Donald Trump freezes funding to groups fighting right-wing terror and white supremacism
This is arguably the biggest victory for Whites yet under the Trump Administration
Donald Trump freezes funding to groups fighting right-wing terror and white supremacism
This is arguably the biggest victory for Whites yet under the Trump Administration
It's anudda shoah!
We need to stop the persecution of white people.
Usono estas nur por blankuloj.
This is the most MAJOR victory for /ourguys/ yet. Fact.
But Holla Forums told me that Drumpf was a Zionist shill!
is this just going to be a necessary casualty?
Those can still be approved
Well done burgers
This has me giddy like a child. This is the biggest and most important thing Trump has done for whites
Uh oh. Expect a white shooter to go on a rampage soon. Trump going soft on them will be to blame.
broadcasting your game plan kike?Your rabbi told you that right?OY VEY!! lol
I saw that fag legit posting on halfchan awhile ago, maybe a week?
I could tell it wasn't a troll either there was no sarcasm in any of the posts.
bullshit, these organizations have become employers and the only reason any of them are crying about this is their dependence on federal funds for their livelihoods.
in other words since they don't produce a product or service, they have to get REAL JOBS.
Infragard, another waster of federal funds puts anyone on their lists of targets to keep the shekels coming into their coffers.
I think we already had this thread…
God damn the mods are SUCH FUCKING SHIT.
We DID already have this thread.
We did here:
But it was a pretty low energy OP compared to this one.
Nah, this one is better. Your thread sucked.
We no longer have the "government-funded" argument now. We need something to replace it.
It's always the kikes. Call it what it is user.
Everything in steps, user. Faggots can't swallow all redpills at once.
Imagine EVERY WHITE being a shooter going after only the yids and let the mudfucks stand in awe of the atrocity we unleash on you rats when pushed to the limit.Whites have dominated the world SO FUCKING HARD and are so much more capable than all else combined yet got complacent and its always the rat jew that wakes them up to their true apex predator nature because of (((their)))pomposity and delusions of grandeur yet always end up crying and expecting pity AHAHAHAA!!! SOON JEW!!Your dominating of the media and air waves growing bolder and more brazen with your smut and degeneracy,race mixing,gender bending attacks against the GOOD WHITE NON jew/shitskin family structure.You have brainwashed idiots into thinking your idea of reality for quite a long time however you haven't met legions of poor angry pissed off Whites that know you are the cause of suffering and turn back to warrior mind set regardless of your intricate illusions/narratives portrayed on media.While so many races especially you jew have benefited bigly from Whites in your case almost exclusively as you are the ultimate parasite to whites far worse than niggers who your kind brought to the US for shekels.All your lies are melting jew The light of the Aryans shinning on you rodents will burn hotter than any imaginary oven.
Hate to break it to you, but so far Trump's presidency has been Hillary Clinton lite. I hate the meme, but maybe we have to wait for Hitler after all.
Checked, thanks for the fresh pasta.
pottery, truly
Too late, they're already doing dry runs
I'll follow you everywhere my retarded faggot
that word (tried) is more than was attempted by any prez going back way farther than the nigger8yrs of monkey shit throwing in the WH to the clintons or bushes,ofc he is getting fierce opposition from butthurt jews and paid off shabbos ffs look how they already infiltrated his bloodline with rodent blood tbh should be thankful for what he has done and trying to do if its on board.He isn't perfect I got ban hammered everytime I said anything about sellout jewvanka and her rodent husband looking like skeletor with his 666 high rise instead of attacking Trump attack the shit stains impeding MAGA.He made (((mistakes))) already proly make some more too being pulled at by a bunch of fucking kikes that should be hung for treason.Far better than hillary and a stepping stone in the right direction regardless of the jew lib cunts in the judiciary that were all places strategically for this exact moment when someone TRIES to stop it and do something about it inb4 muh syria bombs count the obama bombs dipshit.
Weak memes are weaker by the day
got your Yarmulke's on ?
Yet, he has the house, senate, and supreme court. Outside of LARPers no one expected Trump to be Hitler, but the wall is a no brainer when it comes ro security and the economy. Also he didn't repeal the dreamers act, allowing known illegals to stay here.
Never said he was perfect yet you have to understand the opposition he is getting how many liberal jew rat/obama oppointed judges in the 9th dst have blocked him axing shitskin illegals ? or you rather the flood gates opened for everyone with a female career crook sellout be president . Listen jew No one is listing to you anymore hence your president expect more of that in the future or get you a nice spot in illegal occupied territory with some mudniggers were you belong the ME and not up the white mans butt crack sniffing for shekels and a greater israel letting white warriors do your dirty work for you.
