they cannot feel their own spirits user
the beasts that are a part of the vessels for our spirits have conquered them; those vessels are the flesh, and they have BECOME the beast, which is a willing slave, AND strive to and do and had made the beast even worse, and are completely and utterly consumed by the flesh, by not necessarily the desires to do what they are biologically programmed to be beholden to, but by the desires to do that which satisfies or had satisfied them, which they are addicted to maybe like a 40-year-long heroin addict, whether or not there were there such a thing
all they care about is getting their next fix and not being what they'd perceive as punished for their crimes, and as they get more fixes, they become less and less satisfying, so they go through greater lengths to get it
this results in what is known as DEPRAVITY
would you get some sort of rush from doing something that you know is wrong? would that rush satisfy you? maybe they do, and maybe it does or did for them, but eventually that rush wears off
when they get a hit, as if it were a hit from a bong, they may be satisfied temporarily, but not on all fronts at once
eventually those things may cease to satisfy them, and then they can no longer think of something that would truly satisfy them, but they don't think of it that way
instead they think that what they had recently done, which they had burnt out on, MUST satisfy them because it had before, and so they continue to do it, maybe with variations, and maybe with even more sickening stuff, seeking that rush of evil which they may not even feel
maybe they just tell themselves that they feel it, and even lacking the actual sensation that may be good enough for them
it was not enough that they had all of the money and women or men or both that their possessed and enslaved hearts had desired, and enough possessions to entertain them for probably their entire lives without ever having to do anymore work to keep them, aside from the work to keep themselves alive
they saw something that was according to them greater, and they wanted it NOW
it wasn't enough for them that they had billions of dollars at their disposal; they burnt themselves out quickly, and so they'd seeked out a new drug
they found out that those with even MORE money were in secret societies and did stuff like secretly causing wars and secretly conquering countries for fun, just plain exercising power to entertain themselves
so they tried to get in, and in order to get in their had to do something like a child sacrifice to moloch or ba'al or satan or some other wicked thing to make sure they don't tell anyone about it, to ensure that the masses don't find out about it
but even they get bored of making people kill eachother and ruining everything for everyone else
that didn't give them enough of a dopamine rush, so they'd seeked out a new high, so recalled the horrible feeling that they felt when they sodomized that newborn baby nearly to death in order to get into that secret society so that they'd be allowed to participate in secretly causing wars and such, and they decided that they want more since nothing else really feels like anything to them except for negative feelings, such as fear, anger, and pain, and sorrow, though not that which is for others
so they decided to rape more children and babies and make their lives revolve around it, and even that eventually ceases to satisfy them
what more depraved thing involving only that which atheists believe in the existence of is there left than what they do with the pizzagate stuff?
now, various peoples, such as yourself, are coming onto their misdeeds, and they know that they're wicked, but they wouldn't care at all if other people wouldn't threaten them with the knowledge of their iniquities
so they desperately and frantically hustle, like a recently-killed human's spirit trying not to get pushed into the lake of fire doing absolutely everything in his or her power to resist even in the face of utter futility, conducting psychological warfare in an attempt to ward off the second and eternal death, which involves the lake of fire, even though they should have instead casted off the desires of the flesh, put the beast within them behind bars, and aspired to ascend to the second and eternal LIFE, which involves the Father of Jesus Christ the Lord