‘GET OUT NOW’ China urges citizens to evacuate North Korea IMMEDIATELY as nuclear standoff with US hots up

‘GET OUT NOW’ China urges citizens to evacuate North Korea IMMEDIATELY as nuclear standoff with US hots up

Is the happening coming to us finally?


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C'mon nigga



Could be nothing……

I hope

Reminder North korea is one of the places that there is not a central banking system by the Rotchilds, and does not stand with the globalist powers.

also its not communist but a mix of NatSoc Fascism with lots of racial purity.


Anything other than the Sun?

oh, it's you again, hello there

There are quite a few Chinese language news sites reporting on it, try googling North Korea evacuation using google translate to Chinese Simplified.

Nihoa.. rugou bu hanyu, ragou tamadeli


China always tare down muh wall
China always copy jet fighta

wtf thank you for correcting the record, I'm going to only eat kimchi now


You want to know how I know your sources are worthless?

All those failed states never are.



You're the guy that wore heavy metal shirts with skulls on them to school to piss off the teachers, aren't you?

Is it finally time?

ok chaim

On the upside if a war does break out should be able to sweep in and buy up stock in some SK companies while they're at all time lows.

That's not what he said, and you know it.

I'd have a good laugh if this occurred.

Yes, it is time.
Repent of your sins.

i never said anything about nuking it either, so we're all in an >implying freefall right now


Fallout 5: Kim-chi Catastrophe

The SUN is hysteria garbage and I'd suspect it's JEW hysteria garbage, as for the Chinese news sites. I'd suspect they are also Chinese/American hysteria JEW garbage. I have friends in Seoul,and friends that are actual Chinese here in America and think it is all BS, the only difference is this is the 1st time, for first-timers that are falling for the North Korea scare-mongering. For old hands such as ourselves….. we know nothing is going to happen….. for the 65th time

when these gentlemen are worried, I'll be worried

"A pimp's love is very different from that of a square."

there are plenty of warnings to go around before The FINAL END!!!

The Nuclear Bible by David Taylor

Not being owned by Jewish bankers doesn't mean it's National Socialism. It's a nationalistic country, but it's a nationalistic communist country. The only thing CLOSE enough to resembling National Socialism are Ba'athist ran states (and even that's not NatSoc).



Hope they nuke some Amis before getting destroyed tbh



Oman is actually decently nationalist, if you look them up.

Hope so I can't take it anymore





Global report for paid shill brigade.

sadly so often, the level of intelligence displayed on Holla Forums is vastly lower than the majority of Holla Forums's more intelligent users.


why I'm not surprised ?

But yet, there are some things way more terrifying than nuclear war that are still alive and kicking out there!!!

I know right. Hillary Clinton could of become president 🎉🎉🎉🎉

All japs sound like they are fucking dying.

They are dying demographically

God bless anime

Asuka best girl.

They do these under ground right? Maybe they have been digging to the USA so they can nuke it from undeground?

Adding the negative prefix 'ir' to 'regardless', which is already negative, creates a nonsense word. Next time, try 'irrespective' or just 'regardless'.

How about 'nontheless'?!!!


Nonetheless… China Just Told US What Is Coming


Ruining Best Korea by dubbing over their music with nigger rap.


Go back to 4chan.

'nigger rap' is an oxymoron; rap is assumed to negroidal in origin. Next time, try 'nigger-noise' or just 'coon tunes'.

come on, lizzard men theories have more credibility, grow up and stop reading that piece of shit

Check my dubs for NK bombing ISRAEL

Chinks nuke gooks, gooks nuke yids, we all win

NORKs are the niggers of east Asia.




Instead of cuckchan. Totally not a shill, fellow goy.

This is a category 3 happening at best.

category 4s and 5s starting 2021.

America is somewhere between 1926 and 1931 Weimar Republic.

holy shit you guys are fucking retarded

Are you so stupid that when even CNN and global organizations aprove the agression towards North Korea you go and blindly accept it because someone uninformed told you that its communism?

communism always fail the same as an open borders socialistic country.
The only solution is national socialism and NK is somewhat close to that. Ofc they have a Totalitarian Leader but
1. thats their problem
2. Lots of people in Holla Forums approve Pinochet and other totalitarian leaders, wich I cannot totally understand as they were a kind of kosher fascism not really nationalistic.

Go fucking read you niggers

Norks are post communist cult of personality blatantly hyper-authoritarian freaks. The only reason they don't fall apart is an accident of geopolitics.

as for why am I defending it?

