Half-chan is already on this but hiroshiimoot keeps locking threads.
We need to find this fucking abomination, dig it up and smash it, we don't want future generations thinking that their ancestors were this pathetic and unfunny.
Half-chan is already on this but hiroshiimoot keeps locking threads.
We need to find this fucking abomination, dig it up and smash it, we don't want future generations thinking that their ancestors were this pathetic and unfunny.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, no. It needs to be smashed only because of these 2 words.
We've reached a point where simply reading the word "memes" makes me physically sick. At least when it's used by normalfags.
Just sculpt a pepe with a jachammer over it.
In the video, they drive on the left side.
There are only two places in the Mediterranean where you drive on the left side:
Malta and Cyprus.
Chart a course
With Intercontinental CTF being the sport of our day, let us plan the ultimate heist.
HWNDU THE MOVIE: Raiders of the Greasy Greek Isles.
that's not Malta, there's no terrain like that and soil/topagraphy completely different. This is also fucking retarded and ought to be deleted, not politics.
What? Also thread theme.
Anchors away my boys!
Take it to >>/hwndu/
Wew forgot that you can't embed and post images.
I support this thread.
No, we have to go in order.
They will just place a kekistan flag on it at best, which will create another thread just for the rage. I do not doubt that it will be found, but there is no point to it.
We already know this, since you direct your attention on silly things.
if you're not interested than don't post and hide the thread.
just imagine how annoying hitler did nothing wrong will be when the entire world is natsoc. enjoy it while you have it.
Yu-Gi-Oh memes are also acceptable.
Get the HWNDU guys on this.
We have more than a lead.
They're pulling a MGSV and hiding the stone in the UN buffer zone.
Do they not realize that by following the memes we use, their plans develop along paths we desire?
See , he can't tell right from left. I'd wager it's in America somewhere since I doubt fucking 9gag would take that 24 tonne meme rock across the ocean. What deserts does America have apart from the Mojave that makes people wish for a nuclear winter?
The brits did not even steal a flag, and you are expecting someone to smash this stone. If anything their community will start talking about how you found their stone, creating a new influx of newfags.
These raids has also little to do with this board, and unless you are intentionally spamming you would be wise to recognize that. There is no reason to advertise it as Holla Forums openly, even if the majority browse the board.
Fair point, I'd say start tracking any other media pieces about it and if they don't give a general location for it, then it's safe to say that it's probably bait to see if we can actually pull an OP that has moving a large object.
Then report it and see if kampfy gives a damn. It should be crossposted to /hwndu/, but other than the Macron Cash scandal, which we're covering, what else is there going on?
The new WikiLeaks release may be interesting, but I haven't checked it yet.
look at the trucks later in the video.
Let this thread live on for a day or two so that most ex-/hwndu/ people see it and take it to their board m8.
Looks more like a one way road, like the sort that some mines have. Also they may be driving slightly left off center to avoid the slope.
eternal anglo strikes again
I don't think it's America. Look at the license plate. I can't really make it out, but it's certainly not a US license plate. I also checked and it's not mexican or canadian, which look like American plates anyway.
The long thin license plates are the types I know they have in Europe.
So, somewhere in the med or Turkroachmotel is where we're looking.
Yes, most likely. Turkey and Greece both have the long white plain license plates.
Can't be an EU country, since there's no EU logo on the left side that I can see.
Turkish side of Cyprus?
yeah but this is fucking WRONG
they are driving on the right side.
We can counter with crystal pepes
We need to simply do it like the Edgyptians would have. Carve off the symbols they put on, erasing it from existence, and edit their post to become the Rarest Pepe.
Upon this ground, shall we host the Promised Chan
user may be right though, in a later shot it does look like they're driving on the left side, are there different road rules in different parts of Cyprus?
Do all EU license plates have the symbol on the left side? If this picture is correct, that only started in 2004. Any older registered vehicles would therefore not need to have it, right?
I'm not sure how roads are setup outside America, but usually a white dotted line means those are lanes going in the same direction. This seems to be a 2-lane 1-way road, and you therefore cannot tell if he's "driving on the left or right"
That'd be excellent. At first I assumed we would just destroy it, but wiping out the memes and writing HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG would be better and easier
Isn't that just the hard shoulder?
Looks like they're driving on the right to me.
Don't forget a Happy Merchant and Benny G.
Turkey is right-hand drive, so the Turkish part of Cyprus would be RHD, I guess.
And the "official" part of Cyprus would be LHD.
That would explain the weirdness.
Maybe I'm retarded but this is how I thought the traffic would travel.
Im willing to bet this thing was buried somewhere in southern california.
I dont think its cyprus, that stone looks to be limestone, they dont have much limestone in cyprus. okay they have limestone in cyprus but still cyprus is an unstable country its unlikely they buried it there.
That being said, what if we can find the quarry this rock was taken from? its not likely that they buried the rock far from where it was mined, so that would be a GREAT start to finding the location of this.
The quarry looks to be somewhere mountainous, if we can identify that mountain range we can likely find the quarry
Why would they lie about it being in a European desert?
what ethnicity are these quarry workers?
There's these.
Officially Cyprus has no deserts.
more intel
shit where did it say it was a european desert?
This gives me idea.
We should not destroy it but burry r34 of it with it.
Non native speaker, so its hard to explain what I mean.
A solid line with a interrupted line next to it means normally, you can switch only from one side to the other, in this case from the most right to the middle line but not the other way arorund. Normally this is done, when there's leading a sliproad to the highway.
I guess it's right sided traffic
Jewish masons and their little jokes. Must be getting worried.
I wouldn't smash it because I'm not ISIS.
What about the ((chosen peoples)) land?
It's not an archaeological treasure. It's cancer on a stone.
From the UK, this is what I would expect.
Perhaps if we find the length of the road markings we can find which countries use them. They look too short to be UK lane markings.
It's not california, or anywhere in north america. Look at the license plate.
I wouldn't take their claim of a desert literally. You can just take a look at the footage and see that it's not actually a desert. It looks a little on the arid side, like a mediterranean climate, but not a full-on desert.
The area is looking fairly similar to me.
Yeah, it's cancer, but not our cancer to deal with, also this isn't Holla Forums
According to this article it's supposed to be in the Spanish desert.
EU for sure.
God this is stupid! Yes I hate 9gag and it's legion of hopeless morons, but this? Smashing up someone's property that represents nothing more than unfunny memes for the sake of being remembered better when destroying their rock would obviously make Holla Forums look worse than it already does. You want 9gag to be the fucking good guys? God dammit, Holla Forums doesn't deserve this level of manchild faggotly, it really, really does not. Let 9gag play with it's toys.
Analyze the flora in that picture, that might give us an answer.
Why the hell would he do that
Yes, but it's rather recent
We're not going to do that, we're reclaiming it as a symbolic statement of our retaking the internet, which must I remind you, is not the birthplace of these social media and exploitable website dwellers, but of the glorious forum master race.
oh shit u are right its a european desert.
My only thoughts then are its probably in spain.
Where else do they have deserts?
It's honestly unlikely that anyone here will have the funds to go to Cyprus or wherever it is, hire some machine to dig it up and destroy it, enjoy the treasure hunt, faggot.
9fags are mostly Krauts.
Worked pretty well with ctf_lebouf_shiack, and all Holla Forums got in return was more recognition as a force that shouldn't be trifled with.
Italy has also got a lot of rural quasi desertic areas, could be Greece as well from the looks of it.
Oh nice, I didn't know there was a better shot of a license plate. And this confirms that they drive on the right side of the road. Cyprus and Turkey are out.
In that case, I think the best bets would be EU Mediterranean countries. Greece, Spain, Italy.
We could just use the scenery and street view to confirm quarry location. Later we should just find area where they buried it presumably somewhere near.
Pic related. It looks like it has quarry in the distance.
Don't underestimate meme magic. It must not be held in wrong hands! Especially with those stone engravings and shit.
Hi-Viz pants are optional, does anywhere make them mandatory?
Do hardhat colours mean anything?
They didn't even bury it that far from civilisation
Bruh, we're the internet hate machine. This is the sort of shit we do. You could just as easily make the same complaint about people yelling pepe at hillary rallies or Holla Forumsaks crashing HWNDU.
Cyprus doesn't have much in terms of street view unfortunately.
Signs point to Spain.
but what about eroding it with chemicals?
Nice catches, mates, also it looks like that wherever they hid it, it's not nearly as desert as they make it sound like. How about trying to recognize the firm that did the excavation from pictures like and guesstimating the area they work in? Those guys look kind of mediterranean to me.
That was political. This just seems like "anonymous"-style faggotry .
tough if you add a rare merchant/pepe or something instead of autisticly smashing it, it could work out. Remember, it's not stealing the flag that was the mark of Holla Forums. Anny nigger can steal a flag. It was the pepe-shirt/manga hat left as a flag of triumph.
That was my best guess as well. Climate and geography seem to match up too.
Unfortunately, isn't all of spain fairly mountainous? I'm no expert on spanish geography, but it seems like it could be anywhere in the country.
Is there a way to find a list of limestone quarries in Spain? That'd be the best next step
100% SPAIN
I know, I was wrong.
Please forgive me, senpai.
It's Spain. No doubt about it
I'm turning in to catch some sleep, this is the the sort of quarry we should be looking for.
