Struggle Session Used As Punishment Against High School Students for "Being Racist"


Posting this since the last thread on this "mysteriously" 404'd.

Albany police started probing “racially insensitive” photos posted to a private Instagram account run by one student in March, and the suit alleges that the racist images came to light after a student took screenshots of the offensive pictures and reported them to administrators.

Beck said student anger at the school, whose student body is less than 5 percent black, culminated March 30 with what the lawsuit says was an “atonement” exercise orchestrated by school administrators when the suspended students returned. Up to 15 involved students, including Beck’s four plaintiffs, were “lined up in full view” of the student body to be screamed at, Beck said.

“The school humiliated our clients and put them in a position of danger where several were assaulted,” Beck said.

By the way, the Albany High School is in California, not New York.

Other urls found in this thread:

Which is honestly the bigger shithole of the two AND THAT'S FUCKING SAYING SOMETHING

What are the court dates to this? It needs to be monitored closely if it is to go through. If it works, and it should, the right to be racist will be unshakable for some time. Lets give the next generation a fighting chance

Indeed. This is an extremely significant case. We need to pay close attention, and employ our memetic wizardy in support of these students.

Nuke the bay area and southern CA. Hell, nuke the whole state. I'll go down with the ship.

Crowdfund a scholarship for these students.

Regardless of whether they win in court, giving ordinary people the chance to show their support through tangible commitment in these things gives leverage to our side and improves the perception by the mass that we are in the right.

The free speech vs hate speech could well hinge on this. If the students lose this case then physical and emotional torture is now a government protected solution to private racist comments or activities. Not merely by students through social pressure but teachers and authority figures. They NEED to win this case.

If someone could get in contact with them and arrange some sort of monetary relief through a public website it would show that not only are they not alone, but that the people approve of their behavior.

Forgive OP for being a faggot, here are the links in case anyone wants to click through and maybe agitate in the comments sections.

Anybody else want to find comments sections? Normies would be mostly unaware that this is pure, unadulterated struggle session, and is equivalent to terrorism and/or school-sponsored bullying of the most vicious kind.

Has anyone sent this to the popular sites? Inforwars, r/t_d, brietbart, other sites that bridge the gap between average and nationalist.

Take these anti-white pyschos to court. It's 2017!

Technically it already is, but in an "unofficial" [spoiler]as in officially not happening but they totally do because who would stop them?[/spoiler[ capacity such as gangstalking.

If we can win on this, it gives us leverage to push on that as well. But for now, let's focus on this highly publicized case and trust Wikileaks to drop the info on gangstalking in the future.

Memes comparing this to struggle sessions and explaining the technique and history behind struggle sessions would be powerful. Point out that many victims of struggle sessions went on to commit suicide.

It's pretty much bullying on CIAnigger-powered PCP.

We don't even need to go there. This is within reach of normies to understand. There is a well-documented history to struggle sessions.

These students should see a therapist, who can go in court and testify that the struggle session has gravely disrupted their psychological health which is literally what it's designed to do in the first place. They should be able to seek compensation for damages on nearly every possible front. Subjecting them to 1) physical danger, 2) emotional and mental trauma, 3) officially sponsoring bullying, 4) gravely impacting their chances of getting into college or 5) even of getting a job in the future. Each of them should be awarded 7 figures AT LEAST.

It's incredible that they were suspended for going onto the "racist" social media account and making a comment or a like… Talk about totalitarian, eyes everywhere, kind of situation. That should get the libertardians on board as well, and not only the pro-whites.

It's incredible that they were suspended for going onto the "racist" social media account and making a comment or a like… Talk about totalitarian, eyes everywhere, kind of situation. That should get the libertardians on board as well, and not only the pro-whites..

It's incredible that they were suspended for going onto the "racist" social media account and making a comment or a like… Talk about totalitarian, eyes everywhere, kind of situation. That should get the libertardians on board as well, and not only the pro-whites..

It's incredible that they were suspended for going onto the "racist" social media account and making a comment or a like… Talk about totalitarian, eyes everywhere, kind of situation. That should get the libertardians on board as well, and not only the pro-whites.

Thanks for making another thread on this OP, my last one doesn't seem to be loading for some reason. This is a huge case, because like your title suggests the school was actually implementing communist-style public shaming on four underage students. An even more disturbing part, is that a "protest" composed of hundreds of people attended one of these "restorative justice sessions" (not my phrasing) and allegedly gave one the students a broken nose.

This is real shit here. This is what all those 95 IQ education majors have been doing for the last ten years, turning public schools into indoctrination centers that Mao himself would be proud of. We're coming to a point where real, definitive action must be taken to make as many whites as possible realize that these people WANT TO HARM AND DISENFRANCHISE THEIR CHILDREN

I think this is an excellent idea. I'd also propose getting Red Ice TV (yeah I know not ideal, but they've got a fucking big following these days) to reach out to the parents involved and ask for interviews. Or Kikebart.

Thanks for making another thread on this OP, my last one doesn't seem to be loading for some reason. This is a huge case, because like your title suggests the school was actually implementing communist-style public shaming on four underage students. An even more disturbing part, is that a "protest" composed of hundreds of people attended one of these "restorative justice sessions" (not my phrasing) and allegedly gave one the students a broken nose.

