Halfchan has been cucked for years, but this is a new low. Jim already warned us that (((Hiroyuki))) was an SA user just like moot.
(((Freech))) goons now have a fucking 4chan board
Other urls found in this thread:
Not political related and who gives a fuck about 4chan anymore
It's cuckchan, what do you expect ?
These irc goons have come from the dens of something awful and are destroying the fabric of imageboards. KEK STOP THEM. This cannot be tolerated.
There's always foul play afoot these days. As the proud arm of the future we have to hunt down anyone whose ever had a something awful account and burn them alive.
It has but 8/pol/ is fucking dogshit now. Shits so bad most of the oldfags fucked off and hang out in video streaming chatrooms now and some retards went to /polk/.
Defeatist shill I see you working with them.
whats SA?
sorry for the double post Holla Forums is being weird for me right now
I see what your doing trying to take away what we have but you won't be able to.
Still Anonymous
A natsoc resistance group these kikes are trying to shill against.
This will not be tolerated. Vnite Brvdders! Defeat these kikes!
Shill confirmed. Gonna have to check them trips
The only way to handle this is to take to the streets. We must march down and take down all the shills and even those that think like shills. The shills must be destroyed at all costs. An army of us shooting anyone who uses evil sites like these. I see it in the future. Look forward brothers.
ah got it. thanks user
Yes brvdder. The fair rises!
76/sp/, where are you? we need your vast knowledge on sports and of removing goons
Freech l*terally killed 76chan
Excuse my retardation but I know fuck-all about Something Awful.
What makes that new board a (((Freech)))/(((goon))) board?
Excuse my retardation but I know fuck-all about Something Awful.
What makes that new board a (((Freech)))/(((goon))) board?
What's up with the fucking Flood Detected this time?
Don't forget about the meguca faggots making an alt/pol/ right here and shilling it constantly
Don't forget about the meguca faggots making an alt/pol/ right here and shilling it constantly.
First Replies = Goon Replies
How should we destroy 4/bant/? Dox? Raid?
This guy actually fell for this
Shit, what happened?
Seems important enough to me.
Same thing that happened to circleboard. The goons were told to fuck off, so the goons botspammed them to death.
They also tried to do the same thing to endchan and 8ch.pl.
War's starting to heat up, huh?
Not really mate. This board has problems, but it still is dramatically better than 4/pol/ which gets treated as Holla Forums.
That's pure astroturf dogshit. You faggots are trying your damndest. If the board has gone to such shit like you claim, why do you stick around to bitch and moan about it nigger?
I don't think so nigger. Kill yourself.
They killed fullchan /sp/ too, which caused the migration to 76chan in the first place which was still destroyed by freech. Largely the /sp/ BO was complicit, so there was nothing that could be done. The spam could have easily been dealt with.
Why didn't they just make a new board right here? The whole fucking point of this site is that if a board gets pozzed via BO you can just remake the bloody thing without the poz.
Goddamn /sp/ is only good for stealing GETs
fuck off freech
the vps had a server meltdown that destroyed all of 76chans data, goons had nothing to do with it and Independent /sp/ is just as active on endchan now
Only a shill would make a new board and fracture the user base you fucking KIKE.
There wasn't enough traffic to /sp/ here in the first place for a second board to have worked, in fact, I thought about doing one myself, but with even less name recognition than /sp/ I figured it would just be a dead board. /sp/ itself was barely a step above /vr/ here in the amount of posts per hour it got, and most of the posts it got were from goons spamming or in porn threads. The only time it got any real action was when the Patriots beat the Seahawks in the Super Bowl and hotwheels was posting there.
I'm hoping a sports board can take off here.
too late, already outted yourself faggot
top kek these retards are as pitiful as CTR
no kiddin. im nuking them now, maybe i'll leave it running for a few days
What the fuck, this is my post. Did they post this on endchan?
Nice try goonkike
hey look, another one.
hahahaha have fun with that
I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, now you're posting like a goon.
Requesting sticky. Goons are already talking about sliding this thread.
Reminder that when someone is acting like an absolute fucking retard, 99% of the time it's going to be one of these retards
god damn all of you are just outting yourselves today huh? would be pretty damn hard to "talk about sliding" as your chan is under 1000+pph botspam
I wonder (((whom))) could be behind this post?
all me int*
hope you enjoy being vagrant for a while
Might wanna hit meguca.org too since that's a freech bunker and confirmed behind making /polk/ and shilling it here constantly
lel rip freech again
Something Awful, it is not as bad as the stormweenies on Holla Forums make it out to be.
Fuck off, I'm that tripfag - image related is the only reason why you think I'm from gooka. I didn't even mean to post it with my trip on and I apologized to the gooka Holla Forumsacks.
That place is too much of a chatroom for me and I'm not even freech just a guy who's massively godddamn sick of all the Trumpkikes trying to establish an inorganic narrative. Get killed.
always with you, user.
Hiroyuki is a fucking furfag and a chimo to boot. Pretty sure he still goes on Tapestries muck and F-list.
He's a tranny fucker too. Hiro is everything wrong with nippon concentrated into one body.
Maybe he is host to evil kami or something, probably just drank kike kool-aid
careful there pal. you're dangerously close to settin off the cycle
i got banned there for posting a copypasta i made from 2006 where in it it claims i was 16. i wasn't even 16 when i made it 11 fucking years ago
Hahaha 4chans pol is 100x better than 8chans, get fucked faggots. Keep being obese losers going nowhere in life.
Sturmabteilung, the gayest shit ever.
