

I was long skeptical of Buttcoins and the like however friends have recently reported making serious shekels betting on their appreciation.

I still remain skeptical about them, however they're tied to something real (cost of electricity and computing power) vs the makebelief of fiat currencies.

They're however theoretically prone to jew banker manipulation though if they ever consider it a threat (aside from outlawing them like some countries have done so far).

Their real world application so far seems mainly drug purchases, getting paid anonymously for criminal activities and speculation.

What does Holla Forums think of it?

Other urls found in this thread:

An hour later and nobody has opinions on non fiats? Are you kikes only hoarding precious metals?

Only one cell in the collective consciousness of Holla Forums, but I think cryptocurrencies are the future. I have invested less than $100 and have seen a 300% return in less than 2 months. That being said, I'm pretty Holla Forums and can into cryptography in general, so I can read over the announcements and decide which are a good investment versus which are outright scams.
I have plenty of silver and lead, so this is just an extra avenue that I hope matures into a huge sum in a few years. However, all of these cryptos don't exist outside of the digital world. So if your computer dies or (((they))) decide to shut it down(the markets), any investment can be gone in the blink of an eye.
So I would say don't put your life savings into it, in fact nothing that you're not prepared to lose. Also, depending on how you get into it, you're looking at a 10-25 percent cut right off the top in fees. Getting out will cost you at least 15 percent. So you have to double your money to make it worth even messing with.
As for advice on what specifically to invest in; I would go for the altcoins that are less than $1. Here's some that I believe are going to be worth 10,000 percent their current value in less than a year:
Siacoin: it's at like $0.01 right now, but it uses the blockchain to store information for quick retrieval. Basically cloud storage that can't be censored
GNT: Stands for Golem Network Token, they're at about $0.25 right now. It's a token for paying for distributed computing services. The (((Golem))) part is a little weird though.
Ripple: Worth about 0.07 right now, they're only going to go up from here. It allows banks to send payments instantly and for much less in fees than standard
Do your own research though, there's about 700 different cryptocurrencies right now, and that number grows all the time. The website I use to research is:

Best current alternative to the central bank kike currency.

I can imagine cashing out of all these obscure coins is going to be a nightmare like cashing out of penny stocks though rite or can you easily convert them into the more stable cryptocurrencies without losing huge amounts?

I don't see how. The blockchain stops direct fuckery outright. What are you thinking of here?

China has already shown that the price of BTC can be manipulated

51% attack. The bitcoin rules can be changed if 51% of miners agree to implement a change. Currently over 55% of the btc mining pools are located in China. If their government wanted to they could take control of those companies and destroy BTC in a matter of weeks. Alternatively, the NSA could use some of its super computers to mine BTC and do the same.

How does bitcoin farming work? It never made sense to me when I saw the methods that make it. How do you 'farm' bitcoins?

Have fun when the solar flare happens and all data is lost and you have no precious metals

Is that really your best argument against cryptocurrencies? I could say the same about gold futures

I cant bring myself to buy any of these coins, theres too much shit flinging and speculation.

Ok, they are heavily Jewish influenced. Did you really not expect that though?

What, related to money, isn't Jewish influenced? I wish there was a perfect anti-kike currency, but I think this is about as close as we will get for a while. If you have any alternative recommendations feel free to advise. As far as physical precious metals though, it's just not practical unless you are just sitting on savings and riding out inflation.

It's the fastest way to a one world currency, so if you're a secret nwo type of guy like most here are it's definitely the way to go.
Invented by a person who doesn't exist and relying on infrastructure owned by the very people you think you are escaping from.
I..I..It's anonymouse- yeah of course it is.
Well I make money off it - sure it's hardly going to be taken up if there's no benefit.
It can't be stolen or taxed - once everyone uses it as if by jewmajick it will.
But they were/are against it - reverse psychology marketing. Like Elvis, The Beatles, The Doors, Sex Pistols, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Frankie goes to Hollywood, Madonna, M&M Things you aren't allowed and the grown ups don't like.