This is real shit here. This is what all those 95 IQ education majors have been doing for the last ten years, turning public schools into indoctrination centers that Mao himself would be proud of. We're coming to a point where real, definitive action must be taken to make as many whites as possible realize that these people WANT TO HARM AND DISENFRANCHISE THEIR CHILDREN

I think this is an excellent idea. I'd also propose getting Red Ice TV (yeah I know not ideal, but they've got a fucking big following these days) to reach out the parents involved and ask for interviews. Or Kikebart.

Thanks for making another thread on this OP, my last one doesn't seem to be loading for some reason. This is a huge case, because like the title suggests the school was actually implementing communist-style public shaming on four underage students. An even more disturbing part, is that a "protest" composed of hundreds of people attended one of these "restorative justice sessions" (not my phrasing) and allegedly gave one the students a broken nose.

This is real shit here. This is what all those 95 IQ education majors have been doing for the last ten years, turning public schools into indoctrination centers that Mao himself would be proud of. We're coming to a point where real, definitive action must be taken to make as many whites as possible realize that these people WANT TO HARM AND DISENFRANCHISE THEIR CHILDREN

I think this is an excellent idea. I'd also propose getting Red Ice TV (yeah I know not ideal, but they've got a fucking big following these days) to reach out the parents involved and ask for interviews. Or Kikebart.

Thanks for making another thread on this OP, my last one doesn't seem to be loading for some reason. This is a huge case, because like the title suggests the school was actually implementing communist-style public shaming on four underage students. An even more disturbing part, is that a "protest" composed of hundreds of people attended one of these "restorative justice sessions" (not my phrasing) and allegedly gave one the students a broken nose.

This is real shit here. This is what all those 95 IQ education majors have been doing for the last ten years, turning public schools into indoctrination centers that Mao himself would be proud of. We're coming to a point where real, definitive action must be taken to make as many whites as possible realize that these people WANT TO HARM AND DISENFRANCHISE THEIR CHILDREN

I think this is an excellent idea. I'd also propose getting Red Ice TV (yeah I know not ideal, but they've got a fucking big following these days) to reach out the parents involved and ask for interviews. Or Kikebart.


It's good to see that Maoist "struggle sessions" are now making inroads into California's public education system. This isn't a coincidence. The principal Jeff Anderson ([email protected]/* */) was personally hired by the superintendent, Val Williams, as revealed by this marvelous quote:

Before he took this shitty job, he had virtually no experience with kids. He was a fucking HR manager. Somebody Valerie Williams moved him into that $100,000 a year job for reasons other than his competence with children.

He lives in Benicia, by the way.

It's good to see that Maoist "struggle sessions" are now making inroads into California's public education system. This isn't a coincidence. The principal Jeff Anderson ([email protected]/* */) was personally hired by the superintendent, Val Williams, as revealed by this marvelous quote:

Before he took this shitty job, he had virtually no experience with kids. He was a fucking HR manager. Somebody Valerie Williams moved him into that $100,000 a year job for reasons other than his competence with children.

He lives in Benicia, by the way.

It's good to see that Maoist "struggle sessions" are now making inroads into California's public education system. This isn't a coincidence. The principal Jeff Anderson ([email protected]/* */) was personally hired by the superintendent, Val Williams, as revealed by this marvelous quote:

Before he took this shitty job, he had virtually no experience with kids. He was a fucking HR manager. Somebody Valerie Williams moved him into that $100,000 a year job for reasons other than his competence with children.

He lives in Benicia, by the way.

It's good to see that Maoist "struggle sessions" are now making inroads into California's public education system. This isn't a coincidence. The principal Jeff Anderson (cjanderson[at] was personally hired by the superintendent, Val Williams, as revealed by this marvelous quote:

Before he took this shitty job, he had virtually no experience with kids. He was a fucking HR manager. Somebody Valerie Williams moved him into that $100,000 a year job for reasons other than his competence with children.

He lives in Benicia, by the way.

It's good to see that Maoist "struggle sessions" are now making inroads into California's public education system. This isn't a coincidence. The principal Jeff Anderson (cjanderson[AT] was personally hired by the superintendent, Val Williams, as revealed by this marvelous quote:

Before he took this shitty job, he had virtually no experience with kids. He was a fucking HR manager. Somebody Valerie Williams moved him into that $100,000 a year job for reasons other than his competence with children.

He lives in Benicia, by the way.

It's good to see that Maoist "struggle sessions" are now making inroads into California's public education system. This isn't a coincidence. The principal Jeff Anderson (cjanderson[AT] was personally hired by the superintendent, Val Williams, as revealed by this marvelous quote:

Before he took this shitty job, he had virtually no experience with kids. He was a fucking HR manager. Somebody Valerie Williams moved him into that $100,000 a year job for reasons other than his competence with children.

He lives in Benicia, by the way.

testing, i keep getting

It's good to see that Maoist "struggle sessions" are now making inroads into California's public education system. This isn't a coincidence. The principal Jeff Anderson (cjanderson[AT] was personally hired by the superintendent, Val Williams, as revealed by this marvelous quote:

Before he took this shitty job, he had virtually no experience with kids. He was a fucking HR manager. Somebody Valerie Williams moved him into that $100,000 a year job for reasons other than his competence with children.

