Soon the House is expected to vote on the ACA replacement bill. Its already expected to pass the House and move onto the Senate.
Soon the House is expected to vote on the ACA replacement bill. Its already expected to pass the House and move onto the Senate.
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this one actually good or did Ryan fuck with this one too?
Who knows. I didn't even know they were voting again already. This one slipped under the radar. However, the Dems on the stream are kvetching over it, so it sounds good because of that.
Libshits on twitter are freaking out about this, so I can only assume it's better than the last one.
Rush is going over it right now. Some good, some bullshit. No fine now though. Instead of you go 2 months without insurance to get a surcharge from the company you go through when you sign up. 20-30% or so.
Its going to pass because I think the Freedom Caucus got some things they wanted added, and the moderates also got pre-existing coverage added I believe. Now it all comes down to the Senate.
What's some of the good and the bad? Like said this shit's gone under the radar and I have no clue what's in this one.
So it still penalizes people who didn't sign up for the scam that is the ACA?
Yeah, because that worked so well during the election.
Haven't we established Pelosi is most likely senile and everyone sees her that way?
She does look even more off than usual. Not sure if that's the video quality, or her age catching up to her plastic surgery.
Oh boo hoo you fucking spic faggot.
Doubt you give a shit about people dying when it comes to beaner hordes - of which you are an example.
I hate these vermin.
Oh, and of course you've got a fucking Jew wife.
Someone tweet something back at his fat ass about natural selection.
Tweet him that screencap of the /fit/ thread where they realize "evolution" is the best argument against fatties like him.
Anons I don't understand. I thought trump Healthcare bill failed few weeks ago and Paul Ryan fucked us? Is this different?
failed to pass then, they re-did it now. remember it took obozo like 9 months of rewriting before his got passed, trumps will pass far sooner than that even if it doesn't pass today
This is why we need a war (totale krieg) with no hidey holes for this scum. These untermensch/leftists and jews like this would die off real quick.
I just didn't realise it came up so fast and the fucking lefties were cheering about Healthcare this time so I assumed they kept it. But now they're suddenly mad. Maybe I misunderstood and they were just cheering the budget
Any important changes that lefties hate?
Thats why the the leftist jews are scared… they brought out Nancy Pelosi.
Dude makes a lot of dough on youtube. What the fuck is he crying about.
It always makes me happy to remember he still shitposts after winning the most tipped election in our history.
I want to dump this image everywhere when obamacare is repealed.
This bill will fail. Ryan will take the fall. Screencap this.
again….. If that happens Ryan really needs to go.
I hate him so much, literally room temperature IQ
Did they vote on it yet?
Voting now. Fox news stream:
Live stream:
Not sure what this means
I think they need 216 votes.
so it passed
Get fucked obama legacy
Dubs confirm Elijah Cummings has the same IQ as the rock that smashed his dumb nigger face in.
I think they just said the AHCA passed with 217 votes. Moving onto the Senate now.
It passed
Reminds me of an A Wyatt Mann drawing
Rush said that his sources are telling him that if Chuck Schumer was told that if he doesn't let it pass then the GOP will go nuclear and blow the 60 vote filibuster out and make every bill 50+1.
I guess the MSM overplayed their hand with the "haha the GOP have the house/senate/WH but the dems are still cucking them" stuff.
So expect a lot of noise but the bill will pass in the end.
Liberals would be screaming even if the only thing that changed from ACA was the name.
Dangerous as fuck user, imagine if the tables were turned by even one seat?
Well it's the nuclear option after all.
How is this different from Ryancare? I remember ryancare being total and utter shite, and this board theorizing Trump used it to get rid of the faggot.
Does this one fulfill any of Trump's campaign promises?
earliest chance dems have to just shove shit through would be in 2020, the nation isn't going to last long one way or another anyways. May as well get conditions as favorable to us as possible before Civil War.
Well I suppose the arrests and prosecutions would have to start, wouldn't they?
Based on how Trump's team cucked the dems with the recent negotiations concerning the 2017 budget, it wouldn't shock me.
Didn't the Republicans roll over and take it in the ass this budget?
No wall funding etc
Too early for this but I can't wait
They did, and it makes the incumbents look weak, perfect for getting them booted out during midterms for actual Americans.
No, watch the press briefing where Mulvaney explained what happened.
