What is going on in Greece?

How powerful is Golden Dawn? I have been searching the internet for the truth about their power in Greece. How much real political and social power they have? None of the fake news articles are any good at all.

What level of political, economic, and social power do they wield in Greece? I have heard that they control neighborhoods and have sympathizers in the army and police force. I have even read more than a few (((articles))) saying that Greece is on the verge of becoming "the next Nazi Germany"

Is this true? Does anyone know what is really going on?

Other urls found in this thread:


They still have an electoral support of about 10%

From what I've heard they suffer from the same shit as other Nationalist parties

Basically what little political capital they do have is used to further broadcast the same message to a wider audience. They're focusing more on the people than politics at this point (i.e. serving the people). It's only a matter of time. The refugee crisis is going to push them over the edge sooner rather than later.

They have been hit hard by the ongoing trial and the imprisonment of the entire top brass of the party.

What is happening now in the US regarding the escalation of political violence has been a staple for the Greek political scene for the past 7 years

So I have heard. I watched a documentary that showed them hosting a food drive for Greeks (obviously this triggered the hell out of the anti-Greek film makers).

I have heard this as well. Why don't they have a more flexible hierarchy? They know that they are fighting against massive entrenched power structures. I guess the System just arrested everyone who possessed any leading role and leadership qualities. Still, this is very bad.

Indeed. The leftist filth keep attacking and even bombing their buildings of operation. Why don't they bomb them back?

I can't get any real information from the controlled media and I wonder how strong they are on the ground. They seem to be very good at fielding large numbers of people on the ground. However several fake news reports claimed that most people who voted Golden Dawn did not "agree with their hard line neo-nazi agenda"

They seem to be the most successful nationalist organization in the White world and I think we could learn a lot from them.

What nationalist comrades from other countries can learn is that you have to create parallel institutions to those of the official State.

The State not only does not care for you, it wants you and your people dead.

You have to secede from the System creating your own educational institutions, healthcare and defence.
Lastly, you have to lose the petit bourgeois contempt for the working class.

The White working man comes first!

Agreed. We need to be canvassing in working class communities. We need to be putting up propaganda in working class communities. Not universities. Posting Atomwaffen posters in universities does little for our cause. We need to instead be plastering rural and working class White communities with strong and effective propaganda appealing to the destruction of their communities, their culture, and their race.

Next, we should replicate what Golden Dawn does and build organizations that provide services to our folk in these communities.

Because when a leftist in Greece stubs his toe, the (((media))) kvetches up a storm and demands for heads to roll. But whenever said leftist throws a petrol bomb into a window of a GD member's house, there's not a peep. Soros is heavily invested in Greek media and is in cahoots with all other media kikes that run it, so no surprise the journalists are flinging shit at GD like baboons 24/7.
At the moment GD are more or less laying low and gathering support. They have more than enough resources to outlast leftist chimpouts and respond in kind when need arises. The only reason why they are not more widely supported is that many normies are afraid of lefty filth setting their homes on fire if they are found out.

t. foreign volunteer who spent a few months helping GD

Golden Dawn should respond with ruthless force to any and all provocations. These "people", leftist thugs only understand violence.

How do you volunteer for Golden Dawn? I would be very pleased to help out in any way I can. I don't speak Greek so I'd need to learn it but I think I would be able to learn a lot from Golden Dawn about community building.

Like I said, this would become the headline of the month if it happens, and media kikes are well-connected to the current commieshit government, which might bring the legal hammer down on GD.
I contacted some of them by e-mail and asked if I could be of any help. They said yes, but then kind of stopped responding. So I just went to Greece, walked into one of their offices and said "I don't speak a word of Greek, but I want to help".
They were afraid of me being an antifa/govt plant at first, but then tasked me with doing some menial/logistics stuff for them (even if I had been up to no good, I wouldn't have done much harm), and I did well. Went home after my money ran out.
If you want to help but cannot afford to go to Greece, donate instead. They are on a tight budget and would be grateful.

The media will hate them no matter what they do. But I understand your point.

I will definitely donate. We're all in this together.

Aye here in portugal The main guy for our national party is in jail for ilegal weapons.