I keep them on the exchange (universally regarded as a terrible thing to do) as long as my holdings in a particular coin are less than $10. That way if I picked a dud and it starts tanking, I can sell off quick without having to transfer from my wallet (takes 30 minutes to an hour in some cases). But anytime you sell or buy, even between 2 coins on the same exchange, you get hit with the fees (usually just 5% if it's on the same exchange). But these exchanges are really the ones making the money, nickel and diming every transaction… But there's no better way to do it. And it's much more transparent than stock markets

tons of computers calculating bitcoins, the more bitcoins there are, the more difficult it is to find new ones and the more computing power it takes

-"The situations where using a credit card is a hassle is a niche problem. In the situations where it is impossible like sending money to friends where a traditional bank transfer is impossible? No one cares. Technology and
innovation succeeds by how it can change YOUR life. If you woke up tomorrow and Bitcoin was 100% adopted, how would the world change? How would your life be bettered by it? For it to be a currency, and not a commodity, you would have to admit it is just another payment method. Any crazy innovative integration schemes that have been
proposed in this thread either already exist and are being integrated at the snails pace the retail world works in. Retail establishments still have computers running Windows XP for their point of sale. A few stores here still
have their electronic payments processed via a dial up connection. So you are trying to avoid fees in very limited situations. Cool. It's nice being able to send money to a relative without fees. Well the fees were never that
much (unless you are cheap), and if sending them money traditionally is impossible (ie no banks) then them turning the Bitcoin into their local currency is another hurdle. What was the price of this convenience? This life
changing opportunity that a handful of people will use to the fullest extent? Security. Your money is compromised with no insurance. If your wallet is hijacked by Spyware you lost all your money. If a merchant never ships you
a product and you want to get your money back? Can't. You want to convert your balance into cash? Well for some reason no one is buying so you have to sell it for less." "Now we are back into the whole commodity nature of cryptocurrencies - the territory where it all falls apart. If your entire currency is based on the concept of selling it immediately to ensure price fluctuation doesn't destroy your margins, it puts little faith in the currency, and would be a reason not to adopt it. And then this whole thing requires your store, or your brick and mortar store or online web cart, to have an up to the minute exchange rate on the bitcoin exchange of your choice, which adds even more infrastructure and complication to the system when it should be dirt simple. The reality is any reasonable commerce integration is a decade away. And really, if the merchants have no faith holding onto bitcoins why would a consumer? If their buying power could be substantially decreased because another exchange blew up they have no reason to hold onto it for purchases. Everyone is using Bitcoin to try and get rich. The goal is not to use Bitcoin as currency, it's to sell it for
money. I also haven't even gone into the colossal hassle that is face to face / brick and mortar purchases, having to wait for your transaction to verify before you could leave with your merchandise."
Sage for shit OP.

So the idea is to have a machine that calculates the amount of bitcoins in the system, but then does it give you any of the unused coins it finds, or does it create some new bitcoins after the calculations are done?

These coins are shit. It ended when the speculation started and the value of it tied to fiat. How is any normalfag supposed to start buying coins? Most of these coins are made to enrich the developer, or the chinese come out with a new sick asic miner for the goyim to buy for a small share of coins; which then just so happen to sell out for 6 months at a time… while they are hoarding their own machines to mine the coins and pump and dump the market.

When you guys realize these are just shitcoins they had an intrinsic value at one point, but they are now increasingly becoming regulated by the people who hold the most shares. It ended when the coins had a concentrated group of people with a monopoly on the coins who control the future of it. Any normie looking to get into coins has to use some dumb exchange website with retarded fees just to buy in. Ask anyone about bitcoins, "man I wish I bought some bitcoin when it came out I'd have millions of dollars!"


no rothschild money??
Shut it down!!

I made 11k with bitcoin during the summer of 2014. Seems like a lot of anons are salty they missed the opportunity to buy low.

did you actually withdraw it in $ in cash/bank account?

False, you need something like 95% to force a change now, its actually a huge problem because bitcoin has become slow as fuck with transactions taking hours at times and they can't manage to come to an agreement to implement any of the proposed solutions.

Cryptos are a nice start for a fellow Holla Forumslack to earn big cash, if he's smart enough. I pray to God one of you fucks become the NatSoc equivalent of Soros and fund RWDS and other similar stuff.

I wish i knew earlier about bitcoin. I started very late around in 2013 and went 2 years putting money in without making any money, but now i've made six figures with cryptocoins. When normies jump on this ship and the real bubble starts its gonna be really fun. Dont forget to sell when taxi drivers are telling you what coin to buy.

Yeah I got lucky and pulled out before the crash, me being afraid of a second crash made me get out of CC but I wish I had gotten back into before the Chinese.

The best anti-kike currency I ever heard of was a labor-backed currency called the Reichmark. I don't know if you ever heard of it. The Jews REALLY lost their fucking shit over that one & they shut it down like a motherfucker.

We need to translate the same concept into the digital world. The currency doesn't need to be backed by anything. It just needs to be defined by something. ie: 1 dollar equals X amount of oil, grain, electricity, whatever. The free market will set its prices accordingly.

http:// smar mya

Wish I had just defaulted back then and kept them. Now I've got like $20 worth, and the price is soaring.

