. Talked to him earlier, but he move on.
Please dont tell me your one of those larping cunts that openly admitted they browse pol
Uh, no. And I'm not carrying a shield or anything faggoty like that. I'm just a guy.
Cops are looked fondly upon in small towns and hamelts, which is why antifa and the whole "kill the pig" crowd isn't gaining any traction. Still, the boys and blue need a shake up sometime soon, this corruption can't be allowed to continue.
God speed then keep safe
This fucking kike needs a stone cold stunner.
Small town cops are totally different than city cops, though. Not even the same species, really.
Bike cuck spotted
Aye, but the average America joe refuses to see the difference between one uniform and another. Redpilling the villages against the urban decay in all its forms, including police, should be a priority.
Those Vibram soles are probably the most popular sole in the world and come on many different boots by many different brands. Not that it proves otherwise.
is this shit ever going to start ffs
They had to admit they were undercover cops.
Antifa has been stunned. I doubt we will see any more antifa riots until they start shooting people. They can't win a street fight so the only way they do anything beyond chanting is by an escalation.
Klansman is the only one holding it down.
No rioting, but daylight activity is now the norm. Just from surface level discussion I've heard american antifa and other reds are trying to improve their image as well as damage the nationlists. That means more "anarchist community gardens" and wanted posters with doxed faces on them. They don't have the energy or reason to trash windows at 12:00 pm anymore, but with the help of the mayors and senators they'll make a hard push for legitimacy against the rising nationalists.
jump on that baked alaska stream.
Kekistan isn't free?
Inexcusable, really.
holy shit the beer is empty, shes rustled, you can tel lbecause shes sipping nervously on an empty beer
A molotov ambush would take care of it.
How long until this commie gets doxxed?
Reminder Catalogue Antifa's faces
She just realized she's been doxxed
Funny you post that as shes going on about how babies are either "Xx or Yy" and "thats science"
bunch of nigs
already getting uppity
One of us here.
I thought that was a dead breed honestly.
That shit is LARPy as fuck. If you want to transport people, get a bus like suggested or buy some pickups/vans for mobility. You fags need to start becoming /k/ommandos so you stop getting impressed by this shit.
no user, she was definitely pro tranny
shes also an idiot, because YY doesnt exist, its Xx and Xy
They call them TERFs I think. Trans-exclusionary radical feminists. Praise the Ouroboros.
yea there is gonna be trouble here today boys
Get Snug
Why is the South so fucking cucked?
In another timeline eugenics took place and this coward wasn't allowed to be born.
I like your style, Z.B.
When you leave the cities of California it gets real red real fast. Areas around San Diego still have sundown towns.
is this the rally where antifags arent allowed to wear masks?
I thought you meant "she" was saying we're definitely born male or female due to our genetics. The bit about her being an idiot about they actual genetic markers goes without saying, she is a commie after all.
I know of them but thought they were nonexistent now.
Mexican gon' go back.
What are those?
nice digits fam
If you are a spic or a nigger and still in town past sundown you are risking your life.
niggers aren't allowed around after sun down
Damn, that's fucking cool.
How many jews are in the NO?
They used to be all over the states, still are. the NAACP or something similar used to publish a yearly journal with towns to avoid.
One of the oldest synagogues in the US is in New Orleans and Jefferson Davis's Secretary of State was a Jew (Judah P Benjamin).
So you're saying that NO has a high population of kikes.
The town I went to HS in quite literally had a siren that went off every night at 8, which meant exactly that. Only one black family anywhere around, and the oldest nig got immediately BTFO in Iraq, kek
About 12,000 Jews in New Orleans out of total population of 340,000.
I hope this cuck catches a Molotov
$300 a piece on eBay
Is he an oathkeeper anti-racist or soemthing?
something like that.
Oh come on … he talked to ONE chick who said she advocated for violence and illegal tear down. That one fat blue-hair doesn't speak for all of NOLA.
The S&W 5906 is top-tier though. But its heavy and doesn't have a rail. You'll probably have to replace the night sights as well.
What a (((cuck)))
another fucking jew. bloody damn hell.
Every single time.
Translation: "Demolish all buildings."
Oh shit. Original Hebrews.
beaner? in the foreground was snapping closeups of /ourguys/
where is dylann roof when you need him.
