"Chicago Is A War Zone": Police Suicide Rate Surges To 60% Above The National Average

During his early days on the force, 30-year-old, rookie Chicago police officer, Scott Tracz, was described by colleagues as an "upbeat" cop who had always dreamed of becoming a police officer to help people in his city. That is, until he sat in a black sports car outside his girlfriend's suburban house late last year, put his gun to his head and took his own life. Per Reuters:

Unfortunately, stories just like the one of Scott Tracz are becoming all too common on the Chicago police force as officers deal with the psychological side effects of having to go to work every single day in Chicago's "war zone."

To add insult to injury, because of Chicago's onerous gun laws that permanently prohibit anyone who has been involuntarily committed for in-patient mental health treatment from carrying a gun, a requirement for cops, the folks working for the Chicago PD generally refuse mental health services out of fear of losing their job.

But hey, at least the Obama administration sought to help Chicago Police officers by dropping a DOJ study, one week prior to departing the White House, effectively labeling their department as nothing more than a bunch of racist, hate-mongering bullies who routinely resort to the use of "deadly force" in violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.

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None of those maps do justice or highlight what the real issue is, race.

How is this possible when they have no guns since gun control was introduced there?
They must be getting their guns from somewhere else, so we need to ban guns EVERYWHERE.

If we just made suicide illegal, the cops wouldn't kill themselves!


The crime is, and has always been in the nigger and spic infested areas. No surprise to anyone here. Anytime I hear on the news of some kid being gunned down, I already know its some nigglet or spic in Garfield Park, Humbolt Park or Englewood. The only people who deny the racial aspect of crime in ALL big cities is a true fuckin retard who cant into pattern recognition.

boo woo normies killing themselves after joining professions they aren't fit for. Chicago needs literal autistic killing machines like robo-cop to keep those animals in line.

Send in Holla Forums RWDS watch the city stabilize within 1 month

This goes hand in hand with and is a very good development for us. Weak police makes the right strong.

need to use the sys.8ch.net trick to view thread. Board buggy as fuck atm

ITS HABBENING youtu.be/7-j9upoKubY

I'm assuming you are promoting your own vids, I don't care either way

Yeah he's posting this garbage in every thread. Can't even embed.

I just wish he'd make original content, using older content is disingenuous.

I live on the north side of Chicago. Worst my neighborhood sees is credit card fraud and drunk tourist getting mugged. We're insanely segregated and it fucking works.

Whites live north, spikes west and niggers south. Been here 5 years. Saw two niggers threaten each to shoot each other on the El once but they only kill each other in drive bys.

The hell is going on in that area?

Avalon Park is that rarest of unicorns, the middle class black neighborhood


Niggers have no empathy capacity so the crimes will never stop coming.

there are still crimes


Also abstract thinking is very weak with them. They rob a corner store for $120 and don't waste a single thought on the 10-life they may get when caught. The crime will never stop because punishment is no deterrent for them.

Because the jail is like zoo heaven to them.


The equality education is drilled into his head.

Dubs of truth

came in to post this.

Of course, the very high divorce rate amongst police officers would have nothing to do with the elevated suicide rate.
I mean, it's not like divorced men have a suicide rate 25 times that of women.

some one should start those comfy threads where we listen to the police radios and listen to the insanity that is nogsland

this is something I can get behind. The handle of a shovel used to scoop up the pieces of skull and brains of dead cops. White guy here, for the cops here, thanks for looking at me like I was an escaped convict when I get my coffee in the morning. Now kill yourself you fucking pieces of shit. Stingray this motherfuckers.

totally exactly what we need. Basically this clip, except everyone is black.

^dis^. Prison basically is their college. Used to do the Detroit beat in the 90s. Granholm would go on and on about how they simply weren't getting enough "TLC" at home and everyone should be more lenient. We and the groids agreed. Only to the both of us, TLC stood for Teaching Little Criminals.

double dubs of truth.

It's more complicated than that. Police are told to "stay fetal" and not do their jobs.

Like the threads on halfchan? Be the OP you wish the see in the board.

Ho hum.