He lives in Benicia, by the way.

Thanks for making another thread on this OP, my last one doesn't seem to be loading for some reason. This is a huge case, because like the title suggests the school was actually implementing communist-style public shaming on four underage students. An even more disturbing part, is that a "protest" composed of hundreds of people attended one of these "restorative justice sessions" (not my phrasing) and allegedly gave one the students a broken nose.

This is real shit here. This is what all those 95 IQ education majors have been doing for the last ten years, turning public schools into indoctrination centers that Mao himself would be proud of. We're coming to a point where real, definitive action must be taken to make as many whites as possible realize that these people WANT TO HARM AND DISENFRANCHISE THEIR CHILDREN

I think this is an excellent idea. I'd also propose getting Red Ice TV (yeah I know not ideal, but they've got a fucking big following these days) to reach out the parents involved and ask for interviews. Or Kikebart.

T-thanks jim

what the FUCK is going on

I'd throw em' a tenner

What the fuck is happening in this thread?

Kekmonkey broke the site.

besides the one old jewess berating a classroom, anyone have any vids of this kind of shit

Ted was right, mind control has been so ingrained into the educational system it's irredeemable and irreparable.
If they lose this case, the justice system is over as well. Anything short of the police shutting down the school and arresting the administration that allowed this to take place will have made me completely lose faith in the system's potential to be repaired.

Should do both Red Ice and Breitbart, the more exposure the better. Also if any anons still were harboring doubts about home schooling your children over public school this should have erased them.

This is Ferguson big. We might have a white people riot brewing.

Also, worth considering (((who))) were the people setting this up as a psyop. There is a concerted effort by certain powers to polarize Americans, cause them to be divided to prevent their ability to coordinate in the upcoming Civil War.

This is another event meant to make people "take sides" against each other. Watch talking heads come around to say ridiculous things in order to stir things up.

As another poster pointed out, this is a (((coincidence))). We should look into the educational and professional backgrounds of the people who did this, I'm willing to be intelligence connections show up.

It might even be worth looking into the students' parents, who could be actors/in on it.


I agree it's long overdue, but I'm uncomfortable with the potential that this is being purposefully orchestrated. The school administrators knew exactly what they were doing when they put together their "restorative justice" session. Wait for one white person delta mind control slave to do something ridiculously violent and stupid, and for the whole event to be associated by (((media))) with that one person. Kind of like GamerGate was supposed to be about harrassment of women in gaming or something like that it was a psyop from start to finish in the same vein as this.

what the fuck are you talking about

Any informed person on the other side is a kike or a commie. You don't get dividing lines this clear very often.

The Superintendent of Albany Unified School District is Valerie Williams. Here is her LinkedIn. Someone with a LinkedIn should take a look at her connections.

Educational LeadershipCurriculum DevelopmentK-12FundraisingPublic SpeakingHuman Resources DevelopmentEmployment RecruitmentEmployee/Employer RelationsCollective BargainingPresenter on Human Resources DevelopmentPresentationsCommunity OutreachProgram DevelopmentK-12 Education

She is associated with the Association of California School Administrators as well as the School Superintendent's Association.

Here is here official blurb on the Albany school district website.

Nothing that's immediately troubling except her asymmetric eyes.

That is of course the point of all of this. Nobody wants this false unity. A unity that comes at the price of destroying your lineage, being forced to mingle with subhumans and putting your children in a world where they will be forced to live in massive, unsafe urban centers just to find a decent wage.
You can't tell me you want to remain "united" with niggers, degenerates, and marxists who wish to erode everything you hold dear, can you?

Of course it is a psyop though, but your post made me start thinking about what all the "everything is fake" crowd want with the world. Is their ideal world one where all the goyim unite and somehow peacefully oust the corrupt elites? If so how is that any different than the kikes homogenizing the goyim into a mulatto slave-race? It's the same destruction without the authoritarian ruling-class.
As one user said "if I get to live in a white, crime-free society where the future of my people is insured what a small price it is to wash dishes for Hitler2.0" - the society these "truthers" want is a similar racial endgame to the jews but without the authoritarian ends, whereas Holla Forums wants something more authoritarian with drastically different racial ends.

The psyop is not to divide whites from their rightful "others" but to further drive a steak in-between whites who are already polarized on muh racism. The fact it's at a 5% nigger school should say everything, this is kikes doing it to further divide whites.

I don't know if you remember it but the original inception of gamergate was CRASH THE INDUSTRY WITH NO SURVIVORS - it was quickly co-opted into focusing on individuals not the entire diseased system and then those individuals had the terms to manipulate things from their side. This caused PRfagging(don't tell Nick Nyberg he's a freak, a subversive, and a kike to his face) and ultimately killed the movement.
An industry crash has been brewing for a while, and 2017 might have reversed the trend off JP sales of NieR alone. In fact Robert Pelloni and Phil Fish likely saved gaming by making such asses of themselves that they legitimized indieshit and kept the dying industry afloat long enough to get the japs so say no to marxism.