The media hates them by default, so they try not to give it any ammo.
GD might not be /k/-tier operators, but are well-armed and well-equipped enough to resist any antifa chimpouts. They just wait for them to fire the first shot to provide the cassus belli. Then the fire would rise.

(((They're))) cracking down real hard on you in Europe. I want to help and I suspect they'll begin doing that here. I think European nationalists should be getting armed but I wonder whether or not this is yet another framing.
Antifa has tons of illegal weapons.

They're definitely being painted as 'neo nazis' just from a few duckduckgo searches. I'm Shocked I've never heard of these people

Just how new are you? Golden Dawn has been all the rage among Holla Forumsacks long before the cuckchan exodus. Better buckle the fuck up, user, because these guys are as close to the literal RWDS NatSoc party with a shot at state power as it gets.

The thing about Golden Dawn is that unlike other similar parties/movements in the US and north/western Europe, these guys are legit straight up blackshirt natsocs.

They don't apologize and "work with the system", once they get elected, they're going to go full 14/88 in Greece, shit's going to be cray.

The party was destroyed by the state under pressure from the EU and the European Jewish Congress. They made up some fake accusations about GD being a criminal organisation and put all MPs in jail. There is also a total black out by the bourgeois media. The experience of GD shows imo that politics is not the way to move forward. They will never tolerate a radical anti semitic National Socialist party getting 10% of the vote in their "democracy"

Use a different search engine.

Golden Dawn is the most successful National Socialist organisation in Europe or the Anglosphere post WWII. Even though they've been weakened by arrests they're still far stronger than anything we have.

They're not on the cusp of taking power at this moment but they've built their organisation up a great deal and have hundreds of thousands of members and have the support of a chunk of the population that's not completely insignificant. They definitely have a solid foothold.

Doesn't GD have the support of like 60% of the police force? That's huge, potential-insurrection-wise.

Volunteers… volunteers… hmm…

Spanish Civil War 2: Electrified Jewgaloo when?

It wouldn't surprise me if Russia implicitly or explicitly backed a GD coup. GD has the support of a lot of the Orthodox clergy, and a nationalist, revitalized Greece would be a strong ally for Russia, especially against Turkey.

Imagine, a Spanish Civil War, in reverse. Germany backing the Communists and Russia backing the Fascists.

You think you're slick, don't you?

In what fucking timeline? Russia has banned holocaust denial, criticism of the Soviet Union, arrested nationalists, and to top it all off, justify the taking of Crimea over "muh Kiev fascists." Literally no way in hell is Russia going to support ANY nationalist group. They would rather pull their ass inside out and turn Communist again. This is also all Putin's shit, the supposed le h'white nationalist, I say he's nothing but a centerist liberal who shills for Trotskyism. Don't forget the fucking UN proposal to ban Nazism GLOBALLY, only to be thwarted by the US and FUCKING CANANDA. Sorry for the rant.
I dare you to ban me again Imkikefy

What other than duckduckgo then?

There's searx (seems good, but for nerds), ixquick/startpage (jewgle proxies, so pozzed results) and uh.. what else? Bing?

I use duckduckgo for the different results than google, if you could recommend something better then do so.

According to them, they want to do these things to recover the Greek economy, courtesy of jewpedia.

Increase agricultural production and manufacturing.
Reward hard work and implement a meritocracy.
Exploit Greece's oil, gas, and precious metal reserves.
Audit and erase part of the national debt which they deem illegal.
Demand that the German government repay a loan that was forced upon Greece during the Axis occupation.
Form free trade agreements with Russia, Iran, and China; and remove the red tape blocking trade.
Proclaim Greece's exclusive economic zone.
Expand Greece's territorial waters to 12 nautical miles as agreed by the UNCLOS.
Repeal Members of Parliament's immunity to criminal prosecution, arrest, and detention while in office.
Remove party funding obtained from taxes and rely instead on donations.
Reduce the size of the Hellenic Parliament to 180 members.
Dissolve any existing plutocracy.
Provide tax relief for investors, businessmen, and shipowners who employ only Greek workers and move their capital into national banks.
Dismiss those recruited illegally into the public sector as a result of cronyism.
Expulsion of all illegal immigrants who have entered Greece.
Subsidize those in maternity, and offer tax breaks to young parents and those with large families.
Nationalization of banks that received state loans.
Nationalization of natural resources.

