What is some essential soyboy kino?

What is some essential soyboy kino?

absolutely based. I wish we had black people in my country. fricking BASED.

Isn't 99% of kikewood flicks aimed at soygoys?

I wish i had black people in my wife's bedroom
Turbofriggin BASED

The only thing a wench is good for is cleaning and cooking. They literally don't have the IQ necessary to discuss heady concepts like logos or how SJWs are ruining comic-books. Good to see tattoo tshirt sleeves are making a comeback, though. I was afraid I'd have to throw mine out.

I wonder who could be behind this divide and conquer post.

Trad couples really are good looking, tbh.

soyboy detected
You need to switch to hemp, first of all.


Remember all those 90's movies where the soyboy always ended up getting the Stacy in the end? (after chad has his way with her, of course)

Why are right wing cucks such pathetic racist soyboys lmao?


Those ones are on the cuck end of the spectrum (left leaning).

mods please spoiler spookky skeleman



because they only read fringe media pundits, whereas the left read the great classics of literature and are therefore more intelligent and content in life and in argument.

Are you ready for the skelelearmy?


Rather hang out with Holla Forums tbhasfwy

it was only natural

Lel tell your BO to stop sucking so much cocks


still would


watch out, lefties!!

they're much worse, with the same beta low-test attitudes..

Yeah, soygoys always got the sloppy seconds.



What the fuck makes you say that?

Is there any subculture I could join that won't fag out like Holla Forums did?

2013-2014 was a high point in my self esteem. I was just learning about the merits of national socialism and the truth of the world. Then moot fucking destroyed Holla Forums for no reason and it split into retarded "banter" and rulecuckery. The last 2 years have been pretty bad. I don't know what I should believe in anymore. Were those two years of redpills a waste? Where should I go know? I've just stopped caring about politics and have sunk back into anime and VNs. This board is the only board I regularly go on and I'm pretty tired of movies at this point. I tried the christianity board but they are also no fun allowed tier. Maybe it's time to get a job.

You're a joiner. An acolyte. A hanger on, a member. You're exactly what god intended against when he created life. Kys.

And just who the fuck are you?

This tbh.
Hitler did nothing wrong isn't a meme. It's a universal truth.
Forge your own destiny.
Or just start a jewtube channel making fun of normalfags for shekels.
Comedy must prevail.

t. Holla Forumseddit mods. I bet you enjoy the deterioration of Holla Forums so you can profit from it. Fucking kikes.


He literally dies for a women and another mans son. Whats more cuck than that?

that makes it Cuckino, not soyboykino though.

Wtf is this soyboy meem? Been out of the loop last few days.

True my bad

Its about fiminine man who drink soy

I drink soy. What about it?

yeah i heard theres no actual evidence soymilk makes men feminine. all i heard that in young boys it could cause man boobs. iam lactose intolerant so i just drink almond milk. it has more calcium than regular milk and taste delicious with vanilla

The right wingers wore cuck into the ground in only a year so they have to find another insult and "soyboy" was their best attempt.


All these characters need names floating above their heads

Shut it down, the soygoy knows.

NS skinheads


But he comes back to life. I get the impression that death is no big deal to him.



Grow up, faggot



Is there a corrolation between consumption of Tibetan fingerpainting and autism?

Is there a correlation between reddit memes and autism? Is there a correlation between bad grammar skills and autism?

Not only is your first question flawed, but I believe the answer to both of your questions is in the negative, user.

Dude you should so make that picture a meme

As soon as I have completed my time travel machine I think I'll do just that.

but Holla Forums was never good



Basically anything with this dude in it

Oh look, it's another redditpol cries about drumpf thread, it's been almost two minutes since the last one was bumped, I was getting worried for a second.
How's redditpol's tranny BO doing btw?
Does he have laryngitis? Those gagging noises sounded like those of someone in considerable pain tbh.
I hope he's alright, he needs that throat to spread the light of communism.

Pretending to care and then gradually getting more ludicrous with your posts is a whole lot more fun than actually caring and crying when a board inevitably turns to shit when reddit gets a hold of it.
t. shitpost noble

Please get the memes right, okay dumb dumb?

Holla Forums = Bolleditbol
Holla Forums = Scredditfol

Not. Fucking. Hard. Hope that's not to much for your widdle baby brain drumpfy. I know you snowflakes need quiet time in your safe space sometimes when you might cry.