You've got this backwards, jews are naturally attracted to anything to deal with money. You could create something from scratch and the instant it starts doing well you're going to have jews flocking towards it like flies on shit, with something decentralized(and you should want it decentralized or the government will just fuck it up) its impossible to prevent this. This does not mean that jews control it.

Incorrect. That's like saying shit has value because it's tied to something real (metabolism of organic material, and glucose production)

Do you see the problem with this line of thinking? You can't get the electricity or computing power BACK from a bitcoin, just as you can't get the energy you put into making shit, or the nutrients you already removed BACK from the turd.

A broken mirror isn't worth more than a regular mirror, simply because it's tied to the energy it took to break it. That's pure retardation.

The only intrinsic value argument I have ever heard made in favor of crypto is that it provides a perfect ledger. Maybe the market will place value in such an abstract construct, but I sure as hell don't. I'll take rare earth minerals any day over crypto. But if you are just trying to make a buck, there have been interested investment strategies.

I would like to agree with you, but I'm making money atm so fuck you.

This is a common misnomer. The Reichmark was NOT backed by labor (labor isn't fungible, and can't be retrieved from a teller window). It was an internal fiat currency (where international trade was settled in gold Marks) that was limited in its issue in that it was only created to pay wages (unlike under Weimar where it was printed willy-nilly to pay all government expenses, including massive pensions that the government simply couldn't afford).

It was approximately the same system the US had until 1971–aka a gold exchange standard.


No, he's right. The fact that they cost about as much money to "create" as they are worth means they can't be "created" in such abundance that they lose value. It's very much like how gold costs almost as much to dig up and refine into bars as it is worth on the market.

It's hard to make money with those unless you have a lot go spend. Even the big time gold pushers like Ron Paul and AJ will tell you it's a long term investment not a get rich quick scheme.

Not to mention that with shit like gold you either never actually get the gold yourself or you always have to sell the physical metal at a severe discount. I'd never put money into metals, even for a SHTF scenario I have heirloom seeds and bullets for trade instead. Meanwhile I've got about $12k in crypto currently.

It's really not that bad. You can catch rounds on sale for less than a dollar over spot, and most coin shops will give you spot for them. Basically a 5% fee.

Nothing makes sense when I think about it too hard, cryptocurrency is no different. So what am I buying, lads? Golem, Ripple and Kike coin?

Everything I've seen will at best give you 90% of spot.

Golem and Ripple are two of the most kiked coins in crypto, Golem is both started by kikes and has the obvious name connection, Ripple is centralized and has Google and banks behind it.

This is a shit fucking thread. Spend money on crypto shekels if you want to play with your money, invest in PMs, land and lead for the real shit.

Wake me up when Holla Forums is ready to to make a currency by, for, and only usable by white men and we'll have something to talk about.

Idk if anyone said this but Bitcoin just hit an all-time high. I still wouldn't invest in it I'm a commodities guy. I need real shit in my life after all the psychological shit I've been through

I might just buy a credit card and invest In some stocks. I'll tell you guys what I'm watching

Or a bunch of offshore oil drilling. It's going to skyrocket (maybe not skyrocket but profit) in 4-10 years

Well its never smart to buy at ATH after all, if anyone is looking into getting into the market for the first time at this point I'd wait for a dip.

Seadrills at an all-time low and it's markets high was 40$ you can buy the stock at 57 cents right now.

And sell at 10.00$

was talking about bitcoin.

I doubled my money in literally one month

It's crashed before and it'll crash again. All currencies lose value once there's more of it. Like say if the US reserve currency flows in from overseas it would be instant inflation because there's too much of it.

Ethereum is fucking garbage.

The core developers reversed completely legitimate transactions via a hard fork because they made a dumb contractual mistake and lost a bunch of e-shekels through negligence.

Bitcoin was most likely created by the Federal reserve (there is speculation that Satoshi is Alan Greenspan). They know that the neoliberal economy cannot last much longer, so they have preemptively created its replacement in crypto. Bitcoin operates similarly to the gold standard, which is the banker's second favorite means of exchange because they still control the supply fairly well (almost as easily as they can control with paper currency).

There's no such thing as a sure investment. Past returns don't guarantee future performance. You have no particular reason to believe that you'll actually make money buying BTC.

That said, the technology is fundamentally sound. It's a good alternative to cash or bank accounts. A good portion of my wealth is in BTC. As always, hedge your bets. BTC, gold, stocks, bonds, and a few thousand dollars of buffer cash.

