Law & Order: SVU - PizzaGate Edition

Remember the "GamerGate" episode?
These (unintentionally) hilarious kikes have done it again, this time about PizzaGate.
It's a "Chinese restaurant" in the episode, titled "Real Fake News" (Season 18, Episode 17).

Highlights include:

The entire episode is a goldmine of lulz.
Torrent hash: 07B59E8C6E46BA63D73DA034F0C0F27297BD1B49
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Oops, double posted a screen.

What's the twist ending?

This seems like taunting because PG collapsed and they still aren't being prosecuted.

I thought redchannit was gonna make a return

It's "Russian Hackers" all along.
No, seriously, that's what the ending is.

Holy shit I'm retarded today. I actually lost IQ points watching this episode.

Mein sides. These retards just don't know when to keep quiet.

Redchannit returning would have been the icing on the cake. SVU writers need to level up.

This show really shit itself when Chris Meloni left. Got rid of all the talented actors, kicked Dann Florek out again, just gutted the fucking thing.

IQ points together with testosterone level. This is one of the most cucked TV shows

10 minutes in, they begrudgingly establish that anons do better detective work than paid police.

Law and Order is an entirely jewish production.

Got any webms of some of the more notable scenes?

Eh, there's a mountain of evidence. The battle was won on the normalfag grounds.


my fucking sides

Pizzagate has hardley collapsed user. We convinced millions of people that the elites are the disgusting degenerates they are.

Death by a thousand cuts for those too big to fall.





(Tried to post 5 of these at once, but the post wouldn't go through, so one at a time it is)





There's a size limit per post (12mb at the moment).


Ah, that explains it. Also, uploading is slow as fuck, but that's partly my shitty niggernet.

The whole episode is a masterpiece of unintentional comedy.

Are they trying to put a hillary computer security twist to it too?

My sides!

when did the nigger who used to "rap" telling other niggers to kill cops start playing a cop on electronic synagogue? And the international jew sees no irony?


what a bizarre scene. The nigger is giving all kinds of excuses not to do any work, and after Ice-T begs her, they get a name and address in less than 5 seconds.

/redchanit/ was the funnest board.

YES. I think I just leveled up.

are you serious? iced tea has been on that show for like 15 years

Nice of them to show why we shouldn't let women anywhere near the rule of law.

Yo, yo, ice-T is on law and order.
Fucked yo mama so hard
She belongs to the New World Order

See, he's not a journalist, he's "fake news." He misled the ovine-American community and got Drumpf elected; that may not technically be a crime, but it should be, and he deserves anything he gets.

Isn't this a net win for us, though?

>Eventually they'll be redpilled and realized that oh shit, it was based on something true

Those dubs deserve a kek

if you mention pizzagate to normalfags they will immediately think of the crazy guy who brought a gun to a pizza place. then it becomes everyone who believes it is just as crazy so they tune out

There was some episode about a female soldier claiming sexual assault where redchannit popped back up. Surprisingly enough she turned out to be lying about the assault and the redchanner was vindicated.

Kids weren't saved and are still being fucked and trafficed, the ones fucking them weren't prosecuted, it was a loss.

When will Trump arrest these people?

Are we sure one of the writers there isn't /ourguy/?

nice dubz, heil victory.

> full esp: (use ublock or w/e, vid DL linke in bottom right or w/e).

might watch l8r m8, wew lad, pizzacuck iz a libi meme, remember the six million pizza slicez.




This episode is pure kike deflection. Didnt they figure out the fake news meme backfired on them?

Cop Killah has been a good goy on SVU for a long time now. I still get a laugh at it. Goes to show you how kiked up gangsta rap always was and will be.


I used to love SVU, out of all of the Law and Orders on TV, then stopped watching after I found out (((Dick Wolf))) would make episodes to purposely make whites look bad, and each season got more liberal. And that was before I was ever "redpilled" or thought of the Jewish question in great detail.

And once Stabler was gone and they brought in the new blonde woman and other retarded cast members it went to complete shit. Not to mention when they make episodes like this, who the fuck would even watch this and not see that its a liberal OY VEYYING the entire time about a liberal fairy tale and "muh hackers".