Notice how the left pretends it isn't bothered by "soyboy" while rapidly trying to wash itself of and muddy the term the same way they started using "cuck" out of context to muddy that word. Words hurt them, and there's no shortage. We told you it wouldn't end at "cuck" and it's not going to end with "soyboy" either. Go away.

Then how come cuck has already fallen out of popular useage and is regularily mocked even though it only became popular a year ago?


Cuck still works fine on leftists as it is accurate. Soygoy is just used to describe a particular kind of dude.

Notice how the right pretends it isn't bothered by "drumpflet" while rapidly trying to wash itself of and muddy the term the same way they started using "virgin" out of context to muddy that word. Words hurt them, and there's no shortage. We told you it wouldn't end at "virgin" and it's not going to end with "drumpflet" either. Go away.



t. drunfplet



"cuck" has fallen out of popular usage because leftists started using it out of context to turn it into the next "____fag"
I shouldn't have to spell this shit out.

This is your brain on /trannypol/.

heard a interview a few months ago with some alt-right "defector". apparently he's part of a project to combat the alt right by posting unflattering pictures and memes to ridicule.
i sure hope this thread isn't your tax dollars at work lel

Daily reminder that it's not the soy that makes the soyboy, it's the pre-existing conditions that lead to drinking soy.

Look at this fag.

soy is in pretty much everyone's diet due to being an additive (dont tell me you dont like chinese food every now and then), it's the people who seek out the soy who become corrupted by it.

Interestingly enough, this tactic works a lot better against them, if you want to make a leftist squirm just accompany your posts by pictures of commie boypuccis.

It has fallen out of use because you retards stripped it of any real meaning that it had through overuse. This new insult is just silly and doesn't cut deep in the same way that cuck did, what does it even mean? A lot of the Nat Soc leadership was vegan or at least vegetarian and theonly real application of this meme is to insult vegans. Cuck actually cuts to the core of race traitors and cowards that sell out their own people, I don't really see what soyboy means and it sounds like something a highschool student would use as an insult.

Why is the userbase of Holla Forums suddenly becoming retarded and shilling for ZOG politicians and all sorts of controlled opposition? This all happened way too quickly to be organic.

You're not fooling anyone Schlomo.

Where are you winning though? He hasn't stemmed the darkening of America and he is surrounded by zionist jews. White genocide is still going at a rapid pace, the anti white agenda hasn't slowed at all and ZOG is still in full effect. Stop getting high off your "victory" and look at the situation objectively.

i never heard an actual lefty say cuck
probably because they know they are irl cucks and using that term as an insult would be absolute irony

t. soyboy cuck

It's not like immigration has been drastically cut, prototypes for the wall are already being built, we got an extreme conservative on the supreme court, thousands of sealed indictments are currently underway, travel ban, shitloads of antifa in jail and we stopped the war on Assad.
And let's not forget destroying the lefts anuses for decades to come.

But I guess those all don't count because that evil kike puppet hasn't done literally everything he said he would do within a single year?

Source? How does this affect the tens of millions of non whites that are already here? You are aware that he is totally fine with legal immigration which is just as much a part of white genocide as illegal immigration is right?

Ftfy. Again what impact does that have on the millions of nonwhiyes that are already here? Are you a civic nationalist that only has a problem with illegal immigration like Trump?

What is he trying to "conserve"? This term is retarded because America is a multiracial cesspool now, if you are trying to conserve that you are a cuck. This mindset of "he's our guy because he triggers le lefties" is incredibly short sighted and stupid.

You are rapidly becoming a minority in your own nation. Get your priorities straight you moron.

I like the part where he banned antisemites. So based.

What does that achieve? The retarded proles aren't making any real difference, they are just useful idiots. Trump has taken loans from the guy who funds them.

Are you Russian?

If things continue at their current pace it will be a majority of non whites in a few decades and Trump and the alt kike will be a memory that is used to make them hate whites more than they already do.

Correct. If he doesn't address white genocide or international jewry then he isn't doing anything of value. These arw the important issues and if you think you have decades to waste without addressing them you arw sorely mistaken, we have almost reached the tipping point already.

The mere mention of a wall already sent border crossing to the lowest its been in decades, and they drastically want to cut legal immigration.
If you where expecting America to become the hermit kingdom, you're stupid.

That's what ICE is for, as for people that are already citizens, the fuck you expect, extermination camps?

This sentence is so kiked you have to be a shill or the stupidest motherfucker on this planet.
"South africa is a multiracial cesspool, why would you even want to protect the Boers, goy?"

