Black student tries to extort better grades of out of her university president, forgets she has a long history of attacking whites on her twitter ๐
Black student tries to extort better grades of out of her university president, forgets she has a long history of attacking whites on her twitter ๐
Other urls found in this thread:
And this is why everyone went to /polk/.
I still haven't been to /polk/ because everyone says it's shit. What's it about?
Like every other "Holla Forums alternative" out there It's a controlled opposition board run by extremely assblasted goons.
Holla Forums without kampfy
I use to say its shit but honestly after the plebbit invasion its fucking paradise. Just Holla Forums without the shitskin mods that ban for stepping out of line. It does get shilled a lot which should set off any respectable pollacks jewery senses but so did Holla Forums when moot was doing the same thing left and right.
Since Holla Forums is run by a jew and moderated by nonwhites, how much worse could it be?
Not a lot of posters but its pretty /comfy/ tbh.
Except that Holla Forums doesn't have shitskin mods and for some mysterious reason you can never ever prove otherwise.
I'm surprised you're lying, (((user))). I've literally never seen a yid lie before :^)
Nice plebbit spacing. Sure.
Holla Forums is run by FSB and /polk/ is run by FBI
so Holla Forums with jews and shills constantly watching you? cause over the last couple days I've watched kampfy take care of all you faggot shills with extreme prejudice and post proofs
Can we just please end the university system already and opt for education like trades?
Blow your fucking brains out.
All jews will have to be killed first, user. You know this.
Nah, you're lying because you're lying. Feel free to prove that you aren't lying though. Too bad you never can
No ones expecting reddit who jumped the wagon to know what the infamous picture of kikey blazing up in his car looks like. Step up your chupatz kike.
I agree fellow ((user)), because "goon", "fag" or "kike" without a public attachment is great moderation.
There are 4 posts per hour there.
Global report. Proof was provided.
Except that wasn't a imkampfy. That was was some random shitskin that you frustrated hebrew gentlemen started claiming was kampfy without any evidence. Then after awhile you started claiming he's learningcode without any evidence. lel you retarded goons have been claiming he's two separate shitskins and can't even get your narrative straight, much like your sexuality
Global report.
Because you've got Brazilians and other shitskins inflating the numbers here when we're all asleep kek. But seriously this was Holla Forums here before the election with occasional hiccups during the happenings, it'll grow with time.
/polk/ is a longterm D&C operation. Just wait til it gets enough people than the board will turn to shit and drive people away.
Nope, that's another lie. But then I wouldn't expect anything else from a yid.
Global report.
While you plebbit spacing niggers call anyone shareblue and goons without evidence, he's rach to a greatest extend but even then I don't give a shit I never called him anything but a shitskin. I suppose you weren't there to witness his incredible autism (80) turkposting either.
Mods D&C the population here, if we can't oust them better suck their cocks right.
It honestly wasn't that bad at first, now its entirely overrun by blackpilled endchan faggots that actually celebrate more shitskins getting into the country as long as it makes Trump look bad.
ITT kikes eternally buttblasted that this board can't be subverted like cuckchan, trying to get rid of a great mod by turning the board against him/her and shilling for a board they do run that is sfw.
You claimed imkampfy is non-white without any proof to back it up, and then linked to a thread on /sudo/ claiming he's non-white without any proof to back it up. I know you'd like to cite your lies with lies, yid, but I'm afraid that's not how it works
Funny how you have no evidence of that, though
Global report. >>>/sudo/28912
Reported for being imkikey.
dirty nog.
The link you provide features no evidence. Not that I was expecting a jewish ratman to furnish anyone with proof backing up their lies, after all that's impossible, but it's still pretty funny to watch you squirm and get increasingly mad
Let's not get carried away here.
You're mad because people told you to stop sucking Trumps dick when the farmers weren't prepared for automation nor is there security in knowing the spics slaving away on those plantations are going home, meaning they'll move to other jobs while destroying Californian farms. I'm fine with both opinions on Trump but cmon, your argument was "durr we're enriching the spics" whilst ignoring the fact we'll enrichen Argentinian spics even more whilst destroying a sizeable economy at home. Stop being so assblasted.
Global report. >>>/sudo/28912
Where's the evidence in your link? Is there some reason you're at a loss to point it out, such as the fact that there is no evidence in your link? lelel
enriching Argentians that stay in Argentina is a hell of a lot better than enriching spics that are living here.
Well at least it isnt enchan shill, still retarded though.
Anybody remember the times before (((/Polk/))) existed? Was pretty good.
Hey let's give these faggots arguing about other boards and d&c a round of applause for dog piling their bullshit in yet another unrelated thread. Seriously you faggots need to either stay on those boards considering you left this one already, or go suckstart a shotgun .
I'm pretty sure this thread had no chance of being anything but a clusterfuck considered how shit the OP is.
