Just got banned from Holla Forums for being black

Just got banned from Holla Forums for being black

Movies for this feel?

Get Out

Post the ban message.

I got banned from Holla Forums for not being a massive homosexual

Would you like to fuck my wife while I masturbate in a corner?

look at the flower.


American History X

Got repeatedly banned from /a/ for actually using proper grammar. Actually almost every other day.


you probably deserved it being a nigger and all

Pretty much this, there is no legitimate excuse for being black.


Muh genetics

this except unironically



Fuck You

Good. Proper grammar is the sign of a normalfag, use basement educated grammar or stay out.

dis tbh fam

OP I don't mind you're a nigger as long as you don't post pictures or vocaroos like a normie fucking cunt