Why did they pick limestone? Just because theyre cheap jews? IIRC limestone gets raped by weather.
I vote finding and recarving hakenkreuz and nazi memes
Lets give them some nazi frogs and white supremacy emojis
Well whatever look at this
City, lake, two separate mountains, giant sandy place behind them.
Enough points to easily recognize area from plane view.
I think defacing it would cause more asshurt than anything else.
On the one hand, destroying the monument makes me feel bad because there is some craftsmanship behind the carving and the guy looks proud and happy as fuck, though the end result is rather tasteless. He's probably just some idiot that laughs at memes.
On the other hand, defacing it with our own memes would destroy the purpose of it, while still keeping it intact. Then, he has to choose between keeping his defaced work on display, or destroying it himself.
Surely there are better uses of our time than attacking our retarded chan-kin. Also sometimes they're useful idiots. So whatever just let them be.
That and destroying it would be a lot tougher than merely carving our own memes on it. Plus, we don't know if anyone would even find out. I doubt they're going to keep checking back on their buried stone.
But of course, there needs to be a mark of our presence there. We'll show them who controls the memes, and it's not them.
I believe the correct meme to pass on would be a smug anime SS grill. If possible on something more durable than fucking limestone. It would reopen the salt mines forever.
We could always steal the carved slab and have some Mediterranean /k/ommando use it as a lawn ornament.
What if every single civilization gone through that? What if there was "9gag" plebians in every civilization, who misdirected the information? There's a lot of room for thought.
You're lucky I'm in bed and on my phone or else I'd post a reaction image of pure disgust. Maybe an anime girl looking at someone as if they were walking garbage.
Is the stone artificially colored you guys? If not, that narrows it down a bit. It looks more akin to a pink limestone than an actual traditional "white" limestone. Thoughts?
Where were you when we kept messing with Shia and his shitty toy flag?
it could also be in turkey
the roaches are trying so hard to meme that they're evolved yuropeons instead of mere mudslimes that they bribe any capitalist they can find to advertise turkey as being in yurop
it doesn't look like Mata at all, and Cyprus is a bit too densely occupied to allow for a "desert" to be found there
geology looks very much like Anatolia
the cheap fucks only carved on one side of it. just deface the 9fag side and use the other.
How expensive would it be to hire a digger from that town seen to dig it up and deface it with the scoop?
getting someone with the equipment and talent to put our on shit on it would be a big ask, hense i think we should just go full meme ISIS and smash it
See , it was originally white.
Turkey is not europe.
it's spain.
this photo from that found article carrying it has a truck with a spanish plate.
the topgraphy, climate all match spain
Okay, so that drastically narrows the major quarries down, as Spanish limestone is typically beige or pink. White limestone in Spain is somewhat of an abnormality.
With how shallow the inscription looks I doubt it will last longer than the internet will, whats to speak of long enough for modern civilization to become lost to memory.
Although if their intention did come true I think anyone finding the statue would dub the period they date it back to as the "cancer-age".
I will share it as soon as I get it.
With the shitty "filter" that is going on there, can we be sure it is white?
It would fade if left open to the elements, it's not though, it's buried.
We shouldn't rule out the possibility that 9gagers are rusemen who put shots of a white limestone quarry in thw video but actually used the red type.
Antonio Soler is the spanish sculptor. Since they buried it close to civilization they PROBABLY kept it near his home town. Anyone know where he lives?
Cuckchan intellect everyone.
Hell is for ever!
The Spanish require planning permission for painting internal walls (if visible from the outside), they probably required planning permission for this.
Could we search applications by applying company, or do they have no centralized system?
We should go to cuckchan /int/ and ask the spaniards if any of them recognize the scenery.
kinda looks like the northern sonoran desert
I sorta agree I must say
how about we carve Pepe, Wojak, Gondola and Kek's sigil on the other side without dicking with their aids?
Eastern coast of Spain, Alcoy Alicante says jewgle.
quickly did an infographic for sharing
From halfchan, source is (uncited) news articles:
Creative Agency: LOLA MullenLowe (apparently based in Barcelona)
Client: 9GAG
Campaign: Fun Legacy
Client contact: Rachel Wong, Lilian Leong
Business Director: Gonzaga Ayllón
Chief Creative Officer: Chacho Puebla
Executive Creative Director: Nestor García, Nacho Oñate
Creative Supervisors: Santiago Davis, Leandro Mosca
Head of Planning: Gem Romero
Account Director: Esther Mestre
Project Manager: Marta Toda
Head of PR: Sarah Okrent
Producer: Vanesa Pulido
Production House: Story: We Produce
Director: Dani Fortuny
Post Production: LastCrit
The landscape looks fairly similar, someone needs to cross reference the area with the list of limestone quarries I posted earlier.
That fits climate wise. That birthplace is smack dab in the middle of Alicante province, which coincidentally is a rather arid climate.
I'm more angry of what this represents than anything. This is an innocent rock even if it's stupid.
*I want to destroy it too, but I don't think it's okay to do it. I find it very hypocritical that this is happening.*
Is this bait? I say that because I'd be very mad if it isn't.
There isn't enough mirrors in the world.
Read above.
Maybe you guys are is this dumb.
The HWNDU thing barely caused anything illegal or harmful and this thread is talking about destroying property.
Fuck off buzzkill, stop shitting up the thread.
When you take something and bury it in the ground in the middle of nowhere, it's no longer your property.
Spanishfag here, that looks like the monegros desert, it's quite big, but I doubt there are a lot of lakes… seriously, why did I have to be Spanish?
I think I found the quarry.
It's an hour and a half from Alicante Alcoy
Trash doesn't count as such, what are Spain's laws regarding abandoned property?
If you fullscreen this video and set it to 1080p, you can kind of read what's written on the worker's vest. It seems to be written "Mármoles Maria"
After searching a bit for quarries in spain, I came across this specific one which was the only quarry with the name "Maria" in it:
Now if you look at the pictures in that page, you can see pic related. Could this be /ourquarry/?
Gee, it's like it's a shithole of censorship or something
heh you probably need some sort of permission to destroy it even if it's abbandoned…
You can easily read "Marmo" on third guy.
"Mármoles Maria" is our quarry.
You only need to mark it telling the future you were there and explain how bullshit it is.
I think it's a company name rather than a quarry name.
smells like PRcuck
Have you not watched The Eternal Jew?
It is still progress.
that's probably ilegal anyway… not like anyone would really know I was the one that did it tho…
Can anybody make out the numbers on that plate? my eyes are shit
nvm, has been posted.
i am retart
anyone still here?
I'm looking at quarries and climate locations on a map now. Working on it nigga.
same here
the most intriguing part are the palm trees
hope i'm not wrong, but those trees are typical of coastal regions and cities, pretty unusual to see a highway ridden of those palms
Steel would rust.
You want to mould them in to some shitty cheap plastic that is inert and will last a milloin years.
In reality, that's just how our history really is. IIRC medieval and pre-roman history is basically inferred from the bizarre claims of the reigning countries and a mixture of myth and assumptions.
Your andalusian ancestors would be dishonored to hear such claims. All our countries are full of faggottry, it's what you do with the cards you're dealt with that makes you great.
Fantastic work
Remember that Spain has two exclaves in Morocco and an enclave in France so they could also be located around that area.
which palm trees? am I blind? cause I don't see them in any of the pics that have been posted here
Yes, just finished downloading all the relevant videos from their channel in case they take an IDing video down.
On the right side, look at the trunk and leaves of the trees here
And on the left here
It's not usual to see mountain roads embellished like that
Giant Styrofoam pepes.
if we choose to believe them it is somewhere in Europe because they say so.
you are right only newer cars have the blue bar. but today almost all cars have it.
pic related is hopefully a lead. perhaps we can find the company that owns the truck
Digging up a giant monolith of plastic doesn't have the same effect as a metal one though. And is a lot harder to find. It doesn't have to be steel, any alloy would work. Or metal encased in plastic even. A titanium (or even palladium if you want to get dank) memetic monolith encased in a tomb of transparent plastic resin could last over 6 million years.
Cantera Ana María
Not fat from the tabernas desert.
i'm pretty convinced this is /ourquarry/
Depends on type of steel you dumb nigger.
Since rust is iron oxide, you just need steel with 0% iron content
I don't see anything unusual tbh, it looks normal idk if it is unusual in other points of the world, but it looks like normal Spanish terrain…
road linking the quarry and the desert. they match the ones seen here
Does it really matter if someone else spends their money on something stupid and inconsequential?
How is this not a slide thread?
Shit. I think you and I are literally researching the same road..
why even post then cunt? just had to give us your hot take
steel is mostly iron you stupid nigger, it's an alloy of iron, carbon, and maybe other stuff depending on what you need
So has the quarry been positively identified, then? It seems like you have the rough physical location figured out.
Did they say what kind of stone it was carved from?
You're just going to let them bury their memes and get away with it unchallenged?
Steel is made with iron you kike. Just coated steel will do. I still do not understand how people think their is just one type metal per each metal. There is an aweful amount of different steel
Kill yourself
Plastic is too easy to get energy from, bacteria will come around soon enough to eat it.
We're in the same situation as when plants started growing wood, it took a while but soon enough stuff became able to eat wood.