Cure your ADD and watch it.
Bill just passed
News just broke, it passed woop woop
Pic related
Healthy at any size, goy.
Obama blown the fuck out. Demshits on suicide watch. Bovine shitskin tax parasites on life support.
watch the MSM screech endlessly about "Trumpcare" until premiums start to go down and then try to give credit to the dems
I had cancer 2 years ago and get insurance through my employer
Am I fucked?
Is that name sticking? It doesn't seem to be at least to me. It feels very awkward and wrong to call it that unlike obamacare.
you should be fine then
I think it's because it has three consonants clumped together. Obama's name was convenient to use for this kind of thing because it ends in a vowel.
For what was said at a recent Press conference, most people are going to keep their insurance coverage…. only really weird cases may lose coverage and I think they have something set up for that too
This really isn't what the leftists are painting it as.They are just pissed off because the Republicans wrecked king nigger's legacy and get credit for fixing his retarded & unpopular healthcare bill.
I'm sure the leftists/democrats wanted to use healthcare as a reason for people to vote for them in the next few years after it started to collapse:
"Those mean old republicans didn't fund obamacare that's why it sucks put us back in charge so we can fund it some more."
The only thing I can find different about this one is about pre-existing conditions. Granted, this is MSM sources and they be just pushing thay to make it more EVIL to the libshits. NBC even admits after all the fact, that this still doesn't fufill Trump's promise of repealing obamacare.
Playing both sides for an overall useless change, it seems. I don't see much to celebrate on our side but I could be wrong.
Just to be clear, instead of having to pay the government for simply existing if I chose not to have health insurance, now I'll have to pay the Jews directly for the rest of my life if I lapse for 2 months without insurance at any point from now until I die?
But what does this bill even entail?
Trump was always left-leaning when it came to healthcare so it is fulfilling his promise, do people not remember how adamant he was in debates that he wouldn't let people die in the streets all while Cruz attacked him over it? He said medicaid would cover the really poor, guess what got kept, the expanded medicaid for people under federal poverty level. Main thing this does is remove the penalty.
I don't think they expected people to be pissed as they where when they let the Democrats roll them on the last few big things.
Or how publicly smug they where about it.
Or PENCE getting cornered yesterday by RUSH asking why the GOP keeps rolling over for democrats when they have all 3 branches.
Hopefully they see that they have to put some solid points on the board if they want to be reelected.
No, you have to pay 30% more for the first year of insurance if your insurance lapsed for more than two months.
They have to do something like that since they're still forcing insurance companies to take people with preexisting conditions.
Ok, that's not so bad. I can get behind this then probably.
I though I was going to have to pay 30% more forever, if it's only for 1 year that's not so bad. It could be better, but is far less intrusive than the tax.
The mandate is gone. You can't be forced in to buying it by threat of law now. Also instead of healthy people subsidizing the already sick they set up a high risk pool. That should help bring premiums down.
Too bad. You can't force a house insurance company to cover someone whose house is on fire, you should not be able to force someone to cover someone who is currently fucking dying very slowly.
Yeah he didn't cuck or flip on that he said he didn't want people dying in the street during the campaign.
yeah, that's the best parts.
Ripping off a bandaid always hurts
This bill still does that.
You realize that everyone is dying really slowly, right?
I know, cuck stream.
also any more leftist salt?
My girl works for one of the big insurance companies that's been pulling out of states. They lost their shirts on Obamacare because sick people would sign up. Get 100's of thousands of dollars worth of care then instantly drop the coverage.
Healthy people wouldn't sign up because they didn't see the value in spending $500/month for insurance that had 7k deductibles and covered nothing.
Well that's a huge first step.
Twitter.co m/RickyVaughnX1
Ricky is currently collecting and retweeting an impressive amount of salt. I honestly wouldn't have expected this much of a meltdown.
My plan under ACA was actually pretty good, $0 deductible and $500 out of pocket maximum, could just be because I'm only in my early 30s though.
Those people get dropped in to the high risk pool.
Trump smugging it up live now.
Smug as fuck.
Checking those Fuhrer trips and keking that PBS shut the stream chat down once I started calling out communist faggots.
What section of the bill covers this high risk pool? I'm not seeing it.
