Trayvon Martin to receive a bachelor's degree posthumously

Ok, this is fucking retarded. What the fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't understand. Zimmerman already gave him his wings?

I guess a Bachelor of Chemistry would have been a little on the nose.

Lol Jews just don't know when to quoit.

Good for him. At least he'll put it to more use unlike those breathing niggers.

anyone who still thinks a college degree means something needs to be slapped

what crime

All they are doing is destroying the value of college degrees.

Just like everything else, they rely on peoples bad memory.

If they're giving niggas degrees for being dead then why not go the full monty give him a star trek funeral and launch this nigga into space?

Spin this as this school rewarding nigger death instead of handing out gibs to living apes



Nah, they got it right, the only good nigger is a dead one.

Friendly reminder that niggers believe the Trayvon Martin incident occurred exactly as depicted in this video.


"If I had a nuclear physicist, he'd look like Dr. Trayvon Martin."


Whenever I see that design, I laugh. Reminds me of Eddie Murphy.

Fuck you, user. My sides.



Virtue signaling and to get a rise out of people. This thread is proof that at least the latter was effective.

Hitler salutes your post, sir

This is taking affirmative action to the next level. Also kek at the media STILL using pictures of a ~13 year old Trayvon because he looked like a thug in every picture of him at 17 years old.

That ain't even lean bruh, that's DXM. Lean is Codeine + Promethazine. Funny thing is, according to some of the text convos brought up in the trial, Trayvon actually thought DXM was lean. He didn't even know basic nigger culture.

Hilarious. Now he's perfectly qualified for a no-show job with TESLA or some other shit leftist company. Maybe space editor for the NYT.


I did a search for lean and that's what came up, complete with title. I'm no expert on purple drank, I'm afraid.

If I had sides, they look like Trayvon Martin…obliterated

Why not a doctorate? They racis' or sumthin?

20 seconds in and a white 13-14 year old girl appears between loads of negros


Niggers are too dumb to actually go back and watch the trial. Evidence be racis, yo. It probably wouldn't be as fun for them as it was for us though. LUNCH


Top kek. He keeps bringing up that zim zam was "jealous" do most niggers actually believe this? I have always assumed that they know they are trash and their issues stem from low intelligence and an inferiority complex. Have I misread the situation? I'm in a country that doesn't have many niggers (at least in my area it doesn't) so I don't have to interact with them very often.




Probably. Expect any excuse to make nigs actually seem valuable. Not sure how Zimzam could have possibly been jealous of some 17 year old thug who jumped him. Even with the pictures of a bloodied Zimmerman, nigs would probably still say Trayvon dindu nuffin and Zimmerman shot him for no reason. Some would probably have the audacity to claim Zimmerman self inflicted the head wounds to frame the poor dindu.

Yes. They are that oblivious. We have the KANGZ meme because they actually believe they WUZ KANGZ.

Absolutely. They was kangz after all.

My god, niggers are retarded.

So hes probably the most qualified person in his ghetto and hes dead.

KEK Its like when they give the woman of the year award to a tranny.

Those figures aren't all that different from one another but you have to factor in lower average IQ, and a significantly different distribution of IQ.


Why not a doctorate if they're doing it posthumously?
Not allowed to fly the big jets yet or do you advance a degree when you're dead for more than 10 years?

What is WE WUZ KANGZ but the posthumous awarding of merit upon the bankrupt nigger species. Now we have accredited universities joining the act.

This is child abuse.

First post best post

Because then the medical allumni would shit an enormous brick. Poof! No more donations.

I just always assumed that king of attitude was a result of their inferiority complex and they cling onto civilizations that they had nothing to do with to fill the void of having no actual civilizations of their own.

They really are a trash-tier race. Obviously I already knew that but I figured that deep down they knew what they were. It's like they have no self awareness.

Isn't there one by a jap where they also think they are the most attractive race when surveyed?

It's kind of fitting but I meant to put


So will Mike Brown get one too? After all, he was shot in cold blood when he had his hands up! The suggestion that he attacked the cop and tried to take his gun is just plain racist, and was definitely not the reason why eyewitnesses who filmed the incident wouldn't release their footage.

