lazy whores
Lazy whores
Other urls found in this thread:
first for lazy whores
Just let it go
No wonder he doesn't have a job.
K ;-;
Where do I go from here?
Oh fuck.
I forgot about you.
Or anything other than self-pity for that matter.
and ehugs
and league games
Quirky, do Great Gig in the Sky
Grim, e-date me.
Tsuchi, stop being such a donger.
Idk.. I don't get drunk much
Stop being such a donger
God dammit
It's probably a bad idea to ask a misanthrope like me that question. But I suppose that in a lot of cases you have good intentions, at least. I hope you didn't want just reassurance.
But the parts that are entirely instrumental still get sung. Hell, a lot of the shit I've seen doesn't have words. It's just "bah bah bah". Does that not count as acapella? Does it HAVE TO HAVE LYRICS CHOOCH??????
it's a movie???
Thank you for your brutalizing honesty.
A very good movie.
I just like that particular song from the movie.
Nigga you know you'd e-date Chii or Wish
Hell, I would too till I managed to get nudes then break up with them a week later and leak them
too late, doubled down on the nonsense.
People will never understand us, master~
It was pretty low volume, i could barely hear it at 500%.
1 million internets if you do this one.
It doesn't have to but it's just one of those things that it's rarely without lyrics completely.
Especially like that since it's the guys own voice layered that many times to even create it.
Hardly. There are brutal things I could say. This is me refraining.
Suck my donger.
this is a boo thread yes?
I could sense the refrain.
You were being nice, because you are nice.
Buy me something pretty/shiny/expensive first.
Buy me anime figurines first.
A plane ticket to NH and decent hotel room will be a few hundred.
Better get on that, baka.
What should I blow my paycheck on?
Hookers and blow.
I really don't want your crooked ass teeth chomping on my dick "accidentally" so noty.
I'll at least buy you something to wear.
i thought you only blew dick
I'm tempted to disagree.
Kanra, after the amount of drama and arguing you went through today I'd be pretty exhausted were I you. How are you feeling? Drained, I assume.
me. LOL
Hookers & crack
Dammit, you beat me to it.
Laser hair removal.
Oh shit break's over
Blow on blow, appropriate
Lol no faggot
Ow ;;
I would think so.
dont meme at me retard
Buy me something pretty/shiny/expensive ^~^
I know of a dress~
Paprika is a movie. But the movie you fucking linked me was Akira.
What the fuck are you doing?????
About the refrain? No, I know you have your own opinions,
and they're more in line with someone judgmental working from less information.
I will always admit I'm wrong.
It's not like anyone even asked my questions.
So for you to assume a worse version than I have in mind is absolutely predictable, and it showed in your words.
It wasn't going to be anything you could wear outside.
busy not being a weeb
Post link.
No, about me being a nice person.
I haven't actually looked up anything yet.
ajdgfhadpfihgapdiofhga FINE BE THAT WAY
Do you really wanna know what Iv'e got to say?
I'd ship Test x Kanra x Loco.
you DONGER!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if I'd kill them or myself first.
test is already taken
You have one of the few posts that I paid attention too.
Name your prize, fool!
can i get a fashion souls rate
It's not karate ;~;
Iunno. amazon bux
You're a product of your circumstances both internal and external, which emerge depending on the situation.
You seem to tend towards understanding over rashness.
At least, from the times we've talked. I took that to mean that at the least, you try to do the right thing.
Doesn't mean you always end up doing so, but that you try.
I feel it
well im the rebound
Kung fu?
I got Dota 2 sets.
Don't overthink it.
I'm going to clean up and get some tea.
Close enough ._.
It would be a waste of my time.
When you were asking for Amazon suggestions a while back, I'm pretty sure I linked you most of what my fetishes would be.
Wouldn't be that hard to guess.
Jew Fu?
Krap maga?
That was like 5 months ago
Wat the heck is Jew Fu?
Fucking lol
I didn't think it was that long ago.
I thought you maybe meant Jiu Jitsu
I'm just guessing, but either way I do not remember your links.
Literally Jew Fu.
/boops you
bully in public
thirsty dawg in private
Krav maga is pretty brutal at its core
I'll boop you so hard, m8
There was an electronics store near my hotel which was titled "YOLO", nonetheless I didn't buy anything from there.
tkd seems kinda useless since there are no takedowns
Sweeps are fun as fuck
Don't leave a bruise
Step up senpai
No bruise, just bloooooooooooooooood
pretty heavy boops we're talkin here o_o
The heaviest of metal boops
copper metal?