Many decades ago the United States government came to the conclusion that they could not possibly come out of a Civil War the victor. So they decided to orchestrate the Civil War and manage both sides in a way they could be sure they still end up in power even while "officially" losing. Kind of like the British "officially" lost the Revolutionary War the Masons won the Revolutionary War.

And it will seem just as obvious to the other side. That's the whole point. Increase the polarization, increase the myopia, increase the confusion, increase the agitation. Then the people will be desperate for someone to lead them through the mess (((they))) have made. Problem-solution.

People should start digging, I can't be the only one here.

Missed a step there, reaction. The reaction to the problem must be controlled and if whites throw a wrench into that controlled opposition then the reaction can be co-opted and directed at the genuine perpetrators(in this case, niggers and jews)

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

9/11 Missing Links

Post posters around the school. It's impossible that not at least 25% of the students disagree with those. They are the next SA!

Right now the controlled reaction is "Alt-Right" which would be opposed to whites protesting struggle-sessions in school since it could give them bad PR.
They want to engage in "white supremacist street fighting" with antifa at all their local ZOGbot factories because giving dirty (mostly white) hippies the 'ol boot makes for good television and further divides the white goyim.

A bunch of whites fucking up a PTA meeting? Telling the school to go fuck itself for being commies? That's bad television. That's the kind of television that might get more white goyim to question the direction they are being led. "I would not want MY kid assaulted by niggers at school for liking a racist picture" would be the reaction to this in most white adults, regardless of their views. White Americans have been so heavily indoctrinated with "think of the children" that they will vehemently attack anything they see as threatening to them.

Here's an earlier article which identifies the parent of one of the students that were supposedly derogated by the Instragram account.

I want to bet this "Alexandra Campbell Jones" is someone important.

According to LinkedIn Alexandra Campbell Jones is a teacher at West Contra Costa Unified School District, which serves Richmond, CA and is right next to Albany. Alexandra Jones actually lives in Albany, CA. Why does her own daughter attend a different school then? Seems fishy.

Here's an even older article about the incident which, once again, quotes Alexandra Jones. Why don't they ever get quotes from the other parents?

Here is what appears to be her Twitter account, although she hasn't tweeted. Who she is following could be significant, tho.

Of course it's in fucking Richmond. The only county in California that wants more niggers.

Either you're a shill or you haven't been here very long. Dig if you want to help, I don't need you to agree with my conclusions.

Your digging is fine, but in what way is my thinking limited? Just because I don't think it's a good thing to 'unite' with niggers and subversives doesn't mean I don't think this is also a psyop. Read my posts.

I'm not at a good place to dig either, posting from a fucking SJWpi on public wifi, check the followers of his twitter. He's got commies, the jesuit pope, Jeremy Clarkson, and several jew-controlled MSM news outlets.

I hope they get sued for every penny of those damages.

That's revolting for ANY opinion.

Is Alexandra Campbell Jones real? I've found numerous articles about this incident which all get original, new quotes from her. However, her digital trail dries up really quick after that. And her LinkedIn account only has 1 connection.

Can anyone find the original pictures from the Instagram account that were so racist? Maybe somebody should go the extra length of trying to talk to the students there. They might have noticed weird things going on recently that the media wouldn't divulge.

She is a prime suspect for actor at this point. Let's watch her magically become a "grassroots" leader advocating for struggle sessions like this to be expanded.

These people have thought things through further than us. Don't make the smart person's mistake of thinking no one else is as smart as you. We should operate on the assumption they have this planned out, and work our memetic judo from that perspective. Otherwise we'll just end up doing everything they already wanted and/or expected us to do anyway. We must find what is unexpected to them, and do it.

So far even the things I've recommended are something any black magician would have already accounted for. I know I would have. I also know they would have gone to lengths to cover up their tracks. As such, I am also making the assumption that cold trails are camouflaged leads.

I would already be willing to bet Valerie Williams (the superintendent) is well I won't say but those with eyes to see, will see what I mean. Might anybody post that diagram of how to tell when someone is crazy? Williams' eyes are very asymmetrical. She is hiding something behind her mask.

We should not discount the possibility they have already selected one of their most likely compromised judges, and/or they are pulling a lot of strings in the background of any legal case. Even the parents of those students who were assaulted may be in on it. Leave no stone unturned.

Who are the judges to begin with?

Not sure if they have been selected yet. However, I found an article which names some of the attorneys that are representing the students which were assaulted. I have a:

Going to see what I can find. If these people are way too high-powered, that could be a troubling sign of a psyop in the works.

Here's the article.

Like letting the MSM call you racist for supporting the rights of kids? The point is to demoralize classical liberals into realizing the fucked situation they're really in. Making a stink about it is what's needed.

B-b-but those are NAZI-METHODS!!!
Is there any twitter action we can tag along?

I found an Alan Beck who started practicing law in 2009. He sounds like a kikey rabble rouser looking to ingratiate himself into politics. A real slimeball.

No confirmation this is him yet. There are a few other possible Alan Beck's but this seems the most likely so far.

There's another Alan Beck (can't be sure it's the same one, but he's equally kikey) who sued a 14 year old kid because… the kid threw his helmet during a Little League baseball game. Seems like the type to use the legal system to hurt people financially, more of a mercenary than a protector.

