WTF, I love (((Wealthy Elites))) now

WTF, I love (((Wealthy Elites))) now

"Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, are rich cosmopolitans. And they’re saving us from Steve Bannon…"

Karabell is some made-up name for you know who

ffs this cant be real

We need a purge.

Fucking ridiculous





Is there an app or plugin you use to do that?

I use "Fireshot" to take the screenshot, then edit in the archive link using:

holy shit this heeb is retarded. He thinks the "globalist" won because trump didn't immediately pull out of nafta. It's as if he never watched a single trump rally or read art of the deal. Oh right its a kike, they just lie out their ass.


Actually text can be added via Fireshot as well. I should start doing that.

Can these kikes get any more blatant than this?

Zachary Karabell‏ @zacharykarabell May 2
Too much focus on D.C., not enough on Silicon Valley: Look to Zuck, Not Trump’s 100 Days, to See the Future

The headline alone justifies lynching every single person involved with that rag.

they aren't even trying to hide it any more
kikes are stopping whites from having a political voice
I'm sure this will end well for them, as usual

I can just imagine Holla Forums screaming
Hahahahaha holy fuck.

I'll never understand how we got to a point in society where nationalism has become a bad word among the general public.
The very idea that you should give a shit about your country and do what's best for it is seen as a bad thing.
What a fucking world.

I remember "Hillary's corrupt, yes, that's a good thing" too. Why are jews and marxists so smug and stupid at the same time? How is it even possible?

I can't stop laughing guys. I really can't.

Don't think about that too hard, or you might realize even this article is just more psyop. The (((elites))) are planning on positioning themselves as the saviors of the people after (((they))) are the ones to crash the system.

Bannon is no different, he just puts on a populist front.

I can't find a single person in my blue collar town that has an issue with nationalism. There's the people of the nation, then there's the chattering class writing essays about nationalism as a bad thing. I find this to be great. It indicates that (((they))) have completely lost control of the commoner and are now appealing directly to the kikes to shut it down. Good luck with that.



Moral relativism? They're so fixated on an end goal they deem worthy they'll do anything to achieve it and the dumber ones will admit that without realizing how it makes them look to the uninitiated.

A lot of people don't know what "nationalism" is.If you ask them if nationalism is bad they will say "yes". Because that's what they are programmed to say.

But those same people have

You have those retards and then you have the kikes who know what nationalism is and they actually hate the idea of their country. . They think the American flag is racist and want a one world EU style government.

The kikes have lost what little subtlety they had. I hope it takes them too long to remember what came after Wiemar Germany.

Also, ID quads checked.


ᵉᶫᶦᵗᵉˢ ᵖᶫᵉᵃˢᵉ ʰᵉᶫᵖ

Bottom left.

Superfusion: How China and America Became One Economy and Why the World's Prosperity Depends on It (Simon & Schuster, 2009)
A Visionary Nation: Four Centuries of American Dreams and What Lies Ahead
The Last Campaign: How Harry Truman Won the 1948 Election (which won the Chicago Tribune Heartland Prize for best non-fiction book of the year),
Peace Be Upon You: The Story of Muslim, Christian and Jewish Coexistence (Knopf, 2007),

?In 2003, the World Economic Forum designated Zachary a "Global Leader for Tomorrow."
the New America Foundation
Council on Foreign Relations.


Why would a Jew name himself before leaping out of a helicopter?

Plainly: They're suicidal.

The same reason we throw rice at weddings to scare off kikes. They're insane.

I can't wait to execute a fucking Warhammer 40K Blood Angel doom drop on Tel Aviv and fucking cleanse that region of all life. As a veteran, I will be in the vanguard, getting in the thickest possible fighting.


They will call themselves patriots but not nationalists. A patriot is a good goy who will do what his country asks of him or her, a nationalist will do what is right for his or her country.


When are we going to start skinning alive billionaires?

I can't wait.

What is F12, Alex?


Paying respects one is enough.

Even worse than his globalist shilling is his blatant sucking up to the 'elites'.

Shit's weak breh.

So Holla Forums has been cucked.


Take it as good news. They are backed so tightly into a corner that this is kind of pleading is all they all have left.


Is this their death rattle? Do they realize that Ivanka and Kushner only radicalize us more and make us realize that Trump and his entire yid line needs to be gassed and replaced with actual Nationalists?


Perhaps he is wondering why you'd elect Trump before starting the race war