Japan: Hapa Western TV personality Haruka Christine wants youth to get politically savvy


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She looks like a total retard.

She's got a big fat Jew nose on her. Is her Swizz mother a kike perhaps?

Fat, yes. Jew? Doubt it. Could be from the father's side.

Unfortunately your shnozz detector is a little off, user. This woman is just a half-breed and that nose could be compared to a lower islander.

A kike nose is very pronounced at the bridge with an immediate dip that causes it to lower as you get toward the tip… It's similar to the drop effect on a chart, user. Where the rates are going up then suddenly meet an 'unexpected' fall.

she got that mario nose

Like pottery.

Any links I can look at, OP?


Japan simply can't follow the West's mistakes. My heart couldn't take it.
I have a little more faith in Japan than I would a bleeding-heart, white country, since they're so traditionalist to their very core. Hopefully the full-blooded Japanese can spot this absurdity for what it is.

Also, this is just more proof that Hapas are a danger to society.

Did I see this bitch on NHK programme about Tokyo for the Olympics? She was fucking retarded if so.

she managed to look less human than nips, impressive

Jewish/Nigger Hapa or western educated Hapa, yes. British Japanese Hapa in Japan are amazing.

I readily admit that Japanese culture is superior to modern western culture at this time. However I find Icelanders to be the most attractive people on the planet (happen to be a very Aryan male nordic, and female celtic hybrid).

How can Jewishness transcend race this fucking much?


Just google her name Christine Haruka. Every result is about how quirky and weird it is for her to talk about politics.

Just give me the link to whatever article OP used, you mongoloid.

Christ that bitch is ugly. Is this what a half Japanese crypto kike looks like?

Icelandic women look like literal angels. They are the the perfect ideal image of Aryan beauty. That's all I came here to say though really, fuck this shit thread.

The Jew fears the samurai. That high IQ and resistance to emotional manipulation makes the Japanese resistant to the Jewish poison.
If I remember correctly the Japanese have laws regarding ownership of their media and that only a small percentage can be owned by foreigners. So I doubt were going to get some (((changes)))

Japanigger socialist, you say?

Happas are gross

That's a celebrity? She's fugly and that nose, holy shit. They could at least picked one that doesn't look like some kike mongrel.

Why are immigrants so entitled?

Guarantee she doesn't want Nips to get more involved in politics. She doesn't know what she's asking for.

And this is how Japan finally dies.

Nope, a politically enlightened Japan will quickly move back to ethnonationalism and purge their traitors out. (Look at China in the last 2 decades)

The oriental mind is different than occident. We don't have too much excess xeno-empathy here.

Alpine Jews.

So basically "right winged" Japs are cucks who believe the anti-Nazi propaganda and at the same time believe Japs dindo nuthin in WWII.


Even if they weren't conciously trying to lie and manipulate, these articles are written by 22 yo gender studies majors who can't research a damn thing if they had a gun to their head. Read some non political articles relevant to a field you are experienced in and you'll quickly realize most news sites don't have a fucking clue about anything. The (((writers))) do about 20 minutes of reading, shit out a 500 word "article" with no proof reading and tons of pictures, and call it good enough.

My body is not ready.

Is that a halfu? What's wrong with her face?

Mixed race people and Hapas in particular are maladjusted without exception. Can a kind user add her face to this collage?

You answered your own question, T.B.H.

Two good things mixed together don't make an even better thing.

Example: Coca cola and beer mixed together are less appealing than when they're seperated.

It's more like mixing wine and milk.

hapas are both ugly and insufferably autistic

Out of all of them Keanu is probably the most well adjusted, but that seems to have taken years to achieve.
Unlike most self-hating hapas, has a variety of hobbies/talents like painting, music and even 3 gun.

Also has a reputation of being extremely generous to all the production assistants and grunts working on his movies, and even living very frugal with all the wealth he has.

No kidding

Have people forgotten that your eyebrows and hair are supposed to be the same color?

Nigger that bitch has wings obviously laws of reality do not apply

He got succesful when people didn't know what a white-Asian blend was and they thought he was exotic. Now people know that they look like mestizos and act like idiots, people really could care less about them in fact people often find them to be ugly.

Just saying, she would have looked better as an actual blonde

As for Keanu, he's had a shitty life in general, being Hapa is just the cherry on top.

At least mulattoes can identify as black and be accepted. Imagine being neither Asian nor white, just pale.

Not pale, user. Ugly.

i wonder is ww2 nip vets feel about the decay of their nation

I used to be skype pals with this mega autistic hapa girl from hawaii. i have never encountered someone so conflicted on who they were in my entire life

she was cute and funny but holy fuck what a waste of human life

The world is really lucky Keanu isn't a supreme gentleman.