But no one controls Bitcoin's supply. It was decided at the very beginning. 77% of Bitcoins have already been created.

Everything you could buy is a product of labor.
"Hitler began his national credit program by devising a plan of public works…The projected cost of the various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency."

Sure it was fiat in the sense that it wasn't backed by a physical commodity. But it was solidly defined in terms of a particular amount of labor, not just left up to speculation.

Not an argument.

Nothing you just said has anything to do with intrinsic value.

I could spend 20 million dollars digging up a random rock from thousands of feet below ground, and it would only be worth the value of a rock. I don't get to say it is worth 20 million dollars. And the flip side to that, is that I can find a boulder made of gold laying around worth 20 million dollars, and spend nothing to extract it. (Well OK, I have to get it on a truck and move it, so almost no extraction cost)

How much effort is put into mining a bitcoin, or any other crypto coin is a meaningless number so far as it's actual value goes. The extraction cost tells you whether or not it makes economic sense to mine for it, not what it's value actually is. If gold was valued at less than it's extraction cost, people wouldn't mine for it, because it would be a losing proposition. The same holds true for bitcoin.

Your whole argument isn't even accurate. The first guy who mined a bitcoin, did so for practically nothing. You didn't need anything special to mine the first x% of bitcoins. Which should be a dangerous red flag to anyone involved in crypto, as it's an obvious ponzi tactic. The early adopters and founders get access to cheap easy bitcoins, and the new guys spend thousands of dollars on rigs to mine for scraps.

To sum up, the value of a bitcoin is not determined by the average cost to mine a coin. Just as the price of gold isn't determined by the average cost to extract it. The reason why the price fluctuates towards that number, is because there is competition and an economic race towards the bottom to reward those who are willing to take the least amount of profit. This is also incredibly scary because it means that bitcoins are being treated as a commodity, instead of a currency, and where it may have a perfect ledger and other characteristics that support it's use as a currency, it has no value as a commodity at all. (Or to put it another way, if people weren't hording them as a commodity, and were instead using them as a currency, the early adopters would have no problem undercutting the miners, because the early adopters paid practically nothing for their coins. So long as the value of bitcoin is rising based on a mining costs, it means that nobody is circulating their bitcoins, which means it's not being used as a currency, which defeats every argument that supports why it's so great.)

The whole concept of it sucks as a replacement for the current scheme. The money supply should be able expand when needed. History has proven that this does not necessarily leads to inflation.
Bitcoin is massively flawed in this sense.
The other flaw is the large amount of coins some unknown early investors hold.

Nice (((Keynesian economics))) friendo.

Inflationary money incentivizes spending and investment.

Deflationary money incentivizes earning and saving. Both have positive and negative effects. It's up in the air which one is better economically, but whatever benefit one has over the other is *negligible* compared to the benefit of having money that's immune to central control and surprise hyperinflation.

Adding money to the money supply is not inflationary, if there is a shortage on the supply side.
"Keynesian economics" as in investments works works, see 1930's Germany. New deal worked as well, problem in that case was that the money was lend at interest from the Banks.

Being stable is a rather important aspect of a currency, and bitcoins fails exceptionally hard at this.

How would a fixed money supply handle an expanding population?
How would you get a loan to start some productive enterprise in bitcoins if the supply is fixed.

When the currency cannot flow freely crisis happen, and bitcoin has this by default.

It's not rocket science buy property first, avoid debt like a nigger. Diversify your assets, gold, bitcoin, savings account, Peruvian penny stocks whatever don't keep everything in one basket and keep the majority in "safer" investments. Buy useful things with money you don't invest like bullets, machinery etc.

meh, i played with them for a couple years. their volatility is a blessing and a curse. and there is little real world use in them other than trading

Money, organically, is not a thing you can play with in state craft.

Money is better explained if you realize that every economic transaction is barter, and money is something that has universal demand, and therefore can be bartered for anything.

Simplify the economy down to apples, milk, and eggs. Everyone is either an apple orchard owner, or a chicken farmer. Sometimes, the apple orchard owner needs eggs, and sometimes the chicken farmer needs apples. But they both always want milk, which is rare and highly desired for whatever reason in this world.

Sometimes they can directly barter for each others apples and eggs, but sometimes they can't. But they can always barter for milk.

Well now, milk has become money, and it's much easier to simply establish a price per gallon of milk, and always use milk to trade. You can't just artificially make "milk notes", not backed by actually milk, and print more milk notes to stimulate the economy. These people want milk, what good is a piece of paper that claims to be milk? It's like transmilk, paper that pretends to be milk by writing milk on itself. How Jewish can you get?

