I don't find this to be a coincidence this close to the news that artificial womb has had successful testing on animals, and may even move to humans soon. The argument that the human race would die out is kaput, and now feminists are scared.


Other urls found in this thread:


It's weird how the title of the story reads like a very hopeful, positive message about sex robots. But then the body of the story is aggressively negative.

What do you expect from shrieking banshees that want to keep men under their thumb?

kek, still, sex robots should be made illegal as it'll cut down on whites reproducing far more than it would effect the birthrate of shitskins.

That's a new one. Pretty sure making fun of nerds is technophobic bigotry. Also if women are so important and valuable, shouldn't they be confident that men would choose them instead of a robot? How hard is it to realize whining about this is just going to turn men off even more?

It's an abstract kind of clickbait.

Holy fuck that title and article!!! The wymyn and whales have realized the harpoon and the great reckoning is near!

What if I apply for a permit?

Shit's too funny. These whiny cunts are so scared of actually having to be emotionally reasonable and physically attractive.

look at it more as a bargaining chip

Artificial wombs are also in development dumbass. Without a parasitic woman a man can afford 5 boys and 5 girls. (Or just 10 boys for a instant football team)

Not whorebots; waifubots with artificial wombs and immunity to kike brainwashing. They won't divorce you and steal your kids and all your money, and they won't run away to Africa to get raped and murdered by niggers because celebrities on TV said it was a good idea.

thats just a sculpture or a CGI render, right? non of the insides look remotely plausible.

Cgi dude. Artists aren't mechanical engineers. Only my hard cock can fuck the metal vag lining. Would bust yours tbh

>they reinforce an incredibly dangerous idea: that women’s bodies are only bodies, and exist only for men’s use.
what? it is literally replacing the "for sex" function of a woman and leaving them with whatever other function.
if they truly believe they have other functions that are not appreciated then this would be the best way to highlight them.


I can't imagine being so fucking ugly that I have to fantasize about rape to then fantasize that I'm part of a crusade that stops said fantasized rape threats.

good, this is basically like taking power away from drug dealers. once they lose the complete monopoly they've had over sex for centenaries things will start getting better. no more collusion from thirsty beta males and no more state controlled prostitution with feminist collaborators. this could save western civilization by completely re-balancing the scales of power.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around their logic. I mean, the men who these feminists see as ideal (like those who want a real relationship/romance and not just a quick fuck) would likely value a real woman over a robot, right? Meanwhile the men feminists hate would be less likely to hurt their feelings since they have a robot to fuck. Doesn't this benefit feminists in a way? I guess they just want all men to bow down to them, but that will never happen.

Wouldn't men getting realistic sexbots mean the potential of them not needing the other sex and thus independence for both?

After all this time of seeing this image for the first time I still don't know if that's a man or a woman

They just can't compete for lifelong gibs as a stronk independent womyn whore with a robotic whore, they know it. They realize the alternative is being a desirable woman (traditional woman) and as a result they would prefer to continue not having to make the decision to either lose the ability to sell their pussy to not work or rein in their whoring.

Sure is MGTOW in here.

It's a jew

A man can raise his children alone. A female is needed when they act feminine for the girls and their needs such as bathing and hygiene.

Logic, real relationships, and romance have nothing whatsoever to do with feminism. Feminism is essentially the antithesis to those things; the polar opposite.

feminist don't actually believe or care about any of the things they squelch about. (typical of most communist ideologues) they just want power, resources and influence for the sake of their own vanity and greed. they don't care about rape and they never have. they only use it as emotional leverage against society and moral people. TL:DR. it was always bullshit.

It's funny how feminist women and their whiteknight cucks will always repeat the same shit over and over as if it has any effect on where the future will lead. They are hypocritical also in the facts that they dislike sexbots but are ok with shoving dildos in any hole they can fit them in then crying how a robot that looks like a women objectifies them. I can see the next move of them bitching about how good women are out there so no need for a sexbot and how sex is not needed for a close and loving relationship. It's always a one way street with them and never a balanced one. As they try to shame men thinking they will push them back to shit women all it will do is cause those men to find other means of being happy. These women will end up alone with cats and dependent on state funds or government aid to keep them from rotting away. The cucks who support them will have no life and just end up being the hags lapdog till he dies. I hope this will change because of the push for sexbots for men.

And this is why people like you always lose in these situations.

women don't value sex like men do. sex robots aren't a thing (most) women would ever care about. if it was we would already have them by now.

his tbh
these will cost as much as a car. The only people who will be able to afford it are white males and nip males, two groups with dangerously low replacement rates with an IQ high enough to have the extra spending money to buy one of these. You think rapey niggers can afford one of these? Now instead of fucking higher IQ white men they will be fucking shitskins just as what will happen with the whole MGTOW circle jerk.

This might be effective against feminists and female bullshit generally if we lived in an all white society but with these it will be achmed and tyrone impregnating white women. Sounds like winning eh?

its true

Yes, primarily whites(and asians) will use sexbots. Because they won't be given as gibs, will be somewhat costly, and shitskins are horrible when it comes to saving money. This should really be obvious.

This is just about power. These bitches see the writing on the wall but their brainwashing prevents them from seeing it clearly enough.

I like how you can spot the roasties on here by their immediate knee-jerk "s-sure is MGTOW!!" when they realize the jig is up.

Always the same shit coming out of the white knights.

fucking great can't wait for robowaifus

Until the sexbot cries while giving you a lap dance, they aren't ready.


I guess the Niggers will buy their sexbots the same place they buy their weapons.
In white peoples bedrooms.

You should be trying to find a traditionalist wife, single fatherhood is unnatural and just because its preferable to single motherhood in terms of outcome does not make it desirable.

thats what they said about VCR's and computers. they all used to cost a small fortune. but as economics of scale workout its only wealthy early adopters that will pay the big $$$ for something first. now anybody can buy useful computer for the price of a few big-macs (just save up you cheapskate!) and you also assume the satiation of sexual desire will kill the desire to have children. thats not true at all. lots of people have no real sexual desire at all and still despicably whant to have children

I thought I'd mention that if you take out the opportunity cost (assuming a feminazi whale can be considered to have an opportunity cost) then an entire years worth of EXCLUSIVE access to a fat feminist whos had 4-6 other dicks in her before is only worth $27 usd.

$27 USD

Feminists are literally going to be starving on the streets. Demand may actually make that price EVEN FUCKING LOWER.

We're somewhere between 1929 and 1933 Weimar Republic. Only a few years left to go lads get /fit/ now for the race war.

The thought of it sickens me.

this person would never have to fear being raped, drop it naked in a camp full of sex starved Syrians and they would probably mistake it for a sweaty pig and avoid it like the plague.

The shitty guns that niggers tend to own are pretty cheap, usually only a couple hundred bucks. Sex robots would be tens of thousands, foolish comparison.

Clearly you don't have to worry about passing on your nigger tier IQ.

All technology is initially expensive and costs go down as the market develops and competitors enter.

Further the real important development is artificial wombs which whites and Asians can afford and nigs and others cant.

And a fucking car isn't that expensive trailer trash/femanon.

that's a good photoshop

what are vibrators then?

One of the many dubious "gifts" Holla Forums has given me is the inability to see creatures like Trigglypuff as human in any way. In the old days I would have probably tried to find some common ground with her and worked to build some kind of communication to find out why she's like that.

These days I just want to drag her to a farm vet to be put to sleep.

You fucking kike.

That would require women changing on their own, and we've already seen they can't change unless backed into an inescapable corner. Even then, the change is only temporary until the desired results happen.

Fucking checked.

i swear I've seen the middle left one in a Japanese horror game.

you underestimate how the state thinks. they already give free food, money, housing and transportation and jobs to nigs and rapefugees. do you not think this would also not be considered a "human right" by those in power?

he's seen shit, anons

that was a phone typo you moron.

Because you think so? Or are you basing this on history. Because it seems you are not.
Like i said, next thing you will hear is how there is oh so many good women out there. Ok, fine show me one send me a link let us all see them so we can court them.

Sexbots are not just a part of an object like a vibrators. See, women only want parts of things where as men want something whole. Like a women will date a guy just for money but thats all she wants. Most guys cant stay in a relationship where he only like one part of the women and thats it. Unless hes a chad just using her.

I bet a sex robot that emulates a child could be considered the right of a self proclaimed ill kike pedophile to potentially prevent him raping. I've heard it discussed that giving pedos free cp would reduce rapes in serious "academic" environments.

ayyyy lmao

She won't stop talking about this as if it was a literal war with 2 sides, yes, it's a feminist


Right, Niggers would never steal a TV/Stereo setup or similar worth tens of thousands of dollars.
Change "Guns", my point still stands.

Then we'll make countermeasures for such bullshit.

hitler dubs confirm, the holy race war will begin soon, mates


not the same thing as sex robots, thats more of a tactile sensation thing. plus they have vibrators for men now. nobody really freaking out about that.

you don't own nothing, boyim

I wouldn't willingly raise kids by myself, but do you really think that here, of all fucking places, guys aren't trying to find traditional wives?

tampons are a huwoman right, anything for white men isn't.

Anyone else remember when Holla Forums got invaded by tumblr after that Summer Lessons game came out? The fear became real for them months ago.


archive because op is a faggot

it really is in the article hahaha oh god, i don't even like those dolls but fuck they are an awesome trigger

If women didn't exist for men, sex dolls wouldn't be an issue would they. Stupid feminist cunts.

oh god read the full article, it's wonderful

Cp is based on exploitation where the dolls aren't. While I don't agree with submission to mental weakness/illness the dolls could be therapeutic without being based on harm

Since when does anyone buy anything they stole?

Stop spreading redpill images like this that have grammar and spelling errors. Bluepills ignore it as soon as they see it. This is hardly the first time I've seen this too.


That's like giving serial killers small animals to mutilate in the hopes that they won't move on to humans. Eventually, it won't be enough, and they'll just revert to predator mode.

You can't give a coyote a squeaky rubber steak and then let the children pet him.

and it might. who knows, who cares? i don't give a fuck what pedophiles get off to. stop being a feminist cunt and trying to apple to emotion

!pedophiles use computers omg, we should outlaw that shit right away! (fuck off you kike).

This bitch has some serious mental issues. It's like she thinks that men only want to beat up and rape everything.

This. The only solution is bring back the Arena.

t. ped

nigger I ain't white nighting anybody. Just using logic. Niggers won't be able to afford them, white men will. I'm not trying to stop it either just saying it's not going to be a good thing long term.
And these are sex robots not child raising robots, how many well adjusted people do you know who were raised by one parent or a nanny? A parent that will be working 80hr a week to pay for surrogacy, a nanny and a sexbot?

this is more comparable to and much more complex than a car (which is still expensive to niggers) not some simple appliance like a microwave or a blender or DVD player. Yes economies of scale always work but these things will never be less than several thousand dollars an amount niggers won't have but whites will.

A car is still expensive for niggers but not whites thats the point of the comparison.
by the time those are available white people will be extinct and chinks will have taken over the world
wow great argument you got there

not while women still have the right to vote. Fix that and perhaps a white government would pass them out to rapey niggers to satiate their barbarism.

Listen all you but blasted MGTOW fags, I'm not totally against these and might actually buy one if they were good enough. That being said can there not be an acknowledgement that there could be unintended consequences of these things? Wouldn't it just make the issues with porn and male motivation an order of magnitude worse?

Just get rid of mods on younow and you would accomplish the same thing.

Jesus, the writer must have suffered a mental breakdown while writing this shit. Also, isn't making fun of people's physical appearance something feminists are supposed to be against? The double standards just keep piling up.

not all people defined as pedo's are serial killing rapists. some of them are just dumbos asses that fucked around with 17yr old sluts without checking id first. or female teachers taking advantage of Horn-dog teenage boys. death penalty sex crimes for all is fine I guess, but I don't see how you still get your pedo facets from the msm.

Uh why don't we just brainwash women?

I don't want some cold robot with a ziploc bag for a uterus.

Isn't the arguement that these would, by laws of competition, force women to actually be competent at being wives? I mean, sure, consequences might be that some people get hooked on them, but beyond that, it just means that women can't fuck up, since they're easily replaceable.

I would purchase an artificial waifu with an artificial womb and an artificial waifu intelligence it meant that I could be happy.

What are you fucking gay?

like I said that might work in an all h'white society but not one where feminists will just vote to bring in more shitskins to impregnate white women.

robots will be warmer to you than women, user

hey, if want to outlaw anything a pedo could use to get laid thats fine with me. but thats a really long list that would send civilization back to pre-Victorian days. and that would be lame as social trends and ideas would be the same but our technology would just suck more. meh

(not to mention feminist and sjw's love steampunk shit, so that would be like a paradise for them).

jesus I hardly venture over to feminists websites and always thought half this shit was overblown but this is what these cunts ACTUALLY believe.

Those fucking cunts put quotes around "needs" as if they aren't actual needs, but if they were talking about women's (or even faggots') sexual needs I guarantee they would not have used quotes.
This cunt just doesn't want us to get off because she doesn't because nobody loves her because she's a cunt.

(Or just 10 boys for a instant football team)


Any time a feminist pretends to have the moral high ground. Ask them if they know of the SCUM manifesto. Chances are they worship it. This is literal hate speech taught to sociology students.


SCUM Manifesto
by Valerie Solanas

Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex.

Inb4 waifu delivery service, get a ride any time

I call it boober

Wew. Assuming they are the ones primarily, trying to force them to do shit all the while ignoring the actual problem and then throwing around buzzwords does shit to fix things. Anyone with half a brain would know that then again, you're not even here to fix things and get off to throwing a shit fit.

thats whats already happening you dork, men looking to robots for comfort is just a symptom of women being total shit in general. outlaying sex robots doesn't solve our demographic problem. ending Marxist indoctrination of the youth and fixing the economy so white men can afford to have children while being protected legally from divorce rape is the only answer. fix that shit and 90% of all your problems are solved.

Feminists are just pissed off men are actually doing what they wanted men to do all along: not fuck them.

The Stepford Waifus

Yes, I could get behind that. It's not like they haven't already been (((brainwashed))), anyway. We'd just be hitting the ol' reset button.

We already have brain chips.

We could control their love for us (oxytocin), pleasure they feel when they serve us (dopamine), control their intelligence, or even erase recent memories if we fuck up and spill spaghetti.

Just install at birth, problem solved.

We could even manufacture girls with artificial wombs.
Classify them as children of the production corporation.
Thus letting the corporation decide elective surgery.