Fuck chicago. Any dipshit that still lives there deserves what they have coming. You disarmed damn near everyone in flagrant violation of the constitution and it didn't work, and it keeps not working, but god forbid you cuckolds admit you were wrong so you don't rescind it or anthing, you just keep doing it harder because maybe if we get working class whites (the only people with the brainpower to even figure out how to fill out a 4473, let alone make an attempt to get a gun legally) to be completely defenseless, that'll somehow translate into niggers and spics blowing each other's brains out over crack rocks less. It didn't work, of course, but that just means we should keep at our shit idea harder.

So blow your fucking brains out. I don't say this normally but the jackboots there truely are pigs. Much more interested in "muh keeping guns off the streets" which is entirely just victimizing whites and has no effect whatsoever on niggers than they are actually solving the fucking problem. Enjoy your time in hell. You could've moved and actually helped mankind somewhere else, but instead you opted to serve a regime that's easily in the top three most corrupt ones in this country. Fuck you.

MDE presents: world peace 2

here's a similar map for st louis not sure if it's off topic, but it illustrates the same problem

This too. Profiling should be encouraged again. There is fucking zero reason why cops need to act like whitey's the problem. I live in western texas and every goddamn crime here is a mexican but the police still act like they're terrified I'm going to pull shit on them. I'm not, I'm whiter than the driven fucking snow, so stop acting like it.

There is no such thing as race. Period. End of story. They are a race or breed of human. They are a different species. You fucking bigot. Check your speciesist privilege.


My family lives in Lincoln Wood, which is by far majority white on most graphs and population maps. I visit them every few months and let me tell you, there's nigger beggers fucking EVERYWHERE. I mean, on every street corner, every alleyway, every fastfood place. I'm not even exaggerating, they're absolutely everywhere. You quite literally can't walk a single block without a tribe of niggers surrounding you asking for change.

My point is that there's a lot more niggers than these maps show

Underrated post tbh

War is inevitable.
Then comes a "new" constitution. One that borrows from the old but is stricter, harsher, based on the experiences of the past.
Blacks are given their own state, allowed to police themselves.
Whites are allowed to segregate without penalty.
Criminals are hanged publicly.
Homo's are told to stay in the closet.
It is inevitable.

Perhaps it the leftist kike mayor making sure the cops cant do their job effectively. I know Id get annoyed being a cop somewhere where the kike mayor wont let me goodify coons like my job should entitle me to do.

How about we do something a bit different this time? Let's get a list of Chicago PD groups and spam them with messages of support? Thank them for their services. Praise them for their good deeds. Provide moral support. Order them actual pizza and donuts and pay for them for once. Troll them with absolute kindness and go out of our way to aid them in cases they struggle with. DOX chicago's drug dealers, their pimps, their gang leaders and criminals of all sorts. Let's render so much fucking AID to the Chicago PD that they have no choice but to issue a public statement of thanks and appreciation to us, with tears of joy in their eyes. Absolutely overwhelm them with everything they've ever hoped for, and had none of.

that's usually how it is, niggers bring their problems with them and can't stay in the shitholes they created

Niggers infest the entire west side from Ashland to Austin. The spics are on the SE side, Humbolt Park and Pilsen. The niggers on the west side (Garfield Park) are just as bad as them niggers on the south side.

You know, that is something I'd actually do. I'm in. I'll start trying to find officer lists & stuff

Thank you user. Let's make chicago great. It never was, but let's not say that to them, kek.

Do keep in mind that a lot of officers are niggers themselves, but here's some basic stuff

4th District - South Chicago
2255 E. 103rd St, Chicago, IL 60617

16th District - Jefferson Park
5151 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60630

17th District - Albany Park
4650 N. Pulaski Rd, Chicago, IL 60630

25th District - Grand Central
5555 W. Grand Ave. Chicago, IL 60639

Those are the stations that're swamped the hardest, I think. Feel free to correct me though. Pretty much everything we need is on

https:// www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/cpd.html

I don't know what those numbers go to though. For all I know they reroute to 911 or are the non-emergency numbers. Might want to be wary.

