Why don't you guys just accept that racial mixing is the future? Why are you so racist?

Why don't you guys just accept that racial mixing is the future? Why are you so racist?

I challenge each and every pol alt-right reading this to name one, JUST ONE thing a black person has ever done to you besides help you. So what are you waiting for, pol? I already know you can't prove me wrong.

Give up your hatred and go make some mixed babies. We're all going to look the same by the year 3000 anyway, no matter how hard you fight progress:]

I'm going to pretend you're not a shill, not for your benefit but for anyone who might be reading this thread and not know any better.




But that's just the natural progression of history. We're all going to look the same by the year 3000, so stop fighting it! If some people need to be forced to see the light, that's their fault for being racist. Multiculturalism is good!

Hey, faggot. Racemixing societies existed in the ancient world too. And all those societies collapsed and vanished.

Why are YOU so hellbent on the eradication of Europeans, asshole?

You'll burn, not hang.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

If race mixing is the future, then by not race-mixing, our offspring will have an advantage. If the majority are mixed-race (and thus intentionally set back their evolutionary bloodline), the few of us who choose to retain pure blood will naturally create an overclass.

Bring it on. Racemix all you want. Our children will rule over yours.

That's what you think. We're all going to look the same by the year 3000, whether you racist alt-right neonazis want to or not.

Yes, by the year three thousand, I suspect you and others like you will look like charred skeletons or piles of ash.

Go tell em in tel aviv

If we continue on the nigger loving we wont make it to 3000.

A nigger stole my wallet and another stole my bike. Not even meming. Aside from that they are fucking up my country and attack older people.

Also racemixed kids are a product of selfishness and a hatred again their own race.

It says bring me good columbian cocaine and women of pure filth.

We're all going to look the same because shitskins like you will all have been genocided by then and only whites will remain.

The most hilarious thing about this to me is that kikes simply don't seem to get that niggers consider them white, first off, which means they'll be attacked the same way we are sooner or later.

And second, that the inherent greed of niggers and jews will cause them to clash even if their golem learns the difference between them and whitey - perhaps especially if they learn the difference. Nigs will always want more, just like jews, and if they get rid of us there will no longer be a buffer between them and the nogs.

Not t mention that we won't be around to stop the chinks from overrunning everything as well.


Niggers have stolen my bike and my girlfriend's bike. They've even stolen lawnmowers. You can't keep any shit outside when you're living next to niggers unless it's chained down and locked up.

why do you think that? we're already working on sending humans to other planets. don't you think that the atmosphere and gravity on other planets will change us dramatically? Also racemixing isn't the future (maybe for the west). With automation and high GDPs everywhere across the world, there will be no point in moving to another country and it will only be reserved for a tiny amount of people. If the world becomes similar then there's no point leaving.


Hang yourself
made this thread

NYer here.

niggers robbed me personally. repeatedly. close friend has his face cut by a nigger from his lip to his ear by a nigger he didnt know because some other nigger picked a fight with him and lost.
niggers destroyed the neighborhood i grew up in, harassed me throughout my stay in highschool.
stole my friends bikes, and when they got them back, tried to pin felony assault charges on my friends getting them expelled from their school.
one of my friends even went to jail because he killed some nigger that picked a fight with him for walking down "his" path in a nearby park my grandpa used to take me to to play.

the myth about racists being removed from white people is the opposite of the truth.

That's some pre-exodus 4chan tier thread, what happened to us ?

Is he still in jail ?

I'm pretty sure its shills replying to shills and they think their whole operation is working

this is getting pathetic

Spend my tax money on xbox games?
Make neighborhoods unsafe due to high crime rates?
Destroy detroit?

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

me personally? they called me a nigger, I thought it was hilarious.

they eat welfare, destroy schools, and make cities unsafe though, which harms me in many ways.


Blacks murdered my cousin

Rob elderly women at my workplace, threaten children, the elderly, and on occasion personnel, make loud noises for incomprehensible reasons, and steal of course. There are barely even niggers where I'm at, I can't imagine what it's like to live in a black neighborhood.

no, he killed the nigger in highschool and was ~16 at the time. he got out pretty quickly after the court case. apparently he put the nigger in the hospital and was in court for felony assault, the nigger died mid trial or right after or something and they couldnt re-charge him for the same crime since it took the nigger like a week to die.

he literally 1-punched the nigger. that was dressed in blood bandanas. nigger put his hands up first and he just threw a dead punch from a relaxed position. nigger was an adult and on probation at the time. he fell and hit his head and started seizing up. the hit to the upper lip/right under his nose complicated the problem because thats a really bad spot to get hit.

it was a big deal because my friend technically struck first. the nigger was like 3ft taller than my friend who was about 5' 7" or 8 at the time.