I don't know why I actually read it, I knew it would be fucking stupid, but I did it anyway.
*When are we going to rope these people?

You know, I think one of them just might be. Take this for example:
Hitler's birthday.
>Location: West 88th St.
88. Heil Hitler.

Subtle as fuck, but you'd have to be to keep your job…

Kill them Adolf, kill them all


Good eye, here's a (You)

This, we're not fucking done here. Still, the fact they're being foolish enough to keep damage controlling to GG levels is proof positive we were right.

The problem with being this subtle is that you actually have to watch and pay attention to the show. And mariska isn't hot enough anymore to bother watching that kike agitprop for Holla Forums easter eggs.

Any alt-right groups talking about this?

This 100% confirms that the 'gunman' was their plant. The incident probably never even occurred.

The fact that they would go out of their way to make this episode only adds legitimacy to Pizzagate

Initial police reports said that no shots were fired, then the (((media))) started making up stories with different number of shots fired.
They finally settled on one shot which miraculously went through a door lock into a closet, and into the hard drive of a computer which happened to be in the closet.
Relevant part of vid related starts at 1:44
This closet story starts at 3:12

Indeed. The kikes are mocking us.

22:22:22 lel

So utterly fucking typical.

This confirms there's a pedo coverup going on and the writers of this shitshow are complicit.

Note that they're now pushing the narrative that even if evidence is uncovered regarding Pizzagate, it's just Fake News and plants anyway. The lead-up is ultimately to damage control against the possibility that one of /theirguys/ gets sprung and the evidence is damning, now they can just claim it's Fake Evidence.

Unless it's someone the FBI didn't like then the plants are Real Evidence.

They clearly did a modicum of research, they definitely know.


Of course they're complicit, they're jews.

I love this!

I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it!

The best thing about this shit is that Comet and the dudes hiding the child abuse are some of the stupidest and most obvious losers I've seen in a long time.

There's no doubt in my mind this shit will fall like the Hindenberg. Rock on!

Well they tried to take down the infamous redchanit and we got a President elected.
Here they come for another run at us, so I guess every kike in the USA gets lynched by summer?


yeah the police are consistently the biggest pieces of shit in these shows. I'm pretty sure it's intentional.

I laughed at the GG episode, but this makes me angry as fuck. Who the hell do they think they are playing with those kids' lives?


Worse than jews are goyim willing to cover up for them.

So it is written, so it shall be.

I had to pause every other minute to cuss angrily about some blatant misrepresentation or other. It really is terrible, actual children really are being abused and here they are having clearly done some basic research on the subject deliberately misrepresenting it in order to discredit it.

Was Renfield more evil than Dracula? No, he was just a poser retard who believed empty promises and ate bugs. Traitors will get theirs, but let's not forget who bit them in the first place.



Ice-T was appalled (or claimed to be) when he found out the real story behind the gamergate episode, him being a gamer himself. I wonder if that's an avenue worth pursuing?

Clinton already lost 1.3 billion dollars in her campaign and Trump won the election. Proof that we will win in the end. Never give up boys!

Meme magic my dear friend. Share any proof you can and make the CP squad look uncool and lame. Make shit easy to digest.

I don't watch this shit show, but I bet I know one thing that happened: she hooked up with at least one black guy, right?



Yes, I know, and I agree for the most part, but I took exception with "worse than jews are the cattle willing to cover up for them." Something about thinking of the minions as being worse rubs me the wrong way, even if it is true.

Template for a Law and Order [insert flavor of law and order here]:

Now there are all sorts of flavors of Law and Order. Since women are sexual perverts who love getting raped/molested and fantasizing about sexual deviancy, the special "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit" was created for them.

I remember an episode where a woman who was into rape role playing, would hire guys to break into her apartment ot rape her. Well, one of those times a real rapist came in, raped and murdered her. I forgot the conclusion, because the episode was pretty boring, but Im sure it was something along the lines of all rapists are white males.

Why did you love it? The whole show is one massive rape, molestation, sexual deviancy fetish parade. How any theme in that show could be transformed into a form of entertainment that people salivate to binge watch is a sign of the Kali Yuge.