I think we also need to start classifying mathematical formulas derived hundreds of years ago by a bunch of "dead white guys" with names of modern African American heroes dem kids can relate to. How's a nigger supposed to understand Analysis while having to encouter out of date names like the Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem?

Not any more outrageous than the degrees they give to living ones.

You bigots, Trayvon built this helicopter by himself!

Good point.

That's one fly ride



As a humble Bongolian, Trayvon Martin is truly the gift that keeps giving. The sheer ridiculousness of the case as an outsider looking in, the invention of the term 'white hispanic' for Zimmerman, Obama's comments on it, etc.

It was when I started to question what kind of timeline this is, where such absurd events happen. The whole thing was like a Holla Forums troll story but in the real world. This just tops it all off, what a world

Didn't they mean to say "Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges"? "Acquitted of the crime" obviously implies something else, and is grammatically incorrect.


Nah, would probably be this instead.

Anyone have the video of that sides nuking moment during the trial?

You're probably referring to the work of Satoshi Kanazawa. I'm not that familiar with his work though.

It really was. Maybe taking the POTUS was more of an accomplishment, but the Zimmerman trial was definitely peak fun.

I feel like every nigger and virtue signalling faggot should be forced to watch this whole trial. It really proved that Zimzam did nothing wrong.

You fucking madman

Do you have the video of O'Mara questioning the witness saying, "Can you read what this says on the screen"? And then arrogantly walking away before she even finishes?

I feel bad for new fags that missed this trial. It really had to be viewed concurrently with the rampant shitposting.

Remember the opening joke?


Now you know what a college degree is really worth.


Check this out:

Sauce: http: //

Whats worse is in the future when they pass the treyvon bill.
Just think what that'll be, "Hereby illegal to have or be apart of neighborhood watchs unless all participants are law enforcement personnel". Or some BS like that


this is still a thing? if only every spic was as good as zimzam.

Statement from the school

How long before he invented flight? And wrote the Tsiolkovsky rocket equations?

as usual



They've been doing that for a very long time, with degree inflation. Used to be you could get most office pleb jobs with just a high school disploma.
Anyway this guy is dead, so the "free" degree is just a gesture of no consequence.

Fucking what? The Atlanta child killer was Wayne Williams, a complete nigger [see pic related].

Niggers have an amazing ability to selectively filter reality until the world around them looks the way they want it to be.

Seems like killing them is the best way to ensure them getting a good education.

How the hell does his ankles not break from that deathtrap?

We should drive this narrative over the cliff. Can we drum up a demand for the University to name a faculty after him? The Trayvon Martin school of Aeronautics would be great.

So the only successful nigger is a dead nigger.


So any nigger that wants a college degree just get yourself shot dead by some taconigger and you'll be blessed by Saint Skittles.

this fucking guy

Best post ITT





You may be right. If I may suggest an addition, though, he'll probably be holding a gun or a knife when the confrontation happens.

If anyone in this thread is a "Holla Forums sings" contributor, there's just GOT to be a way to make a song out of this to the tune of "London Calling."

Fuck, that guy's just begging for a JUST photoshop.

Holy fuck.

I dunno. How do women do it?

Which universe did I wake up in now?

Will have done about as much work as the other niggers that get them the regular way.

Didn't realise they gave away advanced degrees for attempted robbery.

I've been doing it all wrong.


I'm sorry high level Grand master mason nigger. It's just a concidence, go to sleep you must be tired goy. Get some rest.

Was he even studying aeronautical science?

They apparently gave him the degree because he once said he wanted to be an engineer n shit.

I honestly doubt that he was.
Vid related would be him as an aeronautical scientist.

I don't think he even finished high school. Typical of most niggers.

i'm sure he got high a lot


the only thing that nigger studied was pavement

and increase the number of niggers awarded degrees for the sake of diversity statistics.


My face.

It's as if they don't care if we know this is written by a bot.

On a related note, how fucking pissed would you be if you had earned this degree with four years of work at that shitty school? Is Lockheed going to posthumously give Trayvon the job you were going to apply for?

'Only reason Trayvon not get a pee-8-dee
because dey so RACIS!'

Bat wings.


This thread is killing me.