Thread would have 100 posts by now.
move the counter forward by one
wewlad, its literally another shoah
he don't have the Supreme court yet the fucking decrepit hook nose alzheimer victim jew puppet still in then kennedy retiring could be good but right now its dead locked at best with jew worms swirling in her geriatric bag of jew shit
Wtf wheres all the shills?
by your dubs, I think they killed themselves
(checked) this thread put em to sleep lol I wish dirt nap tier.
kikes don't into statistics
So this might be only temporary.
That is definitely Tumblr quality stats.
And so it begins. Just wait until he cuts out aid to Israel.
Since it was approved by our ex-kang, it's safe to assume the groups benefiting from these grants did not target mudslimes at all and need to be defunded.
Admin should keep it sticky forever to shut the concern trolls mouths.
meme that shit wizards PULLLLLLEEEZ!!!!!!!!
On suicide watch
Literally one of the worst graphs I've never seen.
Why do libshits can't grasp the concept of per capita?
No reason to send aid to Israel they don't have any oil LOL what some olive gardens they destroyed Nazi would never destroy a natural resource like olive oil ,what do they have and better question how to they help the US I will answer that .They don't in not one way at all cut their funding let the jews cry and if they can live without the White Gods that give them everything for nothing in return but bullshit.You aren't chosen is the real chosen could cut you off at anytime
You should pay more attention faggot.
Not tired of winning yet.
if your not a kike why worry about my jewdar getting aggressive and if I called you a kike you were acting like one regardless of your fake white night calling YOUR own namefagin
whatever motherfuckers. when I see civil war dotr style then I'll be happy. go out and buy this so when the kikes see you coming, they know what your coming for
I want ATF bullshit to be repealed. I need a suppressor, or ten, already.
If they are gonna be able to see you coming use a Luger. Stick to modern assault rifles for the day of the happening
shill stop you just get on duty with fresh out the shower irish spring zeal have that cup of coffee if you are old enough and no real Nazi will parade down main street with a cap gun announce to the world SHOOT ME.. lol
Communists and Jews are more likely to stage acts of violence than white nationalists and supremacists.
The audacity
THE 1%
You should put the booze down m8. We have id's and I don't ip hop.
I don't think you know what that term means.
commies/jews would have been better as communism is jewish entirely and has failed every time in history they are the ultimate consummate of failure yet cry I AM CHOSEN while trying to bring all around them down to elevate themselves when White Aryan Men Teach those around them to further mankind instead of enslaving it by brute force jews try to enslave you by trickery of the mind aren't they a special little parasite when THE TRUE GOD RACE ENDED SLAVERY WHITES yet you little money hungry jews still condone it in your silly desert scroll book,it is not religious either it is a genetic abnormality that can be bred out I have seen it tho not likely as the virus jew woman and her filth spread like plague
Oh it's you. Never mind shitpost as you will. I'm glad you figured out how to keep your posts coherent though.
and that's by Europol's own admission. Still those stats should be taken with a grain of salt in regards to the religious extremism. It's possible that its downplayed like the migrant crime stats in Germany which omitted the Cologne attacks.
The neonazi organizations are pitifully small and half of their members are probably FBI or ATF.
It was a waste of money and it only served the purpose of helping Obama's pals.
no down playing mate when your women can't walk the street in your own country because of fucking shitskin migrants coming to your land under the guise of democracy and george soros tell you want you vote now change it a bit put them rats on their heels or your bowled over mate .My country is blessed to have guns even though niggers kill each other and whites smart enough to get away from their filth just hoping it will stop someday can live my life at the lake no roaches/niggers/whatever obama brought in with all their diseases just leave me alone right ? NO Mother Fucker time to fight is coming get ready or be a cuck your own family members will kill to survive because you a useless to them but but I'm a boomer yea shtf no special rights only survival…you not so smart now are ya or are YOU
All white moved out of cities right now the gov would collapse one big push away from the niggers and multi culti shit that is poison all white live on the land for a few months all niggers non rich jews would all die the rest would gtfo take their ME/Asian ugly asses to israel FLOOD THEM WITH ALL JEWS matter of fact all jews out of white euro country go to israel let the niggers starve or go back to africa Whites a self sufficient far beyong mud huts we build castles and skyscrapers niggers ehh mud huts sand niggers ehh stone blocks made with slave shit
No one pays taxes no one buys left right paradigm a cabal of rat jews controls no fed banks we just say NO very simple
Is this reconciliation or an enemy making a mistake. That is the question.
Seriously. It's like kikes have decided:
And still chose nazies for the sake of shekel preservation.
No, the (((republicans))) have congress. Have you already forgotten there actions during Trump's campaign?
shut up jews Natsocs are talking don't you have somewhere to go like israel the GOY GAVE you you didn't earn you weak parasites as if that wasn't enough you want more how about when we eradicate you here and all your women have infected we glass israel the nothing burger pos it is in the me for US interest ehh? sound like a good plan to me
JIDF must be pretty pissed, they will lose their american division. Expect a drop in numbers of shills from now on. Finaly some breathing room. The syria strike was still retarded, chess or no chess, but this is definetely good news
You're assuming they are being sincere in their explanation of their targets.