Sounds good?

Doesn't cover Greece's main problems: tax fraud, corruption and bloated administration.

Yes and no. No country can become something of the past, but the archtype you are mentioning, the symbol yes.
The Greeks are fucking humiliated. They page HUGE amouts of taxes to the eu for debt they have. THey were about to say fuck it a few years ago. THey didin't with the premise of allowing them to rollover the debt for sometime and "hope" things will get better.
Well, they haven't. Corruption is rampart in the public office and people don't have jobs. They just waste their lifes away paying the debt. They cannot pay it. Everyone knows it.
Imagine you are an american and you had.
So it is really bad. And the youth, the future, are really, really fed up. SO no, it's not like Nazi Germany where a movement of a few turns out to be a revolution. This is more the rage of a thousands of men.
And that is really dangerous.
You just need one hitler like figure to piggyback upon, to channel this rage into a new greece and


Tax fraud is a thing from the *ttoman times, where people wouldn't pay shit for obvious reasons.
Apparently, it stuck. Whether it can actually go away or not, nobody knows.
Corruption stems from the government, so their rampant government reforms should help challenge that problem, and reduce the government's size.
Am i wrong?

They were the first party that you could deem "far-right" in newspeak and came as a reaction to the crash.
So the EU came down hard on them. They even celebrated it in our media.
But as it happens with all sanctioned parties while the times get even wore.
They are probably even more powerful now that they've been before. Albeit laying low due to leftists firebombing houses as anons pointed out.

So many non-Greeks in here who think they know anything about the Greek Nationalist scene. Let me tell you a few things about GD outsiders might not know about.

-Most radical National Socialists have either left the party or have been kicked out by the leadership. All National Socialists who aren't with GD have the -worst- opinion of them.

-The leadership doesn't care when comrades are in need. The Periandros case for example, the ex sub-leader of GD says the worst stuff about them.

-The leadership prefers dumb people, who are there to just follow and not ask any questions

-GD is a family business and they're a systemic party.

-Bad aesthetics.


Greek here. Do not listen to that antifa faggot. He's butthurt that Golden Dawn's supporters are rising by the thousands and wants to ruin their image to other anons.

The fact is - Golden Dawn is the most based and legitimate NatSoc party in Europe - if not in the whole world. They have court cases against the other (((major))) parties and they are steadily winning. They have called out Israel and Zionism in general. Some of their members have been shot dead, their leaders put to jail and the party has been dehumanized by the media but they still manage to drop redpills and facts - effectively earning their freedom once again and getting the support from every proud Greek. Their bank accounts have been checked hundreds of times in the hopes the current government would find stolen money but they haven't found anything. The kikes and commies are going apeshit because they simply cannot stop Golden Dawn from winning the elections and they know that once elected, Golden Dawn will have every single traitor executed and will leave the EUSSR forever.

Αδερφέ είσαι απο Αθήνα;

Κοντά σε Αθήνα, ναι.

You know what I find interesting, my Greek friend? That shills like that always use the same arguments to discredit legit right wing parties
If NSDAP existed today they'd probably shill against them by calling them Ziocucks and Hitler a Rothschild plant or whatever.

Why doesn't anyone ask CIA-kike Anglin who famously made a trip to Greece to make a fact finding trip about Golden Dawn, to prove he was in Greece he took a photo of a fire extinguisher with Greek lettering on it…

He wrote a piece declaring Golden Dawn the only answer to the jewish question and stated they are Europe's only hope, only then within 24 hrs of him landing in Greece, international police [InterPol] arrested all the high command of GD rendering the party neutralised and toothless just when the country needed them most and Anglin disappeared never to mention it again.

This was amid some serious incidents where Golden Dawn members were shot and killed by antifa in a country totally overwhelmed with communist antifa (a group Anglin himself was a member before suddenly becoming the number 1 cartoon internet nahtzee).