Yeah them destroying millions in properties and spreading their marxxism was a great thing, why would you ever want them in jail?

I didn't expect anything because I am aware that the political system is a dead end. That is my whole point here, you people are the same as the ones that thought Bush was some sort of patriot because he said the right things before being elected. It's retarded.

It's simple. Just look at what America is today and twll me what these people are conserving, a multiracial society that encourages every form of degeneracy and is filled with degraded untermensch? I would rather watch it burn and see something rise from the ashes.

What are you evwn talking about? Is he addressing non white crime as non white crime? Has he even mentioned the anti white agenda or white genocide? When our greatest ally that he "supports 1000%" needs another foreign war what do you think he is going to do?

Addressing the symptoms instead of the cause of the disease isn't going to fix anything. Is he arresting the people funding these groups and directing them?

Have you forgotten about "muh gassed babies" and the missile strike? Russia saved Syria and their intervention is the only reason that Assad is still in power.

Not only does he increase hatred towards whitws, he does it without actually giving anything to whites. He stokes the hate as the hordes of nonwhites continue to pour into the nation. Just wait,you'll see how right I am in a decade or two.


The country is around 50% nonwhite and gets darker every year and the government is occupied by genocidal jews that are succeeding with their goals. If you choose to respond to that with nihilism rather than proactive actions to alert people then you should take the ultimate blackpill and **kill yourself*. Delusional retards that are useful idiots should do that too tbh.

Also you are a kike or nonwhite aren't you? You reek of civcuckoldry and that is normally pushed by subversive jews or non whites that want to secure their right to leech off of white people. I like how you completely ignored most of my points and didn't provide any sources for your claims when asked btw.

>tfw pol tried alot to be more manly than leftards, only to end up looking like a bunch of dorks

What happened?

It's not hard to look more manly than leftists, dude.

Yeah, fuck off with your nihilist drivel, what are you, a 14 year old who just read Nietzsche for the first time?
Sure, it's easy to rationalize everything as pointless, why even bother trying to fix anything right?

I don't go into a lot of your post because they are the literal ravings of a blackpilled madmen, you believe nothing has any point, why would you want judges that want you to keep your guns? Why would you want a wall to stop illegal border crossings? Why would you want your enemies jailed?
If Israel got nuked right now you would be complaining about how it's all pointless because the kikes outside of Israel are much worse.

And fuck your "sources" if you want to know the rate of border crossings, go look it up yourself, your time is just pointless like everything else right?

Holla Forums is a centrists board fuck off now.

You aren't fixing anything. That is the point. You have drained the steam out of the actual racially aware white movements and funneled it into jewish controlled opposition.

No, I believe that somebody who ignores the real problems and is tied to world jewry and the jewish mob isn't going to be any sort of ally to honest white people. It's not hard to understand why.

Are we just going to go in circles here? He ignores the anti whitw agenda, never addresses white genocide and is surrounded by jews. Are you a shill or a civic nationalist?

Trumpcucks in a nutshell.

Have you even checked these figures for yourself or are you just parroting talking points?

Centrists will only convince me to join them once they start having huge autism parades carrying flags from imaginary meme countries and violently attacking garbage cans.
Until them #I'mWithHer

Yeah I get it, even if a politician does 50% of what you want him to do, he's still terrible because he's not doing all of it.
We might as well have Hillary right? Nothing would be different. Except for that 50% of shit the other guy did you do agree with.
Tbh I feel kind of bad for you, you've been demoralized so hard you can't even see a minor victory for what it is, just a continuous stream of complaints about everything else that is wrong.

You said it yourself, America is a multiracial country, how well do you really think a message of stopping white genocide and murdering kikes is going to play on a national platform?
What is considered acceptable in politics has heavily changed since Obama though, suddenly calling mexicans rapists is not a barrier to getting elected.
If you ever want a KKK takeover of the USA you need guys like Trump to pave the way to the right for you.

The drastic decrease of border crossings where from right after the election, and was on Drugde and Holla Forums for at least a week, if you really don't know about it you clearly wheren't paying attention to news at that time.


Umm, excuse me, sir? These are all taken from Reddit. You know. . .that site leftygoons actively
"recruits" on?

He ignores the anti white agenda, has never mentioned white genocide and is surrounded by jews. Thats all that really needs to be said, if you consider yourself to be racially aware and still support this guy you have as much cognitive dissonance as "le lefties" do.

You're not fooling anybody

reminder that nazis = soyboys

What would Tumblrpol think of this?