That said if you still worry of such a thing just take comfy in the fact that our whole administration is built to destroy Islamic radicalism. We don't need these shoddy community groups anymore.
Also will be interesting to see what the review turns up, I wouldn't be surprised if some of this money was actually funding Islamification of some sort.
Who exactly shilled the Syrian maneuver to Trump? It gave his enemies extra ammunition and some have already started saying that he is actually doing things Obama/Hillary would have done themselves.
He has none of those. The deep state has them.
Yes he is predicting what (((they))) will do, but why would you assume he's one of them?
more charts
Oklahoma City bomber
Which ATF agent is he talking about?
Well, Soros gonna have to empty his pocket even more.
obvious bait
criticizing someone or questioning their decisions doesn't mean you're a shill, it means you're not an idiot.
But seriously, Chuck's probably a fraud and has no idea what he's talking about.
It's the same trick global warming alarmist use when they start with 1979. Look at every graph and data set they try to give you. They'll all start at 1979. polite sage for off topic
mate. we need to talk
That was beautiful user.
B-But Jews are white too! He's helping the kikes with this! He's a zionist shill! Just believe me already!
dont you fools see kikes WANT us to resist them
it's just more 666D chess from the kikes
just take the black pill go– guys
kion li per chi tio intencas
nobody talking about johnson amendment?
Wouldn't be surprised the funding is being shifted into other information warfare programs instead. They've probably realized attacking such communities with groups directly is a waste of money. Memetic warfare presents an interesting problem for them: Not only this method persuades people with small units of information per dose; it also turns them into propagators which also redpill more people without any official organization needed.
So the war would have to shift towards countermeasures against memetics while developing their own. That means the very concept of 'organized groups' becoming obsolete. So I'd imagine the emphasis will be to attempt to create another stand alone complex to fight against Holla Forums.
Point is while this de-funding sounds good, bear in mind this could signal a major shift in strategy.
Since you're argument is similar to others, I'll address you. That and I'm phone posting, so it'll make it easier.
Then what was the point of Trump winning, if the deep state is going to stop him at every turn? Mind you he always said he was flexible and it's not like the deep state made him marry off his daughter to a kike.
I'm not ready to burn my MAGA hat yet, but if Trump wears a fucking yamaka at the weeping wall (thank you Jewgle) with Bibi it's over.
Except waiting for Hitler is/was a /pol meme.
Or maybe I just don't like reading walls of texts and have proper spacing between points/paragraphs.
Stay classy. I know we invested a lot of time and meme capital into Trump, but that doesn't and shouldn't mean we can't criticize him when he's doing something against our interest.
or just a jew tbh fam
Oy vey how horrible how are we getting 3049409304 gazillion dollar now to fight the terror we make ourselves in first place oy vey
The point was for him to cause enough chaos that we can take further advantage of by getting more populist outsiders into government. You saw how hard they fought him during the election. Did you think that just magically stops once it is over?
They just lost their funding
Do you really think they're just going to allow another Trump to happen? Like you say later they fought tooth and nail to stop Trump, just imagine how much harder they'll fight the next time. Also good luck trying to get state reps, representatives, and senators when most normies only vote in the presidential election.
No that would be too naive, but I didn't it was going to this hard that he's creeping away from his promises.
Everyone including Putin does the meme wall jew cap thing. If he wouldn't, the media would eat him alive and start assassination attempts towards Bannon or something. If he has any sense of strategy he better LARP along with the others at that wall, and then go home and keep making political change that actually matters.
Too many happenings at the same time. The Johnson Amendment is still in place though. The EO erasing the Johnson Amendment's restrictions is just a temporary bandage, which is similar to the EO about Obamacare signed on the President's first day in office. I think we'll have to wait until tax reform to see anything more.
Vid related. Life After Hate is an opportunistic jew scheme to make money off of telling people a bunch of bullshit. They don't disprove the arguments of racists or race realists, they just say that it's wrong and then make a bunch of idiotic claims that the KKK is wearing suits now.
Jesus fucking christ, finally. Half the reason why white nationalism has never been able to take off IRL for so many decades is because there's constant gov't interference. Things like undercover FBI agents who infiltrate peaceful groups and start rattling the cage and convincing people to steer toward violence, just so they can nab them. And even more importantly, the fact that FBI infiltration is a possibility has meant that groups end up being incredibly paranoid, thinking everyone else is a fed or a shill.
If this is legit, it means we have a huge load off our backs and can start organizing better without having to constantly live in paranoia.
thanks capt. obvious.
also, the 80/20 rule.
Whoever did that chart needs to be shot in the nape.