Fly his chimp corpse right into the fuckin sun

He definitely deserves a doctorate. When was the last time you heard of a white person being honored with a crappy worthless bachelors degree?

Are they trying to say a black man can't be a doctor?

He didn't fly so good.

Was getting goodified part of his plan?

You always make me laugh.

That's right, change into his wallet. This is not the first time a news outlet delightfully forgot to actually read.

Has a degree ever been awarded posthumously to someone who wasnt even attended the college?
I think I've heard of these posthumous degrees but its usually if someone attends the college and is about to graduate but then ends up getting kill in a car crash. They award it so it can be marked down that the person had actually graduated rather than them 'almost' graduating.
I've never heard of anything like this before though. It sounds pretty fucking sad how they are doing this because it reminds everyone how much of a nigger Travyon was that he'd never in actuality get something like that but it also deifies Trayvon by acting as if this dead person somehow earned something.

It kinda reminds me of how Poland in November 2016 passed legislation in their parilement to make Jesus Christ the official King of Poland

Yes, this has happened before, just this is the first time a literal "kid" was awarded such a degree. Oftentimes such a posthumously awarded degree would have been given to those whose efforts in that field were instrumental in advancing that field of study. Unfortunately, such rigors are often beyond the current year+2 generation in accepting the gravity of such an award in what it means.

dam, that nigger really was going to school and getting an education.

Truly disgusting

Okay. But does that then mean Trayvons the first to get a degree despite not having even graduated from highschool (because the nigger got shot) then?

Ehh… First off Holla Forumsands not even that white to NSDAP standards so it doesnt matter that much.
Also the old fashion slavic Christians have a history of viewing Christianity as being an anti-Jewish religious because of European anti-semetism's historical connection to christianity because of the whole "Jews killed Christ" and "Christ stood up against corrupt Jewish values was killed because of it" thing.
Also they are extra Christian because of the Soviet Jewnions anti-christian pro-atheist policies and how it led to slavs having to smuggle bibles and pray in secret and everything because they felt they were living under the Jewish controlled reign of the anti-christ.

I say all this despite not being a christian nor having been raised christian really. Just stating history. People really like their Jesus and view the idea of Jesus as being more than how people on Holla Forums who arent christian or are probably pagan view Jesus. Pic related is an old plaque someone placed in my home state (Utah)

Oh I understand all of that, but that does nothing to change the disgusting nature of that situation. Infiltration by the cult of Yeshua is exactly what has led to the modern paradigm of Semitic hegemony. There is no future for Europoids save by throwing off shackles and delusions such as the "whiteness" of an ancient Semite. The more a country slavishly praises the king of the jews, the more that country's folk will be enslaved by jews.

Yeah I've heard the argument.
It's just that there's a history and context behind the view of Jesus and of the role of Christianity.
It never really had to do with whiteness at all. When the first northern european pagans converted to christanity they werent even aware of race let alone thought that Jesus embodied some kind racial quality similer to theirs, they just adopted it just cuz. Also christianity was associated with the Roman Empire and it was seen that if you wanted to be a part of the roman empire then you'd be christian.
The role of anti-semetism came later in northern european when Ashkenazi jews came along on 8th-9th centuries and the christians of northern europe viewed the way Jews treated the christian gentiles IRL and through the bible and related it to how the Jews are basically people that refuse to follow Jesus and are therefore wicked. The fueds between Ashkenazi Jews and Christians led to furthering both of their convictions over each other. It eventually got to the point where being christian existed just to spite Jews.

There exists a whole history and context that makes modernity make sense if you exam it.


It's an older meme, but it checks out. Perhaps you should get a worthless nignog degree as well.

Perhaps you didnt read "I say all this despite not being a christian nor having been raised christian really" dumb ass. I'm not a christian nor do I like christians particularly and there are many reasons I hate christians aswell. I'm just using history to give a reason why a country like Poland would do that.
Maybe you should read mein kampf bro before you start to get ground up by the purity spiral


This timeline has produced crazier things.

Affirmative action taken to the next level.

I find that hard to believe considering every Europoid colony formed after the Younger Dryas was organized around a racialist hierarchy which elevated the pursuit of blood purity to a spiritual ideal. The Europeans living in the homelands had extensive trade networks, so it's not as though the concept of the existence of niggers, semites, or asians would be unknown.