Of course, but best option would be 100% guarantee they're fucking off and automating the industry, but that isn't happening whilst ours decline. I don't mean to sound blackpilled but who knows what'l happen to them.
meme it faggot. I'll go full hitler with bans. there will be no defeatism in the ranks, all antifags will be doxed.
watched him post proof on a squad of shills and then ban them all. bretty sure he nailed washing machine poster early this morning before board maintenance though he might not have known who it was. think it was kampfy by posting style telling the raider they were a faggot.
yeah, from what I've seen kampfy is totally /ourguy/ I used to believe the shills too that the mods were garbage but like all kike lies if you do some digging you see its all bullshit.
Like what? Yeah OK fellow ((user)) here's all the digging you need.
Drown yourself, shill.
Try harder.
Reddit tier right here, its like you don't even know that he's rachposter as well.
13 posts in before there is one that is on topic about this crazy nigress and the failure of the Western education system. Emojis are cancer but it's become apparent we've become better adept at derailing ourselves than any paid third party actor is.
Yeah im tired of this bullshit to.
But they keep ban evading, I wish we could do something about it.
Like 4da450, you're attempting to prove your lies by posting links that don't back them up. You're just hoping the goyim take your links at face value. Because if anybody actually clicks them they'll know you're lying.
Global report. >>>/sudo/28912
"Stay mad, kike"
What's "shilling", " astroturfing" or "shitpost"ing? Well that's for the mods to decide ;^) I don't recall even cuckchan mods shadow deleting posts either. BTW this is on a good day, scroll down further and inspect as mooncoon deleted and bans for multiple weeks anyone who gets his delicate panties in a twist.
Your link has no evidence. Checkmate.
Hmmmm, this reeks of something.
post. proofs. I'm not going through all that to find one thing that you don't even have to show me kike.
you know who does this type of shit? leftypol on /qa/ before they ruined cuckchan.
its not going to work here faggot. you're not messing with cuckchan here, you're messing with people that do most of the real work. we'll make your black ass disappear you understand?
and if you look at the ban list that actually gives information on the ban, you'll see those bans were good
you're an obvious kike, and I'm reporting you for being an obvious kike. if I could I'd make it global. I'm also linking this thread in your retarded /qa/esque thread so people can see what you're doing.
I hope you get raped by a dunecoon and wake up but it happened to lacy and she's still a blind retard
Yes being facetious you brain dead retard. Nice deflection.
Go cry to your mods, I could care less you can't downboat me "friend".
this kike really rustled my jimmies. don't fuck with my home.
Lo do I yearn for the day when ips get revealed and we can just go door to door
You two reek of Holla Forums. You have to leave.
Is any post in this thread actually about the OP?
Oh my stars oniifam, I didn't think you were this stupid
Great thread.
Kek, nope. Still amusing as all hell though.
Would you look at that, an user banned for "shilling" for defending Holla Forums. All according to plan goyim, turn this into nothing but reddit kids parroting what ever the mods want you to, be carful before your reports bites you in the ass retard. Where are the other ones? Your chinese cartoons aren't an argument.
Lel I remember that fucker.
This nu/pol/ bullshit just astroturf in my opinion, needs to die.
We truly have the best bantz. Any Hebrew exposed to this savagery must not sleep for 40days and 40 nights.
It might be cancerous a little but its true. Better than endless smuggies as to prevent any real discussions that doesn't get banned for detailing, this guy actually had some substance.
Agreed, it's fucking garbage. The wave of squealing cunts whining about it all hit at the same time and haven't shut up about it since.
Yes but anyone pretending this board didn't degenerate is lying.
Just saw that last part, why do you Holla Forums goons fear the anime?
Just like clockwork, nice downboat autist.
I'm not pretending that at all. This board definitely degenerated. I just don't buy this nu/pol/ shit as being organic in any way. It's exploitative of the degeneration, not a genuine reaction to it.
Well played Holla Forums.
Shit like pic related are clearly done by Holla Forumslacks tho, its our nature, to violently rebel against anything crammed down our throats even if it is extreme. Bans for it only propel it further.
You sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong. The metaphor is that the kike is a crybully; the way you write it makes it sound like he's letting out a war cry or something.
Kek, I dunno about that.
Global report. >>>/sudo/28912
Drown yourself, shill.
uh huh.
they're really frustrated that their shit doesn't work here like it did on cuckchan
You do know global report doesn't work like that right? Its mwinly for reporting CP.
y-you too subvert-kun
Back to actual discussion, ironic to see a nigger complain about someone stinking.
It's a slower moving board with actualโ discussion
Don't know what this guy is talking about, it's a NatSoc board and is actually pretty close to how pol was back in the day
Are you familiar with the story behind the word shibboleth?
One more possibly good thread that got chronically derailed.
What's wrong, schlomo? Samefagging on different VPNs like Holla Forums does isn't artificially inflating your failed exodus board's numbers enough?
Kill yourself.
Top fucking kike.
I smell a lot more than irony here.
Fuck you you fucking cunt, you are the one that started the entire derailing, seriously just fucking kill yourself and never post again.
Shit my bad ID+ filtering fucked me over
Is it cocoa butter?