Normies love their murder porn I guess.

It makes perfect sense to me, the enemy within stops you fighting the enemy without (the implication is the enemy without wouldn't be an issue if you could take them on directly without the traitor interfering).

Traditionally treason could be punished by the execution of the man himself but also his family and children. Clearly what's going on there was a crude form of eugenics aimed at getting those treasonous genes out of the pool, since societies that did so had a selective advantage against those that didn't.

i could believe that the case WAS shot and the guy DID try to raid the store, but not that he magically shot the HDD, fuck, just look at the angle that shot went in, was the fucking computer being balanced on a corner?

You're confusing "Ice-T" with "Ice-Cube. Ice-T is the SVU guy. Ice-Cube is the "fuck the police" guy.

Easy mistake to make. I confused the two for years.

Granted, it wasnt a rap song, it was from Ice-T's "metal" band Bodycount

Ooops, forgot to post the song:

Oh, I thought that was Ice-Cube. I guess I got them confused twice…

It's all in the past lol! He started goin to church, getting his life back on track, there was enough money fo dem programs. Success story! Now we have such a wholesome and productive member of society who has made such important contributions in the field of…being paid to be a blackman.exe on the telly.

Easy to get them confused. Ice-T contains Ice-Cube, but not the other way around.

Hollywood is one of the centers of PG. Their threatened writier's strike fizzled because the goyim know.

ftfy kike writers

Exactly. Its why I could never take the show too seriously. They're in Jew York, and 95% of the time the perp is a white male, in Jew York. Sure thing Law n Order kike.

Truly unfortunate. Writers strikes are good for us, since they get normalfags to turn off the talmudvision.

White cops are the only reason we haven't killed every kike and shitskin in the country. Think about it. If every white cop in the country threw down their badge at the same time what would you do?

They still have a long way to go before they can surpass the gamergate episode. I know they can do it though.

Remove Kebab episode when?
Well if he isn't a child rapist, he is a complete cuck.

this quote is so stupid and tells me nothing other than this faggot needed to stock up on higher caliber ammunition. you can kill more than one person with a single bullet you know.


Not Acme?



nb but noticed something others might not have noticed before

Why is a coat room protected with what looks to be steel door with an electronic passcode lock? Looks to be the same kind my local bank uses.

Why did Alefantis keep the case with a hole in it? Why didn't the police take it and keep it - unusual to return property in an ongoing investigation.

That's why you talk about symbols instead

Wouldn't that technically be fanservice?

Here the thread about democrats party again using their monopoly in mainstream corrupt american media, on simpsons to make partisan anti-trump propaganda

American media, never change, i already know their propagandas and narrative before they create the show because I'm already aware of the shills of democrats party, cnn, and these things in control of American media and I'm aware of every race baiting and parisan manipulation or what they will show in american media and what will be hidden and cover up. I know the narratives who they will try to push, i know the candidates who the democrats party media will try to shill, i know everything about American media before the American media creates.

I'm not from USA

Anyway, I'm still watching other movies and things of American media sometimes but I'm aware of democrats party monopoly.


That's why you talk about the symbol.






And have much more bizarre things, the democrats party are trying to memory hole everything and push their next narrative memes for themselves.

Speaking of those symbols, I'll try and get a better photo than google provides another time

For the youngerfags, imagine Babymetal with Drake

It was all circumstantial, some of it based on innuendo alone. No one actually wanted to do the work to find direct evidence if it existed. Stop fooling yourself.

Hey look, (((they))) found the thread.
You will hang.

Where's the direct evidence then? There's much more evidence for Pedowood being true. If you went after Pedowood more, you would get arrests. However, part of Pizzagate was a retarded LARP based on a hand full of coincidences, and if you didn't get that your IQ is below 80.