Because its like saying we should nuke Iran and Hezbollah because muh "they are sandniggers!"
That is fucking retarded as they are the enemies of Israel, Isis and Arabia Saudi, wich they are ALSO our enemies.
Those places, including NK dont have central banking system and reject ties with the International Jew. Destroying them would be like being the fucking jewish golem doing their work, dying for them, and then try to kill them when we are alone.

fuck you guys fucking learn more before you shitpost

and that is the reason you want them gone? Its not even your people, let them fuck themselves.

And for post communist cult just watch the video I added before that everyone discredits it without even watching it.

nobody in this entire fucking thread said they wanted the norks nuked sperg, unclench your fucking anus or you'll produce a black hole. What WAS said was that norks aren't allies.

nobody fucking cares about your fucking video because no matter how you fucking paint it, their political system is stalinism in overdrive, and that's a fucking product of communism you retard, no matter what the media/jews say. Use your fucking reasoning capabilities, nobody fucking cares what happens to them on that basis alone. The fact that you care proves you missed a whole fucking point with how NatSoc works and are only focused on fucking the jews. Jews can be easily fucked with through anarchy nigger, but after anarchy there is fucking nothing. Prioritize your autism, spergo.

A lot of people in this thread seem to be confused, so I think it's worth reminding everybody:
Koreans aren't people.

North Koreans aren't people. South Koreans aren't people. And for that matter, Chinese are not people.


At least we can still depend on good ol' Soylent Green.


I would agree its somewhat like Stalinism and that also that is product of Communism.
But understand that its not the same as Stalinism for the simple reason as they tried to remove religion, race, and culture, while NK did not.
Being NatSoc doesnt really mean concentrating on ourselves as such, because like hitler tried to do with other countries and impose their own nationalism, we cannot fight the Global Powers when we are just a single country.

tbh my point really is the same as Varg, saying this is because international interests rather than humanitarian aid or to stop the "madness" of the gook leader
also yes I was mad when writing

Jesus fucking christ we've got a live one here

so you ARE a plebbitor and a kekistan cancer vessel! What the fuck are you doing here, someone post some gore

Its not your imaginary version of communism that is perfect in every way but has never been tried because it only exists in your mind.

Its the real world version of communism that has been tried a few times and always results in huge government projects going wrong and millions of people starving to death.

Nuking Iran and hez for being sandniggers is a pretty concise and cognizant reason faggot

I thought you got my point at first… what a shame.

Its not like NK didnt remove religion, they didnt remove their culture or fucked up their genepool like europe did.
cmon you knew I was talking about their non-relation with the jew, and how this is them trying to destroy another bad goyim.

Dude are you sure you know who the fuck is Vargas? also implying im not the one who usually spams the thread with gore to scare normalfags

Im not defending that shit system, read my posts you nigger

well as bane said
muh enemy of my enemy basically

alright, since you're having difficulty, you're positing that fucking the jews is more important than creating a stable system which will not be susceptible to jewfucking and, as such, are willing to not only forgive, but also defend a fucked up system like NKs, while I am calling you a goddamned fucking retard for assuming just because a country is opposed to jews means they are worth protecting in any way.

Happy now?

Stop responding to him retard. His goal is to derail the thread. Report and hide.

Not our fucking problem, one more country under the ZOG though IS everyone's problem, especially given how pozzed Worst Korea is.

If Best Korea falls with no exaggeration the whole peninsula becomes East Asia's Israel.

Implying we are gonna create a stable anti jew system if we eliminate its enemies first.
Also why cant both things be done at the same time, its not like one makes the other impossible.

well part of it being fucked up is because of it being forcefully isolated from the world by eliminating trading and other, NK has low fertility and cant sustain itself.
But im not saying its a good system anyway, i dont like the totaliarism they have having the "great leader" above everything else.

derail the thread by talking about the matter in fact, and reminding about how destroying the country does not benefit us

How many times are you planning to use that strawman, chaim?

Redditors… I…


Well you have to recognise that koreans are as shitty as chinks tbh.

You don't really have any point to make; Just because it lacks a central banking system doesn't automatically make it the best place on earth, nor a Natsoc Paradise.

Goatse because I can't be assed to waste quality gore on you.

North and South Koreans are genetically indistinguishable. They are both subhumans.


Nor it makes it a place worth nuking for the sake of the jew
My point was, why remove a thorn from the ZOG's side if we want to destroy it later?

Also it may not be a Natsoc paradise for us, but they are gooks anyway, they are like robots with no soul, let them fuck themselves.

I do not know whether Holla Forums has become a shilling machine or bots have taken over it, but the rhetoric of the posters in this place made a 180 degree backflip.

I'm not saying Jim, imkampfy and therealmoonman are paid Jews/shills, but nonetheless these premises are true if you analize the situation in here.