I am sorry user-kun-sama, I will try to make my jokes more obvious in the future desu ne
Fuck off kike.
holy shit get with the times
And another dumb fuck
You know I'm just going to filter you and avoid seeing the thread get shit up. 5 posts and every one is a shitpost. Reported.
Because you're wasting board space.
Why would YOU even post if you can't come up with a proper answer?
What a fucking dribbler you are.
I blame you dumb fuck.
Where do old threads go on this board then?
9gag is in this thread
kill the apostates, smash their false idols, tear down their heathen monuments.
absolutely bait
got to thinking, if this is stateside I know some /k/ommandos that have been itching to practice their skills but then realized
the same applies non-stateside except without the arrest part, /k/ommando gets the ISIL treatment
You don't belong here.
Up his ass, obviously. Which is why he doesn't mind bumping threads off the last page or taking space in the front page.
Maybe some tips, or maybe false-flags
About the palm trees:
Spain was used for movies on the desert
On Lawrence of Arabia, some palm trees were planted as props
There are routes to visit the places were the film was filmed, MAYBE the palm trees are lined up on that road because there's a place featured on the film nearby?
Trying to find info about the "Lawrence of Arabia Oasis", because the geography of that place sort of matches
Video related
you dont need to blow it up. Recarve it so it is a statue of kek
Maybe the "Quarry" was just were the stone came from, not were they are burying it
It´s not Maria, it´s Almería
The sculptor who made it is from Murcia in Spain
Sculptor: a-soler.net
he probably used a local quarry.
There are quite a few limestone quarries there. Also with lines of palm trees as seen in the video. Also in the video you see the sea in the distance at the bottom of the valley.
Direct your efforts to Rincon de Beniscornia (murcia). area in spain
This is a hill climb setup for trucks and he is in the "fast lane" of the 2 lanes going up hill the down hill is only on lane.
list of Limestone Quarries in Spain.
Look for the ones in the Murcia area. that is where the Sculptor lives and works.
This is the sculptor's website. It says he has a studio in Jimena, which is in southern spain. Lots of deserts and semi-deserts there. Not too far from the tabernas desert that many anons are speculating the monstrosity is buried in.
Let 9gag play with it's toys.
without dicking with their aids?
every time i see the video, that rock seems more and more like a fake CGI, you sure we aren't being rused?
Right. Because what could possibly go wrong if we let them know we're coming?
An excellent question. OP's pic looks like a shoop. I think they're setting us (or someone) up.
look at the many videos post you twat, pay attention.
Even stainless steel will rust away eventually.
Im a machinist and engineer so I am well aware of all the different types of steel and their properties.
But I think you are not aware how inert plastic is in general.
In many thousands of years if they did an archaeological dig in a 20th century city all the wood and metal would be gone. But every piece of plastic would still be there.
Can we make sure we DONT let them know we found it?
As funny as that would be, we dont need them planting another one, the objective is not fun, its to stop our progeny from thinking we were retards
first thing i went to as well
Suit yourselves.
That is a different name.
Here is a photo of him. and matches the one on his website
Future humans won't even understand any shit we leave behind right now. For all we know ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics could in reality just be a bunch of shitposts made by a bunch of faggots that everyone in Egypt hated.
That ship has already sailed long ago
This is an incredibly stupid post, perhaps the worst I have seen on this board.
Are there any other Photoshop fags in this thread? Because I can't get it out of my head that I'm looking at a shoop and I'd like someone else with experience to check it out.
We can translate Egyptian hieroglyphics, retard.
You don't need to be an expert with photoshop to find out if something is photoshopped. Open up gimp, open up that image, and pixel browse the thing. every material has a pattern and it becomes blatantly obvious when something has been shopped. unless these guys were really dedicated i'd bet they left some trace
how did cuckchan find it? embarrassing, guys. we need to step up our game
Sure it's pathetic, but it's also meh. Not worth spending time or energy on. Better make sure future generations look like us in the first place and our history isn't wiped out by our enemies.
post co-ords, faggot
It's in the URL
We've still got the smashing to do.
if we end up winning this culture war user, future generations will probably end up revering us as the generation that saved the west. with Trump's election and Brexit, we've already cemented ourselves in history. the day may come when politicians make grand speeches about returning to the values and culture of the greatest shitposters of old
CIA move aside
More autists = more mana. 8ch might have the xp, but we're basically one-shot barrel-bomb raids.
What country?
Now that we know the general area (maybe), we’ll have to run subsurface scanners on a huge portion of it (might take a week or more) to see any aberrations.
You wouldn't get anywhere without plane tickets and heavy machinery. If someone has that much money to spare, they should put it to more important matters. Support people in the movement who are struggling.
Near Tabernas, in Almería
Obviously this requires a native spaniard.
Well that was fun. When is the next installment of HWNDU coming to a computer near you?
Funnily enough, I actually vacationed in the area once and wandered through the desert near Almeria. It was used for Movie sets in the past.
as it is written, it shall manifest
still, might be a test to check capabilities, seems like HWNDU
why smash it when you can decorate it with swastikas?
They can wipe swastikas off but they can't put back together the shards of a broken statue
Better idea.
Carve a great big fucking dick on it and "Holla Forums wuz 'ere, we wuz kangz and shieet".
if you carve them deep enough the only way to remove them would make them destroy their own thing
Better yet.
Someone carve Anita Sarkeesian's face into it.
Ok so we will spam the location on 9gag or something?
No, we have the exact location. You can see in the video that they didn't make an effort to completely disguise the burial site. You can just go there and see the loose soil.
no, they're just idiots
what is the stone made of? it may be possible to erase the carvings without digging it up
I highly doubt that.
All we need is vinegar - though a lot of it.
The moment they buried it they forfeited property rights.
Also unfunny shouldn't be allowed to taint future generations; purge it all.
Could we stick a Bronze rod on top of it and wait for an electric storm?
Who let this faggot in?
Limestone, I seem to vaguely remember acid rain dissolves it, but have no idea if acid rain refers to a specific thing in the water, or just to rain that's more acidic than normal.
Higher acidity rain, and that takes decades at least
There should be no issue.
Unless the guy went there and adversely possessed the land - there should be nothing wrong.
Unless there is an owner and he allowed it…
For those not versed in geochemistry; electric discharges essentially destroy the structural integrity of limestone, making the affected zones into a sort of glass (called a fulgurite). The shock also cracks the stone around it, causing the stone to crumble quickly.
Rather artsy and clever if one used it for sabotage/vandalism.
There's a good amount of paellanons in this board, we should be able to grab their attention easily by spreading the location of this stone of shame
Acid will dissolve limestone, but it's not a realistic way of destroying the stone. It would take hundreds of gallons of vinegar being poured slowly over time to have an effect. Less so with strong acids like HCl or H2SO4, but same problems persist.
Other alternatives:
1) blow it up with explosives. Easiest way would be to drill a hole through the top (which is only like 2 feet below the surface) and stick some dynamite down into the center. Problem here is legality, risk of getting caught, safety, and ability to procure the necessary items
2) dig it out and deface the stone. Chisel off their shitty memes and carve swastikas, kek hieroglyphics, etc. Only problem is that the stone is 4 meters deep, so it would take a fuckton of digging, not to mention time spent carving into the rock.
3) only dig to the top of the stone (2 feet deep) and just put some swastikas and such on the top. This is the easiest method, but it's incredibly half-assed and doesn't get rid of their shitty 9gag memes on the front surface.
you don't need to dissolve the whole rock just the one face
vinegar or acetic acid would work
you could bore a hole down to the rock and apply it directly
I like that name.
Sounds like something the Stonecutters would have.
Holla Forums should bury a monument of its own.
OUR memes need to be found, the merchant, Hitler did nothing wrong, GTKRWN…
I was thinking of Lichtemberg figures.
tfw the stone is a pagan symbol and when a ligthing strikes, it opens a gate to the memetic realm where our collective subconsious resides, seting free to KEK. Suck on that Lovecraft.
maybe it's just because i live in mining country but i always thought it was really easy to obtain explosives
anyway, that place they buried it looks like it's pretty far outside of town, even if anyone hears the blast (it really won't need to be very big if all you want to do is fracture the stone, completely pulverizing it is another story though) it will take a while for anyone to come investigate, and that's if they even give enough of a shit. you'd have plenty of time to get out of there if you weren't retarded and didn't take the road directly back into the town.
Same thing, yeah.
Seconded, any archaeologists about who know what material/environment would be the longest lasting?
We still have clay tablets from the sumerians don't we?
Clay is cheap and easy, but does it last well or are what we have exceptions?
If it keeps well, what conditions should it be buried in?
not a geologist but if you want to make something permanent you use granite
Definitely Europe, I don't think DAF trucks are used outside Europe.
granite tablet encased in titanium?
titanium is stronger than steel and extremely resistant to corrosion and other environmental wear and tear, especially if it was buried
maybe its an employment exam?
Clay tablets are brittle, but otherwise they'll last a long time if you put them in the right spot, like a salt mine. They have a very low text-volume ratio, but that can't be helped.
Lovecraft's Gods were mostly indifferent to humans, except when they want to fuck them. Read The Dunwich Horror. The cults in the Lovecraft universe were a bit nuts, they wanted to raise Gods who would do nothing but cause absolute destruction and madness.
Thumbnail of another video
Should be spain.
I think that the granite alone would be resilient enough.
If you're going to bury metal then make it a separate tablet.