Maybe they're establishing a database of their own. You know how they like to get people fired for the littlest things.
baked alaska getting a full taste off niggerdom hahahahahahahahaha
BA is missing the good shit happening to his left. Some serious thugs about 20 feet to his right that he needs to go see.
our guy right here
It's the pressure cooker, law of unintended consequences effect. Southern and other cuckservative states have weak right winger, boomer types. They are usually blue pilled and, ironically, live in cuckservative "safe spaces" where they're not bothered by the likes of antifags, but they're experiencing the "boiling frog" effect of not reacting as shit gets worse.
Conservatives living in California are literally living behind enemy lines and under hostile occupation. You can literally lose your job in a lot of fields or even be at risk of violence, or at least harassment, destruction of property etc. in public in California if you are exposed or just accused of being even moderately right-wing. You have to be smart, tough, OPSEC, and networked with others literally just to live as a conservative of any stripe in the PRC.
Likewise, California has super strict, retarded gun laws. However, what this means, is that due to all the extra rules, laws, regulations, cucked gun parts, extra taxes, fees and background checks, waiting times, and the risk of social stigma literally for just owning a firearm, the people in CA who are willing to go through all that are fucking hardcore. CA has a seriously hardcore gun culture if you actually are a firearms enthusiast, because literally all of them have to learn who to build and work on their own guns, develop networks to get shit into the state from outside, etc. Furthermore, this causes them to galvanize and want to stick together much more than in other territories. Stuff that cons in red states literally don't have to consider or worry about at all, which has made them weak and complacent.
Basically it's just Darwinism. The ones under the most environmental pressure, right wingers in California, have emerged as having small numbers, but of extremely high quality due to extremely harsh survival conditions. It's actually a good analogy for Europeans in general.
They were doing it before the last berkley event as well.
They were mostly niggers there, and I saw one nigger here in NO earlier doing the same.
its going down
Second wave of protestors reportedly 1 block away. Wew.
Yeah, I don't like it. It'd be useful to find out what these folks are doing with the pictures. Maybe the lawyers guild has something to do with it, gathering evidence for the lawsuit.
the nigger army approaches
Also in my experience people don't really care what happens in cities in the south, we already look at them as liberal shitholes and only care about what goes on in local communities. Not saying that's how people should be thinking, just saying that that's how people here seem to actually think.
In Arkansas, it's easy to spread redpills. The cuckservatism is easily countered.
Good ole Arkansas such a beautiful place.
whats this
Shit's about to get real.
Why didn't more people show up? For fuck's sake. Where's Duke? Where's all the good ol' boys? Where's the TRS faggots?
Most of those people aren't Antifa. They're from Take 'Em Down NOLA, which is its own thing.
why are all the streams so fucking shitty
They totally took over Lee Circle. The confeds didn't even put up a fight. They just got out of the way.
they're holding the base of the memorial
and the cops just flooded in
They're fucked.
God damn. Of course it's a party. It's New Orleans. At any moment a BBQ will break out.
what stream is that?
I'm watching the fucking gay Baked Faglaska stream.
yea you
chunky antifa gals super uncomfortable being on camera
probably cuckchan, HWNDU proved they have lots of shitskins.
can americans not embarass themselves for once
literal faggots
Why is baked alaska such a cuck? Why doesn't he defend himself?
Even the sun hates antifa.
Mexicant beard
making it easy
do they really believe the KKK is still relevant
baked is such a cuck
is this for real???
Not that easy
Damn. Baked Alaska is whining like a little bitch.
Is he the stream that's whining about the confederate flag?
Someone put a fucking cigarette out on Baked Alaska's head and he took it like a fucking faggot.
get this shit sorted out mate
Will California be where the 4th Reich is born? Surfer Hitler, when?
No he's this guy
Oops, that name field was unintentional sry.
Those pics….I can't even
Hmm, I hate Spencer but a genuine white party wouldn't be so bad.
Does he even understand what "nationalism" means?
What did he mean by this?
I think not. He should be disposed of.
If nothing else, he still puts the white race first and foremost, above all else, meaning we can at least work with people like him because they aren't trying to destroy our race or hide our superiority. If people maintain their white identities and histories then it's less likely, I think, that we'll lose our culture the way consumerist globalism promises.