There's more to it, but hopefully if there are any genuine anons left here on this board some might find inspiration to pick up this loose thread about Anglin and his co-ordinated assault against Golden Dawn while pretending he is "one of us".

they experienced crazy growth (for a nazi party) a few years ago during econoic crisis
their momentum has only very recently weened

euro politics are generally more extreme than america/new world - turmp/bernie was first taste of that over here

also another note on the difference in political climate but for greece specifically:
they are the most antisemetic country in europe to the point that even the commies use the equivalent word for "kike" when disparaging capitalists

to be informed beyond a mere surface level you need to understand the meta/international workings behind syriza - the natbols fueled by duginism

some links:

bonus redpill on racial history of greece:

For every english-speaking user, this Youtube channel is the best place to be up-to-date with latest GD speeches and announcements. youtube.com/channel/UCaI8SR-srBtt3rP-NDvZ07A/videos

Their official website xryshaygh.com/?/en/
also has articles translated in english. Reminder that Golden Dawn also has offices in almost every other European country and even in New York for anyone interested.

Map: Countries where Golden Dawn has offices


First time in my life I've been called being antifa, gratz on that. Where did I say that GD has Zionists in the party? I highly doubt that, but it doesn't change the fact they're a systemic party now.

All the points I've said above are 100% valid, I challange you to disprove anything I said without calling me an antifag, k?

Where's Periandros? Where's Stefanos Gkekas? Where are hundreds of other radicals and why are they so much against GD today?


Anyone who considers himself a Greek Nationalists should listen to this speech.

this thread reeks of KYP

What is this symbol, and why does GD use it? I thought it was a shekel symbol at first.

It's a meander.

Fuck off with your anti-GD shilling
JailGoldenDawn is a worthless organisation trying to dehumanize the party. They are openly against the ideals of Fascism and they believe in Democracy - aka Nation's doom. As for the two other retarded "radical NatSoc" members you mentioned, they are both pseudo-nationalists who only know to talk and dehumanize others. These two haven't achieved anything nor are they trying to. Everything they say is bullshit. Nothing to "disprove" there. Their speeches alone are proof of their idiocy.

Also reminder that these two cucks get free advertisement by the (((media))). They larp as Nationalists who hate the "evil radical" Golden Dawn. The only thing they are achieving is further dividing our Nation. Golden Dawn is our only hope and these two are doing their best to dehumanize it.

Golden Dawn's Meander is a classical symbol found in our ancestors art. It was used as a stamp for anything Hellenic. It has been used for centuries up until the present in all kinds of designs, from vases in Roman art, up until the present day. It symbolizes culture, unity, strength and devotion.


Καμία απολύτως ελπίδα αδελφέ. Εσείς τι ακριβώς καταφέρατε; Ένα 7% το οποίο δεν σημαίνει απολύτως τίποτα καθώς δεν υπάρχει ιδεολογία στο κίνημα; 30 χρόνια άρθρα υπέρ του Ε/Σ και τώρα δε ξέρετε τίποτα απο αυτά. Σκέτη παρακμή, να τελειώνετε σιγά σιγά να έρθουν πραγματικοί άνθρωποι της Ιδεάς, κρίμα πάντως γιατί οι περισσότεροι απο εσάς σας έχει παραπλανήσει η σάπια ηγεσία σας. Σου εύχομαι τα καλύτερα.


Those aren't the same IDs.

Καλό το μιμίδιο. Μπράβο που μας επιβεβαιώνεις πως δεν έχεις τη παραμικρή ιδέα και ότι ακούς τα γαμωκάναλα. Ελπίζω τουλάχιστον να πληρώνεσαι καλά για κάθε reply που παίρνεις εδώ μέσα

Sorry fam, was meant to reply to .

Not much. Cuckservative party leeches off their voters due to general dissent to current marxist government.

Not much. The populus is cucking down due to racism accusations and alleged criminal activity of GD.

That's fortunately true but the vast majority of the population is (((conditioned))) into hating the Armed Forces at the slightest attempt of political interventionism.

Most likely not White enough for this. Our work ethics also kinda suck too much to match WW2 Germany's productivity levels.

