This is the third time they've assaulted him. This time with a FlagPole. Luckily the AnTiFag was arrested.
This is the third time they've assaulted him. This time with a FlagPole. Luckily the AnTiFag was arrested.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fag was unmasked too thanks to the person filming on their phone
Time to dox a cuck
I've seen this guys name like a dozen times this week, and maybe once or twice last month. Who is this guy? Why is he generating so much of a media wake?
whoever he is, he's doing a good job of getting commies arrested
Checked for truth.
Someone posted a periscope link in one of the macaronigate threads. Basically the french think that he started the leak because of some tweet, also he were heading to witness against some antifa at the end of the video but I have no information on what specific incident.
Yeah, so far he seems like a decent dude. Just wondering what his background is.
Army Vet, hes the guy who went into Comet Pizza w/ camera, works for Rebel now after being canned by CBS for calling out fags in the workplace. Redpilled on the Kikes (even though he works for Ezra), very much against Antifa
An e-celeb who is whoring out here on Holla Forums to boost his viewers and ad revenue
Viewers? So he's a youtube guy or something?
He should probably find another job…
you know better
(waste of dubs)
Even super kike controlled opp like PJW makes 23 bucks a day off JewTube. So no, that argument is invalid.
Dudes been around since prepizzagate and used to work for CBS where he was fired (or quit) over attacking fags. Just because you haven't heard of someone doesn't make them irrelevant.
Or it could just be that he's been increasingly more active in the streets and therefore worth talking about here on Holla Forums and you're just a faggot.
Phew, smells like snowflake logic.
1. Be popular on Twitter, enough to make mentally ill antifa think you're alt-right or a nazi
2. Go to big antifa """protests""" wearing sufficient body armor and a camera
3. Let antifags commit misdemeanor assault on you near a group of officers
4. ??????????
Not everything is a conspiracy.
It seems to be effective. More should follow his lead.
You're very observant. There's a whole crew of these 'namefag' alt-right "leaders" like this guy and stickfag, who all materialized out of nowhere during this past election cycle. They work as Judas goats to steer us into a modernized version of the left/right paradigm, this time focusing on the absurd extremes. They simultaneously legitimize antifa by giving them coverage, and focus our attention on these far left nutjobs instead of the kikes running the show.
leftypol is trying to make it look like one so that people stop iding antifa fags
Looks like /somebody/ tipped off the cops there was going to be some felony assault at this time and place.
E-celebs who think that they're really important people like to go to online communities that they think are on the same level as them to become more popular.
There have been more e-celebs than I can count who have suddenly popped up here to try to expand their base and gain more views.
It's almost as if this kind of sudden creation of many threads revolving around one person of e-celeb nature has happened here before and I can spot it when it happens.
You Have To Go Back
Hello massive kike. I assume you also want me to go outside to a Holla Forums meetup so we can further ''our movement" or some shtick?
Sometimes people become well known through organic growth. Not everything is a conspiracy.
He works for (((the rebel))), basically he's Lauren Southern's more kosher and less attractive replacement.
(7) Posobiec dick riding posts? I hope you're getting paid for this, that's fucking embarrassing otherwise.
That is exactly what a co-conspirator would say!
A dozen shitty threads here doesn't sound like organic growth. No one person besides Trump has that many threads made about him in a week (and that's because he's fucking president).
They are spamming the hell out of bill nye, too. Weird.
I asked who he is you cunt.
ANTIFA is controlled opposition.
The Alt-Right is controlled opposition.
The plot is simple:
The agenda is simpler:
Everything you're seeing is scripted and had been prepared thousands of years ago. None of this is original. You're being led like a sheep to the slaughter.
Wake up, Neo.
uh huh
The amount of asshurt shills not getting the point of this post is fucking immense.
What isn't good about this
That's fucking right. That's fucking exactly right.
There should be only 1 thread about it. If the thread fills, make a new one.
There shouldn't be 3-4 threads about different parts of the same fucking show.
When there is, it's called shilling.
you want a civil war as according to the Jewish plan? you want a civil war after realizing the Jew also want a civil war, but the Jew has prepared his victory for decades? I doubt you've put that much thought into it. if civil war erupts YOU will be the loser because we're being led to civil war by the Jew on purpose.