Gold or platinum is best but kind of expensive. Not sure how titanium fares in terms of corrosion over thousands of years.
I was thinking that since a large organised project probably isn't going to happen, we could each make our own small tablets and bury them in places like the grounds of historic sites that are likely to be dug up at a later date.
Resin casting maybe?
it needs to be resistant to shitskin invaders
have some sort of puzzle based lock to access the tablet inside
Since a number of transmission towers can be seen in the video, it might be useful to also cross-reference a map of Spain's electricity grid. Although I'm not sure if a towers would be on it.
Maybe someone should post as a redditor in the comments requesting info?
Someone also needs to check 9gag/reddit to see if they're planning disinfo shilling.
holy fuck its already been located
derp nvm then
you can keep the map
Regarding resin casting:
Polyurethane is out:
It's Indiana Jones, except we're the Nazis.
Why smash what can be defaced into a permanent monument to keel?
Holy shit, go the fuck back to Reddit you little sack of nigger shit
36.9461641173823, -2.4090152978897095
The spic posters on half-chan are making me lose all hope.
They're the laziest fucking niggers i have ever seen, every one of them coming up with an excuse not to go down there and even photograph the area.
Viva la Banda nacional
Franco must smite them
Let's plot a course. Intercourse.
why the fuck do you faggots not lurk?
why do you make literally 0 effort to understand new environments and fit in?
They're probably used to rapefugees coming into their countries and not assimilating, so they don't bother to assimilate here. or it was a bait post
ban this threw DNA dndneke. Op Memel Lewis praise jewel kekekekkekekeke kekekekekek Pepe pooioopooe pOPPPEPOOPEEEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPE Xd'nnnnnbn!nbbnbnn I love the Jews tjsnsks jekek
Spaniard culture literally glorifies sloth. Where do you think the mexican "siesta" comes from?
I'm a nigger
Here's halfchans's supposed location
Who let the 10 year old 9fag in?
Also fucking called the location before any of you but didn't post here. The desert looked a lot like the one in the closing scenes of The Good, The Bad and the Ugly which was Tabernas in Almeria, just chose not to post it.
It's not supposed. You can look at google maps and match up everything. The field its in. The mountains in the background. The fucking palm trees.
Dubs aside, it's FUCKING OBVIOUS it's the same place:
Any salt from 9gag yet?
Don't fucking sperg out, I didn't say it wasn't.
weaponized autism
How are we going to destroy it, anyway? Explosives? Acid? Smashing it down, ISIS style?
More importantly, how are we gonna convince a Spaniard to do it for us?
smashing is the only really feasible way, acid would take too long and explosives are too difficult to obtain in europe
What ever helps you sleep at night faggot
Why won't we just add our smaller stone with all the racist memes and giant HWNDU in the middle?
If you are not as creative as random Polack.
Spicanon here, I live nowhere near Almeria, but I can at least spread this info in multiple taco-speaking board and see if anyone moves.
Keep your hopes very low though, my countrymen are the laziest dumbest and useless cunts you'll ever see.
ok, find a spainard willing to make explosives in his garden, then trigger an explosion and risk going to jail, go ahead.
If only you knew how bad things really were. Did you see the people that showed up for that Berkeley Rally? There were moms holding I love Holla Forums signs and T_D idiots running around with Kekistan flags. I feel like I'm watching a cargo cult of lunatics begging for acceptance failing to realize they are part of one big multifaceted joke.
We are doing such stuff in elementary school.
Unfortunately I have no connections in Spain.
Organize a music festival, carve a dumpster at exact location, remove debrish, get PR, profit
• Drill several holes in the top as far down as you can and fill them with ecobust.
• Wait 72 hours
• Return to site, clear out debris.
• Repeat until whole block is gone.
you'd probably need a bigger detonation and you'd need to drill a hole into that rock, other than that, yea, i did shit like making termite in middle school.
The coordinates look to be in the URL if I'm not mistaken
They're already here.
This is Maes Howe in Orkney, Scotland. It's a burial mound from approximately 3000 BC. It is also the largest collection of Runic Graffiti in all of Europe.
History is cyclical. Break that fucking monstrosity.
1: follow one of these recipies for making a bomb: file:///C:/Users/Till/Music/Neuer%20Ordner%20(2)/anarchy_-__-_Anarchists_Cookbook_IV_4.14.pdf
2: get a drill
3:go to the coordinates and get working
Go blow the rock up you lazy spic
You see the coordinates above, are you close enough?
Unfortunately thermite is close to useless against rock.
You don't need explosives, anons, you just need to drill down several holes 18 inches or so and fill the holes with this shit.
Filling drill holes with water and freezing it might do the trick. Like pour LN2 over the top of it maybe.
When will the shills leave?
Hello, PRfag.
Wow 9gag are so dumb. They have that awesome and hilarious philosopher raptor yet they didn't even include the best memes like Good Guy Greg or Scumbag Steve! Also where is the impact font? Everyone knows an image is not a meme without impact font! Well hopefully in the text there are some classic "when" memes like "when the weed hits" or "when you nut and she keeps sucking". kill me please i hate normalfags so fucking much
This shit will expand and break the rock.
How would you freeze it?
I'm not saying that's a bad idea, but would the desert night be enough?
Make fucking tannerite you dumb fucks.
Aluminum powder
Iron oxide(from ceramics stores, they sell it pretty pure as a glaze)
Shit i meant thermite
Just carve "OP IS A FAG" across it
Forget what I said about water, I think this guy has it.
Do you even know what that word means?
No thanks FBI.
36°56'46.1"N 2°24'32.5"W
36.946147, -2.409014
Calle Via Flavia, 22
04259, Almería, Spain
Oh that is fucking sexy.
I'd still prefer it get a 14/88 makeover, but then it would seem like an act of terrorism. Notwithstanding it would have been done by a Spaniard.
My fear is some intrepid Spanish lad is going to locked up for ecobusting their shit.
Same as any other shill pushing against taking action.
very possible. in college a buddy of mine and i entered this cybersecurity contest that paid $100
it was an alphabetized recruitment program, months later good goys came in and talked about the amazing opportunity that they could fast track us on at an OIG. kinda regret not pursuing it
(((they))) also find blackhats this way
amazing how this shit happened in rome too
Couldn't a Spanish redneck just dig a small hole or drill a small hole in the ground and stick some dynamite in it to blow the thing up?
How fucking retarded are you?
Yup, it's just finding one. Halfchan thread died because no spic was willing to put in the effort
You underestimate the laziness of the siestanigger.
Oh yeah, I've read some of those.
Drop a portable toilet on top of it. May the future know that 9fags memes were shit.
How further will you push against what you have no chance of stopping, agent?
mods now fulltime nuking halfchan threads.
you're in charge lads.
Hiroshima doesn't want any bad attention brought to his datamining site.
How is cuckchan still alive? How is there still a group of loyal faggots who refuse to see how compromised the mods are? I suppose it's because it's not bad in comparison to reddit, but it's still really bad and has been for years,
/home/coolestguyevertolive/pictures/smug\ anime\ girls/smuggest.jpg
If this isn't taken care of I'll be sure to make a vacation to Spainistan in the future. Not like the rock is moving any time soon.
Was bound to happen sooner or later. That's the tragedy of these sort of things. Halfchan has the raw manpower that's perfect for these sort of things, but it can typically only discuss something like this for a few hours before the mods start deleting/banning everything relating to it.
Really sucks. It's going to be impossible to find a spic who isn't a lazy piece of shit and actually has the agency to dig up this rock. Moreover, if this takes us too long to accomplish, it makes us look bad/weak. Half of what makes us into legends is the perceived ability to work quickly. What was so great about locating the HWNDU flags, for example, was that it was done in a couple days. But if it takes weeks or even MONTHS for a lazy siestanigger to get around to defiling this 9gag stone, it won't have the right impact we want. Nobody will care by that point. It would've been great if we could've had this thing destroyed by tomorrow, a mere day after being unveiled.
To be fair, this sort of no-fun-allowed bullshit was going on long before hiroshimoot, what with j00t and gamergate and such. But under hiro, there's DEFINITELY been a much more liberal application of what counts as a """raid"""
Why not just create some sort of inert metal plate that has your meme of choice on it and bolting it right to the face of that stone?
Simple easy long lasting etc
Unless you're a muslim you'd get in deep shit trying to get any explosives in Europe. Ecobust will do the job just fine.
I still say, make our own
Oh yeah, definitely. Another example of that is any kind of possible happening getting shut down with "NYPA OP". Anybody who's been there longer than 2 weeks knows it's not a personal army request, but that's assuming they haven't already come here.
The only thing it's good for now is cross referencing, like we did earlier with the coordinates.
Cuckchan is just a subreddit at this point. Besides, 8ch's servers would melt into slag if they all came here.
I swear I had the Spain map version of this. Too bad I can't find it.
it's not like 8/pol/ is any better, looking at you imkampfy
trips confirm you must go
Pick one.
Astoundingly so. I have a theory about that that memetics at its most basic form is a universal sort of programming language in which universal truths make up the assembly language. Which would explain why our memetics are so powerful. And that being there are a finite amount of universal truths it is not so much that history is cyclical but more that there are only x amount of basic ideas/thought forms and no matter how hard shitheads try to break reality to fit their goals with deception it always balances toward the correct timeline Im seriously entertaining the idea of writing an indepth paper on this
Stone carver here. I feel sick.