Did your plan cost less than $600/year? That comes to $50/month. Because if it was more expensive, you wasted money. You could have just paid the tax, and still received coverage for your pre-existing condition if you ever got sick or hurt, by getting "insurance" after the fact.
Let me answer that question though, nobody gets health insurance with a $0 deductible for $50 a month, unless your employer picks up the rest of the slack. In which case, if it was available, you should have just taken the cash out option.
How much did you get in subsidies?
They true cost of the plans was hidden by many because the monthly cost was being picked up by the government. Those subsidies where then slowly lowered and then healthy people started dropping out.
Someone on goybook was saying that only the premiums will go down for healthy people and that sick, pregnant, and or pre-existing conditions will see an increase. Is that true?
Hopefully. That's how insurance works.
you spergs needs to borrow some humor…this was satire: he's telling people they need to take better care of themselves (quit making everyone else pay for their horrible lifestyles)
A friend of mine, who also works for one, called me and attempted to explain to me how this allows Social Security to keep up to 12 grand of recipients who receive 26 grand annually. I can't say I understand it, but it seems like it'll fuck over poor people on SS.
I didn't get a subsidy, I did pay $230 a month but that was cheaper than the $460 a month I was paying before the exchanges.
I'd much prefer to have access to healthcare at all times instead of having to wait weeks if not months for the paperwork to process.
meaningless without deductibles
Hospitals aren't allowed to turn you away if you need care. You would have still received care if you needed it.
nevermind, missed your other post
I already said I had a $0 deductible through the exchange, was $2000 deductible before. Note that this reform doesn't effect me as it keeps the collective bargaining aspect.
Emergency room care is shit.
That's whAt the extra $8 billion was for. Coverage for people with pre existing conditions instead of pushing the cost on to the healthy members.
smells like subsidies to me
I know you already claimed you weren't
I don't qualify for subsidies because my income is too high.
I've never gone to the emergency room except for a few, you know, emergencies. That being said, I never noticed a difference in the care or quality of care I received.
In any event, you paid a lot more than you had to, for the same "coverage" While you may have enjoyed having access to a personal doctor and a local clinic or whatever, it makes no financial sense for anyone who doesn't care about that to buy health insurance.
Well your state's exchange is better then mine. We have only 2 options in my state and next year it will be one.
File this under I don't believe (((you)))
You have to be an idiot not to care about that.
That was worded horribly. The only time I've been to the emergency room was for emergencies. However, when I was there I didn't notice anything unsanitary or dated, or anything that would make me nervous about receiving care through the emergency room as opposed to a clinic.
Sage for not adding anything.
Why? You realize that your records are transferred between doctors right? Even when I had insurance, I didn't have a doctor. I just went to the clinic and got a check-up or saw a specialist for specific problems. Who even has a personal doctor?
So that your doctor is completely familiar with your situation and can't easily overlook something in your records(or leave something out for your next doctor).
Who doesn't? Do you live in a city or something?
its not even law yet and they're celebrating pretty hard…
Awww, nigger care repealed. Guess the Holla Forums shills are going to have to find another talking point.
For this much celebration already they're definitely planning on going nuclear in the Senate if the dems don't let it go through.
The nuclear option has already been invoked by the democrats for simple majority. There is no need to use that.
I thought that was only for appointees and not laws up till now though.
I did when I had insurance.
As far as your reasons why, you must have some horrible things wrong with you man. I'm not on meds, and don't have any problems. I go there for a check up and they just take my vitals, and tell me they are normal. Or I go there because I broke a bone or something.
I guess if I was taking like 50 meds and the doctor had to keep track of what could be mixed with what there might be a problem, otherwise, what's the big deal?
Doctor X: Hey Doctor Y, here's user's chart. There isn't anything wrong with him.
What else is there to it?
I was born with some severe physical birth defects, yeah.
Ok, but then you've got pre-existing conditions.
If you are healthy, what point is there to buying insurance and having a personal doctor? For someone like me, I'll just pay the tax and be healthy until I'm not, and pay for insurance and get a doctor then.
And sorry to hear about the defects, user. Hope nothing is too serious. Wasn't trying to poke fun of you if you got some health shit going on. I figured by the price and quality of your plan, that you were healthy.
any predictions how the (((market))) with react to this if it becomes law?
I'm thinking it could go either way: with all the big insurance companies already bailing on the Niggercare exchanges it should bode well for their bottom line, but they're also losing the captive healthy "customers" that only bought in because of the mandate.
