New World War II ‘Call Of Duty’ Video Game Will Depict The Holocaust
New World War II ‘Call Of Duty’ Video Game Will Depict The Holocaust
Gee, who knew?
More Jewish fiction in vidya gams.
There has to be a way to rig it so we can throw the Jews in ovens or toss hand grenades at them.
pc mods.
Truly memes are powerful magic
At least this provides plenty of pretense for dropping holohoax redpills on all the gaming forums.
I can see this hitting the news fast
Oh cool so I suppose they'll show the Soviets working German soldiers to death in Siberia years after the war ended? The bombing of Dresden? No?
theyre desensitizing the sheeple for a physical genocide of whites.
Put niggers in the camp for diversity, since we all know Europe has always been so diverse (see: Battlefield 1)
They're not even trying to hide it anymore…
Notice how they never use the term "Germans" or "German Army" when describing your opponents in these games. Its always "nazis" and the "Nazi army", God forbid you actually think about the motivations of the other side, why do that when you could be "Killan' Nahtzees, XD"
Not gonna happen.
Are there ANY redpilled video games? Or at least Holla Forums approved games?
Star Trek is such kike propaganda.
Yeah: sports that you actually play with your body
i want to play "holocaust" the video game
Thread is dead.
Sage for fun.
Kick the Jew.
Can't wait for polygon to complain about the lack of diversity in the camps.
Does that mean OFF is a Holla Forums-approved game.
So let it be meme'd
This gives me the idea of making a super-realistic holocaust simulator. Just a title screen and then the end credits. Nothing happens.
why is this anchored?
why is this anchored?
Because fuck you shill
testing if im banned tbqh
Of course… and it will be seen by millions.
good. no matter what's the story, it will still make people talk about it. currently the word is so politcally incorrect that if you don't say "im white, please punish me" after holocaust, you become holocaust denier.
Imkikey bumplocking antisemitic threads? Who whudda thunk it?
Yeah, I didn't even look at it. I knew it was going to be a bunch of kike bullshit.
Yes, ACTUAL BIGOTRY? I fucking hate these anti-whites with a pure and perfect passion.
that's because they're fighting an idea, user, and not a people.