Alliance with the Left: A Business Proposition

So Holla Forums, it has come to my attention that the days of the "feminist" and the "social justice warrior" are slowly coming to a close. They are being replaced by more hardcore leftists, as in Antifa (anarcho-communist type), as in Marxist socialists (revolutionaries), and as in full blown communists (leftypol). Now, this means many things for us. For one, we can no longer count on the left to be complacent and as defenseless as they have in the past. We also will not be able to argue, debate, and poke holes in their arguments anymore, because they either have no arguments, or are (mostly) unwilling to debate. Of course, this leaves us wondering what we will do with them, we can't debate them, we can't just sit around and watch them destroy themselves either like we did with the SJW movement. And physically fighting them will accomplish nothing. They seem to have no leader or authoritative figure for their ideology, meaning no one we can attack and bring down. One of the only options that we have left, because of this, is to find unity in shared beliefs, and to co-opt the movement from there. I believe the easiest and perhaps the only way we can win against the globalists, is to unite with the left. Now, this may sound implausible or self-defeating, but hear me out.

This is a major thing, and something that we haven't REALLY had with any other group for a while now. The new brand (i should really be saying "revived brand" – occupy wall street) of leftist we are seeing today is anti-authority, anti-establishment, anti-corruption (so they say anyway) and above all they are anti-elite. These are all things that we share, and there are a number of other things too, such as (assuming we are mostly national socialist here) some aspects of leftist economic policy.

Not only can we already find some unity in beliefs, but we can also introduce new ideas that should affirm and align with their type of beliefs too, for example, the Federal Reserve and currency manipulation, big banks and multinational corporations, as well as globalism and power centralization. In addition, seeing as Trump is now verging on globalism, we can use these points that are bad about Trump and hammer them home that for example attacking Syria is bad, supporting Israel is bad; equal to American imperialism etc. This is in fact a great opportunity to redpill the left on issues such as this. the pendulum swings and we have to take advantage of it, we must strike when the time is right.

After the 2016 election, think about what happened. We have a bunch of Bernie supporters who are pissed at the political system, a lot of these people are probably even more so anti-authority, anti-establishment and anti-banks, now that trump is in power. We also have numerous Hillary supporters, who now, after seeing Hillary's defeat are turning to more "radical" solutions, ie Antifa. The elite of America really do want a divided America, the biggest thing they fear is when the people unite against them. As long as they keep us struggling against each other (see Berkeley) we will never get real problems solved. The only thing struggling against them will do is cause our own stagnation, devoting energy to fighting against the new left will only result in loss of morale.

Other urls found in this thread:


There are of course some downsides too however, for example, they will not be receptive to teaching them about racial differences and other social issues. You can't always get everything you want, sometimes we just need to suspend a battle on one front to take up arms in another one. Something I have noticed is the rise in "straight edge" (ie no drugs, no alcohol. see ironpill) socialist/communists, whether this translates into actual politically fascist ideology though is a different question. But in the end, even if we can't redpill them on the social side of politics, it is preferable to have a half-ally over an enemy.

NOTE: As for something to potentially introduce right-wing social politics to the left, I have been seeing this new "NazBol" meme posted around quite a bit recently, and I think this is an important opportunity to introduce social nationalism to the left wing. We could potentially join their groups, and introduce these "NazBol" ideas to them, it would have to be VERY subtle, however, keep them thinking it's only another friend on the economic left, and occasionally drop things like Jewish control over banking, media, the "elites". I could not imagine the typical Antifa member cares about crime statistics or drug statistics or anything like that. Finally I must stress that we keep it FRIENDLY, we need to keep relations with the far-left block good, fighting them accomplishes NOTHING but dividing the people. Sure, Antifa is mostly full of fags but they can be OUR fags, we just have to play our cards right.

With Trump falling out of favor, we could certainly use something to make up for it. What Holla Forums was about before the election is pouring our efforts into supporting/debating/communicating with each other on IDEAS, not doing the same with people or figureheads. With the elections gone, a lot of us seem to be divided between supporting Trump, supporting Bannon, in general supporting PEOPLE, and the ones who have switched back to supporting only the idea. There are both good and bad things that may come out of this, supporting a person seems have caused a greater effect on the public, we have actually caused social change in the world, but that being said, this board seems to be much better quality—in discussion, in thinking and in uncovering the truth—when we discuss our ideas. But perhaps we only had the perceived benefit of supporting a person because of the great influx of users and enthusiasm that came with the 2016 presidential election. However, all this aside, we have a lot to gain from spreading anti-globalist anti-elite ideas to the new leftist movement. If we can successfully reach the new left you can bet that we will have vastly more (at least economically) political power.

You may be thinking that this is not possible, maybe you think "Antifa don't REALLY believe what they say, they're just in it for the goonery." But what I say to that is, think about what has made these people act or think that way in the first place? If they don't put any thought into what they believe now, what makes you think it will take much thought to change them? We have seen how movements can very easily be co-opted, with the Occupy Wall Street turning into feminist and the SJW movement we saw in the 2012-2016 era, we also may be potentially seeing the co-opting of the Trump movement into supporting globalism and American imperialism(however i hope not). The new far-left movement could be co-opted just as easily. The fallout from Trump winning has turned many liberals into being anti-authority and anti-establishment already, all they need is a push in the right direction. Either way, we are likely going to be on the winning side in an intellectual debate AND in terms of co-opting the movement. This is probably going to be our last opportunity for quite a while to get swaths of lefties against the international bankers and globalists, so we have to grab it.

So after taking into consideration all of this, we need to figure out a possible plan or system to slowly spread this to the left. I have drawn up a rough plan for the mode of attack that would seem to be the simplest, most effective and most viable. While this may not be the perfect plan, it is open to refining and new ideas. The plan so far would be this:

The overton window has shifted and will continue to shift.

Nice post.

Hitler himself said that it was easier to convert a communist than a conservative, so it could work. We'd have to approach it extremely carefully, though.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo. Commies are even dumber and less attractive to normies than SJWs were.

Yeah I would agree with this. I think they have shown themselves up for what they really are by their use of violence in the streets. Just let them destroy themselves and the national socialists ideology will come to the fore


Reasoning with communists is impossible and pointless. The views of these people are so self-contradictory that it's impossible to try to use logic on them.

pic-related is an example of what I mean. On their antifa reddit, some lolbertarian homosexual actually made a fairly long appeal to reason, explaining to the commies that their actions are just pushing people away, and that this rise of "fascism" is only taking place because people like themselves are demonizing white men so much. Fairly good post, but the commies just completely dismiss it wholesale without even bothering to address any of it. These people can't be reasoned with.

The ONLY tactic I can think of that might work is if you continue pushing the fact that the vast majority of the "capitalist porkies" they hate so much are overwhelmingly jewish. They'll complain about the 1% and the big banks and the corporations, but they either don't or won't recognize that these are all jewish institutions. Present it as "want your socialist utopia? Fine, first you gotta kill the jews"

Too bad you intentionally left out the most important part, an analysis of the potential aftermath. Alone they will get shut down and have more rights taken away from the people, and the alternatives require some separation from these people in the end.

Antifa isn't the new left. They've been around since the 1930's as communism's response to the NSDAP coming into power. All groups since then are off shoots of the original and have been quite active to varying degrees.

Read up on Italian Futurism.

Futurists were anarchists and actually teamed up with fascists for fascio or futur-fascisti.

Do a quick google search for 'Battle of Via Mercanti' where they combined forces and sacked a newspaper's offices.

Imagine if instead of protesting, doxxing and bloackading each other we went and occupied a newspaper's offices like the NYT say? you know like how they shut down Trump's rallies, airports, roads etc for BLM.