Required reading on the founders and their thoughts on race. We must fulfill Thomas Jefferson's ideal of a wholly white western hemisphere. (Written by Jared Taylor)
Spencer is more of a white imperialist. He said he wants to revive the three Romes including Constantinople. This implies mass kebab removal.
Baked Alaska is talking to a communist/syndicalist with his politics on his hat, is he a retard?
bull has claimed him
he got so triggered a few minutes ago. put him in the cull pile
I'm not sure. This "global party" shit sound very suspicious. Do we even know what kind of government his white ethnostate would have?
nola here. I was out there for a while and saw a crazy bastard in armor with an American flag for a cape attack the Southern group.
antifa is definitely organized. saw several blacks who were apparenty some kind of communists or black panthers scoping out the southern and white nationalist groups. also saw lots of DHS besides NOPD.
Honestly, I'm just waiting for a death. Once that happens, this whole fucking thing will turn into a shitstorm.
Antifa so badly wants to shoot someone in the back and they just won't. But I believe one day they won't be able to restrain themselves and then we can declare open season.
We need another Dylann Roof.
I'm all for white solidatiry, but white unity sounds a bit far-fetched. Who's going to broker the deal between Poles and Russians? Or mediate the yugoslavs in their Irredentism? How can so many nations fit under one flag?
We already had Omar Thorton, Micah Johnson, the Fresno killer, and the beltway snipers. It would take another 9/11 or Oklahoma City to wake whites up.
It won't happen during the day.
I mean we need ANTIFA specifically to murder someone at one of these boomer rallies. Make the fallen a martyr and let the fire rise.
Those had plausible deniability. It wasn't some antifa, in antifa uniform, specifically in an antifa operation killing someone just because they are not a commie.
I wouldn't bet against it happening sometime this summer. Best chances would be
1) At night
2) Large gathering at both sides
3) Increased tensions at the particular instance (like a fights or a knockout before hand, maybe fireworks as a warmup)
4) Increased temperature for the day, better previous days were hot as well.
And that's just some conditions for the martyrdom, saying nothing of the killer him/her/itself.
Yeah, but I do think racially motivated massacres against whites have not been paid attention to as they should have.
try and get unstable people like chrischan to attend these events
this one is good
give antifa water bottles with some (((chemical jew))) in it that makes them aggressive.
Do you really want ChrisChan to be a martyr? I hate to say it, but it probably needs to be one of the faggot oath keepers. Equally shitty martyr, but people would get pissed if someone's boomercuck dad got shot.
This stream is really behind…
im that mexican, he was a cool guy just seemed like he didn't know why he was there
He was fine, just there to see the spectacle. I'd deport him last. He obviously was a "Mexican4Trump" type but there are bigger fish to fry. Still a filthy spic that must go back, but I didn't want to stab him in the face like most other mexicunts.
But user they're already druggies. It'd be like trying to tranquilize an elephant.
Not Chris as the martyr more like the shooter. Remember that unstable folks have a harder time getting a hold of a firearm. Guys like pic related have a good chance at snapping but no way to actively shoot someone.
Most of those useful idiots didn't know (((why they were there))).
Fuck you, Jefferson Parish here, Orleans can use all the help it can get. If these monuments come down they will NEVER see the light of day again.
Pls suggest another one. I can't listen to baked retardedness
He makes the dumbest fucking arguments and gets owned by antifa most of the time. It's embarrassing.
chrischan could be the poster boy for antifa by being the first to take out a racist(by attacking a white bystander)
They were voted to be taken down. Do you hate democracy?
Little slow on the draw, mods.
Needs comments. FF halfway to skip the ebonics lesson. It turns out these freaks are the real deal, not a parody. This is what we're up against.
Interview with Buttplug McNasty
Where the fuck do you think you are, faggot?
Look how well democracy works for us now, you blind fuck.
How's that wall and mass deportation of the shitskins and spics working out?
I was agreeing with him.
What streams are good?
It's working out as well as anyone could reasonable expect it to work out, which is pretty damned well with some minor hiccups due to the fact that Trump is a president (not a dictator) with a congress that's very hostile to his immigration/wall agenda.