Theoretically, you can make milk notes which are easier to haul around, and let anyone exchange their milk notes in for real milk at their leisure. But then if you arbitrarily inflate the milk notes, at some point there will be a run on milk.

So if the state is going to create currency, it should be backed by what the universal barter item is in their culture. And it should be issued by the amount of said barter item held by the state, which it shall issue in place of said notes if so desired. And vice versa. So for example, a gallon of milk is always worth a one gallon milk note, regardless of how many apples a gallon of milk is worth.

Now of course milk sucks as money, because it spoils. Traditionally we have used gold, but it could be other things as well. Now the "trade value" of these notes can inflate or deflate based on the supply of gold. Traditionally there is a natural stabilizing force. The population tends to increase, and we tend to mine more and more gold. Sometimes the population decreases, but sometimes gold is lost or practically destroyed.

Perhaps there is something better than gold, but the universal barter item should be what is in question. Not whether or not it's good to arbitrarily inflate the notes that represent that item.

That's called lying, and theft. Which doesn't work well if you are trying to establish a stable economy.

Tldr- The most jewish concept for money ever invented.

Nevermind it being completely fake and having no real valure, or the creator potentially being able to horde and manipulate it, you can still simply exchange regular (((currency))) for it both directly and indirectly, so it is pointless. (((People who already have more wealth))) can simply buy up all the specialty mining hardware and farm the shit out of it. Or better yet, hire engineers and fund the development of mining hardware themselves. Then they use it themselves while they work on SchlomoCoin Miner V2. Once more efficient hardware is ready, they sell their now useless and obsolete old hardware to the goyim for more shekels. It's such a ridiculously obvious scam I'm amazed anyone falls for this shit at all. You have to already be exceedingly wealthy to be competitive enough to do any significant mining. After a short time the cost if electricity is higher than the value of the currency your are mining except for the few who can afford the newest hardware which isn't actually the newest anyway. It's all bullshit. Not one of them has made any effort to address this problem.

Buy in now, or stay cucked. Or do both. I don't care. You're all too stupid to understand it anyway, otherwise you wouldn't be needing to ask such simplistic questions. Enjoying my ~80% gains in a month.

1) as some people here mentioned, the more computers you have the richer and more powerful you are with BC. That means, as mentioned, that china can just say nope and pull the plug. BC has went past the point where its friendly to the little man.

2) by getting out of the little mans reach its worth will deviate. nobody trades with diamonds, even i they are worth a shitton. When you start breaking the currency into smaller pieces youre just starting a circlejerk that repeats steps 1&2

3) it needs to be emancipated as a currency by the maket to survive. ofcourse if it gets too big lobbies can just push for it to be discredited/banned


Now someone with large reserves of milk starts manipulating your currency.

Of course you can. I'll trade 10 eggs for 1 milk IOU. You have just inflated the money milk supply.

There is no such thing, it is always a mix that people need. The best way to "peg" a currency is by taking a basked of maybe 10-20 commodities.
Now your currency can't as easily be manipulated.

The point that is made, is that bitcoin is like gold, in that the supply is limited. The claim that this is somehow a good thing.
In reality there are many examples, among them Britain, and the USA, that had a significant decline in prosperity due to them switching to gold backed money.
England used tally sticks with great success in the middle ages, Pre Civil war united stated had numerous currencies, some systems being really successfull even though they weren't backed by anything, despite trust.
The number of tally sticks in circulation grew massively over the years, without causing any inflation. Same goes for some states in the USA that printed their own money. They could spend it into the economy and issue loans. Then collect it back via the interest on the loans, or revenue they collected.

If you claim bitcoin will save us you are just as misinformed as people that claim going back to the gold standard is the solution.

you obviously havent heard of ETHEREUM and DAGGER HASHIMOTO mining algorithms.

everything you are describing has been fixed with ethereum's mining algorithm. the function used to mine blocks is randomly generated and increases in size every 100 hours. it renders all custom made hardware useless

please do some research before you spout bullshit

It comes down to the question of distribution of power among humans. In a traditional system, a small minority had most of the power and they controlled the currency.

In our current system, in America, the same is more-or-less true - even though we have representational democracy and the illusion of some degree of equality, a small group of people own the majority of assets.

Generally speaking, the majority of humans (the have nots) want more equality (socialism) because they stand to gain from it. The minority stand to lose.