I can't be the only one who thinks marx looks like a penis on that cover. sage for shitpost, i just couldn't resist

I don't think we need to reason / convert / coop / subvert anything.

What would be hugely beneficial to both of us is if we could agree on some common enemies, imagine if we worked with the antifa types who go and shut down events to go and shut down the NYT or something?

Imagine if a mix of fascists/anarchists/commies & environmentalists went and blockaded the printing presses of a newspaper?

If we could blockade the gate to a printing press a newspaper could lose over $1 million.

The reason I add environmentalists is that newspaper production & distribution uses a shit ton of paper, electricity and fuel to deliver it all.

I can confirm based on my experience redpilling in the trenches on plebbit that the "decentralization" meme is potent on leftists. Lots of potential there.

Bitcoin also has great subversive potential, because it is attractive to leftists as a decentralized alternative to the “oppressive" while subtly red-pilling them on the failures of central planning.

I think Machiavellian OP may be on to something here.

under the term "the new left" i am just including the recent spike in antifa's notability. Regardless, you are just arguing semantics.

I never said we reason with them, i said we subvert them in a similar fashion to the KGB. promote an ideal, capitalize on a fear or perceived threat. I agree pushing the idea of jews in the 1% would work but if you arent subtle enough you will be removed and stripped of social capital because "racist bigot!"

Why ancaps like pinochet alludes me. for a man chosen by the CIA to perform a regime change in chile he sure seems to be loved by the anti-state bunch.

good point actually, time will tell however.

i left out many things, maybe i have not put enough thought into the long term effects but what are your concerns? i can't see many downsides, compared with just doing nothing. not sure what you are trying to say with your second sentence.
I will consider the long term effects tomorrow, maybe right a paragraph on my thoughts.

this is right, finding common enemies would be a big part of the whole "coalition"
i like this idea.

Okay everyone i am signing out for tonight. Will check back in the morning to answer more questions.

And how years was that ago? And much less brainwashing took place? Come on, the commies of today need to be fucking killed.

how many*


Agreed. I don't think there's any saving/converting these people.

When Hitler said that, what he was saying is that there are people who are passionate about politics (whether left-wing or right-wing) and there are normalfag sheep who just go with the flow and are mostly apolitical. What he meant is that it's easier to convert the people who are already passionate about politics. They already care; you just need to make an argument. Much easier than dealing with people who simply don't give a fuck.

But that was a long time ago, long before we were indoctrinated for generations from day 1 at birth. Back in hitler's day, it was probably easier to convert a leftist because ideas like nationalism, love for your own race, racism, antisemitism, etc weren't completely untenable ideas like they are today. They were things that most people felt regardless. But nowadays, the indoctrination of these people is too thick. It's like a thick buildup of cosmoline that prevents anything from getting through.

First of all I appreciate the effortposting (your id changed by the way).
My main concerns are that if they would swallow the truth and escalate things against more important things then Starbucks stores, the people giving them money finally have their reason to push towards a police state. I do not remember the source, but is that not the whole point of these useful idiots to give an excuse for this? And would that outcome be an obstacle for us, making the whole idea counterproductive?

The second sentence were shit but the first part touch on what I just described. The second part is the consideration that if they were to go all out and actually try to remove the elite, what is the appropriate response? Not helping would make them fail as they are unorganized and few, helping them is risky as they still hate you to the core. And if convincing them takes place over a longer period of time (>unite the people), are you all going to hold hands and sing kumbaya afterwards?

So whatever the way forward is, this is a trigger I don't want them to have.

Look to GamerGate for a microcosm of what you are recommending, OP. If Reddit can be seen as the left (complete with cancerous pockets of extremists and radicals), then Holla Forums would be the right. Moot royally fucked us over and censorious kikes riled both sides up by shitting the bed by attempting to control the free exchange of ideas and discourse.

The place where GG fucked up royally was allowing Reddit to set the pace, because what they truly wanted was a treaty with the Feminists, the SJWs, the Corrupt Journos, and so on. They believed that enough well reasoned arguments would simply guide everyone from their side back onto the right path. From there, they would go back to being a monolithic roadblock for the right so they can pursue their ill-conceived utopian world where white people are browbeaten the exact right amount to make all brown people feel sated and finally erase all racial tensions.

The reason The Left and The Right teamed up with GamerGate was because the Left wanted to absolve it's guilty conscience. They'd known for their entire lives that their side of the political divide was full of corrupt, seedy, greedy, opportunistic, dishonest, rotten degenerate scum. However, they were so invested in winning the fight that they never stopped to consider if they should win and what that really really would mean. Instead, they believed that achieving a nebulous victory would give them the breathing room to eventually turn their sights inward to ease things up.

Meanwhile, the Right wanted to finally punish the Left for it's sins. GamerGate was nothing new. It was just the last straw, another instance in centuries of corruption, collusion, cronyism, deception, manipulation, and so on. Those within Reddit that helped GG thought they were still part of the Good Guys and that Holla Forums/The Right's willingness to help them was a sign that they really were the Good Guys in this conflict, out to punish a perceived minority. They never truly understood that it wasn't just a few bad apples spoiling the Lefty Bunch.. It was the whole damned bunch. It was the Tree, the Orchard, the land they had cultivated itself that was blighted.

The left is the side that harbors and shields degenerates and when they are finally faced with the problems that have been stewing on their side for decades, they simply brush it off. "Not All Feminists are like that!" they chant over and over. Replace feminists with all of their other pet voting blocks. Not all Muslims. Not all faggots. Not all pedophiles. Not all journalists.

Teaming with the left is a boon for them, because it allows them to pad the blow to their egos and further ignore the problems of their ideology. I do not think it can work unless we're looking at brutally redpilling every last one of them, and exiling all the ones who refuse to wake up and realize that the problems we now face because of their overzealous dedication to upholding moronic ideals will destroy us all and lead our species to ruin if not corrected.

And what's worse is that I believe this may not merely be a problem of ideas. Given the eerily common shared features and lifestyles of these people, there exists a chance that the cancer these people have become is something that lurks in their blood. Something that they cannot outgrow because it is a biological fact of their being.

Take it as you will but physical removal of the males and subjugation of the females is the only viable option that you have to deal with commies efficiently while preserving as much of the white gene pool as you can and save genes that would probably go to waste. It's ecofriendly, or genofriendly in this case. Genofriendly solutions. I know it sounds kinda LARPY, extreme, violent , but it's gonna be a last resort that for now we don't have to use yet, but if this situation persists and multiplies up to 10 years at much from now such solutions are gonna be the only viable ones to preserve our race at least at places like America and the UK. So if , i say if, someone wanted to apply this to greater effect all you would have to do is first plunge the world into darkness, which would give you in theory enough of a shade to organize in the suburbs of your target city. This whole thing in order to succeed would require a highly coordinated highly trained and highly effective organization of remorseless fearless and nameless people. These people are to not seek fame or glory , these people are to live as ghosts. There to burn down every jew and lynch every nigger. There to hunt commies and give em what they deserve.
As far as i am concerned these commies are no longer white to me. The commies cannot be reasoned with either. They are traitors, traitors of their own blood, traitors of their own people, and for that their punishment is death or worse and hopefully i am there to burn them to crisp and purge them from this world like the filth they are with a cleansing flame or give em a much worse punishment than death if the necessity of my above comments is found as a sad reality. Noone should want to do any of this and such options should be brought out only as complete necessities and nothing else. Nothing more than what's necessary, that goes without saying i hope.

this is because Antifa is controlled opposition, just like the SJW movement, BLM, feminism and etc.

the alt-right is also controlled opposition. you're being pit against other members of your society due to conflicting political ideologies, neither of which will actually come out on top as the new American ideology. instead, both systems will be BTFO by the Jew because many of us were too naive to see his trickery.