So why did he allow the budget to pass without funding for the wall?
You realize he's well within his right to limit any type of immigration he pleases, right?
He tried the Mudslime ban, and got cucked by WA, and the 9th circuit court.
Thanks. Fucking freebird drowning out all the talk,
And I haven't heard anything else about it.
But my question about the budget for the wall remains unanswered.
Also, the proposed "ban" didn't even cover the most dangerous countries.
The ban list was a list Obama made. He used it to show how political the courts are
So it was just 4D chess and he had no intention of the ban.
It's really out of trumps hands. He tried twice and the second case is going to the Supreme Court.
I mean, he could do a third travel ban but it would be shot down also. Might as well try the case in front of the Supreme Court. That would clear the way for further bans. Or am I wrong?
Considering France and SA maybe it's not such a bad idea. We have to somehow politically unite as white European people. If only the alliance could be without one group taking the lead,so as not avoid the freeze/personalize/polarize tactic. Triggering commies to white bash even more than they do now will only redpill more normies. And we need that, we need higher numbers and fast. Fuck, even Anglin said something similar, advised toning down the Nazi LARPing.
Alphabets have begun posting threads inciting anons to violence. No one take the bait. That shit is intended to shut us down. We have less than 4 years, don't do anything stupid FFS.
nice dubs.
the trumpet news stream is looping
can you read?
We need to smash their lies. Their idiotic historical revision is what's causing these monuments to be taken down so redpilling about slavery and the south especially should be top.
Did anyone notice this faggot Hoft dropping massive redpills over the weekend? We need more of this.
Death to Trump fags. The Cuck Knight attacks "racists" defending their monuments
"L.A. Trump supporters attacking Confederate groups and the Alt Right. Said tired of racists"
*breaths in*
Isn't that the same guy who said he was half Jewish and had biracial children?
Yeah. It's a Mischling faggot.
Based Chopstick Man?
In theory sure.
Now explain why he passed the budget that had no funding for the wall.
the guy said he goes by "Van". Let's see if we can doxx him and find some interesting information about this traitor
Anybody on Faceberg? I can't seem to create an account there without a gov issued ID
FBI here…. start shooting antifa by the bushel
Because he's the cuckold the republicans deserved, but not the one they need right now. So we'll laugh at him. Because he can't take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a living joke. A walking embarrassment. A Cuck Knight.
I wish I had all the answers. I'm not happy at all about the budget. I've seen pictures of supposed wall section, but can't verify them
I'll be pissed if he doesn't expand the travel ban
I'll be pissed if the travel ban isn't upheld by the Supreme Court.
I bet you'd like that big guy. The FBI isn't even predominantly white anymore, so fuck off and start catching pedophiles instead of creating them to undue white supremacy.
Wow, definitely a big beautiful wall that was really tall, just like he promised! Will the winning never stop?!
If it were me, we would have the niggers, spics and muslims digging a moat and building a wall behind it across the southern and northern border
Need to find Van
Daily reminder that #AlwaysTrump supporters are our enemy
fms tbh fam
Poetic justice.
>>the intolerant fascist NEO-NAZI LEFT could not keep him down
Do the Jews think we're still at the level of Democrats are the real racists?
(hitlerdubs checked)
Are you suggesting that stickman's rise to prominence is because he was "chosen" and him cracking the head of an antifa was staged?
What are you, a Communist?
Grow a sense of humor, man. "What do you … hate democracy?" is a meme older than your mama.
Rally around your folk locally, it's not easy but must be done at sometime if we are to achieve complete victory.
Two of /ourguys/ were arrested because they defended themselves against cuck knight as he bum rushed them?
Me too, obviously. I'd set up motion sensor sentry guns if it were me. I don't put all the ZOGbot special forces in towers sniping spics at 1,000 yards away.
But what's actually going to happen is that it will never get built. And that's because of imminent domain. The proposed fence sections run through private property that belongs to spic organizations. It would be tied up for decades in court. The wall won't even get to the point where it's stopped for probably another two years.
Trump is going to look at us and give us some bullshit like "Folks, immigration is down by 60%! So much winning!" and people will either eat it up and elect him again or some socialist will win in 2020.
Let him start normies on the redpilling process. We need numbers right now.
