If a right winger is highly autistic and or sexually undesirable is it fine to use those aspects to shame them?
If a right winger is highly autistic and or sexually undesirable is it fine to use those aspects to shame them?
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tbh i don't really give a shit if someone's autistic or a virgin so it's dishonest when i mock the alt-reich for it
but i still do it anyways
Their ideology is created out of shame.
The way to free someone from bootlicking is to show them that it's possible to live a comfortable life without trembling in fear in regards to what "others" might think.
Don't throw stones in a glass house
holy shit what
Their lack of theory is shame enough.
A highly austistic and sexually undesirable lefty.
also he's a cute slav boy not really unattractive tbh
It's not the video. It's him.
On a chan? Yeah
In real life? Give artists a break
He's done nothing wrong
Leave him alone you bully
except for being ugly.
I think he looks pretty handsome
If you like dudes who look like malnourished versions of reviewbrah.
First kekizy, now this. Are all posters on Holla Forums grilles?
Schnitz is qt, shut your whore mouth
Nope, just crossposters/dressers from /cuteboys/. I've seen the faces of Holla Forums thread.
Shhhhh. Don't let everyone know this is trap central. Gotta keep the competition low so the tail is easier to take.
No, it's not okay. Girls are very illogical, and will attack anything that isn't trying to be an angry aggressive macho bad boy. Usually an "autistic" man is what the standatd for a man should be. Just because someone doesn't follow hollywood celebrities and goes to trashy social events doesn't mean there's something wrong with him. The opposite, really.
For example:
Should be shamed until he commits suicide and stops whining about never having a gf.
You have to be shitting me.
Obviously I don't mean real autism, just the anti beta male kind.
But I would still rather have a Chris Chan in my society than some Brazil favela dweller
Man, if you would rather have Chris Chan than fucking anyone else there is something wrong with you.
beta cuckold detected
What exactly is "beta"? I am a respectful man who doesn't humiliate himself in hookup culture. There is no reason to think less of me for that.
No wonder you have a nazi flag
You are a little cuck incapable of doing things by himself
You should listen to your inner voice tho, you are indeed worthless, stay away from society
You're the same thing as the capitalists who claim wage earners with low living standards are lazy.
Society is fucked up. It's not okay.
I'm starting to think this fucker is lefty in disguise. all the delusional beta cringe is too much and too good.
Don't you people realise that the only reason you actually believe this contradiction is because feminists would lynch you if you didn't?
Even your ability to reason is cucked.
Or because they have evidence to prove both statements correct.
Show it then.
I think we should round up every right-wing autist and sperg during the revolution and shove them into the ground, to ensure their toxic lack of theory never sees the light of day again.
What's up with this board's hate for virgins? Being a virgin doesn't automatically make you right-wing. I'm a virgin and a hardcore leftist.
Probably because you're an icky, disgusting woman hater with crypto-patriarchy tendencies. You're not a true leftist if you can't even get a girlfriend.
We don't hate virgins. I don't think it matters at all, personally