Made this. It's more-so for personal use but might as well post it.
thank you for your service
It's the typical bullshit tricks the jews always use. Note that it starts at 2002, so they're completely ignoring 9/11, which is the largest terrorist attack to ever happen on US soil. And of course it's only going up to mid 2015, so it's also ignoring the various attacks like San Bernardino, Miami fag nightclub, etc. And even then, it's also not taking proportionality into account. Muslims only make up like 2-3% of the country, and it's being compared to the other 97% of the country. The nonjihadist terrorism would need to be 32x as high just to match the jihadist terrorism, if you take proportionality into account.
seems like (((their))) ideas are pretty weak if they need millions in grant money to make them more palatable than the alternatives (and still fail at it)
Another thing to consider along these lines is approximately 90% of all the homeland security grants have gone to jewish oriented organizations.
When your paragraphs are single lines long, you don't have "proper paragraphs".
From the same article.
I fucking love trump, but everyone is always so two faced when it comes to this. the shills love taking advantage of this, or rather they are pretending to be us, and then trying to make us change our minds because we believe we are in the company of other real people.
or this bullshit
And I'm likely forgetting quite a few. Every few weeks, there was a new gimmick. Some frantic, desperate strategy using a combination of polls and false positives and self-titled experts declaring these things as indisputable fact, and then they just give up on one narrative and start another. The one we're on now is quite literally
It's really gotten that lazy, but these faggots are all patting themselves on the back over this one. They think they've finally got it! 3 months in and this will be the thing that stops Trump from being President! People don't like him! HAHA! Take that drumpfkins! NOW TRUMP CAN'T BE PRESIDENT. To reiterate.. We're THREE FUCKING MONTHS INTO HIS FIRST YEAR AND THEY THINK THEY CAN STOP HIM NOW. He's already elected and you can't fucking impeach a president because the news said all of Trump's supporters hate him now.
Don't get me wrong. You can be pissed at the guy or question his decisions or voice your confusion over the shit he's done, but this idea that half country has suddenly changed sides and now it's everyone versus Trump is fucking stupid. He's not going anywhere for another 4 years, for fuck's sake.
This blackpill pessimism and defeatism is simply the next step. First they tried to derail us. Then they tried to shill us. Now they are pretending to be us and trying to drag us into the abyss where lefty faggots have been wallowing for these past few months. This is demoralization, plain and simple, and just like every single other narrative they tried before, when there are not tangible results, they will panic and switch to something else. The earliest rumblings seem to be the baseless claim that Kushner and Ivanka are manipulating Trump and making him do things because Ivanka was sad about dead children.
they bitch and scream and moan and say "he will not divide us" while at the very same moment they are trying to divide US they are screaming out in pain with their forked tongues as they strike out with lies and hypocrisy
they go against truth and honesty and the good man that was voted in by the american people
they want to appear like the victims to others while they brainwash themselves to consider themselves heros.
The reason they keep doing this is exceedingly simple: They are losing. They are losing viewers, which loses them money. Without money they can't enforce their control on the world as easily. They can't make people think and act and believe what they want if no one trusts them. They mistakenly think Trump is the key and that if we lost him, we'd lose everything, everyone would go back to sleep, and we'd all just pretend none of this never happened. We won, We are winning, We are not tired of winning, We will NOT tire of winning, and We will win forever. there's only so much longer that these parasitic cretins can scrape by before they lose everything and we are going to experience the feeling of evil losing until evil ceases to exist.
and this is for the shills that cry out against anti shill copypasta
shills are counting on the effectiveness of mentioning /killcen/ the same way they mention "cats cradle" or how the mainstream media mentions the word "conspiracy theorist" because they depend on normal people having a cognitive dissonance reaction so that all logic and reason automatically become ignored. everyone just makes a quick assumption about the person or issue or anything being discredited by what is essentially just advanced namecalling. they don't check to see if its true, or ask questions to figure out of what's being discredited is deserving of being discredited. they just assume they are being told the truth.
"cat's cradle! cat's cradle!"
this has nothing to do with cat's cradle, and in fact nothing has anything to do with cat's cradle as cat's cradle has nothing to do with anything. check fuckin m8
people usually gloss over threads when killcen is mentioned.
Something about knowing that someone's mind is corrupted makes them easy to outright ignore without a second thought.
It's something we have to watch out for. Eventually it could be used against us as individuals. (more so than it already is)
very cool quote:
and everyone knows it? who's everyone? your shill corporation owned office building?
I haven't been on /killcen/ before but if you think it's fake, you must be calling whatever you call /killcen/ fake as an insult right? I can't judge because I don't know what /killcen/ is about but you shills clearly want to associate /killcen/ with being something that people shouldn't trust.
from what I have heard /killcen/ means "kill censorship" and if you want to defame a board that claims to want to stop censorship and you seem to shill post on everything you don't like and cry "shitcen!" "killcen!" "shillcen!" it gives the impression that you want to stop /killcen/ from stopping censorship, and gives the impression that you want to censor people and information that you do not approve of.
if you are so strongly against /killcen/ that you predominantly seem to shill every board on Holla Forums by insulting pretty much every fairly truthful and well reasoned post and comment by telling them to "go back to shillcen" It honestly makes me wake up and believe that shills exist. it also motivates me to visit /killcen/ to see what it is that you shills hate so much and don't want people to know.