Listen you fucking nigger, every fucking race in America whether funded by Kikes or not want to exterminate the white man. Half of the white race is also against our own survival. If it doesn't fucking happen soon, then we will be eliminated. Wake up
I definitely do, kikes have planned for both contingencies and we have more chances at forcing change favorable to us through complete breakdown of the country. Key is to make sure we actually win.
That doesn't even make sense. Did it even occur to you that overenthusiastic anons is a more likely explanation than shilling?
did you even read my post? We're close to a civil war because of a problem created by Jews to specifically result in a civil war. Neither the right nor the left will win this war, because it isn't a random organic dispute: it's been DESIGNED by Jews to result in Civic Nationalism.
You wont win.
Antifa wont win.
Jews will win.
Bill Nye the Shabbos Goy is hugely popular with 'I
Keep putting words in my mouth, kike, please. I get off to people misunderstanding me. It makes my dick diamonds.
that isnt what i said, kike.
What exactly do you mean by "shilling" then? Because it sure sounds like it means little more to you than "creating threads that I don't like."
Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what you said.
For acting like a nigger, no less. Leftism is a hell of a cancer.
How about we have 500 threads of gay porn here on Holla Forums, I mean what's the problem? If you don't like it, don't post in it! That'll work, right?
fam, you should get that checked out by a doctor
You just seem afraid of violence.
You didn't answer my question. What do you mean by "shilling"? Who do you think is "shilling" Bill Nye on Holla Forums?
No. IRL meetups is something that I'm strongly against and have warned Holla Forumsacks numerous times who were planning to go on rallies. I do however support any e-celeb who has the power of mass redpilling
So anyway, this anfag really does look like a huge… fag.
Looks like a tranny.
As if I know. Having more than one thread created about the same topic before the first thread is filled or after the first thread was deleted for being shit means that someone, or multiple people have a vested interest of getting something out to the users here.
There should be zero reason that multiple threads should exist in tandem about the exact same topic.
He looks 14. Cultural Marxism has destroyed this country. We have to fight back. This is what appears to be a white child.
Yes, that's exactly right.
The constant creation of cloned threads is the effort of a group who has vested interest in this place to either disrupt it, use it, or co-opt it.
If it happens once, an accident is sure a possibility. But if it keeps happening (really anything over 3 times), it is done by shills, cut and clear.
You're broken in the head. Your threat detection circuits are misfiring.
happy hanukkillyourself.
try harder, moshe
The United States is nothing more than a tool of jews and we should be doing everything we can to make sure it splinters.
This is coming from the author of a thread about some e-celeb faggot who has been artificially inflated here over the past week with a dozen threads which the mods have all deleted or bump locked.
You are a shill and the only argument you have left is "throw this guy in the nut house!" because I have seen shills like you come and go, promoting other e-celebs in the exact same manner.
I believe the word you are looking for is 'effeminate.' I'm guessing beta college cuck who is incredibly brave while wearing the black bloc mask.
He has a dysgenic face. You could put him into a ditch and nothing of value would be lost.
C'mon now, it isn't that bad.
True. It's still the point (((they))) are thoroughly indoctrinating the youth
I OP'd this thread. You're responding to the wrong person. We have IDs here newfag.
No, I've seen faces like his before. On literal cousin fuckers. I grew up near a lot of people that have the same facial characteristics as him. They smoke meth and marry inside the family. I'd say his IQ probably tops out at 80 or 90.
(checked and kek'd)
Yankee here who moved to the south. Can confirm this shit is real.
antifa is controlled op and so is faggot OP
It's not just the south. I saw it in small old mining towns in rural PA. In my experience it typically happens in economically depressed areas that are culturally isolated and have dwindling populations.
It would be interesting to dox that guy and see where he comes from.
(Towns in which the mines closed many years ago, to be clear.)
he's still way the fuck better looking than any nigger, arab or wetback. you don't know what the potential of people like this might be if they weren't aggressively brainwashed from the womb by sadistic kikes.
Now I know you're just a shill, in the stream there were several Trump supporters with black masks on. Which is why people at the time in the thread were talking about how they couldn't tell which was side was which.
now i know you're a Jew.
Do you expect this to actually work?
Foot-soldiers or manual labor. If you can get them to stop smoking meth that is.
The pic does not show the guy as antifa and I already explained this. You accepted the correction and just bitched about me correcting you.