They probably understand why their buddies killed themselves a long time ago.

Japanese are honorary aryans.
A bit more white genes to boost the Jomon archetype would be a good thing.

i get the feeling keanu has seen some shit, and he does his best to bring some light to the world. there's also something heartening about seeing a hollywood actor exercise his 2A rights in such a way. it makes stuff he does like John Wick all the better because you know he's put the actual work in (unlike assholes like stallone or ahnold who just look the part).


If I'm a mongrelized white(25% Cheeki Breeki, 25% German, 50% potatonigger) would it be bad to knock up a jap? I'm already moving there in a few weeks to help a relative start a business.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you even have to ask? Jesus Christ don't get a Nippon pregnant you stupid faggot.

She sounds stupid enough to think Mao was a brilliant leader, too.

noice trips, but Claymore is basically berserk meets DBZ season 1 with chicks, even the one that looks like a Maori has hair that bright. Kek should see this, it's quite enjoyable.

This is why I don't buy the "renowned paedos" that are only one-time offenders. A: it's addicting to the real degenerate elites (obviously) and B: they don't really give a shit if you know if they are the real deal like Dan "molded her flan with my bare hands" Schneider..
Those poor bastards are instead the ones that gazed straight into that shadow and broke. Meanwhile (((Woody Allen))) wanders around in public with his two newest 'conquests' and nobody says a damn thing despite what looks like an 80 year age difference.

do you want to make a Tanya? This sounds like how you make a Tanya.

Koreans look really fucking different m8 and have a different geneology that makes them more prone to (((modern))) mindsets.

But when tanyaposter supports it you know it's a bad idea :^)

Yes. Have some white kids, for fuck's sake.
I'm not even as hardline about miscegenation as a lot of people here (in a hypothetical situation where both our homelands are secure and we're founding space colonies or some shit, sure, go ahead, have a colony or two where whites and japs are totally integrated and see what comes out) but at this point in history it's fucking retarded and does nothing but harm both races.

Strange, I heard that most of their MSM was controlled by Zainichi Koreans who answer directly to the Jews and run Anti-Japanese propaganda 24/7.

That's all white genes. You're good.
So spread those genes.

He's fucking a tranny though. Although after all that shit he might just kind of gave up.

Makes sense. He's /k/ as fuck.

I wonder how much they paid him to pose like that? He looks so despondent.

That's some fine shooting he's doing there.

top KEK

I hope she crashes and burns.

I don't think impregnating a jap is how you make a Tanya.



Keanu's only 1/4 Chinese


He and filthy frank should be at the front to truly send a message about hapas upon first glance, not somewhere in the side.


If you've got the info I'd like to see it. I just remember reading a wiki article explaining theirs limitations on what foreigners can own.

Racemixing is unethical so don't promote that against the nips.

Not much comes to mind but i think i have either red or seen a hentai that starts with a similar cunt. I don't think i need to explain what's going to happen next ( since it was some bondage heavy stuff ).

Zaichini. That should explain any confusion you have.



This tbh

I knew a girl who was 3/4 swiss and 1/4 Malaysian, always bitching about muh sexism, too lazy to do work and she fucked multiple kikes

I bet nobody takes this whore seriously. Japanese people have zero respect for mongrels.

They finally realized how they will be punished for not being an heroes.

Daily reminder that Hapas know they're fucked up and hate their dads for being beta and their mothers for being race traitor whores.

This is why you don't fucking race mix, ever. No matter how much you muh' dick.

Look up roaming millenial's stream with manlet woes on jewtube for further evidence you should never fucking ever race mix.


Fuck Garrison is good. By far the best political cartoonist floating around.

All I'm getting from this video is that Hapa-Boy wants to fuck his mom so he can start repairing his gene-line.

Good god, half white half japs look even worse than pure Japs. What a horrifying face.

(((Swiss))) mother. Bullshit. She's got the face of a Jew and the eye of a Jap. That makes her not white, or even honorary white.

I never said he should avoid white wimmins, schlomo.

How to we redpill ordinary japs on the jews?

Not really, as long as it's not an epidemic or the pure population doesn't fall below a certain percentage.

You sure about that?
There's plenty of ugly white people with ugly children.

You don't race mix because you'd be raising your wife's child. You'd be more closely related to any white on the planet than the hapa mongrel she shits out for you. No bigger cuck than a race mixer.

Yes it is you fucking retarded nigger, those disgusting half breeds will eventually be totally absorbed in the entire genepool due to breeding with the natives, you retarded double nigger fuck.

After enough dillution, it becomes pointless.

