Anarchists BTFO republicans in NC
Anarchists BTFO republicans in NC
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I want to express my happiness about this to normies but they'll think I'm insane
wew normies
Physical evidence that anarchists do more for socialism than authoritarian "socialists".
Look at these fucking normies
Here we go again.
Jesus christ look at all those losers fishing for upvotes with those crocodile tears. If only state violence or imperialist violence got 1/10 that much outrage.
If it had any chance of affecting them it would.
Sure you contributed son.
But it's fashy stuff
If anarchists (or whoever did that) were really revolutionary they would attack Dems for being neoliberal imperialists. That would create a distinction between Dems and the left. Instead people will now continue to call Dem supporters and liberals "communists" and us "liberals".
Congratufuckinglations. That's the reason I hate antifa.
Don't worry, guys, we will kill all the pacifists when we get the chance. What are they gonna do, complain about it?
if you're so fucking dumb that you assume that anybody who does anything against republicans must be a democrat supporter then there's really no hope for you anyway
I used to associate the term with the IRA. at least those guys would threaten you before they blew ya up. ahh those were the good ol' days, when terrorism was a gentleman's business. Now its all jihad this, hearts and minds that, the GOP sucks.
What happened to us. we should be ashamed.
99% of population is like that, better just genocide them all then.
Your mistake is that you assume people are dumb. No, they are ideological, the only thing they now is R vs D, moderate vs progressive, conservative vs liberal. We need to create new ideological distinctions within public discourse. If the left starts attacking Dems for leftist issues then we will achieve that. Otherwise we're just soldiers of Dems for the public, whether we intend that or not.
A.k.a. the majority of the american population, and we will lose a revolution without their support.
🍀🍀🍀I wonder who's behind this post…🍀🍀🍀
Yeah that's some amazing praxis right there. I wonder how many buildings left before we have a Socialist economy.
What we need to do is start appealing to people's INTERESTS. If people become interested, they will want to understand. There's no need to worship public opinion and let it constrict us as individuals.
petty children did this, and their violence will only alienate potential supporters for us. you know I'm right.
t. Liberal
"My lone wolf attack against conservatives will bring us to revolution!"
t. Anarkiddie.
larping faggot.
how many republicans have you killed? you must know plenty who are vulnerable, be they elderly or children. why haven't you become the Brevik of the left, comrade?
North Carolina resident here.
Say the fucks who have been actively pursuing the harshest, most stringent voter suppression in the United fucking States and literally called out the National Guard and implemented a curfew over a fucking protest.
Jesus Christ, they're actually proud of the shitshow the last few years under their boot has been?
I'll just leave this here, it's a local paper that has, up to this point, endorsed the man who is our current governor for whatever he ran for.
If the suffering of the poor and oppressed mattered to the ruling class, they would be neither poor nor oppressed.
It just makes you look like Dem supporters who want to protect the status quo from a "nazi fascist bigot Trump".
Terrorize Dems as well if you're serious. You will have my full support then.
wew tankies are mad today
Tankies pretty much just dress in ussr uniforms and discuss gender or some other idpol bullshit, but when anarchists do insurrectionism they call it LARPing.
…against the republican party… what an "insurrectionism" that is! Seriously, go destroy voting booths or something. Plant a bomb there, shit like that has been done before by American anarchists, when they weren't yet crypto liberals.
how do we know it's not just a false flag
Direct action at what? Please tell me. Somebody burned some Republican's garage. You're telling me this is some kind of revolutionary act?
When you shoot a banker in the face and partake in a armed revolt against capitalism, you can talk to me about insurrectionism.
Nice projection. Not a tankie, but I must be if I don't support purposeless violence right?
porky pls go
We don't. Maybe it is.
I don't think you know what bourgeoisie means.
The Republican party is bourgeois. Their local office is bourgeois by association. Are you sure you aren't a liberal?
tankies are liberals.
The better question would be: do tankies know what LARPing is? They call everyone LARPers while being LARPers themselves.
Why does this happen, Holla Forums?