You should see how Mordin, Subtle, Desu, Goggles, Nyarara, Uno, Lexi, Wish, and Chii act on Steam in private
I'm losing my touch
I need to train more on my bully skills
maybe I should just give up the bully life and become an over all nice person
I have seen it all firsthand
cept from a couple of those
the whole point of calling it jew fu is not to mix it up with ju jitsu
YES that would be good
I am not much different on steam! Don't make it out as if I put up a front in public.
Diamond metal.
we all put up fronts
But funny misunderstandings is like 80% of comedy, why would they not want that to happen?
They're whores in public so it's not like how they act in private is any different.
You called me normal in private before.
Also why am I in tsuchis list and desu is not?
Youre a huge slut
They all act the same
Well except for Goggles
Just go with it Mr. I eat my own cum
Imagine if I was super nice?
Holy shit that would fuck with the nice/mean ratio of the community and pretty much destroy it
This place would become a hugbox community and Tsuchi would eventually have to bully overtime and end up giving up, boo would probably leave to lewds knowing his faggot ass
It would be the end of this community as we know it
pls refer to
pls refer to
I never said I ate my own cum, you asked, I asked why you'd ask and then you decided to assume that was the case.
I can really imagine that happening actually
You can eat my cum bae
I still usually open every conversation with you by calling you a faggot of some sort.
Soto, I need help
What is she saying?
I pray the day I get to kick you in your cripple knee comes swiftly.
I don't think you did today. I could've gone and checked but I closed that chat when you went offline.
Uh... Thanks. I think? If I ever get the urge to, I'll get back to you.
Is Elma a slut?
Like yeah we did that on Skype that one time but like that doesn't make us sluts or does it?
I've thought this through
I've honestly thought about being nice and giving up the bully life
It wouldn't work out
Besides Luka makes it impossible to be nice
Well the way you worded the question made me think you have
Who knows
I mean, it's the truth.
I said you let your "dick sucking motherland down" or something.
I wanna kiss subtle
v.v i wouldn't say that
Soto you're not helping the collective thinking that I'm a slut with things like that you goober.
elma's a huge fucking slut
You should be nice to me. You can still bully subtle.
That was after I didn't know that one guy whose movies you wanted to know about.
"My master taught me before..."
"Lying is bad/wrong..."
Oh pls, being nice to Luka isn't impossible
i think the goal to getting mordin to like you is to treat him like a total bitch
Still called you a faggot.
You know Spanish?
Have to compromise.
Is that not what you've been doing?
Well I wasn't offended.
no i've always treated you nice
i could never treat a potential waifu poorly
I wish ^^'
That's cold, man, real cold.
Subtle stop being nice to luka he's a piece of shit
You ruined a perfectly good shirt
Just how I like them
Oh man
That's actually a good idea
Thanks Mordin :3
Mordin told me to treat you like the crooked toothed piece of shit you are
No hard feeling you fucking faggot
Go watch your shitty Clannad series
He must fight his own battle.
I really want to learn because my Puerto Rican friends talk about me behind my back
I can't help it
You're as bad as Luka
Maybe even worse
You're literally babying a piece of shit
You're shameless.
put more effort into being nice to me and less into bullying. Also clannad is not bad, stop trying to throw good things under the bus in an attempt to bully, that's just bad technique. You can only pick on the subjective where a majority of people won't disagree with you, or it'll fall flat.
Every man for themselves in the bully warzone.
i prefer feminine jaws though
but hey HRT cant fix everything
Are you sure they do?
You could just dump them and then you don't have to learn
I wasn't asking~
elma did you ever think about your jaw when you started popping those brain killing estrogen pills?
you didnt think it would just magically turn feminine did you hun?
No man left behind.
It changes from time to time
It's not gonna stop me talking to the people I wanna talk to
Yeah right.
I'm not saying stop talking to him, just bully him a little
Why put more effort into being nice to you if I don't get anything out of it?
Don't think it's something I can easily do
Like tbh Im not much of a bully I'm just really blunt sometimes and people mistake it for bullying
I dropped Clannad
Also don't lecture me on bullying , I-I studied on this okay
they're good people and we hangout a lot
They're very racist though... that's about the only thing I don't like about hispanics, they hate blacks more then the kkk
So you're only nice to people when you want something in return? I can't believe it. Horrible.
Colbs drinks a lot *~*
he'll calm down in a few hours
he doesnt have a high tolerance for being made a bitch of
stop bullying him
This chick is showing me her tattoos now :p
Ian is such a character.
You know I can't read, right?