It's really not as hard as idioms make it sound.

Είδες ότι το μόνο που σε νοιάζει είναι τα ποσοστά; πατριδοκαπηλία στον μέγιστο βαθμό φίλε. Και 10-15% να είναι τα ποσοστά σας, τι να τα κάνεις όταν υπάρχουν τόσοι Κουκούτσιδες και τόσοι Μπούκουρες στο κίνημά σου; Να ξέρεις πάντως ότι το μόνο μιμίδιο στον Ε/Σ χώρο, είστε εσείς..

Εγώ αγαπητέ δεν πληρώνομαι για τις ιδεές μου, αυτοί που πληρώνονται είναι οι μαγαζάτορες τους οποίους υπηρετείς.

Nope, you nailed it.

Good goy.

That's disgusting but not surprising. How will they move forward? They need to win the hearts and minds of the people and take power in more practical ways than by playing by the rules of our peoples' enemies.

If true, that is huge! Can anyone confirm that they enjoy widespread support among the police force?

Well antifa claim to be volunteering in the Syrian civil war. And the cultural Marxist forces are already funding ISIS and the alphabet soup organizations. We could volunteer to help Assad. That would certainly give us good military training. However this is unlikely to happen. In any case, if civil war breaks out in France, I will go to fight for my people.

Not to mention that Putin's right hand man is a Jew.

Greece has a horrible cronyism problem.

Based on what I have read so far, it looks more likely that they will end up fighting a civil war. Their leftist filth are made up of sterner stuff than those in America. Same empty poorly thought out hypocritical ideology but they are even more mindlessly devoted to Gommunism than our useful idiots.

yeah , just add "μαλακας" at the end of everything you say and you are Golden

Even if half of these were true they are still our only parliamentary option.

I wasnt Perissos to go and stay go…

I have nothing but respect for GD. And I tend to err on the side of "whatever they're doing, they probably know best"
However I also believe that violence must be met with violence. The people who hate them will hate them whether or not they firebomb some faggot's house. And if they don't beat antifa faggots to death, the media will come up with lies to slander them with. So I don't understand why they hold back.

That is encouraging. But what can you tell me about their control of neighborhoods? Are there places where GD has more defacto power than the government?

I find this conspiracy theory unlikely and potentially of enemy origin. Andrew being in Greece obviously has nothing to do with the government's crackdown on GD. Name one way in which an American ignorant of GD's inner workings could have helped in any way.

I suspect you would claim to think that 90% of all known nationalist figures are agents. That is unlikely. It also is intended to be a black pill. "Don't fight back goy. Everyone's an agent! We…I mean the Jews control everything! Muahahahahahaha!"

There are many kinds of power. I don't mean power within a democracy as that is a lie. I mean real power. Also, the more divided the vote, the more people become fed up with the system. This is actually a good thing.

That is unfortunate.

If GD has massive support in the army, they might be able to stage a coup.

They were the second largest party in my recollection before they were all rounded up. The 10% number is especially encouraging considering they are facing active persecution right now. They know they can't do the direct action route until the world is off their backs and traditionally, that's when fascists gain the most support.

Golden Dawn has massive support in every single Island in the Aegean. That is because those islands were the first to taste the horrors of immigration and are desperate for GD to take control. Golden Dawn also controls the most important and well known streets in Athens and Thessaloniki. Commies don't dare to go there because the citizens will beat them up real bad.

Also some anons above said that Golden Dawn should also respond with violence against the antifas. They are. But not "officially". In every city there are indeed gangs of GD supporters who beat up antifas. A few years ago, they had burned a KKE (Communist Party of Greece) headquarters office with Molotovs and almost killed everyone inside. The media remained silent since there was no proof that it was GD's doing.

And of course, police and the military are indeed mainly supporters of Golden Dawn. Every other political party hates our armed forces and even prevent them from shouting anti-turkish songs in the parades. While the communist parties call our armed forces "racist bigots", Golden Dawn praises them for bravery and devotion. If GD ever attempted a coup, the left would have absolutely 0 chance of stopping it.

