Reserve Army of Labour is getting out of hand

Sept 2016 Labour Force Survey Data

Ontario males 25-29
Employment Rate: 84%
"Unemployment" Rate: 7.1% (Meanwhile 16% are Not Employed?)
Full-time Employment Rate: 74.8% (356,200/475,900 persons)
This means 25.2% don't have full-time employment

Ontario males 30-34
Employment Rate: 86%
"Unemployment" Rate: 5.1% (Meanwhile 14% are Not Employed?)
Full-time Employment Rate: 81.5% (370,700/455,100 persons)
This means 18.5% don't have full-time employment

Even on Holla Forums I see lots of "bootstraps" types. But the fact is that capitalism is causing massive unemployment and this can no longer be ignored. There are too many applicants chasing too few allocated labour hours. Until you shorten the work week to re-integrate the chronically unemployed into the workplace, this is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. The media, business community and politicians sweep us under the rug and pretend like the chronically unemployed basement dweller only represents like 1% of the population. And claims with a straight face that unemployment is low.

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Still not like in southern Europe


why does that spurdo look like descartes

does spurdo really look like descartes or is it just the devil playing a trick on you?

It gives me hope
Either there's positive change or they just have to out and out get rid of democracy

The media actually acknowledges youth unemployment in Southern Europe though (Greece, Portugal, Spain, Southern Italy). Up here in Canada or in the United States (except for Trump of course), they pretend like unemployment is not a problem at all.

The 14% of us men 30-34 who are not employed literally do not exist in the eyes of the government and society. My dad seems to think that if I just go back to school (he even offered to pay my tuition), I should have no problem getting a decent job upon graduation. We don't live in that world anymore. I told my dad straight up "don't waste your money, there won't be a job waiting for me at the end of graduation." And even if I did get a job, I will essentially have to step on someone else in order to get a job.

It also doesn't make sense to essentially have one segment of society labour 40+ hours/week and another significantly large segment of society that doesn't labour at all or labours only part-time. This creates resentment. And the bourgeoisie use divide and conquer to great effect. It's easy to turn people working paycheque to paycheque on people on welfare/disability/living with their parents. And distract them from the fact that the bourgeoisie are the reason why so many people are financially reliant on the state and others in the first place.

It's worth noting that the chronically unemployed and the precariously employed mostly do not vote anyway. This is why politicians pretend like they do not exist. If you don't vote, you don't count. This is why I vote.

It's commonly believed here that voting solves nothing. But what is going to better our condition? Labour unions haven't been relevant in 40 years. They are toothless and impotent. And the growing number of unemployed people can't join a labour union.

Jerry DiNobo bleas sabe us DDDD—-::::

It's actually a shame she dropped out of the leadership race though. She wasn't being backed by the shitty third-way party establishment. Christ, I fucking hate Mulcair.

Cheri DiNovo has health issues. Suffered from two small strokes apparently. Hence why she dropped out.

After the Tom Mulcair disaster and the momentum of the B████ ██████ campaign south of the border, I would expect that the NDP will elect a more progressive leader next year. The fact that they require a $30,000 deposit just to be able to run is bullshit though. It would be nice if they could actually get someone who is young and hungry to lead the NDP. If the NDP runs on third-way centrism again, they're going to continue to remain irrelevant. The Liberals are the centrist party. They have to campaign to the left of the Liberals.

UBI when?

I was a strong proponent for UBI for quite awhile. The issue with UBI is that it will breed resentment among the employed towards the unemployed and underemployed. Thing is when I suggest that we instead legislate a 30 hour work week (so that we can integrate NEETs into the workforce) and raise the minimum wage, the conservatives, libertarians, etc. say that I'm an entitled lazy person anyways.

The conservative/libertarian mentality: You better be happy with the scraps you are given boy. And if you can't get a job, tough shit, go die in a gutter somewhere. Fuck you, got mine.

Part of the problem too is that the 14% are too embarrassed to speak out. Society sees us as a bunch of losers. They socially shun us. So the 14% doesn't speak up. And therefore we do not matter. Social ostracism is a very effective tool for keeping people in line.

And the funny thing is that when we speak up for us, we are told that we are bitter.
And when the well-off speak up for us, they are called hypocrites.
You can't help but think that society just doesn't want us to talk about inequality period. Sweep us under the rug. Pretend like we don't exist. Or pretend like we are just some mythical basement dwelling caricature that represents only like

This isn't really the case at all with the welfare programs in our society, and UBI ensures everyone gets the right to live.

this is why revolution will solve everything, fuck the petit-bourgeois, and the bootlickers.

Our welfare programs have been under attack for the last nearly 40 years. Demagogues attack "welfare bums and welfare queens." Pitting the people who are still barely hanging onto their jobs against welfare recipients, disability recipients, NEETs, etc. Meanwhile ignoring the fact that capitalism is the reason for why we need all of this welfare and charity in the first place.

Sounds like you hang around petty rich kids too much. A lot of people I know like the social programs in our country, and think we should do more.

Most people are just annoyed that they're struggling but don't get any help more than seriously caring about "welfare queens"

unless we have a real candidate that puts the working class front and centre

I voted for the Greens in the last federal election because they implemented $20kCAD/year UBI as part of their party platform. I don't think UBI is ideal. But I'd rather have a $1,666.67 direct deposit into my bank account every month than the alternative (no money, no job).

I don't even know why the NDP exists any more, they're virtually identical to the liberals


We need to focus on this and less on 19th century theory tbh. And abandon all the symbols and labels that people are afraid of.

The fuck? Did you see any of them who did not have swastika flags?

No, he's just a retard who conflates being told to stop being a keyboard warrior with the bootstraps meme.

I just saw a segment on Bill Maher's show last night where he said Donald Trump supporters are whiny little bitches because America is doing great. Unemployment is down to 5%. I bet if you looked at the employment rate in the US and not the bullshit unemployment rate it would be far less than 95%. Ontario is a prime example of how a 5.1% unemployment rate is actually more like 14%. 18.5% don't have full-time employment.

Affluent Liberals are shilling for Obama (and Trudeau in Canada) and are out-of-touch with what is really going on.

In the YouTube comments section for a Bill Maher video, a woman even said "no America is not doing great". And people jumped on her calling her a whiny little bitch. One guy even said "America is doing great, youre not?"

When have liberals become such fucking assholes? I knew liberals were out of touch but I didn't know it was this bad.

You want to wonder why lumpens vote for Trump? Well the liberals mock them and call them losers. Who is going to vote for liberals when liberals call them a loser?

Legislating a 30 hour work week will have the same effect as anyone who was working more than that will view it as having their hours stolen from them.

tf indeed