That very well may be the case, considering how completely and utterly degenerate and cucked he has been acting ever since he cracked that commie.
Who voted for them to be taken down? I never saw a vote other than by the (((city council)))
Milo just got $12 million investment
Trump supporters are fighting racists
Trump praises Macron's victory and death of France
Looking for details now. That knight, if he's from the LA crowd, would be the responsibility of baked and whoever vets their little busload of poz. Someone get on his ass and tell him to instruct his people not to attack our own.
So from what i gather…basically there was a antifa march on a confed statue today.
And effectivly 3 factions were there; Antifa, Civicfaggot Nationalists, and then Altright tier folks??
Is this accurate?
THEN (in almost poetic fashion) a fucking Half kike on the (((civic nationalist))) side picks a fight with some Altright bros and ends up starting another fucking fratricidle conflict between ethnic brothers (sounds familiar) and ends up getting laid out???
Am i in the ballpark here?
The city council are our local representatives. The USA is a representative democracy, which is why not every little thing goes to a popular vote. There was also a battle in the courts. What a lot of people not from here don't realize is that this has been an ongoing battle since late 2015. People just showing up now are late to the party.
The battle is over. The monuments are coming down. One of them has already come down and there are 3 more to go.
Wait, what? I missed this. Who gave that GRIDS kike 12 mil?!
Yup. That's the gist.
These alt lite will be now attacked where ever they're at fuck those clowns they dont attack us and walk away.
Milo hasn't revealed his new benefactors.
no better than antifa at this point tbh
infighting like this is on par with treason
not that im alt right but you dont attack those lads and walk away like all is good. its time for us to stand tall.
any dissension must be met with greater force than that of our enemies, I hope the Cuck Knight gets fucked up for his traitor-actions
We can and should bully them into Holla Forumstier beliefs.
its war now with these faggots in which i mean on sight.
There were about 30 /ourguy/s and 1200 antifa at today's event. We're gonna need a bigger boat.
This will be the next one to come down. Everyone's so focused on Lee Circle and the Jefferson Davis monument, they forget that this is the 4th monument voted to come down.
Also some kekistani.
Picture I took before antifa arrived.
Ik. Mitch is such a fucking loser.
(dubs be upon you)
Obv our numbers were less then the antifas and civicucks, but about how many strong were we?
no one here should be (((alt-right))) unless they are open to further redpilling. The key thing here is to choose your battles. The object here in New Orleans is to protect the damn statue, so virtue signalling by smashing racism is totally unwarranted and self destructive. it should be viewed as traitorous activity
People that virtue signal with this muh PR concern in situations like that start D&Cing is making our side appear divided. This is a more negative PR issue than having perceived racists among the ranks.
About 30.
How many were the civbergs?
We are merely seeing the true extent of the rot, nothing says we still don't have the ability to clean house.
Protect it from what? It's coming down.
I don't know. I didn't interview anyone; but there was a very clear line between them and us, so it was pretty easy to gauge numbers.
Impossible for me to say. I was there and gone before baked or antifa showed up. Maybe 40 of our people were there at the time. Just passed through and couldn't believe that someone actually had a kek flag.
I don't believe anyone has a legal right to take it down, yet. What do you mean by this?
Legal right was granted.
City council voted. We filed injunctions and battled in court. FOR TWO YEARS. You are late to this party. The battle is over. We lost.
Saw this on Shitter
Funny with how much Antifa shares in common with Isis. They like taking down statues and gutting Museums as well.
Holy fuck this girl is low energy. Absolutely jeb tier.
what fags. such unnecessary cucky virtue signalling
The city council is black, what could you expect a black guy in a confederate uniform?
well that's sad.
So what are /ourguys/ doing there, then?
I'm Alt-Right and 14/88. I'll get shit on here for saying so but this re-branding of WN is a useful way to move normies toward the right by getting their feet wet without being scared off completely
standing up for white interests makes us just as bad as antifa apparently
There are blacks in the picture I took. You don't have to support the confederacy to know erasing history is a dumb idea.
Maybe they didn't know? Antifa and some affiliate groups had, at one time, gone to the monuments with ropes and were trying to take down the statues themselves. Maybe they were trying to prevent that.