That's enough halfchan for today.
nice leftist shaming tactics, Moishe.
kill yourself twice.
I think there's more sinister applications afoot.
This is like some sorta "bootcamp" for antifa shitposting, linking up with their CIA comptrollers to 'learn the lingo'
while they will fail 99% of the time to make enjoyable memes, normies will stupidly adopt 20% of them sowing mass confusion.
ay whaddup
not true, the hosting company fucked it up
the /int*/ herd is a joke and always have been, especially to /sp/. Also this new 4chan board has nothing to do with them so I'm not even sure what this thread is about.
Exactly how shit is it so far. I am currently giving myself a bamix enema, but will have a look once thooroughly eviscerated…
/sp/ left Holla Forums because the board was fucking broken, posts would rarely go through, or would go through 5 times, and the front page wouldn't update for days. Had nothing to do with spam or the pitiful Holla Forums faggots
josh was Holla Forums tbh
Observe first. If it's a low population board don't post and it will die on it's own. Imho raiding has always a galvanizing effect and also makes the place seem more lively than it is.
meguca had a decent concept and will be a decent bunker or shitpost board but techfags like me think it's gay and will not ever use it. without techfags operations are fruitless I'm staying right here where I'm comfy
Too good.
So.. basically /sjw/?
kek, India still can't catch a break.
I thought that comment was off too.
Stormfront is ok. Bit rough on the talk, but ok.
Meguca is an odd board.
Typing in real time is strange. You feel like your posts are under extra scrutiny.
I think the board is literally just about banter between countries.
Very little actual political talk. It's just:
It's a pure shitposting version of Holla Forums. Pure shitposting about one country vs another.
I think Hiro's onto something.
11th Touhou Project, 東方地霊殿 Subterranean Animism.
Actually it's better. You can post pure meme threads and complete drivel.
Like reaction image threads.
Instead of whining about the goons and cianiggers getting a shiny new board thanks to asian moot, why not just subvert the board through pretendfagging and LARPing as halfcuck goons over there?
I guess the idea was to improve the quality on /int/.
It's not even a bad board.
Seriously, check it out. It's fucking harmless.
Might be ok tbh.
You to know how to use punctuation properly you fucking spic
Such is the fate of all pretenders to the throne
There can be only one
Enjoy oblivion
South Africa.
you've got alot of reading up to do user
something awful is a site that used to be like 4chan, then later became a hive of leftism that happens to have many members who work for the government, one of whom was killed because of Hillary Clinton, while working FOR her without being controlled opposition
also, you can look up their fun-ruining exploits on EVE
People from both imageboards and similar places will be the judge of that. And no, shill and other troll opinions do not count because fuck them that's why.
The problem was fixed and yet they still decided to move. And why did they never do anything about the spam? Even on 76chan they allowed the spam.
where the fuck did everyone go? We had at least a couple thousand posters just a month or so ago. Pic related.
hwndu fags gone & shills that raided us after hack btfo. Thread quality noticeably higher.
Is that really it? ID's were getting fucked earlier. I don't believe all of them would just fuck off like that.
people left because imkampfy kept banning everyone that complained about anime posters.
go back to meguca
I don't remember how many it was, but there were a few hundred new UIDs after the Syria strike astroturfing everywhere.
Now you know how many fucking shills come here to shitpost
Literally over 2000 shills
Or rather a few hundred shills that kept changing IP's?
Maybe because the quality of Holla Forums has plummeted in recent months and now it's now just full of edgy 14 year old newfags from cuckchan and Reddit calling everybody they disagree with on anything at all a kike shill. That and the mods.
no you faggot the mods made it because the board was flooded with offtopic newfag cancerous shit and its a let-off valve to try and keep Holla Forums more focused on actual fucking politics
why is freech trying to rewrite history?
the only fact is we destroyed goonsaloon so hard the admin pulled the plug
Who cares?
This is actually it. I use a vpn. Most days I have to cycle it a few times because whatever IP I was assigned had already been banned. And despite the constant bitching about mods, all the bans I saw were deserved.
you cared enough to respond
so can we all confirm that anti-anime is anti-goon?
Nice try goon.
but the goon board vigorously defend anime
doesn't that make you a goon yourself?
stop peddling your bullshit, you homo. you were bullied by the gucafags and now you're butthurt
Time for you to kill yourself, goon-kun.
goons are pro-anime, and you're a faggot for exposing yourself as a goon.
Fuck off back to your shitty site freech. Fucking buffalo queers.
go back to /bant/ you fucking goon faggot, you got exposed, get the fuck out.
no u
How do we know its SA users? That place still exists?
Trump triggers the goons
you're currently using trump as your proxyshield, jokes on you as I voted for trump and you're a just complete hack trying to remain relevant with your shitposting, kill yourself SA/hillarykike.
Cant it be both lad?
a waste of $10
Best answer so far.
kill yourself goon.
I still don't like it much due to how christfaggory it was back in the day. has it improved at all since Hale was busted? I only listen to the radio shows.
Literally who?
Idk whats going on ITT but here is a smug anime girl.
That's just a tagalong faggot
Absolutely the opposite of ok.
Thanks to you kikes.
Its major flaw might be that, like a lot of things nowadays, it has a space constructed specifically for women, feeding into the whole aspect of modern women behaving like furries.
Mods confirmed goons.
Calling me a goon because for calling cuckchan for what it is.
Good thing this thread was bumplocked though, this shit it not Holla Forums related.
Sauce? Reminds me of Morrigan, but the artstyle is definitely not Darkstalkers.