How deep does this rabbit hole go?

I was in my (((classroom))) when my teacher tells us to research the final solution. I went on (((wikipedia))) hitler did not even attend the meeting in which it was decided on? The allies bombed the method in which food and supplies were taken to the work camps in which the allies also had. If it weren't for the allies not as many jew would have supposedly died. The gas chambers and ovens with modern day mathematics can prove did not burn 6 million jews, its simply not possible. I need to know what else refutes the great lie so I can convert my fucking normie class cucks and rescue my generation from globalists.
Good day and Heil Hitler he did nothing wrong!

Other urls found in this thread:

Multiplication is not modern mathematics.

It takes about 30 too 60 kg og coke coal to cremate a body. This was ignored in the last court case against Irving (see the book by his opponent). Tho oposition claimed only 3,3 kg og coke is needed. This is bs-you can check with any cremation-company operating today.

But what this emplies is that Auschwitz, in order to cremate 3500 bodies a day, would have needed (1 400 000deads/400days) would have needed at least 140 000 kg, 140 tons of coal a day. Most likely double of that-400 Kw/h of energy per body.

David Irving, one of the best WW2 historians, believes Hitler was officially against exterminating Jews, especially since he considered it a waste of resources during the war.
Evidence suggest that Himmler gave the orders regarding Operation Reinhard without informing the Führer.
That said, most figures of Jewish deaths are grossly inflated and inaccurate, especially regarding Auschwitz, which wasn't even an extermination camp by design.

Tread lightly or some over zealous (((teacher))) will get you in trouble. Instead of outright converting them - which is difficult as the level of indoctrination is high - start by sowing doubt. Take claims like the final solution and say how there are no documents that prove it.

One thing that works really well is debunking the 6 gorillion jews meme. Use this wikipedia chart https:// to show that only 40% of those 6 million were kikes. Show that only 2.4m were jews and the rest were non jews. They'll eat it up because muh wikipedia. Make a sad face and say that you think all the other victims are being belittled.

check the catalog, "holohoax videos" etc all the info you need is there.


P.S: There are no huge coal depos or large heaps of coal on any aerial photograph of Auschwitz II. There should at least be a storage for a week: e.g. about 1 000 tons stored somewhere, in order to cremate all of those invented dead people.
Also check The Jewish Encyclopedia of older editions. Number of Jews, before and after WW2, is more or less the same.
Then go for the Red Cross - Standesamt Arolsen files, showing about 270 000 dead in German internment and prison camps over the period.
Then check for Typus-epidemic in Germany in 1943-44, and the need this created, for cremation and fumigation. -They bombed water, sewer and food-supplies.
For extras, check the International Jewish Meeting in Amsterdam in 1933, ending in a Jewish Declaration of Trade War, against The Reich.

Neither Noam Chomsky or Christopher Hitchens believe the holocaust happened.

(((Norman Finkelstein))) is also a good guy to quote.

Welcome to Holla Forums, enjoy your stay

Apparently Auschwitz had special ovens that could use the bodies put in earlier as fuel for the next one, so it could run in perpetuity without refueling.
From the holocaust denial debunking website itself:

You are not allowed to post here if you're under 18.

What we have here, newfriends, is an obvious slide thread.
One may not notice right away, but let's take a look.
You've all been taken on a ruse cruise, faggots.
Anyone bumping this shit should be gassed.

All the way


Don't forget to mention the firebombing of german cities. 300000+ dead

Oh boy, is it Christmas already? My favorite topic.

Picture is of an International Red Cross list from the 1970's showing the total death count for the camps. 271,301 (revised to 373,468 by the second image from 1984?). Sure doesn't fucking sound like any 6 gorillion I've ever heard about, eh? Sounds to me more like typhus and Allies-caused supply-bombing starvation were the order of the day, not "kill 6 kajillion kikes".

Look, just go to this link. You'll see just how deep the Holohoax "rabbit hole" goes, OP.

This is is a cuckchan tier thread you uneducated faggot but i'll bite

Not too bright fam

No wonder there's no dyson spheres; all the aliens are using jews as fuel.

Actually even with the bombings the number of jews that died was negligible. Once again, German military personnel and civilians were the biggest victims of supply breakdowns due to allied bombing.

Check out David Cole's documentary visit to Auschwitz on Youtube, it's a very good introduction to the inconsistencies of the Holocaust myth.

When you make your presentation, present it under the guise of "the Holocaust was tragic and still needs research into the details" rather than outright presenting it as a hoax.

Yeah bullshit. Ever tried to set wet wood on fire? Now consider that human body has more liquid in it than wet wood, and far less energy content.

Not too bright fam

Unfortunately he lost the court case against Lipstadt and that gives normie tier credibility while they refuse to see how the control system works. The film Denier recently coming out along with her well timed Ted talk is their clear attempt at reinforcing the narrative for the new generation, along with the video games and now the virtual reality propaganda they are making it very obvious. This is all leading to a confluence. They either release the hidden knowledge worldwide and apologize and get ready to serve those they have fed off for so long, or I do believe we are headed for war or pogroms.
Some of us are working out just why so many end up Junged the fuck out or with Jerusalem syndrome. It's time, you fuckers, it's time.

Not too bright fam

Yup. A thread died for this. OP is a turbofaggot.

The Holohoax is Advanced Level 10 redpilling. Do not attempt this. Instead focus your energies on dispelling the Nazi as crazy evil psychopaths meme.

As above start with the numbers and the various groups…
X number of Jews but also…
X number of homosexuals
Mentally ill / disabled
Whoever ended up in a camp list them

Then say "What all these groups have in common is that Nazi philosophy viewed them as SUBVERSIVES. Nazis felt, for instance that homosexuals threatened family life. Communists undermined the Nation state blah blah….

All of this builds to explaining in forensic detail exactly why the Germans considered Jews subversive. Sample sentence: "Just as in the US today Jews, despite their small numbers, ran most of the media and academia. The Nazis believed them to be a subversive influence who were distorting political and social life in their ethnic favour".

Your aim should be to red pill your class on racial realities and reveal to them that Germans and Jews both had ethnic interests that were in conflict.

Good luck user.


At the bottom of the rabbit hole you will always see it's a jew lie or a jew plot to benefit themselves at the expense of the people of a nation, acting using good goyim or directly. Without fail.

Just call them what they are: Communists

fuck I forgot to sage

Don't fucking try it, OP, you stupid, naive motherfucker. I get that you're exited about uncovering the truth, but if you do this, you'll screw your future up forever. Work on redpilling those close to you first before even trying to reveal the truth to brainwashed normalfags.

dat pic…
that also means that Germany has paid reparations for 70 years to his family for his "death"
was it mentionned in the plebbit thread?

Daily Reminder the Holocaust never happened and covered up real major genocides that had hundreds of millions more victims.

'''Start very slow man. Check out "The Greatest Story Never Told"

It's a fantastic documentary'''

based negro at 33:00 mentioning jewish slavers. The host did not see that coming.