No, it doesn't. He's facing the same direction as Stickman
pic related shows "antifa" was already controlled opposition way back in Nzi Germany. They did the same shit theyre doing now. Jews were behind it then, theyre behind it now.
pic related, even if you deny he posed as antifa, shows him with the black sun and giving a roman/nazi salute. just like richard "i love israel" spencer. its controlled opposition. no one goes out with the blacksun cut out and, in all seriousness, salutes hitler for the cameras. jews really think the goy are this naive?
this is your typical antifascist.
i guess we should fight him in the streets and totally ignore the Zionists and Jews taking over not just America but the world.
seems legit.
You mean the pro-Israel, anti-racist, civic nationalism loving based stickman?
Just put a bullet through your brain already you blackpilled faggot.
I proved the Jews were behind antifa way back in Hitler's Germany.
I proved le based stickman is an anti-white, pro-white genocide Civic Nationalist.
And your response?
Stay defeated, Zionist trash.
Found the jew.
stay defeated.
You're on D&C overdrive, aren't you Moshe? .
You proved nothing other than based stickman being a civic nationalist which is already well known and which I didn't even take issue with.
kys kike.
One of us might be a kike but it sure as fuck isn't me.
you said you have no problem with him being a civic nationalist, which implies you have no problem with civic nationalism or having a civic nationalist represent the "right-win" movement :^)
Let me state this as simply as I can so you can't distort my words again like the fucking kike you are. You said that stickman was a civic nationalist. You are correct about this and this alone. So there is no reason to challenge this point. Civic nationalism is obviously bad and you're a fucking retard if you think that even needs to be elaborated on here of all places, but you aren't are you? Instead you're a fucking jew that intentionally twists words to distort meanings just as you twist pictures to make someone look like antifa who obviously was not.
So basically any group that isn't a full blown RWDS is to be rejected? It is bound to fail and you know it you blackpilling faggot
Are you getting paid by the hr for your D&C? If not you should probably give up. No one believes your shit Schlomo.
You don't get more kosher than a Jew.
if you dont want your own words used against you, think about what you post. this isn't halfchan. the collective IQ here isn't -12. you fuck up and ill expose your bullshit.
youre either for or against civic nationalism.
youre either for or against civic nationalists.
pick one.
any group that is not focused on the actual enemy controlling all of these secondary enemies are themselves controlled and directed by said enemy.
stay defeated.
I was wrong, you're severely retarded after all.
You're such an idiot that you don't even realize that you used that nickname before I did.
its a meme. why wouldnt i use it? why are you distracting from the fact he's a civic nationalist who promotes white genocide?
What a coward. Afraid of getting yelled at by the antifags?
Yes or No: should there be groups dedicated to fighting against Antifa who comes to protests to assault people?
Why would you take issue with me using it if there is no issue with the meme? You can't have it both ways kike.
There you go putting words in other' mouths again.
did you know ANTIFA was active in Hitler's Germany? You likely didn't know. The reason is simple:
Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization.
YES they must be fought and destroyed, but not by the People, but by the GOVERNMENT who is RESPONSIBLE for destroying such groups. But the Government isn't fighting them. The PEOPLE are. Because the Government and ANTIFA are allied against you the People.
It's time to wake up, Neo.
That's now what I meant. If media finds out that someone who assaulted antifag was from Holla Forums that person is pretty much guaranteed to serve time in prison
do you support based stickman?
do you support fighting antifa with sticks?
if so, youre either a kike, a zionist or really fucking new to how the world works..
protip: its the fucking Jews.
No and I've already said that you kike, Hitler was most definitely fucking right about your ilk.
Yes I absolutely support beating communists in the street.
I guess I'm just going to say it to cover all the bases:
I keep coming back here thinking I might find something useful but I'm always disappointed. Just jack off to flyers you had nothing to do with in the first place. The only productive moments in this board were Stormer/TRS/MPC/Spencer/IE things that were celebrated.
Stop fucking bitching until you actually do something. God damn.
The Rebel, Ezra Levant, not to be trusted as long as he has connections there.
Connections with the Bushes, not to be allowed to be a leader
Married to a Jew, not to be trusted as a leader.
Not saying we can't use these people but they shouldn't be trusted.
You're assuming that noone here does anything offline which is mistaken.
Wow, your psychosis is worse than I thought.
Pretty much this.
you said you take no issue with him being a civic nationalist tho? explain.
antifa isnt the problem. if the government is controlling antifa, it seems the government is the problem? and if jews and zionists control the government, it seeks jews and zionists are the root problem.
disagree? explain why or realizing whats happening.