No worries, I think that our situations are just so different that its difficult for each of us to see where the other's coming from.
Under ACA only things insurance companies could ask to determine pricing was your age and whether you smoke. Why I'm trying to find the high risk pool part of the bill as that will probably apply to me but I'm not seeing it, regardless I don't care too much because worst case I end up paying a few hundred a month more or so in insurance costs and TPP/immigration are the reasons I voted Trump anyways.
wow. How did I not hear any of this?
Wow, Holla Forums BTFO!
Because everyone is banned who would tell you.
Hi /leftycuck/
Yeah, Paul Ryan is cool now, what a great bill.
Fuck off to endchan already.
Good goy, we're all cuckservatives now
No healthcare bill can be good. In every healthcare system in the world there are winners and losers because its impossible to provide quality care for everyone.
I was happy when the first bill didnt pass.
The only good thing about this is the 'drump didnt keep his election promises' shills will shut up for a while. fat fucking chance
I wouldnt even mind if this bill passed if it was remembered as Ryancare or anything other than Trumpcare.
The've already started bitching.
I would be happy if they just nuke Obamacare and replace it with nothing.
Before Obama I had access to 22-24 difference insurance plans in my state.
Everything from catastrophic only with 15K deductibles to cadillac $0/0/0 plans. The free market worked.
Now there are over 60 different mandates on every plan.(which we are down to exactly 2 plans now in my state) The 21 year old healthy male has to get long term care. The 60 year old male has to get prenatal coverage.Things that where normally not covered had to be covered. It forced everyone in to a one size fits all situation.
And then they forced insurance company's to define children as 26 year olds. So NEET's can stay at home and leach off mom & dad's policy.
And FORCING insurance companies to take on people with pre-existing conditions makes no fucking sense.
Can you buy fire insurance after your house burned down? Car insurance after you crash? The whole insurance model just doesn't work like that.
If you wait until your sick to get insurance that should be your own fucking fault. You should have to liquidate all your assets and AFTER you are dead broke then you can get on state aid.
Obamacare was setup as a scheme to kill insurance companies and then force the government to go to single payer (UK style) government care.
this bill is worse than the previous. trump will be hated more than obama for this. single payer is the only option and that is what trump promised.
Fuck now I regret not supporting Obamacare, insurance companies belong in hell.
A real National Socialist. Fuck off to lolberg land you kike.
Source: Your ass.
People just need to come to the realization that no system will function well to take care of those that won't or can't take care of themselves - every system will become a bloated corrupt mess.
This is why we need strong families and strong communities and the destructions of so much healthcare and insurance cost/waste - make it affordable and make it affordable for the common man of his support group when tragedy happens.
TRUMP: “Everybody's got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, 'No, no, the lower 25 percent that can't afford private. But—'”
PELLEY: “Universal health care.”
TRUMP: “I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody's going to be taken care of much better than they're taken care of now.”
PELLEY: “The uninsured person is going to be taken care of. How? How?”
TRUMP: “They're going to be taken care of. I would make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people. And, you know what, if this is probably—”
PELLEY: “Make a deal? Who pays for it?”
TRUMP: —the government's gonna pay for it. But we're going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it's going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything."
People need to realise kike doctors and hospitals are robbing the country blind as are drug companies robbing the state. To fund healthcare at an affordable rate so people are not dependent on the state and the vicious cycle increases.
So not universal healthcare then.
TRUMP: "We must have universal healthcare…I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses…
If living a #YOLO life and not taking responsibility for your actions is NatSoc then you can keep that.
Insuring you car and home makes sense but your health that's something you want everyone else to cover for you?
Work harder white man. There are 150 million fat beaners and blacks that need you to cover their shitty lifestyles. That is your socialist single payer utopia.
Universal != Single Payer
TRUMP: A friend of mine was in Gernany recently. He got very, very sick. They took him by ambulance and he was there for four days. He was really in trouble, and they released him and he said, ‘Where do I pay?’ And they said, ‘There’s no charge.’ Not only that, he said it was like great doctors, great care. I mean we could have a great system in this country.”
