A completely normal group of American college students preparing to enter Fedgov jobs. This must have been what Bill Nye was talking about. Better not say anything though, you don't want to end up in front of the school's disciplinary committee, do you?
Bill Nye's America
I love it
Jesus only one looks normal.
that pig in lipstick has more chest hair than a turk
Are you feeling the wisdom, my friends?
Which one? They're all completely fucked up.
lets get this shitshow on the road lads
Dont be mean guis
Jesus what's this monster with lipstick?
Look how short the skirt is on the whore with glasses. She considers that appropriate business attire.
Look at the nose.
Why is bill nye getting shilled so hard on Holla Forums? There are 3 active threads about this turd.
That's the back of the sitting guy's chair.
Fixed the bottom text a little.
You read my fucking mind, or maybe I read yours, because I just went and made that meme - without seeing yours. The exact same one, but different. Hows that for a hivemind.
You never know what might lurk behind your windows
jesus christ. they brought john belushi back to life and made him a drag queen.
Its popular with the normies. A good propaganda.
Have you seen his recent degeneracy?
Top left, his face is normal maybe not his mind.
Have you seen this recent piece of degeneracy that just dropped the other week?
I don't know, top left looks like bottom 2nd left to me.
Well there isn't much else to think when you see such a spectacular image
Lurk moar you fucking niggerfaggot.
She looks like she just walked off the set of Yo Gabba Gabba and the bath salts haven't worn off yet
Fucking kek
holy kek
Those two creatures get gassed the fuck first
this tbqh
Hivemind seems to be a common thing, like that time 2 anons screencapped the exact same frame in the Lepen debate.
This is what the very bottom of the genetic barrel looks like. It's like they tried to find the most degenerate examples they could.
post the whole post
The original Holla Forums was a hivemind, its only when Reddit etc come in that we get culturally enriched.
They shoah'd the comments, what a shame
The memes- they make themselves!
Got some screencaps before they shut it down.
It could probably be expanded on now, since we have 2 of them in context. Any ideas lurkers?
Stale b8 m8.
Communism is arriving.. it's entering the door from the door step.
I cant see this.
learn how to screenshot you fucking pleb.
Ignoring the obvious freak(s), what the fuck is a "Certificate in Applied Research and Inquiry?" Either you did research in college or you didn't. Also,
The nog fears the camera will steal her soul.
Are these the fags that push climate change?
I swear to god ALL of them look like they belong in Oblivion
Wheres the bait? You must be cancer. Let me run through it for you:
Now that just leaves Wojack and Pepe. Despite them being adopted now, they were not around for old/pol/, not in the same form. There was the feels good meme, which was from Holla Forums.. but it only got big a few years back. At one point pepe was pretty much an /r9k/ meme. I have a cap from it where someones being told off about it. I didnt start a pepe folder until something like 2015, because it was associated with /r9k/ and not Holla Forums. I still dont understand that poo poo pee pee garbage, and I have no shame saying it has no place in a serious National Socialist movement. Thats an /r9k/ thing, they started that, pepe shitting on wojack etc. Thats not us.
Also that 2015 shot is not "old/pol/" its just an example of how not long ago pepe was associated with /r9k/ and not us.
Honestly it's uncanny, you can hardly tell I changed a thing.
seriously, do these people look like humans to you?
Im honestly starting to think this is a shitty astroturf. I didn't see it being shilled around until after the site was hacked.
When you reply to astrotruf, you amplify astroturf.
You know who the real victims of this tranny shit are? Ugly women. Now they'll all be suspected of being men in disguise.
What was that thing where the FBI said they were actively recruiting trannies because they're broken? These "people" might be interested to know they're tokens.
probably because you weren't here before, reddit.
t. nu/pol/.
Someone link him the chart showing the massive spike in posters after the hack for one, secondly since the end of the election we have been getting refugees from cuckchan, the quality of the board has gone down significantly despite being worth staying around for. Cuckchan received several waves of Reddit, and old/pol/ is cuckchan Holla Forums pre-cuckening, years before that even. Old/pol/, on cuckchan, was getting bad a long time before 8/pol/ was even created. Whatever wave you showed up in, youre cancer, sorry to break it to you bud. You got a problem with all this? Youre cancer.
old/pol/ (pre 2012 or so) was a hivemind. It had daily National Socialism general threads. Those stopped long after it was getting bad.
Everyone is being programmed to some extent, it's almost the web equivalent of an accent. You can tell a Holla Forumsack or an user from a redditor or tumblrite on a different type of forum or comment section from their phrasing etc.
Hence the reddit spacing meme and the POL pol pollocks, add jew think tanks, masons, satanists, and various gov agencies in and you have a right shitshow
original Holla Forums was about truth not old ideologies re-hashed. Truth without fear - the path of light - no leaders - no ecelebs - shit we even used to say Hitler wasn't right about everything and that's why he didn't gas the jews
Nice try newstyle anime fag, you are the most obvious, your tumors don't look like the old tumors
t. kikeyshilltroll
Maybe we should make memes of ugly women saying
>Nobody thought I was a man until the Current Year…
Fresh OC for the glory of the shitlords.
"I'm sitting beside WHO?!"
Do we not still? Sounds like you're asserting a false premise.
He tried his best.
No bullying the Fuhrer.
Was about to shit..
Youre right, old/pol/ was about objective truth, which is why we had a hivemind, everyone was sufficiently educated because the group was small enough not to be poisoned, and we only had the JIDF to worry about, not 17 different shill agencies, Reddit, Antifa, etc. When the Tumblr war started, that was pretty much the start of the end I think. They really started trying to subvert us after that, feminist groups trying to destroy the board and get it taken down etc.