Let's admit, the left is dead. The only role "far-left" performs today is antifa protecting the status quo from the impotent far-right lower class who are are far-right because the left doesn't really offer them anything in the first place.
your history is a few decades out of date. nearly all historians now Agree the Reichstag was set on fire by a Dutch Communist, and merely a valuable coincidence for the Nazis.
Because the left that was attacked is part of the status-quo, and Breivik's ideology is blasphemous today. So he's a hero for them.
The left doesn't oppose the system anymore, they just bitch about the fascist threat to the system.
this. terrorism used to mean something when it was done by the ira and the palestinians. a weak oppressed body desperately lashing out for a just cause. then osama ruined it for everyone by associating it with theocracy
It's called Live-Action-Role-Playing. And childish anarchists love to participate in it and delude themselves that they are actually doing anything.
Nobody was killed.
This office is replaced by another.
The media now demonizes the left more.
Not true, Osama developed a new paradigm of combining modern technology with suicide (the ultimate weapon) but it was still within an anti-imperialist stance.
What really ruined terrorism is ISIS who wants to built an actual state, so it's not a resistance to the system anymore but just another part of a general war.
I think tankies should fuck off to their torture chamber "bunkerchan" and stop derailing leftist threads like this one
All it accomplished was making people even more convinced that the libs, Jews, minorities, and whoever are all conspiring against them.
Don't forget the communists and the left in general. Some of them think Obama and Hillary are commies. Part of the reason is that American political terminology is completely fucked up and you have people still calling themselves liberals even when they're shifting to the leftist position. That's because it's all conceptualized within the conservative/liberal alternative.
That's what decades of the two party system does people. It dumbs down politics to either A or B. And the biggest irony is that A and B are in practice almost the same thing.
Are you retarded user?
Holla Forums here, thanks guys. They did our candidate a favour, see you on the other side of the concentration camp
Those antifa successfully drove the neo-nazis out of Sacramento with this event. We should at least pretend we actually want those guys to lose instead trying to turn their defeats into victories.
There is only one other ideology capable of LARPing than anarkiddos.
*more than
Law enforcement just told everyone to go home after it got violent. The neo-nazis suffered no severe injuries while some anti-fa where put on life support.
Fucking nice
Doesn't matter. Nazis got their little rally shut down, it was a good day.
Funny how they always have police protection, though, it's almost like they're outnumbered 99% of the fucking time.
meanwhile, tankies are once again trying to claim that government stomping on druggie proles in the third world is a great thing and really advances revolution, even though anyone who mattered is already flown out by helicopter either privately or by the CIA, the proletariat are going to catch the worst of the government violence, and they're going to blame everyone else when all they manage to do is rack up another "anti-imperialist" death count.
Now THAT is delusion.
Out of everyone supporting Duerte's antics in the philipines it's a lot of tankies, yes.
It's not exclusive but it's a decent overlap.
FINALLY some antifa action against Republicans.
They all deserve a bullet, fuck your empathy.
This tbh.
So how many have you killed then?
I just read this entire thread, and anarchists haven't made a argument to their defense. you guys are complete cancer. the closest thing any of you even get to an argument is this non-sequitur. in 69 replies, not one of you have put forward any argument as to how this is justified.
requesting this thread be bumplocked.
I love it when r/drama butt fucks anarchists.
Another teenage edgelord crawls out of the sewer.
Nice blogpost.
Violence against bourgies needs to be justified?
admit it, you can't even defend what you're saying because you don't even believe it yourself?
I don't think this is really an effective way of using violence, tbh. Attacking some high profile target and only doing property damage is a good way of getting yourself vilified with few positives.
I would compile a list of all major conservative leaders and activists (luckily in that part of the world reactionaries proudly display their colors so they're not particularly hard to find) and then begin the work of systematically neutralizing them, violently at first, but eventually intimidation should work once they know you mean business and will act on your threats. Once you've established yourself as a genuine militant threat, then go after right-wing organization and propaganda efforts. The reactionaries will be much more reluctant to speak up if they know crossing you could put themselves and their families in harms way, and will recede from open political activity once their organizations start being targeted.
