Why do liberals hate stereotyping ethnic backgrounds/large groups of people, but then prioritize "women and children" whenever there is a situation involving "men, women, and children"?
They don't even know who the individual people are, they just automatically believe women and children are better in some way.
Aiden Myers
It's never about women and children first. It's always about the interests of the elite. Women and children are what they parade as victims because an appeal to emotion, the very definition of a pathetic argument, is more effective at manipulating a population than an appeal to logic.
Liam Wood
Leftism isn't a set of principles. It's an anti-white agenda - once you understand this, everything they do makes perfect sense.
Levi Hughes
Because "liberals" have no ideology at all. They just hop on board whatever trendy, fashionable idea the MSM spews forth. They do not have the ability to self analyze or critique. they are lemmings and the sooner we understand this fact of life the better.
Dominic Watson
Because most liberals ARE women and indoctrinated men who accept their 2nd class status in society.
FACT OF THIS BOARD: Most nazis here are pretty hardcore feminists who think it's okay for men to get the shorter end of the stick
Yes the Jews freed women…. they freed the beasts of hell because they know darn well that these creatures will destroy civilization
The nature of women has ALWAYS been known to mankind all over the world and necessary steps have been taken to keep them in check!!
Hitler was an indoctrinated feminist who was fooled into thinking that women are "good" just like men.
That's why he believed in love marriages, divorce and girls going to school among other HORRIBLE things that lead to the destruction of our world!!
Asher Watson
"Hey Pol, explain X to me"
Ryder Ortiz
What the fuck are you on about? Liberals love stereotyping large groups of people - that's what SJWs spend all day doing.
He's not perfect, but he did a lot of good. Or at least, tried to.
sage for shit thread
Chase Brown
Watch this video immediately, you fool.
Wyatt Garcia
What a load of feminazi shit
He clearly supports men being 2nd class citizens For us the woman has been the most faithful work and life companion of the man
LOL, this is exactly what the feminists say…… and the complete opposite of pre-feminist times. Men have ALWAYS been ill advised to keep the company of women!!!
He's just promoting fights with other men and feminism. Fuck all these feminists.
We MUST return to the pre-feminist era immediately and put an end to this madness once and for all
James Harris
Hey fellow Goyim. You know who we should really be angry at? Women. Let's work together against half of your…I mean our race.
Also, fuck Hitler, fellow Goyim!
Brody Scott
Lies and garbage rethoric on a board litteraly run by NatSocs.
You control women through social shame and by creating legislation where a women holds a form of second class citizenry.
Jaxon Thomas
Hold on, what does that accomplish? Why on earth would self respecting White people try to suppress and alienate 50% of White people in a White society? A society without strong and nationalistic women is a society asking to die.
Jaxson Russell
You're retarded. Here are some quotes from this speech which you would have heard had you been paying attention.
Owen Parker
Yes absolutely, female nature has been accurately pointed out by men all over the world since the beginning of time (almost).
Yes fuck Hitler and all you feminists
We should not be working with women we should be locking them away in rooms/houses. A woman should be seen and not heard.
I guess mudslimes are victims of D&C too right? lol. Fucking kill yourself already
You control women by enslaving them (just like slaves and cattle) Women should barely be considered citizens…… if at all………. they are PROPERTY. Hitler supported special treatment of women and expected men to get the shorter end of the stick.
Kayden Rodriguez
I'm curious, in what time and place have European people enslaved their women like 'slaves and cattle'?
You refer to a pre-feminist era like you have a solid date for such a time. When is it?
Connor Davis
Oh look at how much your ad hominem attacks are working! /s
Hitler CLEARLY stated that he does not want equality for women ONLY in the ways that it makes them toil/be in danger
Because apparently it gives women INFERIOR status (which he dislikes)
He's a fucking 20th century feminist and he needs to be condemned just like all feminists and women.
Ayden Hill
Kek. That is exactly what I saw as well.
Ethan Lopez
(Just a few examples off the top of my head) Even the bible refers to women in the same breath as asses, slaves and houses.
Women are commanded to obey men like we are Gods……
A woman's place is at home (confined to the house)…. No women allowed in public places existed till the 20th century
Arranged marriages in the bible which continued till the early 20th century.
Headcovering is sanctioned.
Women's rights to own wealth and property were very uncommon…….
Wife beating was a legal provision everywhere…. and has ONLY become illegal since feminism. One of the most popular old sayings is that: A woman, an ass and a walnut tree……….. bring more fruits………. the more beaten they be!
Women are only allowed to hyphenate their names now (this BS should also be banned immediately).
Aaron Brooks
Time frame? LOL.
It's just how it has ALWAYS BEEN
A woman's only duty is to serve and please her lord/master…. Cooking, cleaning, serving men like me!! If you got a problem with that you can kiss my ass, faggot
In ancient Rome (before the final decline/feminism) husbands were allowed flagellis et fustibus acriter verberare uxorem if women left the house without permission
Fucking kill yourself, feminist scum! White knights like you should be persecuted
Aiden James
user it's futile to rationalise and give serious thought to the ridiculous and illogical to the extreme amounts of doublethink with liberals at this point. We have threads here everyday that prove it like all the women who cry about rape culture but suddenly when they actually get raped by a shitskin they make all forms of mental gymnastics as the worst rape apologist in the world for the subhuman rapists. The answer is don't bother, liberals are just terribly mentally ill.
Julian Gomez
Dude, just learn to live with it. That bullshit is everywhere. Another example that I was reminded of today is the fact that they call climate skeptics "[whatever] lobbyists" while they don't care about the fact that when they are anti-anti-vaccination people that they are pushing for big pharma lobbies themselves.
Also this (checked) In essence there is not one single principle behind their thought. They believe whatever the TV tells them, and TV is anti-white.
Jose Peterson
The Bible is kike neurosis on display for all. It is not worth imitating. European societies have always been relatively egalitarian. Why do you think the tricks of the left worked so well on us? Germanic legends are full of women who take arms and fight alongside their husbands or to avenge them. There's a natural order, but it isn't your bullshit any more than the sexual perversion and decadence of the left.