How fucking retarded can you possibly be. Neither scenario you presented is real. The first is paid shills. The second is MULTIPLE, DIFFERENT PEOPLE; THE DETRACTORS OF WHICH ARE PAID FUCKING SHILLS.
Are you legitimately autistic? That’s the only medical explanation for your inability to comprehend the concepts of personal differentiation and ideological solidarity. Fuck off, lunatic.
If he hadn't started gargling Paul Ryan's cock right from the start, this might have meant something.
He's not The One.
The Owl worshipping Kiddie Diddlers running the show aren't sweating anything.
Ever been there? It's a website that tracks the frequency of muslim terror attacks as well as casualties.
I did say points as well. The extra spacing just makes it easier to read.
Because it's not like Trump did any of those things.
Maybe for someone fresh of reddit or something.
88/14! Heil Hitler!
Actually we are currently on Obamacare
Looks like our moderation team is run by kikes
Yes, we know. They've admitted to it.
Pic related.
You have no argument kiddo
>muh lemons
filtered with extreme prejudice.
I know he's banned, but holy shit redditors, take note and come up with a better excuse. We're big boys now, we don't use wide-ruled style. And it makes your shitty worthless post take up double the screen space – more when you realize that he could have written paragraphs instead of entering a newline after every sentence. Fuck off already.
Finally, someone who gets it. I like how you broke the mind of the 2 shills tasked with replying to you.
Just to illustrate my point, here's the same post, except now I'm pretending to be a child writing his first book report:
Good triple
If they were capable of grasping concepts or even recognizing they are wrong, they wouldn't be libshits.
Reminds me of the swedish cuck that would bring up how the USA, 300m pop has more instances of rape per year than Sweden, 10m pop. I figured that when called out, the cuck would move the goalposts and go "but sweden has a broader definition of rape" but the fucking cuck stopped shitposting for a while and got on another proxy, fuck sweden.
Christ you guys are pathetic. You can't address my points so you decidesl to get autistic over spacing. This is why I only lurk most of the time.
This is still early game for Trump. It is signaling only, and maybe paying some "dues".
We will see once he gets to the mid and development part of his politcal game.
I personally think he is not agasin't Israel, but he is pro whites in white countries. In the sense, that he will not bow down and let himself get fucked by Israel as many others would but he would rather have them than a healthy Palestine. In trumps case, no one can say anything else than he is giving signals to people and that is all, to reach conclusions in his first 100 days of his pseudo presidency (because he hasn't been able to do much with obstructions) well, it's just a sample too small of a size.
Doing the opposite of waiving the Trump dick flag is gay. But saying he is a Hillary lite, meh, Dunno. We will see.
God Speed.
The Redditfag is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a cuck, parasite, shill, shitposter, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Redditfag and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
I remember NPR, WaPo, NYT, et al. were pushing this "right wing whites are the real terrorists" narrative really hard just a few days before the Orlando shooting.
All of a sudden I stopped seeing the articles and hearing about it on the radio, just like that.
This guy shouldn't have been banned.
Gotta love how the media thinks they can just use MIB mind-erasers and pretend nothing happened. Remember how they were shilling all those rape accusations against Trump in the weeks leading up to the election? "well there are FORTY women who are coming out accusing you, Donald! Surely they can't all be making it up!"
…and then after election, none of them ever even so much as bring up all these fake rape allegations ever again. Never happened. And in the next breath, they'll continue shilling the notion that false rape accusations NEVER occur.
I want to believe you. Really I do. Yet, what makes more sense, a life long Democrat who donated to both parties and fought to allow niggers (and spics?) into his/a club out of no where started to dog whistle for the actual Right, because he meant it or he's controlled opposition whose goal was to placate millions of whites into thinking they've made America great again? Mind you a lot of Trump supporters were first time voters, including myself. Unless we got the second coming of Trump both on the federal, state, and local levels voter turnout is going to back prior to the election.
I need to stop phone posting. Anyway even with record turnout, every other Republican candidate, but Trump and a US senator, lost. Most just voted Trump and left. Yet, we're supposed to expect a populist and nationalist revolution? Trump had the benefit of a large social media following and near 24/7 coverage in the media. Most other candidates couldn't say the same. Either not having the presence or coverage. At best Trump is a boomer civic nationalist. However, as I stated earlier I'm not ready to burn my MAGA hat, but I'm not going to just pretend everything is fine either.
He's banned because fanatical allegiance to Trump is how 8/pol/ anons compensate for not being white.
Are you implying /pol consists of a lot of
As funny as that would be, I blame/pol's paranoia, where even genuine people on their side or at least sympathise with them are accused of being shills then dismissed.