This sort of shit feels like a razor being dragged along my spine. It is so fucking obvious and ham-fisted, yet normalfags never see it!


they cannot feel their own spirits user

the beasts that are a part of the vessels for our spirits have conquered them; those vessels are the flesh, and they have BECOME the beast, which is a willing slave, AND strive to and do and had made the beast even worse, and are completely and utterly consumed by the flesh, by not necessarily the desires to do what they are biologically programmed to be beholden to, but by the desires to do that which satisfies or had satisfied them, which they are addicted to maybe like a 40-year-long heroin addict, whether or not there were there such a thing

all they care about is getting their next fix and not being what they'd perceive as punished for their crimes, and as they get more fixes, they become less and less satisfying, so they go through greater lengths to get it
this results in what is known as DEPRAVITY

would you get some sort of rush from doing something that you know is wrong? would that rush satisfy you? maybe they do, and maybe it does or did for them, but eventually that rush wears off
when they get a hit, as if it were a hit from a bong, they may be satisfied temporarily, but not on all fronts at once
eventually those things may cease to satisfy them, and then they can no longer think of something that would truly satisfy them, but they don't think of it that way
instead they think that what they had recently done, which they had burnt out on, MUST satisfy them because it had before, and so they continue to do it, maybe with variations, and maybe with even more sickening stuff, seeking that rush of evil which they may not even feel
maybe they just tell themselves that they feel it, and even lacking the actual sensation that may be good enough for them
it was not enough that they had all of the money and women or men or both that their possessed and enslaved hearts had desired, and enough possessions to entertain them for probably their entire lives without ever having to do anymore work to keep them, aside from the work to keep themselves alive

they saw something that was according to them greater, and they wanted it NOW

it wasn't enough for them that they had billions of dollars at their disposal; they burnt themselves out quickly, and so they'd seeked out a new drug
they found out that those with even MORE money were in secret societies and did stuff like secretly causing wars and secretly conquering countries for fun, just plain exercising power to entertain themselves
so they tried to get in, and in order to get in their had to do something like a child sacrifice to moloch or ba'al or satan or some other wicked thing to make sure they don't tell anyone about it, to ensure that the masses don't find out about it

but even they get bored of making people kill eachother and ruining everything for everyone else

that didn't give them enough of a dopamine rush, so they'd seeked out a new high, so recalled the horrible feeling that they felt when they sodomized that newborn baby nearly to death in order to get into that secret society so that they'd be allowed to participate in secretly causing wars and such, and they decided that they want more since nothing else really feels like anything to them except for negative feelings, such as fear, anger, and pain, and sorrow, though not that which is for others
so they decided to rape more children and babies and make their lives revolve around it, and even that eventually ceases to satisfy them
what more depraved thing involving only that which atheists believe in the existence of is there left than what they do with the pizzagate stuff?

now, various peoples, such as yourself, are coming onto their misdeeds, and they know that they're wicked, but they wouldn't care at all if other people wouldn't threaten them with the knowledge of their iniquities

so they desperately and frantically hustle, like a recently-killed human's spirit trying not to get pushed into the lake of fire doing absolutely everything in his or her power to resist even in the face of utter futility, conducting psychological warfare in an attempt to ward off the second and eternal death, which involves the lake of fire, even though they should have instead casted off the desires of the flesh, put the beast within them behind bars, and aspired to ascend to the second and eternal LIFE, which involves the Father of Jesus Christ the Lord

The true face of this war is Autists vs Psychopaths.
Thought I'd clue you in, user.

What happened to him? Wasn't he going to do another big scoop on this? Did he kill himself with 2 shots in the back of the head?

user i am a psychopath, im on this side too, i can interact with normies quite well, but i only feel i belong on boards like these

Capped for posterity.

You're not wrong user.

Mp4/Webm, motherfucker: do you use them?

Here: go fetch.

You think you're a psychopath, but you're not. Being able to shut it off is not the same as never having it in the first place.

she's always been a butterface

kek. i think ice-t might be a fascist nazi drumpfster. pics related

My initial reaction to this was "oh fuck off user" and I went to search for images of her when she was young and on Baywatch and the like. Then I actually started looking through the pics and you know what? You're absolutely correct. She really was never that hot to begin with.