He has to be a shill, there's no way there's anyone this retarded.
im telling you to fight the real enemy – the ones controlling and directing antifa, BLM and other groups. everything else is spot on tho :^)
Ok, go ahead and tell how exactly the real enemy is supposed to be fought
Bullshit. I have the expecration that something in being done offline. Do it. Be proud of it. Show it off if you can. Stop attacking others.
I said I took no issue with your point where you called him a civic nationalist because he quite clearly is one, I even made an entire point explaining this.
Antifa should absolutely be fought though, only reason you're discouraging it is because you're a kike and don't want your footsoldiers attacked.
Warning people not to trust them is not attacking them, if you call that an attack your definition of attack is quite weak.
Spencer shouldn't have cucked out after that.
>M-Me, a N-Nazi?? No! I just like Romans is all, it's a Roman salute! I'm shocked and offended that you'd think I'm a Nazi!
The Jew is not telling influential white celebrities and politicians they plan to destroy the white race and enslave everyone else. It wouldn't work. The Jew is telling them a very, very convincing lie. That's why they follow the Jew into Zionism – the lie is perfect.
We start by gaining an understanding of what the Jew is doing, why he's doing it, how long he's been doing it and what he plans to achieve by doing it. Then you tell others. You expose the Jew and his works to "bluepilled normies reeeeee!" You dont win their minds by fighting fake enemies, as ANTIFA wouldnt even exist were it not for the Jews in Hitler's time that created them.
Knowledge is the first step to actually defeating the Jew once and for all. The redpill isnt just a maymay.
the way you put it led me to believe you were condoning his civic nationalism. was a simple misunderstanding for which I apologize.
Wrong. See:
He means he doesn't dispute it, you fucking imbecile. He's already clarified that yet you pretend he hasn't, just like a fucking kike.
How did he cuck out
are you his boyfriend? he can speak for himself and he's doing just fine.
Democracy is a sham. Do you really think Trump is our final victory? Trump won't succeed in saving the white race, we still have a long fight ahead of us. After Trump fails, more of the normalfag right will be prepared to consider non-democratic solutions.
I read it and discarded it because its historically inaccurate.
My point is that you have to be a either a shill or a retard to be both against voting and against more direction.
direct action*
By denying his salute had anything to do with National Socialism. He claimed it was merely a Roman salute because he appreciates Rome's influence on western culture:
That's the point, they get small misdemeanors. Even a silly punch can in some states amount to 1 full year in prison though on average for a silly 1 time punch it's usually a week jail or community service with a small fine into a victims fund. If you can prove the crime was committed due to political reasons, that's a hate crime and might get you the full year.
But the point is, that squeaky clean record is gone so if they are ever involved with something more serious they get buried under the law book that is thrown at them. Because of their repeat offender status.
Again where is your sauce
Yet another fine example of typical kike rhetoric.
There were frequent brawls between NSDAP supporters and commies in 1920s Germany before NSDAP seized power.
tell me moar :^)
you didnt contribute anything to the discussion. fuck off or contribute.
Pretty sure theyre pro fag.
Sure, one instance in 1927 Goebbels went to confront the commies head on with several NSDAP supporters with him. The intention was for it to be a war of words, instead it turned into a brawl with hundreds of communists getting the shit beaten out of them.
Calling you out on your deceitful rhetoric is more of a contribution than you've made to this thread you slimy fucking kike.
Search for it yourself. "Spencer" and "roman salute" should put you on the right path.
The only people who are against pushing the overton window democratically are blackpilled dumbshits. However what you need to understand is that democracy will only take us so far. If we're to win, we'll eventually leave democracy behind. We can edge closer to victory while using the democratic process, but we cannot secure victory this way.
He's against both voting and against violence.
This will be my last post ITT.
ANTIFA was created by Jews during Hitler's Germany. They were used to distract the People from the Jews who directed and controlled them. ANTIFA was so unimportant that you guys didn't even know about this. ANTIFA and the Alt-Right are both controlled by the very same Jews and Zionists. You're meant to be distracted, fighting in the streets, so you aren't fighting the Jews and Zionists who are the root cause of all the world's evil.
pic related verifies everything I here claim. you can shill if you want, without posting sources or anything else, but I'm here to change the minds of the silent lurker :^)
last post i promise ;) here's some more proofs. now ask why my opposition doesnt offer any proofs.
until next time.
