High School Students Subjected to Communist Terror


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Fug forgot the link

http:// www.mercurynews.com/2017/05/04/albany-boys-claim-they-were-subjected-to-public-shaming-violence-following-racist-instagram-incident/

I was in high school before the invention of social media and I just said whatever the fuck I wanted in person, not from muh phone at home.
What kind of limp-dick sues because they're socially desirable?
If this was the 90s, these 4 students would be best buds and they wouldn't need any gays or niggers.

Why is a Jew defending free speech here? Racism, no less.


Not every single Jew on the entire planet is Schlomo Shekelstein looking to destroy the white race. I'm not kvetching about "muh based Jews" or some shit like that, just remember that real life isn't a Holla Forums comic and not everybody fits into a stereotype.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


They are. But Jews are allowed make a shekel off defending a bad goy because the shekels would otherwise just go to another goy.


Are you new here? Kikes love to push "equality" and "diversity". They love to see traditionalist whites be smashed into the mud, because they're the ones who love their people, they won't follow the Jew's orders so easily. Don't forget who tried to destroy Germany in the 20's by push Bolshevism.
There are no good Jews.

It's pretty fucking hard to hide things like school-wide public shaming or a broken nose. It either happened or it didn't, and it'd be a bigly noticeable if it did.

I hate these fucking faggot articles that try to hide it behind a layer of 'allegations.'


A grey haired butch cat lady. Who would have guessed she would be concerned about such things.

And a hippie, no surprise.


Ron Rosenbaum

My heart says no, but those trips say yes.

Kek guide me.

There are no good jews, defending them is the height of stupidity, especially here.

Jesus fucking Christ

But those trips. Why would Kek bless heresy?


Based freshmen tbh.

Doesn't sound like there was any "hiding" going on, this series of events has been reported on several times.

This nigga is so new he's never seen a wasted get before.

Literally every guy except the Jewish kids back in 8th and 9th grade would casually Heil and talk about how much they hated Jews back when I was in school. Even the niggers did it. There was one kid who would continually try to pick a fight with one of the Jewish kids too. They eventually fought and the Jew switched schools. The other kid got suspended for a while.

Because kikes, niggers and commies do to digits what they do to anything else that they can get their hands on: they steal them.

Stealing sacred digits? They will pay. I've done a lot of esoteric studying over the years and am throughly convinced that Kek blesses that which must be known with repeating digits. That doesn't necessarily mean that the post is true, but it does mean that it is important to acknowledge.

So they've officially brought struggle sessions to America.

Of course they've always been here unofficially, but never blatantly promoted by the (((authorities))).

Names and pictures of faculty from Albany High School, plus the higher ups such as the Superintendent.

We should meme parents from this school district to flood the next school board meeting or what have you. Punishment for those responsible must be swift and vindictive to make a point. These people must be brutally shamed, so that even the students who squealed will realize they were basically tattling to the Stasi.

Someone should also set up a crowdfund scholarship for these 4 boys (they're not men yet, they're fucking high schoolers goddammit).

I forgot about that. I used to salute in the halls until I figured out their were cameras and I chickened out. What an odd time that was, right in the middle of the social justice tempest with holocaust classes and the like yet we heiled Hitler all the same.


Meh. Bobby Fischer was based as fuck and arguably the most talented chess player that ever lived. And the kikes hated him for it because they were envious and he despised and rejected their nature. No good jews, I get it. But you will find anomolies in damn near everything. Ban me if it hurts your feelings I spose, Ill just switch my VPN.

Eh, Bobby was kind of a kike to be honest lad, just like Jesus - two kikes with some charisma and a hostility toward their own disgusting kind's social survival strategies.
No anomalies. No exceptions.
There never was, and never will be, a good Jew.
Deal with it.

Fischer was pretty adamant that he wasn't jewish and that the jews were just listing him as that to boost jewish reputation.

Kek ordains nuanced views. Heed this.

Makes sense.
Dirty kike or no, dude had bantz. Looked like fuckin Kushner though.

No. And your arranged dubs mean nothing - you kikes learned nothing, and your litigious approach to the divine always betrays you.

the game is rigged they play both sides not fair at all EVIL THE HOLE LOT OF EM

Fischer repeatedly stated he wasn't Jewish

In case anyone is wondering, the Albany High School is in Albany, California, not New York. It's near San Francisco.

There should be good money for these students, considering it's a majority white district and they were just subjected to the most vicious bullying imaginable. What you have are TEACHERS goading hundreds of impressionable young students into partaking in a struggle session against their peers.

I wouldn't doubt (((certain background actors))) are behind this intentional escalation.

Anybody want to drop leaflets about the history of struggle sessions in Maoist China, and how it frequently ended in suicide for those who were assaulted in this way? This is only one or two steps away from state-sponsored terrorism. The parents of these students should be made to realize how seriously dire this abuse at the hands of the authorities is. If the parents of Albany, CA will not rise in support of their vulnerable children, there may be no hope for them.

Kek. Fischer could have been a a fucking king. He had looks, charm and a mind that would make 99% of this boards minds look subhuman in comparison. He could have had it all but he made it his life duty to go against the kikes and they ruined him for it. They took the royalties from his books, these seized his assets and properties, they drug his name through the mud and he still came out as world champion and spat on their ilk. Fischer had more talent in his nose, and tbqh did more for the cause in raising awareness of the jq and the holohoax, than you ever will. And that's just how it is.