You were talking about niggers though.
I was joking about /pol being mostly "based" niggers in MAGA hats. But Trump did fight to allow in niggers and kikes into the Mar-a-Lago.
No shit.
Clearly didn't get the joke.
That's because you aren't funny.
is it the shills or is it the shills you dumb fucking jackass?
does anyone know what is going on anymore?
I'm not reading that shit you fucking moron.
reminds me of this guy
I'm also not reading that either.
Trying to get Soros to shove more money their way
Nice cat's cradle, CPL
breh, who on here actually unironically thinks the "9/11 was committed by islamic fundamentalists" meme
The muzzies who crashed the planes with no survivors were legit. They were muslims who thought they were committing jihad for allah. But it's more complicated than that. It was most likely Mossad or another ZOG organization pulling their strings and getting them to do it. The terrorists think they're doing it because the "leaders" of their decentralized terrorist cell wanted it, but they didn't realize they were just pawns and it was actually the jews directing them.
Let me try to make a video game analogy. Raiden in MGS2 thinks he's infiltrating Big Shell to save the president from terrorists. In reality, he's actually a tool of the patriots (ZOG) being used to shut down some bad goyim from challenging the jews' power.
I thought they did it for free.
Yes, yes they are. Why do you think there has been so much staged convenient turmoil.
I sincerely wonder if this has to do with our MASSIVE loss of unique IPs.
It was finals week.
That certainly contributes to it, but the last several finals weeks we didn't see that much of a drop.
Pfft. Now watch all of you faggots do olympic-level mental gymnastics trying to explain this video.
Retards not realizing that they're playing ball in the Kike's own game of Democracy. A game that you will never win.
But of course not.
Not until that ball and chain known as embryo and umbilical cord offer up a fresh uncircumsized baby cock for one to suck. Back to (Blue)s(h)quare one.
Curious, isn't it?
Come again?
Not really, summer's about to start so there will be a huge influx of faggotry soon. It's only curious if you're a newfag.
Sure mate, just add up all the popular VPN nodes that exist and see what number you get, and subtract that from what the IP number used to be (2200?).
It might get you fairly close I bet.
No shit it isn't.
You can't really say "No shit" if it's not fucking obvious.
The only reason you didn't pick it up is you're likely ESL. You have to go back.
You are incredibly fucking gullible if you think there was not all sorts of fishy surrounding 9/11
I guess it's possible there may have actually been Muslim hijackers that flew planes into buildings at precise moments in precise locations to make the controlled demolition of the WTC 1 and 2 seem plausible.
But that is a remote possibility, user. Like the possibility that you AREN'T a disinfo agent/spectacularly bluepilled homosexual.
Actually I'm EFF.
I see what you did there.
And you think you're even working for yourself?
You don't even know what EFF is, do you? I made it up
You are obviously too attached to the EFF.
The ENI?
Too many boys.
Welcome to neo-pol.
The first rat shows up.
These aren't even Panzerfield faggots.
Not fine.
Too many boys.
Knowing what you are.
Lord knows what they're on about.
Why do you kikes always put neo in front of everything?
Working overtime shilling Macron and derailing any discussion about his corruption on normalfag media.
You're going to have to try harder schlomo.
Sorry to break it to you but you are a kike puppet. How's the weather in Tel Aviv, Saul?
Answer the question. Why do you kikes always put neo in front of everything?
To be fair a project like that won't stop akbars from going boom in USA
Only Deportation will
He does not have the senate
Republicans hold a flimsy majority when they need 60% to do the shit that needs to get done
and that's ignoring McCain and Graeme
Well that's ignoring Omar "Shots for everyone in the gaybar" Marteen, as well as how we've been pretty light on false flag attacks
Why do they write Roof's name but not McVeigh's?
Could be any one of us. But he's a step in the right direction and I'll fucking take it.
People know who Roof is but not McVeigh while knowing about OKC
Why wait for Hitler when we can become the next hitler
There are your missing IPs, retard. Pay more attention.
They sure as hell don't know who Gary Best is.
Trump is the Golden Lion Emperor who will usher aryans into a new age of prosperity and unabashed WINNING. HUGELY WINNING.
Dismantle everything ex kang nigger did. Destroy his "legacy" and rustle the shit out of liberal jimmies.
Consistency makes you predictable.
Predictability makes you static, which is a weakness.
You're not weak, are you, white cuckboi? :^)
You mean jew cuckboi?
Meme responsibly, dumbass.
Does anyone have the link to the stats where white supremacists have killed the fewest number of people? There was a breakdown by religious/ethnic terrorism for every major sect.
white supremacism and racism and white terrorists are part and parcel of living in a big city.
Do you have the link giving the breakdown of sunni/shia/buddhist/jewish/white supremacist terrorism casualities?
You need some rest mate.