TRUMP: “As far as single payer, it works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland. It could have worked in a different age, which is the age you’re talking about here. What I’d like to see is a private system without the artificial lines around every state…Get rid of the artificial lines and you will have yourself great plans. And then we have to take care of the people that can’t take care of themselves. And I will do that through a different system.”
That user was just hearing what he wanted to hear, and tuned out everything that contradicted it. Sad.
enjoy your high risk nigger pool with all the other GRIDS patients.
Truly the new Kasparov of the multidimensional chess game.
A public/private system would be better.
People who want to get private insurance can.They can keep their own doctors and hospitals.
Poor can go to state hospitals and see the doctors there. They would get a basic level of care they just wont have all the perks the private places have. Maybe staff the state hospitals with med students and cheap poo H1B doctors.
So no one is dying in the streets. Basically VA system but for the poor.
They're basically doing this, they're still keeping the medicaid expansion funding for people below the federal poverty level.
So where is Bill? Anyone?
Yeah, he's also just ironically being a fat disgusting mess, because e-celebs I like can't be retarded, right?
If you mean the legislative bill you can find it here.
If you mean a person you're going to need to be a bit more specific.
Gotta get those boomercuck votes somehow
those are two different niggers
They look identical to me.
I'd support public healthcare in the US if subhumans like boogie were cut off from the system. The problem with healthcare in other countries I've seen is the abuse, lines, and waiting lists.
thanx man
You cant stump the Trump youtu.be
Anyone up for a game of 9D reverse backgammon?
As oppossed to passing a bill without any consequences? The entire purpose of a bill is to change things and have consequences.
Hello Schlomo
Some people have conditions through no fault of their own, you nigger
I'm illiterate on the healthcare issue aside from knowing by firsthand experience that Obamacare was garbage.
What's going on,and is it good or bad, and why?
So maybe they should have carried insurance for just that very reason? Bad shit happens.
Yea your right. You should be able to cheapen out on insurance and by a big house, TV, and phat ride. THEN get sick and have me sacrifice and pay for your healthcare so you can keep all that bling.
How very Jewish of me.
Not who you're talking to, but what's your position on conditions you're born with?
t. Born cripple.
parents should purchase insurance for their unborn children. If the practice became common it would be relatively cheap since the majority of children are born healthy
We have the technology to identify issues with the fetus early on now.
If the fetus is defective then abort and try again.
If you told people this baby would cost them personally $100's of K in medical care how many would keep it?
If indications are the fetus is healthy but something happens anyways well thats why you have health INSURANCE.
The way it is now the cost is automatically pushed on to someone else and they don't care. Obamacare says you get to bring a known defective fetus to term and the taxpayer is on the hook for the rest of its life. *
Its no different then fat fucks who eat themselves in to diabetes. Or people who chain smoke their way to lung cancer. They are not personally responsible for the costs so they have no incentive to change.
*This is why third world's come here to have their fucked up zekia/AIDs kids. Once they are born on our soil they are our problem.
Ok, now I KNOW you're a Jew
If you want to avoid the problem of insuring people with per-existing conditions, the best way I can think of to do that is insure them before their conditions "exist." Can you explain why that's a bad idea?
What're they singing about?
Dems believe that because republicans got this bill passed, that the chance for a republican victory in 2020 has vanished.
Wut? First I'm hearing of this.
Anyone got a link to the thing or a rough outline?
Probably not Hotwheels because Hotwheels thinks that cripples should be euthanized at birth.
letting Obamacare stand has real consequences as well.
I'm 31 and my quote was 365 a month and 7,500 deductible before I can use it
Yeah, it's not possible most of the time
Tards like you think that the only preexisting condition is being fat
You're fucking retarded. Cars and houses do not compare to people, and you fucking know it you raging fucking retard. If you go in on something that was your fault (hold my beer) then it makes sense, but if you are born with something fucked up then how is it your fault? There should be coverage available for that, even if there is a slightly higher rate.
Only a nigger would allow his own people to suffer
Holla Forums is apparently a Libertarian board now, no more national socalism
Don't worry how I spend my time. I've made it a point to call out that faggot over the past month and you know what? He either posts less now or namefags less. He's not just a shitposter, sometimes that faggot say's something worth considering, but not always. His only problem is his cuckchan faggotry.
1) Economics is maths. 1 - 2 can never = 2
If only 1 person is paying insurance and 2 people claim, then you end up with a net negative.