Okay I understand now
Black people can be pretty racist too, it goes both ways
Though maybe I shouldn't take the comments on worldstar videos too seriously :c
Those were meant to be mean?
probably the HRT :///
I trained him well
Well I'm only like that with a few people
Sadly, you are one of those few people
there are alot of people Im nice to because I've known them for 4+ years, they can be total dicks to me but i'll still be nice to them cause they're almost like my family cause they've stuck with me in this shitty community for quite some time
I haven't even known you for like a year yet
I doubt you'll stick for that long tbh so you're on the "maybe this is a disposable friend I can use" list
Make it past a year then you'll see how nice I am to you
The truth really does hurt lmao
I've known that nigga for like 5 years dude
I've seen him grow up man, like I've been there for him when he threw up in his dorms kitchen and he was too fucked up to clean it so i cleaned it for him.
I always paid for his shit since he was a broke college kid then he spotted me when I was unemployed and broke
Time flies by dude
Yeah D:
A-Are you mad?
I wanna marry you
I'm only a few months away from having been here for a year. August sometime I think.
he keeps coming back though even after you bully him really bad
i think he likes it
he might be a huge cuck
You are a terrible influence on him!
You're not meant to say that until you ask them..
Check again !
Yeah right
I honestly think he is a super gay cuck in denial
He's having fun
Let him have his fun
which anime girl am I ?
Its important
he lets literally anybody run a train through his 'gf' and doesnt seem to mind it
so it would be the most likely think wouldnt it?
Oh wow
This is actually sorta accurate
O pos
I feel like he's the weakest in his tkd class too
I forgot my blood type.
I-It's not like I donate blood or anything
weirdly spot on
I wouldn't want someone sticking a needle in me by choice.
So which one are you?
A pos
I honestly wouldn't either
But it might save someone out there and that's enough for me to just suck it up and take a needle to the arm
O pos is pretty important since its pretty common
I donated my blood once.
What should I be doing?
I'm B.
Explain this shit
Huh? As in blood type B.
Ah, assumed something else.
Ignore me.
I'm so damn tired.
have a coffee
Sorry if I misled you, I feel a little guilty.
holy fuck
hey buddy
Can't. Need to sleep. Work in 6 hours. But can't sleep.
No need to be.
Hey, love. Having fun?
nyquil then
nah got a flight to catch at 5am but cant sleep.
Gimme your parents number so i can call them when you get to AX this year
Wanna make sure they're alive
We all know people are going to see our swimsuit, but undergarments are still meant to me private and better left unseen.
Anime just pushes it to ridiculous standards though, and I don't know anyone who acts like that.
Also in anime you see the girls still being pretty shy about their bodies in swimsuits as well. Umi Sonada from Love Live being an example.
That has never helped me sleep. I might have some melatonin...
I know that feeling. At least it is soon though.
a computer screen will never help you sleep either
My parents and I are chill breh.
still feels like an eternity
Welp time to work
Also smiles post undergarments
a good noose will help you sleep well
Shot of rum.
have fun
Phone screen, but fair point. Took a couple pills. I'll pass out soon.
It Will be quicker than you think, brightness.
Boo, you really need to get over me.
I wish, but I still feel queasy from last night.
Never posted swimsuit, so I'll definitely not post undergarments.
Let me get some more drinks in me though, and I'll reconsider it. (Not really though; I'm not some fucking sleezy whore putting myself out there for attention)
yeah i know. gonna clean myself up and shave the depression beard at around midnight. that'll take up a large amount of time im sure
sleep well
Love you anyway, lass.
I was going to say something here that actually wasn't being a dick but then I feel it would just be read as sarcasm.
a donger*
Sounds like a plan already. I hope your flight goes smoothly. Let me know when you land so I know you're ok.
Rum has never been my drink anyway. More whisky.
I'm B negative.
I just want some cute and foxy ass smiles pics.
Same, was just making general comment on alcohol relaxing body for sleep.
i think you're two hours behind me with timezones, no?
once again proving the pictures accuracy
but Im a fuckboy what do I know
Yea I might if I don't sleep soon.
It is 730 right now.
Good afternoon.
Worst case you go to work with a buzz. Albeit tired.
Pretty sure i'm O
Thank you, love.
Love ya too.
Sounds like a conundrum. Share it with me in private.
That cat is adorable.
Don't b negative.
I'm gonna post this song to every board, from the 20th to the first.
Bad plan?
Did that this morning. I hate riding a. Bike buzzed. And the fucking engine kills my head.
There's quite a bit of contempt there.
i'll be landing at like 4 for you then
I will use my name, is just... I know everyone feels this longing.
Advise against drinking, then.
I'll be up, love.
I used to be really bad with my drink. I'm much better honestly. Only been to work dyubk once in2 years.
no you
What does A+ mean?
I've only ever been drunk at work once. And never hungover.
you cant deny it
We're already having a similar conversation.
I'm sure you know what it was going to be.
Morning Clocky
I guess that was more aggressive than my norm. Weird.
How are you, Doctor?
No you!
Please give me the A-Ok to go nuts.