So what they're saying is the best way to improve education among blacks is to kill them?

We're talking about a people where the average person never left 1 mile from where they were born.
Why the hell do you think Europeans have historically portrayed biblical semites as being white with blonde hair and blue eyes? aesthetics or some shit? no it was because they didnt know any different unless they were some kind of king that could travel, other wise they didnt know fucking shit about race.
Tell that to the Aryans that invaded from northern india and muh dikked all the dravidian hoes and turned them into modern indians.
How was that for blood purity to a spiritual ideal?

I have a bachelors. I'm on the same level in life as a dead nigger. Fucking great!


Do you not understand the point of basing the caste system on racial purity tied to the concept of a cycle of reincarnation in which advancement means moving toward a higher caste?
The entire Vedic society was organized to keep the purebloods at the top clean while using eugenics among the lower classes to eliminate Dravidians.

I completely understand the caste system based on racial purity. But don't you realise that even the highest person on the caste is still a swarthy mudshit? don't you realise that the idea based on racial purity came AFTER they mixed and not BEFORE?

The highest people in the caste system were pure Aryan nobles and priests, the bloodlines of which might still exist to this day if certain accounts of isolated sects are to be believed.

Well then fucking show me these indian kings because they don't fuck exist. You need to realise this.
- Aryans invaded from northern india
- didnt know shit about racial purity as much as you may want to larp they did
- They fucked a bunch of a dark dravidians hoes.
- The children came out half caste, forever tainted with dravidian blood
- over years of high caste mixing the high castes contain a high european percentage but always retain that original dravidian maternal line and still retain the darker dravidian look because everyone has that kind of blood
- no pure aryans left
- over years of forming civilization the indians realise the high caste are lighter skinned than the lower castes who are darker skinned
- caste is largely based on race
- though there is no remaining pure aryans anywhere in india, if they did they'd be known and would have power, they wouldnt be sheltered away, they'd be living in the fucking palaces of india rather than isolated.

They're all gone and its because they fucked up with their breeding.

And yet the entire Vedic system was set up around racial purity, like the earlier Sumerian and Egyptian colonies. Racialism has been a Europoid ideal since at least the end of the Younger Dryas and likely before.

Well then they either mixed and broke that 'spritual ideal' or they all died which is basically the same thing because they are no longer with us

Also post your proofs of this "Racialism has been a Europoid ideal since at least the end of the Younger Dryas and likely before."
I understand that monarchy itself is universaly based on who has the best genetics but your idea that 'racialism has always been a european ideal' is revisionist history.

Or they are still with us, but remain hidden because we live in an era wherein Aryans are the absolute enemy of the Semitic establishment. Remember what happened the last time an Aryanist order arose?

Okay, well pure aryans still exist and havent all been killed off through the use of mass death squads.

And even if these so call hidden aryans still exist its not like they need to come out of their cave waving a swastika banner even if they did its not like a drone would immediatly fucking bomb them either if they were to come out of hiding chances are they'd just like some kind of humble village folk and not as the secret aryanist people you say they would be.

God your ignorant. I seriously don't know why I'm even talking to you because you seem to be one of those people who arent even worth talking too because they are crazy/stupid.

Funfact: navy members who scrape the old paint and rust off all day are called deck apes
Nigger navy indeed

Higher education has officially jumped the shark.

Trayvon got his bat wings and hes burning in hell

Support the United Negro College Fund - Shoot A Nigger


Goes back in time and hits the twin towers with his "pilot degree"

Well he may have been a Bachelor had he not nigged out, so at least that's believable.

It's a HBCU. It's not possible for the quality of the degree to get any worse.

Also, "he didn't fly so good."

Pictured: Wewuz aeronautical science.

This is clearly being done so that the media can say, in future years to future generations, "Martin, awarded a bachelor's degree in aeronautical science, was gunned down… etc."

They're not even using the correct word. Ah, who am I kidding? They're fucking niggers hahaha!


How can chicken wings fly?

too bad those cults don't exist anymore





Only White children get angel wings when they die.
God turns nigger babies into bats instead.
Also did you know why nigger mammas don't let their kids play in sandpits? It's because cats bury them.

