What are you really doing to try to create the nation state that you want? What are you investing in? What land are you buying? What are you trying to create with your own hands?
I'm following the dream of off-shore. Here is a funny little thing…offshore oil rigs are always up for sale once their purpose is done. Are they always stationed in international waters? No. But are they far away from any national inquiries? You bet your ass they are. Not only that. But they ARE mobile. You can relocate them.
The plan is simple. You get a couple of these rigs as stationary bases. They you grab decommissioned commercial cruise ships and if you are lucky, some military air-craft carrier ships. You build this fleet. This platform. As a starting point to drift further into international waters. In those international waters you create a new nation.
I know most of you don't have any of this sort of ambition. You would rather think that your utopia will happen on old land that has been blood soaked for generations… That is human. That is natural. But if you want true greatness you must go beyond what is just human or natural. What is just "common" in desire.
We can create a new nation on a new un-tethered continent.
This isn't just a pipe dream. I've been putting aside money for just such a possibility. I've been looking at auctions and sales. No. I can not do it alone…but I am seeing some things that would make a huge impact with a pool of resources, very quickly, before the rest of the world realized what the fuck was really going on.
Jose Diaz
Your idea is expensively retarded and outright retarded. You do realize that other autists closely monitor the sale of those old ships right? So if by some magic you could get a government to sell you one (you won't be able to), people would immediately begin asking questions and your little operation would quite literally be sunk.
Christian Roberts
Aircraft carriers are only really ideal for the surface space on the top to grow crops.
Other than that, barges would work towards the same goal. The only advantage of an aircraft carrier is milspec where the people are cheap but the hardware is expensive so you might be able to carve out a fairly great lifetime.
Look…I'm trying to create a new nation in the middle of international waters here. The only military problems we should face are PIRATES for a long long time.
Basically, no nation is going to give a fuck until there is an economic or military threat from that nation.
Jackson Allen
so a hippy commune. But offshore.
Ryan Sanchez
Isaac Fisher
We wuz The Patriots and shit.
Jason Butler
What you really need to do is create your own PMC and set up shop on an old oil rig.
Ryan Myers
so you want to build a giant target in the middle of the ocean that zog would love to nuke?
great plan there retard.
Samuel Flores
Not real
Austin Nelson
OP, you have played way too much Metal Gear Solid.
Jeremiah Hill
What else, the Earth is flat?
Camden Morris
Fuck off Weev, you fucking kike federal informant scum.
Bentley Cruz
You'd be better off with an armada of sailboats instead.
Isaiah Gray
the writhes in pain as his own tactics are used against him
James Long
Did you know that mesas are the fossilized tree stumps of massive prehistoric trees that giant jews chopped down?
t. sinead
Carter White
Y'all niggas don't even know how to swim.
Nathan Sanders
What happened to moving to Svalbard with a bunch of other Holla Forumsacks? If that's too expensive we can try and work something out with the sealand guys. I'd be up for trying Aqua-NatSoc / WaterWorld scenario.
David Walker
Day trader. Not investing in anything in particular, just riding the waves of profit as they come in.
Bought 15 acres in Allen Texas a couple months ago. Home to be built on it as soon as I find an architect I like. Going to find a protestant white woman and impregnate her. The country as a whole here is either going to be completely demolished by the SJW steamroller, or it will blow over and everything will be fine. Either way, I am going to bunker up, get armed to the teeth, and get a white family going. Outside of that, I could care less.
Xavier Mitchell
The problem is that you'd still be dependent on diesel fuels unless you go the sailboat/solar power route. Stuck in the middle of the ocean when fuel runs out isn't exactly my idea of a good time.
Gabriel Young
I'm shitposting on a Mongolian recipe exchange forum.
Ayden Mitchell
Josiah Russell
Same reason they stink, they hate water.
Isaiah Foster
In all seriousness, I think it's evolutionary. In Africa, going into the water is a death sentence because of hippos and crocs. So they never evolved the ability to swim since even if you can swim, you still die.
Luis Hill
I've seen this exact word/image combo before. WTF?
Brody Thomas
The estimates are not cheap. Check out seasteading.org for a thinktank based on the concept. They've gone surprisingly far forward in the process - they're negotiating a special zone off the coast of French Polynesia in which to test their prototype.
Thomas Reed
rediculas idea but i like it issues being Matience incredibly expensive and upkeep is needed frequently other then that fuel and such and of course initial cost but other then that would be funny
Christopher Watson
planting trees
it's just deja voodoo, nothing to be concerned about