About time one of you siestaniggers showed up. Dig stone.
I'd read it.
I remember reading in another thread/cap /Idon'tremember about some user who thought that there's only a certain amount of souls in the world, and that many of the people in the world are just NPCs. Born to be lemmings. I didn't take it seriously, and I don't think he did either, but it's an interesting thought.
for those who are not patient enough to wait for a storm to send a lightning bolt directly on it, you can accelerate the process by tying an ordinary helium-inflated party balloon to the cut end of an old cassette tape, securing the case to the metal rod you've stuck in place
audio-tape is better than vcr tape because it's lighter
but if you have a large enough balloon a vcr can go higher
that's a stupidly dangerous thing to try during a storm, so you better release the balloon and tape via a pin pulled with a string from as far as possible, then run like hell
some people have euro plates in america, but not many
not on trucks. Moreover you will never see a yuropeon style cuck truck on American roads. Never.
There NPC idea isnt new, first time I saw a thread on it was a year or two ago. My theory kind of explains why it seems like people could actually be npc's. I'm going to write it but idk how long it will take me it will probably be atleast 100 pages.
This farce cannot become the legacy of our era. It must not exist.
Destroy it.
This "theory" is not something new. Materialistic people who care only about first things they see in life and never research, constantly repeating same stuff in their lives over and over again and never looking beyond government educated ideas given them by universities - eventually become zombies who believe their true life hasn't even began, when in reality they are killing themselves by doing nothing of value in their lives.
They buried it next to an abandoned film set from Exodus: Gods and Kings starring dubs man.
Apparently that part of spain is commonly used for filming. All the old spaghetti westerns were filmed there
La expedición canosiana encontrará esa roca y LA DESTRUIRÁ
There is also a nearby bar.
Literally ISIS behavior.
Fuck off 9gag
did we meme the wrong man?
That's a good webm
I don't know if I want off this ride anymore
fuck off ninefagger
it means pepe "the blonde"
we are the isis now
also simply blasting it isn't enough since the fragments with the carvings would still be found in the future
spaghetti westerns were filmed in spain. "spaghetti" refers to the fact that they were made by italians.
That's the idea, fag.
Professional heavy equipment operator here.
Renting one of these things is cheap as fuck, like 100 a day in some places. Operating it is like playing a fucking video game, it would take anyone who has ever used a game controller for a long weekend about a half hour to figure out basic movements and how to manipulate the arm and bucket to move earth effectively.
It would be crazy cheap to dig this up and ruin it. Lifting it out of the ground (renting a crane and an operator) would get expensive, but if the goal is just to deface/destroy/lulz then it could be done by anyone with a few hours, some diesel, and a backhoe.
I don't see a backhoe in the picture that linked, but the deepest they're going to get it, even with a full-sized backhoe is only about 18-20 feet, and without an exact location, that's a lot of earth to move searching for a rock in the ground.
we could use one of those things they used to debunk the myth that somebody was buried under some baseball stadium
Now I'm getting excited.
Jimmy Hoffa, user.
Not too shabby. But alas, the problem seems to be that there simply aren't any anons in or near Al-Andalus to take care of this. The few siestaniggers I've talked too are all lazy as fuck and telling everyone to fuck off.
Also, we DO have an exact location. You can line up exactly where the thing is buried based on the pictures. There's also the fact that there's a clearly-visible pile of loose dirt where it was excavated and then filled back in. And actually confirming the location would be easy, since you'd only need to dig ~2 feet through loose broken soil to make sure.
beta uprising when?
It is a shame they lack the drive of their ancestors.
It seems the siestaniggers were only able to conquer the people even lazier than themselves: indios
True. And what should happen anyway. Police cruising to a quarry in fucking nowhere to arrest a bunch of hammered hammering dudes?
A lot of that depends on the soil, too. If it's VERY sandy, as it looks to be, it's difficult to tell freshly dug sand from years old sand, especially near the surface. If there's even a thin layer of topsoil over the sand, you can look for the broken topsoil line, but that still involves excavating approximately 2 feet of dirt in all directions until you find the "box" they buried the stone in.
More than likely this will just fade into obscurity and nobody will ever find the thing once it's buried down there, but who knows.
This is better than capture the flag,
Capture the monolith!
Break it down into smaller pieces and distribute it amongst ourselves.
Sell it on eBay, give it away to gypsies, stick it your ass!
It doesn't matter as long as it's captured by us.
Just fuckin chuck her in ute, ay.
No regrets, horsefucker.
That all makes sense, and I'm sure you know much more than I would about these things. But just judging from the picture, it looks like the spot is clearly visible.
You're absolutely right, locating that right now would be cake, and so would excavating it, as it's not settled yet. This is assuming that we get to it now, and don't give it time to get covered over by wind and rain.
We have at least a few months before it's impossible to find it with a cursory glance. Plus, it's a stone buried in sand, it's not going to have a whole lot of settling to do, so there won't be a visible depression on the surface. If it's very windy in that area, drifts will cover any marks left in the earth in a matter of weeks.
The sooner we get to the location, the better, even if it's just to mark it's location for future excavation.
Are you fucking retarded? The whole video is pure computer generated imagery. The trucks, the landscapes, the artificial rocks. You have to be blind to beleive this shit is real.
That's fucking stupid. Sand it, and then blow it to quarks.
This track makes me deeply jelly that I'm not Australian tbh.
There's a spic on cuckchan who said he lives 70 miles away. I was under the impression he was going to travel there and stake it out. Hopefully he pulls through. If not, we need someone willing to actually go there soon.
Bruh, I think you're overdosing on redpills. Do you know how expensive CGI is? This isn't something that would be backed by ZOG wallets. It's just some shitty 9gag faggots scraping together to buy a stone. CGI would cost an unbelievably larger amount than just doing this for real.
Now that is enticing.
Something about Australia seems to be like some kind of purgatory. But their accents make everything sound like it's about to be a wild ride.
The part where they actually bury it I would agree with you, but if you think the first shot in the video isn't CGI you're clinically retarded. The motion isn't realistic at all, and everything looks like it's slightly cel-shaded.
Hmm, not much open territory on Malta
Common enough name in Spain, could be pure koinkeydink.
How about this?
So what's the current situation as far as finding spainards to do this goes? There was one that was in this thread, and another one in the cuckchan thread another user mentioned, anymore spaniards ITT?
situation seems hopeless as far as finding spaniards that will actually do anything. At this point, it might honestly be better to find a britbong who's taking a holiday in spain and ask them to do this while they're there.
What about frogs?
I know of a portugese user.. Post a solid breakdown of exactly where needs to be investigated and maybe I can convince him to do it.
you're fucking kidding me. what's the drive time?
To be honest… I didnt watch the video.
You are fucking right thats not even good cgi. Most of the carving is a fucking layered texture.
16 min
You gotta learn some film history nigger.
t. Spaniard
Also, Spartacus was filmed here.
Huevos also means eggs, nignog.
I would say this is a sign.
it has been spoken we must get vacationing brit bongs to go.
it also means balls.
Well, what can we do? Also someone tell me where it exactly is, no shitty coordinates we Spaniards are unable to understand. This shit should be illegal.
Even if you can't actually get around to digging it up and defacing it with swastikas and kek hieroglyphics, we AT LEAST need someone to mark the burial spot before the dirt settles and it becomes impossible to see where the soil was excavated.
Enjoy killing yourself 😂
I'm all for smashing a symbol of stupidity, but why not just fund our own?
Well, this thread is fucking dumb.
The only thing it reminds me is ISIS destroying old monuments because they didn't like it.
Yeah, you can argue that it's okay, we're the good guys and that "culture" is fucking stupid.
In a sense, you're right. It is fucking stupid. 65% of 9gags posts are reposts from somewhere else honestly thought it would be higher.
But it's still ruining someone's elses fun for little to no gain. We might get a bit of attention, some more posters, but that's pretty much it.
I predict half of Holla Forums ignoring this topic, half focusing on it (essentially crossposters with 4/pol/) and a tiny sliver of people that don't give a shit.
Best of luck to everyone in their endeavours, wathever you choose.
I agree, give me money goyim.
I can spread awareness, convincing history scholars that this is indeed insulting our history, making the government take care of it.
Hey nigger, this is an insult to the Spanish people and Spanish culture, and we will fight to destroy it. We will get our honor back.
Are you trying to jew me?
We aren't destroying historical landmarks and symbols of cultures lost in time, we're literally taking the memes away from copycats and asserting our dominance via memetic warfare. I fully expect some cuckchanner to put a MAGA slab and a ninefag tombstone to symbolize their victory.
And this would be something I agree with.
When a nigger sees another nigger with something good, he doesn't make something better: he just smashes what the other guy has so he's no better than him.
When a white guy sees his neighbor built something, he'll compliment it, but do even better.
I think this board needs to build something. Kinda tired of always destroying even if some things really need to be destroyed.
No, this is an insult to 9gag.
A site that barely has any kind of self-respect, populated by millenials and other assorted dumb mammals decided to spend a boatload of money in something incredibly stupid and dumb.
The whole thing screams: "Hey, we're 9gag, we got memes and nothing else. We're that stupid."
I'd be offended if I frequented the site.