Are you just new or is this what they teach you at Shareblue these days?

Sure, he doesn't mention "white genocide" as such, but he does actively fight some of the leading causes like immigration, both legal and illegal, not further infringing on peoples gun rights on the federal level and at least trying to lower the taxes for the middle class, making the financial strain of having children much lower.

Sure thing. It's pretty clear who is ignoring tge points and engaging in wishful thinking here CADRE-kun. Honestly I dont ecen know why I waste time responding to you retards, you can never address the point and almost always resort to your thought stopping memes and "but he said he's going to do X so surely he will" bulllshit. I swear ive had the same argument with dozens of trumptards and you people have never raised any points that make me go "huh, maybe I was wrong". It's so obvious what he is that I am pretty sure most of you are paid to defend him at this point.

It's shit like you that's gonna cause this board to have IDs some day.

Yeah, ok. Like I said I have had this same retarded circular argument dozens of times and im not in the mood to have it again.


it's a man?


were you on ezcapechat the other day?

We need to protest against 'not my prez' drumpf

nazi scum watch out!

Yeah, sure, just forget how he is actually fighting white genocide just because he's wasn't screaming "Gas the kikes!" at his inauguration.

And the only reason you think these arguments are circular is because you have internalized your hatred for Trump, made it part of your personality so any valid argument simply slides off your back because accepting it as truth would seriously challenge your self image.
In fact, you not even knowing about the reduction in border crossings suggest you had already taken that stance by the time the election happened, having already lost interest in it probably when your boy sanders lost ;^)


dude with the cake posts on Holla Forums

is it a man?

Hey edgelord, misgendering others is not cool, okay?

Ah yes, the website with a massive overrepresentation of leftist boards and that regularly deletes boards that are even one degree right of ancap, truly, the polacks heaven.

row row fight tha powa


Hey man, marching is a pretty big struggle if you're so fat your gut splits into two.

her gunt's all wet

hah I think it's called a "butt gut"

Why would "muh lefties" be pointing outthat his cabinet is jewish and he isn't doing anything to combat white genocide? That doesn't make sense.

Saul Alisnky's Rules for Radicals
It shows when they say things like, "aren't you a Christian? why don't you let your family get raped then?" and things like that.

So you think that there is a bunch of leftists spreading awareness about ZOG and white genocide? Seems legit. You goys are cuckservatives and it's mostly racially aware people pointing this stuff out.

No. I think there are transexual communists on 8ch who try to bait Holla Forums by saying Drumpf isn't literally Hitler.

You fucking spread her belly cheeks open and there's her bellybutton. I bet it looks and smells like a second anus.


He wants to stamp out prejudice and antisemitism and make sure that we can't even think about getting rid of Israel. Those are his words, not mine. Now tell me why any racially conscious white person shpuld be shilling for the ZOG emperor or any cuckservative politician without resorting to your meme responses. You are either a legit shill or one of the reddit transplants we got in the last two years. Either way you should fuck off, the gullible goyim that hero worship a jew york billionaire with jewish grandchildren are more irritating than the paid shills imo.

I'm not defending Trump cucking out in any way. Just explaining how leftists use it.

Do you really think that they are talking about white genocide and his jew run cabinet though? These are hit topics that they don't want to touch with a barge pole. The leftists play their own role in this manufactured idiocy just like the trumptards do and addressing white genocide and jewish influence isn't something that either of those groups are into. They are just there to make a slightly more entertaining bread and circus to distract from the real issues.

When they think they're talking to Holla Forums they'll bring it up, just the same as when Holla Forums thinks it's talking to a Che Guevara fan from Holla Forums, they'll bring up his racism.

I find that hard to believe. It's true and it just validates what Holla Forums used to think before it was swarmed with civcucks so why would they mention it? From their viewpoint surely it is better for Holla Forums to be a kosher republican cheerleading squad.

Are you saying leftists would never bring up demographic change to rustle the right? Because that's demonstrably false.

Im saying they wouldn't do it in a way that makes sense, a mocking reference to whites being replaced because they actually think it is bullshit? Sure. Pointing out his jewish cabinet and his refusal to address these topics and using the term white genocide? I don't think so.

Trump has no issues when it comes to talking about preserving the jewish nation and people's but when it comes to the gullible goyim that voted him who are facing real genocide he is completely silent, there were some dogwhistles during the election but nothing since. It is so transparent what he is and it is irritating that good goys are still pretending he is some sort of saviour so they can prolong theur dopamine rush. It's all so pathetic.