Of course they're black. New Orleans is 68% black. What do you expect? We're practically a god damn banana republic. This is why I said way, way up at the beginning of this thread that people not from here should just stay out. You can't fight for us if you don't know us.
Making a statement, mostly. Hopefully waking other people in other cities up to keep fighting.
That shit was hilarious. They had no clue just how much engineering went into putting the statues up and thought they could just take 'em down with a rope and a truck.
I don't disagree with you but "alt-right" is just that, a way to bring normies in without scaring them off right from the start.
Once you're a full-fledged Holla Forumsack you should be comfortable calling yourself a white nationalist, a fascist, or what have you.
His wife's boyfriend has a beard.
I have a Kekistani Twitter account specifically to infiltrate the Alt-Right in DM groups and spread positive messages about Adolf Hitler
They have a right to be there.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately, regarding Atlanta anyway. Even if in the South we manage to break out of the PC orbit of the North, we still have a massive Negro problem. The biggest cities are absolutely full of them, and now Atlanta has more liquor stores and strip clubs than about any other city. I don't even know where to begin, how to get rid of them, and undo what those animals have done in the first place, and that's just in a city that is (I think) only around 50% Negro, let alone 68%.
Patriotards showed their true allegiances today
Good man. If I weren't an autist I would do the same.
This is major because today is basically the official divide between far right and alt lite and the Overton window has been shifted to such. This needs to capitalized on. Fuck these aut-lite faggots. You're either with us or against us.
Don't give them a chance to stay
What's the fate of the statues, then?
wasnt altright always pro NS/Fash??
The knight sounds like a real asshole. Was loudly sneering at the confederates
as they walked by.
New Orleans is lucky enough to be a huge tourist city and we're trying to gentrify and push the niggers out to the wards, but gentrification is a slow process. All we need is another Katrina and all the niggers will flood back in to the garden and downtown districts.
It really shows how strong the kike brainwashing is. These people can't help themselves from acting like this when confronted with the mere thought that someone may be racist. They lash out irrationally as soon as anyone around them exhibits any racial awareness at all. It's pathetic and disgusting how utterly fucked up the kikes have made such a large number of our people.
They will be removed and put in a museum.
yeah. 8pol just hates the name because Spencer calls himself the leader of it
Destined to a dusty storehouse room, if not destroyed. Its near set in stone. This was one of the last hurrahs, the few and the proud saying "we won't forget."
We have a Confederate war museum. They'll most likely end up there. They'll be put in storage pending any Federal suits. Keep in mind that the Liberty Place monument was taken down in 1989 and a federal suit forced them to put it back up.
More like you will send all the niggers to Houston. They still haven't left.
Be a shame if every statue of MLK in the country started getting smashed….
Yeah but Alt-Right is just a re-branding/coalition term to rally under for pro-white interests. I would say most I know are now are 1488 friendly or full on fash themselves.
Is Spencer pro NS/Fash??
Never really listened to him. He sounds like a faggot tho, and i would assume is alphabet soup.
We didn't send them to Houston. Houston's mayor said "bring 'em here!"
What the fuck is wrong with niggers and liberals smdh tbh
He's pro-white but ambivalent as to what the eventual ethnostate looks like.
In my view he's presentable but he'd be better behind the scenes; definitely not the next Hitler that some of his fans make him out to be.
Buddy, we have less then 50 posts to describe an eon's worth of what's wrong with liberals and niggers.
Doesn't matter. You don't ask why a dog is rabid. You just put it down.
He goes on podcasts with explicit NatSoc in Europe and USA, and he openly promotes socialist economic policies, and nationalist immigration policies. Whether he's on-board with fascism itself probably won't be revealed publicly for a few more years.
My understanding is that Richard Spencer wants white people to think of themselves as white. If he can get white people to identify as part of this racial family, it will be easier to sell them on attacking (((enemies))) of the white race
I thought americans had guns?
i've heard normalfags call antifa nazis, soon we will see actual national socialists be called antifa by the same idiots
We do. And New Orleans is an open carry without permit place. Though we weren't allowed to carry today as a public safety measure.
I dont disagree with that strat.
Still dont know if i trust him.