I think I'm gonna mock one of my co-workers tomorrow. He browses that shit at work, always wants to share "memes" and a month ago spent money on one of their scams.
If it was some decent scuplture, I wouldn't mind. But it's just a prank bro!
So nothing of value will be lost.
You said it yourself:
Memetic warfare is fought with memes, not with hammers.
You overpower their memes with ours.
If I had a say in the matter (and the money to get a flight ticket) I'd get 5-6 guys and erect a giant slab of steel in 9/11 Ground Zero with the words "JET FUEL CAN'T MELT STEEL BEAMS" and one-up them.
Or I'd get a giant-sized MAGA hat and put it on the Lincoln Memorial.
It's stupid shit, but it's shit that:
a)Would end up in the news everywhere in the world
b)Is fucking hilarious
c)Would get way more coverage than some giant sand-brick.
There's not even a need to point out it was us. 4chan would get the fame (and the wave of newfags) and we'd get the glory.
Look, if you niggers really wanna go break that thing, be my guest. I don't mind/care/worry about it. It's a stupid rock covered in stupid scribbles.
My opinion (and just that, an opinion) is that it's a pointless endeavor. But a perfect opportunity to one-up them. Not but smashing shit, but by building better and bigger.
Memetic warfare is fought with cold, hard bantz. That's why the left is currently losing, they cannot up the ante, but if the /hwndu/ folks can go and replace a flag, there's no reason to believe that we cannot extract the limestone and replace it with a smug anime grill.
It's not pointless. You have to realize that not all operations have to be so tangibly "for the cause". The mere act of shitposting IRL and fucking up people's day is part of what makes up powerful.
Look at HWNDU. You could just as easily say that it served no purpose. But it absolutely did.
It's like owning a piece of the Berlin Wall, only really evil.
if != bait:
print"you're a fagot"
Fuck you you lisping shiteater, spaghetti westerns were filmed in italy, spain, and all over yurop.
the iconic western desert scenery from spaghetti westerns comes from spain. They were mostly filmed in spain.
you're a fagot
Smash the fuck out of it, it's not art it is an abomination
simply someone on the spot who takes a dozen pictures of the landscape on a smartphone with gps would be enough
the several gps-location in exif data of the pictures will give a more precise position measurement
the "layered texture" you see is probably painted on the stone before the "sculptor" uses a drill on the stone face to carve it this is the lowest possible level of sculpting skill
the stone was probably colored by a photosensitive paint sprayed on the smoothed face and then fixated to make the image by a photoshop-generated stencil flashed by a screen projector
in one of the linked pages there's a pic of him carving it with slightly darker marks where he has to drill
this method requires a few hours of trivial work for someone who has enough brains to follow a mark with a power-tool
with "memes" put together by some college tard with a bootleg photoshop, and some shitty block of stone bought raw with zero additional work in a quarry, and a couple hours of heavy equipment rental, it probably was much cheaper to do it irl than by cgi
All foreign idols will be ground to dust. Deal with it breh.
user, we're not historians here. We are not impartial. We're partisans. Would you begrudge a Roman legionaire his conquest of Greece because 'antiquity deserves to see this culture's works'? The enemy must be crushed. All monuments that do not pay homage to Rome in some manner must be obscured or altered.
When in Rome do as the Romans do.
We plan on making everything Western 'Roman'.
This is far from stupid, hunting this down resonates from blood to culture. It must be destroyed.
If we had the resources, I wish we could yank the stone out of the ground and do an ISIS parody video of smashing it with sledgehammers and blowing it up afterwards while a nasheed-like remix of shadilay is playing in the background.
Indeed. And it's not even about overt topical politics. It's internet metapolitics. We were all anons long before we were ever Holla Forumsacks. This goes far deeper than Holla Forums. This harkens back to the days of ebaumsworld and r*ddit stealing our memes and turning them to shit while spreading their own cancer. They are our enemies on the metaphorical map of the internet, and they must be wiped out.
Yeah, I know what. That's why I don't exactly condemn the whole thing.
I mean, fuck it, I'll admit it, it would be funny as fuck.
But If I want funny, I got a fat feminist chick that tries to go jogging every week living nearby. I can look at the window and see her splatting her nose on the pavement for the 24th time and still laugh about it.
I don't want humour out of this. I wanted this thing to inspire Holla Forums to do unite and do something big. Build something of our own. Maybe I'll start a thread about it later anyway.
I know there's a bunch of shit today that badly needs destroying. Or killing. Or gassing.
But destroying shit depresses me. I want to build, user. For once, I want to put something up, shinning in the sun, look at the other anons around and say "We built that. And it's here to stay."
I got a bit of that when we got Trump elected. It felt great.
I got a bit of that with the Brexit thing. With the Todd and Claire thing.
We did something. And it's out there, for everyone to see where our hands can reach.
Some of us got a talent for destroying things, a talent that IS required from time to time.
But I worry that when the time comes to build, there will be noone left to do so.
To put this into perspective:
Imagine we send 500 heavily armed Holla Forumsacks to Rhodesia.
Everyone here will promptly that there's a LOT of things that need to die and be torn down there.
But if you simply kill a bunch of niggers and then left, that place remains a shithole.
A soldier that doesn't build is a Zogbot: he kills his master's enemies and goes home, hoping he doesn't have to risk his life to defend some old fart again for a few years.
A true soldier razes and burns to set a foundation. One where he can plant his future and his heritage down. Destroying is only half the battle. It's actually the easiest part of it. Building (and defending) your own is much harder.
And is also needed for it's the only thing that gives meaning to the previous slaughter.
Nazis didn't Jews for shits and giggles like fucking maniacs. They did it to build the Reich.
Sure, go smash the memebelisk. Hope you guys have fun.
But when you return, don't forget that we also need to build.
love you too fam
These are the best maymays 9gag can steal from the internet?
Why not just bring a generator, a power sander, and simply carve a huge infinity symbol on there
You know what, fuck it. You guys were right and I apologize.
I thought it was just dumb rage comics, but that shit is
Everyone report this thread asking for a sticky.
I'm out of work in a few weeks and I want to smash that thing.
Fuck building, fuck doing our own thing, fuck doing better.
Not when parasites like this can simply copy paste it and claim it as their own.
This shit needs to be FUCKING OBLITERATED.
This is 9fag, literally everything on that stone is simply copy-pasted and claimed as their own
M-maybe we can make dickbutt a White-supremacist hate symbol…
But we ARE planning on making something out of this, you retard. We're going to either deface the stone with Holla Forums memes or we're going to make an ISIS style video of the stone being destroyed. Either way, we're going to have pictures and video of what happened, and this will become the creation of a meme in and of itself, just as with HWNDU. Think of it as performance art, if you will.
Nah man. Nah. I'm past the whole "building" thing.
Screw that. Dickbutt is an old an venerable meme.
And they just took it. And put it right next to some Facebook messenger shit and harlem shake. Actually, half the dibkbutt pic is obscured with a fucking rage comic character.
I say we go there, we break that shit into chunks and then mail one chunk to everyone that participated in this shit with a note saying "Put it back together, you shitfuck".
I'm glad you've had a change of heart. You really should've at least watched the video before commenting though.
I say we get the guy who made this, and beat the shit out of him. Or at least pie him in the face with pie made out of shit.
hello FBI
Can we fossilize shit and carve it into a pepe statue and re-bury it in its place?
No wait, the fucking faggots might actually put it together.
So we break into chunks, mow them down to sand and mail it in a bag with a note saying: "Snort some memes, you fucking crackhead".
Then it will be even better when an user gets out there, starts digging and finds sweet fuck all. It will just save some time kek over how worthless 9fag is.
I mean, I am bretty edgy, but not really FBI-tier
it must be destroyed with a beautiful explosion, nothing more… no chisels, no hammers, just pure dinamite
Good luck getting dynamite in Europe.
Realitically I think four 18" deep holes filled with ecobust would be plenty. Deep cracks will split it, on the visible part of it at least. Overlay a nasheed on the video with snackbars right when it cracks.
That sounds so fucking american I just came hamburgers.
Have you been to south Europe?
Dynamite is everywhere, you can get a bunch if you work in construction.
>What is >>>/hwndu/
I smell newfag
I agree with the first, not with the last. Indeed, monuments of astounding beauty, historical importance and/or technical marvel should be preserved, if not even repurposed for other uses. But the idols of the enemy should be put on a pedestal as bounty, as a reminder to the world that the vanquished will stay vanquished. They're spoils of war. Destroying them outright will make us forget what made our enemies what it was and where we gained our drive.
I guess the crux of the issue is how far along the Kali Yuga are we?
Before or after her dancing slows?
If the dancing is increasing it should certainly be destroyed, as it is better to be the feet that trample.
If the end of her bloody fiesta is near then we best put our hands to work building anew.
Where are we Holla Forums? What does the Chinese Calendar say comes after Fire Cock?
We can do both. Stop buzzkilling.
I hear what you're saying user, but hear me out. 9gag has been stealing internet culture for years. This stone is probably the most impressive thing they've ever made. They could have just left it as a stone filled with memes, dedicating it to internet culture, that would have been bad enough. But they went ahead and slapped their logo on this stone.
If you take back your bike from the nigger down the street, are you the bad guy?
The theory im talking about is new, and what you just said is not even in the ballpark.
It's eerily funny how i often think about something similar myself. One thing is i call it cattle rather than NPC's. Even the bible refers people as a herd of sheep.