Kill your self OP.

the left that is funded and directed BY the globalists?
are you actually THAT retarded?
sage because this is the stupidest shit I ever heard

Commies are honorary jews.

Controlling and subverting the enemy is great and all, but do you really think letter agencies aren't already expecting that?
Also, reminder that they are also part cult-esque when it comes to convincing retards of their beleifs and will use subversive tactics and newspeak, they will convert you like we did if you're not careful. Yes, we are a form of decentralised cult.

We're not immune to the wedge driving DnC, several times you can see that in recent Holla Forums history even if the DnC seemed well deserved at the time.

My point is just to be careful, I don't want an SA like political system all over Europe and America.


Fuck that noise. Keep rolling over them and keep ridiculing them. Once the media turns enough, they'll all follow. They're sheep.

An actual communist, yes.
Someone who uses communism as a mask so they can kill whites, no.

The kikes next plan will be weather underground bombings and other shit like that. If we redpill a few commies we'd have men on the inside.

Fuck off you commie kike, NO CAPITULATION!
If anything, we encourage the commies to out themselves, so that we can round them up into FEMA camps, as per the Communist Control act of 1954!

Damn right… That was my initial thought and I stifled my laughter to make a post, then I saw your's and out came the lulz. Then my wife was curious and I showed her, and she exclaimed "Butt plug"…. to which I said "Karl Marx butt plug. Now people can learn what it's like to be fucked by communism" and now she's considering designing these… and of course we'd need them for other abhorrent ideologies. Truly a waste of effort, but we could funnel the proceeds into the next Reich. Lefties do love their buttplugs. Also, image was a bank apparently, hence the peehole really being a coin slot.
Sage for shitpost.

we already have men on the inside lol. they are completely infiltrated.

ANTIFA was created by Jews and Zionists.
ANTIFA is still controlled by Jews.

The Alt-Right was created by Jews and Zionists.
The Alt-Right is still controlled by Jews.

No matter who you're fighting for, you're fighting for Israel.

The answer is education, not mindless barbarism.


If the left starts going after the jews, who make up large portions of elites and satanic worshippers…. Then let's just say if they happen to remove kike, I won't demonize them or the action.

But let's be honest. They really just want corrupt political power and wealth for themselves and won't do anything so altruistic. They historically are the most conniving and hateful fuckers. They are full of shit, hypocritical, and do nothing but double think to excuse their bullshit world view.

Okay OP here i'm back to answer questions.

Antifa is a false opposition to distract from the real enemy. You are a fool if you think communists are the final boss. Communism is and always has been a false opposition, since the soviet union.

only the dumbest of leftists voted for Hillary believing she would root out corruption. even lefties can see flaws in their candidates.

there is no conversion that needs to be made, we merely need to emphasize these three main points, decentralization, stopping american imperialism and stopping the big banks, which are already part of the leftist gestalt.

why specifically would this be the case? the leftist activists (ie antifa) are trying to stir trouble, it would merely be that escalation that gives reason for a police state, not who their efforts are aimed against.
Also, with your second part, i think i get what you are saying, and maybe that was a mistake i made, perhaps i was thinking of this as an end in itself, not a means to an end.
Although, the way i see it, we really have nothing to lose by redpilling the left, so we should just cross any bridges when we come to them.

Good post, i've never really fully understood GG but this explains it well. The way I see it, leftists like to believe they are on the heroic and rightful side. They want to believe they are on the right side of history so much that they dont perform any introspection.
I think this is what you are saying, and i understand this part, but the difference between this and GamerGate would be that we are not "helping" the left in that sense, we are "guiding" them to put it in friendly terms.
We tell them that it is heroic and just to fight against globalist corruption, and they will do it. its the method we get them to think that which is the hard part.

theres no reason we can't subvert or co-opt their movement while also diminishing its power. Also condoning that kind of violence/genocide of leftists will get you nowhere, in fact i hope you are CIA posting not a real Holla Forumsack.

let me rephrase as to not trigger you.
"let's subvert the communists."

see pic related and fix up your arguments.

What could they really do, that we cant?
in this case we attack top down. These ideas we will introduce should not be hard for them to accept, all we have to do is keep it friendly, keep to the rules of leftism, don't go screeching about the jews and it should be easy to get them to comply with these beliefs.

what are you implying, user

We are neither, but when it comes to these kinds of groups, education or debate simply does not get through to them. We need to start inside out.

I understand this, but they lack understanding of power in such a way that they wouldn't be able to hold it for long. And thats if they DO manage to gain power, which would be unlikely as they will shrivel up and die without their support from behind the curtain.

The idea is to remodel a movement about identity politics to a movement against corruption.


Sure we can, they're bound to be grossly incompetent.

Either way, if action is needed, you go for the leaders, or the ones paying the bills. Every man has his price, and you'd be surprised how quickly these mercenary "revolutionaries" value a paycheck over their moral high ground


The only reason you want an alliance with the enemy is because you are one. You're scared of WN because you're a spic/hapa.

now get out

This thread is pure cancer. Kill yourself OP.

fuck off leftykike


Everything you wrote about "We have shared beliefs" is wrong, they are everything they pretend to be against.

No, you dont need to save a commie, you need to utilise them, like a tool, thats what they have become. Its how they function, its how they live.

Except for the tiny fact that my entire political philosophy is centered on my race, culture, family, and community and theirs is an explicit denial and erasure of my race and culture.

This like the 5th thread ive seen in a couple of days trying to get Holla Forums to go back to the circa 2012 "lets try to reason with leftist filth so that we can work together toward a common goal".

No if they want to come get red pilled we will welcome them with open arms but NO FUCKING CAPITULATION. CAPITULATION ONLY RESULTS IN DEFEAT.

You'd need infiltration into synagouges. What synagouges do to steer social issues, they specifically meet to do just this. Its not a conspiracy, they openly operate this way.

Cohenicidently they are also some of the most difficult places to infiltrate. Outside of splinter cell style hidden cameras and microphones I'd be surprised if we could get a single goy infiltrated into their shit, let alone more than one.

tfw sister bought me one of these as a joke knowing my economic views.
tfw havent opened it, its just sitting next to my computer

Incorrect and incorrect.

If Pinochet was Jesus, He'd have those cool helicopters that can land on water.

I'm sure the left and the right has shared beliefs. I could never ally with the left though.

First of all they are anti white, anti male and anti western. Doesn't that seal the deal?

If they could replace the population of western countries with Muslims tomorrow I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

I think this is the end goal. Reduce the western population and bring in third world worlders to replace us. What their end game is no one knows. Do they think they can argue with an agressive, patriarchal, expansionist and authoritarian belief system like Islam when the influence of white males is diminished enough?

As for fighting them, I think they are damaging themselves more than they're helping themselves.

Normies don't like violence. They don't like radicalism like transgender bathrooms. The tranny thing is an important reason why Trump won.

At this point in the game I think we should still resist globalism, but the left owns the narrative and they de facto controls what's happening on the ground. Migrants are pouring in.

Sooner or later there will be a backlash when the lefts fairytale breaks into a thousand pieces.

There's a fight ahead and we should prepare for that.