My argument is Holla Forums does this to trigger Holla Forums
Even basic bitch liberals and "ironic" internet autists do that.

was the displacement of tibetans by the chinese government a genocide?

My argument is that these points are brought up by race realists and jew wise folk much more than any other type of people. When did this idea that a kosher politician that stands with Israel and thinks prejudice and antisemitism need to be stamped out wherever it takes hold represents Holla Forums take root? It is so retarded and the cognitive dissonance is palpable.

Yes, they mock it and imply it isn't happening. What does this have to do with trump ignoring it and having the kind of people that have organised it in his cabinet?

Nothing. I already explained to you I don't defend that. I'm just pointing out the left uses it, too.
They imply it isn't happening as they say it is happening and it's good that it's happening. Doublethink isn't a new aspect of the left.

Hey commies watcha doin?
>>>Holla Forums2264273

lefty/pol/ still can't meme.

It's a fucking mystery to them, when any retard with a sense of humor can makeone.
No bully

>>>Holla Forums2280016

It's much more common among supposedly pro white people though. You can be criticising his jewish cabinet, refusal to address racial issues and the fact that he has completely backed away from even the minor race related issues he was raising and the trumptards will just start screeching "muh lefties" and shut off the critical part of their brain. What is that if not doublethink? Like I said, it's all so retarded and transparent, this entire alt kike vs antifags stuff is just manufactured bullshit that plays right into the Hegelian dialect. Get the gullible goyim fighting with each other while you plunder the national coffers and flood the nation with nonwhites. It also plays into vid related imo. None of this stuff is organic, it's allso jumbled and confused and the purpose us to corral you into one of two categories or alternatively to make you go "meh" and stop caring. Rebellion is allowed but only if it fits into one of their narrow boxes and is completely controlled.

>It's much more common among supposedly pro white people than it used to be though
I eant to say it is still more common among the anti whites but I'm not so sure anymore.

Jesus Christ the levels of denial over here, you're a sad little Holla Forums outcast that just spends his time on Holla Forums now arnt you.
Your problem is, you've purity spiraled into realms of absurdity, where only the most hardcore of neo-nazis are pure enough for you to consider them allies, where you will shit on people actually helping your cause just because their motivation isn't the exact same as yours.

No, if they don't address white genocide and the JQ they are controlled opposition or need further redpilling in the case of the useful idiots. I don't see how that logic is flawed.

Yeah, yeah, unless someone is constantly talking about white genocide like you, they're a kike drumpf controlled opposition, even if they make sure millions less shitskins are in your country and actively protecting the white people, that still doesnt matter because "HES NOT SAYING MUH WHITE GENOCIDE".

He isn't addressing the anti white agenda period. It's pretty clear what he is about, no problem talking about preserving Israel and the jewish people but couldn't care less about the anti white agenda. Guess he's just looking to secure his grandchildrens future.

Yes, good goy, take your blackpills, nothing he does can possibly matter, even if he's deporting millions of shitskins that doesn't matter because he isn't saying "White genocide".
Clearly everyone was expecting him to cut ties with Israel and start nuking the place, even if this would immediately lead to him getting assassinated/couped.

Just make sure you keep hating your fellow white's, goy.

You literally have no arguments. It's just the same tired shit in a slightly different package and you are lapping it up like the good goy they want you to be. You have allpf these jew images but you are championing a guy who's ancestors are jewish, all of his grandchildren too, not just one or two. It is so ridiculous.

Honestly it's debatable whether his ancestors are jewish too though. Their involvement in brothels and equally sleazy shit is very questionable.


Yeah, clearly, my argument that he is fighting white genocide in various ways without naming it is totally not a real argument, because if it was a real argument you'd have to reevaluate your hatred of him, which has become a major part of your personality at this point, so clearly that's out of the question.

But hey, just keep fuming about how you hate that evil zorgnald glumpft and how everyone else is a cuck, while the entirety of right wing politics points and laughs at your misery.

This is your mind on kosher nationalism and cognitive dissonance.

It's not circular on mt behalf, I have three simple points and none of the trumptards can offer a actual answer to them. The crux of my point is why are supposedly jew wise race realists supporting somebody that ignores the anti white agenda, white genocide and fills his cabinet with zionists and none of you can provide a real answer for this. How is working with the people organising this genocide and ignoring the agenda itself fighting anything?

Enjoy your poolparties, Noseling.

