Daily reminder that Pol Pot did nothing wrong.
Daily reminder that Pol Pot did nothing wrong
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Stay mad.
Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge were CIA plants.
God bless Democratic Kampuchea.
Don't forget the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Shit-tier link tbh but there were some decent things in it. But seriously why does it seem that every other blogspot I read from a pajeet seems to include a lot of ranting about the Jews?
Except being an fbi shill
You couldn't use a statue?
fuck off liberal
fug u
I am not sure why some anarchists see the Vietnamese M-L's as the lesser evil when the Khmer Rouge was way closer to anarchism(Makhno in particular).
what was pol pot's fuckin' deal anyway
I want this meme to die. It was a revolution with Vietnamese support. By your logic, the American Revolution was a French invasion.
Glory to Heng Samrin and the People's Republic of Kampuchea, one of the most successful socialist states of all time.
Now this is a new kind of Autism.
You filthy imperialist Francophile pig.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Long live the eternal friendship of the Indochinese people.
If your maniacal dictator couldn't break up the friendship of the Indochinese people, nothing can.
Funny how DK was the closest Kampuchea has ever been to being destroyed, then. Meanwhile, the PRK managed to not only undo his shit, but go a step further and build up Kampuchea with little outside support. Only their Indochinese brothers in Laos and Vietnam were of much help. Education, standard of living, GDP, you name it, were all better than it had ever been before, despite everything going down the shitter during the DK years. But regardless of this, the PRK still managed to restore faith in communism for the Khmer people.
They were basically a bunch of Varg Vikernes, but they had style.
Also, would you a Pol Pot?
Only if I were Cambodian. I don't want to ruin Pol Pot's racialist dreams
anyone who doesn't agree with me is a liberal! your guide to tankie political discussion
What I never understood about this was why the anti-Pot Americans were allowed to live, but the British Potaboo was the one that was murdered.
People say it was just Pol Pot being crazy, but I'm not entirely sure of that because if that was the case, both Americans would have been murdered as well.
Most common explanation is that he was killed by Vietnamese agents to discredit the regime on the eve of the Vietnamese invasion of Phnom Penh.
It makes some sense when you realize that the US recognized the Khmer Rouge as the sole legitimate gov even after being ousted the Vietnamese. Pol Pot's friends and some right wing groups were the ones with Cambodia's seat at the UN.