Do you buy the mods bullshit? Do you wonder why the board went down to under 2k was because they fucking banned everyone who wasn't a newfag dicklicking the Orthodox Jew Administration?
U ashy
The crazy thing about the /polk/ shilling is that if their central premise (that Holla Forums has gone to shit and newfags have ruined it) was true, they wouldn't try to promote the board with "two" or more shills advocating it in every thread.
If you're sick of Holla Forums's decline, why blast "THIS IS THE NEWER, BETTER Holla Forums!" from a loudspeaker in every thread? Also, if your secondary argument is that the Holla Forums mod team is compromised, shouldn't there br an enormous difference between the content on Holla Forums and /polk/? While there is slightly more "slow thread" content on /polk/ (book club thread), that can be easily explained as the difference between an active board and a ghost town. Holla Forums can't afford to sticky that many threads intended to last for 3+ weeks. The only tangible difference in content is that the same exact, canned, anti-Trump narratives you see on Holla Forums make up the majority of the content. The volume of shill posts is the same but the board is so slow that they can own the discussion.
I wouldn't believe that this is the longest and most concerted shilling effort in the history of imageboard politics if it wasn't so obvious that those trying to D&C have nothing to offer beyond a handful of low effort arguments. I've yet to see a long, well considered, and logical argument for their viewpoint on any *chan since the panic they induced with the WWIII/Syria strike shilling died down.
Have you heard this argument
Is that a good one? Is self improvement a good argument? Is criticising Trump so he stops destroying himself and his wonderful administration of Jews? This board is now pointless, reddit can do what this board does and mindlessly accept being fucked over. Why would you allow maybe two mods fragment a board for that reason? They are shit, if you don't know they are shit you are a fucking retard.
What a shit thread
You should all gas yourselves
Kill yourself kike.
Get out.
Holy shit. Pfds and polmeta. What a fucking roach.
7d6fcb here, I just switched computers.
I understand those arguments but like I said, that content isn't exactly nonexistent on Holla Forums although I'm peeved that several of these threads may have been anchored in the past several days. However, as I also stated, the quality of those threads is also no better than what you'd find here or on any of the boards listed by . The fact is that this board is now populous enough that it can't waste space on a dozen threads with apolitical topics. There's a reason *chans have always had multiple boards because even though /k/ "vidya general" threads may be fun, that just doesn't fly on a board as fast as Holla Forums without degrading the discussion on the boards actual topic.
Also, if you would take a look at /polk/'s meta sticky:
the board owner himself disagreed with the exact kind of shilling I'm calling out. Of course, once you get to the bottom of that sticky, you have half a dozen users calling for the sticky to be edited but only posting 3-4 "LE DRUMPF KIKE" quality posts in defense of that opinion. I'm fully open to the idea that /polk/ was started with good intentions but it has clearly become a weapon used by the shills to divide and conquer.
Kill yourself obvious goon shill
If you read that sticky it was made months before Trump went off the rails. Drumpf kike shit isn't a good thread, that's why it should be deleted, not because of the now ridiculously painful turn Trump has taken. That needs to be discussed.
This board isn't too big to have one fucking book thread, I'm not talking about fit either, I'm talking far more important stuff about content. The mods do not know the difference between what is good content and what is an e-celeb. It all goes, we just get a diet of MSM garbage and the tidbits Trump does that aren't compromised. But that just means the strokes they are pulling are done and we are allowing it to happen. It's sickening.
Nobody needs to discuss your shilling and repeating of the exact same canned talking points you faggots have been pushing since the candidacy was announced.
All this butthurt because someone insulted /polk/ a board where they unironically use "Long Live Holla Forums!"
4chon, warosu, meguca, freech, polk, all goon-filled hives of butthurt.
You don't discuss nuffin goy. I supported candidate Trump and President Trump. Every fucking day, watched every briefing. It was going so well until the bizare Healthcare fiasco #1. Syria was fucking insane. Then he gives China a 100% neo-con pass in exchange for their favourite trick, pretending NK is acting up and China is making a concession by doing something. What they are doing being absolutley nothing of course. Then on and on from there. DACA, the refugees streaming in. The America First policy being a total joke. Yes. We need to discuss it all or the kike cabinet will go full afterburners and the only three people left here are still talking about chess and shills. There is no benefit to be had from your position.
The wall of course. The GOP are threatening to use the nuclear option over fucking healthcare shit. Trump did absolutley nothing to get his funding for the wall. That is fucking unacceptable. He has no control over these crooks now.
Of course it would be a arrogant jig who tries this this, nogs have no sense of introspection
>Never stop your enemy when he's making a mistake.
>Watch the market crash before September
You deserve to be gassed.
Your autistic mannerism makes your shilling particularly transparent despite of the thread you are posting.
Or site.
Let's not forget that the first wave of animosity against anime was when Holla Forums was trying to falseflag /a/ with anime avatarfagging.
Well, this thread took a shit fast.
Texas Mack. An user of my own heart!