She is a zog whore, nothing more


Wow. Ice-T is a horrible metal MC and the music was beyond generic, there wasn't even a hook anywhere in the song. 0/10

What am I supposed to be seeing in those screeshots? It looks like the nigger is just being edgy, I see no connection to Trump.

Nice Double Dubs there.

Being able to shut it off at will is what makes you a psychopath and it's the most common type. Psychopaths make up roughly 1/100th of the population but are rarely noticeable because the type that has no capacity for empathy at all is fairly rare.

I legitimately feel sick right now

It's not like they show anything explicit, right?

So taking current events and turning them into TV shows to blur the lines of reality. I see what you're doing there, schlomo.

This is probably the most profound thing I've read for weeks.


Note, the way the bullet hole is positioned it couldn't have struck the HDD at all other than through a ricochet. Depending on the internals, it would have hit the RAM, CPU cooler, or any of the cards in a PCI slot. It would have had to enter the PC from the front to hit an HDD, not the top at that angle.

Like it matters. That HDD is at the bottom of the river flowing behind that filth den.

I'm just pointing out that it would be pretty much impossible for the supposed shooter to destroy the HDD. The bullets would have had to go through the door, through the top of the PC, ricochet off of something inside, and strike the back of an HDD in the dead center to break the plate. Even if this miracle bullet did the first 3 things, it wouldn't have enough kinetic energy to penetrate the HDD. Oh, also, he would have to have held the gun like a nigger, with it pointing downward while holding it above his head with both hands.

Basically, this faggot shot his own HDD and blamed it on the "shooter" to destroy evidence.

user, you're right about all that, but this is a TV show. The actual answer is that the staff just didn't think about it that hard. It's not something to launch a Holla Forums-tier investigation about, this isn't real evidence that needs unpacking.

You probably shouldn't do this, as you have now given them actual ammunition to go after you. You have now officially given them the nuke option and when you're that threatening, you've just officially screwed yourself over.

I mean, I'll be fair and say that Stabler himself would've been kicked out a while ago for the raging khornate shit he used to do, but outright telling someone that you're gonna frame them for CP? VERY VERY VERY bad idea. That could potentially fuck over the entire SVU. Shit, worst case scenario, all the people she personally arrested for CP would be able to use what she said in order to get themselves released from prison and the charges erased.

I liked it because it was a crime drama mostly. And the characters used to be interesting, but over time (((they))) made them shit.

Jesus Christ, user. Jesus.

The talking dog who espouses all the lefty bullshit and drives a Prius

Almost all talmud TV shows are now having "Russian" characters getting involved, and putting forth anti-Russia propaganda.
I see it on so many shows.

last i remember he deleted fucking everything, sent out some dog whistles during all those deletes saying "don't worry, everything is fine, i know what i'm doing, i'm cooking stuff up" yet was still reporting on TV regularly. this is old info. I could be wrong, shit could have changed, i haven't heard much since. Correct me if i'm wrong anons.

Jesus fucking Christ, they've gone completely nuts.


how many millions of hours of white boy's lives have been stolen by nvidia? if it were a molock sacrifice it'd be a top contender.

Praise Gets

Why is it that every time they open up a fucking computer it looks like they got an apple from 1996?

Look at that, police threatening people like that. Thats actually against the law,which is funny because a show about law should know this.


I chuckled.

That's why they bought in the blonde


There are armies of fat house wives that take this show seriously.


Circumstantial evidence can be feasibly used in a court of law.
People like to parrot circumstantial evidence as being invalid purely on the meme that TV dramas like SVU tend to create, but its had its uses.
Source: Law teacher + textbook + internet corroboration

The one interesting thing here is that they're admitting planting CP is a common intelligence agency tactic. Evidently they consider it worth sacrificing the credibility of pedophilia accusations in general in order to shut down this specific one. Either pizzagate is a serious threat to some very important people or the alphabet agencies have already moved on to something more effective.

if anything that's the most realistic depiction of public law enforcement on TV.

sort of related, has anyone seen this complete trash show getting played on primetime television "american gods"? its one of the most disgusting things i've ever seen and it's normie television.

main character is a black guy that only fucks white women. show has a black chick (a goddess) that kills old white men by fucking them to death. black guy goes to his friend's wake/funeral and then the dead friend's white blonde wife starts hysterically screaming about how she wants to suck the black guys "big beautiful cock (bbc)" on her husband's grave. I don't think i've been so disgusted by a television show in my life. its nothing but anti-white cuck porn with big budget. it be the most jewish thing ever witnessed.

it *might* be the most jewish thing ever witnessed.