Then there's this article about an Alan Beck claiming he focuses on defending the Second Amendment.

Seems to be the same guy considering he graduated from the University of San Diego, which is where this same Alan Beck appears to live.

kek, I found this:
Probably unrelated.

Oh, here's a LinkedIn to an Alan Beck attorney in San Diego. I can't access it for any information however, so if someone else wants to grab the info from there.

Seems like the guy could be an attorney. He'd have to be an attorney to think of suing a kid for doing a perfectly kid-like thing, plus it would be hard for him to justify that much lost wages unless his job paid unreasonably well. He comes from the right area.

I wonder what this Joe Paris did to piss him off.

I'm going to move on to the next attorneys.

Okay, just found something that seems to confirm the guy suing the kid IS, in fact, that same Alan Beck.

Pretty interesting choice. I think this is what's gong to happen with him. He's going to push for this case to get as much national attention as possible, get as much name brand recognition for himself. After the case, win or lose, he'll set himself up to campaign for CA governor (guy already announced a candidacy in 2015) or some other concessionary position the establishment can pay him off with. So that's the angle he's in this for.

Alan Beck's picture, for completeness.

He's not doing this for social justice that's for sure.
He's a slimy snake trying to get penny.

I mean the guy fucking sued a little league-er. What type of grown man does that?

He looks Hapa

Cate Beekman is a partner at Beekman Cortes in San Francisco. She has also been a public defender.

Here's her official California State Bar entry.

>e-mail: [email protected]/* */

Former Marine?
What a disgrace for the corp.
Suing a fucking little league-er.

It is probably best to fumigate the whole US. We can never be sure about your genetic heritage.

Look at those eyebrows. Based on facial asymmetry, his creativity has been nerfed to make him into a robotic psychopath. Hence suing the kid probably because he just didn't like the kid's dad, tbh.

That's ok.

That's getting a bit sus. I reckon she's likely a go to person to exploit the benefits of putting money in "non-profit organisations"
(think Clinton Foundation)

Overall though, she seems like she's being dragged into this. It seems her forte is hunger policy, not racial discrimination.

The heritage doesn't come into it. Who sues a fucking kid for an accident?

Whose side is Beck on again?

wew lads it get's weirder, his defense lawyer is a yid.

Also interesting:
That school is fucked lol. Not only did they break their 1st amendment rights, but they also lied about facts.

>“Free speech is a fundamental right, but it can’t be at the expense of hurting someone,” said the uncle, who this news organization is not naming to protect the girl’s identity.

>“The plaintiffs and the other suspended students were forced to march through the high school and were lined up in full view of all or most of the student body,” according to the lawsuit. “School administrators allowed the student body to hurl obscenities, scream profanities, and jeer at the plaintiffs and the other suspended students, who were all not allowed to leave what the school considered an act of ‘atonement’ but was rather a thinly veiled form of public shaming.”
But it's ok when we hurt your feels with words.

What a retarded situation.

I don't think so. Looks like she helped get a guy off the hook for molesting a child.

According to the article, her law partner Francisco Cortes is also her marriage partner. That's a pretty damning sign.

In other words, she called in an (((expert witness))) to discredit the victims. Standard kike tactics.

Did they allow the victims to be intensively cross-examined? Of course the children would end up telling inconsistent stories, if they were forced to bear the trauma of reliving the trauma over and over again, having to retell it again and again. More standard kike tactics to destroy the victims trying to present testimonial evidence.

Oh for fuck's sake her very legal argument fits my psyop theory of the Civil War. Setting that aside for now, but expect this to be stressed by the media, but I believe that is why she was chosen for this case.

So they're planning on getting the case go (((their))) way in order to establish the legal precedent for expanding this kind of shit. This thread should be fucking pinned already.

>On March 30, the plaintiffs and other suspended students attended another “restorative justice” session where a few hundred protesters gathered outside. They allege administrators failed to get sufficient security to escort them out of the building, leading to two suspended students being physically assaulted, with one suffering a broken nose, the lawsuit alleges.
So apparently shitposting allows you to physically abuse them?

Brace yourself for this part:
>“Everybody has the right to talk about issues,” she said, “but this wasn’t talk about issues. This was an attack on minorities. … They’re the ones that were damaged. Not the other kids.”
So using words was an attack on minorities.
But using physical abuse was not an attack on the other kids.

I'm beginning to see why these kids have their "attitude problems". Imagine a school with the kids of these people?
I bet the blacks probably abused them behind closed doors too. That might explain their "mysterious behaiviour".


I agree. Mods needs to sticky this thread.

Oh, I missed this very crucial information about that case.

So Cate Beekman's modus operandi is, in all probability, to pull extra-legal strings in the background to force the prosecution to throw the case. She'll probably do that in this case, but to make her own clients lose.

I don't think that's legal in the state of my country.
Ethically that might be VERY frowned upon. My impede on duties to the court and client. May also create ethical issues with regards to confidentiality and possibly creates conflicts of interests.

Or it could be having a client who is a husband.. Still looks very bad though.

A little information on Cate Beekman's law partner/marriage partner, Francisco Cortes which could be translated to English as "Frank Cuts".