Off track though, National Socialism is the natural conclusion of large scale pursuit of objective truth. If given all the facts, and people are able to see what is happening - they will take to National Socialism, regardless of any spin put on it by kikes.
Well, they deleted the post from their page out of shame lads, mission accomplished
jfc spoiler that shit
He was a man. He made mistakes. Thinking he was perfect and without foibles is the same trap the SJWs fall into with their heroes. If we remember his triumphs AND his mistakes, we'll be more effective (hint hint) when our time comes around again.
They're annoying little gnats, but I guess we should be flattered that they're constantly throwing themselves against the windshield of autism that is Holla Forums. We represent an incredible danger to the Narrative, and every time they see us dodge around their shit, their sphincters must lock up for at least 48 hours.
At least you didn't post her nudes. I saw one by accident in a thread and couldn't get it up for a week. She and Amy Tumor should be the poster children for /nofap/.
fucking jokes dudes
LMAO at the faggot wearing Asolo mountain boots.
Do you know the old Men in Black movies, where aliens morph themselves to look like humans but end up looking like non human weirdos? That's what they remind me of.
Doesn't look like it looks more like
I had that thought too. I just went with the other 'cause of the nose and the apelike vibe I got.
The Tranny at the Window by H.P. Lovecraft.
i fucking lold
I don't know why but my memes are strong as fuck especially things I said as a kid.
You little bastard.
Anyone who thinks history is not cyclical, and doesn't repeat in patterns, needs to look at that photo, then go study Weimar Berlin.
Literally and figuratively…
What did I say wrong? The first Men in Black movie is was 20 years ago.
holy shit
Since we're evidently repeating history to a T, be prepared for this.
Is that necklace a pretzel?
Dog turd.
Nice Waifu.
looks like a fucking alien
what? what do they do or learned?
A lot of us Burgers kinda feel betrayed by a TV actor who yelled about his love for science to us as kids, so too many are probably paying more attention to Shill Nye than they need to
I know this feel. Just got invited to my 10 year school reunion
I can attest to that.
You're old. Deal with it.
So how do we win this time?
Still, you're a terrible human being.
It's okay, user. They'll find out for themselves, one of these days.
I once worked with a young woman who managed to make me feel ancient at 37.
You forgot one
No mercy.
Wow, I myself as a womyn identified womyn am offended that they chose to replace all representations of the female gender with trannies! ALL THIS WORK AND SCIENCE IS STILL BOYS CLUB!
I didn't forget it, left it blank on purpose - but that was a nice touch sir.
I keep waiting for this horrible time in history to be over, but it just keeps going and going and…
They kept praising the degeneracy of the Weimar republic as something positive despite the economic decline, unemployment, rampant prostitution, homeless veterans, and decadence in art…
Anything good that may have come out of that came despite the Weimar degeneracy, not because of it
you don't say
And people still wonder why they removed them
user, I don't think the tranny is the bull in this situation.
I'll assume you aren't American. American kids of the millennial generation were force fed "bill nye the science guy" every week. Lazy teachers would just put his show on the classroom TV and wander off. It was generally seen as an educational program for kids. Then in the past year he has been making rounds all over leftist TV shows and going on news shows shilling for leftist, globalist bullshit. And to top it off there is his new TV show on Netflix that has levels of jewish cultural marxism degeneracy most people didn't think was possible. He is now openly anti-white, anti-western etc. A betrayal to the mostly white men who paid attention in science class.
I think "Ghetto Beaker" would work as well.
As a quarter-Italian, this hurts my feelings. ;_;
Greece, quit blaming Italy for your commies.
Where is your porn tab?
Fucking kek
Finally a decent Oblivion character!
Welp anons, these are the completely normal millennials, the men women, and beasts working in our government in 10 years. Fuck.
shitskin a cute
Italy knows what it did wrong last time. Stand in the corner and think about your actions.
I respectfully but wholeheartedly, disagree.
America was a mistake.
Its okay user, Trump is in office now, and soon we will have Pen, next is the entire western world
underrated post
And this is why they constantly lose. Because they are losers.
The Bill Nyemar Republic
I was literally just about to eat
Convinced me.
OK its from a branch campus, but its still funny
It's like the memes have seeped into reality and are now self-replicating.
Lol you know there are alot of people in my neck of the woods that talk just like that
Who's that black guy at the end?
Why do people take these
Who was the photographer?
That is a goddamn orc
I could have lived a happy life, but after seeing that, such a dream is no longer a possibility.
It was fucking gay paradise!!!
You wasted a perfectly good dubs on that.
Didn't mean nothing by it, but honestly if you guys had a neutrality stance like Switzerland it would have been less detrimental but on the other hand if we make fun of Italy all the time the next time Italy is going to fight extra hard to prove itself perhaps?
My Mother is German and my father is Italian
Oh wow, they educate and provide hormone treatments to gorillas?
kill me
I'm getting you started. Give us the details.
This mischlings face says it all.
That's the chair you autistic fuck
White guy looks like he the archetypal college cuckservative that gets the good goy positions.
Dubs saved the day
Can someone shoot my eyes out please?
Steve Urkel is a tranny?!
yup, that's a modern university alright…
Notice how these soft sciences all have niggers and fat dykey women involved. And everyone is acting like they have valid points or have the ability to reason complex ideas. When in reality, they are all just parroting the same unsubstantiated talking points back and forth. There is no actual learning happening here. None of these people are intelligent or educated in anything of value.
Nothing. They were given the standard leftist talking points to memorize and will be shoehorned into positions paid for by Soros. They're all drones.
neat. any idea what the story is behind that photograph?
Are low-T men slaves to their hormones? Can such cuckery be overcome?
i think there might be more than one guy who think hes a girl in that picture
please get started
I didn't even notice the skirt.
Steve Urkel never looked good in drag.