It's self-admitted by a fair amount of people that confess, and most people that do molest children are their own family members. Another note is younger children are easier to brainwash than adults when it comes to things such as sex, so many of the children that get abused think it's "normal" and don't think it's something worth reporting.
That said, obviously there are dedicated pedophile rings for people that specifically target children out of attraction rather than convenience, but that is more the exception than the rule.
Also, pedophile =/= child predator, it's just the exclusive attraction to prepubescent children. In some countries they are able to get better data from actual pedophiles since they won't get thrown in jail for seeking help from a psychiatrist. These people know they have issues and want help because they realize it is a problem. From MRI scans from these self-admitted people it can be shown that their brains really are wired differently in that their neurons for parental affection get crossed with sexual attraction and they have more white brain matter. It's obviously those kind of people that such things would help - those that know acting on their urges would not benefit anyone.
I'm not saying any of this is pure black or white, there really are shades of gray even in this matter, and by offering alternative solutions those people in the gray will be more likely to not fall into the black.
You see, there's this thing we like to have on Holla Forums called "facts" and "evidence." Just saying "x is bad, the end" is not an argument at all, and most "evidence" online that suggests it's bad comes from ultra-religious christians (who think ALL sex is bad) or those that think their feelings are evidence.
That said, does porn affect some people negatively? Absolutely, but it's not going to destroy every single person's life. It's somewhat similar to gambling, some people can gamble and be perfectly fine because they don't let it consume them, while others become addicted the the gambling itself and lose their job, house, and pension because of it.
Even in third world countries women use sex as a weapon to control their men to get them to do stuff. It's actually relatively common, and men get tired of that shit when it's being hung over their head. Once women lose the power between their legs they suddenly lose a lot of their bargaining power, this is just human nature really.