People like are being slided with so many insults, sages and moreover stupid memes people obviously won't take him serious and will ignore his truth. The truth is yes, North Korea is a nationalistic country and yes! Of course the world will never get anything good from tearing apart one of the few countries left with no Jewish (let's face it: it's Jewish and Non-Jewish control we're talking about) Occupation Government whatsoever.

Back to .pl and Holla Forums I go, goodbye, paid actors/callcenter nig nogs/CIA shills/bots.

gay shit to save



they are not paid shills or anything I believe they are just retards.

same kind of people who dont see beyond the subject and defended trump so much even after the election not saying they shouldnt vote for him just that he was not hitler even after trump showed being pro israel, and the rest.

Would say what usually lefties say about muh hatred blinds them, but that phrase is kind of gay.

Hey, look, its an NK propaganda agent!

Dude, can you get us some sweet pics from inside Pyongyang? It would probably do a lot for your country's perception… I'm not sure if shitposting propaganda images on a vietnamese origami forum would help or hurt, but it'll be funny as shit.


A success against the Jews that involves being so broke you have nothing to bank at all and a success in nationalism that involves groveling at the feet of another race of people for scraps is not a success worth having.

Reminder that OPs link is the most retarded source for information

Stop associating our aryan beliefs with a fat boy dwarfaggot of Asia, kike.

It's not the hatred it's remaining loyalty to Western democracies.

The enemy of our enemy is NOT our friend. Norks get the gas too.

Welp, time to start saving a bunch of shows and books so I can get comfy once nukes start flying and the internet fucks up. Hopefully Iran joins the Norks and glasses Israel, leading to a real war. If Assad and Putin are smart, they'll jump on the war bandwagon and begin attacking Israel and the EU. China seems to be having dealing behind closed doors with China. If Russia jumps in with Iran and Syria though, China may switch sides. Or maybe they'll just take over the norks in a blitzkrieg before the US knows what is happening and adds them to the arsenal, disposing of Kim and increasing the landmass and resources of China. If I know anything about commies, they'll begin and anti-war movement in the US and attempt to do what the Bolsheviks did to Imperial Russia. However, if we gain the initiative then it may end up as a civil war with three sides; the US goevernment, the commies and the fascists.

I'm hoping for a WWI-tier clusterfuck. Hopefully soon.

US deploys SBX Radar out of Pearl Harbor.
US Thaad deployed in SK.
US nuclear sub armed with nuclear ICBM's marines in SK.
US aircraft carrier approaching Korean peninsula.

Time to get comfy hot!

heh take a look at this faggot

I said before and I repeat again, read my posts nigger

It's the kiked West that's rattling their sabres at them.

A shit ally can be more dangerous than a powerful enemy. We don't need liabilities.

"Best Korea" meme was always a shitty meme for a shitty country full of shitty people, but intervening on Korea, which is basically not a threat, is also shitty. At the same time, Trump always made it clear that he didn't like how pussyfooting Obama was on the situation and I guess finally drew a line in the sand. Quite the conundrum overall.


serbitch detected
now fuck off

The ULTIMATE Cure for ALL of that EVIL PEDOPHILIA back East!!!


fuck off weeb


Enjoy those PROMOTIONS, faggot.

Shit forgot my pic


I still think Trump was speaking his mind in this segment during the early period of the election and nobody signaled to stop him.



Now why would they go and do something stupid like that when Trump was willing to openly talk to that fat fuck kim and come to a diplomatic agreement. What a little retarded gook.

I want the brown HWNDU hordes to leave


I was wondering why my VPN was shitting the bed, uniformed soldiers are now guarding subway entrances, and the RMB is shitting itself. (We're going to 7, lads!)

I figured something was up with the Norks and/or economy. Probably both.

The local Chinese government is running out of places to stick additional manpower when they get testy. First, old ladies in armbands at intersections. Then, police officers at every other intersection. Then, at every intersection and no old ladies. Then, patrols. Now, 3 uniformed PLA at all subway station entrances.

My guess? Something's breaking in the economy (as usual, just maybe a bit faster). The Chinese got the Norks to start acting up to pressure Trump into a trade deal. Maybe they thought they were being nice and giving him an out to sell out the people, maybe they legitimately thought he'd blink. He didn't, and there's not much more the Norks themselves CAN do now outside of actually firing on Seoul. So the CCP itself has to get in on the escalation game or bodies start dropping.

The next move is probably the Norks shooting up some outpost or another.

"We're really serious guise!"

And, no, it's not happening. It's happening when we deploy our fleet. That's when China learns a thing or two about giving a tinpot crackpot the button that starts WWIII.

It's gets points for not being owned by Rothschilds, but loses them all for failing to keep the lights on, which even the shittiest regimes outside of africa have been able to do.

Korean War 2: Revenge of the Jew

