Can this cancer finally stop ? How in the fuck did we even get to this ?
Post ways on what we can do to completely disassociate these fucks with us. Also cringe and shitposting thread for relaxation and mockery if anyone wants to wind down from all the happenings.
please don't let this be a new trend
Other urls found in this thread:
nuking reddit would probably be a good start
this edrama bullshit again? get a life
shills can't even differentiate between cuckchan and 8pol
There, solved it.
The reason i used we was because this hurts the right by association. Instead of projecting strength we have these fucking retards going around. By we i didn't mean imageboards.
You have good taste. Luger is such a sexy pistol.
Better than having people join antifa, and some of the white kids will grow up to be actual National Socialists.
dat cringe
4th pic looks a little "dusky"
I actually prefer the experimental Mauser HSv over it.
Please learn to embed and then come back.
It's our duty to lead and control the useful idiots. If they eat up this shit imagine what else we can make them do.
Even the daki wants to kill herself.
When normies get a hold of stuff they flaunt it becouse of attention and withouth knowing what it does.
Similar to chimps handling a phone.
muh pr
sage for slide thread
It's Jeff 'the ultra-cuck' Holiday He doesn't understand echos and has been posting them randomly thinking it doesn't make him stand out like a sore thumb. Maybe the glare from his balding noggin is confusing him.
Bad News: they're retarded
Good News: most aren't white
Looks like 4 random fartfaces in a small high school in the middle of nowhere. Who cares?
nice gunpla models
It's a spic, user. You can just call them spics.
What did you think normalizing nationalism meant?
Normalizing = diluting.
Normalizing = mutation.
These people are open to nationalist arguments though.
I had a kekistani reddit retard coworker of mine ready to support a white-only country in less than 5 minutes of conversation.
Holla Forums is more interested in having le secret club than spreading redpilling to normies
I was planning to buy and burn one just to piss of those 4cucks
You can't just make a normie into 14/88 NatSoc, that's why there is this edgy Kekistan. To make the transition easier. Something Holla Forums doesn't understand.
Kill Every Kike
I laughed, it's just some high school kids doing it for the lulz.
Is this literal cuck still squawking away?
This shit is just gay now sage this shit and move on. Sorry skeptics no shekels for you today!
Get fucked.
Haha faggot! Why don't you try making some original videos or hey here's an idea: Get a fucking job!
How do we burn this Kekistan co-option to the ground?
Think antifa and other assorted ne'erdowells would like their dox?
I have one. You too because you're a fucking shill.
Can someone explain what this kekistan thing actually is? I know it's from Sargon but what does it mean and what site is behind it?
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Bullshit e-celeb memes, it's irrelevant what they think. It's our responsibility to just keep memeing the same way we normally do. Ignore it and carry on with our own work. They are bottom feeders, they eat what we shit out.
A bunch of uncreative retards on youtube are losing money cause they thought jewtube would just give them their neetbux forever so they are trying to drum up controversy for more clicks. Expect some sort of cancerous patreon project to appear soon.
i think he wanted people to put it on the british census for nation of origin as a joke like putting jedi as religion started
There may be some exceptions but for the vast majority you can't
The only thing wrong with Kekistan is the name.
This just ruined the Vinland flag for me
boo hoo, when something becomes more popular the quality diminishes
do you want the normies redpilled or not?
That has to be some of the vulgar displays of autism I've ever seen. Wtf is wrong with these millenials? Are they all this severely autistic?