The right will gain legitimacy when blood is pouring into the streets of Paris, Berlin, London and Stockholm.


back again, this is all so tiring.


nope, pure northwest german haplogroup here. :-^)

even if this was correct, it wouldnt matter. The people you say who are everything they pretend to be against, i assume you mean antifa by that, they may well be everything they pretend to be against, but you see it doesnt matter to them. They believe they believe something and that's good enough for them.

is that not when occupy wall street was happening? in that case they were already working towards a common goal, they were anti-bank. the whole movement died because it was subverted, dont think we cant kill antifa by subversion too. See pic
you are very stupid

this is correct, everyone in this thread needs to understand this to properly recognize where i'm coming from.
everyone watch before making a post ^^^^

Feed them red pills, so they understand what they are. The ones that can't be helped, that are so lost, make salmon pellets!
He was first, actually a communist, remember that

Hi goon.

Oh I know who it is now.

it was in its death throes if it still existed by then.

yes they were.. the first 3 weeks of it were pretty based but it started off as a quasi-libertarian movement, not a leftist movement.

it was then subverted BY FUCKING ANTIFA AND BLAC BLOC


I used to go on leddit, got redpilled through gamergate.

t. Goonkike freechbot

good to see youve got the social aspects of your political philosophy down, but we are mostly talking about the economic aspects here, and we are talking about DIMINISHING the anti-white aspects.

the only way they will destroy themselves is if they get enough publicity for the riots and its revealed how stupid it all is by the media, and while this is possible, they are not simply destroying themselves by alienating all men/whites/normal people. You see, the SJW left PUBLICIZED their stupidity, i would like to find examples of the new left doing the same.
care to explain how physically fighting them will benefit us? because the way i see it, it would only cause mutual destruction.
However, maybe that will be okay, because it would only be your type, the "alt-right memester" type, with the kekistan flag that screams "based stick man" at crowds, who will be destroyed.

first of all, we do not ally with the ideas of "anti white, anti male and anti western"
we ally with the ideas of "anti establishment, anti corruption, anti bank, decentralization"
We do not support their shitty ideas, we support their good ideas, and we diminish their shitty ideas. See
Although you bring up a good point, would it be better to keep them up with their shitty ideas until when it finally shatters, there will be a long long way to fall. Although that's being hopeful, i think by the time the general public realizes how shit the identity politics of the left are, it will be too late.

hello Not FBI

regardless of whether or not it was a left-wing movement (it was) the ideas around occupy wall st appealed (and still do appeal) to the left.
the first organization to start it was Adbusters which is actually a good example (not perfect, though) of what type of leftism i talk about here, which the idea is to subvert the current left into.
We need to stop fighting as fascists vs antifascists, and redefine the word fascist into corporate globalism, american imperialism, power centralization etc etc.So that maybe we can return to that quasi-libertarian left that we used to have.

You weak minded nigger. When you refer to physical violence, you immediately think of memes and envision that lolberg racemixing traitorous cunt? That speaks volumes. Type out more verbose horseshit if it makes you feel better. Your philosophy is dog shit my man.

whoops, mustve hit a nerve there.
and i have no clue what "lolberg racemixing traitorous cunt" you are talking about, must be one of your e-celebs im guessing?
anyway, sorry about giving you a bad day, we're all just having fun here.

Destroy the demonic idol, user.

Violent left is the best left. Antifa routinely shows how cuckolded and weak rightists really are. I'm glad they're out there beating alt-rightards up. If I knew about them sooner I would have been an anarchist from the start.

OP, I just wanted to say that this IS a good idea on paper, and I was going to write something a lot like this, but about stealing Jewish tactics in order to subvert and redirect the Left towards at least the middle, if nothing else, and also utilize this tactic for infomining.

However, as many have already said, user, you CAN'T subvert the AnComs. They're actually, literally, deranged lunatics who do not respond to any reason, logic, argumentation, or persuasion. They fetishize Communism. It is their religion, their identity, the very air that they breathe. They are drones, and they do not THINK at all about their beliefs, much less, challenge them. I know people who have joined AntiFa. They're the misfit kids you knew in high school, who, after being subject to years of shitty parenting and ridicule by their peers, think that fighting the power is a cool thing, but don't understand what it means to do so. Psychologically speaking, they NEED AntiFa. It's their emotional crutch.

They wear the Hammer and Sickle as a fashion. To merely ask them what they believe in, and why, is an order far too tall for them. They don't ever reach that point.

So basically, OP. Your plan WILL work on moderates. I've been doing what you want us to do, for years. It WILL NOT work on the AnComs, though. They're useful idiots who are actually dumber than SJWs, because, at least, the SJWs know what they stand for.

At the end of the day, you can't reason someone out of a problem that they never reasoned themselves into. Godspeed.

That's where you're wrong kiddo. There will be no compromise, no alliance and your feeble attempts at subversion will fail. All those who've been infected with the kike leftist ideas designed to destroy our civilization will either be forcefully reeducated or in the extreme cases of antifa and Holla Forums, purged. Their poisonous literature and memes will have to be burned along with them. History proves that physical removal works, the only adjustment we'll have to do is immediately purge the kikes and their more insidious golems straight away to make sure that they'll never become a threat again.

We've waited for almost one hundred years for our vengeance, some of us have died before their chance to see the leftist kikes crushed, we're not about give up our dreams and principles for some retarded alliance with the enemy.

so much autism in this post.
go LARP elsewhere please, real solutions only

what quality of AnCom/antifa appeals to those type of people though? why do they specifically fetishize communism?
If we identify this specific characteristic of AnCom/Antifa then we can use it and engineer something that can be used to change their group mentality.
Deranged lunatics aren't ancom by default, they must have learnt it SOMEWHERE. We learn where they learnt it and we have cracked the code.
I have been meaning to read some books by Edward Bernays to get a sort of understanding of why antifa is how it is, in terms of psychology. All Holla Forumsacks should read at least some edward bernays too.
Regardless though, antifa is a relatively small dot on the leftist map, so it's not a huge thing.


They are anti-property and anti-hierarchy, two things fundamental to European culture. Furthermore, economics is a cultural issue more than anything. There is zero common ground with their. Their economic philosophy was penned by a jew for the sole purpose of controlling the goy. You don't belong here.

dont even remember posting this
test post please ignore

As far as i have seen, the people that actually believe that only make up a small minority. If by anti-hierarchy you mean anti-elite, and you think that's a bad thing, i don't know what to do with you (btw feudalism ended a thousand years ago). If you are talking about anti-hierarchy in the social sense, then that's a social aspect not an economic philosophy.
As for them being anti-property, sure a majority of them may hold this only view very slightly in one way or another, such as in anti-consumerist or anti-materialist views, but i think you would have a hard time finding people who actually espouse the abolition of property.
And regardless, any bad things about their philosophy we can change, thats the whole idea, to CHANGE their views into something similar, but much more tolerable. Would you rather be fighting with someone who is blatantly anti-white, right now, or control by subversion so they can in fact help us?
if you havent actually read my first post then please don't post retarded replies.

You have no idea what you're talking about, what leftism is, and you should probably read a book. The left is antithetical to everything we stand for both economically and socially. Read Mein Kampf.


I came here to say this

We'd be much higher without niggers.

and you are getting mad at me for wanting to make the left less like the left?
explain to me how promoting anti-globalism, anti-bank and decentralization as an ideal in the left is a bad thing. whining about the left without proposing any possible solutions will get you nowhere.

see pic, frankfurt school leftism is what I think you are complaining about. this thread isnt about supporting frankfurt school leftism its about diminishing it and replacing it.

I've been redpilling lefties and commies about the true evil within (((CAPITALISM))). Even when they whine about us being paranoid about the jews it's too late, the truth has been exposed to them, no amount of mental gymnastics are enough to deny the facts.

lmao why?

Die in a fire you degenerate pinko kike scum.