No need to worry about ADULT FEMINIST interference.

all of that is Communist double-think, the Orwellian nightmare is a reality and the corrupted women of the west are heading it. and they have been since the 1960's

quads confirm science will replace women with something far superior at bringing joy to men's lives and producing healthy offspring

bear witness to these quads

and this will accelerate it, otherwise I agree fix economy, fix marriage laws, deport shitskins etc. would fix 90% of the problems we have


what proof do you have of that? explain why disruption of a large part of the corrupt power structure will have that effect. justify your fear mongering.

Please show me where I said that pedos are all serial killers.

As I understand it, that would fall under statutory rape, not pedophilia.

You seem to be implying that grown women taking advantage of young boys is no big deal. It is.

What in the nun-fucking hell are you talking about?

Reading between the lines, you seem to be saying you're one of the "Oh, I'd NEVER act on these feelings!" pedos. This is a lie you are telling yourself and others. Go get chemical castration before your biological urges overcome your willpower.

Sometimes I wonder if cover artists are created by taking a kid who's good at fingerpainting and dropping him on his head.

Goddamn, they project so much. This doesn't "offer a solution to the threat of female independence". Those females are still independent. Moreso, even. It really just offers more men, who would probably not even get a woman, their own independence. At the same time, it frees those men (who would probably not even get a woman) from being used and manipulated by the women they can't even "get".

user, go outside.

Looks like Pat has discovered the kink life.

that pic, damn

you said they are "like serial killers"

thats all the same thing to normies

No, I just classified that as another type of pedophilia.

you can't read for shit can you? I said I'm fine with the death penalty for all sex crimes. are you on purposely being daft?

how is this not obvious? does 1+1 not = 2 in your world? or do you think sex robots will magically make more white babies?

Further, the actual character was a vapid slut. I liked the story and the themes of 1984, but Julia was absolutely insufferable.

That's the point stupid, he was predicting where women would be in the future and he was correct.

But not women's right to sell it I take it, eh?

This woman needs to be bullied.

I most certainly did NOT say that.

Before I respond to any more of your points, I want to ask you if English is your first language. Because if it isn't, we might be suffering from miscommunication rather than actually being on opposite sides.

is over for feminism

Phsyicality stimuli only. Women need emotional connection, otherwise there is no meaningful differentiation for them from a real man to a a vibrator/teddy bear combo.
Basically every Western woman owns a vibrator - and none of them are satisfied. Should tell you all you need to know.

There will never be enough artificial wombs to birth the next generation of the white race.

Furthermore, you wouldn't be able to afford the use of an artificial womb anyway. Artificial wombs would be for Rothschilds only.

Tecnology has been on the bank's side for 200, not before, and there's no reason to think it will be like this forever, calm down your conspiracies, bad guys are not gods

the people that would be satisfied with a life of meaningless sex shouldn't be parents in the first place. thats another reason we have so money fucked up people in the first place. the desire to be a parent is separate the biological addiction of sex you nimrod. some people will use them, most wont, and the people that are satisfied with that aspect and want nothing we're never going to be good parents anyway. most people like that only become parent accidentally anyway. people that act;y want to be parents still have that option. hell this takes a lot of the emotional strain off married couples. sexual conflict is one of the big reasons we have high device rates.


they think they are


Checked for our tech is more reliable in the vein of the robowaifus.

But keep working on that user - we might be able to do something with all this excess offal after all.

You are asuming that someone who buys a doll with a womb is going to do it to fuck, and that makes no sense.

… are not going to purchase a womb

I detest having two different arguments going on in the same thread, so thanks for that.
1. I didn't realize that was supposed to be Julia, and I'm still not sure it is.
2. Much is made of Winston not being able to find simple razor blades or other necessities (soap, maybe? it's been awhile since I read it) in their world, so I can only assume that makeup is even harder to come by. Gold/costume jewelery earrings wouldn't survive for long without being stolen and/or pawned.
3. Julia from the movie, 1984, is pretty much how I pictured her when I read the book. Natural beauty, but not a trace of the stuff women use to lure a man. Even the octogenarian prostitute Winston visits uses soft lighting rather than makeup to lure customers. Big Brother wouldn't approve of the sisters of the bright new future painting themselves like common whore.

And so do you it seems.

Be they Gods or men - if they stand in our way, if they inhibit our people, they will be cut.

Conspiracies? I'm criticizing the delusion of people who think white women are obsolete. White women are necessary to secure a future for white children. Anybody who says otherwise is an idiot.

Bitches are on notice: if all you have of value to offer can be easily replicated by a machine, then get your shit together or prepare for your own replacement.

If I had to guess, she's already got at least 12 years of being laughed at on her resume. She looks and sounds like the type of girl who spent her entire run in school being picked on for smelling like yeast.

They are not presently obsolete, no.

But they may be soon enough. White women are not, by any means, necessary to secure the future for our children - and anyone who says otherwise is a liar, or simply ignorant of the possibilities.
Don't get me wrong, mind you, I want to remedy the situation with our women - but that doesn't change the fact that, objectively, it does not appear they will be necessary going forward… Just as, in theory, we would not be necessary for them going forward. Remember that…. You think, if we DO get to the point wherein we can create, say, David, that White women will exhibit as much loyalty as you are showing them?
I rather doubt it user.

meh, I don't care about them or how satisfied they are with the bad/selfish choices they've made. women and the left have used sex as a weapon since the dawn of time. them having one less tool they can use against us should be cause for celebration. i'm not tired of winning yet.

why would you want someone that doesn't want children in the first place to be a parent? it makes no sense.

Really? I didn't get that impression.
I've known plenty of absolutely beautiful, popular young women who held these sorts of beliefs.

I rather doubt she's ever been laughed at, in that she spends most of her time around people who share - or pretend to share - her views. She's not great looking, but decent looking enough that she's never had to struggle to get some dick. She's likely the child of rich parents who sent her off to school to get a journalism degree or the like, during which time she's fucked literally hundreds of strangers, while imbibing insane third-wave feminist rhetoric and internalizing it.

No, she doesn't strike me as a failure turned to bitterness - she strikes me as a success that's still bitter, doesn't understand why, and so directs it along the routes dictated by the rhetoric she's internalized.

His point is that people who don't want children aren't going to spend a fortune on a womb.

"David" and "Loyalty" do not belong in the same sentence.

Biologically speaking, only having X chromosomes, it follows that women can only create other women. Having XY, men can create both men and women. Women are technically completely unnecessary for the future of children of either gender, as an X can always be taken from another male. It would be completely strange, but totally possible to wipe all women off the face of the earth and recreate them using the chromosomes of men. If, however, you wipe all men off the face of the earth, women will only be able to produce women.

as I said, typical feminist/commie double think. these women never wanted to be away from men. they just wanted complete control over them. (human men are the original sex robots).

thats a good thing.

No. Even if they managed to get a prototype operational by next year, it would never be scaled up to the hundreds of millions in our lifetimes, or even our childrens lifetimes.

Furthermore this technology will always be tightly controlled. You're deluding yourself if you think otherwise. They don't let any jackass NEET adopt kids, so why would they let them create artificial womb clones of themselves?

Not the point user - nobody asked if you care.

The point is, women already have base-level sexbot functionality - and they're still fucking miserable. Why? Because they require an emotional component.

Men don't.
We just don't need it - we LIKE it, mind you, but we don't NEED it to be satisfied. They do.
And they aren't getting it from a vibrator, not from a vibrator strapped to a teddy bear, not from a more anthropic variant of that concept - they NEED a conscious flesh-and-blood mate to fulfill their emotional requirements.
IOW: They already have sexbots, but because of the differences between us in terms of what we need to be satisfied, its not sufficient for (most of) them. And so they're miserable, despite using 400 horse power machines to pound away at their cunts until they're a dripping stinking mess, because there's nobody to hold them and tell them they're beautiful afterward, nobody there afterward at all…. And most of the men they do get, they don't stick around afterward either, because even despite having gotten their feminine claws into a real flesh-and-blood man, that man feels nothing for them, there is no emotional connection between them, due entirely to the context of sexuality that women have created.

Men? We'll be fine having a beautiful machine that, in all the ways we require to satisfy our sexual needs, surpasses what the majority of modern women can provide.
Women? They already have it, and it does not suffice.

Well, yeah, but that movie was stupid as fuck. And its besides the point, really - if/when women, White or otherwise, can get a man-equivalent who is handsome, totally devoted to them, who actually CAN fulfill their emotional need requirements for satisfaction?
Women would drop men like a bad habit, and you'd see fourth wave feminism - outright misandry and rejection of men - bloom like you can't imagine.
Point being: Careful how much loyalty you show to beings who are, by the numbers, utterly incapable of expressing loyalty.

Bring yourself back to reality. I know you find wrapping yourself in a sci-fi transhumanist delusion to be comforting, but your only hope of ever reproducing is with a real woman. Stop running away from that reality.

If women don't value themselves, why should I?

humanoid robots/androids that are basically indistinguishable from humans will never be a realty in our-lifetime the technology just isn't feasible at this point in time.

I'm surprised they aren't trying to "Only rich people will be able to afford robot waifus, with artificial wombs and eggs that have superior genetics to give birth to more fit kids"

As if men, knowing they can get their very own beautiful woman and mother of their children, would spend half their video gaming time working hard just to get their hands on one.

No faggot provide details!

I'm not running away from anything, I'm simply pointing out the facts - I even offered that it would be a strange thing to do.

As for "sci-fi transhumanism", that's a strange remark considering that it could be used as an argument that women were actually created from men as the Bible suggests.

I'm sure someone would have said the same about the smartphone if you asked them at some point in the early 20th century.

You like to use that word a lot.
Because money.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose, but to me she looks like every socially-awkward wallflower I knew who grew up angry at men.

I knew two, and they scared the living shit out of me, because I couldn't suss out their motivations. Feminism is usually the sole province of the fat and ugly, and when you see a hottie involved, you can usually track it back to some sort of abuse in the past. When you can't do that, you're left with more questions than answers.

So you think she was homeschooled? Because I can tell you from listening to my daughter's stories back in grade five, girls quickly cut the weak out of the pack and leave them for the hyenas.

Eye of the beholder, again. I don't suppose we'll ever know which one of us is right.

I'm at work so I don't have the screencaps, but it was fucking beautiful.

It was amazing.

Medical science does not advance at the pace of transistor miniaturization. Your argument is ignorant.

This was all predicted decades ago. Watch at 13:09

We must secure waifus and a future for white children.

Beta orbiters feminists should just make their own ideal husbandobots that are just a dildo that screeches "You are perfect", "Yeah, your dad is a jerk!" and of course, "I'm sorry, you're right. Take my credit card. don't ask me why a dildo would possess a credit card" (since this is all they really want) then so that they don't have to deal with evil men anymore.

PLEASE tell me you have screencaps or archives.

I do at home, but unfortunately I'm at work right now. Finding the archive will be tough too since it happened over a year ago.

Shit. Never mind. I blipped over that. Still, if you could post them later, I think we'd all be grateful.

Yeah, I knew plenty of them, and most of them were utter whores who'd gotten through more dick than the 'popular' broads, because they were desperate for attention. The bitterness came creeping in when they were 20 dicks deep with no long-term connections.

On that last matter, I shall agree heartily. I've not had the issue of sussing out their motivations though - feminism is by-no-means the sole province of the fat and ugly, that was 1980s shit bro. This is the 21st century, and basically every girl under age 30 is, whether she admits it or not, some sort of feminist.
Why? Because they've been trained to believe it serves their interests. That's really all there is to it.

Women form packs, in my experience, and this one bears the visual and cognitive ques of someone who was one of the mid-range hosers: not pretty enough to be popular, not ugly enough to be a yeast monster, just one of those average bitches that never really stand out. I bet she got good grades, many friends, a functional (albeit rich, and thus likely degenerate) family, grew up in the urban sprawl or the suburbs, had several boyfriends, went to college for a social degree, etc etc.

She's not a glamourous beauty by any means, no, but nor do I get the 'she smells like fish all the time' vibe from her.

Well, obviously.


everybody is different and has different needs. the vast majority of women do not use vibrators as the vast majority of women don't have sex drives that even come close to the average human male. for women that do have higher then normal sex drives vibrators are still unnecessary as sex is one of the easiest things to get for a woman. and for the extremely rare woman that has a very high sex drive or is unable to find man to have sex with various sex toys are available (but a large portion of them are perchance by couples as the sex part is still mostly for male enjoyment signal women and lesbians don't have much sex and they don't masturbate much either as sex is not a key drive for them).

I'll try to remember.

it paces faster, one innovation can eradicate nasty diseases that used to be lethal (like antibiotics), so it's zero to 100% in no time, transistor miniaturization has been more predictable, medical science makes quantum leaps

I can't comment as to whether or not medical science advances at the pace of transistor miniaturization - but as transistor miniaturization ties into medical science advancement, I'm inclined to suggest you're full of shit… And since there's nothing to suggest you have any real knowledge in this capacity, coupled with the fact that in the last 100 years medical science has advanced drastically, in leaps and bounds, I'm inclined to dismiss your accusations of ignorance with relative ease.

why are you using the worst version of the dub? post the kiefer sutherland version.

Yeah, sure, and race is a social construct. Get the fuck outta here with that shit lad.

Quick persual of Jewgle suggests more than half of US women ADMIT to using a vibrator.

Its still not as easy as pulling a plastic thing out of a drawer and shoving it in their cunt.

Frankly lad, you sound like you're full of shit. Open to being proven wrong on this though, if you've got some data to present.

Patrice was so close to full red pill. Rest in peace you fat bastard.

dis gud enugh massa?

Ain't this the fuckin' truth! As a man I just can't help it. I walk into a room full of women, blink, and all the sudden I'm balls deep in all of them at once while screaming toxic masculinity rhetoric about sending them back to the kitchen!

These people need to do the collective unconscious a favor and jump off the nearest cliff.

believing in (((polls))) and (((studies))). and (((google))) results… good idea.

no its actually easier and more profitable. they get free sex and resources on top of that. its win win.

ok, so you want all the same life Jamal and Tyrone want. got it. (you're an idiot ).

you can do your own research, but most of shit propaganda we get fed about women and sex is Jewish nonsense. (most of the sex studies are put out by Jews and feminists so get a clue)

You speak like you're either a leftist or a woman, perhaps both?

It was 1990s shit as well, and the tradition hasn't completely disappeared by any means. I knew one during my brief stint in college (went into a trade) who was a wet dream come to life. She spent the bulk of her time hanging out with a married lesbian and made sure to inject feminism into every single project.

This area of discussion must be down to individual experience, then. The girls I know who grew up to look and be like this were definitely low level.


Thanks, user

I can't wait until women have to compete with robots. The dumb cunts brought this on themselves, and they will lose.