2) Money doesn't come from thin air. It's a representation of economic value which is created through work
3) How the fuck do people not understand that healthcare is a commodity?
people aren't born obese
Doing this for a mediocre to shit healthcare bill instead of THE WALL or other immigration stuff that actually matters is a bad idea. Healthcare is a fucking trap. It's not fixable in America's current state, every conceivable reform to it is going to piss people off. Stabilize demographics, fix the labor market, then start worrying about healthcare.
It's a complete Trap and it's Ryan doing it. Trump is fucking retarded. If he had some sense he would have thrown it out first time. What did he get for demanding loyalty to the GOP? No wall, not even a discussion on it. He caved in and now they know they have him by the balls. The only reason to blow political capital is for the wall, immigration, and refugees etc. He just made himself own the shittiest attempt at healthcare reform and less popular than Obamacare at that. The GOP will be routed at the midterms. Then Trump will be cucked and no second term.
you all know now this bill gets to sit in Senate for a while right?
Sorry the 150 million NEETs, browns and blacks in this country are not "my people".
If you want to carry them then be my guest. Thats all you.
I would much rather have the choice to buy in to an insurance pool with like minded, productive, responsible people and pay reasonable premiums. Just like I was able to before king nigger fucked it all up with Obamacare.
Insuring your health, or even your life, is the most jewish concept I can think of. Objects can be insured, people cannot. A house, or a car can last indefinitely assuming they are maintained correctly. A human being is designed to die after about 80 or so years. And get sickly before that.
Here's a better idea, force doctors to actually abide by the Hippocratic oath, which mandates that 10% of their services shall be performed free of charge for the needy. Also, ensure that they stay in the fucking country, and don't try to take a year long trip to Africa and claim that those people count towards their 10%.
Ban health insurance, and all healthcare plans. Make everybody pay out of pocket. Deregulate the whole industry beyond sanitation requirements (wash your hands, wear gloves, clean your instruments, new needles, etc.) Note, that this also means we can have access to generic drugs from around the world. Medication costs plummet right away.
Now the poorest of the poor receive free care (like they are suppose to be getting already) The doctors can avoid all the bureaucracy that stops them from doing things like house visits, and demands that they have an army of accountants to deal with paper work and bureaucracy. This lets them treat the lower and middle classes, for everything except the most complicated of shit, like cancer, open heart surgery, brain surgery, etc.
People will still complain because the lower classes are going to have to wait to use an MRI and so forth. (Most areas will probably share a scanner between hospitals to save money) Only the rich will have the money to pay to go places where they can get scans on demand. You can bitch all day, but the amount of people who require these scans on a regular basis is minuscule, and the rich have the right to better care if they have more resources. Sorry, that's they way everything, including healthcare works. Doesn't mean that the poor should get completely fucked, but they don't get the silver spoon either.
I'm not sure on how we deal with expensive procedures for the lower classes. Maybe they simply don't get the care. Maybe we do some sort of means tested public funding. Honestly, I don't fucking care. I doubt that our situation would be anywhere near as bad if we were straight up just paying for everyone to get these procedures if they needed them.
Not many people need these procedures, and even less would be trying to get them for fun. It's not exactly an area that is heavy on abuse.
If Trump is not very careful in how he handles this healthcare is going to end up being his Iraq. Yes, we know you promised to repeal Obamacare. You also promised to build a wall, fix H1Bs, and end DACA. Do those first instead of forcing Ryancare through as fast as possible.
With Obamacare working white people are the ones supporting all the non-whites.
The typical illegal beaner with 5 anchor babies or Tyrone do nothing but leach off the system.
Whites got along just fine before Obamacare. Because ya know, they mostly had jobs that came with healthcare.
If your that poor and disabled then you where already on Medicaid or disability.
Wait until gene-modding comes about, before you make spawn.
Concern shills spotted.
giving him any respect. he's literally the nigger faggot. THE nigger faggot.
NS requires every citizen to put in effort and help the nation. Just because you're white doesn't mean you get a free ride. Same situation with libs.
Also, socialized medicine in a country with a large shitskin population is a very bad idea, as it encourages massive amounts of breeding by shitskins, so much so that they'll overrun the system eventually.
(NYT: archive.is
This benefits me. What am I missing?