A system where power is relatively equally distributed would likely be controlled by transparent algorithms, such as cryptocurrencies.

I don't particularly like cryptocurrencies because I don't desire more equality and I see them as a step in that direction. They would also most likely be tied to globalism at this point in time.

for everyone who still spouts the same "muh asics, muh special hardware" bullshit line. Please read this and tell me Ethereum hasn't solved the specialized hardware problem.


I didn't buy this shit yesterday and I won't buy it today, Chaim.

Except jews and it's apparently still a thriving industry. Helps as well that you don't have to pay taxes.

Why even bother though? How many normies are actually going to jump through the 50 thousand fucking hoops it takes to get into mining these worthless shit currencies? Be honest. This is not shit that is normie friendly, so it will not be adopted by the general public and never have any real value beyond some tiny niche trades for pampered people with time and money to waste on this shit. If shit hits the fan, who's going to give a shit about your le doge coin or pepe coin collection or whatever other garbage meme currency you arbitrarily invested in out of the thousands that are out there now? The whole thing is a massive autistic cluster fuck of nonsense. Invest in gold, silver, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, medicine, batteries, non perishables and survival gear. This shit is completely wotlrthless and investing in it only helps the creators and earliest adopters. Everyone else ends up fucked anyway and even if they didn't it's too complicated to get I to for most people to bother with.

This is literally exactly what I said, except that you added the "no speculation" part, which is only partially true. The Reichmark was an internal currency. When they wanted to buy things abroad, they used gold marks. As such, there was no way for INTERNATIONAL speculators to get a hold of the internal currency, except to actually go to Germany, which would have certain consequences for some of (((them))).

You are legitimately retarded. You might not LIKE my argument, but it most assuredly is an argument, as you yourself admitted. You should face fifteen lashes for misuse of memes.

Gold and rock have prices that are set by the market–the lowest price that can meet the total demand. If you were to find a gold boulder that had a year's worth of gold production in it and took it to market, you would drop the price spectacularly. If you and several other people could do this at will, the price would quickly fall to nothing. Similarly, if you were extracting rock from an underground quarry for $5000 a pound, and you took it to market, you would be beaten on price by others who are more efficient. The point was/is that with MONEY, you have something that is produced/can be produced by anyone with the right equipment for a price near to what the market price is. With fiat currency, only one entity, the government, can produce it, and it costs them pennies to print a $100 bill. It has no intrinsic value. All its value comes from the government's monopoly on production and their willingness to restrain themselves from printing too much.

There are so many different types of cryptocurrencies used for so many different things that none of the arguments here hold up against all of them. Some are actual pieces of a distributed network. Some are exchangeable for computing power. Some can only be obtained by giving the network some hard drive space. A lot of these arguments only apply to Bitcoin, and even then tangentially at best.
(((They))) can't be behind everything. Read up on smart contracts. The reason these are booming is precisely because you can prove that there's no hidden bullshit going on. If you want to REEEEEEEE about it, please continue. But if you have a brain and know how to use it, do some research. This ain't your daddy's cryptocurrency, things are changing.
Personally I have about 20 different coins right now. Some are garbage, but most have doubled my money at least. The normies will get wind of this soon enough, and then it's gonna be a wild ride. Get in while the getting is good. That being said, make sure it's not your only investment, maybe 5 percent of your savings should go to cryptocurrency. Also make sure you know what wallets are and how to use them. Read up on how to make an offline wallet for security. Don't leave lots of coins laying around on an exchange

People who create these threads are either gullible, paid shill, or a complete retard unbeknownst to the realms in which they will die in.

This cryptokike currency bullshit is just the next step forward for us to lose ground on. When they have every single country under control of a centralized bank. Then they can direct the economy to crash while at the same time coming from the outside pretending to be it's saviour with stupid shit like this. It would work like this because under this increasingly globalizing system. The more closer ties become the more likely it is each country can fall due to the likeliness of another falling.

"Oh you can't trust that petty government with your currency, goyim! Look at me! I, Professor Shekelstein Goldman, who has never involved himself with the government! I have the perfectly digitized solution for you developed in Tel Aviv!"

You're a liar if you say this currency is unable to be traced, because, we've seen in the past that this isn't true. The spooks have a good lump sum of cryptocurrencies due to the frailty of this shit. So it's not only not completely anonymous but it also runs on the systems in which we know have been completely open for decades. Then we have the example of the Chinese manipulating this shit, so, we know it's not this ultimate 'kike-free' currency that's unable to be shaken or moved at someone else's whim.