We need to start a campaign to get every single dindu who has been goodified an honorary degree.
The more they deserved to die, the more ridiculous the whole thing seems, the better.
Any anons with black twitter accounts with lots of followers who can do this?
Also, how about we push it further still and ask for sainthood?

Savage af

Zimmerman just got him an education too.

What a saint. He's done more for the black community than BLM ever has.

Wew, that's a blast from the past. That nigger tried to blame evil Klanners for randomly exterminating innocent sprogs. But alas, it was just another down low nigger who managed an extended chimpout.

kikepedia link below for some bonus keks

Ya know, I find cartel gore vids less disturbing than that image.

Astronaut Doctor Billionaire Trayvon, gunned down in cold blood by the white grand dragon of the ku klux klan aryan nation hispanic nazi hitler drumpf supporter George Zimmerman.

Man you are fucked! You school shit!
As if he will get any use of it, and oy vey such achievements, give the dead nigger a fucking PhD while your are at it
oh yeah right nigger a bachelor degree is actual an achievement for them


That looks like a white spick.

Comments disabled. Ervy fookn tizime.

This is taking academic handicaps for niggers to the next level.

I mean, did Trayvon even play basketball?

Niggers aren't conscious enough to do anything but repeat what they hear.

Degenerates and their Jewish masters ruin everything, user. It's useless to dream when they're taking the lead, unless those dreams are of ovens.

I know that disgust, bro. And, just in case anyone was too busy staring at the hooves to notice, he's also got a ponytail.

that actually happened.

Now can look for his non-existent career in the real-afterworld on aeronautics that need require 1,000 centuries plus experience to even become considered.

r.i.p in piece trayvon

I know, because back when I was a ponyfag I was part of that group. I quit that shit when I got redpilled and realised how faggoty it was

Anyway, I'm still friends with that guy on goybook.The dude's name is Brigham Benberthy. Here's the link to his account. He appears to have also quit the ponyfaggotry but now he's some anarchokiddy, so not much of an improvement.

What's his major going to be? Bachelor of Arts in Niggerology?

I think he deserves an aircraft carrier named after him.

USS Trayvon coming through zoom zoom

Funny no one saw it that way juden.

they both do paid speeches and run gibs campaigns now

they're pulling in way more money than their welfare spawn ever would have

Where has the time gone?

I peed a little

i was informing the other user that niggers did indeed have the audacity to claim zimmerman inflicted those head wounds on himself. some even went so far to suggest the cops did it to help validate his story. lrn2context u fucking tard.

Shit, my school won't posthumously award a degree to a white person unless all classes were completed.

holy shit.

Proper response would be for somebody to get Zimmerman an honorary degree in Criminal Justice.

Had a good laugh, thanks OP.


Does anyone here think he actually went to Heaven?

Those really were great days.

I am 100% sure xe's standing on some kind of white platforms, that picture was taken because they blend in so well but if you look at the shadows something seems off.

I confidently bet my life that the jews are responsible for this.



Put me in the screencap.

You didn't get dubs so no

Niggers are told from birth they are little princelings and that they are superior to whites. Movies like Get Out and the BLACKED shit on TV makes it worse. When they see the disparity between reality and the world the (((media))) tells them they live in, they respond violently.

Thanks Satan.

I like how they potray his gf as somewhat thin and attractive instead of being a complete hambeast.

This is great propaganda material

Shining Dash, traditionalist and entrepreneur. I like the sound of that.

A "quick search" doesn't make you an expert at anything user. I'm a former addict/dealer that knows his stuff so I'll explain lean to you.

Lean is a nigger creation of a liquid based opioid medication (usually Codeine) mixed with sprite and jolly ranchers. There are variations on this using other candy/drugs but in the states/DIRTY SOUTH you'll only find Codeine and Hydrocodone (Tussinex) based syrups. Most white people won't even fuck with Codeine if they have a serious habit except in passing. It is the cheapest opioid on the streets because it's so weak. Tussinex/Hydrocodone based syrups are good shit and more valued. Hydro is a weak opioid too but it goes for about $5-10 for 10mg on the street these days in pill form. Tussinex is especially valued because it actually tastes good by itself and has a long time release. So you not only get a lot of hydrocodone in one bottle a standard dose will hold you for about 12 hours if you compensate for the time release. Whites typically drink syrups straight while niggers always mix them with something, I don't know why.