No, he's right. Health care is the LEAST important thing Trump promised.
th-thanks, obama
You must be a NEET who lives at home and never leaves the house. The US has a huge problem with white people who can't get jobs. They live in their cars, but I guess that's just fine.
forgive me for the accidental reddit spacing
You faggot, nobody here gave an utter shit about healthcare, before or after the election. Repealing Obamacare was a Trump play for cuckservatives, nobody actually wanted to do it. Then they realised they could make Trump own it and he was too thick to fuck the grenade back at them. DACA, WALL, TRADE, NO WARS, were reason he was voted in. A fucking chimp could have repealed Obamacare.
As long as we have browns and black no health care system will work well.
yeah nah
I heard the bill already passed, is that true or am I being rused?
It did.
It passed.
The House.
If I was NEET I would love Obamacare. Thats my whole point.
I am actually in my early 40's and have worked since I was 16. I remember a time before Obamacare and when my town was mostly whites supporting whites. I wonder why healthcare was a non-issue then??
Sorry but your socialized medicine wet dream doesn't work so well with half the population non-white and worthless . Get rid of them and I will gladly give your system an endorsement.
No permanent address and they cant pay the Obamacare premiums & deductibles anyways. Guess what, they where fucked then and still fucked now. They go to the ER and get basic service now just like they did in 2007. What has Obamacare changed in this scenario?
You already pay for Jamal and the trans faggot, faggot.
Except you also pay Moishe the insurance CEO and Pajeet, his phone operator, and Laquisha the friendly administrator at the hospital too.
You did not refute a single thing I said
yeah nah
It's not good policy, but it does not matter much. In fact, maybe it will put some wind in Pres Trump's sails, ie. give him momentum. I'm mostly of the opinion that the missles at Syria were due to the first attempt not passing… So… there's that I guess.
Pres Trump would be so much stronger if he started appearing on news media that actually likes him though and avoiding the ones that constantly undercut him…(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
yeah, yeah
They most certainly do
yeah nah
I'm convinced that the democratic party is a condensed form of virtue projecting retardation. It has to be….
Namefags absolutely blown the flying fuck out, check these fucking quints lads
These quints settle it.
namefags are banned on sight here anyway, but yeah, the digits were fat.
Ya your right.Anyways I have to go. Need to get back to work and put in more hours. A bunch more beaners and refugee's moved in to town and they need free healthcare. I need to work harder because the fruits of my labor are their right!..
wtf I love obamacare now
namefags completely blown the fuck out.
So this is an argument for why we must repeal Obamacare right?
We considered it and decided to take the risk
I told you in the other thread I'll follow you wherever you go cause you my new retarded faggot and kek blesses my pursuit.
Catastrophic insurance is good, so that you don't go broke from an illness (ACA did a lot to make catastrophic insurance not as useful). Seeing a doctor when you are healthy is a good way to maintain your health and make sure that you have good care when you do get sick. In my area, the good GPs don't usually take my insurance, so I pay that out of pocket. For me, it's worth it. I like and trust my doctor, who is critical of many (((medical establishment))) claims (ie vaccinations for everything, circumcision) and refers me to good specialists that are covered by my insurance when something come up.
Insurance companies that didn't perish made out with boatloads.
Anyone have the healthcare chapter of Crippled America? There were pics floating around a few months ago. I'd take pictures from my copy, but I lent it out.
And this is where I keep my genetics.
Chesscuck shills on suicide watch.
Truly a glorious time to be alive and on Holla Forums.
Wew lad.
Can't even read your posts, lad.
Now watch for this thing in the Senate… Probably they vote before the week is out.
The medical industry is designed to be far more expensive than it should be. Less than 5 percent of healthcare money is paid to doctors. The rest is spent on administration, infrastructure, pharma, properties, insurance, or placed in reserve like user pointed out. All that research money that is spent? Almost useless. Since 2000, new treatment methods have only been shown, on average, to be 8% more effective than existing treatments. Healthcare has already hit a point of diminishing returns. It is a waste of money to do much more than we already do.
The medical industry is designed to be far more expensive than it should be. Less than 5 percent of healthcare money is paid to doctors. The rest is spent on administration, infrastructure, pharma, properties, insurance, or placed in reserve like user pointed out. All that research money that is spent? Almost useless. Since 2000, new treatment methods have only been shown, on average, to be 8% more effective than existing treatments. Healthcare has already hit a point of diminishing returns.