Support cryptocurrencies if you're a technology worshiping kike-loving faggot who prays for some cyberpunk dystopic future where your own body isn't your property. But if you support your loved ones and a brighter future for us, then, support your own resistance or find a local one against kikes, Israel, etc

This is literally the end game of what the jews have always wanted. It's the ultimate fiat currency. Do not fucking fall for it.

Fuck off with your bullshit. Not being able to use specialized hardware barely makes it any better at all. Now instead of (((wealthy))) individuals investing in speciality hardware, they can just invest in large farms of less expensive, regular hardware. It still boils down to who ever already has a monopoly on real world wealth can also buy a monopoly on your honorabu nip coins. They accomplish nothing.

Kill yourself, jew.
Kill yourself, jew.

If by tied, he meant they require resources to create. Most people would read that argument and understand the word "tied" to represent that it is backed, or supplied value to via the price of electricity and computing. Bitcoins derive no value from wasted electricity or hardware. However they are limited by them, yes.

However if by tied you mean restricted in creation, then US fiat is then also tied to the value of the US military and federal law enforcement which enforces it's value, and the cost of bureaucracy to control the supply and anti-counterfeit measures, etc. It's a very disingenuous argument to claim that wasted resources are a desired trait of money. It's not economically desirable to waste resources on obtaining currency, it would be far more efficient to utilize currency in which it's assertion or the assertion of the force that backs it, is pursued for profit.

So that the creation of money is a positive, not a negative drain on the economy.

Invest in Zcl (Zclassing) before the Zen fork at the end of this month. You won't regret it.

(self check)

You can let the shit dry out and then burn it. That means it stores energy.

Ok, sell your shit for fuel then and stop flushing it down the toilet. Or roll it into patties and sell it to Pajeet for a snack or whatever.

You can use it as fertilizer too.

The idea is that you using proof-of-work to earn currency.
To somewhat over-simplify: there is a computationally expensive mathematical function that produces an output given an input.
There is a (very large) set of valid inputs that can be tried to get a desired output.
You earn a bitcoin by trying potentially correct inputs at random until you get a desired output.
$40 per donation of shit. Apparently it's some revolutionary cure for some condition. Better investment than Bitcoin, lel.

Idk user, that graph looks pretty pump… And sitting on it will mean you lose on the dump. Plus it's like $6.50 per coin… So you'd be throwing away $65 just for ten of them… I prefer my penny coins

Best read on the subject. Hands down.

dont confuse economic equations with political and sociological experiments.
the dollar would have collapsed numorous times by now if it wasnt backed and exploited by (((them))), since it is the backbone of their power.
thats why you see the US paradoxicaly prosper in contrast to some countries that practically collapsed (or are as we speak) due to inflation and economic collapse.

precious metals were a standard long before monotheistic religions. the trick jews used youre thinking of is taking those metals and issuing letters/notes (basically I.O.U.s) to people. thats where currency became fiat.
aslong as a unit of currency is worth asmuch as it takes to create it it is a good currency.

clicking on some weird coconut island link on Holla Forums not even once…

Archived though:

The first step in any solution to any of our problems, is to remove all kikes from our countries, and then our plane of existence. After that's done, we can worry about the finer technicalities of economics that the original National Socialists didn't have the time to mete out.

if you bought gold/silver/weapons you can invest in bitcoin too, I guess
but get a weapon and gold first
and food
food probably too

thx user

It's solid. Until the unlikely event a technological (((coincidence))) happens but if we can decentralise currency it could weaken the heebs. Besides a jap created it so it must be ok.

Replied to my post instead of yours, nevermind.

The Jew tricked us when we used gold as well, by means of the fractional reserve system and charging interest.
The discussion about gold backed or the system we have now is missing the point.
Both the current system is kiked, and the gold standard are kiked.
Bitcoin has even more flaws than gold. Not the least of which is that it is easily manipulated by the very banks bitcoin clams to free us from.
For all we know they could be buying, or have already bought large amounts using free money from the Fed.
Then hype it up, till their useful idiots are all in, then let it crash, and buy it back for pennies.
Before you know it most of your precious bitcoins are in the hands of a few.
Sounds semitic as fuck doesn't it…

If I'm looking for a place to park a couple thousand dollars, how am I going to get that into land? Aren't REITs just as kiked as anything else? If I put the money in lead… does the value of ammo increase over time?

Can't we easily create our own Ethereum-based coins? All we'd need to do is fix the supply and power it with memes, we'll all be rich.

It'll dip but not a major crash.
Increasing number of bitcoins is logarithmic in nature and caps out at 21 million, there's already 16 million.