Can we get a list of based takeout nearby the stations? Places that fly Blue Lives Matters. We'll probably get a discounted rate at those places when we tell them what were doing, and they won't shit on the food.

Care to explain? I don't listen to pop music so I won't get your 14 yr old pop culture references.


It’s from 1964, dipshit.

time flies


Stlfag here. It's worth noting that even in the white neighborhoods the homicides are 9/10 times committed by blacks.

For instance, I know your list stops at 2012, but in the last year I know of at least 2 murders that were due to drive-by shootings by kangz on the highway and both technically occurred in my neighborhood. This inflates the statistics for white neighborhoods. (To anons who don't live near vibrant diversity: yes, they will literally shoot at each other out of cars on a busy highway, and this happens several times a year.)

More on topic, I've had friends on the StlPD (and surrounding counties) who joined the force and then quit after a few months. I watched them go from being proud and cheerful to be constantly depressed and miserable. Quitting the force probably saved their lives and their relationships. Funny thing is they were are semi-redpilled, so its not like it took them completely off guard.

Majority black cities in the US are the most potent argument against the displacement of whites. This is ironclad proof of what happens when whites become a minority.

No. There will be no US

and there was the woman who got shot at busch stadium on tuesday. It was a stray bullet and it just bounced off her, but i'm 100% sure it was a black who shot her. I'd use StL itself as an argument against white displacement. Just compare the state of Tower Grove South from 10 years ago to now it's gotten much better now that the whites are displacing the blacks. newcomers are libshits though

There's never going to be the will, in normal times, to solve this problem. They can't be here.

thanks go to johnson for the great society in that regard.

Way to reverse the rising black iq and their ascendancy into the middle class.

Probably the worst president.

Happened here in Chicago a few weeks ago on I-88. Nigger tow truck driver shot and killed a semi truck driver out in open traffic.

http ://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/04/21/shooting-closes-inbound-i-88/

Doubtful it [civil war] will be on ethnic lines.
Blacks are an insular culture and most of their crime is against their own.
Whats happening is the fruit of the progressives/libshits. Always pushing that envelope a little further, always looking for a little more compromise.
The goal is always the same, dependence on the state. And the best way to achieve that goal is to make every single person as fucked up as humanly possible.
So it's going to be the intelligentsia against the country folk.
Those who understand the value of a unified world government and the savages who think their individual freedom is more important than stopping global warming, or making sure transgender people have the right to marry their neighbors pets.

Parts of the U.S. may be uninhabitable, but the U.S. will continue. Only leaner and much meaner.
Its inevitable.

So we Neutron Bomb the Fuck out of Chi-town and sick whatever is under the Antarctic ice on Cali? I'm down for that.

Economic collapse of some kind, with the intention of more government control, with states going full secession in response.
Federal troops get called out, people go "fuck this shit", and then its tits up for a while.
Maybe it happens in slow motion, takes years, or maybe it happens fast and people don't fuck around this time.
If it happens fast, expect serious "day of the rope" shit with degeneracy being a capital crime.
This time around it'll probably happen fast, but either way, it really is inevitable.

Good. Pigs are ZOG footsoldiers.


This. Hope every last cop in chicago fucking offs itself.
This is what they get for letting the government turn them into glorified social workers who are to afraid to effectively police cities.

Good, those faggots made their bed. I will enjoy watching them lie in it.

I know there's nigger/antifa cops but a lot of those guys got some shit to deal with. Glad I don't I'd lose it too

Kill yourself.

In every major city you don't get to be a cop without either being a nigger or cucked white. They are order-following ZOGbots that exist to support the anti-white state.

Because of the shit they've allowed the state to bring about. Police are supposed to defend the constitution and they don't even do that.

And when you lost it you'd have to deal with the integration of psychiatry into the police force and wouldn't be able to talk about it. These fucks had every opportunity to speak out and they did not because they value their wages more than their nation. Pathetic order-followers get no sympathy from me.

The effects of people having to work every single day alongside rabidly violent animals. Just more evidence that we can't live together.

Found the problem

This is not an issue. Cops and niggers dying is a win win for sure.