Don't do it. It really isn't fun. I used to spend my morning puking at work. Shit sucked.
If I have to message you first I'll be upset.
i wish.
Hey Smiley. Hope you're doing well.
CLock, yay or nay, to post Everlong in everyboard above us.
i promise to message you dear. cant promise to be able to hold a conversation though. meeting up with folks i haven't seen in seemingly forever after all
O what?
Seems my blood type is rare.
What the heck is an everlong?
Do not start this again.
You should be donating as often as you can, then.
I'll keep that in mind, then.
More cute animals, less family disappointments please.
Doing what I can as I can. Listening to music also.
Don't worry, if you start bleeding out I'll just give you some of my blood.
Good night everybody. I like and/or love you all. Even you, Boo. Sweet dreams.
That's ok. I know how exciting and hectic it can be. Be safe. Going to try and sleep.
I think its O-
You're only like 5% rarer than me.
Rest well.
The song that I just posted.
Foo fighters, losing steam, losing booze, want to sow stupidity and reap.
Wanted to instill that burning desire.
That pain of wondering.
sleep well papi
To bring about 2009 summer faggotry. amongst the boards.
Been in the mood but Tame Impala for the past few days. How about yourself?
I'm not really sure why I'd say yay.
So Dad would take the Sundays off,
And that's the only time he could ever get any rest,
And so, because we were loud on Sundays,
He'd make us hold his construction Boots over our head, till we'd sleep
And they were really heavy Boots and I'd used to say dad come on please
And like start crying, cause they're too heavy.
Do you not like it ?
I thought gnomey was here but then it was just desu
The pic seems pretty accurate to me.
Fuck it, found a new song that's much more hopeful.
Why does Japan even think blood type matters at all?
The same reason people believe in astrology.
How can you find out your blood type if you don't know it..
Nevermind, lost the moment. If you could send something to anothe board; what would it be?
And I will send it.
i think its a gimmick like horoscopes or online personality tests
call your doctor
Started in the early 1900's when they found out about the different types of blood. Some scientist theorized that it determined what someone was like.
If II remember that correctly anyway.
Wanna trade blood?
You'll probably go crazy though.
It might be on your birth certificate, but you may have to donate blood or get a test.
Seems like the same sort of palm reading type bullshit, yeah.
I was fine until the arvo when this fuckin bogan came up to me while I was trying to buy some drinks. Course I told the cunt to fuck right off, but he followed me into the bottle-o. I had to go to the tradie to help me out, but that cunt might as well have been a bogan as well.
So after all that I found my way to my local servo only to see that they raised the prices again on the petro.
For real though. I think I'm considered a universal doner, and that's why I get calls all the time.
You are. You can only take O- blood, however.
yeah just like horoscopes and internet personality tests. they dont really know what they're talking about but they are fun to read and you can pick out things that relate to you and go: oh wow this thing knows me ^^
I have an adequate supply of food, I can eat just about whenever I want
If I find myself hungry at work I have en entire menu of fast food and at home I have stocked pantries and a well stocked fridge
If I find myself hungry at a friend's, he'll gladly go in on a pizza or chineese, and even if he or I has no money, he is very generous with his foo
My hunger is satisfied
My house is warm and comfortable, as is my friend's, where I am allowed whenever I want, weather he is there or not
I am welcomed as one of the family
My shelter needs are satisfied
I find myself safe from threats in my enviroonment and my body, Which is fit and sound. I have an adequate supply of money and a lucrative business running for near 2 years now
I have a best friend who I love and who loves me, though not romanticaly.
I am welcomed by his mother and brother and cousins as iff I were a member of his family, which makes up for me not socializing with my own much.
I have this community and another I can go to if my friend isn't around that allows me to verify my self esteem, even if I am feeling down. I can have the good things I Have done or the positive traits I embody brought up by others, letting me know I am worth something
My esteem needs are met
I have achieved Self Actualization in my search for music, being able to dedicate myself to a noble pursuit of music that can provide for me in the future, bring myself and my friend closer together, and influence the feelings around me
I have achieved everything in Maslow's Hierarchy of needs
so why do I still feel so unsatisfied, so worried?
I feel so aggresive lately, and I've been damn near constantly turned on for near a week or two
An overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction plagues me, as anxiety rises up to cloud the vision of the future once more
With everything going my way
Why do I still feel so troubled?
Maybe I'll die when someone gives me the wrong blood transfusion.
not a clue
that honestly sounds great
but I hear ya
not the NEO PI-R, MMPI, or PPI
self-report inventories that people actually base papers and research off of
It's not healthy. Death would be the worst case, yeah. Best not to think of such matters.
I'm not going to read all that.
You probably just need to get your dick wet, tbh.