Fuuuu I was thinking of buying into Ripple at .05 almost pulled the trigger yesterday. Today it made a jump to .08

My bread and butter is In ETH. I got lucky and bought a majority of my stack at $15 right after those big bank announcements hit the news. It hit $90 for the first time ever today. I'm shitting bricks.

Honestly I think this may be a bubble. Most of the cryptos are rising in value and I think they are following BTC and ETH. We are at the point where big money is sniffing around (kikes, hedge funds, normie investors). If anyone wants to get into crypto then do it now. Skip BTC and buy Ether. Unlike the smaller coins liquidity won't be a bitch if you need to quick sell and Ether may surpass $100 very very soon.

Buy Ether. Although Ripple and Golem seem to have a lot of buzz around them atm.


XRP and ETH are completely fucking kiked though.

Yeah, I bough most of mine around $14, some more around $19. Made almost $1k on a $100 investment. Wish I would've had more money to invest, but that's water under the bridge now.

How do you guys feel about XMR? I like the possibilities.

I could only recommend investing in a coin if it does something unique. All of the big players do. Except for Dogecoin, which was (and is) a 100% memecoin.
Litecoin, at least when it was made, created an alternative that was easier for the average person to mine.
Ethereum created smart contracts and even more ASIC resistance.
Monero, Zcash, and Darkcoin/Dash created anonymous transactions with different methods.

If you're considering investing in a new coin that differentiates itself with different mining targets or integration into some unique market/purpose made by the creators, don't. It's a scam. Some might ride it while carefully watching for the pump-and-dump but I cannot recommend that in the least.

The anonymous currencies are in a dead heat. I'm backing Zcash because it's easy to mine and the community involvement in forking suggests that this is more than just a quick pump-and-dump. In general I interpret ideological forks like ZEC/ZCL and ETH/ETC as a sign of quality regardless of which one you back. People are heavily invested in the coin's success.

I think Monero is also solid as long as it's ASIC proof, which it should be. Dash already has ASICs so I would stay away.

Let me give you the TL;DR on the jewish involvement in cryptocurrencies. The only certified kosher cryptocoin right now is Zcash. We had a thread up about this but it got wiped out during a Holla Forums raid last year, before anyone could archive it. Zcash might as well be called ZOGcash and like dumb goyim, redditors eat it up.

As for the history of bitcoin, 2 jewish investors have claimed to be Satoshi but when they did even the goyim who are cryptocoin enthusiasts didn't fall for it. One was the MTGOX kike who is so despised that he was solely responsible for one of the bitcoin crashes in its early days. Another was some rich jew who got BTFO so hard when he couldn't prove it that he hasn't been seen or heard from since. The only likely person to be satoshi was some wheelchair bound developer who died mysteriously and alone. The dead giveaway for all people who claim to be satoshi is that they can't log in under his name and prove they're him. My money is the wheelchair guy but even then if he wasn't it wouldn't matter. Bitcoin remains out of jewish hands, just not out of jewish influence.

The bottom line is that jews were quick to try and claim to be the ones who created it, along with so many other things that whites have accomplished. Like all good things, don't let jews get their hands on it or it certainly will go to shit. Jews acted like they were expected and so goyim are picking up on the fact that many jews keep trying to involve themselves. The only time they got fooled is when they adopted Zcash which quite literally pays Israel crytocoin as it gets mined.

What the fuck is with so many of you backing jewish coins? If you want an anonymous coin that's not kiked go with pivx or Monero.

ZCash is definitely not the only kiked coin.

Well, if the kikes are backing Zcash, shouldn't anons hop on the train early so we can cash in on it too? I was thinking of doing that then bailing to Monero. At least that's what I'm planning to do with ETH once it hits $500 a coin, if it ever does.

nvm, I didn't know Zcash was $100 a coin.

where would you recommend buying these?

I'm also new to this but exchanging usd for btc on coinbase and then sending it to poloniex seems like the way to go.

Let an Auzzie explain.

We are sitting on the precipice of complete and utter social collapse as our entire wealth is backed by government policy (read: Jewish Tricks) and self-delusion. Not to mention the artificial demand created for the US dollar, through the country's overdependence on foreign oil, which the US gets by trading weapons to the middle-east as part of an ongoing scheme to perpetuate armed conflicts abroad.


Mang you're being retarded. The value in them being created at a large cost of energy and time isn't that the energy and time invested somehow are stored in the coin, it's that the coin cannot be devalued through inflation near so readily as fiat. This protection against inflation, I think, is what people call the intrinsic value of cryptocurrency.