IRL meetups are useful but they are like a meme, you can't force it, and anyone pushing for them online with specific times/places is suspect for obvious reasons.
He's an brain damaged imbecile who thinks everyone is a shill. Review all his comments in this thread.
Yeah. He did. He cucked on that but not about America for whites. You're going to have to stop thinking normies are going to get onboard without a soft message for the time being.
So you have no sauce to backup your bullshit claims. Stay mad that Spencer is actually doing stuff while you fap to 2d loli.
You sure can, that's definitely true.
Sure, you only needed to ask.
Fighting communists in the street is how the NSDAP gained popular appeal. The Beer Hall Putsch and Hitler's consequent arrest legitimized the NSDAP as opposition to communist thugs. The communists were the threat, and the NSDAP successfully positioned themselves to be the solution.
Spencer has claimed countless times that he's "not a Nazi". He obviously is, but he lacks the spine to admit it even though his refusals to admit it aren't winning him any favors with anybody.
Not an argument. You're the only one talking about it.
hitler lost and Israel was created thanks to Zionism. the Jew is simply replaying 1933 germany, only this time, it's under the Jew's control. why do you think everything right how parallels back then? even ANTIFA. the jews are directing the surge in Nationalism because they have set it up to fail miserably. this is how the nations will accept the NWO – not by force but by choice.
i really should be going but i care about all of you and want you all to wake up…
stay btfo user
Hitler's military defeat has nothing to do with his successful rise to power. Hitler was not defeated because the NSDAP brawled with communists in the streets. Suggesting that there is any relationship between the two is typical kike tricks.
You said you were done posting in this thread, yet you continue. Be true to your word and fuck off.
This seems untrue to me, he seems to be more of the Pinochet supporter type.
Hitler succeeded in gaining power over Germany and only lost because all other nations aligned against him. If we were to succeed in gaining power over the US then we would have already won as there would be no unified block against us and even if there were to be then we would stand a far better chance than he did at the time simply due to US military strength.
That pic with the shield is after they attacked that guy and stole it. They covered it up with the bag, man damigo was a huge faggot and called for that dude heiling to be shunned, sonnerad dude is a gud boi
Its in the Red Ice interview if you want to look it up.
Did you even attempt to search it you lazy cunt?
It doesnt matter WHY Hitler lost and I didnt imply a reason why.. He lost, and as a result, Israel was created thanks to Zionism. Right now mirrors 1933: corrupt gov, communism, jews, the people put into power one of their own – a savior of the german people. And whats happening now, user?
its the EXACT same play, only this time, the Jews control everything. the Jews are fanning the flames of nationalism so that it fails and the Nations will accept the NWO. why do you think everything happening right now somehow mirrors what happened, for the most part, in Germany?
Well his hairstyle and saluting are obviously meant to invoke NatSoc imagery. Whether Spencer's espoused economic policy is more in line with lolbertarianism or NatSoc I cannot say.
He styles himself NatSoc, is accused of being a Nazi, yet denies it outright. Why bother denying it when they'll call you a Nazi anyway? That's the part I don't get, the part I have difficulty respecting.
i mean, theyre even using the SAME controlled opposition group ANTFIA they created back in 1933.
if that doesnt wake you up, kys.
Get the fuck out. Your argument was that we shouldn't brawl communists because the NSDAP did and they lost. You kikes have absolutely no shame.
even today's "fake news" comes from germany's lugenpresse.
you had no reply to my actual points. your defeat…has been accepted.
Worse, his argument was actually that NSDAP never brawled communists so we shouldn't either, after it was proven that they in fact did he skipped to, "Well Hitler lost so who cares," he has absolutely no shame.
This. Throw fits about reddit spacing and call everyone trs shills. You, the reader, havent done a fucking thing. You havent gone out there and fought. You havent made efforts to get into the communities the TRS/Stormers/IE advocate. You havent done shit.
I'm not the biggest fan of Dicky Spencer but he's done more than any of you. Do better or fuck off.
show me the post where I said this or admit you're a lying kike shill. Go ahead. I'll wait.
spencer is cia fuck off.
You said that we shouldn't fight Antifa. I, and another user, pointed out that fighting communists in the streets was very successful for the NSDAP. You went on to say that it was irrelevant because the NSDAP lost.
The loss of the NSDAP was not caused in any way by them fighting communists in the street. Therefore your argument is invalid.