There it is. You're a goon. Should have figured. Fucking kill yourself you cunt.

i figure that title will trigger all those who shouldnt care to read it anyway.

that insult sounds like something you got from a "roll for your jewish name" thread, but with insults.

im not a goon! i promise.
you're a goon.

I can answer that, because of the imagery and the thrill of destruction and because of inculcation of communism as the only allowable way to rebel in schools. Nazis are bad but che shirts are allowed!

cool story bro



Just keep reminding them about how cunton fucked up "their election" and they'll do what you want (attack the 'porkies') for you.
Marxsocks and commies do at least have one thing in common: shared enemies. So work on that. Do a bunch of foreign policy reading and "spookdiving" and then you'll be able to come at them from angles they give a shit about.
comrade sanders has actually made a lot of this easy for us already.
h-h-heil bernie?

don't make the mistake of thinking some random tranny is malleable. Che hated the shit out of blacks for being completely useless while he tried to help them.
There's two particular lefties you're looking for, muh pallies zionist haters (Columbia U n shit, will typically mention "Rachel Corrie" when talking about positive US involvement there), and bleeding hearts (usually hippies) that have already been burned trying to help the nogs or lazy mexicans. If you don't mind working with smelly swarthy types, you could also look up COPINH or URNG (Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca) to tag some faux civ-nat cred and pull a couple cuckservatives in.
Basically any south american commie will be your pal as soon as you reach the part about explaining how WN is against the CIA. It will take a bit longer to get them on the Israel bit unless they're Hondurans though (Jaime (((Rosenthal))))
We have the advantage of seeing the entire and whole geopolitical picture while they are only concerned with "CIA and (((US interests))) keep fucking up my country which they have recently found niggers and white dhimmicrat normies will ignore.
We can really only tell the mexishits to 'go back'
It doesn't work on the others cuz they're genuinely confused and blame "we" white americans and "our" businesses.
The information they have received goes a little something like
they've not yet learned to separate us, so it looks like an abusive gaslighting relationship.
I got about 20ish triggered enough to let their power level slip IRL or on goybook and start yelling to dems "You, YOU DID THIS TO US!"

you just saw the Vicepost too, eh? ahahah

>that ID

this is pretty much spot on

This is great suggestion. I support it whole-heartedly. If the attention of the left is shifted from racial/SJW bullshit issues to (((imperialism))) and (((globalism))), we'll keep drifting closer to each other. If they come THAT far, maybe eventually we can even teach them about niggers being tools of the (((elite))), islam being the sword of the (((elite))), etc.

This isnt gonna work out they are to stupid to make an alliance.

They are domestic/commie/bolshevik terrorists.

And physically fighting them will accomplish nothing.

Way to beg the question, they're faggot cowards and it doesn't take much to reveal that fact. Fuck them, they'll all die.

Except for the part where as soon as they can't mob and outnumber the right they run away and get the shit beaten out of them.

Why? Because he murdered commie pieces of shit, because that matters more than anything else.

They also tell me were the same species, but I remain unconvinced. You're losing the war with yourself. The only inch of help I'm going to give the left is a .556.

kill yourself my man

That doesn't mean commies don't need to be taken care of.


Ive been going for broke correcting everyone who calls them 'the real fascists' on goybook by explain what bolshevism is and how what they are doing in Europe and now America is a mirror image of what was done in Russia during their commie revolution




not an alliance per se but we will become the "controlling party" in a "union."

oh no, ive been exposed, and ive triggered the /jp/fag.

yes we need to diminish most of all their identity politics, so remove all the anti-fascist anti-nazi etc rhetoric

in what way is that begging the question? Physically fighting them WILL accomplish nothing, tell me what will happen if we go all out gas chambers on them? how will the general public react? i can tell you right now, they will all be going "wtf im a democrat now" Bad and irrational idea.

If killing individual communists matters more than anything else then you have fallen for the false opposition. Communists, while still a minor potential threat, is not at all an immediate threat. Focus on what matters.
It can be quite literally classified as a propaganda campaign, don't fall for the artificial opposition or the artificial "enemy".
Let me give an example. Russia is being used as an artificial enemy to the US, while they don't really cause any problems for the general US, anti-russianism is being hyped up by the (((political establishment))) to give a seemingly obvious enemy. They do this to distract from what the real problem is.
You must understand what an artificial enemy is and how they are used. it's a big part of social engineering and propaganda especially in the US. — see books

wrong, we are talking about the general rise of further left people, not actual hard line marxist-leninist communists which are pretty much non-existent now.
if you want to argue that antifa is that, then be my guest, but they still do not make up even close to a majority of the left. and regardless it doesnt even matter considering the idea is to CHANGE the undesirable aspects. So at this point this is no better than arguing over semantics.

that's the best part about this plan, the commies (ie antifa) will be diminished in power in addition to subverting the left.


This is nothing new.
You really think you can fool everyone?

Death is too good for you. Remain anonymous.

OP if you start pushing this shit both sides will kick your shit in and that will be the only uniting factor we have.

We want more authority dedicated to a just cause.

dont try to play dumb and pretend you dont know what is meant by anti-authority. You (should) know full well that current authority is shit, don't try to say that current authority in the US is not completely fucked. All change requires opposition to authority, and you shouldnt be here if you haven't realized that yet.
And for future reference, don't try to speak for all NatSocs, you sound like a bitch.

you are a weasel

nah fuck right off you commie faggot.


Even Shareblue is putting out better work than this. Did the mods leave this up as some sort of parody?

not an argument

not an argument

regardless, not an argument

there seems to be a lot of ruffled feathers in this thread. but so far no one has invalidated this idea.
a lot of non-arguments and bullshit responses but nothing of substance to discredit the plan.
I started this thread for proper discussion is this all you have got?

Or maybe I have startled the Jew by suggesting a coalition against him.

fuck off alt-kike cuckchan cancer.

What prevents any sort of alliance with the left is precisely antifascism, which is a bourgeois ideology (pretending that bourgeois and proletarian interests are the same, to save capitalism), as explained by Bordiga, founder of the Italian communist party.
Anons should push Bordigism / Bordigist debate in the leftard circles to meme antifa to oblivion.

great way to try to dodge the fact that you made literally no argument

not really sure what you mean by "bourgeois ideology" but i will read up on Bordiga.
you sound like you are from Holla Forums, would that be accurate?

Oy vey you stupid racist bigots forget about race it's a spook we must unite with based antifa and based lefty/pol/ to stop the white male capitalist patriarchy errr I mean JEWS!!!

kek, does this nigger know what life in Zimbabwe is like? They don't even have a currency any more because it was worth less than toilet paper

Why is this thread not anchored? OP is a fucking GOON.

Pretty small and effective spy cams can had from ebay these days, user. You could try getting into one by claiming you want a safe space to put on your art-house play about the flourishing of transgender love during the holocaust. Being left alone long enough to set up a camera and microphone, and powering it for a week or more before retrieval, is another matter entirely.

Anyway, I suppose I might make an interesting case study. I used to be a proto-SJW, Antifa-backing member of the far left (I say "proto-SJW" because I left it in 2004, but my beliefs were essentially the same). I became a cuckservative for many years afterwards (inspired, of all things, by a UKIP video which I started watching "for a good laugh"). After a brief stint in classical Fascism, I became a sort of centre-right "extremes are dumb" libertarian, until I decided to have a quick look at that Holla Forums thing all the trendy kids are going on about.
But what caused me to leave the far left in 2004? Honestly, it was ridicule. Lurk normie-infested places with a reasonably normal looking profile, and simply tell them to "grow up" because their revolution is "just a dream". A LOT.

They are not effective communist, they are just anti-white.