I lived in Chicago for the past three years.

I just moved to 92% white small town indiana.

I am so happy to be out of the nigger infested corrupt tyrannical hell hole waiting to happen.

Fuck them all. No one in Chicago even wants to talk about how fucked the city and state are.

My childhood home had to be sold because taxes were 9k a year.

Do you really believe this is the only problem? Cops are the enforcers of our current situation. Don't give me this shit about "dey jus human beans". Everyone of them is complicit in white genocide and the incarceration of racial patriots and white nationalists. 99% of cops are cuckservatives who want a nigger (WITH A JOB) to fuck his daughter. The other 1% are like to cross dress on the week ends.

Are dey human benis?

If there were no cops you could kill every coon without repercussions.

These are some confirming dubs here lads

There are a lot of things that the nationalist movement has forgotten. Police, the enforcing arm of the corrupt state, can never be (((/ourguy/))). If they're willing to get paid good goy shekels for protecting stupid niggers and patrolling nigger cities, they're just looking for easy money and could care less about Nationalist ideals.

Those threads were always fun. Unfortunately, they dont gain traction here.

Many of the societal ills of today would be taken care of. Niggers scream bout ebil pigs and whatnot, but they dont see that them ebil pigs are the only thing keeping the coon infestation from being wiped out.

in fact, some well-orchestrated fake-news rumor saying that cops will abstain from going in a ghetto some day could generate enough enrichment from the local wildlife to get the (((media))) to talk about black crimes

I'd rather have gangs on our side rather than cops. Gangs don't cuck out, cucking out gets you killed because that means you're too weak to be boss.

we will admit certain breeds of dogs are more dangerous than others. until we as a societey admit certain breeds of humans are dangerous we deserve what we get. niggers are bad breeds and sure if they are raised right perhaps they can be ok but like a pitbull I still wouldn't trust any of them around me or my children.

Leaglize ownership of all weaponry, pull all the police out and watch the city stabilize in a week.

Nice map Adolf. For how many cities have overlay maps like these been made? Combining them all into a single graphic could be powerful or unreadable.


a compilation would definitely be unreadable, i don't see why collecting similar maps for the major cities would be a bad idea though


Yeah, Chicongo is bad news…Most of the suburbs are extremely comfy and nice though. I love the aesthetics of Suburban Chicago. It's fucking beautiful. I'm there quite a bit, at least once a week. I always think: "I wonder if this is the town that the Breakfeast Club was shot in" or hey "this looks like it would be the town "Home Alone" was shot in…or "hey, this looks a lot like the neighborhood in Risky Business" or hey, "this looks like John Wayne Gacy's neighborhood".
I'm from the northeast megatropolis so Chicago is almost like another country tbh…except for the rampant negro crime in the inner city…I mean where the white people live is like a majical wonderland full of friendly and smiling white people that live in a radical post modern architectural paradise.


And in other news, water is wet.

But that's wrong you fuckign faggot!

Cops are the ones who have to deal with nogs on a daily basis. Most of them are conservative.

They're a nigger can fuck my daughter but only if he has a job conservative. They're free trade, please don't talk about race, and gays are ok conservative. They care more about allowing communist/leftist goons to speak at universities because muh free speech conservative.

They're fucking Liberals like this whole system is Liberal. Nazi German soldiers and police didn't do what they did just because it was their job. They did it because deep down they believed in Hitler and the Reich. That's how every cop and every government official is everywhere. These cops believe in the Liberal system as much as any degenerate democrat does and the only reason they holster their gun in the morning is so they can shoot you and any racial patriot that tries to stop it.

Baltimore has the same phenomenon. It's almost like niggers are prone to violence and don't bother following gun laws. But the leftists keep pushing them. I'm sure just a few more laws, fees, restrictions, limits, and regulations will fix everything.


More like a commie of twenty years ago, the kind that say whatever is expected of them but are dirty lefties in private practice, like preaching opportunity, and bootstrapping and hard work, yet drive off white youth wishing to work on his land, preferring to hire illegal Mexicans instead to mow the lawn.

Degenerates with arrogant god/parent complexes, every one of them