Half a dozen posts ago. Fuck off lying kike.
Right here
Now fuck off kike.
did they win by fighting controlled opposition?
The ONLY person in this thread to mention "reddit spacing" is you. More deceitful jewish rhetoric.
that post doesnt even have "NSDAP" in it. kys.
Spencer has done nothing other than be a failure of a leaderfag and anyone following him when there's fucking pictures of him and his estranged wife hanging out with the Bushes of all people is an absolute idiot.
More kike wordplay argumentation.
seems legit
I really fucking despise you jews.
we control antifa? this is news to me
well, are you a jew?
in which city was this?
why wont you answer my ?
The German people following Hitler brawled with communists in the street. They were the NSDAP. They weren't the government, they were people who believed in the cause.
So loving all of the autism in this thread. Is anyone actually going to try to dox the fucker in or everyone have their little circle jerk of D& fucking C name calling over an e-celeb.
Who gives a shit who he attacked. He's a fucking Antifa. I don't care if he beats up a queer tranny nigger in a Trump hat. You focus on one fucking enemy at a time or you lose to (((them))). Antifa first, queer nigger trannies in Trump hats second. Focus.
where was the arrest held, there is possibly his booking that can be looked up
Hitler gained power by gaining credibility through fighting communists, you do not even know the meaning of the term controlled opposition. Communists are not controlled opposition of jews, as they in no way oppose jews, they are instead footsoldiers.
moshe please.
who do you think you're dealing with here?
trump gained power by promising to fight the very same communists, even the very same group of communists. but history isn't purposely being re-created so it favors the Jews and results in the formation of Greater Israel. Just bash communists, goys :3
Hitler and the men following him accelerated their rise to power by brawling communists in the street. A man died in Hitlers arms during one such riot.
did they win or nah?
did they win fighting ANTIFA and letting the American Zionists and international Jews work freely or nah?
Hitler did not lose because they fought communists in the streets in the 1920s.
A-Against the commies? Win. The won that.
That is how they rose to power. And fighting said communists in the streets had nothing to do with their military defeat.
Keep panicking kike, its happening all over again except this time we're not as naive as Hitler was.
why did hitler lose? :)
you're being distracted by the exact same communist group who distracted the german people from the Jewish Problem. nah youre not naive at all m8..
8/pol/ is what I told my libertarIan frIend on facebok (when I had one):
You don't want to win. You want to lose and blame others for not thinking the way you do. You'll run everything into the ground just to disagree. You're miserable.
itt: TRS shills BTFO
Just watched the video. Grabbed a snap of the arm badge but can't make it out. Metropolitan Police? D.C. ? Cop Cars are blocked so can't identify the city on them.
Hitler lost because of vast numeric inferiority.
He was obviously not distracted because they successfully purged their communists and imprisoned their jews(and should have done far more than imprison but hindsight is 20/20).
Though do keep going kike. You're simply fueling our hatred of your kind.
he lost because he won against the commies ten years earlier. and if you kill your enemies, they win. it had nothing to do with fighting the entire world. don't worry, we wont fight commies this time. you can go back to leftypol now.
Oh please, tell me your theory. Tell me how the NSDAP lost because they fought communists in the streets in the 1920s. I'd love to hear this tortured logic.
it had nothing to do with Jews and Zionists, of course ;)
get out TRSodomite
post yfw you actually want to attack the pawns and not capture the queen
Yep, Germany was completely tied up punching communists under Hitler. It's not like they were successfully dealing with the Jews, uplifting the economy to heights it had never seen, -and- rallying the people behind them by bashing communist(read: traitorous) skulls in the streets. You're right mate, there's no point in rising to control your nation if you weren't tackling the Jewish Problem before you had the power to tackle the Jewish Problem.
Find me a quote of Spencer admitting that he's NatSoc. He's denied it outright NUMEROUS times and I linked you to a search page from which you can find numerous quotations.
You must put a lot of effort into being this much of a fucking moron.
Posobiec lives in DC, so maybe its that.
DC. Arm decal from another cop.
Not an argument, filthy kike.
:36 on the video
sage for double post
You're twisting the convo, shills.
I claimed the Jew and Zionists are re-creating Hitler's Germany in 1933. They are purposely propping up Nationalist leaders, who are themselves Zionists and friends with Israel. All so Nationalism, and chiefly white nationalism, will fail miserably and result in the entire world hating whites. This is how they establish the NWO.
wake up.