They don't protest or carry actions against capitalism, they are the footsoldiers of Jews against white people. That is their primary goal and is literally all they do.

You could find a common ground with abstract commie. With them, it is not possible.

Nope, but I've been situationist before being nat-soc, and I always liked the taste of lefty quotes that destroy antifa, they make good redpills for normie fags (Pasolini being a good example)

A serious interpretation of Marx concepts leads to National-Socialism, or something very close. Here's why :
- lumpen-proletariat : immigrant thugs are the enemies of the proletariat
- oriental despotism : there is no revolution with shitskins who have been slaves since thousands of years. only europeans are a revolutionary people and that's why the kikes want to get rid of us
- jews are the capitalist class per excellence, the bourgeois is only a proto-kike or sub-kike goy - they must be gassed

You don't need to be marxist or even read that kike to reach these conclusions anyway, but this should always be thrown at the face of lefties.

Absolute strawman.
A good doctor treats the CAUSE of the symptoms too, not JUST the symptoms.

you are a goon. im not a goon.

interesting idea, although i think back then things were a lot less accommodating for the antifa-type left. I think they have grown enough in power that simple ridicule will do hardly anything. Worth a try either way though.

What you are describing is just Antifa, and to be honest i may have been too positive in my views of antifa, but the main target is the general left. There are many other leftists who with a little bit of prodding will start to adopt the views of anti-bank, anti-establishment, among other anti-globalist things. We need to make sure these remain NON-CONTROVERSIAL. if it becomes controversial to question big banks or the political establishment then we will have a much harder time in the future convincing leftists.

He was a jew but he said some pretty redpilling things. what if we promote Marx among the normies? they won't bother to read into him much but he is still pretty uncontroversial. while promoting marx will promote socialist/communist/marxist sentiment it may also focus the issues into being more economics related rather than identity politics, and in the future we can use quotes of his to turn the tide on social related issues like immigrants and jews.
Also another interesting idea, what if we make Marx the new icon of the far right? (in a "rainbow flag" "okay symbol" "glass of milk" kind of way)

just like Orwell, Marx is no commie scum, just a guy who wrote some stuff. With the right quotes you can easily turn him into literally Hitler without altering his thought.

what the fuck my ID changed again

Marx was a Jew who hung out with other powerful Jewish interests, specifically the Rothschilds.


i can imagine that, to me, though, its unclear what that might mean in terms of his philosophy.
still, if you have some sources i would like to read up on marx, i havent yet decided whether or not he was actually a bad guy.

damn good way to counter all those shitty non-arguments, too bad its tied in so strongly with molyneux, cant help but dislike that guy.

i kek'ed

Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum.

Daily reminder these are the faces of our enemies



You didn't think this through, Shlomo, did you?

You didn't read the post through, Shlomo, did you?

That's a stretch. " Futurism, that was a rejection of the past, and a celebration of speed, machinery, violence, youth and industry; it also advocated the modernization and cultural rejuvenation of Italy. F. T. Marinetti, its founder, was very active in Fascist politics until he withdrew in protest of the 'Roman Grandeur' which had come to dominate Fascist aesthetics."

You absolute fucking spastic



"Being dead doesn't make you better than alive people."
yes it literally does.

i hope to god you are a CIA shill and we dont have people that unironically retarded on here

This is true enough. I tried to get people to migrate to Voat when Reddit changed its privacy policy to give more of your info to advertisers, but no one would go. Laziness is a powerful force.

Bullshit! Everyone wanted the guilty parties discredited and forgotten. KiA wanted to focus on the convincing points that no one could dispute and not get banned because Reddit was looking for any excuse to get rid of them. We had strong evidence of the corrupt journalists colluding, running fake news, lying about it, and being total assholes. We had DMCA abuse and possible wire fraud. This transcends politics, but you wanted to turn it into a fight against the left. Well guess what, Holla Forums blamed capitalism and wanted to make #Gamergate into a fight against the right. All you had to do was build new communities for your issues instead of trying to co-opt the movement.

You wanted to post random SJW drama with no relationship to Gamergate. We told you to use TumblrInAction. You could have built up TumblrInAction and made it popular to laugh at SJWs. No, you refused to build an anti-SJW community and kept spamming KiA and Holla Forums with bullshit that had nothing to do with Gamergate until the mods had to ban you.

You wanted to go anti-feminist and kick out Sommers. You could have built an anti-feminist community. No, you had to co-opt KiA and make it all about yourself and your pet issues.

You wanted to go anti-degenerate and kick out Milo who did more for the movement than anybody else, even if he was mostly doing it for himself, and you wanted to get rid of our trannies who had infiltrated Zoe's crew and were leaking us info from the inside.

You wanted to turn #Gamergate into a fight against the Jews while JIDF was feeding us info and starting to give us positive news coverage. You chased them away.

Congratulations. You killed off what may have been the last gasp of the free internet.

It doesn't fucking matter whether they're SJW's or antifa. They're all fucking degenerate faggots.

That said, there is one simple thing that can be done to further Holla Forums's interests:

Keep pushing the left to attack its own
There is a court case underway at the moment where the Bern victims are suing the DNC for fraud, for rigging their own election in favor of Shillary yet still accepting financial donations from Bern victims.

This is an open wound in the dumbocrat political machine. "antifa" are a waste of fucking time, they have ZERO legit political influence. None. Using them to attack the actual "legitimate" political arm of the left is a far better way to ensure the Dems remain unelectable.



What the DNC did to Sanders is an open wound. Keep pouring salt into it. antifa faggots are perfect for this. Just tell them they should attack traitors before enemies, because it was their own traitors that fucked them over on Sanders and cost them the election.

Keep reminding them of this, keep pouring salt into the wound, and they will attack their own party like the retards they are. It's probably impossible for them to actually gain control of the Dems party, but whether they do or not is still a win for everyone else. Either they do, and the party is seen as "extremist" by everyone else and loses support, or (far more likely) they simply continue to be a thorn in the side of the Dems and prevent any real unity, keeping their own party splintered in factions, consumed with infighting and completely ineffective.

It's divide & conquer.

I AM unironically retarded, you insensitive clod.

I have thought about it and come to the conclusion that it is impossible. The true left does not exist today, so there can be no alliance. The pseudo-left that exists today is third worldist, anti-white at the core, and fixated on bourgeois social justice issues like faggots and trannies. The small handful of Stalinist or marxist-leninist people who understand that liberals are more their enemy than we are do not amount to any relevant numbers.

tl;dr it would make sense for the far left to ally with us against liberalism, but most "far left" are simply liberals larping as radicals, even the ones who say they hate liberals (they say this because it makes them appear more legit, but if given the choice between teaming with nationalists to take down liberal bourgeois or teaming with liberal bourgeois to take down nationalists, they will choose the latter option every time). They are much more fixated on attacking white working class "racists" than attacking the ruling class.

If you're still thinking in terms like "dems," then you are still bluepilled. There is only the uniparty, anti-white totalitarian security state. We don't care about democrats or republicans.

that's why you call them anti-semites, for railing against the one percent


if you read my post you would know that what you are suggesting is exactly parallel to what i said.
but you obviously didnt, so i will spell it out for you again

you must accept that you cannot "destroy" the left, if you are only rubbing salt in the wound as you say, you will not be able to control the reaction.

and this is exactly what we change, we create the shift from anti-white to anti-ruling class
btw, ur tl;dr is longer than the main part

agreed, dem vs rep is bullshit.

They may be a bunch of low test gimps, but they are fellow countrymen and it is sad to see so many laboring under self-destructive Foucaltian delusions. They're half right with the socialism part. But they need to realize the only way it will work is if they help their own rather than damaging them. Like, Nationalist Socialists.