This should, of course, coincide with a strong propaganda effort. Don't leave it to liberals to take over the narrative with their pacifist bullshit, make it clear that these people are fascists and reactionaries and deserve what they get. It would be highly useful to find dirt on the targets, or otherwise spread rumors about them. You want to come across as vigilantes taking out the filth.
What are you talking about? this was a fucking garage, no one got hurt.
I love how stupid anarchists are.
They blow up a fucking garage, think it's some fucking revolutionary act like they are fighting Hitler. All it's done is unite people to support the bourgeoise. Clinton has expressed her sympathy.
If anything, people are hating the far left for such an act.
A nigger who does African Studies did this.
It is almost certainly a Communist or a Trump supporter hoping to get those sympathy votes.
Either way, the fuckers deserve it for turning the country upside down and shaking up to see what falls out.
But certainly not all. ``Burning the Reichstag: An Investigation into the Third Reich's Most Enduring Mystery`` by historian Benjamin Carter Hett looks at a great deal of primary source evidence regarding the Reichstag Fire, the historiography behind the denial that it was set by the Nazis, and the physical evidence of the fire and concludes that it was a Nazi false flag.
According to expert opinion the lone wolf theory, especially within the parameters set by and facts established by the German judicial system is physically impossible. That was known in the 1930s. The Oak panelling (which is flame retardant) in the Reichstag plenum could not have caught fire within the time that Van der Lubbe allegedly set it, much less get hot enough for the gas build up of the fire to cause the explosion in the plenum.
It was possible with liquid fuel but not with the implements that German authorities claimed Van der Lubbe had his disposal–literally a firestarter and t-shirt.
Sage for this being a shit thread
Good post
Without bombing the Democratic office, all this does in the lazy superficial public eye is to enhance the legitimacy of the two party system.
Conservatives and their sympathisers will look at this event as vindicating their political party and as something that somehow differentiates themselves from the Democrats.
Good point. I think that if it wasn't a Reichstag false flag, then whatever comrade did it wasn't thinking very clearly. Their actions are unlikely to spread much class consciousness either way, but if they don't see the Democrat party as equally as bad as the Republicans, then they themselves have a lot to learn.
either way it was ruined by salafists when it was once a powerful iconic tool of the left/proletariat.
pic related, christian syrian socialist girl Sana'a Mehaidli nicknamed "bride of the south" was the first ever female suicide bomber who attacked an israeli army checkpoint.
This is objectively a good thing
reported this whole thread to the fbi
Holla Forums is that way >
We all know that antifas support Hillary Clinton and defend status quo. They just see the threat to status quo coming from the right instead of from the left, but that doesn't make them leftists. They are liberals.
Trump's hateful rhetoric is the sole reason this happened. He's divided the country and is solely responsible for this act of violence.
A liberal is just a leftist you don't like.
If you're against Antifa, that means you're a fascist. You're fucking fascist scum who needs to die. No place for hate on our streets, kill the bigots!
This is shit bait.
It sounded more like ironic shitposting to me.
Trump didn't achieve that by himself. Antifas can't understand the difference between causes and symptoms, so they attack lower class that has nowhere else to turn to to oppose the system because the radical leftist ideology is almost dead.
That's just semantics. If that's how we define words then fuck "the left". Liberals are the true enemy, they're the ideology of the system, the impotent far right is ultimately just their way of blackmailing us. When antifas and EU bureaucrats try to divert our attention to the same boogeyman and use the same language to do so - then you know something's fishy.
Nobody is talking about the threat from the left because they don't want to give it any publicity, then people would know that a radical leftist opposition is possible. The french government did such a mistake: when they accused the Tarnac 9 of leftist terrorism people only supported the accused more and became interested in what they have to say.
Which is not much; but that's another story.
I see you believe in "repressive tolerance". If the state actually does something about leftwing radicals, it's fascist, if it doesn't, it's also fascist because it's actually doing so to divert attention away from the radical left. This is what you get when a persecution complex is an ideological foundation.
Liberals, as you speak of them, don't really exist as a tangile entity as the far right does, they're the system, the everything, so hitting at them is like throwing punches in the air around you. It simply does not exist at the level as a violent street movement does, it cannot be it's enemy.