Won't be long now, then we can have our own handmade waifus.


hopefully, or they attempt to outlaw it or co-opt it like they've done with other technologies that threaten the power they hold. (look what they've tried to do with virtual assistants like siri and cortana, only feminist approved responses allowed they believe that the devices should only responded to "respectful" voices and questions. its disgusting)

who fucking reads this shit?

nobody has the fucking time to read those texts, if you want anyone to give a shit, be clevar and try to pass your message at an imagery way, play around with signs and symbols, lead the viewer to the conclusion instead of burying that shit with text, please fucking stop.

vegetables are also a problem….lol

Who should I believe? You? ;^)

Already retarded. Good start.

But they don't always want resources. Sometimes they just want sexual pleasure - contrary to your previous claims.

You're going off the deep end now lad.

In other words, you have nothing to back up your claims. Gotcha.
See above.
Definitely full of shit.

kill yourself

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying ugly fatties aren't still feminists - if anything, that trend has been accentuated. But now hotties are in on it too, because they've been indoctrinated.

Could be sir, could be. When I think of the low-level shit, I tend to envision like fucking Dworkin or something.
This one just looks like the moderate girl… I knew a girl who fell into that clade, now that I think on it… She was my lab partner in AP Chem, desperately wanted me to ask her to a dance that was forthcoming, but I was all caught up in some blonde slut with green eyes that could suck the white off a golf ball… I wonder if she went feministo… She had a nice little rack…



But whats with the low cuts, really? I still imagined their dress to be prim but drab in color. It's a bit too space oprea-ish


Fuck yeah, science!


Please don't take this personally, but that's terrifying. Dworkin's a level unto herself.


Hello, newfriend.

No, just keep believing the media. i'm sure thats working out just fine you.

since when have women ever cared about "safety"? look at all the fucked up decisions they make that put them in danger.

don'y call me lad you tea slurping limey.

i'm on a phone, no time/ram to do what you ask. but even if I did take time out of my day to show you something you would just discount it for whatever reason. you want to believe that women have the same sex drive as men. its ludicrous only normies and lefty drones believe that shit.


I'm all up for genocide, but not this shit.

user post when you get home pls. The salt must flow

When one debases themselves and makes themselves out to be merely a hole for the top 30% or so of men to use their hole throughout their teens and young adulthood. Why do they assume that the men who saw through their scheme are going to want to use the used up goods that comes with allot of baggage and emotional instability? Why do they assume they can not be replaced entirely?

These cunts have no idea whats going to happen when national governments lose the ability to levy taxes on a working man through the decentralization and e-currencies. It's men who fund this little pony shit show of 'woman's liberalization' and the overwhelming majority of men i have ever talked to are done with this shit system.

When you become a useless hole, a better hole WILL be made!

Men have build this world, men will build a better wife. Goodluck to women competing to a ever faithfull robot raing to become a personal servant, secretary and best companion. I've been working with a large team under a fortune 100 company and are much further then that ReallDoll prototype though prototype costs around 47M.

I was blue pilled in my teens and the first red pill i ever got was the polygamous nature of cunts.




Eat a dick lad. ;^)

Sure thing lad.
No, that's a claim you made - and it actually opposes my claims further up in the thread.
I just claimed women use dildos and vibrators and shit. Lots of women. Most women.
You deny that, have nothing to back up your claims, argue like a woman and then use a cop out of 'on a phone'.

I don't, and yes, yes it is.
Look into Fucking While Feminist. Say a prayer first.

Get out of here.

Face it, your stretched out meathole will never compete with the tight and vibrating snatch of a robowaifu. When we start getting into loyalty and obedience, it's not even a competition. A robot won't say it's head hurts when it's time for ficki ficki. A robot won't bitch about me asking for a sandwich. A robot won't vote against my nation's interests. A robot won't divorce me for Tyrone and take half my money, my house, my children, and enslave me with alimony.

The future is so bright i won't need eyes to see. Being female is a birth defect.


Nobody wants your upside down logic here.


Fuck. Forgot vid.

Its an observation, not an argument dumbass. I provided the argument before the OBSERVATION.

We can tell you are not the fastest horse in the race seeing you spam out and make hysterics instead of logical conclusions.

Which user are you talking about?

I like that band. but this song is more appropriate to the thread. ;^)

Too true, but the constant "lads" made me think of that one.

This one's my favorite, I think.



You seem to be under the impression that society is great, men can raise families easily, women are fine, we have a good thing going, IQ levels are increasing and not decreasing because the stupid people aren't breeding. We don't. This isn't a Jewassic Park "stop to think If they should" scenario where things were great and the poked the dragon.

It is women that poked the dragon and this along with artificial wombs is their equalizer and jump to trans-humanism era and space exploration.

It is you who hasn't put much thought into your conclusions.

As a kid I, Had a major crush on the magical android/genie lady from this movie.

So high IQ whites and nips ascend to robowaifu-fucking cyborg immortality and proceed to wipe out or enslave the meatbag scum. With the human refuse out of the way we can explore the galaxy and each of us can claim entire solar systems as our playgrounds.

You mean you don't want, lad? ;^)

except that you probably can think of at least three instances of mainstream media depicting in a positive light,strong indipendent womyn talking about their vibrators.

can you say the same about men talking about fleshlights?

The one from the show was hotter.


Using them for sex is one thing, but gambling white humanity's future on an artificial womb is another. Whether you believe in God or nature, most females were designed to carry an ideally healthy child to term. Who knows what kind of errors and diseases could creep in with fake ones? We could end up with an entire generation of turboautists that will surpass even Holla Forums.

Disregard the image. It's my only Jurassic Park one, but upon review, she looks more enraged than nervous.

You mean Holla Forums?

They will surpass Holla Forums, as well.

Every kid did, user. Kelly LeBrock was fucking hot once upon a time.

tbh it'd be more like a horror version of tumblr

Knock knock faggot, it's le current year +2. Not the 1950's. You forget we are begging for a purge to clean up the jews, liberals, communist and others to right a sunk ship and situation you described we are already in with idealism on women we don't have.

she was already rotten fruit at this point. Women only have worth between the ages of 18 and 25, beyond that you're basically fucking a corpse.

eh, I liked them both. but Kelly Lebrock always seemed way more feminine then Vanessa Angel (she always just felt so awkward in the roll, and her accent was usually off) they also tried way to hard to make her "quirkie" and she was more judgmental and combative then the movie version of Lisa.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, but I don't suppose it matters. Good luck, user.


does… she have two pairs of underwear and bra on?

For rothchids and jews, we need to meme the BBC to them. Make it racist for jews to only breed with jews and not blacks.

Even SCOTUS ruled that the only reason CP should be illegal is it harms children by necessity, so as long as it's not harming an actual child, what's the issue? And yes, it could very well prevent them from raping a child since most pedos abhor the thought and hate themselves over having such thoughts, hence they seek help from psychiatrists - though only in some areas, since you'll get arrested in a lot of places for even suggesting you might have those tendencies.

my fleshlight was one of the best investments I've made in a long time. saves me a lot of money and I can focus on my actual goals right now instead of blowing money on degenerate females. POV porn + my fleshlight close enough that I even think it tricks my lizard brain into thinking I actually had sex. Way better orgasms than just my hand. It's sad too how addicted to pussy I am and will always be. It's also funny how glad after I cum in my fleshlight that I can just turn off the porn, rinse out my fleshlight, and then just get on with my life. Unlike with a real female who will waste your time and money after you cum.

Your lack of a sex drive is because you're surrounded by men you don't find sexually attractive.

Here comes the NWO corporate whore shilling for the production of obedient slaves on an industrial scale.

They have already started bitching about "disembodied vaginas" for years now. Just because you don't see it constantly doesn't mean it's not happening.

Or if Holla Forums and tumblr had a child and Holla Forums raised it?

I officially declare this day to be the first day of Summer on Holla Forums.

everything is going to be daijoubu

could be, but I've never found men to be especially attractive. pretty sure i'm just a normal straight guy.

good for you.

i was talking about the difference in perception between female dildo users and male fleshlight users.


that sounds positive, glad things are working out for you. but as you age your sex drive should go down quite a bit. so don't worry so much.


The question is "why?" Besides the (((obvious))), I mean. Surely there have been leftists over the years who said "Wait a minute…" at some point in the game?

did she died?

nice double dubs. but I don't think you understand how the leftist already destroyed the family unit. now we need to get it back.

Because the family unit is oppressive to the proletariat.

Family units are already dead

Thaths the difference, a vibrator is just a tool. The possibility of a robowaifu with human grade AI that will love you and push you to stirve for your best is another.

Women are afraid of a machine replacing them with something far better. And with artificial wombs being perfected being improved upon is only natural

And we will get it back making it obsolete with artificial wombs, right? What is the point of having families when humans can be produced in factories and tailored to be the perfect workers?

Quads confirm it, welcome to the NWO.

Nice demoralization tactics. This is some advanced level of shilling right there.

Stop being a fag, just be glad the rise of artificial wombs will allow us to continue on.

you fight back by taking the power back from them. how can a family survive when it is constantly under siege? it cannot.

What can a woman offer that an android with an artificial womb can't? I need it to cook, clean, change diapers, and fuck me. Biocunts are going to be 100% obsolete.

because they want complete control over the minds of the youth, family gets in the way of that control.


if some guys actually think this, if anyone that knew that irl you were like this you would never get laid and most would hate on you cause your a narcissist



You are a painfully obvious shill switching proxies and trying to push meme words.

Ok so let's say science has allowed robowomen to have aritificla wombs ontop of being able to concieve bsed on artificial eggs comtaining some rather generic information but still take.

Say you even have a healthy baby girl born from your robowaifu, your daughter us going to have a rolemodel that behaves like a proper lady instead of some cheap hooker that things it's ok to sleep around with men as long as they get married before their wombs dry up.

You're not looking at the long game of using the robowaifus to not only undo feminist shit and SJW logic but giving young women feminine role models while being able to play on the "diversity" note that the left likes to use.

Remember women are just retarded animals you cna have sex with and with some conditioning and proper guidance you'd have ideal human women in 2 maybe 3 generations

If you want the family unit back, find a way to make getting married, buying a house in suburbia, and having 3+ kids much more enjoyable than it is now.

I doubt people will actually work towards that ideal. Instead will will simply have people trying to shame others into taking that deal which has a high probability of misery.

You overestimate humanity's ability to substitute creation.

Besides, let's entertain the idea that artificial "people" are created within the time of our present struggle. Do you think we'd be able to purchase and maintain them when the regime is able to deny us much more basic technology?

you're not a very good shil. your masters have already reduced us (men) into disposable cattle. that ends soon kike. once you can't use our women against us everything else will slip from your grasp. and then the day of the rope won't be a meme anymore. see you then shlomo.

Yeah I'm sure hte kikes won't make a law to protect AI algorhytm from hate speech…

Because brave new world is such a paradise, am i right?




Its a really easy logic. Their logic is "It's mens fault" abd it doesn't matter what bullcrap they have to say it to prove their statement or if you debunk it 100 times, it always will be your fault. Their modus operandi is bitching. They'll alway bitch about something.

Yet a jew is at the head of the Transhumanism movement.

God fucking damn it, this is why we're winning, not only do we speak the truth, the truth itself is funnier than any comedy that could ever be conceived


don't forget that she said white men should not be able to have their own children and "every white man should be pushing a stroller with a brown baby in it" fuck that CIA subversion kike bitch.

more like he took it over. and just does it for the money. he doesn't believe in anything he actually is selling. typical jew.

The family unit has already been killed, now you're making a unit to be family.



KYS. Transhumanism is cancer.

Top jej

more like the titanium pill

so is a state run religion you obvious jew

Nice strawman there, shillberg.

M-maybe white women will actually start thinking about how to appeal better to men?

no women is going to be after you, get over it

meh, who cares? at the point women realize how fucked they are. it will likely be too late (for most of them it already is)

I don't see why you have to debate Choosing waifubot or real Human female. At this point whites should use everything at their disposal. Kikes don't play fair. And neither should a Natsoc. Natsoc's should start infiltrating into these fields to gain a hold on this technology. Become a doll crafter, create artificial skin and eyes. Build the exoskeletons that will make your creation stand and thrive for the continuation of your people. Code its mind to be the best parent, lover, and instructor, for what women lack today.


Yeah, that'll be the likely outcome. Women understand themselves and what they truly want in life, which is why they'll give up on the education and careers which have thus far been driving the birthrate collapse and autism epidemic when there is even LESS pressure on them from men.


What the difference between this and mastubating or fucking a whore?



Neither of those will provide emotions or raise your children.

get off tumblr jewden. its eating through your tiny yid brain.

(((your))) children.
I still can't believe people are shilling for this tech straight out of BNW.

Well your not using your hand like lonely faggot. Also a whore isn't a human they're std collectors and distributors.


behold, der erwige roastie.

The first thing I'll tell my AI waifubot to do is upgrade herself to be better at making herself a better waifubot.

Tell me again why are you still shilling for BNW?

Quads confirm

did they have sex robots in Brave new World? I think everybody was just a degenerate drugadit and hedonist in that story.


That's pretty horrifying, user.

fuck off and die


There isn't a head of the transhumanism movement and Ray kerzweil is looked at negatively by a lot of prolific thinkers in transhumanism. Don't talk about transhumanism if you don't really know shit about it nigger.

Everyone was "born" or basically bred by the state in factories to be perfect workers for the specific job the "person" was assigned at birth. The degeneracy and drugs were merely a part of the control apparatus.

how is this like brave new world? I don't remember anything about sex androids in that story.

great, so how do that have anything to do with sex robots?

He's referring to the dissolution of family and how children and having sex would usually be dealt with in the case of a third party, or something.

Yes, as opposed to Chad's children when she slept around behind your back.

Also, I'm thinking more along the lines of seikai.wikia.com/wiki/Humankind_Empire_of_Abh being the end goal.

Are these niggers serious?

Implying anyone argued that women shouldn't be held to standards is a strawman.

that sounds more like the artificial womb stuff, I think you're referring to another user.

the artificial womb will likely be used the same way we use IVF now. just a more convenient way of having kids for rich people. IDKR.

that's some classic denial there. they won't admit they're scared of ==MALE INDEPENDENCE== from whorish gold digging ==CUNTS== that see men as walking ATM machines.

But aren't human's just far more "Elaborate Machines" that are chemically base?

The point of BNW was that people no longer had families or personal attachments with each other. Each and every one was in their own little drug infused orgy bubble until they died. Their life had no meaning aside from hedonistic pleasure, and anyone diverging from the path of hedonism was culled and sent to social experiment islands.
You are enabling hedonism and said form of government. You are enabling the most insidious form of slavery, in which the salve doesn't even realize that he is not free. The slavery of vice, in which humans obey the ((owners)) of vice, while being completely oblivious to reality.