Did you really expect him to declare war on every jew at the same time? Him being opposed to the globalist kike faction (who are largely responsible for the white genocide you seem so concerned with) is about the best you can expect at this point, and practically unprecedented since Roosevelt.

Why should any racially aware jew wise people still be shilling for him when he is already in power and isn't making any moves to address what should be the most important issues for anybody that is pro white? Explain.

Nice argument…Not.

1996 sent me an AOL IM, they want their 'not'-jokes back ROFLMAO :-).
G-d's sake, you're the dialectic equivalent of a Nascar race. Do you ever get tired of always making a right turn? :^)

You don't need to shill for him, but you have to not stick your head in the sand when he actually does shit that is good, like kicking out illegals and appointing supreme justices that are pro-guns.
All your screaming about how he's surrounded himself with zionists is completely irrelevant, everyone already knows this, and we may not like it, but anyone with half a brain realizes that he has to choose a side in the zionist/globalist kike dichotomy, and that the zionists have a lot more shared interests with white nationalists.

There's a reason Hitler allowed Ehrenariers, or was he just a civcuck kike shill as well?

What dichotomy? They play both sides you utter retard. This argument is basically:
It's stupid. Have you even seen what those based zionist jews endorse? They are fully behind the white genocide agenda, most of their rabbis and important figures support non white immigration to European lands and practically all of them support non white immigration to Germany and England in particular.

Were they full blooded talmudic kikes? Was he letting them dictate policy? Was he beholden to them from prior debts? Did he have jewish direct descendants?

nu/pol/ is literally reddit @ this point
have been for about a year
never let them forget it
never ever ever

le upboat 14/88 post
heil longcat xD

Anyone still supporting Drumpfy is beyond retarded. Deal with it, kiddo.

Goddamn you guys are so embarrassing. Why are kids allowed on imageboards?

Sure, sure, everything is controlled opposition and globalists have never been at odds with zionists.
The jews making you believe they have no infighting is probably the biggest bluepill they made you swallow.

And the zionists wanting more immigration in europe is probably why they are sponsoring every single european anti immigration party.
You could easily make the case that they want to rouse anti islamic sentiments for their own benefit, so noone cares about dead palestinians, but that serves our purposes.

And the point about ehrenariers is that things arn't always so black and white, in the real world you have to choose sides, he took both Italy and Japan as allies despite them being highly incompetent and making the serious mistakes that might have eventually resulted in his loss.
But even he realized that you can't take the world on your own and need allies, even if they don't completely conform to your ideals.

You however believe you can 1488 america just by yourself and the handful of skinheads that share your exact views, good luck waiting for your overton window, buddy.

try watching conservative-tier dumbass shit. That's the purest, uncut beta bootlicking shit right thar.

go back to RTD, kid. if you're not fighting capitalism you're the enemy of the people.

RTD? Is that where you guys talk about who gets a blowjob from your BO next?


Like the EDL and AFD that have no problem with race and focus on "muslims"? That is not nationalism, it is multicultural poison that focuses hate on the people that they need to get rid of to go forward with the greater Israel project. Name some racially aware organizations that they fund, not just anti muslim ones.

How does sending white people to die and kill for Israel serve "our" purposes Moishe? Explain.


I'm friends with all racially aware people of any race that recognize the importance of the JQ and believe in a policy of separate but equal. I'm not friends with talmudic supremacists and white trash nationalists.

You keep besmirching your skin like that, I'm going to start thinking you want to be a Schwarze :^)

Chaim, you threw your goalpost so far it traveled into syrian airspace and a russian MiG had to intercept it.
And then you just repeat what I already said, that zionists want to ferment anti-islamic sentiment, which, as I said already, plays into our hands.
Unless you're a huge fan of those BASED muslims ofcourse.

Oh yes, because Trump is definitely going to invade the middle east right?
And american soldiers are totally dying in the fight against palestinian rebels, right?
You love saying the word argument, but I don't think you know what it actually means.

Again, you can't actually respond to the argument, so you just throw out some buzzwords, "MUH BOOTLICKERS", "MUH RACIAL ISSUES", if even Hitler had to compromise, when there was a lot more anti-semitism back then, and still lost, who are you to claim you can do any of this without allies?

So, just you and your imaginary friend, Arnold Hortler then.
You know, it's funny, I've never met a right winger so autistic, not even Holla Forums was willing to put up with his bullshit.
Imagine if you'd have used your autism to go to digging threads, or actually helping white people in real life.

But no, you just sit there, being angry that everyone else is a cuck and you are the one enlightened individual in this world.