NSDAP was organic. It was real and uncontrolled.
Today is not organic. It's not real and it is controlled.
Now you know the difference.
Are you trying to suggest that Hitler and the NSDAP were themselves jews and zionists?
Tell us, what do you think the NSDAP did wrong? Why do you think they lost?
then fuck off jew. if you cant conversate honestly without trying to twist the points around, just fuck off.
Let me ask you a question then you retard, when LePen loses this weekend, and she is going to lose, will you admit that you obviously aren't as smart as you think you are and don't have all the answers or will you just ignore this? Thread should still be around after all.
Completely btfo user
Look around, moron. They already have that. This isn't yet another step in some master ploy to -eventually- get around to destroying the white race, we're in the end game now. This is them playing their hand, and if you haven't stepped outside lately, it's stirring something in a -lot- of whites. This bullshit peacefaggotry, like destroying the actual arms of ZOG doesn't cripple the beast, is just reddit cancer of the highest order.
really you massive cunt? she will win. and when she does, I want you to at least consider what I've said itt.
Yep, that's about what I expected from you.
oops, forgot to sage funny blocked the autists and this thread got awfully quiet for the real autism
Anyone know where to find DC Booking pics? Their website is a confusing maze of government graft.
you think they hate us now? why? because they call us names on Twitter? just wait.
You have said REPEATEDLY that we should not fight communists in the street, even though the NSDAP did exactly that to great effect. You are incapable of explaining why we shouldn't when they did.
The communists were agents of the jews then, and agents of the jews now.
Fighting them was successful for the NSDAP then, and will be successful for us now.
Fighting communists in the streets did not cause the NSDAP to fail then, and it will not cause us to fail now.
>inb4 if you fight the agents of jews, the jews win
Could you two nigger shut the fuck up and put your efforts in to other shit? Like ID'ing those antifa fools. You're worse than the anti christian kikes.
together they take up over 1/3 of the thread. It's impressive if nothing else. Hope your comment doesn't start faith d/c.
Why are you comparing then to now? Let me tell you about then and now, ok?
If Hitler had won he would eventually have won the entire world and there would be peace for the Aryan race
Not organic
Copied from 1933
Controlled by Zionists and Jews
When Nationalism fails, and it will because this has all been set up so that it fails, every non-white and many white people will gladly accept Globalism in the form of the NWO.
This is the plot.
Probably will because I know how many kikes are rubbing their hands to shitfling even more. Fucking hell.
We're not losing. We're winning.
where did i say not to fight communists, user? please show me. or admit to shilling.
I "think" they hate us now, because you can hear it in their voices when they talk about the "problem" in America on TV. In the glares they give as you pass on the street. By the rapings, and the mass movement of our replacement race onto our land. You sorely misjudge the effect ZOG has had on the minds of subhumans.
Are you shitting us with this? This has to be bait at this point.
let me know when you can feel it in their bullets, user. when youre white and literally afraid of being killed just for being white, then you can say they "hate us." Right now hate is being grown in them artificially. Theyre not there yet but soon if people like you dont wake up to my words.
this will be whites very soon, then you can tell me about hatred.
Yes, he's obviously shilling us.
Fuck his moms gonna be pissed.
I accept your defeat.
I said not to fight communists IN THE STREETS. its what they want. they want you distracted. You can fight communist by fighting their handlers and their financial pipelines and their protectors: Jews and Zionists in the US Government.
Without Jews and Zionists there is no ANTIFA.
3 birds, one stone.
crime stats, user, isnt a controlled effort of killing whites. they arent hunting us yet. but they will in masse.
I filtered him after that, it was just so utterly ridiculous. I bet he'll start talking about how he said ANTIFA, not communists next.
Go away moshe. We get that you're so paranoid that you think that not a single nationalist in this or any country is actually real. We get that you ignore crime stats and no-go zones. Fighting reds in the street and courts will continue even if you shit your kosher panties over it. Now fuck off
I'll prove my words true with one question:
Without Jews and Zionists there is no ANTIFA.
Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?
If you disagree, please explain why.
If you agree, pls simply say you agree and I'll finish up.