Actually, warning them about Foucalt's deal might help some of them. At least get them focused on helping workers instead of nihilistic servitude and gay sex. Maybe then we could unite into some kind of, how to put this.. National Socialist Democratic Worker's Party, maybe. That sounds good.


And as such they're relegating themselves to obscurity and relinquishing all social and cultural influence. Or maybe we just took it from them. Either way, that's the outcome. These more extreme movements have the impact of pushing people to the Right, not growing the Left.

Doesn't say much about National Socialism then, does it? One who lusts for authoritarian governance prefers a system of authoritarian governance, whether "Right" or "Left," while one who prefers limited governance rejects it from those on their side of the political spectrum. Okay? I'm not a Conservative, but I reject authoritarian governance. Actually politics have taken a back seat to my social views, which pit me as a White Nationalist. I will never support my own oppression though.

That still triggers normies. I made a post calling out some gender-baiting bullshit on a mailing list recently that had the current year can't even crowd virtue signalling into overdrive.

I use it as a message to tell them that their bullshit won't work on me.

Isn't Antifa just rebranded and repackaged Black Lives Matter? Notice how when one disappeared the other magically appeared?

These are groups of paid rabble rousing shills with a few easily manipulated lemmings lumped in for cannon fodder. They are not a group with which we need negotiate.

3/10 Schlomo.

No, GG was corrupted after November 14. When Jim said it was dead, it was dead. The bullshit you mentioned came later.


this is really how i came up with the idea in the first place. We need to convert everyone that we can, this is a matter of public relations. We can't alienate the left and push them further towards identity politics.

Antifa is really just useful idiots, we cannot "convert" them as a group, but if we influence what information/directions they get, and if we can influence the crowd, then we can at least neutralize them.
Also note that i am not speaking strictly of antifa, i am talking about the left in general. Don't assume "the left" only consists of antifa and sjws, because there are many many more moderate leftists.

nice jew tactics, see pic. why does this idea scare you so much?
also, obligatory (for you):

What the fuck, nig? It worked in Spain, Greece, Chile, and elsewhere.


Kill it
preferable by police
as long as it is still in its infancy.

Be aware of the European example, were antifa is used to curbstop the opposition. The antifa is a domestic terrorist organization and needs to be treated accordingly.

Are you stupid? They are a tool of the deep state and probably paid by Soros.

that was a long time ago, and conditions were much different
im not familiar what happened in greece. must have been too insignificant
Are you talking about Allende? He wasn't a bad guy, he was standing up to american-brand globalist capitalism. He nationalized the banks too, and it was the CIA that came and replaced him with Pinochet who privatized the banks and copper industries again so that multinational companies could continue exploiting it.
The pro-pinochet mania needs to end, he was a CIA nigger.
But regardless, are you seriously promoting a civil war against Antifa? Hello domestic terrorist.

thats not happening any time soon my friend, and to be honest i would rather subvert the movement than destroy it. Don't you understand subtlety?
Note that i do not speak strictly of antifa, the left in GENERAL is what i talk about, which includes moderate leftists.
I bet you think pinochet was a genuine leader and nationalist and not a CIA-controlled good goy.

I hope you are a shill and not just retarded.

We should alienate the left but not any of the values we can agree on. I'm not a fan of exploitation or a 'free market' as defined by parasitical multinationals.

The best way to force a changeover is by losing labels in terms of direct economic policy while forcing the left to rally around minority identity politics. That way folks are left with no option except to either pursue policy or give up their beliefs to fit in.

Get the best and dump the rest. We're fortunate because we aren't beholden to any interests except our own. Once prior affiliation is dumped, people will seek out what they believe. We can effectively force the issue on an individual level and make them fall back on what they truly think, not just what they say, while we haven't ever hid what we think.

this is kind of what im saying, but you go about doing it in a less subtle way.
what i say is to alienate the identity politics of the left, and promote the things we agree on. this all happens WITHIN the left, so there should be no "perceivable" outside force that is attacking the left, it comes from within.
People dont like having to admit they are wrong, so just emphasising their good beliefs should be easy.

It would be much harder to redesign the left into something incredibly absurd and then the sensible people that remain join the right, compared to making the left LESS absurd and the absurd people that remain to creating a new fringe group
This means we pick up all the useful idiots who were just under the label "leftwing" because thats what they were told to be.

Although i admit there is merit to your idea, i think there are better options, and it is outdated; considering the newest left-wing developments that are happening

This thread again

it never ended, user

The only thing I'm gonna share with them is the helicopter I'll acquire.

It would be easier just to put them in camps, honestly.

xD ebin le CIA dictator meme!!!
LEL! x-DDD!!

antifa=/=the entire left

So, normies? We're doing just fine converting normies with our methods, we just need to reach MORE of them.

Sure, maybe we are converting normies who dont already have an opinion or are already kind of on our side, but i think you will find that we are doing a pretty fucking shit job converting the general "moderate leftists".
I'm talking the ones who post anti-trump news articles and argue with people who are right wing over facebook. The ones who are willing to debate, but get really pissed when you start winning or present unorthodox ideas. Like the lefties that you know in real life. personally the ones i know are all pretty tolerable, there are a few who are just fucking retarded, but its not as bad as people here like to say. Those are the kinds of people we COULD have on our side.

Think about it this way, the 'social engineers' have emphasized identity politics in the left in recent years, while diminishing economic politics. This is the exact problem in the left at the moment, they want to bring in refugees and let immigrants in and are "anti-racist" anti-white pro-fags, we just do the opposite of this. DIMINISH identity politics and emphasize economic policy, anti-corruption, anti big-banks and anti-globalism (if we relabel globalism as american imperialism, OR in the case of the EU, Centralization of power.)

Again, you can think about this in terms of the RIGHT wing as well. Economic politics have been emphasized, which is essentially the corporatist pro-multinational exploitation and big banking, and profit maximization degeneracy. While they also attempted to diminish the social politics of the right, ie proper morals, anti-degeneracy, pro-ethnic homogeneity, anti-immigration, (this has failed, at least in part, as evidenced by trump's election).

getting the left on our side is really the final key to BTFOing the jews social control


to add to this, all the leftists/liberals i know are just followers of the liberal label, they don't have real ideas about how things should work they just go with whatever their hive tells them to believe. Thus, they avoid debate by directing arguments against them to the "hive."
if we take control the "liberal" label then we can pick up all their followers like lemmings, easily

A plan so crazy it just might work.

If we fill in all the blanks EXCEPT Happy Merchant, there will be an undeniable, brutally-high-definition Happy-Merchant-shaped hole in the middle of everything.

And once Schlomo is seen, He cannot be unseen.

Politics in Italy seem very interesting.

You say that you disagree but then lay out what I believe is the exact situation that OP talks about.


"IF WE KILL THEM, THEY WIN" - Holla Forums shill




you should NOT try to ally with the left
the most you should do with them in such a regard is to direct them against certain particular rich people without mentioning that they are "Jewish"
also be sure to point out how the CIA also works against the American masses in the U.S.A., INCLUDING white people
do not mention that Trump is opposed to the CIA or else they'll automatically like the CIA while still hating Trump
if you lie to them and tell that that Trump likes the CIA, which I assume he doesn't, then he'd think that Trump should be impeached and ultimately work against your interests

the left should not be the allies of the right, but if anything of the sort, the controlled opposition of the right
not even our pets, as thats being too close to them
just lead them in the right direction till they go after one of our enemies, and make sure they keep doing it too; also be sure to convince them to lose their faith in humanity and in the media if you can, as well as telling them just how easy it is to subvert the field of science and all of academia(among other stuff) via greed and

Glorious postin'

Hitler was right tho. We have to turn the golem around and the only way we do that is uniting with them or making traps. We have had great progress beating them, but this next step I think can be done by coordinating a little closer with them.

reddit gamergoy reporting in. Never forgot what uncle pol did for me. Staying and lurking for more delicious truth.