Is this good or bad?
jesus, I would like to not be subsidising cunts' birth control and landwhales' 30-year 2-pack a day fastfood-only lives, but wasn't this all the same program supposedly meant to fail to run off Ryan?
That sounds like way overpriced insurance. I have a plan like that, except that I've manipulated my income so that I pay little for it and have a low out-of-pocket maximum (government picks up the tab for both). The insurance company is making bank on me. Don't see this latest RyanCare affecting the price of medical care nor insurance, so we're still going down the tubes, and the Dems and (((media))) will make sure the GOP own it.
You know, even though it is wasteful in its own way, per capita medical expenditure in European countries with public healthcare is much lower than in US, but the level of healthcare is about the same , and for those who want it, private is still viable and available.
If you combine those with mortality rates of infants and elderly, it turns out that you burgers are simply getting scammed out of your money.
Out of the 60 million people that voted for Trump, not a single one of them gives a damn about "muh tax code" or "muh insurance", those are mathematical problems that could easily be solved by a mathematician provided we had a functioning government that cared for it's people. That's what the people fucking voted for, a government that put it's own peope first by building a wall to keep the filth of the world out while jobs are brought back so that we can nurse White America back to full health. FFS, even obonobocare wouldn't be much of a problem if we got rid of the 30 million illegal beaners and started making work on the "legal" ones as well, how stupid could Trump be to waste political capital on all the wrong issues.
Democrats are rapidly erasing themselves from the political landscape. Such idiocy is remarkable.
Low supply + high demand = high cost.
The free market will fix.
Stop capping med school positions and issue residencies to every graduate, and then remove patents.
If you restricted the supply of bread the way that healthcare goods and services are nobody would be able to afford bread either.
will this hurt boomers and if not what's the point?
they are?
Trump completely turned around the demographic development in the US without anybody noticing?
This undignified behavior is what happens when you have a room full of sheboons representing our people.
Smart browns vote right wing, and elections won't matter once the debt bubble pops and hyperinflation kicks in. Then it will be strength of arms and conviction. Fuck (((democracy)))
I probably wouldn't brag too much about getting 5% of the vote
If you get a lot of tickets and crash your car often does your insurance rate go up?
do we have to accept commies as our own as well? I don't, there plenty of whites I want to be destroyed
this is nazbol tier reasoning
where were you when the current year ended and we burst forth into a bright and shining future?
When i went to the emergency room during a heart attack (from a viral infection) my mother who drove me there was forced to park her car while they wheeled me in and had me sign documents (i could barely hold the pen) until she got back.
After that all the rooms were full so i had to wait (still having a heart attack) until one of the rooms emptied, then wait for them to check my pulse three times until they were sure it was actually a heart attack, then i laid in bed for about half an hour, still having a heart attack while i waited for them to bring me some fucking nitroglycerine gel.
Here's how that should have gone.
That's below average care. How much did they charge? Part of it was charged by the hour, right?
over 4k total with insurance, including three days in the hospital before i got stir crazy and started walking around the halls asking when i could leave
Stop being a faggot.
I don't support universal healthcare, it's just the first relevant result I got back from taking 10 seconds to use a search engine.
The claim that you don't pay any taxes that go towards paying for medical related costs is laughable. What is Medicare? What is Medicaid? And those are two programs that everyone knows about. Do you really think there aren't others, in this bloated government of ours? Oh, how about Planned Parenthood and all of their female services beyond abortion? Don't be a retard.
Meant for
That reminds me. If a male walks into Planned Parenthood, what medical services can he get?
I dunno, maybe condoms or a snip. They might do STD testing and stick a q-tip up your pee hole for you as well. I think it's basically for the gals though. Maybe you can pretend to be trans and demand service and make it on the news.
Completely irrelevant you fucking idiot.
I bet you count yourself among the smart browns. Yet you are evidently still so stupid that you think
1) "Smart browns" are a demographic you can win elections with.
2) That having America browned is okay so long as right-wingers are still in charge.
The Healthy Michigan plan would if your income was low enough, but if you had like minimum wage it would be a $200 deductible. Medicare can have a similar amount if you get the state to pay for the $200 part B premium and part of the advantage plan premium as well which (through the DHS) which would normally be around $50