I am now mad
Slavs refer to them as Bydlo, which is translated from Polish as Cattle
plz post pics of moms holding "i
topkek, that's the perfect way to describe it.
do you know how I know how all you 9faggots are post-gaiaraid eternal cancer?!?
I have no mouth but I must REEEEEEEEEE
Also what's with the groucho marx glasses? That's fucking retarded.
This whole thing is just slap-dash KYM mining. Also any geology anons here? It looks like it's not carved deep enough. I could swear normal hieroglyphs look like that because they've been buried for a thousand years so am I of the right mind this might actually erode before the ayyliums see it?
at any rate, after you've cleared it off it should follow actual edgyptian stylings. Maybe have kek and Hitler presiding over a 'court' of lesser memes from the original era with tacgnol/longcat at the edges as the centrepiece, in a 'all civilisation has led to this point' kind of way. Anyone else autistic enough to remember 1Mget to 100M?
also might be funny to replicate two paintings of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln positioned in such a way as to imply they're running against each other for president, but replaced with the Slayers girls. now that is some hyper oldfaggotry
Heck, the whole point of their carvings were to tell stories, it could all be presented as "a truncated history of the world leading to the founding of the modern nations" but memed the hell up. Like Nanaca Crash as the meteor that wipes all dinosaurs save Raptor Jesus, or Aryanne as El Cid's noble steed smiting saracens.
Wish I knew how to cut down search results on those archives properly so I could make some more solid equivalences overall.
It really salts my pistachios that they mixed up Greco-Roman and Edgyptian like this. (styling is greek, more about aesthetic and 'what fits well' than storytelling but on an egyptian-style block, rather than a perfectly shaped square or rectangular building or a decorative column.)
Only accurate way to have done it would have been for them to choose one single meme and make it the entire carving. (see: standard outer-temple egyptian god statues)
seriously, come Monday, I'm going to show the historyfag art professor out here this shit and probably give him a heart attack. Not only are the memes mostly what you'd get off a GIS for "memes" but that whole thing I mentioned about the styling being wrong too. Also, judging by how much they're enjoying it they don't think any of these memes are shit, which ruins the other half of the point. Things like FPH40 and Vtec were shit, but longlasting and mildly influential.
This is what happens when you have an egotistical narcissistic people unconnected and uncaring to their own culture. They treat that shit like a patchwork quilt and just splatter random events around like a Jackson Pollack piece.
If we are the kekists, then this shit is basically "meme wicca" by comparison. It cries out to be properly fixed one way or another.
RJ was ours, unfortunately image macros have little to no knowledge required for entry. It's like Mencia-tier meming once it leaves the imageboard it spawned on.
well, we know this is accurate in Rome's case at least, though.
I think you're alright with Chinks though, they rarely lie on their shit for some reason. You only get improper records if the recorder is directly related to the person (like Liu Bei looking like a decent person when he was an ignorant hotheaded chimp that smashed his own son's head with a rock and made him retarded)
Does that mean hundreds of years from now people will still be reporting lost waifudolls as dead bodies washing ashore?
So basically…it is Indiana Jones. Doofus.
if we get glassed, I blame /mlp/
Thank god half/pol/ exists to soak up these people.
I say the same thing to myself about twicehalf/pol/ every day.
holy shit… this is so fucking funmy… omg…
fuck off nigger. just because your mom is coal burner doesn't mean you have to lash out.
You have my pick ax.
it's burried vertically in a hole at an unknown depth
you'd have to dig it out almost completely to make dequate expansive mix holes
Cattle is perhaps better, I've never really gotten into vidya
I mean it was a good idea, its a shame its filled with shit
ok but some fireworks on top of it, at the very least
I'm thinking we nee to be more ritualistic about it.
Frog masks?
Internet thought-criminals and frog worshipping nazi shitpost wizards emerge from the depths of their Mongolian checkerboard emporium to travel across the world to destroy the great cancerstone.
So did I wake up in one of those satirical meme rpgmaker games or something?
Cancerstone… I dunno, chief, I was sort of holding out on calling it a Shitlith.
What happened is we split timelines. We're in a neu world. Our world.
See my post
Literally translates to "Pepe The Blonde". That's aryan as fuck.
I swear to God, I know you letter agency anons are out there. Do one good thing for once and drone strike or C4 that cancer for the good and sake of the future.
they'd need one of us to go put a scarecrow on the future wreckage, brother
I'm just going to leave this here.
There's also another brand called dexpan.
Anyway, I knew shit was getting weird fast, but I didn't expect any of this to break out into /tg/ irl campaigns until 2018-2020
tbh this is cancer from when chanology began to take effect in full swing
Well shit son, time to pull out the old adventuring gear again.
You actually have that backwards. The rules of the internet were around way before chanology. You're getting confused because the chanology faggots adopted the "we are anonymous. we are legion. we do not forgive. we do not forget." mantra and turned it into cancerous cringeworthy bullshit. But it didn't start off that way.
Nah, the dirt around it isn't packed, it was just dug up. It won't provide any meaningful resistance to expansion.
You don't need to unbury the whole slab and fracture it along a 15-20 foot vertical . Drill at a 45° angle from the back of the slab to 10 inches from the front - this is where it's thinnest and will fracture easily from front to back. Clear out the chunks and continue. You only ever need to remove the soil above the slab, the rest is removing limestone.
You're probably thinking of that one time burgers knocked down the walls of Babylon by "accident" whilst landing a helicopter, during the betrayal of Saddam.
Normally I'd agree with you all, steel is mostly iron and should rust.
But then there's this fucking thing. The iron pillar of Delhi, extremely rust resistant due to being high-phosphorous iron with a layer of crystalline iron hydrogen phosphate hydrate on it. Just sayin'…
There is no way in hell a group of Anons are getting this thing out of the ground in one piece without heavy digging equipment.
But just so you know, using rollers and a 20 degree ramp, it would effectively be 8000kg. It could then be hauled out with pulleys or a decently powerful truck. You would need a quality heavy-duty trailer to take the accursed thing anywhere whole.
More realistically, it could be split into several pieces. Those pieces could be pulled up and taken in even a shitty trailer to any whatever locations as trophies/lawn ornaments. Modifications happening offsite would make things a lot easier. You could then deface it at home and post the pictures to 9gag.
No one's moving it. It's either being blown up or defaced.
That's why you don't take it out whole. The mission and goal is to destroy it and for that all you need is a pick ax as if you were a cowboy miner. You could do more by drilling large holes at fracture points and sticking em full of explosive then sparing humanity the shame of 9faggotry.
Just wanted to get lads thinking about the logistics of actually getting at a 4 meter rock underground and got a bit carried away. Destroying the top part will probably be quite easy. But the bottom will need to be either excavated or the parts on top will need to be removed somehow unless the plan is to bore 3.8 meter holes. Using the entire obelisk for the illustration muddied the point a bit, when it was really just supposed to be an option to deface the entire thing in a more efficient manner.
who said anything aobut digging
a monument needs a plaza, it needs to be appreciated
a buried thing is a time capsule
they buried this because they know its so shit people would deface it anyways
just rent some lot or erect it in some user's frontyard who lives in some central place in paris, london or some american city
Being a Spaniard doesn't make you a spic. You know that right?
so it's some unique alloy of iron and phosphorous coated in another alloy of iron and hydrogen phosphate, it's still not steel and in no way contradicts what i said
are you sure you belong here
easiest safest, drill and detonate.
Why not just make our own?
Cast a truck sized Pepe in bronze(which doesn't corrode into dust and will oxidize into a nice green) covered in hieroglyphs depicting the great meme war, the ascension of Kek, Tay who died for our sins, Hitler who did nothing wrong, the triggerpocalypse and a warning of the unfunny 9
That will fuck with someone.
Yes it does. Spic is a contraction of Hispanic. ie, from Hispania, aka Iberia. Spic doesn't just refer to mestizos
I've always wondered why this hasn't been done already.
It refers specifically to central and south american "hispanic". Go look it up if you have to.
How much did that shit cost? Why aren't we robbing these niggers?
I'd fracture it at an angle from the top like in the picture. It would create enough room after clearing out that I'd be able to go lower and at an angle again. We don't need to dig out anything other than the stone itself.
This is from the side view of the stone where it is thinnest, not the front.
Does this work?
Shut up, beaner.
Guys, what about the security? I doubt anyone would just let us come and dig/blow shit up. We'd need to act fast during the day, or quiet and unseen during the night.
I don't think there is security. It's not an art display, their idea is to leave a monument for future generations to cringe at. They buried it and don't suspect that anybody would dig up their gay little time capsule.
Where the fuck are all these 9faggots coming from?
Which one you fucking retards started advertising this place again?
And for the retarded newfags, which part of doing it for fun of the board culture do you not fucking understand.
Why? Are you ISIS or what? This stone is actually really cool. Just make your own stone and bury it somewhere
If you don't understand you haven't been here enough. This is about honor and other lofty concepts you seems to be without.
No, it's gay as fuck. Not to mention the majority of their dank may-mays weren't even theirs to begin with.
Letting this shit go is the same as misinformation for the future generations you stupid fuck.
Kill yourself.
That will do nothing, got some rocks behind my house with drilling holes inside them, and they are like that for literally +10 years
Thermite..on stone. kek.