Niggers will pay through the nose for syrup of any kind. They pay at least twice what white people will pay for it mg for mg. So it's common to sell them the crap (Codeine) to get fuel your own habit of an opioid worth using.

What am I saying, I do know why. Lean was popularized through rap music/culture of the late 90s/early 2000s. I believe it was first popularized by the 1999 song by 36 Mafia (embed related). It would later become big in the surrounding area (the South) and used/mentioned by various rappers from the Dirty South when southern rap enjoyed a brief period of wide spread popularity in mainstream culture.

they're violent animals regardless. the media only emboldens them.


Florida Memorial University
Bringing education to a graveyard near you.


how fucking racist i literally cannot even right now


The nig nog deserved to be shot, and I'd support a violent genocide of niggers.
But I'll admit that was kind of heart warming. Had it been someone who was a decent human being it would be really sweet.

even giving the wright brothers a post-humous degree would be retarded.

They should have given him a degree in ballistic forensics.

That's quite a hostile way to say 'was proven innocent'

Nobody is jealous of niggers.

They are ugly, they smell, they are unintelligent and often have very little wealth. What is there I'm supposed to be jealous of? Besides the anti white affirmative action policies. I don't even get it, why can politicians get away discriminating whites against niggers? Why do niggers get so much preferential treatment in the US? They're treated by the government as if they are the nation's backbone. However niggers are the nation's 5th column. They are too stupid to really function in this economy most of the time, of course there are exceptions but most of them.

It's more of an honorary thing. It doesn't really hurt anyone, and it respects their legacy. If the person actually deserves it, then there's no reason not to.

Time and expense. If you really want to remember someone, put up a statue or monument or slap a plaque on something.

Your confusion induces empathy, so I will try to clarify.

Niggers are mollycoddled by the establishment for several reasons. Notably:

Niggers of a color flock together. Point in the direction of a Democrat, and literally 95% will vote as one. Pander to niggers in a heavily enriched city, and you've got an unbreakable 30% plurality to build on.

No mayor/governor/president wants to handle the unspoken rebuke of having a nig-nog riot in his jurisdiction. It's embarrassing, and it always leads to the inevitable observation that nobody has made life better for niggers in Chicago since segregation. Best to keep them happy and quiet.

Do you think a (((Rahm Emanuel))) Democrat spares one filthy fuck about giving your money to niggers in exchange for votes? He'll spend 99% of the budget on welfare and free housing before he'll exercise discretion.

Any candidate who does what must be done will be denounced as literally Hitler in the (((media))). Many normalfags will look no further. It's enough for half of white America to know that this or that politician is "racist."

As noted above, niggers vote the same way, no matter what. They're a wonderfully helpful demographic for other reasons. First, they're dumber than a broken brick. A white six-year-old could manipulate a country full of niggers into stabbing themselves with pokers. Just tell them they can have pussy/weed/free gibs after they're done. Second, no matter how stupid their line of bullshit, opposition candidates don't dare tell them to shut the fuck up, because dass raycisssss!!!! This provides cover for Democrats and that rare Republican whose contempt for niggers isn't obvious in every photograph. Finally, niggers are excellent voters because to them, casting a vote is exactly the same as buying shoes: I gibs you dat one vote, what cos' me nuthin', an' y'all gibs me dem crackas munnee Lol get pad makin muney up in hear!

And that, dear fellow Holla Forumslacks, is why we must expel these animals and strip them of citizenship. Not out of hate, but for the same reason we lance boils and zap tumors.

Give me my sides back, you son of a bitch.

Mission Accomplished

The Illustrious Reverand Dr. Trayvon Martin Luther King Jr. Esquire, MD, PHD, CPA, CSM, DVM, CEO.

They love them some titles. Respek. Blang. The fact that this "degree" (historically awarded to students who are worth a damn and survive the trials and tribulations of study) was given to a dead man with absolutely zero credentials to imbly that he is some kind of clockboy genius is a sign of the times.