Race-mixing (in small numbers) has been a thing for thousands of years. Whites reached china, japan, egypt, india and even america thousands of years before christ.
And occasionally some non-whites found their way to europe. So someones grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grandpa was probably half-breed.

Now, if you said adding black genes I might agree with you, since they drags you down, but asians have high IQ and actual civlization.
They are the only ones who can actually compare to the white race.

What about the organ transplant?

Oyy Zurich!

If you are wondering, he legit works for a Swiss bank

If you have to say, "as long as MOST people don't do it," it's unethical.

Then there's the potential identify conflicts in all mixed-race people.

what about the male hapas?

It never even crossed my mind.

All of them look half-assed and defective.

In India they had the caste system to try and prevent the mixing of the races. Also your use of Egypt isn't a great example.

Exceptions will only lead to more exceptions, principles and standards must be maintained or else history will repeat itself. Europeans breeding with asians still results in outbreeding depression, such an union has no benefit on society's racial health.

This is objectively a good thing. Hopefully this crypto-Kike chokes in her sleep and dies before she further any real corruption on pure Nippon-land.

He most likely has enough weeb and gadgets merchandise that is worth a few (if not more) millions, where do you think he gets all the money?
He's like the Avatara of weeaboo richfags or something.

lol he looks like he's photoshopped on there

facial appearance says otherwise.

Shes not half jap.
Half of her face is wearing make-up and the other half is not.

As long as you're 3/4 white, you're white.
Didn't even Hitler have a rule like that?

So is murder, letting people suffer and many other things. Ethics means jack shit.

You're telling me you wouldn't want to bang the 1st pic? She looks whiter than most pure whites.

So you're after pure ayrian beauty? Like Chelsea or Moldylocks?

Slippery slope fallacy. I don't believe in that shit, it's not a proper argument and never has been.
You think banning it will change anything?
It's not like people never challenged authority or gone specifically for forbidden things.

There is no need for concern. Most whites are more attracted to white girls by nature. It's never going to become a real issue, as long as concetrated brainwashing and mixing (imigration) efforts are prevented.

I have to correct myself, he doesn't merely work for a bank, he IS a banker

The asian half is wearing makeup.

They just look like they don't belong anywhere. Granted I'm no 12/10 beauty, but I look like a real human at least and not a disguise.

Don't know him ;^)
As long as it isn't "half a tsp of this brown shit, half a glass of this type of brown, two pinches of this brown and what the fuck am I doing again?"


Not all mixed kids will be girls, user.
I know a family with an Indonesian grandmother on the mother's side and their 1/4 Indonesian boys look 100% Asian (and are 100% autistic and self-hating).

Being happa is suffering.


No amount of bullets can load his emptiness inside though.

Filthy Frank is just a character, I can't fucking believe there are people that still think he's a real person.

Fuck, she is ugly.

Reminder that every Holla Forumsack should watch Mashima - A life in Four Chapters

You get vastly different looking people within the same population and different expression of genes.

Aha. And what does a "real human" look like in your mind? I'm betting on "sack of shit".

A fallacy is a fallacy. And the slippery slope is one. It's just a matter of going far enough back down the chain.

Dissent and corruption starts with spreading of that thought. To stop the spread of thought we must tough police. Ban freedom of speech!

Two ugly people don't make attractive offspring ( Hence why a lot of happas are ugry because it's mostly beta males) . If you have two attractive people have a kid you’re going to have an attractive kid.

You can go ahead and put your petty, defensive insults back in the bag. I couldn't care less what you think I look like, we're not dating.

Now fuck off shill.

Wasn't it just that he was seen with a tranny and everybody assumed he was fucking it?

She's ugly.

Kindly fuck off back to reddit.

Lewd happa… yes.

Getting really tired of this shit.

Kek, it's funny to see painted blondes as a natural blonde myself.

Something looks seriously off about her

Moldylocks is a kike, you fucking dirty lying subversive piece of hebrew shit.

he also banged a tranny

That's a kike.


Not a "hapa," a jew.

Not at all, you fucking retard. Only when you are PHYSICALLY INDISTINGUISHABLE from other Europeans, you are white.

Besides, the Nuremberg laws to which you are referring only applied to Jews (who are already heavily admixed with European DNA and are caucasoid), and even then for a person to be considered fully German they had to be 1/8 at the most. Quit trying to justify your sick mongrelisation fetishism, you repulsive rat-faced kike.

Slippery slope is only a fallacy if there is no logical connection. If I said that people who eat oranges will start fucking ant's nests then that would be slippery slope fallacy. My argument still stands.
Yes, in addition to other measures.
Why don't we make everything legal then
Exactly, in a white ethno-state there will be no non-whites including kikes like you to produce unsound offspring

Kill yourself scum.

The hypocrisy of this statement is fascinating.