What is "white"? Does that include jews and castizo's and other types of light skinned mongrels? A lot of Japs and Koreans have pale skin, does that mean they can be white nationalists? Even putting that aside it's retarded, there are plenty of separate white groups that have unique identities so how are you a "white nationalist"? Does that mean you want to erase all of those unique identities and just merge them into a white mass of proles with no unique look, culture and traditions? "Whites" are a diverse group of people's, I expect antiwhites to merge them into one group and jews do it so they can blend in but any real white people shouldn't be using the term white nationalist because it doesn't make sense and it's also been tainted but even before that it was retarded.

How is that not important? Anti muslim doesn't mean anti arab or African or meatizo. The groups I listed aren't even anti immigration, they have a very soft anti muslim leaning and theu are only their as a release valve for the angry white masses. Like I said, name a racially aware organization that is being funded by jews, not some kosher nationalists that have no problem living in a non white country as long as it isn't muslim.

A bloody clash of civilizations is only playing into the hands of the kikes that have planned this. They'll be sipping their wine in Israel and plotting a new jewish celebration for the destruction of amalek while white men shed their blood defending their homelands from the people that serve as a proxy army for world jewry.

You are such an obvious kike and if you think your jew photos are kidding anybody you are mistaken. You can't even expand on your views and that's probably because you jave a script.

I used to be an atheist, then a Trumpfag, not I'm just a nihilistic suicidal maniac (with a wicked sense of humor I might add)

Evidently not you, by the way you apply critical theory to your overbuilt strawman, slapping it with that purity spiral as if it owed you money.
I guess you were right after all, you're not arguing in circles, you are arguing in spirals.
Jesus Christ. Let it be a testament to my love of Volk that even despite all the rampant Judaism on display here, I still wouldn't disavow you, you wayward, lost little lamb inb4 mulatto sheep . So blinded by his own solipsism he doesn't realise the world is burning around him, and when his fellow man offers him a bucket of water he has the gall to ask if it's kosher water.

Sort yourself out, Mortechai. You are a fucking embarrassment to gaslighting.

Jesus Christ, have you actually spent a day outside in your life?
You can't be white supremacist as a party in europe because you will LITERALLY get thrown in jail, thanks to America's post WW2 fuckery pretty much any country there barring some eastern european ones have very harsh anti-racism laws.
Anti-immigration is about as good as it gets unless you want to start an armed resistance and get picked up by your local FBI equivalent.

And in what universe do pro-zionist anti immigration parties start wars against islamic countries, in that respect they are usually more inclined towards isolationism, the only muds they want out are the ones already in their the country (or continent).

But sure thing, I'm sure Trump will put boots on the ground in the middle east soon enough, even if his entire campaign revolved how fucking retarded it was that Bush and Obongo did.

And yes, because I expouse opinions relatively popular on the biggest board on this website, I must definitely be a shill.

Funny thing is, you havn't told me anything I dont know yet, you're not smart enough to actually give me new views to consider.
All you do is regurgitate the same garbage, pointing out several valid flaws in Trump and then immediately driving it to the extreme where he is now your greatest enemy, regardless of how many things he might do that you do agree with.
You hate a man that actually wants to save white america because he's not shouting "Gas the kikes" while doing so.

And you'll have to suffer through 7 more years of it.

Interesting. There is literally no point in arguing with you people other than to display your latent judaism, I'm pretty sure that the JIDF is now the TIDF and they are working overtime on their hasbara campaigns. Like I said, it is all very transparent and pathetic.

I'm not trying tothough,if you are still shilling for the ZOG emperor despite knowing about world jewry and white genocide then you are past the point of return. Im just pointing out the obvious kikery.

And here comes the blackpill bullshit again.

I thought you meant I couldn't take in new views, it's hard to figure this out sometimes considering you have the grammatical prowess of an illiterate pakistani goat herder who was just employed by Tavistock to demoralize shitposters on imageboards.
And from my posts it should be more then clear I am familiar with the world jewry and the hardships facing whites these days, I just accept that you can't wage all these wars at the same time, not should you exclude allies purely for not sharing your exact viewpoints.
Something every white supremacist leader realized, but you, enlightened blackpill drumpfposter, know better.

It was correct though. You can't elaborate on these views, I'm saying why would somebody who supposedly knows the score be shilling for this guy when he is already in power and isn't delivering any solutions to the major problems America faces and you just have this mindset of "well you have to take one variety of circumcised cock up your ass so why not choose the based right wing penis instead?" if anybody is blackpilled here it is you for insisting that only the corruption sytem that we have right now is viable and we have to ideologically cuck ourselves. You are the "demoralizer" here.