Speak for yourself, I'd shag a dark skinned black hair lady without a moment's hesitation.

Welp I'm off to go kill myself because the universe won't last forever.


That's fuggin awesome. Buy his next round for me. Sage for shit thread.


Stole my bike, broke windows on my car, tried to kill me twice, killed my dog….

I had a black friend once in high school. Now he's in jail for murder.
The rest of them keep trying to steal my shit.

i've lost touch with this person over the past decade or so. very close in highschool but that dried up as soon as i decided i didnt want to raise a family in that environment.
my only fear is that my children wont know or believe the truth about niggers and believe the media.
Luckily niggers and liberals are constantly showcasing those animals.

isnt this just a nigger hate thread?

weak bait, but why do you focus so much on the personal? Are you incapable on seeing the bigger picture - of how niggers ruin countries and nations - and instead choose to limit your perception to your own daily reality?

I mean, I already knew Holla Forums were all self-absorbed fucks stuck in their fantasy of humanity going hand in hand forever, but why limit yourself to only that which you can experience yourself? It's like that retard from a few days back who kept moving goalposts for his imaginary hippie paradise that would fall down with just one swift kick to the fundamentals.

well fuck me ill bite

(negroid) 1) worked as a temp worker putting bikes together and some nigger joins the crew other than wearing his pants around his balls and 2) not having clean underwear 3)he managed to fuck up every bike he touched but 4)don't worry he didn't work to much allays wandered off to talk on his cell phone 5)it is wonderful when your coworkers get paid the same as you and just make more work for you.
(somalians) living with Somalians, some shithead thought it would be just dandy to ship a bunch of refugees from a naiton at constant civil war with itself because they are "people" too. leading to not only the apartment building smelling like well, Somalian, on top of low level harassment and shit going "missing" like the cord off of a laptop charger i ordered,(package ripped open and half of it is gone, i mean what the fuck) one of the little shits pulled the fire alarm 3 times in the course of 6 moths. knowing the fact that we are paying for these pices of human garbage to jack up rent for me and everyone trying to make it on the lower edge of the pay scale. as we are both supposed to pay in and compete with these "people" is fucking insane rent has tripled seance they started the resettlement program. taxes go up with the crime rate. and the Governor is being called racist for wanting to look into the impact of shipping refugees from Somalia into the middle of North Dakota. i mean what the fuck.

at the end of the day what we lose is not any money property damage jobs even assault is minor in comparison of losing the community that existed before the resettlements happened. neighborhoods would get together, people would trust each other. people would feel safe. its realy funny because the liberals believe that this will all happen again once everyone is mixed to shit. i mean op even references some mythic utopia where there is no division between any people do to shared ethnic makeup. but it is fundamentally flawed, kinship exists between people of shared blood. and your mocha babies do not share generics with each other. past the first generation of mixing you end up with a random grab of generics from each of the grandparents skin color for example is determined by 8 different genes. so you first generation between a white northerner, and a sub Saharan African will be 4/4 but after that the range scatters to the fucking wind the same goes for eye color the green eyed nigger red headed nigger is something that can happen because genes don't get canceled out unless you start breeding them out. so in short a mixed people will not share a common set of genes. the natural inclination of kinship. based of shared blood will not extend to the world but rather disappear from it.

Two 13 year old niggers redpilled a young naive "let's all just get along" 7 year old me, by a giving me a ride with the amberlamps and several cool scars. All for FREE and I didn't even have to do anything to deserve it. Shit I guess you're right they're the gift that keeps on giving.

Now fuck off.

Thanks, was looking for that.

Everybody is so worked up racemixing with niggers in this bread. Reminder to all newfags that ALL race mixing is bad. Just don't do it. You don't want to watch your kid die because you can't give them a kidney.

Did you just nuke your own thread?

Nogs also stole my bike. We lived next door to a large welfare rat nigger family for a few years when I was a child. They would watch my siblings and I ride our bikes next door.

This isn't about bikes. This is about order vs savagery. We grew up just as poor as those niggers did yet they shat where they ate and refused to act like human beings.

The same can be said about ANTIFA and those diversity pushing liberals. Pale faces are pale faces and niggers can't tell the difference.
This is how I can tell how many of them have never been around packs of niggers before in their life.