Anyone have the link giving the breakdown of sunni/shia/buddhist/jewish/white supremacist terrorism casualities?
Being inconsistent will make no one trust you, being inconsistent means you have no principles and will probably let white people disappear off the face of the earth because you're convinced that being a nihilist machiavellian type around a bunch of shitskins is somehow better than being a straightforward impervious type around your friends, family, and lots of whtie brethren. slavs don't count Real fucking clever you and Trump are.
fuck off shill. jet fuel can't melt steel beams. thermite was found in the building wreckage. why did that other building randomly get a fire and then just fall down? why did all buildings collapse exactly like a controlled demolition?
This one?
Keep crying for muh Assad and muh Russia. This is all long overdo. Might makes right and cuts through the bullshit. If they don't get their faggotry under control we're going to make it real shit. Do you understand, you sand huffing faggot?
t. kike who wants Israel's borders to expand via ISIS havoc
No. This is my nation saying fuck you, cut the shit. You're going to look real smug when you're eating another MOAB.
A bunch of faggot kindergartners jacking around in a fucking sandbox. Daddy is home.
personally I'd be okay with israel taking over the middle east if they did it by shedding their own blood. Manipulating others to fight for them and pay for their wars and economy is more than enough to call them an enemy and fucking destroy them over it. Nothing wrong with a bit of war and colonialism though.
Your nation has been saying fuck you to everybody since 19 fucking 48.
Yes and it's never going to stop, long as you act like petulant children. Keep crying about Daddy being angry when he comes home.
It will when we decide to stop funding you kike.
You were clearly told to cut the shit. If you don't get to the table daddy is going to smack you all around.
Shut your faggot mouth. You have big lip on you. The gun doesn't care once it's already pointed.
stay mad jew
You can keep up the kike meme all you want. America is more German than Germany at this point. You're too simple to see the big game, little one.
hmm really makes you think
No, where's your real response? If you just keep crying, "No, you're a big poopyhead!" you're going to get your sandbox closed.
Yeah, that was an outright kikel.
Day of the rope hopefully soon.
Keep it up, you passive aggressive faggot. Keep talking out the side of your mouth, the gun is already in the other side so I understand.
Oh so you're a jew larping as a jerrycuck?
That guys look 0% white. How the fuck is he suppose to be an former white supremacist?
No, dog. I am kill.
This faggot isn't Holla Forums just crying jew and cuck. Sounds like some new meat from Holla Forums or elsewhere. Speaking of elsewhere.
Yeah! People don't call people jews or cucks here! That's offensive.
That's literally all you have. You have no ammunition. That means you die or go in the corner.
the eternally frustrated jew posts again!
Summer camp is coming up again. Are you going to cry about the diving board not being long enough and your pig disgusting wife dying of typhoid and killing your child because the silly cunt wouldn't put it with someone healthy? You always put the gun right in your mouth.
Stop talking to yourself.
That's not going to work. Post smug anime lolis.
Heil Trumpler!
Jews just love giving directions. Don't they?
That's not how greentext works bud.
Especially bad directions.
Dubs confirm shill.
No. Petulant children need to learn their place. And it will be happening. The Germanic people are about structure, cleanliness and peace. You piss and moan over a mudhole and it's going to be closed.
It wasn't even the correct context either.
You're the living embodiment of autism my friend.
That didn't really happen
What is this, 1954?
I'm sorry. Autism is wrong. I will never hate Niggers again.
Damnit Drumpf, every time I think you're a kike shill you surprise me and make me love you again.
You really are autistic, I'll spell it out for you.
(((They))) kept trying to poison the well regarding the 4D chess meme, and they hate it so much. They hate nothing more than whites being proud.
There are no good sand people. Killing semites and wannabe White mongols is what we do in front of the kikes to make them watch it first. The true cuckoldry is upon you because the leash is off.
fuck yes thank you user
Daddy doesn't have an ear for you. The eternal middle child.
So you're from /r/theDonald or whatever the fuck it's called? You know how much of a faggot you sound when you say that shit?
Throwing money at beaurcratic organizations will not destroy white nationalism, these people are delusional
Hi, welcome to Holla Forums. Please fuck off and kill yourself.
I doubt they want to truly destroy it. "white supremacists" are a boogeyman used to rally the parasitic orc hordes, and when you're sucking the government tit if you solve whatever problem you're supposed to solve you're out of a job. They'd have just been more thought police and crybullies.
Ya don goofed fam
I want FBI to know that I am not a pedo faggot and I am a good goy who loves America.
pls don't v& me
I reported it so hopefully I won't get v&, but of course, to not get v& you'd have to secure delete your browser cache and probably change your IP, it would be a whole Thing.
wait, wtf, there are pol users here who dont have folders full of cp and animal abuse???
Your death sings so sweetly to me.
People clicked on actual CP without VPNs on 4chan back in the day, nothing will fucking happen to you.
That first part about having to pretend is real though.