If you tap a dry wood peg into the hole, when it gets wet it will crack the stone. Nearly impossible to prevent a piece of wood from absorbing water and expanding
Tannerite isn't thermite. Thermite burns. Tannerite explodes.
Personally I just want to deface the statue by digging out the meme'd side, sanding away the shit-tier memes, and carving out some happy merchants, swastikas, and some warnings about the jews. Its for the sake of future generations.
10th-6th century BC, Assyrian representation of Jews with folded hands.
Hire a digger? No, do it covert. Weaponised autistic shovels. No paper trail.
big carving chisels do impressively quick work in the proper hands. Stone and wood tools are marvels and you can easily destroy things with them. You don't have to wipe off every little detail, you just destroy enough of it such that it becomes illegible. Someone with minimal experience can probably do it in under two hours with nighttime conditions.
It's really just embarrassingly lame. Grandma-tier. It deserves maybe a tastefully quick eyeroll and not much more.
Realistically, destroying this thing will take a few years.
are you kidding me you fucking nigger. some fag in SE Spain could fix this in a few hours
That's the issue. We were able to locate the coordinates of this thing within 3-4 hours, but we're stuck because we can't find a siestanigger willing to actually do anything
geo user here, not even a decent fucking rock, it will weather away in no time
So if there were 50,000 year old sites made of granite no chance of finding tools? What about glass? What about other metals? What about soik traces?
I can get there in 5h by car
Thing is, i don't have a car
or friends
9gag pls go
those don't look like American plates, the guy also has a British accent, maybe a clue.
You better have a fucking donkey, amigo.
Damn, is there anyway?
You could destroy it in seconds with tnt, hours with acid, hours with a sledge and some chisels and masonry drills, minutes with a digger, etc.
We're the barbarians who live on the outskirts of the normalfag internet who occasionally ride down to despoil their women and burn their towns before melting back into the hills.
Take this.
This. We must not destroy it, but deface it.
Actually I'm wondering if this is real. When the camera is circling around it in the video it looks like it could be CGI.
I've done 3D modeling before, making something like this using Blender would be very easy to do, and making it look convincing wouldn;t be difficult either with the right compositing.
How do we know it isn't CGI?
The part where it is circling the truck is 100% CGI. The movements of the truck on the road aren't realistic and you can tell that the truck and the tarpaulin covering the rock on the back aren't real. The proportions aren't realistic either if you compare the later shot of the rock being dropped into the ground and the size of a rock in the tarpaulin on the truck.
Ground penetrating radar would find it in a hurry.
European Union plates, they all have a blue stripe down the left side (though in the UK it quietly disappeared from new cars around 2010/11, probably as a sop to the growing Brexit movement). The characters look too narrow to be British. I know Germany has narrow characters, but I doubt it's the only country.
Some countries also have a plate registered to a person, not a vehicle. Whenever you get a new vehicle, you have to get "your" plates made for it. Though I imagine company vehicles like trucks are handled differently.
They'll be black subhumans,so who cares what they'll find funny, hell they'll lack the intelligence to even dig it up.
too lazy to read through this thread, but i think we found it already
Wayyyy past that.
Know any Siestaniggers?
instead of wasting time an effort into destroying other people's meme stones, why not make your own
If this shit was some sort of kike propaganda or some kind of attack against us i'd understand it
But going after it just for beig plebian seems kinda retarded
This is for the lulz, and the majority of the anons involved want to see it destroyed.
Our set back is finding a wet back in the outback of Spain willing to wreck it.
But why wreck it when you can just engrave the rares pepe on earth and burry it again so that future generations may one day learn the glory of kek
Other anons have suggested that too. I don't know now if we'll be able to find a Spaniard that is willing, but is also a stone carver.
Man half chan really did let itself go.
How do the actions of 9gag reflect on halfchan?
dude in the video sounds a bit Irish, wb Ireland ?
where is superior Holla Forums? pls take me with you
Get your blasphemy out of here.
dejen la siesta y hagan algo!
That's obviously Jergens, not jerkin'…s.
Still sick as fuck, though.
Why "smash" it when you can just use the stone to carve stuff like natsoc symbols and redpills on jews?
anchors aweigh, you mean
We're going oversea's lads, ready the sails, ready the wenches, we're going to fuck this shit up!
2017 is already becoming the best year!
Get detecting, autists, if we can use the power of weaponized autism to meme an orange businessman into the White House by invoking the name of a chaotic frog God, we can do anything!
Nightmares about green nazi frogs*
Fuck, no wonder I didn't get dubs!
apparently repenting works
Blowing it up is an option.
or never with fucking internet autism. we need dynamite.
Wake up and do something
son detected
for people wanting to do something to it without having to excavate it, use battery acid.
the rock likely is made of limestone or sandstone, both pretty susceptible to acids. just pour a bucket of acid on it every month or so for 3/4 months, and blam, it's just a rock now.
any internet botanists want to analyze the foliage along the road in the video and identify the region by plant species?
Region already identified, now we just need siestaniggers.
Or a wealthy fwiend who is willing to share in the lulz for us.
what a waste of fine block of stone
Please fire Ted Anderson.
At least post the full thing lad
This is proof that the spaniards are lazy-ass 3/4 sandniggers and not true Europeans. Worse than the fucking italians.
This, I am disappointed.
Why does he wear the Basques?
This is good practice, but I think that after this we should turn our attention to the steel tablets engraved with Scientology's "written canon" and which are encased in titanium capsules filled with inert gas. Those things could last millions of years if we don't dig them up and engrave dicks and pepe all over them. That's a much better test of our weaponized autism.
op i agree we need to find this kunt.youtu.be
well how will we trace it. from what ive seen we dont have much to go of ? i mean we could check the wether for the area near the place where we think it is and see if it matches up to when they said they barried it ?
Trementia, New Mexico
It's funny the things you remember from ops years and years ago
Good luck getting at them though, shit would be guarded tighter than POTUS.
No matter what you may think about Kek, that Kekistan shit is pure cancer started by Sargon. DO NOT even acknowledge it.
That's true but I thought the idea of making it an official religion would have been interesting. Not the Kekistan faggotry though.
That's wrong
the short strokes are an entrance or an exit, the continuous line separated the two traffic directions
Sadly, I live at the other end of the country
Apart from that, let me explain you a little bit of the situation, spic internet might as well be a parallel universe, there already are sites that are quite big, and 90% of spaniards have no fucking clue about how to speak or read in english, so they barely check outside the usual places. Don't expect to have an effect on Spain unless you manage to infiltrate forocoches (invite only IIRC) and convince them to do this. We also live in a police state that will gladly take your ass to jail for retarded antics with explosives and get fined to hell and back. The cunts also buried it in a place where I wouldn't last 5 minutes digging because of the god damned heat.
If I got a cent each time someone asked me why are you playing [videogame] in english? I'd be fucking rich.
Have you guys tried asking hispachan?
Are you paying for gas?
I used to LIKE Sargon, watched him for almost 4 years. Then the shit with "Kekistan Xdddd(TM)" and Harmful Opnions happened, and the pretentious cunt's lost most of the respect i had for him
Even defacing the motherfucking rock is going to take some serious work. I can count on one hand the amount of people who said they were spaniards, and I don't think any of those actually can deface the thing.
I live two hours away (by car) from its location, but I have more important shit to do other than caring about a stone normalfags carved.
Anonymoose is fucking gay, no exceptions.
I think Kekistan perfectly illustrates the reason why it shouldn't become an official religion. I also believe there's something to all this, but this is what happens when something gets taken over by normalfags. Thank fuck they've moved on to shit like "dat boi" now. Maybe Kek himself had a hand in that.
Don't need it done right this second, just need some user to do it this generation. If you feel like one day you might do your fellow anons a favor, save the location and maybe buy some battery acid if you ever see it on sale or something.
Or, OR, buy the land and carve a Holla Forums bunker
I'm a Siestanigger, but I live in the northern area so I don't think I will be able to get there. What can I do?
Any day now, Pancho.
Try to convince someone on a spanish imageboard to do it. Go go!
The only Spanish imageboard I know is full of commies AND normalfags. I made a thread once, but it got rejected. If you know any Spanish imageboard I'm not aware off, drop a link.
Forocoches is basically the Spanish 4chan.
It's not an imageboard, but a bulletin board, but this is where they do their shitposting. And it's very very popular.
Yes, that's the one.
You see, you need an invitation to get in, it's not anonymous, it's just like a regular forum. And it's pretty fucking awful. It's also VERY hard to get an invitation for that shit, it almost feels like they are some kind of weird internet autism masons.
First we need to figure out where it is buried.
I read the article and it said it was buried in a desert in Europe.
How do we know which one it is?
If it's in Spain, I will geolocate it from the video. Tomorrow I will start, my eyes are tired today.
Never mind it looks like someone already did
I live 650 km from the place. Should I do a mini trip there with a generator, nightvision and an electric hammer?
I know Southern California's landscape. This is nowhere in California.
This is as political as reclaiming pepe. We're asserting our place as the final boss of the internet and taking back our memes. It's housekeeping, and also good practice for more and more radical ops.
Who cares if it's political? Holla Forums is short for Politically Incorrect, not Politics.
Enemy of fun has arrived….
Yeah goy uh I mean dude if we destroy their communist propaganda memes they win let them put out all they want for future generations