
All self proclaimed ancaps should be arrested for pedophilia even if they've never committed it because thats what their ideology supports

The non-aggression pact works in favor towards the most powerful people not the individual.

Other urls found in this thread:


What are the opinions of other anarchists on pedophilia?

Age of consent is a spook
t. Stirner


uhhhh, I think about half of leftypol would be in jail if that happened bh

Like, what specifically in Marx or Stirner or anybody else prevents on from diddling the fiddle of a young shotaboi tbh? In fact, wouldn't most of the leftypol misinterpretations of Stirner lead to much worse acts, if we're being honest? This is a weird fuckin post man.

That's retarded. You should probably find a smarter person to speak for you, and just nod when they say smart things.


It'ssss awww-rightttt!

I think OP should be banned for being a reddit sjw

Tbh, the social construct of "childhood" exists to create an artificial power vacuum that can be utilized to indoctrinate young people with pro-capitalist propaganda.

If you legit think younger people past the age of about 4 or 5 are "less sentient" you might as well just kill yourself, you've drunk too deeply of porky koolaid.

Just made this.

moral of the story: don't be neighbors with a necromancer

Thats what I get for trying to make memes while drunk


How many fucking times am I gonna have to use this meme tbh?

There is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia.

This. Holla Forums has always been against age of consent laws.

Nice ff thread faggot

yeah don't let the influx of sjw tankies change that

But that's literally true. AoC is literally muh feels: the law

As long as both parties consent without duress then I see nothing wrong with it
Fuck off, paternalist fascist cunt.

Jesus Christ what the fuck?

Anarkiddies, everyone.



I lol everytime 10/10

Kronstadt 2.0 when?

The "muh consent" tell for pure ideology.

shouldn't the red square switch wit the green square?

Of course, without the nebulous concept of "consent" there is no way to condemn sex with children.

There is no intrinsic difference in the ability to say yes in children and adults. The muh consent cliche doesn't even follow it's own logic, it is so broadly accepted only because people refuse to choose between a consent based morality and a condemnation of sex with children.

Yawn. You feed the far right.

"Liberal" is a beloved insult of reddit tankies, also:

Never mind that they win every face-off with feminists that they have here. Those are always fun.

Consent is a spook.

I don't get what the great deal about it.

if there is consent on both sides then it's ok for me.

A child does not have the cognitive skills to give consent.

user don't fall for it

nobody on here is a real pedophile other than the one in the corner trying to legalize his fetish. they're majorly Holla Forums trying to front that leftists endorse pedophilia

How can you determine who has the cognitive skills necessary for consent?

I remember reading a long time ago that apparently the APA determined that for mentally retarded people, if their mental functioning was equal to that of an eight year old, they could consent to sex.

I couldn't find a source on it but while searching I did find this which can contribute to the thread:



Anyone have that Milton Friedman image that quotes him saying parents should not be obligated to feed their children?

Pedophilia does not mean what you think it means. Look it up in the DSM-5 if you don't believe me.

That was Rothbard, not Friedman.


That's Rothbard. Why shouldn't people be allowed to sell unwanted children?

Are you also in favour of denying children the right to sell their labour?


I'm real, but I don't support child sex abuse. And I don't consider a child's consent to be meaningful, as kids haven't had enough experiences to understand how individual events and decisions may change their lives.
An adult can understand that even though a decision may seem innocuous at the time, it may have consequences down the road, or engaging in activities with minimal knowledge about them may cause harm. They can then make a somewhat informed decision.

tl;dr kids can't into long term cause and effect.

You put way the hell too much faith in the faculties of adults.

Put your leftism aside.

This is science. Adults tend to know more than kids. Theyre biologically programmed to. know more as they grow and think better. This isn't a bourgeois ideal, this is science. Science is not bourgeois, it's fact.

tldr; you're an ideological retard

Well men are smarter than women, but we don't go around saying that women can't consent. And if children can't consent, who makes their choices?

This is about as dumb as me telling someone that the fact that they dislike a certain food is false because I'm smarter than them and therefore they can't decide whether they want something or not.

I've had the cognitive skills to consent to sex since I was like 5. Same with most other people. There's no reason to treat fully functioning humans like animals that cant fend for themselves.

Another real pedo here and I agree with this user. Child sex can't be considered ethical regardless of consent.

I don't think many adults can meaningfully consent either though. One look at the number of kids growing up in broken homes or living with parents who don't give a shit about them proves that most adults are not smart enough to make good, ethical decisions.

Fuck, man. For a long time I thought I was the only person who was attracted to young girls but isn't a crazed rapist. It's always good to know we're not alone.

Honestly dude the libertarian party has become almost indistinguishable from the democratic party. In fact I'd say they're better in some ways.

Now I know ancaps think libertarians have Stockholm syndrome with the state, but if they thought so before than now they'd outright call them statists as they admit public utility is good for some markets, and that state regulation isn't necessarily bad.

They're growing the fuck up and realizing normie politics are not cartoon super villains just one imperial bourgeois vs another. And inevitably whilst national debt and fiat currency can be bad, it can also be good for different momentums. Capitalism is just opportunism.


here we fucking go

Age of consent is a fucking spook, piss off with your Holla Forums boogeyman.