Ethnomusicology what?

This guy is military and has a master's in an obscure music discipline? And now he's a lawyer of all things?


Okay sure set that aside if you don't want to go down that route, but it's true. Again, look at the eyes. Just like Alan Beck, his left eye droops, suggesting a defunct right hemisphere when the picture was taken, e.g. evidence he's not "all there" as it were. He could very well be Cate Beekman's handler, and would give a background explanation to her extra-legal techniques used in that Ortiz case.

This case is all around kikey. Psyops incoming, anons man the walls we are about to face intense kikery. Save all the information posted in this thread so far, we're going to need it where we're going.

You say that, but:
It was kike vs kike.

They're fucking children in trauma. They're not expected to be always accurate to their testimony. They don't have full testamentary capacity to begin with.
The inconsistency shouldn't really be a grounds for defense. The evidence FOR the case needed to be a bit more than the testimony of children. Children's testimony is extremely unreliable.
But that's where the adult witnesses come in:

I think the cunt seems guilty, but he was lucky evidentially.

Oh.. actually that complicates things a lot.
But I like how she pushed this and is now pushing against "hate speech" - this is potential blackmail. She was guilty of "hate speech" in one of her cases and got a defendant scott free for child abuse by using it.

Oh dear beekman, this better not leak to public :^)

Hold up. So no evidence of her actually saying that she wanted a U-visa?
That argument stands as much as the children's testimony.

Because that wouldn't be biased testimony or anything..

Either Hafenstein was doing a shit job (I think he may have been considering the poor evidence brought forth) or that juror was "persuaded" to find his verdict.

I actually agree IF the evidence the prosecutor used relied merely on children's testimony. That lawyer should know better.
BUT. We need to look at all the other evidence that wasn't mentioned in that article.

Darryl Yorkey is next.

I can't find anything incriminating on him. He's also the most junior member of the 3 lawyers attached to the case so far. I suspect he's just a stooge getting dragged along for the ride.

Yes brother, they expect some of us in the wreckage.

One more on Beck. Well actually I don't know if it's him..
Hindering Fight for Second Amendment
The following is going to be mind-numbingly dull for most people. If you would like to skip to the end and make a donation, the donation will be much appreciated and I will take no offense in your skipping over this next section which is truly boring.
The Short Version
In Detail

It's never kike vs kike. It might be "kike vs kike" on paper, but more often than not that's the ruse they're using to jerk each other off.

You're not a very good shill, because you obviously haven't read the thread. I already specifically called it, that the media would make hay out of this.

I think we have enough evidence that something kikey is going down with this case. A quick review of the evidence:

>her law/marriage partner Francisco Cortes has the background of a really bad person

Can we find anything on the students who liked the picture? Their parents? How about the former principal of AHS, Jeff Andersen?

archive or screenshot (in firefox: shift+f2; type"screenshot –fullpage" )so everyone can see.


6 years bar? Maybe just dragged into it. He might be tighter with info online too.

The fire rises.

I posted before but the browser shut down and I needed a newer vpn

You're obviously not a law student or a lawyer, because that evidence would not cut it.

Go on..

I had a teacher parent. She didn't want us to see her teach and we didn't like her seeing us at school so she taught at a different school to us. There's nothing that odd about it. Otherwise the kids would be bullied for having moms at school.
BUT.. the plus side was lunch money when she did relief at our school a couple times :^)

Can schools legally do this type of punishment?

Also this was weird when I tried using a tor node for the site first.

Absolutely not.

Okay, so Alan Beck also has a curious relationship to immigrant issues. He's a pro-2nd Amendment for aliens lawyer, if that makes sense. I found this posting on a forum, by someone claiming to be Alan Beck at least.

He pursued the case out of his own pocket? He's obviously in it for something besides a charitable spirit.

So he wants to defend the right to own a firearm… for "resident aliens."

He wants to make it easier for non-immigrant legal aliens to get firearms in the USA. Why? So that it's easier for Israeli agents to get guns in order to pull off mass shootings?

He's shilling for his friend Stephen Stamboulieh to be on the board of directors of the NRA.

I also found the injunction for the case which explains the argument that Alan Beck made for the case Steve Fotoudis vs City and County of Honolulu. tl;dr is Fotoudis had been lawfully admitted but had not met the 5 year requirement to become a naturalized citizen.

Here's the essence of the judgment:

IOW, this establishes the legal precedent that a legal immigrant does not need to be in the US for 5 years before being able to legally obtain a firearm.

I bet this is sort of a test. Racism has been so stigmatized that people may think they won't receive any support. It's been a long time coming and they're hoping to scare everyone off so they can quietly eliminate dissent.

Gee fucking wiz Billy-Bob, i just don't know ;^)

Are you fucking retarded?

Homeschool if you give a single fuck about your children.


Then go to court. It will most likely be a public hearing session and not a closed one. Just sit there and support your pepes.

Wear appropriate clothing.

students making dumb joke (thought crime) = haters
brainwashed collectivists screaming and hitting those students = lovers

who gave these people the authority over who is allowed to be in Albany and who is not?
as someone born in a former socialist country it makes me feel uneasy that such a slip into communism isn't a nationwide scandal in the US

Nuking your own country instead of enjoying NKVD-style purges and taking control over territory.