Ironic coming from someone who thinks the working class is the origin of racism and conservatism and not decades of race- and redbaiting by the bourgie elites and parties.
I used the wrong word, should have said liberalism. And yes, street fights are pointless, just a simulation and a fashion show. Sabotage of the system itself is a better way to go, the problem is that the system has become so decentralized that it's hard to produce any lasting effects at all without popular resistance functioning as a wedge.
That's exactly what I'm attacking. Remember when Rudi Dutschke was killed by some right-wing "nobody"? Did leftists attack people brainwashed by the media? No, they attacked Springer, a publishing house.
you are so fucking stupid, nazi shit off our board
That's why people on the left find antifas annoying and counter-productive.
Yeah, you really smashed the neoliberal system with that one, good job.
I'd like to believe this, but I can no longer trust amateur opinions of structure and fire damage on the internet.
leftcoms never cease to amaze me
you are extremely immature. he never said condescending remarks on the internet achieve more. you had to invent that because you need to comfort yourself, because you can't give a real answer.
I wish…
sauce on first webm? animation looks neat
Jin Roh and the Wolf Brigade. Created by an ultra leftist, cherished by fascists because they are too dumb to understand it as not-endorsing fascist murder.
make sure you watch the Sequel: Wolf Children.
Read the book. There's expert opinion on it dating back to the 1930s and peer-reviewed material from academics in the present showing it. I have to say I don't see how a historian citing expert opinion on the subject constitutes an amateur opinion. Unless your talking about some guy on the internet summarizing his work then I could see what you mean.
Once again antifa fails to grasp that political violence should only be used as an effective means towards revolutionary goals, and only manage to give the right free propaganda material.
Y'know, I can enjoy the simple things in life like watching right winger's buildings burn down even if I realize that it doesn't really push a whole lot.
Yes, I know of the fallout, but let me enjoy my popcorn for now.
The antifa ideology in one sentence. It's all a simulation of resistance because you want to feel and look radical, whereas attacking the system itself would require some actual thought.
Hello there Holla Forums
Fucking americans and their colour invertions.
The fuck? Wolf children is a sequel to a movie like that?
what's the matter? 2deep4u?
fascist agrarians protecting wehrwolf muh family.
the two titles have the word wolf in it, what other explanation is there?
I for one comment this honorable initiative to kick off the March to the Sea Part 2
Friendly reminder that Sherman did nothing wrong.
“There’s a chilling effect,” he explained. “We have staff and we have volunteers who work in that office… I’m one of those folks who sometimes works late into the night in a party office and you wonder about your safety when you look at things like what happened [to the GOP office] in Hillsborough or something like ‘Death to Capitalism.’ A lot of folks see that as a threat, not even a veiled threat.”
Nice to see you admit that you are in fact reliable centre left-voters, with some edgy social activism on the side
Based Anarchists.
Is the weather changing, comrades?
Good. If the anarchists do this shit, they better show that they are not the puppets of the social liberal Democrats are almost just as porky and disgusting as the Republicans. Kill them all!
Fuck yes. Now, this is a worthy example of vandalism done right. I may disagree with the anarkiddies on a number of things, but that is some damn fine work.
So they WERE comrades.
They are completely unaware of what's going on, that's how delusional technocrats have become.
It's pretty embarassing
Actually your dudes brought knives which were taken off them after their arms were broken. BTW there''s nothing wrong with doing what it takes to win.
When you think of a true winner, you think of someone who is escorted to their car under the protection of bicycle cops.
“Words cannot describe the emotions you feel when you see something like this today.”
Dallas woodhouse.
Executive director North Carolina Republican party.
Top fucking Kek.
I think of a 16 year old bleeding out on a subway crying for daddies cummies
makes you think
also, one of the meth dealers from Sacramento was arrested for domestic abuse, which goes to show how much they care about family
Get fucked, Nazis.
maximum wew
Why am I not surprised?
baguettes are seriously fucking based tbh, if there is a new old left in the western world it will come to prominence there
Kids half his age fought wars.