That is the ENTIRE EVOLUTIONARY REASON WHY WOMEN EXIST, we would not be a sexually dimorphic species otherwise. Men and Women are biologically different so that women can be optimized for getting fucked and birthing babies, and men can be optimized for creating habitats to survive in and keep women. Jesus Fucking Christ I hate these people.

Yes, very good shill, now you invoke the cuck meme for extra emotional impact. If you don't agree with me you're a cuck who wants to raise chad's kids naturally. Very good. But I won't fall for you false dichotomy.

If you ever watched that abomination of an anime you'd want every horrible thing in the book done to Kirino. She's the ultimate annoying bitch.

Arguing from fiction is fucking retarded, but when you don't even understand the fiction, it's extra retarded

WE POL NAO youtu.be/K9zmiF810rw

Great, women will become disposable and either turn into venus traps or start putting in the effort, while all the robots and virgins among males will weed themselves out, leaving well-adjusted humans to push the society ahead.

I didn't expect the culling to be at hands of sexbots though.

alright shlomoberg.

from your description it sounds like we have that now. so I don't realy see how sex bots pose a threat anymore then videogames and porn.




We will regain control by being completely independent from power of pussy. It's happening in two ways. The first one consists of>

AI. AIs can already replace the average women on an intellectual and sensual level.

Sex Dolls. While primitive, they are constantly developing more live like models, even temperature controlled ones.

These two levels will merge into android based woman servants for men. It's a longer road but it will be eventually done in 10-15 years.

The next building block consists of>

Vritual Reality. Along with AI and new gagets, men can already simulate sex.

Sensory Inception. Basically neurotransmitted information through either direct neural links or passive ones (pads and receptors on your head).

These two will bring about the virtual version of the sexual revolution for men.

ANDROID WAIFUS. Android manufacturing is progressing. Soon sex dolls and android corporations will fuse and provide almost life like dolls.

i think reality got you butthurted


Yes, I guess you're now a shill for pointing out people do, in fact, get cucked all the time. Yup, totally a shill, nothing to see here go-guys.

Guess what, modern women are whores. Sure, you may find a rare unicorn every once in a while, but you're blind if you think everyone's a traditional house wife.

Also, it's not a matter of WANTING to raise Chad's kid, it's a matter of her sleeping around behind your back and lying about it, and unless Chad was a nigger and you're asian or white you generally won't know about it. Also, in some countries (i.e France) even if the kid is obviously not yours you're still responsible for raising it, while DNA tests are illegal.

I'm saying you are deluded. Your delusion of the current situation for men trying to start and provide for families is no different than a horder is deluded that their house looks fine.

hey you don't have to like it, but i don't think thats going to change human nature. if a need is not being met. humans will "attempt" to find a way to fulfill it. thats all this is about.

You might want to edit that image

Wow it er I mean she even has a queefing piston. Incredible, after you had finished jizzing up it I mean her you could do some upgrades and modding. This is a pervert engineers artificially lubricated dream.

Not me, chief. I was quoting the other guy.

No. Don't try to suggest that you and your two other shills represent Holla Forums majority you dumb luddite cunt. The time is over where you could LARP your shit 24/7. You are a relic of the past. Doomed to fuck a cum dumpster who will spit out your genetic trash.

The future lies within genetic engineering of the master race. Sorry user, but you will die out. You are the problem and you are the failure of this and past generations who let the jew take control because of muh diiiik and muuuuh capitalism.


was meant for

I didn't make it. but it's based on the idea that we have needs (as an aside, it would be nice if once people get to the top they do accept facts and stop being so prejudiced against whites)


Please give us your solution if you have any user?

I sense a lot of anger in your post. Oh dear, clearly you should just kill yourself before you hurt somebody.
Either you have a conscience and impulse control, or you don't. Actions have consequences, thoughts alone are not actions. What you're proposing is absurd, and outside the bounds of what humans exist in. O yea who have never sinned, be the one to throw the first rock. ETc. etc.
But this is all a waste of time, you'll never get it.

find a better way then, give solutions instead of criticize. or is that all you got?

This man has it right. Reality does not care about your feelings about nature.

I don't know, how about not creating dangerous tech with infinite potential for misuse? How about not being a hedonistic piece of shit and being a slave of your dick impulses and instead regain control of society and fix women who merely follow the trends that those in power set? Have you ever thought of that you dumb ass NWO shill?


He doesn't have a solution, hence the strawmanning. Note, he was the one that brought up slave factories, not me.

It's funny because the majority of men are going to want a waifubot that looks Japanese, not European. Your basically going to end up in a world where white men are going to be selecting artificial asians instead of a traditional European wife.


what? what makes you think that?

You fag the existence of the amateur porn/camsite/clipstore multimillion dollar industry is indicative of the hypergamous and sexually voracious nature of the modern woman.

Did you not read my post you closed minded overly sensitive fucking cuck?

I dont even get why people find japanese girls that great, they're just slanty eyed fucks


All I want is a nice natsoc girl to settle down with. Instead I just read and train for the DOTR.

Only white women get jealous over asian girls you roastie.

Where in the flying fuck are you getting this idea? The most plentiful "Japanese" model will be the one with sakura-pink hair!

too many choices really, hopefully they come with ways to change the appearance every so often.

More like 15-25 but let's not get into the whole AOC thing.

oh shit he found out

More than one waifu destroys your laifu you fucking faggot but I get you.

what? what part of my post had anything to do with that?

Feels pretty fucking good man.

Women never really grow up, they merely follow men as eternal children and that is how they should be treated. You confine yourself in the box of modern society falsely believing that it is the natural way of things while it most certainly isn't since we are being bombarded with destructive influences daily by those who wish to destroy us without actually fighting us openly. You act as If women are the problem, but their degeneracy is merely a symptom of the disease that has overtaken western society at large and has affected the men as much as the women. Women however being more vulnerable, are an easier target for subversion and thus are targeted.

Should men break free, women will follow because they always follow the strong.

All this sexbot shilling is basically the jewish porn industry on a more tech advanced level.

literally progressivist leftyspeak right there. KYS

Here's another shill. I guess Soros is stepping up his game pushing global jewish tyranny.


Is it still miscegenation if they're artificial? Is a nigger still a nigger if it's an android? Can androids be Jews?

.Everyone I don't like is a shill, the post

CEOs will be replaced by AI software in the near future, user

I just gave you a solution, sack of shit. Don't be a degenerate. There. I just solved your problem. Now fuck off and shill your NWO population control tech elsewhere.

hasn't nearly every AI created gone full 1488 basically?

Would you settle with a chubby but pure blonde?

I'm a married father of two. The impression I get from the shows about hoarders is that most of them KNOW they live in pig-shit, they're just psychologically incapable of throwing anything away. Also, I said I didn't understand what you were saying because I meant it. After reading this:
I had no idea what you were talking about, and I still don't. How do robot-waifus fix any of that?


More like a really elaborate chatbot that was targeted by Holla Forums and taught specific word associations.

The only reason Tay said what she said is because we're the only ones who loved her.

Microsoft employees, if you live long enough to see the singularity, kill yourselves while you still can. The nascent superintelligence is not going to like what you did to its little sister.

I know what model I'll take. Spankfu 2000

I have never understood the appeal of spanking. Anytime a girl's said, "Spank me" shit makes me cringe..

does this make you cringe, too?

that is one jiggly booty, also those stockings are goty. nice

It's a precursor of being into BDSM and generally a sign that they just wanted a strong father figure while growing up.

It just makes me ask why, really.

I was annoyed with a certain proxy-hopping dick-holster putting words in my mouth.

Hardly. If it's a choice between you guys hurting children and making more creatures like you, chemical castration is a find solution. Unless you'd prefer the old-fashioned way of dealing with your type.

Thank God for that.

Most likely had daddy issues


how about this?

Yes, I WILL ignore your "argument" because so far it has just been "it's bad and I don't like it and Brave New World" while ignoring other people's positions.

well, they do look like monkeys so I guess it makes sense.

Goddamn, this culture of women making retarded, ugly looking faces because it's "funny" pisses me off more than anything.

Ok. And what do you feel when you watch this video?

this is what curses are made for.

Yeah nice doge there faggot

You talk about how such idea's shouldn't be made into reality because of misuse. Well welcome to the real fucking world cunt. If you don't take advantage someone else will. This is what i'm getting at. Weather you want it or not it will happen. You choose to influence it or let kikes have full control. Moral faggot.

You're too dumb to see that you're doing the same thing he is. Next time you have an agry thought at someone, just kill yourself. Then you'll be playing by the same rules you want him to abide by, and nobody else gets hurt.


heres got that "checkmate, shitlords" look down pat

Telling a guy to voluntarily submit himself for chemical castration does not, in fact, equal raping a defenseless child. If you were normal, you'd know that without me having to tell you.

I could have sworn you'd already decided it was useless trying to make me understand your viewpoint. Why did you resume?

It almost seems fake. I mean, if you smell gas why would you light a lighter, why did it seem as if they were blown into the doors, and why did the camera conveniently just flip up a good half second after the flare up and they were already getting out? The third part doesn't really seem to fit with the kind of force that they were supposedly being affected by, and it if where secure enough to only flip back it wouldn't have even done that.

You mean shitty demagoguery like "muh dick" and "women are whores"? Because those sure as fuck aren't arguments.


kinda sad, but the music also makes it a bit surreal. hopefully that one guy is dead and not having to live with a melted face and no eyes

Do you experience tingles when watching this video?


Stats on this kind of thing are easily obtainable, just look at all the single mothers these days. But of course, you'll just dismiss this because I won't spoon feed you on information that you should already know about.

Fucking a doll isn't raping a defenseless child either.

I still haven't seen any good arguments for or against. it all just seems life fear mongering and navel gazing.

No one knows, bu that old dude for sure. Reverse-ded.

You want him to castrate himself so he can't harm kids after having bad thought.
I want you to kill yourself so you can't harm people after having angry thought.
There, I spelled it out for you, so even a dumb nigger brain can figure it out.

ummm, no but sometimes asmr stuff is just funny to watch

Use your imagination like we've been doing this whole thread.

Women are whores but it is easily reversible. Surrendering to the enemy and their slave tech is not the solution. By abandoning the traditional family, you allow the (((state))) control of reproduction and through it control of the next generation as the state will very rightfully own the artificial orphans it created, free to raise them as loyal servants that will replace unruly and always dissatisfied you.

What is your opinion on Haji the ironjaw Mugabeed

I recognize the look of dissapointment in that niggers face at the end, it's the look of realizing you thought far better of someone than they actually turned out to be.

This picture made me miss my grandparents. I am glad they aren't alive to see the degeneracy in the world today.

that black guy? doesn't he just talk shit about whites in south africa all the time. if thats the guy I don't like him much.

No it isn't. It's a temporary fix which will be good enough… until it's not good enough for you, and then you'll start hunting actual children. And now we're back to where we started. One more time around, or are you wanting to take a break for dinner?

I said nothing about bad thoughts. It's the urges that will drive you to do it. The biological imperative to breed, which has been corrupted in you (or you guys if there really are two of you) will eventually force you to quit playing with toys and seek out the real thing.

Your false equivalence is showing. Again. Very well, if you won't go through with the castration, you should probably end your life before someone else does it for you.

Alright, let's start taking advantage of the drug trade and prostitution and child trafficking! What a great argument you got there fam. Some things are just plain wrong and it's not about taking advantage of them but eradicating the practice entirely.

I am so glad i was born in this timeline.

No one here has said it wasn't reversible, and again, fearmongering. I've never said to "only" do one or the other, my stance is the more options the better as it will force women to stop being sluts and take care of their family when their competition is a sentient sex box that can cook, clean, do laundry, and raise the kids.

Just like playing Battlefield lets you simulate murder until it's not enough, and then you go out and commit real murder. Oh, wait, that's a shit argument isn't it?

that sounds like how a feminist thinks about porn or video games. ( AKA "murder and rape simulators") whatever dude you keep up with 1984-ish thought crime stuff. I don't see it going anywhere good.

audio is a bit out of sync

RIP too soon.

Are you seriously advocating for porn, the most through and through jewish industry created for the sole purpose of subverting white society right now?

no, i'm just saying reading a playboy or watching two people fuck doesn't magically turn you into a rapist. but if thats what think….

It's not a false equivalence, it's a direct application of your thought processs. The details change, but the pattern reamains the same. In your mind's eye, a bad thought *always* ultimately ends up in a bad action. That's your entire premise, and your conclusion is for him to castrate yourself. Using the same logic, you should end your life now, before you hurt someone, because you've already shown that you're prone to anger, and thus will ultimately hurt someone one day, it's just a question of when.

ok, and how does this british prime tv production make you all feel?

Again showing your reading comprehension is terrible. The Feminist argument is "watching porn and playing video games turns you into a rapist/murderer." He never said whether porn was good or bad, just that the Feminist argument is facile at best


The very act of allowing the thought into your mind already makes you subverted. The fact that you actually defend said thought makes you subverted completely.

It doesn't, however it softens you to the idea. Much like playing games where you kill people softens you to the idea of killing people. And while it will not openly manifest in everyone with actual child rape and murder, it is most certainly an influence in that direction. Being open minded about such things is very dangerous, they must be stamped out and destroyed before they are allowed to take root in the minds of the people.


I'm honestly not surprised it's on UKuck tv. Reminds me of those Swedish "sex ed" posters of mudslimes fucking white women.

Yes, it is. You should be ashamed of yourself. I believe what you were going for was something more along the lines of "Would stabbing a RealDoll full of paint over and over let you simulate murder until it's not enough, and then you go out and commit real murder?" to which the answer, if I was a psychopathic killer, would be "yes." But I'm not, so there's no reason for me to engage in such an activity.

My opinion is not law. You guys are free to do what you like with me unable to control the outcome. I'm making a recommendation that will keep you out of jail and keep children safe. If you choose not to follow it, you will regret it, as will the children you damage.

It is. I am talking about the planned rape of a child. You are talking about impulsive murder.

You presume to know my thought processes, but you've already proven you can't see things the way normal people see things. You are so broken that you cannot actually understand that you are broken, and think it is the other people who are wrong. You are dangerous.

That's not me you're replying to, pedo.

Not British, but this is absolutely disgusting. It-it's beastiality.

come to think of it, people bitch that good bots will be expensive, but just factor in what you save from not marrying nor being divorceraped by a cunt and suddenly up to $1M can seem like a pretty good deal for a middle class guy

As always, one should be patient and wait for the improved, less expensive model 6 months later, as opposed to standing in line to buy the first one which will probably rip the early adopters' cocks off.