Something every white supremacist leader realized, but you, enlightened blackpill drumpfposter, know better.
Seems legit.

I don't see you addressing any points either, Bucko. See how we're both moving in circles, now that someone holds up that mirror for you? Really makes you think, huh?

Pretty much, yeah.

I despise both Holla Forums and Holla Forums.
Fight me.

Because stopping illegal immigration, stopping the support for "moderate rebels", reducing the burden on the white middle class and maintaining your gun rights arn't major issues, right?

What by pragmatically working with your enemies like every competent ruler ever has?
That's not a blackpill, buddy, that's just calculated cooperation, the blackpill is that you have to shun everyone who doesn't absolutely agree with your points and bring yourself into more isolation (like you are currently experiencing).
This is what we call divide and conquer shills, the usual faggots who scream how most of europe can't be considered white and should just fight with eachother.
But instead of purity spiraling on race, you purity spiral on ideology, good work on doing the kikes work for them.

I'll take Molotov-Ribbentrop pact for 6 million shekels, Chaim.

I'm pointing out the contradictions and calling shenanigans on the alt kike and trumptards. I wouldn't even be interacting eith you people if you weren't shitting the board up with you trash-tier meme politics but you guys insist on injecting your garbage politics wherever you go. I would really prefer just not interacting with you people full stop.

This is a subversive jewish mindset but putting that aside you are completely ignoring the point there. You are jewish aren't you?

Did the nazifag vol get triggered again?

Then why are you on Holla Forums, there's more then enough safe spaces on the internet where you can be safe from all those evil drumpftards.

This is a classic Judaic double bluff, but putting that aside you are completely ignoring my point that your point is a shit, familytree. You are a schizo off his rocker seeing Jews behind every menorah, aren't you?

You don't get it, all of those situations could get much worse than they are right now and the European people would bounce back on it but the miscegenation campaign and mass immigration (including the legal variety obviously) are irreversible after a certain point. Thise other issues are meaningless compared to them, this is not hard to understand here's a relevant video.

How do you work with an enemy that has completely subverted your nation and has instituted a subtle genocide accompanied by a barrage of antiwhite propaganda? That is a great idea.

No, you are saying that you have to pick one group of jews which implies that being a slave to jewry is the only possible outcome yet you say that I am blackpilling.

But instead of purity spiraling on race, you purity spiral on ideology, good work on doing the kikes work for them
Because ideology isn't important right?

I've been here since the domain changed and I'm not leaving because the place is suddenly crawling with retards.

I'm saying your point is stupid.

Yeah, and Trump actively stops mass immigration, both refusing to take in these people himself and telling the EU they are retarded for doing so.
The miscegenation campaign is largely hollywood, which is dominated by globalist jews, the ones trying to impeach Trump.

It is, but if you purity spiral too hard on that shit, you won't have anyone to share your ideology with, and you'll just be relegated as an outcast to places like this, and even here people will anchor your threads.

Guess what buddy, I was here before you.
I'm guessing what happened is that you became more and more psychotic inbetween the domain change and now, to the point where hating Trump has become one of the pillars of your ego at this point.

I didn't make the thread like I said I'd rather not even interact with you people but when you insist on injecting your ziocuckoldry here im going to call it for the kikery it is. I've made most of the points I am going to make here and if you are only going to selectively address them then we're done here. You don't provide any sources when asked about tour claims and you dance arounf the more damning of my own points and never ask for sources which makes me think you arw disingenuous and are only here to push a certain agenda. You re also pushing for based right wing jews and saying we sh i uld be working with thwm so I think most people can come to the right conclusion judging from your posts. I'd like to say it was a pleasant and informative discussion but it's just the same shit that I have heard a thousand times without anybody actually addressing the points I'm raising. All you faggots have is cognitive dissonance, wishful thinking and hasbara scripts.

Not this one, no. But the other one that got anchored.

Nor do you, in fact the only thing that might have required sources was the bit about border crossings, but you could just easily google that yourself if you where actually interested and not just trying to look like you're not retarded.

What, you mean your bad allegories and pants on head strawmen? Literally no point.
Do you seriously want me to reply to claims like working with zionists is like being a slave to the jews?
These are gradeschool logical fallacies, and it's rather sad you think resorting to them will help your argument.

This is the voice of modern psychosis, truly fascinating.
