Their power in Greece is bigger than what polls show, it's a growing 10+% of the population, with many sympathizers who benefit from GD's actions all over Greece (food handouts to the Greek poor, kicking refugee subhumans out of houses of which the owners were evicted by the gov, breaking up communist party strikes etc).
Correct. The criticism is, most of the time, not even helpful, they are much like every leftist in the world, shouting racist and -phobic at everything. However, the leader Michaloliakos and other members haven't had a clean history from an objective standpoint, as some GD members showed pro-banker tendencies in the past, and Michaloliakos himself owned a sex hotel which partly consisted of illegal migrant workers called "New Dream". If anyone wants to go deeper and disprove that, be my guest, because I'm not entirely sure about that last one either.
Aside from the above, economically they're on a good standpoint. However, money can't change the fact that the main leaders are still in jail since like 2012 and that GD voters are routinely getting jailed for offenses against antifashits and illegals that deserved it 100%. They lack in judicial power, however the presence of nationalist lawyers is moderately large.
GD has a paramilitary wing of members capable of committing violence, which is sometimes available for the common citizen if you want to cleanse a neighborhood or street of gypsies/niggers/etc. They're pretty effective at doing so. These acts have turned some die-hard communists to GD voters, both because they get the redpill and because they see that a small electoral power of the 10% scale does things the government would never even think of.
Police and army influence is also true, one of my acquaintances' father is a policeman and votes GD. I assume his colleagues do too, since he's been in the force for decades without ever changing position.
Partly because of crippling gov incompetence. Sadly, I believe 70% of the population votes for corrupt parties of which the leaders need to unironically get crucified. Also, if you see electoral maps of the 2015 elections, you'll see that border provinces in dire need of GD interference have all voted liberal/communist (SY.RIZ.A.). This gets more infuriating if you count in the fact that GD openly stated they'll help provinces on the border with Turkey cleanse their streets of refugees being boated in by the hundreds. I'm sure there's some vote-rigging going on, I mean Greece is the country most badly hit by illegal immigration in Europe. Okay, probably Italy too. But the polls don't add up.
t. feta nigger
Wow, quite the revelation. Also you're wrong, I'm a NatSoc and subscribed to GD IRL.
Wrong again, philanthropy between GD members is existent and encouraged. The Greek spirit demands it anyway, it's part of our culture.
Such as?
Then why it's viciously censored in the MSM and isn't allowed to broadcast their gatherings for even half an hour each week? Why are its leaders in jail? Why does every antifa turd and leftist whore hate them to death?
Ebin :D
You can fuck right off the door now, I don't listen to people funded by a Zionist kike.