Their power in Greece is bigger than what polls show, it's a growing 10+% of the population, with many sympathizers who benefit from GD's actions all over Greece (food handouts to the Greek poor, kicking refugee subhumans out of houses of which the owners were evicted by the gov, breaking up communist party strikes etc).

Correct. The criticism is, most of the time, not even helpful, they are much like every leftist in the world, shouting racist and -phobic at everything. However, the leader Michaloliakos and other members haven't had a clean history from an objective standpoint, as some GD members showed pro-banker tendencies in the past, and Michaloliakos himself owned a sex hotel which partly consisted of illegal migrant workers called "New Dream". If anyone wants to go deeper and disprove that, be my guest, because I'm not entirely sure about that last one either.

Aside from the above, economically they're on a good standpoint. However, money can't change the fact that the main leaders are still in jail since like 2012 and that GD voters are routinely getting jailed for offenses against antifashits and illegals that deserved it 100%. They lack in judicial power, however the presence of nationalist lawyers is moderately large.

GD has a paramilitary wing of members capable of committing violence, which is sometimes available for the common citizen if you want to cleanse a neighborhood or street of gypsies/niggers/etc. They're pretty effective at doing so. These acts have turned some die-hard communists to GD voters, both because they get the redpill and because they see that a small electoral power of the 10% scale does things the government would never even think of.
Police and army influence is also true, one of my acquaintances' father is a policeman and votes GD. I assume his colleagues do too, since he's been in the force for decades without ever changing position.

Partly because of crippling gov incompetence. Sadly, I believe 70% of the population votes for corrupt parties of which the leaders need to unironically get crucified. Also, if you see electoral maps of the 2015 elections, you'll see that border provinces in dire need of GD interference have all voted liberal/communist (SY.RIZ.A.). This gets more infuriating if you count in the fact that GD openly stated they'll help provinces on the border with Turkey cleanse their streets of refugees being boated in by the hundreds. I'm sure there's some vote-rigging going on, I mean Greece is the country most badly hit by illegal immigration in Europe. Okay, probably Italy too. But the polls don't add up.

t. feta nigger

Wow, quite the revelation. Also you're wrong, I'm a NatSoc and subscribed to GD IRL.

Wrong again, philanthropy between GD members is existent and encouraged. The Greek spirit demands it anyway, it's part of our culture.

Such as?

Then why it's viciously censored in the MSM and isn't allowed to broadcast their gatherings for even half an hour each week? Why are its leaders in jail? Why does every antifa turd and leftist whore hate them to death?

Ebin :D

You can fuck right off the door now, I don't listen to people funded by a Zionist kike.

Notice how he uses the word comrades if what he said didnt give him away already as a commie piece of shit shill.

Fuck that detail, some people are just pathological oppositionists. They don't feel compelled to join any organization that isn't 100% pure Aryan NatSoc, indirectly signifying their weakness to influence something as simple as a local chapter consisting of no more than 100 people. Because seriously, that's what some of GD's local chapters and congregations in small cities look like. They don't know that people a lot more capable than that exist here and can help their local organization in a myriad ways, either by spreading the nationalist message, providing whole GBs of nationalist/NatSoc content to make an online library, or by just beating antifashits in the street when the latter invent a reason to protest every week. Fucking pathetic.

I hear they're mostly focused on helping out their communities at the local level, doing things like food drives and such. At first they would explicitly state that only greeks are allowed to have anything. When this got them in trouble with the law, they instead starting serving to anyone… but they were serving ham. kek.

Switzerland has more in administration than Greece. I think most "economics" has it all ass-backwards these days.

Here's a 27 minute summary by a GD member of what is currently happening in the country

I don't see the issue, kamerad.

That's different.

This makes me very, very angry. The fact that the Greek traitor government prevents Greeks from even helping out fellow Greeks fills me with a great rage.


I heard about a group of autonomous nationalist natsocs from Greece, called Black Lily, who's supposedly been fighting along SAA in the current conflict.

Any greek anons know if they're still active?

nowadays grease are just niggers, and they keep nogging



That just says the (((US and Canadian governements))) were 100% opposed to it.