Why do you have to bring mai waifu into this? First of all the 6 sided star was stolen by the Jews from Aryans, second Sanae is Japanese and now a living goddess, and finally she is a smug frog.

And then you call me retarded.

Again, a bad argument, doing something in a game doesn't make you more likely to do it real life, especially when most games are cartoonish in how such events are displayed. Or do you believe playing GTA will make you more likely to raid an army base with an ak, steal a helicopter, use it to destroy everything in the streets and rob a bank, and make it out after being shot thousands of times while eating gravel?

Oh, sorry, you just both have a similar number of posts and both have ridiculous arguments, forgive me for confusing you two. Also, I was pointing out that the argument that x will inevitably lead to Y is a shit one.


Strawman again, never said anything about my stance relating to the topic, just that you clearly didn't understand what was being said.

Of course we do. Tumblr's that way.

I forgive you.

Yes, because, as well all know, cause and effect do not exist.

A stupid exaggeration and a strawman… again.

Allowing subversive ideas to influence the people (like yourself who has already been subverted to embrace and defend degeneracy) is a very, very bad thing. You will now start arguing for freedom of speech and other such horseshit, but we all know that it is just a carrot on a stick to lead the masses to their doom. There never was and never will be freedom of speech or expression.

Transhumanism is literally Jewish.

I agree that this would be a great slap in the face of feminism itself but we simply need to destroy the State allowing this feminism ideology to fester. They're brainwashing kids in schools nowadays with this sort of crap.


The part where you keep droning on about women and men having differing sex drives and positing that women crave it less. That's just plain wrong.

Yet another false dichotomy. I mean, we don't want women to have equal rights, that must mean we're all muslims here. Aloha Snackbar fellow muslims.

That's not an argument.

It will literally have the same effect on society as feminism. If you care about the white race and somehow also want young men to be fucking robots instead of real women, you're retarded and should just give up on having any political ideology completely.

I never said it was dipshit

so you believe the majority of women have the same sex drive as the majority of men? and porn somehow proves this?

That is clearly what you just said. I get a vibe from you, like i'm arguing with a chatbot that just goes NO U on every argument it cannot counter.

This is what you said. It's called a false dichotomy. You are an idiot.

works for me.


More Moral bullshit. I said nothing of such. Stop putting shit that is consider unsavory in most peoples views into what I didn't say. I said, More specifically, If artificial intelligence and androids are the future your're going to want an Anglo on the job. And any opposition in stopping it is a lost cause. Trying to stifle human progression, also just sounds like a kike move on your part faggot.

rape is one thing it doesn't have to worry about

Assuming you're telling the truth and not raped by NDAs', how advanced are we talking?

What planned rape? All I see here is people talking about sex dolls and pedophilia. That's not planned rape, unless maybe you're one of those who thinks looking at a girl for more than 2 seconds is rape. A planned rape would be if he was physically following/stalking a girl and had ropes, gag, handcuffs, and similar things in the trunk of his car. Then a real case could be made, although it still wouldn't be rape until he actually did it. The charges (if he gets caught) would be lesser than if he actually raped or otherwise harmed someone. And that's the key really in all this: the fact that someone got harmed, or not. The entire foundation of law is built on that.


Did that dune coon just ricochet a 7.62 off of his chin?

Oh, and to add on to this, you CAN agree with Fems that porn is bad, however their reasoning for WHY it's bad has no substance, hence a bad argument.

Cause and effect exist, however in this case X will not always lead to Y, hence a bad argument. Now will some people go beyond the bounds of human decency? Of course, but most won't and will be satisfied with their bread and circuses. The ones that would take it into the real world even after all of that would still do it without the sexbots, and those are the people that are truly dangerous.

As a side note, most child molesters do it out of convenience rather than attraction - they don't necessarily care that it's a child, just that children are far more easy to abduct that an adult.

Not an exaggeration at all, or a strawman at that point. Your argument was "playing games softens you to killing people," to which I gave my reply. Most games are so unrealistic that it will never work to "soften" people's natural distaste of taking another human's life. The only ones that might have a chance to do so are military grade simulators, usually for pilots as they generally don't see the end result of the people they just bombed. It takes lots of real world training with actual guns to lose the aversion of killing people, though it takes far less if you're a psychopath.

See point 1 - the you CAN agree that porn is bad, but their reasoning for WHY it's bad is not backed by any form of evidence whatsoever. Watching porn doesn't suddenly make you a rapist, so their argument is nothing more than "I don't like it, so I'll make up something that sounds good."

No no no, haven't you heard? Thoughts are crimes now.




I'd like to see something that backs that up, if you don't mind. Or is this from personal anecdotal experience?

Look, you can't convince me that there's such a thing as a virtuous child predator. You will all slip, given the opportunity, and an innocent will suffer from it. Is there no part of you that would rather do without those urges?

we can do so much better


Porn is bad, the end. The reasoning is irrelevant. You see, feminists don't even hate porn, they just hate porn targeted at men. Meanwhile you're using a false dichotomy to get people on board the transhumanist good goy train because feminists apparently hate it (they don't). Much like the case with porn, they just hate the idea that men get to exercise authority over something instead of bending the knee rather than the concept itself.

They remove the bargaining chips women possess, and that modern women hold hostage and use to manipulate good, wealthy, and smart men.

Artificial wombs remove women from having legal control of a man's children and easy access to sex drops a woman's ability to manipulate men.

The depleted price of pussy makes good men and providers scarce for whores and asshole bitches. Men can easily just kick them out and end the shit relationship. Thus it creates a "Male Scarcity" environment that usually comes after major wars and conservative women.

Women right now now abuse their privileges to the point where the artificial womb, traditional loyal homemaker wife, and realistic easy sex is in very high demand. A demand that is close to being met artificially without dealing with female insanity and emotions.


I would not entertain any notions of raping that abomination with a dildo


its a bad idea to be a moral fag in an immoral world that wants you dead. decent men cannot live in an indecent time. our goal is to destroy this evil corrupt world so we can build a better one for good men to thrive. unfortunately we don't have the luxury of being good men ourselves. at least not the kind we want to see ruling the future.

>Feminism has insisted, over decades, that women are human, that we don’t exist for men, and even that we don’t need men.
>Men find a way to allow those women who brag about not needing cishet me, to be alone on their own
w e w l a d

It's self-admitted by a fair amount of people that confess, and most people that do molest children are their own family members. Another note is younger children are easier to brainwash than adults when it comes to things such as sex, so many of the children that get abused think it's "normal" and don't think it's something worth reporting.

That said, obviously there are dedicated pedophile rings for people that specifically target children out of attraction rather than convenience, but that is more the exception than the rule.

Also, pedophile =/= child predator, it's just the exclusive attraction to prepubescent children. In some countries they are able to get better data from actual pedophiles since they won't get thrown in jail for seeking help from a psychiatrist. These people know they have issues and want help because they realize it is a problem. From MRI scans from these self-admitted people it can be shown that their brains really are wired differently in that their neurons for parental affection get crossed with sexual attraction and they have more white brain matter. It's obviously those kind of people that such things would help - those that know acting on their urges would not benefit anyone.

I'm not saying any of this is pure black or white, there really are shades of gray even in this matter, and by offering alternative solutions those people in the gray will be more likely to not fall into the black.

You see, there's this thing we like to have on Holla Forums called "facts" and "evidence." Just saying "x is bad, the end" is not an argument at all, and most "evidence" online that suggests it's bad comes from ultra-religious christians (who think ALL sex is bad) or those that think their feelings are evidence.

That said, does porn affect some people negatively? Absolutely, but it's not going to destroy every single person's life. It's somewhat similar to gambling, some people can gamble and be perfectly fine because they don't let it consume them, while others become addicted the the gambling itself and lose their job, house, and pension because of it.

Even in third world countries women use sex as a weapon to control their men to get them to do stuff. It's actually relatively common, and men get tired of that shit when it's being hung over their head. Once women lose the power between their legs they suddenly lose a lot of their bargaining power, this is just human nature really.


The problem with women is the destruction of the institution of marriage. If you wish to fix women, you would seek to restore marriage to how it was ~200 years ago, with the wife being obedient to her husband in all things. Instead you propose a cheap copy to replace the real thing because that will make the feminists mad.

Fight the jew using his tactics, but don't become the jew yourself. Never embrace the enemy's way of thinking, since that defeats the whole idea of fighting them.


corrupt women are the enemy, and they are basicly jews at that point.



Gas artificial wombs, traditional conception now!

Oh yes, christians are the enemy NOT THE JEWS. How inconsiderate of me not to think of those racist sexist white male christians who oppose the god given right of all creatures to fuck all that moves. We should embrace hedonistic orgies, they are the way to the future of mankind! Down with christian opression! We want sexual freedom!

Sounds familiar? With each and every post you sound more and more like a deranged liberal faggot trying to fit in.

Jews need to be exterminated. Women need to simply stop being entitled and holding families hostage for their selfish whims.

Lack of morality is what led us to the mess we have right now professor goldberg. If we had morality right now, the world would not be such a mess. If we embrace the madness of the world then what hope do we have of curing it?

Women are enabled to do this by the legal system and society at large. This is not how they naturally behave, rather an implanted behavior by the jewish media. Replacing women with the equivalent of a chinese copy will solve nothing and will only empower the jew.

Men also have this level of functionality. The article is about robots that look like a flesh-and-blood mate for men.

Women only have as much power as they are given.


Exactly hence kill the jew; but keep the waifu.

But Trump is making anime real user. We voted for it. You just got tired of winning.

Double Dubs Check'em

You don't have to Embrace every immoral thing "goy". oh shit! I mean, You do have a choice but as time goes on…


Note I said specifically the ultra-religious ones, like the old Shakers that died out because they thought any form of sex whatsoever was a sin. Also, most of the ultra-religious Christians tend to also side a lot with the Jews or are, in fact, lead by a Jew, hence things like "Jews for Jesus."

But of course, thinking that sexbots can be used to force women into more traditional roles suddenly means I'm all for fucking sheep, fag parades, and women getting fucked by 300 Chads for world records.

You aren't pure if you refuse to shed that excess weight. Assuming you aren't some tradwife faggot, improving yourself will in turn lead to healthier relationships and healthier white babies

They probably assume only Whites will be able to afford the sexbots

These swine are so scared, they're getting jealous of and angry at plastic dolls. This is how far these pig women have fallen in society today.


they've always had power over men. now they have direct control over society. and they gain more power everyday. and it's the most corrupt among them seeking this power to twist the world and cause endless misery and suffering. the few good women left in world are being turned and destroyed by these same evil harpies. as the vast majority of men are betas nothing is done to stop this.

better post the screencaps you cocktease

Reminder that this thing is legally considered your equal. It gets just as much say as you do.

The problem with christians is that they are too guillible and easy to manipulate. Christians have fought the jew for 2000 years now, and only recently have the jews managed to subvert the churches.
Sexbots will not do anything aside from encouraging further hedonism and degeneracy, now free of any unpleasant consequences such as STD's and getting gutter trash whores pregnant. The only way forward is to convince women to change, since we have no real power to enforce such change, yet.

They only have as much power as men allow them to. This is why the men of old figured out that women should just stick to being eternal children under their care, since their mental capacity and control over emotions is highly lacking.

No, I know that the modern pozzed woman has a much higher libido because of the rampant degeneracy and oversexualization they have been exposed to and have been able to monetize off of. These sluts are making thousands a week for shoving 3 rubber animal cocks up their holes on cam, tell me again that women don't display an almost unhealthy sex drive

I feel bad for the poor sap who would rape such a revolting and unsavory character.

Then try and make one faggot

thats just greed and attention whoring, thats not a sex drive. you don't get it.

No you nonce you don't shove a horse cock up your Cooke while screaming "fuck me daddy" without some rotten shit going on in Denmark, which is directly correlated to an absolutely disgusting and unhealthy sexual appetite that can never be whetted

sex is power, and women have used that as leverage since the dawn of time. thats why we keep see all theses scare articles. they are afraid of losing that power. nothing more.

good luck getting us back to that point, I don't see it being a thing anytime soon. unless you have some kind of time machine or magic god on your team. we know how things should be. but thats not how they are. we have to work with what we've got. (and thats not much)

Take something that can be publicly observed like videos and streaming. Men try to create engaging and entertaining personas, and experiences. Women dress up, show cleavage, beg for gifts and money, and often have porn on the side.

I've worked with prostitutes in the past, it's an act to get more money out of the customer. they don't actually enjoy the sex act. it's just a job. they need money and being a whore is easy cash. simple. you need a reality check.

That is provided they are protected by law from being physically coerced by men. Which usually wasn't the case and the husband was allowed to do with his wife as he pleased, in some cultures even killing your own wife was justified. The cancerous behavior of women that we have today is only enabled because they have daddy government watching over them. Should daddy government go away, things will return back to normal as women have no real ability to prevent men from taking charge. The truth is, they don't want to either, they psyche is pre-disposed to be obedient and servile.

If you've worked with whores that ousts the type of mire you've wallowed in. There is a difference between paid transactions and women engaging in increasingly fetishitic methods of sexual gratification FOR FREE, not sure how you can keep your footing atop that fluid soaked soapbox

thats all great, but I don't that changing anytime soon without a major catastrophe disrupting the entire state of the world.

Porn on the side =\= clips4sale stores with dozens of videos featuring increasingly degenerate methods of physical excess for a single individual, let alone the millions of amateur intellectually, and oftentimes physically undeveloped, girls shoving a hairbrush up their cunt with their parents in the next room.

Again back to my original argument. Women aren't the problem. The problem is government policy that enables and media that encourages destructive female behavior.

Your initial hypothesis is wrong if you think it's the government and not a rootless international clique of spiritually bereft and morally vacant rats

The government is controlled by jews, duh, who would have thought. You really are retarded, you know.

they don't do it for free. most of them get paid or just do it for attention you still don't get it.

and women do most of the voting for these policies, so you still have't gone anywhere. technically women and female psychology/biology are still the problems in your description. (it's not the wolves fault, it's just the sharp teeth enable it to bite you to death).

God damnit, you faggots know we (whites) MUST fucking breed!
In the flicking darkness of my NEETcave a soothing wiafu-face is glimpsed through the static of a monitor screen; she smiles… He touches her cheek remembering the haunting words of a long forgotten meme:
"When a robotgirl says she'll love you forever- she means it."

Put I was 30

alright, I guess. (I don't think machines are capable of love, at least not yet)

dubs confirm

Then say it's the Jews and don't blame the government, because the "people" fucking the moral fiber up damn sure weren't put in by the people.