No, go look them up, you really need to. The ones you're looking for are number of incarcerated nigger felons under the age of 25, and black-on-white violent crime. You can take 2 seconds away from shitposting and baiting to educate yourself. This -is- a controlled effort to kill off whites, accompanied with economic pressure(whites have a harder time getting into higher education, thus more likely to slave away on a shit wage, have a harder time getting welfare, all contributing to lower birth rates), and the mass migration of a readily made replacement race which is just as violent or moreso than the niggers we have now. There isn't much time left to be whining about -which- of our enemies we're killing, because they're all the fuck around us.
you really cant see whats coming, can you?
you cant accept how bad its going to be, can you?
Antifa will exist even without zionist funding. And jews can be anti-zionist as well as isreal is an "apartheid state" You're entire arguments rests around doing absolutely nothing and focusing only and solely on the JQ. FIGHT THEM ON ALL FRONTS. You haven't actually proposed any solutions but only tried to stop any and all movements outside the internet.
im surry bby
Guilty conscience most likely.
just filter his id. how hard is that?
Yeah she is
Filter by ID+
You're a fool if you think they wouldn't choose this "slow" death to a violent orgy of bloodshed if given the choice. Europeans, historically, are -very -good at the latter. Killing commies has now, as it did in 1920's Germany, the power to shock the day-to-day drones out of their depressed rut. Their national spirit has just been stamped down, it can't be killed.
The problem for the Jews of nationalists fighting antifa openly in the streets is that it polarizes onlookers. And polarization is -very- good for us.
wasn't the antifa in question arrested?
you avoided my question. it was a simple yes or no and in typical kike fashion, you said a lot of shit without actually saying anything.
proof or GTFO.
ANTIFA is still:
So please give us an example of ANTIFA existing outside of Jewish control or accept your defeat like a good kike.
without Jews and Zionists, would ANTIFA be considered a "problem" today?
I'll just accept your defeat :^) Also, filtered, it's been fun you dirty fucking kike.
your english is shit, user. what does it even mean?
so you wont answer?
Jack also retweeted this guy, who's claiming the assailant is in this picture. But neither of those guys is the blonde faggot that got arrested.
itt: TRS, Zionists and Jews BTFO
Maybe we should look for these two instead of the blond guy if they already have the blond in custody.
Well one of those two is apparently JC Colgan, so we already have his name.
defeat accepted.
thank you for convincing lurkers I'm indeed correct
yeah i say so. but you can have the last post if you want it?
Same guy as in this Facebook group maybe? I can't click on his profile name for some reason.
Without Jews financing them, and without Zionists in Government protecting them legally, would ANTIFA still be considered a great threat or no? If "yes," explain why?
defeat accepted. im kicking a dead jew at this point.
remember my name, because i was able to defeat all of you TRS goons publically and openly. remember my name, because it'll be the name that awakens everyone you Zionists have deceived into endless sleep.
Soon I will crash this plane with no survivors.
#1 JC Colgan real name James C Colgan, Age: 29 - 03/13/1988, friends call him „Cal“
Fb:, Fb group:
Fb pics:
Knows Jess Ruth since atleast 2012, she’s could be his gf
Jess and JC Colgan (Fb: + pic itself:
Pic with #3Anja Helene Witek, #4Wren Monokian and #5Benjamin Charles:
Fb pic from 2012, when he lived in Gainesville:
#2 Jesse Ruth, Washington DC, real name Jessica Windisch, Anarchist, transsexual, 26 years old (based on
Is from Saint Petersburg, Florida
linkedin. com/in/jessica-windisch-43344b100/
Is a transsexual:
Has a friend called Eddie (probably black and bisexual):
Teaches middle school:
Insta:, (maybe some info through the background)
OpEdNews author:
#3 Anja Helene Witek, age 31, Saint Paul, MN,
Used to be or still is Barista at Starbucks, member Starbucks Workers Union (SWU)
Researchgate profile:
Some PDF with her name at the bottom: (this one has a TON of possible commie names at the bottom)
2009 Has written for „The Organizer“ a blog of the IWW:
Most likely her, in MNopedia:
#4 Wren Monokian, lives in Chicago since 10 years, 3 children
Babydaddy 1st kid: Dave Koppel (based on her baby blog:
Married to: Daniel Curtis:
Fb pics:
linkedin. com/in/wrenmonokian
Takes her baby to the slutwalk:
Twatter 2 accounts, both private:,
#5 Benjamin Charles, Baltimore, Maryland born 12 Oct. 1983 (33 years old)
Better pic:
Has written an article here: