


Court Documents - http:// jampac .us/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/042517cw2.pdf

wew lad

This is the most hilarious argument for them to seriously make.

They have so many pissed off Bernouts and they're not wanting to do anything to make things up to them.

Bernie can still win lol

Jesus Christ even their attorneys are fucking completely retarded. You need some serious high level (((corruption))) for people this stupid to not be in jail yet.

I'm just so impressed that they will be using all that money, getting tied up in courts, that they could have used that money for campaigning in 2018

I'm just wondering how much normalfags will hear about this from msm
Remember when journalists did their job? I don't.

Are they actually idiotic enough that they're going to pull away the curtain?

By dubs decree.

LEL - probably an antifa cheering

They're eating eachother and it's glorious

I've always found it funny that the Democratic party is by far the least Democratic of them all.


Lets stop pretending that a democratic party exists. Its all marxism driven by jews.

Well no shit, the irony in the name just kills me




what a really convoluted way to list people who are all about to kill themselves.


The courts are not our friends either.

They have to lose this. If the court allows them to get away with not defining impartial, then they themselves are not hold an impartial proceeding. There's a lot of backwards thinking and kvetching in the lawyers arguments.

I'd hate to be that guy but they really don't
They just phrased that in a really bad way
See the parties are basically distinct organisations from the government even though they work for them, same shit is going on with (((Ivanka))) working with Trump and releasing shoes at the same time
That said it should be restructured so that the people get more choice in Primaries

Yea and thats not our problem but it is the lefts problem. Either they sort it out and offer transparency (they wont) or they have their hopes of 2018 turn out completely shit canned because we spread this shit all over twitter to split them further. Do you not understand how to use your enimies incompetence against themselves?

Let's hope the DNC shits it's self so hard that Sam Hyde manages to become Mass's Senator Even if it's because he himself nominates himself as a Democrat and just have a campaign of him pretending to be a bernfag while slipping in shit like Jews need to got as they're like whitey but even more so