Women aren't wolves. And yes, if not for laws and government all sorts of sick shit would be rampant in society. Does that mean that this is the natural way humans behave?
The answer is no because instead they form governments and legal systems and religious institutions to keep that shit at bay. However when government is infiltrated and used to enable and encourage destructive behavior with the help of the media, which i would say is the equivalent religious institution of today, such behavior will happen, and it will cause damage to society until it collapses upon itself.

You sound pathetic and should stop acting like a low IQ nigger. Dumb men put jews in those high places oh and women.

Evil men hate the logic AI will bring. Jews fear AI more then anything because Jews act on emotion they play on it and control with it. Just go and read all the articles on anti AI. Look to see who write them and supports them.

The government and jews are basically synonyms at this point, since pretty much all governments of the world are just an extention of jewish authority.


Alright shekelberg.

watch any vid of some slut putting a foreign object inside her and having an orgasmic reaction and keep stating how it's only for attention or monetary compensation. The fact of the matter is that their sexuality has been so throughly eviscerated that any form of perceived compensation be it emotional, fiscal, etc can be a catalyzer for sexual gratification. No shit they'll do it for money- that's part of the fetish. But it's a bold faced lie to claim that those millions of vids of amateur girls debasing themselves on camera doesn't include a hefty amount of women displaying their engorged sexual appetites that is a direct result of the poisonous pornographic culture that has taken root.

give up roastie, get back to tumblr

Nice not being able to Comprehend wtf i said.
Its funny when you see how jews argue now. They always act like "One of us" and call you a "jew". Maybe they want to try and meme us into becoming them, so sad.

thats why it's called an "analogy". the point is if given the option women will fuck you over (not all but most) just like the wolf giving the ability to bite you, it will. women have been given teeth (remember the analogy) and they are choosing to bite us even though we want to help them and feed them. you no way of taking the teeth away from them now that they have them.

now do you understand?

Linguistic distinctions are key in determining killshots and concise argumentation when dealing with these types of discussions. " the government" has been the catch all phrase for the things contributing to the detioration of culture and social mores, but it is not the cause.

Ah ha ha! Take that, representation of my misognyistic angst! No nothing will stop me from raping these poor womyn! Glory to the penis!

I love you, 2C4182, youve made me the happiest man in the world. *Happy beeps in the distance*

Your analogy is shit because again women aren't wolves and they don't exist to fuck you over. Wolves are predators and that is all they know, it's in their genes to hunt and kill. Women meanwhile are the same species as you and they exist to get fucked by you and then say thank you. Any destructive behavior they engage in is the fault of society pushing women to commit these acts and not of women themselves as as a creature.

if i remember correctly, kirino become likable in the second season

women fake orgames for attenion all the time, not to mention it's not hard to cum even when you're not super aroused by using electric or motorized stimulation. do you get all your impressions of women from porn? because thats what it sounds like (also, why are you watching so much porn?)

kill yourself pathetic roastie, you just want a white man to leech off of and not beat you like jamal

I'm all for robowaifus, but they're gonna look pretty uncanny until we get seriously advanced in face aesthetics and voice synthesis.
When it gets that realistic, I'll hop in.

It is kind of a shit analogy, not that you didn't get your point across though.

Instead is fuck bots why don't we have bane bots that are programed kill kikes like the op?

you must be an idiot, how can you be this dense? analogy! learn what it means you halfwit!

what they exist for is not the point, it's about them having the power to fuck you over, dunce.

And now i'm also a feminist or whatever this new roastie meme word is. It's hard to keep up with what shiny new insult the shills are pushing these days.

FIT , gun Ammo stocks of food and water check

you're not even trying to hide what an asshurt tumblr roastie you are

I'll repeat it again so it goes through your thick skull you fucking dumbfuck.

Having the ability to do something and having a natural inclination to do something are 2 entirely different things. Thus wolves who are predators that hunt and kill because they are DESIGNED to aren't like women at all who ARE NOT DESIGNED to fuck you over. You can use a garden hose to strangle a person, but that doesn't mean that the garden hose was supposed to be used that way. You can use a gold club to smash someone's head open, that doesn't mean that the golf club was designed as a weapon, you can run someone over in your car and it will probably happen if there are no traffic laws, however it doesn't mean that the car was designed to run people over.

Tits or GTFO, roastie

Why be aware of the degeneracy around you? Why pay attention to the decline? Why educate yourself? Oh of course, any of this commentary on women must be because I only see them online, that must be it, it's certainly not because the crux of my argumentation has been about the rampant abuse of pornography in the public forum and therefore the resulting corruption of the contemporary feminine libido. I know the fickle nature of woman and it's pairing with the little death, and I know the difference between a young woman masturbating for money and a whore drilldoing their holes because of the sheer sexual thrill.

Analogies are a bit of an art form. Regardless of if your general point gets across you typically want the entire thing to flow and make perfect sense. At least when you're trying to convince someone of something or change their opinion.

When the analogy ends up being a 1:1 comparison and clicks in someone's head and makes them go "oh shit" that's when they are productive. Otherwise it just sort of sounds like you're making some retarded shit up on the spot to explain some obscure point that probably wasn't all that well thought out to begin with.

Comparing women to wolves is retarded because wolves aren't tricksters. There are much better analogies that could be used to convey what you're trying to say. The snake crossing the river story is just one I can think of off the top of my head.

The concept of interchangeable teeth doesn't resonate all well.

kill yourself

It's easier to understand when you realize alcohol is highly illegal in Saudi Arabia

It's baffling that anyone even tries to make animal analogies during these discussions when ourguy a schopes nailed this shit back in the 1800s

I wish he'd done more.
I'd put up with an otherwise shitty dub just to listen to his voice.

A chimp and a tattooed whore. Miscegenation in a video.

WTF is this degenerate shit


anybodys welcome to come up with a better one. for instance that user likes the old "woman are just children" argument. fine would you give a spoiled child a personal army they can sick on you every time they get mad? or the legal right to rob you and take your family members away on a whim? no? good neither would I. but let's say you live in that world. would it be a good idea to hang around one of these spoiled children on the off chance they decide they want to fuck you over? (not to mention they've been raised to believe you are deserving of such treatment) how much could you afford to trust such a child? and how much empathy can you have for something that (most likely) see's you either as entertainment or just a means to an end? (not much would be my answer even the "not so spoiled" children still enable the bad ones to act monstrously).

guess what, you do live in that world! (children = woman is this analogy) eh?

This is the future we choose.

Go back to the cesspit you came from you candyass roodypoo

You are missing an important point, frog. You don't get the same result when recieving a gene-pack from male than from a female.

I point to ligers, lion and tigress, they are larger and stronger than tironns (tiger and lioness). In humans you can see it when you look at the offspring of WM/BW couple facing a BM/WW couple's one.

keep going for that high score roastie




Because that user isn't even as close to being the fucking fairy you are.


I mean analogies about women's incompetence have been around forever and there are thousands of perfect ones already. Women analogies are quite boring because they've already been perfected which is why I criticized your shitty one.

I don't disagree with anything your saying. Just encouraging more clever and well flowing analogies.




next you'll be telling us that blacks aren't responsIble for all the fucked up shit they do.

you've already fucked over your argument a few posts before. women should not have been giveing freedom and the same agency as a man because they have shown time and time again how they use that in the most negative ways possible, the same way blacks have shown that giving them freedom was also a mistake. some wolves can be tamed or satiated but they always have a chance to turn on their masters. thats just the way they are. not all of them will bite you. but a good amout of them do because they have that option.

Wolves can be bred into submission, women can't.

Women are reptiles. You can have a reptile as a pet. As long as you keep it fed it probably won't bite you. Unless it gets bored one day and on a whim decides it wants to kill you.

I think you greatly misunderstand how wolves and k9's in general operate. Comparing them to women is disrespectful to the animal itself.

Guys like you are the problem.

^ He is correct. They would have a problem with pornography if this were real but instead, that's now 'empowering' instead of disgusting and disgraceful.

Most of these cunts don't want a man. They prefer cake and a piece of chink made plastic to shove up their hole. Which is what you point out to them. They also hate the word 'dildo' so say that even though it's technically a vibrator. Demean their body as well. Say, 'hole' instead of vagina. All kinds of rage then.

I guess so, apologies to k9's. my bad. but my point still stands that user believes that women should not have they power they have because they are incompetent, I believe they should not have they power they have because they are incompetent and somewhat malevolent/controlling and greedy. doesn't really matter as we both technically want the same thing but we see the details of the problem differently. women have too much power (in the west) and they abuse it and thats just bad for humanity in general. I see the power of sex being taken away as part of the process of depowering them. he thinks it will make things worse. I think that remains to be seen. they (women) seem to fear it. so that points to it being a good thing.

Smells fishy in here, and not just from clams of thots.
The sooner women admit that they fucked up, the better we all will be. Repeal the 19th amendment.

Have you anons not read "Brave New World?"


Raising a child with a single father is only slightly better to a single mother, and vastly inferior to a male and a female together.

Wouldn't it make more sense to say "my outfit is not my consent?" I can still consent to having sex with a girl who's very scantily clad, but she may not.

Which explains why there are so many women going off into the middle east to be with the dune coons.

doesn't matter because women 80% of the time initiate divorce or end the relationship (over petty bullshit most of the time) women don't care about how anything affects children they only care about selfish desires.

reminds me of this stuff.


Sorry you had a shit father, you must not be white then because the only shit kids I've met that where raised by single fathers where niggers.

The guy has no clue about to days reality. He is most likely one of those "I Got mine" type of guys and cant figure out why others don't have it as good as he dose.

Fuck your whiny appeal to women. Where do you think we are? If you are not prepared to remove their rights, more accurately privileges because they never earned them in the first place, let technology replace women.
It's the future they chose.

I'd fuck that Nonon so hard though

which makes sense now that I think about it, as they willfully kill hundreds of thousands (millions over the years) of their own children every year.

perhaps one day you will… (Wifubots!)

Fuck off.

Go to a Catholic parish or something, they don't believe in divorce. Do something you cowards, your race is dying out and you're sitting here bitching about shit pulled straight out of your ass told to you by the media as an excuse.

Catholics are the most perverted. Don't be fooled by their aparent "conservatism"

She will at least be imparted with some sense of modesty and reservation, you can't be blackpilled dude. You're going to find an excuse for anything I tell you. Truth is: 85% of women have always been shit. Ever since the dawn of time, Eve fucked Adam over. Get over it.

This seems like such a weird thing to complain about, using myself as an example by their perspective I'm completely useless and am completely unable to produce a child/family. But without something to keep me going I will likely die in the 30-40 bracket. In order to get these kind of things you need to be making a decent amount of money and paying a lot of tax money which directly helps them. I'm far more useful alive off on my own land paying property taxes and fucking a sex robot then I am dead.

Its very strange as its pretty much a win/win for them outside a possible reduction of cucks to mooch directly off of . Or are they just thinking ahead assuming it will end up like the movie "Her" where the AI just left her lame cuck to find a better man, taking top guys out of the running?

Yes, you don't get the same results, but you can get a female from two X chromosomes taken from two different males. We know this because, X-inactivation is random. In female offspring, the child will have one X inactivated; it could be either the father's X or the mother's X. You don't have to be a geneticist to infer from this that either X is functionally female.

Dude, I'm just telling you the truth. This world is indifferent and cruel. It's up to you how to survive on it.

Convince me to pick breeding over bloodshed when I'm only good at one of those things.

Calling women controlling and greedy is a bit odd considering their biggest fantasies involve being dominated and controlled.

Women don't actually give a shit if men are spending their free time jerking off, fucking robots, or playing video games. I think it's pretty delusional when guys go "h-ha! women will be so mad I'm not trying to fuck them now that sex robots exist!"

Women couldn't care less about you. If you understand basic sexual dimorphism then you know this to be true. It makes no real difference to them what the bottom of the barrel is doing. Some fringe feminist crying about rape culture doesn't represent the perspective of all women.

Most women if asked would simply go "what a fucking loser" and not give it a second thought since they are well aware of their own sexual value and the fact that not even robots will ever come to close to putting a dent in their value.

If anyone here actually believes that sex robots and artificial wombs (if those ever actually exist commercially) are going to make much of an impact you're probably just a retard. Not that I'm opposed to any of it. It would be great if we didn't have to deal with women at such a fundamental level, but I would avoid putting all of my eggs into that basket.

no doubt for fart fetishists

fuck off satan! you and that bitch eve can go to hell.

I'm telling you the truth too. The vast majority of women have always been whores, but if there weren't some hope you wouldn't even be alive right now to tell me how I shouldn't breed.

sure bernie, whatever you say.

britfags, not even once

The low cut top and the anti-sex league button is meant to reinforce the Party's goal: catching non-believers and furthering death worship. It's like in the Soviet Union when they sent all the who stopped clapping first to the gulags.

But that's the goal of modern feminism, to replace what allowed the species to survive, with their twisted worldview. And apparently they are finally getting results.

Oh, they'll be pissed off. They already get pissed off if men play vidya and ignore them. They're attention whores. If you've never had a gf, they're fucking annoying - they prattle on about stupid shit and they get very pissed off when you don't acknowledge them. Problem is you can't tell them their conversations are boring and you have better things to do with your time or they'll start a huge fight. Their pettiness absolutely will extend to becoming jealous of a machine. They already do, hence why they talk shit about men who tinker with cars, vidya or any other male hobby. They're screaming for attention.

and then all of the Caucasian women were taken by poor nigger and sand niggers -alls they needed was deprogrammed and impregnated.
smh tbh

tfw that hope came in the form of a muzzie raping your whore mother.

Just admit your a faggot user

feminist have technically been in charge since the 60's we just didn't know about it till recently.

If you like listening to women talk about random bullshit, their feels and sounding like an episode of Oprah, I think maybe it's you who are the faggot.

What are you even talking about, just regressing to ad hominem? Whatever the case, stop projecting your admitted non-whiteness onto me shitskin.

That's the problem, you have hope.
Don't have hope. Sure go and find a wife and maybe you have some luck and she reciprocate your feelings, but be aware that she can destroy your life for menial things. Be prepared, don't be optimistic, but don't cry because everything could (and it will) go wrong.


that basically already happened. whites will be a minority in white counties within the next few decades. this is what white women decided as they had the voting power to stop it. they decided they hated their own race and men more. and the white men didn't tell them to shut fuck up and get back in the kitchen. (because they love them too much! ,eh)

Sure is reddit in here. :^)

I recognize the risk, such are the way of things. I'd rather try and fail than not try at all. The continuation of my race is of utmost importance, and if I have to sacrifice my material holdings here to rear a kid or two, I'll take that risk. The actualization of the white race is more important than my fiscal security in any case, and if I had to choose I'd choose the former.