But what about freezing funding to Saudi Arabia? Why won't Trump do it?
or Israel for that matter
Trump still isn't uncle Adolf
Nice to see the liberal narrative lives on.
I personally am just concerned with Jared kushner whispering seductive jewry in his ear.
You need to leave.
But without spending tens of millions of dollars in tax-payer money, how will we protect America from the Nazi menace?
Truly all those meme posting shut-ins, inbred 70 year old southerners and ten year olds who troll YouTube comment sections are the greatest threat to the country there has been.
Who is blair white?
This faggot.
so far it's been shown that he can't win all battles, and has lost some major ones - however this does not mean that he is a lost cause. He is still human, no matter where he is. Chances are that he's in a fighting battle with people of opposing ideals, or in other words… exactly the situation we expected him to be in.
In other words, ignore everything that EVERYONE says about Trump, until Trump himself actually says it.
You didn't need to post that.
That's fucking stupid. You should compile and verify all data towards all possibilities you shit. Also don't project your expectations on everyone else. I expected he might flop, but not this much, I wouldn't wait for an incumbent to change. It's we who need to provoke him, not vice versa.
I just picked the first result that appeared when I put his name in the jewtube search bar. How else would I answer your question? Posting an image of this fag? That would require saving it.
Don't answer my question because I wasn't asking you. You should apologize for being rude, if anything.
If you didn't want an answer, why ask?
Who says I didn't want an answer?
You did. You implied that the person who answered was more important to you than the answer itself.
Provide the evidence then, it doesn't exist.
That doesn't prove I didn't want an answer, because I did want one.
Evidently you didn't. What you wanted was for the user you asked to pay attention to you.
If it's so goddamn evident then provide the evidence retard.
here you go
That doesn't prove I didn't want an answer,
because I did want one.
And i gave you one.
You're welcome. :^)
Correct, and I said I wan't asking you.
Why does it matter who you were asking?
Why is that any of your business?
Why do you ask?
I'm being rhetorical, the answer is pretty obvious.
Does that mean it's time to shut it down?
you need to fuck off and kill yourself.
Trumpcucks are still holding on to their /ourguy/ fantasy because he gave you some strategic table scraps. The groups affected by this freeze are small potatoes compared to Jewish and Jewish-backed groups who "fight White Supremacism". He certainly won't stop the funding to Jewish groups fighting "Anti-Semitism". You can take that to the bank.
This board needs to get rid of the pic of Hitler in the lower right hand corner. You aren't National Socialists. You're not even "entry level" NS or similar. You're basic bitch Republicunts LARPing as NS. The election season media circus was little more than WWF/WWE drama on a grand scale to get working class Whites behind Trump (and thus pacifying them).
Trump plays for Team Jew. Always has, always will.
And global report.
You fucked up when you used the word poopyhead. Only a jew would do that.
For what? Stating an obvious fact that should be apparent to anyone who isn't a retarded normie or Jew shill? Which one are you?
And global report.
Go back to The_Donald.
So leave. You won't though. I'm sure you've tried, but no one wanted to LARP with you in your treehouse for blackpilled teens.
Butthurt basic bitch Republicunt and possible homosexual Zhid from r/T_D detected.
There is some good stuff posted here by those who actually understand how things work and what is actually going on. I lurk here for them. However, the Trump worship among those who should know better is beyond cringeworthy.
Sorry, but no serious National Socialist (or any other kind of Jew-wise White person) who isn't a noob to the "movement" is going to play cheerleader for such a blatant and obvious philosemite like Donald Trump – especially now after he has clearly confirmed his status as a member of Team Jew.
How do you fuck up that bad?
And yet, they still spend billions of dollar trying to infiltrate and destroy "white nationalist" movements.
Any bureau cucks here need to gaze upon this chart in despair. Your efforts are doing nothing, by and large we help more than we hurt. Literally good boy christians are a bigger threat.
that's my fetish fam
Did he really?
topkek fam. Shills don't realize, that's not only illegal - Holla Forums has been compromised for years. I wouldn't be surprised if more shills get arrested for CP charges than they get sites shut down.
Welcome to hell friend.
Legally- you have to delete it, and then report it to the feds. Which is what the global mods do.
Thing is, by default apache and nginx log access records. e.g. your get request. If you opened the thread before the CP was posted, and had auto update on - your computer 'accessed' the CP as far as records are concerned. You didn't even have to look at it to view it.
What's even scarier? It's easy af to forge those logs, hate someone? Create a server in their name, upload CP, forge requests from their computer delete any evidence of your own doing, and you have now successfully framed someone for CP crime effectively ruining their life and putting them away for at minimum 13 years.
Be the change in the world that you want to see, user.
If they don't pass, it sounds like another executive order to declare from our man, Donald.
If you're lurking, Eric, tell your father that he's doing a great job and to keep up the good work.
(Double checked)
And drown your cunt sister in the shitter.