Do black people watch crap like this because they feel they somehow owe something to their skin color?

Do black people watch crap like this because they feel they somehow owe something to their skin color?

Do white people watch crap like this because they feel they somehow owe something to their skin color?

No, I actually hated Robin Williams and always thought he was fucking irritating and painfully unfunny. In fact he has some interesting similarities with Tyler Perry.

They sure made a lot of these movies.

Yes they do.

Blacks are very tribalistic and hate anyone breaking from their culture.

Holla Forums BTFO

There are 10 times as many Madea movies.

Robin Williams is a self-described "honorary jew" and Harvey Fierstein is an actual jew.


why do you even bother posting

But have you ever seen a Madea movie?


I tried watching Family Reunion one time and felt like killing myself about 20 minutes.

Actually, no. These so-called "crap" is specifically catered to niggers' with the mean IQ of niggers. Niggers aren't really people btw

What is it with niggers crossdressing as fat sheboons?

This. Literally the only Robin Williams movie I've seen where he isn't insufferable is Jumanji.

Robin Williams was an unfunny hack in his movies, his standup is all right who relied on "LEL SO RANDUMB" humor, shouting, and making funny faces.
The only difference between him and Tyler Perry is that Perry injects nog humor.

Because without the huge ass, tits, and hair, you can hardly distinguish the average negress from a nigger.
See: most of Africa.

Didn't he cross dress in the Nutty Professor remake too?

I can tell that you've never actually watched any of the Madea movies since this is such a stupid comparison that it's embarrassing. Mrs. Doubtfire (which is definitely shit) wasn't explicitly banking off of white tropes whereas the Madea movies try to point out every two minutes: "WE'RE BLACK, YOU DO THIS SCENE BECAUSE BLACK PEOPLE ARE LIKE THIS, DO YOU GET IT? HAHA BLACK. I'M GONNA GET MUH SWITCH NOW N' GIVE YOU'S A WHOOPIN', BOY, HAHA BECAUSE BLACK FOLK BE LIKE THIS YA HURRRRRR MEH".

Seriously, if Tyler Perry was a white guy and tried to make these movies he'd be labelled a pariah. It's not even that I'm even offended by it on that level but I am offended on how hacky it is.

While I don't know a whole lot of black people where I live, I can honestly say I've never met anyone who actually sees these movies. Do they exist? Are we sure these aren't just large tax write-offs a la Uwe Boll?

But that's not even a black thing, that's a Southern thing.

Black people love them. This is like their Godfather.

A bunch of shit movies that critics with dicks in their mouths can't stop hyping up to feel intellectual?

It was a simple analogy about how the movies are beheld by the public. Why are you trying to derail the thread into your retarded ‘edgy’ opinion of the godfather?

Like Rick and Morty?

I'm white and I legitimately enjoy Norbit. Never seen Madea but it looks pretty funny.

Actually the whitey analog of these movies are probably Adam Sandler films.

Yep and in the sequel.

Its one of those films I like but everyone else hates.

You mean jewish analogs.