It was the one where the mudslime taxi driver sucks off the male djinn, wasn't it? Guess Gay Men didn't want to get beheaded.

and then this show about some typical feminist mary sue that time travels or uses some kind of technology to see into the past.

I don't know, I just assumed it was related to the hysterical widow begging to suck MC's dick. but what you said also sounds plausible. i'm sure neil gaiman would hate to offend the religion of peace. (it sickens me that people associate him with H.P lovecraft. he's the antithesis of what love craft would want his legacy to be).

I forgot to mention this show is on (((ABC family))) and is intended for young girls and teens. what the fuck. parent groups would freak out about pokemon and scooby doo back in the day, yet not a peep about this shit?

Neil Gaiman is overrated as fuck anyway. He only got popular because he wrote a comic that appealed to cutters and fat goth chicks.

(((parent groups))) are all controlled opposition, user. of course they don't complain about the stuff their masters peddle.

Looks like I was wrong.

I love how feminists always bitch about unrealistic male image and masculinity, and then create Mary Sue characters every chance they get.

I think he was ok with the gay sex, but the cuck blow job sceen got axed (for now, it might show up on the dvd according to the staff).

Someone wind up the countdown clock till American Gods gets sued, bombed, or retracts the scene.

muslims don't bomb the people actually responsible for the shit they complain about, they just kill innocent people waiting for a train/bus or watching a foot race.

Filmmakers and media creators have been pushing cuckery for awhile. Here's the trailer for Ghetto Freaks, from 1967. The movie itself is pretty damned awful, even by grindhouse standards, and the trailer is misleading as hell as to the actual movie's content. It'd be pretty good rage fuel if it weren't so damned funny.




"This time it is not moose and squirrel but ass and elephant we are up against dahlink!"

Reminder that Rowling stole Harry Pothead off of the Gay Man and the cuck (who I think it still married to Amanda Fucking Shave Those Pits Palmer) said nothing.

(((Parents groups))) like the one (((Tipper Gore))) started (where did you think Al learned his climate scam techniques from?) freaked out about Dead Kennedys and Zappa because they make kids think outside the (((box))).

Feminism is a mental illness closely related to schizophrenia user. I hope it reappears in the DSM next to trannyism and other forms of general faggotry.

Feminism was once in the DSM? When was this?

Are they trying to show how ridiculous or plausible pizzagate is?

It's obviously going to be retarded but for what purpose?

what is this shit?

This, most parents actually fed up with filth on talmudvision just turn it off or throw it away instead of autistically screeching about it or organizing. Most "concerned parents" organizations are full of mormons/evangelicucks anyways which makes it stupid easy for kikes to co-opt. If any Parent Organization was legit they would be organizing boycotts of kike media filth.

She shouldn't be allowed to buy peanut butter

I would do whatever was necessary to defend myself

1923 was also the year of the beer hall putsch. There's no fucking way that all these things are coincidences.


Bump this shit

Coincidences are named as such because of their unlikely probability. To have 2 coincidences is c^2 probability of a coincidence to the power of two, to have three would be c^3, to have 4 would be c^4. To have say, 50, 50 coincidences would be c^50. When C is already astronomically improbable, occam's razor would suggest it is not a mere 'coincidence'.

Why do I see a shitton of pictures with this face? Is this the guy from that cancelled show that went full Holla Forums and got cancelled? Did he do it in all episodes or something, because it seems vaguely familiar with different settings and slightly different facial expressions with the same angle and smirk/smile whatever.


So you're saying they hired a man to destroy their HDD while pretending to be victims of said man?

If we assume this is all just coincidence then let's look at probability.
Roughly 1-5% of the adult population can be considered a pedophile, we'll take the larger number to satisfy idgits and lower the probability.