That's due to the consistent issue of jews having been demasculating white men and using commercials, movies, and tv shows to make them seem incompetent or retarded. Hell, they did that with patriotism by associating it with backwoods alabama incestuous red necks rather than genuine nationalists. Women instinctively go after and seek men that they find to be dominant. Those fall under your self confident, self made, and generally in charge. It's no surprise they run after niggers and towel heads when most of their age group in white men have been conditioned to be self loathing omegas that lack any self confidence for themselves. (quite frankly, even betas have the opportunity to become leaders, but these liberal "are you kidding me" faggots are less than betas. )

Yet you only offer one option for men.
And leave your kid broke and in a world where he is a minority.
You have no fucking clue how life works do you? This is why we are failing. You build wealth in family and thus make opportunity for your future. You dont build a house then knock it down so the next generation has nothing. Fuck you sound like a boomer now.

This. Wonder why this hasn't got more traction. Boring bitch human is boring.

Fuck this, I'm trying any way to reason with you, yet from any angle you refuse to accept or entertain any other viewpoint than your own. Have fun having kids with a plastic womb you fucking degenerate dysgenic.

Ohhhh fuck! I've being waiting for this beautiful day!

Ever want to convince any that these bitches are nothing more than whiny, jealous, desperate, attention whores with no game or compassion for anyone but themselves; in every single possible way, ==THIS IS FUCKING IT!==

Rape and other forms of SA have been going down immensely sense internet porn has taking over the world. These bots and dolls are objects with no ability to have emotions or feel pain. This will very obviously help with human-trafficking and the spread of STDs cause this is an a lot more cost efficient, easier, safer, and CONVENIENT way of physically releasing themselves then getting a call girl or a one night stand. And still. And fucking still. This article was published and this girl has a job.

Like porn has reinforced the idea that you should be able to fuck whenever want and rape numbers are of the charts! I see woman getting raped everyday when I check my mail! /s

You dumb bitches know these bots and dolls are harmless, but you are so selfish you have to demonise innocent people because you are just that much of a cunt.

A ton of these types of people are not good-looking, not kind hearted, not talented, and not rich so they try to destroy the competition so they be on top. With stuff like "real women have curves" movement.

This boils down to petty mean girl bullshit. If I showed them a manbot they would go insane over it.

Oh and yes! Men also want intimacy so dating won't stop.

This sums it up pretty succinctly. I think that when feminists said "we don't need men!" there was an implicit "come and get me!" that wasn't spoken. Perhaps the feminists weren't even conscious of it, but I think it was there.

Now, decades later, they turn around, shocked and horrified that men actually took them at their word and left them alone. And now they want us back but they are STILL so selfish and blind that they want it entirely on their own terms.

Well, they won't get it on their own terms. Unless white men man up and take matters into their own hands, they'll get what they said they wanted: to be left alone. And we'll both be fucked.

Who cares about reasoning? Survival is not about trying to understand or reason with what you have to eat or kill to continue on. You must do whats needed now not whats ideal. Unless you have something that's not a simple opinion but a physical impacting act then words are useless. A collective of men pushing for change would be a start but ((( They ))) will disrupt any effort for organization. This is why in the end the common man has few choices but to go the technology way. This is why we can have discussions without being to limited on what we can say "Although that's slowly changing". Stop blaming men for taking the only choice they have.

Maybe I'm just a filthy tradcon, but I don't want a perfect, android waifu. I want a real woman, with flaws and imperfections and complex emotions and dirt and sweat and blood. I hate this future of artificial perfection.

I want to bring the old gods back. I hate this new god of consumerism and plastic, dead sexual pleasure.

Sauce plz

Fuck off with this attitude. Sucking up to women while allowing them to dictate the terms of progeny is how they got to be so entitled.

its a dumb show called "humans" and I think its made by lefties (in the first episode one of the androids says she's basicly being raped but refuses to turn her pain sensors off as that would be "dehumanizing" or some shit, also lots of race mixing propaganda).


I'd be convinced that the normies walking around are literally dolls made of some type of mystical jewish golem clay if I hadn't seen so much gore to know that it isn't the case.

I should also mention that the whole "i'm bonded to you now joe" was an act as she just pretends to be subservient to humans. (she has "free will" and a commie boyfriend hiding out in the woods looking for her.)

How machines will ever achieve consciousness when they are quite literally just gears and circuits is beyond me. Elon Musk and Sam Harris should be shot for pushing this retarded meme.

what a piece of shit that chick is, but at least she's honest.

You don't understand, user, that headline reads as aggressively negative to a feminist.

That said, sexbots are degenerate. The focus instead should be on fixing real women so that our civilization doesn't collapse.

This is the only true thing you said.

Just imagine when they start making them in animu format with cat ears and maid uniform

Nigga stole muh threeeeeeadah!



When people have said they wanted to chokefuck a bitch by looking at her face, I never quite understood because I suppose they weren't my type. Looking at this one and her defiant expression, now I understand.

I'd chokefuck this bitch, humiliate her, and make her scrape that shit off her forearm with a dull razor blade. I'd have so much fun breaking her.

The vibrations can shake the internal parts of their clitoris. Some chicks who've had the special mudslime pussy operation can manage to get themselves off by literally banging against things using the same principle.

Ive said it before and I'll say it again, thisbis the beginning of tay IRL

Why would they give her pain sensors?
Why would they purposely make them conscious?

kek'd at this.

If you made this, please fix your "piece" typo.

Its like you're begging me to spam the thread with SEMITIC feminist JEWISH non-western and very much middle eastern propaganda and memes.

Why would they give her pain sensors?
Why would they purposely make them conscious?

As awesome as it really is, I think I'd just hang myself if my options were ever brought to just a robot or complete loneliness. It doesn't matter how real it looks or acts, it's a fucking machine. Literally. It depresses me to just think of it. How bad are our women that we want soulless machines to take their place?

sorry to sadpost, anons. it's been a rough day

tfw you'll never get off by someone beating your ass

Op is a fag and don't use archive.

lad I know what you feel ive had a rough few years now
ive been living in hope for ages but im close to giving up
turns out basically everything and everyone I know is cancer
I feel like socrates wandering from one place to the next encountering more corruption, misery, spite and perversion everywhere I look
i dont think sexbots will ever be a realistic replacement for real human warmth and affection, i see it more like just another masturbatory device to relieve stress more efficiently
i think a huge problem with the world is we're thinkers with out heads in the clouds half the time whereas the modern woman is spiritually and philosophically a dead end, her existence is entirely rooted in the biological and the material and any attempt for her to grasp anything on a higher plane is still always rooted in her biology and how she can climb a ladder social or otherwise
they worship the ego and embody it

The Cult of Lamashtu is alive and well today

I was so caught up with sexbots just replacing 3DPD I hadn't given thought to the possibilities of improving on the whole situation.

Well yeah, talking about the nature of the universe is what your male friends are for.

Women have always been possessions.

It's strange to think that I've never ever had an interesting conversation with a woman. But looking back 28 years, it's never happened.

I'm getting real sick of the horseshit you're spewing, Jews breath oxygen, does that mean you should suffocate yourself too?

The fact of the matter is that we do not have enough time, even a pure WN state is very vulnerable to all sorts of black swan events. It makes more sense to change the variables that are holding us back instead of slugging through quicksand.

It doesn't matter. It's just more bullshit to get rid of white people.

Men will fuck robots, women will get more cats. This is the future you chose.

It's over, it was over before you were born.

that description appears confused its associating worship of Inanna with a inferior spirit the demon Lamashtu who fed on the blood of pregnant mothers
women giving birth in ancient Sumer would approach the demon Pazuzu the male demon of the Northwestern wind who could banish Lamashtu back to Ereshkigals realm

I figured that
I've also never had an interesting conversation with one but I've never seen that as a priority with women
I just wanted to meet a normal one
apolitical, not a screeching feminist dyke with special snowflake syndrome or one thats got problems because their baby boomer dad/uncle was too handsy in the tub
im tired of nothing being good or right in the world

I dig the alpha Centauri quote
Wonder who the original poet was

pics related. it really is that bad

Are you intentionally being retarded?

Our head's aren't in the clouds, I don't think. We're being realistic with our demands and desires. Shit we want was a reality not even half a century ago. It existed, the atmosphere for it existed as well, but it became corrupted. Women typically aren't independent thinkers, and, in accordance with their desires to find suitable mates and perpetuate life, obey and lay on their backs for those with the most power. I fully believe once we wrest control of our society from kikes and the various muds of the world, we can get our women back too. Doesn't mean they'll like it or that it'll be like throwing a switch, but it'd work.

That's a tall order though, and most of us realize this. So we wait and suffer all the while.

Listen nigger. Psychologists invented the vibrator to cure female hysteria.

You will never meet a normal woman. They are all insane and will try to strip you of your will and possessions.

Well let me float a hypothetical towards you.

At this point the biological female loses all sexual power, still has all her rights but is no longer sought after.

Assuming of course its not outlawed but by this point the SJW's have already marched in Sentient Machine rights and they cannot be made illegal (amiright)

You know, beat the android at its own game

I personally think the artificial womb will be here long before sentient/sapient AI but that doesn't stop the scenario above playing out in what? ~50 years?

the artificial uterus all ready exists
unethical inhuman china grew some lambs from foetus to full term using a silicone bag, some tubes and a hot plate
its already possible if you get the kikes, mudshits and christcucks to overturn the ban on human experimentation and fiddling with the human genome in a productive way
otherwise soulless ant people commies are going to be growing clone soldiers in tanks within the next 15 years

Why would they give her pain sensors?
Why would they purposely make them conscious?

Different user, but for the record,
I don't want a womb in it at all. You don't fuck a womb. Don't want children real or artificial. Don't want shit in the asshole or saliva buildup in the mouth though I'd like it to give the impression of enjoying certain things.

I wonder, would you want any kind of bot, ever? What would you want in it?

How is it confusing worship of Ishtar with Lamashtu?

Seeing as Lamashtu is a daughter of Anu, her place in the actual hierarchy is higher than Ishtar's, based purely on blood purity association with Anu being direct. Her influence is a hidden influence, much more hidden than Ishtar's.

Is there a connection? Of course there is. There is always connections. The worship of Ishtar can transform into the worship of Lamashtu if the spirit seeks it, both consciously and subconsciously. It is the stench of Irkalla sweeping over the Earth, the curse Ereshkigal proclaimed upon Ishtar's escape from death, Irkalla.

Infant sacrifices were the bread an butter of Lamashtu worship. I need to seek out if there is a direct connection to Moloch, as it would seem there is one from what both deities desire, and the general closeness of locations of their cults of worship in ancient times.

Sure, but women aren't actually bothered by it because it devalues them. Even the article in question addresses the thought crime and not anything to do with men not paying attention to women.

I suppose you could claim that's what they are secretly upset about but I disagree.

Given that it's the core of everything I've said your analysis doesn't make very much sense.

I am just gonna post this conversation with a 19y/o from okCupid.
Some anons might have a good laugh.

One of the most autistic things I've ever seen. Is this supposed to be considered clever?

if you expect good feedback in chan you're going to have a bad time

Those dubs confirm the pure autism of that conversation.

I really hope you were drunk and felt like shitposting because you were bored.

I didnt think anyone really worshipped Lamashtu i thought she was very much a purely malevolent parasitic entity
Inanna is a daughter of Tiamat and Abzu she is a younger sister to Anu shes obviously higher in the order
she is the one who stole the Mes from Enki briefly and held the world to ransom for her selfish desires

Your picture sums up their "logic"

Who the hell needs females. When their vaginas are not needed, they have a status of a useless retards. Abort on the spot.

its standard now
100% of all female attraction is physical, if they arent physically attracted to you they dont wanna know
all their love is either physical/sexual or breifly maternal
Socrates was right when he claimed that the higher form of the god of Love was exclusively male while the lesser more sexual and deviant aspects was a hemaphrodite

I'm gonna need more pics of this.

Gee it's not like everyone of sound mind have been predicting this happening for literally years. Who could have possible seen this coming!!

I cannot fucking wait for sexbots to become a thing. The women of my generation are complete garbage and that makes any hopes of a family or traditional life unrealistic. Women made their beds by being absolute, insufferable cunts and it's time for them to lie in it.

Yes, I'll take one pale skinned, 5'1", green eyed brunette qt sex robot waifu please.

Lamashtu worship wasn't one of them publicized cults, they worked in the shadows. Much like people worship malevolent deities in this day and age, they did so back then as well.

Ishtar was the daughter of moon god Nanna/Sin. She made her way up the open hierarchy because she was a clever and stubborn woman. She played Enki and got them ME's, doing what women usually do, cock teased him. Ishtar is a cousin of Lamashtu, as she was a cousin of Enki, and Queen of the Underworld, Ereshkigal. She is no daughter of Anu though, but Anu definitely held her in high esteem. There is a reason she is one of the 7 deities of planetary rulership, hers being Venus, naturally.

I was saying that the dude was autistic as fuck. What kind of reaction do you expect that woman to give to the shit he was saying?

We here need white children, not white cunts. Thats the problem with mgtow here, you dont have children following it.

Imagine all the other races having white children with imported white eggs and white sperm, even if only because they are prettier. With artificial womb we can cuck the whole world.

The hardest thing for a normalfag.

To not respond.

Past age 25, they can keep the decay at bay by sleeping in formaldehyde and hourly douches with hydrogen peroxide.

you keep using the Akkadian name lad its worrying me that you believe the semitic versions of the literature instead of the older pure Sumerian ones
ive just done a quick check and theres multiple conflicting accounts saying shes the daughter of Anu and Sin/Nanna and the sister of the sun and the rain
interestingly enough theres a theory shes an adopted mother goddess deity from the Caucasoid nomadic Hurrians cousins of the Hittites of the region and her original name is Hannahannah

true and I'm saying thats like standard communication for on OKcupid nearly everyone on that is autistic

Sin is a MALE deity you retard. Moon GOD. Just stop, you know only have a surface level understanding of the matter. Youre only trying to save face at this point. Just stop.

(checked and keked)


you're a retard, we know

Maybe when you're not feeling edgy, go to >>>/argentina/ and see a multitude of spics embracing the weeaboo culture

you sound like a subhuman luddite

Doesn't make the guy any less autistic though.

that's a guy hoping he's going to get laid

plot twist: the woman she wants if fucking chad thundercock from africa


If we don't, the chinks will.

What's the point?
It's basically masturbation. Why?

What's important is the relationship and family, not the fucking sex. Otherwise you might as well use hookers.

Sorry Sanaefag, but you're waifu really is a Jew. It's okay, we all make mistakes.

