Let's list capitalist atrocities! I'll start with a few that come to mind

Let's list capitalist atrocities! I'll start with a few that come to mind.

What is the Belgian Kongo and the mess of states left after?
What is French Algeria?
What is British India and Pakistan?
What is the Native American Genocide in North America?
What is the Iraq War?
What is the Yemeni Civil War, and the US supporting Saudi bombing campaigns on civilian targets, during a famine?
What is De Beers?
What is the 1973 CIA funded coup of Allende in Chile?
What is the Contras in Nicaragua?
What is violence and regime change in the Honduras?
What is the genocide of Chinese people in Indonesia?
What is the Vietnam War?
What is the CIA funding of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge?
What is the Syrian Crisis and the Pentagon funding one side, while the CIA funds another?
What is Conflict Minerals?
What is post French Rwanda and the genocide that followed?
What is the Irish Potato Famine?
What is the funding of Afghani Taliban during the USSR's invasion on Afghanistan?
What is the 1954 Guatemalan Coup d'Etat?
What is Koch Industries bankrolling the Nazi oil industry?
What is Allied Powers supporting the Tsarists during the Russian Civil War?
What is the continued occupation and bombing campaigns against the Palestinian people?
What is sex trafficking in Eastern Europe?
What are the lies and corporate greed that led to the 2008 crash?
What is the Libyan conflict?
What is fracking and the contamination of water sources?
What is the entire oil industry?
What is the lobbying of government by companies like Haliburton, owned by Dick Cheney, to go on with perpetual warfare?
What is child labour in Asian countries and the Industrial Revolution?
What is Foxconn?
What is Exxon Mobile covering up their data on climate change?
What is the private prison industry?
What is the lobbying of the health insurance industry and big pharma against marijuana and single payer health care?
What is asbestos?
What is lead contamination in the water of many US cities?
What is NAFTA?
What is TPP?
What are the Drug Cartels?
What is police violence in the US?
What is the killing of drug addicts in the Philippines by Duterte?

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Do you actually believe this?

Not even being ironic, are you legit autistic?


He goes into pretty extensive detail regarding the various ways that the evil capitalist states helped prop up the fledgling USSR

Nope. Why does it matter?

Because it's showing extremely right now tbh

The creation of the middle class.

Pics related.

What is child labor and shit conditions in early capitalist Britain?

What is slavery in America?

I was, no joke, literally named after Ronald Reagan. The more I hear about the bastard the more ashamed I get.

It's just a name dude. Why are you so spooked?

TOP kek, well played Holla Forums


How many of those were carried out in the name of establishing capitalism, rather than simply happening under capitalist states?

For example, the atrocities in the Congo clearly fall into the former. Atrocities in Israeli-Arab wars don't particularly, because they originate from nationalistic or religious motivations.

I'd say the analogy there is, say, dekulakization/red terror vs. the deportation and murder of Germans in Eastern Europe by the communist forces. The former was for the attempted establishment of communism, the latter is nationalistic. Those crimes committed in the name of establishing communism are generally what people are talking about when they talk about communist atrocities, and things like the Belgian Congo and East India Company don't really stack up to the sheer amount of communist-sponsored slaughter, even though they were indeed horrible.

Don't forget the Dutch East Indie Company and the Opium Wars.

best thing you can do is become a communist icon so big everyone re-associates the name with the hammer and sickle.

I love how mentioning any of the examples in this thread to liberals doesn't count for the capitalism on the whole, while absolutely everything done by anyone who could be claimed to be vaguely left casts a shadow on the whole leftist spectrum. Just saying.

That part is well-documented by the Soviets themselves, actually. What, does he make a big deal out of it?

For example, the atrocities in the Congo clearly fall into the former. Atrocities in Israeli-Arab wars don't particularly, because they originate from nationalistic or religious motivations.

They were committed in the in the interest of expanding capital. You clearly aren't familiar with the Marxist view on imperialism.

Yes they do, just because you delude yourself into thinking imperialism is somehow not an inherent and vital part of capitalism does not mean that capitalism is not the driving force behind these crimes.

As opposed to the Kulaks hoarding grain and causing a famine in Ukraine in 1929?

Too lazy to recheck the numbers on EIC, but BC had 10,000,000 (ten million) people dead, and its population was smaller than that of the USSR (fun fact: if you inflate the population of Pinochet's Chile to that of the USSR and keep his tyranny ratio, so to speak, constant, then Pinochet would have ended up with figures of his victims in the millions).
But yeah, I don't like these two examples because it's too easy for liberals to just say "ah, it happened too long ago for anyone to care". I myself prefer Cheney starting two bloody wars for his and Halliburton's interests, not to mention the US being the first industrialised country in three centuries to use mercenaries (Blackwater, anyone?) as a primary force in a war, with Cheney involved there too. Not only did that lead to a decades-long ongoing crisis in the Middle East, it came back to bite the US on the arse, too! And it even served people like Cheney's interests further, as it expanded the market for war profiteers and made the public pay less attention to social issues! Really, Cheney's the man. When we assume power, he'll be the first to hang, but I respect the shit out of him.
Uh, so yeah, there's fucking with the Middle East, and then there are examples like modern Russia (I remember some talking head, probably a conservative, claiming that Russian capitalism doesn't count as truly being capitalist, because Russians act too much like how Marxists expect them to act; can you believe someone has actually said that unironically?) and China (if it's communist because it claims to be, then North Korea is a people's democratic republic, just saying), plus Myanmar and Pakistan, which are controlled by corporations (no, really, look it up, they're libertarian as fuck and they're tyrannical shitholes precisely because of that), not to mention all the little things like, oh, I don't know, millions of sick, hungry, uneducated and/or homeless people in every first world country that the economy can help without even feeling the impact and yet doesn't.

Yes, this post has too many damned parentheses. I am not rewriting it.