Strike the fear in your enemy. Make it an event that will be remembered forever.

Oh lord, he's a fucking terrible lawyer.
>Should you read the Opening Brief, written by Attorney Alan Beck, your views on the quality of the brief will vary depending upon how knowledgeable you are about the law. However, when you get to the conclusion, the part where attorney Beck gets around to telling the court exactly what he wants out of this appeal, even a 3rd year law student will recognize that attorney Beck spectacularly blew his case.

>Attorney Beck asks the court of appeals to direct the lower court “to issue a judgment requiring the following: Chapter 134 of Hawaii Revised Statutes be revised to allow for a means to carry a rifle outside the home for self-defense; a shotgun outside the home for self-defense; and an injunction on the laws prohibiting the in the home prohibitions of electric guns, switchblades, and butterfly knives. Finally an order either enjoining HRS 134-9 or compelling City Defendants to adopt policies to allow it to survive constitutional muster.

(to be cont.)

The left is going to regret reminding America that lynching political opponents in public is an acceptable means of showing extreme displeasure.

I don't happen to live close enough, but it is a good idea for any anons in the area. A firsthand report of the dealings would be extremely valuable, rather than having to rely on (((filtered sources))). Bring a little notebook and take notes.

We should start a Twitter campaign to educate high schoolers about struggle sessions. Pose as liberal and conservative identities, this is the kind of thing even liberal white parents should find immediately appalling. All you need them to think is "What if this was done to my child?" Make them think about how utterly terrifying it must be to have hundreds of your peers be coordinated by trusted teachers and authorities to assault you. Play to their emotions.

>1. Neither the court of appeals nor the district court can order any legislative body to write or revise a law. A court can overturn all or part of a law and stay its decision for a period of time to give a legislative body time to rewrite a law as occurred in the 7th District Court of Appeals in the case of [Moore v. Madigan] but that is as far as it can go. In short, attorney Beck could have asked for an injunction against the current laws which prohibit the carriage of rifles and shotguns outside the home but he didn’t. Attorney Beck asked the court of appeals to grant him relief courts are powerless to provide. Moreover, Beck did not challenge Hawaii’s ban on openly carrying long guns in public in the district court. Every first year law student knows that claims not raised in the trial court are forfeited on appeal.
>2. Attorney Beck asks for an order either enjoining HRS 134-9 or compelling City Defendants to adopt policies to allow it to survive constitutional muster. HRS 134-9 is Hawaii’s handgun licensing law for both concealed and Open Carry of handguns. Asking for an injunction is fine but Attorney Beck made a fatal mistake similar to what attorney Alan Gura did in the Palmer v. DC case and the Hightower v. Boston case. Attorney Beck gave the court of appeals a choice between two paths and attorney Beck did not specify the result of either path. For example, the court of appeals could take the first pass and conclude that by not specifying that Beck’s client, Mr. Young, wants to openly carry a handgun and the judge concludes that Mr. Young has no right to carry a handgun concealed in public the judge can easily deny the injunction. This is the mistake that Alan Gura made in the Hightower case. Having pursued one path the court is not obligated to pursue the other. Because Beck said “or” instead of “and” which frankly is a mistake one shouldn’t make past kindergarten, the judge isn’t required to explore the alternate path. But let us assume the court decides to follow both paths. Attorney Beck did not specify what policy the City Defendants must adopt, he left that up to the court. The court could look at the current policy of the City Defendants is not to issue permits to carry handguns concealed. Which is a perfectly valid thing for the City Defendants to do as Heller said there is no right to carry concealed weapons in public. This is the mistake that Alan Gura made in Palmer v. DC which was only saved because the DC police did not issue handgun carry permits at all because they did not exist and the challenged law prohibited both open and concealed carry. The City Defendants on the other hand in Hawaii do issue licenses to openly carry handguns. The problem is they only issue them to persons employed to defend life and property. Attorney Beck did not claim that his client wanted to openly carry a handgun, attorney Beck did not argue that the City Defendants were unconstitutionally denying Mr. Young a handgun carry license. As far as the court is concerned, it is looking at a case similar to Mr. Gura’s challenge to the New Jersey handgun licensing scheme. Mr. Gura did not challenge the license require for New Jersey handgun carry permits and the state of New Jersey granted most license applications (greater than 90%). There is no reason for the court not to decide that the City Defendant’s policy is constitutional. Judges cannot be faulted for not being mind-readers. Finally, even if the court were to grant the injunction against HRS 134-9, Mr. Young would still not be able to carry a handgun in public given that HRS 134-9 is the section of the Hawaii Revised Statutes which provides for a permit to carry in public. It is the permit which exempts the permit holder from criminal liability for carrying a loaded handgun in public.
>3. Young’s attorney also raises, for the first time on appeal, a challenge to Hawaii’s ban on electric guns, switchblades and butterfly knives. Failing to raise a claim in the district court forfeits the claim on appeal.

But it's 2017 user. Who knows.

Shouldn't there be a ton of videos of the public shaming?