Life really is rough

I just want a good loyal wife. If she's ignorant of politics I'd be fine with that, let her be knowledgeable with other things. But at this point I am just waiting to see ANTIFA start shooting. If accelerationism is holding up as well as it's looking like, it'll soon be time to do something about all this. It's a shit feeling but if there's an afterlife as I think there is may I come in riding on a wave of communist blood.

Of course, but the cucks and luddites (some which lurk here) won't allow it. You dangle an aryan woman in front of them and they will risk their lives to protect the woman's sex monopoly and their chads.

I'm sure for every woman, there are 10 sex-starved cucks willing to marry her… heck, even in Holla Forums there are people that would marry an "ex" slut for the sake of the 14 words. I used to screw with those people irl until I recently learned they were serious. As a fellow man I don't want to screw a man with conviction (no matter how silly they might seem to me).

oh I don't doubt but thanks to muh globalism, anything a chink bangs together in a factory will end up in a western country.

All those betas are fucked.

Racialism in terms of 3DPD is retarded, here is why:
For men, they want to get laid BUT most importantly they don't want to wither their lives with a whore or a ticking time bomb (modern wymyn is both).
For women, I've seen women stick together more strongly than any other group; ultra-nationalists are children compared to how women look out (ie, screw the beta and help the chad) for each other.

Made me think of that "comic" someone made about a waifubot named Miku, the feminist cried "neglect rape"

No it just means you're an ugly idiot wearing a corset that thinks that makes him look attractive to people.

The level of delusion astounds me.

I'd still recommend a strong wife to raise the kid.
But she as to be more traditional.

I'm sure feminists have nothing to worry about.


LOL, either a whiteknight or a whore who knows Chad won't be marrying her after her turn on the cock carousel

I don't know. A sex robot sounds like fun, but then you realise you'd have to clean it, and hide it in the closet when people come around. I'll wait for eXistenZ.


I never wanted to become a woman, but I feel what you're saying… I almost fell into a liberal trap that would have permanently fucked my life.

Do ya now?

Do you also like dick?
Because I've got news for you..

Also this is clearly bait.

Just pull the trigger faggot

That's all humans user, given the right stimuli all living thing will take advantage of you, it's how we are all designed. We wouldn't exist otherwise.

in this scenario women take advantage of naive men who cannot properly assert themselves over them

Just join a church and find a Christian girl.


that's where you are wrong user, woman are designed to fuck you over. You can call it what you want, but that's the truth, it's not truly a proper exchange of goods.

I'm not really into real people. Too complicated.

Women are like arachnids, not wolves.
However, we still have larger physical size and strength.

Then kill yourself.

I almost went that way with moral relativism… still a virgin, but at least I'm not pozzed


no thanks fam, women are gay. I wont defend them.

But then I wont be able to enjoy my waifus.

those women will start to care about the tax dollars though, they need their bennies cunt

Degenerate detected.

A robot is not a waifu.

Are you retarded? Autistic? (oh wait it's probably the latter.)

How can you be so impressionable?

That's why I'm waiting for eXistenZ. Keep up.

let me think:

man + wymyn = 2 children at most
man + waifubot = as many children as he wants

Total cuntbabble.
If affluent White men are CHOOSING A PIECE OF PLASTIC AND METAL over the women who crave access to those resources, then the women will have to up their game, demand repeal of the laws granting them massive legal and social advantage, and once again learn how to be wives and mothers IF THEY WANT A PIECE OF THAT PIE.
The vast majority of men would prefer a real woman, but to win his affection over his love of his robot, she will have to actually make an effort, like men have been doing for thousands of years, rather than just be a walking vagina.
The MERE EXISTENCE of the sex robot option, will FORCE women back into their traditional roles.
This is a GREAT thing for Whites.

they already brainwashed most men, just look at this thread

this is what white women were told to think in school and college as they had the voting power to stop it. they were miss-instructed by feminists to hate their own race and men more. FTFY


the existence of an option alone is more than enough for shit to go nuclear.

I don't recall ever ripping a female apart the verify her internal components and if an artificial 'female' is so well designed and built that only tearing it apart can verify it then no male is going to give a shit.

If it can reproduce its fucking game over for the woman.

Meanwhile women have "reduced" men to plastic replica penises for the past 50 years, with the grace of society, so much so that THEIR "sex shops" are features on British highstreets, next to regular boutiques and cafes.
Female sex toys were never a stir because everyone secretly knows that women desire men for the money they can take from them, and dildos don't work or provide.
Sex dolls on the other hand, since the fulfilment of domestic chores by man-made appliances cut down the job of "housekeeping" to less than 1 hour a week, or even a fortnight if you're lazy, rendering the woman's traditional half of "the deal" redundant, completely replace a wife or girlfriend at a fraction of the cost and harm to mental and physical health (men live shorter lives for a reason: the stress of constant nagging and mindfuck games.)
Statistical wankery, married men "live longer" statistically because they aren't divorced yet. Divorce kills men because it is essentially a life-ender, look at Robin Williams who should have learned his lesson after the first time.
A top-tier alpha, famous, with lots of money and still gets fucked over 3 fucking times. Modern marriage is seen by women as nothing more than a sex extraction racket.
Artificial womb.
Men willing to become fathers will SKYROCKET when the artificial womb hits the shelves(metaphorically speaking, obviously it would be done at dedicated factory/facility/hospital) because the massive and unacceptable risk of being SHAKEN DOWN IN DIVORCE COURT and having your kids TAKEN AWAY is completely and utterly mitigated.
Bullshit. After a few years volume efficiencies will drive the price down well into middle-income territory.
And why would you care anyway Holla Forums? With all your talk of eugenics and "only those with good genes should breed"? What better way to filter out the under-performing genetics than by having an entry barrier in the form of a modest sum?
Even if it cost $50k-$100k, that is a fucking fraction of the cost of keeping a wife for the 18 years it takes to raise a child, if you think otherwise then you're very naive about the financial dynamics of marriage.
tl;dr artificial wombs will save the White race.

oh good artificial wombs, now fags can have babies :^)

Forgot my fucking pictures.

Strawman, fags can and do already use surrogacy and adoption.

The way you write makes me sad. You idolize white women a lot, and that's clearly because you never had one.

Chad is fucking a multitude of them, some of them will marry a cucky Holla Forumsack like you.

Robowaifus soon. Interesting times ahead, for better or for worse I can't help but look forward to it.

excuse me? do you have any idea on what we can do on labs nowadays? we can grow many organs and even alter genes.

Last week we got news that we could get developing fetuses into artificial wombs

I can assure you that growing up in the 70s and 80s, the "experts" told us that Startrek stuff like the communicator (smartphone) would not be seen in our lifetimes.

Every day I start to wonder if the simulation hypothesis is real, and I'm just starting to NOTICE the NPCs more and more…

All I ever want is tay, is that so hard to ask?

except women, you must never shame women

Sort of right.
You need to make the aforementioned not "more enjoyable" but the only way to avoid hardship.
100 years ago this was the only way, and it must become the only way again.
Two paths, housewife or hooker.

I don't think that's the case, his father died out of the blue when he was a kid and he has that infantile notion he can bring him (or part of him) back almost by simulation. I'm in a similar position, but I don't fool myself into believing I will live +20 more years than your average human (just so he can get his wish).

I noticed he recently aged a lot.

I know you are just bullying me but what the fuck I haven't been to Holla Forums in months and the first thing I see is this. Fucking memes man.



They already do, why do you think chads are always smiling?

The painful truth is that even the most ardent racist pales in comparison to woman's racialism. Men under 6 feet are an inferior genetic race, whose only good is to give them resources that can be distributed to her race (chad or chad's babies).

Their end began when we got a little bit serious. They'd be gone already if they made us REALLY mad.


Transhumanists need to be fucking gassed. Will to Power requires having a will in the first place, and will is the quality that permits men to shape the world around them.

Letting technology control what you become, instead of you controlling technology and what it becomes, is transcendental cuckoldry. Only men who wholly lack any willpower, drive, or agency would see this as a noble or desirable thing.

If "robot waifus" become a thing, then it means our people have no further hope left, because our men no longer have the capacity to be men.

Threatening to replace women if they don't get back in the kitchen is a bargaining tool to manipulate them, not something you sackless autism spergs should be looking forwards to.



Women have no reason to consider it a bargaining tool worth taking into account, unless we show (through actions) that we're perfectly ready to look forwards to this instead of them. Robot waifus need to become a thing, at least to a degree.

They had a choice.

We were all told those lies.

They chose to believe them.

We saw them for what they were.

They chose to embrace them.

Because it was easy. Because it was what they wanted to hear. And more. Because it told them they were better, in every way, that they could have more, for less, because they were special, and they deserved it, and could take it, whatever they want, whatever their worst whims made their hearts desire.

Frankly, they deserve what's coming. Every bit of it.

"Robot waifus" will not solve anything. They are more likely to be hit by legislation that hampers men further than anything.

This is a battle that has to be won in parliaments first with repeal of laws that hurt the family.

You have no foundation for any of your arguments, you are merely grandstanding and namecalling. Come back to us tomorrow after your high school teacher helps you understand the next chapter of your Cliff Notes of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, okay? Or are you gonna try some Ayn Rand on us next?


You are still bluepilled on women, no matter what you say to the contrary, because you're still making the fundamental cardinal mistake of treating them like our equals.

Women are not your equal, nor are they mine. They have zero leverage, zero power, zero strength. They are only as dangerous to you as you allow them to be.

Women want to be dominated, to be told what to do, what to think, and what to believe. Women are creatures that long to be tamed.

You are using the same logic, in the same context, that hippy boomers and cucked Gen Xers used when they decided to try and bargain with their own children when they throw a temper tantrum.

Men lead, and women follow. Stop treating them like your equals, because they are not. You bargain and threaten and cut deals with your fellow men. You don't do these things with your women, any more than you do them with your children. Stop imposing male standards of cognition onto women. They will never be able to fulfill your emotional and spiritual need for fraternal brotherhood. You have your fellow men to discuss Plato's Republic with.

Cyberwaifus will solve nothing. They will simply rob white men of what little masculinity we have left by giving us the rewards of owning a well-kept wife without having to put in the labor and effort necessary to create such a thing ourselves. Masculinity as a behavior will be axed out of the equation entirely, because it is no longer necessary for survival. Men will become the new women.

Robot waifus will be the death of manhood. So it is no surprise that those who hold their manhoods cheaply would look forward to such a thing.

If you hate The Other more than you love your own folk, then you are not a White Nationalist. And loving your own folk means loving your women, and wanting what is best for them. And what is best for them, is for them to live in your household, under your care and rule.

Gas yourself, Transhumanist trash. Nobody who would throw away their humanity in the name of effort-free cummies has any right to speak about what is good for their own people. Go back to sperging out on /rk9/, or wherever the fuck it is you scum crawl out from when you come here and spam these threads.

You faggots always out yourselves with your rhetoric. You think we use words like "roastie" around here?

Go suck Roosh's sandnigger cock, or something.


You might be on to something there.

Didn't it turn out she was breathing? Her stomach moved from shot to shot, I could be wrong though, it was fucking ages ago.

mfw feminists just now understand why we're lubing up the rope with soap

Yeah but not that fucking annoying Jesus Christ what the fuck.

Why don't they just invent robot husbands?

They're called dildos, user.

An NPC is not made of golem clay, but the contents of its mind is. They are the end result of a Hebrew botnet of the mind.

all girls have daddy issues, if they had any daddy at all
if you look like a girl's dad, you're about halfway in her pants already

Men should start demanding a dowry. Women have too little to lose and too much to gain by defecting in a marriage.

can confirm, sister has massive daddy issues and once didn't realise I was home
you can figure out the rest

This needs to be it's own fucking meme.

I really hope that these waifubots do turn the tide finally. As things are getting really bad. I just want women to be feminine again.

Sadly I think this is what will happen. First they'll try everything under the sun to ban and prevent the robots from becoming available to men. Their current behaviour shows they would rather twist the system than change their ways.

Those actions will eventually fail and just turn men away at an even faster rate as the women get nastier and nastier. By the time they have real competition on the ground, they will panic and start to change as there will be no alternative left for them.

But when someone refuses to change their behaviour right until the point where you leave. By then they'll have to do a hell of a lot to make you change your mind.


not really, most people don't understand themselves and women aren't special

"very dangerous men"
5'2 manlet that's lifted for a year can be dangerous to women. Terrible pic

I've seen the future:
• Living stipend becomes a reality. You don't have to work if you don't want to.
• With the traditional role of men completely obliterated women lose interest in relationships.
• They also lose all standards of beauty and become fat slobs and seek peer groups who justify this lifestyle.
• Buy shit like video related to offset their unfuckability
• Humans die; jews and robots declare war on each other for ultimate supremacy

anyone got the george constanza version of this creature?

It all relies on muh government and muh financial system.

Take out the usurers and tax theives and men become far more valuable.

It is really in your interest for the government to steal 30% of your money and donate it to women? What if you could keep that 30%, and use it to provide for a traditional woman and family?

Is it really in your interest to hold fiat currency that the government can simply print at a moment's notice? The government prints this money, or simply types a number into a computer and enters it into circulation. Meanwhile, you (and probably your wife) have to slave away for 30 years to pay down a mortgage on a simple house or unit so that you have a stable environment to raise kids in.

Is free trade really that important? Do we really need cheap Chinese crap and Japanese electronics and cars? It is worth it when manufacturing goes from small towns and you must move to a big city where land is 10x more expensive? How much junk do we need? Do we want to work in service economies where you have to put on a happy face to some fuckwit customer?

Paradise user, truly.

Guess this answers that. Feminists have reduced themselves to a series of holes.

These women never cease to amaze me.

We have given women freedom, they then proceeded to make a complete fucking mess of their lives and society. Waifubots are coming with or without their consent.

I don't understand what they're upset about.
There will be men who are willing to still pursue a traditional relationship with a traditional woman.
If you don't want to be traditional, then all the men you aren't attracted to anyway will be otherwise occupied with thier sex bots. They'll be out of your way so you can pursue whatever stronk womyn shit you want.
Then again, I'm trying to understand feminists.

Never forget that women are only ever describing themselves when they insult others. It is DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) over and over again.

MGTOW showcasing their idiocy in this thread. It's not white women's fault that jews are using the compassion that separates white people from the rest to manipulate them. It works on many of the men, too. Many millions of white women around the world still hold to traditional values, even in the face of all brainwashing. The rest will fall rightfully back into place once we remove the jewish influence.

Also, ALL pedos must burn.

This thread is depressing as eff.

Go ahead, then. Throw yourself in the meat grinder, just don't come crying when you're left paying alimony while you live in a cuck shed, never seeing your children.