There are roughly 300,000,000 people in the united states. Therefore the probability someone is a pedo is actually 5% of that number. Roughly that means there are 15,000,000 pedos in the U.S. interestingly a similar number of male jews, but I'm sure that's unrelated

The U.S. has a landmass of 3.797 million mi²; which means an average of 1 person every 0.012656667 miles. In every 1 mile, when corrected for extremely large 'hives' and cities; using U.S. census data we find there are 74.4 people per square mile. If we assume that the pedo population is equally distributed; which is the only way we can get any minutely useful data we find that means on average there are 3.72 pedophiles every square mile in the U.S.

The size of washington D.C. is 68.34 mi²; which would mean there are a whopping grand total of 254 pedophiles in the entire city of D.C.

As of March a total of 501 juveniles have been declared missing in D.C. alone since the start of 2017. This number accounts for missing, not runaways, missing. Statistics on male/female ratio are unknown; however it's been reported by the FBI that 90% of missing teens have been sexually/physically abused, and 14% wind up selling themselves for sex.

So, we can assume that 254 pedophiles are their only sex customers, which accounts for 70 total. Assuming they become regular customers and/or take these children in, that leaves 184 pedos and 431 children unaccounted for. Approx. 1% of the population is a psycho/sociopath capable of killing another human. That would mean roughly 3 pedos killing multiple children, perhaps as many as 15 children each; certainly not hundreds without state resources as it becomes exponentially harder to pull off each sequential murder. That leaves us with 253 pedophiles and 386 children. Pedos generally feel they are in a consenting relationship with their victims and tend to be ironically very loyal and do not want to risk losing them. That leaves us with 133 children unaccounted for. Assuming 5% of the population are pedos, assuming they continually abuse children, assuming some are also mass murderers. It's worthwhile to mention this 5% of the population is regularly raided by the police when ANY child goes missing and are already known not to have them despite the fact they would if they could.

So, mathematically speaking; it is impossible for there NOT to be a large, sex-trafficking ring in Washington D.C.

Also the 501 number is for specifically unaccounted for youth, mysterious disappearances e.g. actual kidnappings, not just runaways whom the average pedophile preys on, making it even more improbable for there to not be some grand conspiracy.

That's sam hyde you retard.

SVU went to complete and utter shit after Christopher Meloni left the show.

Wasted opportunity

SVU/anything Dick Wolf touches has gotten so bad and desperate, they're now ripping off American Crime Story

Did the kikes not think for a second this wasn't gonna be interpreted the wrong way?


About as much as cable.

It's funny. I live with someone who regularly names the jew but hides her (yes, her, mother of four too, very redpilled) power level really well. A lot of our talks revolve around deprogramming kosher habits that were ingrained by (((media))). Many times I have to stop myself from overlawyering the situation, as I have to remember I'm not in Toronto or New York anymore and I overestimate my threat model. Thankfully she is a good friend and has patience.

I have contacts in the DUDE WEED business, which still isn't 100% legal in some places. Good OPSEC exists user, and sadly there is some cross over with the pizza crowd. This is entirely plausible.



Shadow is supposed to be white with "nigger blood," in other words, an octroon.

Supposed to be Ishtar or Eostre. Don't know if her worshipers were nogs, but somehow I doubt it.

To be fair, I don't think the age matters. As for him being white, I imagine the bulk of prostitutes' customers are. Why would a nog pay for pussy when he can just rape?

The fuck? In the book, she just wants to screw in revenge for their spouses cheating on them, but Shadow's too deep in his grief and rejects her.

If true, the characters must bleed bagels when they're cut.

Having read that scene in the book, I must insist we add Gayman and his cunt of a wife to the DotR lists. No one on earth but the faggiest of fags needs to know that djismm is more fiery than Frank's Red Hot Sauce.


Every day my compassion fades. Just remember: these people genuinely believe they are your moral superiorsand gloat over it

Wasted opportunity.

Kek, that's obviously a man. Look at the body proportions, especially arms, hands and the strong neckjaw line.


I thought they were called coincidences because you can't spell them without the word "coin".