If this is accepted, then lynching and acts of humiliation for racist beliefs should also be accepted.
The argument they have against racism falls completely flat, because it's just as violent and prejudice as the "good ol days".

This. Where's the vids?

This is going to be some spectacular tragicomedy from where we're sitting, and a horror show for everyone else. KEK

Video would be good PR for the kids who got struggle sessioned. That's why there won't be any.

But it would probably be easy to bait those same high school kids into giving their own eyewitness accounts on social media to soak up the attention. Enough "it was delicious watching those crackers realize the tables were being turned on them this time" and parents will begin realizing that Jamal and Pedro really would like nothing more than to feel the teensiest morsel of power in dominating their beautiful white children.

I checked yt, liveleak and worldstar. Nothing so far. FB might be a source but I don't use it.


Oh boy CBS.
You dun goofed.

this is how they inform the pavlovian public and that kind of narrative is what leads those mindless drones to scream and hit those guilty of thought crimes while considering themselves to be the group of people who "love"

Exactly, MSM is literally instigating left wing violence.

Alma mater here and friends with the sister of one of the kids.

The "noose" was a broken swing set. One of the kids didn't even make content and he was suspended. Apparently they were suspended for two days and then had the suspensions extended to 5.

Can you dig up a video of the shaming?

This school has been getting more and more kiked over the years.

Mostly white and Asian but there's been more of a nigger presence ever since I've graduated. Pretty much every white there is cucked. It will be my first stop on DOTR

You coulda had me fooled. Both places are equally diverse


webm fagit

Enjoy your four to the chest and two to the head, subhumans. It's what you'll get when you fuck with someone like me.


For their own safety, the school administrators should be in protective custody from now. Those shamed kids will 88 never forget 88.


White self-hatred is SICK!!

Why aren't African people called into question for "Racism" in African countries? Why aren't Asians called "Racist" in Asian countries? Instead it's only happening to white people in white countries, and it's happening in every white country.

Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-white.

Gee, wouldn't want anyone to know who's making such a retarded comment. Actually, judging by her textbook response I wouldn't even be surprised if she's just a sockpuppet for the media.

Namefags are banned on sight newfag. Go back to 4/pol/

This thread is getting slid

Never mind all the anti-white shit that is *taught* in schools these days. Supreme court, he we come. Don't let us down Gorsuch.

Someone needs to find this little faggot…

They're the kind of people who need to have "accidents."

This is what happens when the idea that racist is the worst sin possible is pushed on a society. Reminds me back when that illegal raped a high school girl in a bathroom, and I think the district manager came out and said the biggest thing to worry about was the potential racist kickback against illegals. Not about the fact a rape of a minor happened, but that potential racism might happen.

For too many people, racism seems to be worse then rape or murder.

There is no such thing as hate speech, user.


Wew lads, I lost my ability to feel rage and injustice a long time ago and after a whIle those emotions were replaced by a dullness feeling such extremes of emotion aren't good for your psyche and your mind will shut them down after a while of constant stimulation but shit like this makes me happy at this point. I can feel revolution coming more and more as the days pass by. Many people are waking up more and more to how diseased the system they're in is. The real fireworks though will start when all those people start to fully wake up to the horrors of that system and that you can't ignore it nor escape from it. This case has potential to be a potent catalyst to further along that awakening, at this point in time people are starting to become angry on their own. Best thing we can all do is just simply barrage them with more and more shit like the OP, starting a fire is simply the first step. It needs to be fed and allowed to grow in order to actually do anything

Did you read the thread? It looks like they plan on throwing the case in order to prevent the precedent getting established that struggle sessions are unConstitutional.

this angers me

On another note even if they lose it would bite the libs in the ass, as it would then allow us to do the same to them any time they say something we may deem as hate speech, such as, oh, saying whites should kill themselves. Their bullshit "whites can't be x" wouldn't save their asses from a good ol' government approved lynching.

Holy fuck, what is this shit? I went to HS from 2006-2010. My school was full of shitskins too, and we were CONSTANTLY making nigger and jew jokes, even blatantly in front of yid teachers. Nobody gave a fuck. But somehow in just a couple of years, we've spiraled out of control to the point where liking something "racist" on social media now gets you put in a stockade to be spit on and hit with rotten tomatoes?

This is why normiebook is cancer and you shouldn't use social media.

Don't you think a Columbine incident would be a better solution in this case?

Hey there FBI, got any inside scoops on the case?

This is pretty old news, but things are slow except for Macron.

Yeah Macron is just more staging. I'm more concerned with this because there's more we could do this side of the pond. It won't remain old news for long and I hate to think of countless young men (and women) being subjected to this for healthy, all-natural thoughtcrime.

I get the feeling that Valerie Williams is a witch, which is part of why I suspect this case is bound to go somewhere.

Bumping for importance.

Anons should pay attention to this. Unlike most threads here, this is a psyop still in the making which we can jump on now to start crafting the narrative ourselves.

so hate crime just means hate? or is hate a crime now?

raise money that goes to libcuck faggots at college..

being a proud white person is now an act of rebellious teens. they need to be shown the proper way so they don't turn into skinhead degenerates

Wow, these SJW loonies get up to some Lord Of The Flies type degeneracy when they think they're behind closed doors.