His views on fascism were revealed ages ago newfag. He has also openly supported "based" nationalist kikes. In his last speech spencer said that America does not have a jew problem. Do you honestly believe that the greedy fuck who does this for money and publicity and clearly believes no actual pro White ideals will ever name the jew
all but one councilor voted in favor of taking it down
Never forget he denied holodomor. Never forget
The peace treaty between the Trump supporters and the Far Right has been broken
Just a few weeks ago Based Chopstick man and his Proud Boy fags tried doxxing a NatSoc with a Sonnendrad battleshield at Berkeley
Has anyone heard of Mike Tokes before the last Berkeley rally?
Sorry for the blogpost but this post hit home to me.
I was explaining to my libcuck father about the history of southern Africa, how colonialism helped out niggers, and when they kicked out the whites everything went to shit- a regression to the mean.
We were in public and he was sperging out so hard, literally screaming about how I'm such a racist oh boo hoo. Everyone was turning their heads and it never occurred to him that he was making a scene. Maybe he did know but felt justified, like everyone was going to be on his side or something.
the brainwashing sure is deep in the normalfag's psyche is all I'm saying.
No it hasn't. Just a few retards and cointelpto acting out. But this will be attempted again and again.
I'm going to support Richard Spencer because he's creating violent political shit storms, promoting white identity, and makes you angry.
EU have the muslims- We got the niggers and apparently someone is doing a good job dividing you fucks.
Face the facts TRS user, dicky will never be a White Nationalist. Did you even see his last speech where he said there was no nigger problem in the US and that all whites should feel guilty for slavery. He not only sucks at speaking he is a subversive element
tell me more about how mad it makes you that I disagree with you and actually stand up for leaders I believe in despite your attempts to (((critique))) and tear down icons of heroism
heebs will not divide us
You can stick up for dick all you want, if you want to be kosher that's all you man.
Why pretend schlomo?
go home TRS
found the shills ;^)
notice the Jew shills in this thread. You can spot them trying to derail the discussion by turning it into Holla Forums vs Alt-Right rather than today's event in New Orleans
worthy dubs
Fuck the courts. We have final say. Not some kikes in black robes.
What? How does that work? What would have happened if you carried?
So you're just retarded then?
Just a reminder that Gavin McInnes and Stefan Molynuex are mysteriously both Canadians that immigrated from the UK and happen to have enormous platforms that reach thousands of American minds. They are both gatekeepers. Look it up, don't trust the canuck.
its war with these fuckers regardless of the shit posting. they will not attack ours and walk freely.
Eh, threads almost done anyway.
Actually, in our system, the Law is the final word. Unless we change that system, those monuments are coming down.
Probably be arrested for a public safety violation.
Richard Spencer has no problem with jews, denies Holodomor, and accepts queers in the movement. If he's a WN then what does that make you?
filtering used to be a thing. why are you engaging with D&C faggots?
(((Oath Keepers)))) are a Jew run Patriotard organization who attacked the Southern Nationalists and Confederates today
They also sided with Niggers in Ferguson. Here's a video of them condemning Nazis and not allowing them a platform to speak
Arrest highly unlikely. They would probably just stop you at the barriers. I know you know, but the cops here don't give a fuck.
can we have 1 thread ever without everyone calling each other JIDF shills? This is literally the Jewish strategy of fracturing right wing movements.
peri happening with the arrested dude
Yeah, it probably wouldn't have been a big deal in the end; but I chose not to carry. It's just a hassle I didn't want to deal with.
Retarded it is.
Not sure. I guess I think whites can be persuaded with reason.
Can we have one thread were JIDF shills dont attack WN?
cool meme
Because I honestly wanted to hear why dick was going to be the next Hitler despite his many, many flaws.
Van the Cuck Knight has a black son and is half Jewish
No faggot. The final say is the ammunition box not the courts. Go back to r/Donald with shit tier muh constitution bullshit. If petty tyrants fuck us the answer isn't to surrender like a meek little faggot. Shrugging your shoulders and mumbling about the law like the cuckservative filth you are. The only good cuck is a dead cuck.
OK I will.
train of thought:
1. respect what the south stands for.
2. move south, live there, work there, raise kids there
3. Never feel ashamed for political and social opinions
4. watch the rest of America decline
5. CA breaks off into the sea. God Bless.