Now I know where the Attack Helicopter gender identity comes from.
>>The more you know.

A knife to your throat or a bullet to your head and none of you can stop it. Most won't even know you died, most will just dissapear because you lefty fucks managed to take out of your life anyone that would care about a lifesign from you. Even to your masters you are disposable.

They are not better than cuckservatives and are enemies, needless to say allying or assisting any of these groups would be disastrous at best to our cause.
The rest of the post is not something that really supports any of your arguments. You, OP and the rest of your shill brigade can eat a dick, we don't capitulate.

Remember the left is not monolithic. Antifa/SJWs are a small part of it whose voice has been amplified by the (((media))).

Right now, a major element of the US left is the anti-establishment faction who mostly supported Bernie. They are extremely pissed about the way "woke POCs" helped to kneecap Bernie. They're angry at the media, banks and elite too. They haven't yet figured out the common denominator between all these groups, but some of them could in time.

Since the election, a lot of the US left has split into Hillary diehards and the anti-establishment. The traditional, Democratic Party-controlled left communities are all on the diehard Hillary side, and because of this a lot of the old members have defected. The Hillary worshippers are insufferable and like to pile abuse onto anyone who doesn't think just like they do. Furthermore, most of the (((major Internet platforms))) are hostile to the pro-Bernie groups, despite the fact that they are way more popular in general than the Hillary faction.

What this means is that a lot of the anti-establishment supporters feel left without a home and like the entire mainstream media is against them. Just like GamerGate did. When they gather together, it's not at all unusual to hear them bitch about how "Isra3l is the real threat to world peace," "why are we paying them so much" and so on. They know who's behind the Isl mic State. They just need someone to help them connect those last few dots - to see that "high definition Scholmo-shaped hole."

To sum it up, the strategy for appealing to the disaffected left is a lot like the strategy to appeal to people from GamerGate. And since they're into politics, the anti-establishment leftists have already connected most of the dots.

Leftists somehow think that the government is right wing/fascist/conservative whatever.

They will never accept that globalists took over professional politics 100 years ago, because in theory thats their goal.

They're in support of internationalism, trading cancer for AIDS is a tough proposition for me to accept.

Aligning ourselves with a (rightly) maligned group is a bad idea.


you talk as if the community is some organised whole rather than a motley collection of disparous individuals with often polarising viewpoints, you act as if the movement is somehow controlled or directed by any individual's conscious will.
this shows that you are foreign to the community, and that you are pretending to be a fellow reveals your malicious motivation. you are no friend to the board or these people, in fact you are intentionally deceiving them. please leave.

Okay ive been away for a bit, good to see the thread hasnt 404d. this post is going to be a long one

t. pretend psychologist
literally every thing you said in that was wrong, but for the sake of discussion i will go through the list with you:
no i dont, i talk more specifically about the "new left" which i defined as bernie-style socialists, ancoms, proper marxists, and leftypol-brand leftists. I do not speak of the left as a whole, i speak of it as a collective, or as a GROUP. which it is.
huh? you clearly didnt understand my post. im saying the exact opposite, that the movement is largely controlled by the group mentality.
to this community? to Holla Forums? thats just plain wrong, but im not going to get into an argument about who has been here longer.
hahaha, someone picked up a thesaurus. but to be serious, i am here to introduce a new idea and see where it goes, nothing malicious. What malicious motivation would you think i have? that im trying to expose people to ebil ideas that cant be tolerated? This is essentially just name-calling, i dont see what offenses you think i have comitted.
what am i then? a "(((shariablue))) shill against the god emperor"?
on what grounds do you make this assertion? deceiving them of what? deceiving them that im actually an ebil (((shariablue))) shill against the god emperor?
i appreciate your politeness but i will have to turn down your offer, im quite alright here.

I feel bad because you think you have just made a big huge discovery and uncovered the truth and spotted your first shill, but you have to realize that people with opinions you disagree with DO inhabit this board, and you are going to come in contact with them every so often.
regardless, thankyou for making this post, i hear debate with low-IQ people is a good mental exercise

is the left really our ultimate enemy? is it the left that is ruining the world? or is it the people CONTROLLING the left? think about it.
attack the problem at its source, not its symptoms, that will just end in ruin.

you've obviously never talked with a lefty that kept going on for 30 minutes straight about american globalization, even though i agreed with them. many of the left's "greatest minds" have been anti-globalization, such as michael moore and noam chomsky.
Don't assume all of the left is pro-globalism just because people here may tell you that, because there is a very large number of anti-globalist leftists.
wrong, you obviously didn't read the OP, this isnt about converting ourselves to the left (that would be incredibly stupid), but subverting the left into becoming considerably more tolerable, ie stripping away all the retarded identity politics.

its not against government, per se, but against the "elites" in control of the country, we can use different terms for different purposes. Big banks, big corporations, american imperialists, corrupt politicians, the 0.01%, etc
it kinda is, in the mind of the lefty we are living in a capitalist world (which is pretty much true), and to be fair some places (britain) are pretty authoritarian.
thats the left's goal? see above about globalism.
only a small amount are actually AWARE of globalism AND in support of it. Most lefties realize that if the whole world is ruled over by a single government then life will be shit.

the following post is hypothetical i do not condone terrorism
okay, do it, i fucking dare you, go out and stab an antifa member in the throat. Do it to all of them, go try and kill all of antifa. Good luck.
you really think moderate, anti-globalist, anti-bank, anti-elite leftists are worse than pro-israel, pro-war, pro-bank, pro-globalist "conservatives"? you need a lesson on false oppositions.
yeah thats why we arent going to ally or assist them, in their current state. We SUBVERT the group. how many times do i need to say this, we remove the worst parts of the left, we dont start supporting the left. are you really that dense?
okay so lets see here, first of all "You" and "OP" are the same person. second of all, i have no "shill brigade," you are just throwing around ad hominem attacks.

x-DDDD top KEK!!!

ie pretty much what this plan is.
this is essentially what i say in the OP.

wow nice overuse of titles, you must use reddit.
and oh look its another >kill antifa retard
see my reply to
your theory on the structure of antifa is interesting, though. how can this knowledge be used to our advantage?

made me kek
this would work on the individual level, but would be harder to achieve in the crowd. the thing is its harder to convince a group of new things than to emphasize already held beliefs.

to everyone who is complaining because they want to kill antifa etc, please read this. the left =/= just antifa
this is important to understand if you want to see properly how this plan would work.


You are literally retarded and your plan is shit. We do not need to 'work together' with anyone. All we need to do is shift the overton window right, when that is done it makes the centrist which the majority of normalfags already are more conservative in their beliefs.

Literally all we need to do is shitpost and we will win, god damn OP learn to into politik. You will never convert a normalfag into anything because they do not hold any solid views they repeat exactly what they think others want to hear. It is a survival instinct to stay in the middle of the group to avoid being on the bad side of either group, outliers become Holla Forumsacks and antifa/kikes -they are at much higher risk but also gain much, much more when they win, and we will win if history is any sort of lesson.

I know I said the same thing twice, but you are probably retarded so I hoped maybe a dual reference might help you understand. KYS faggot.

Not an argument, kill yourself and stop bumping your shit thread

have i struck a nerve there, moshe?
btw, you said this earlier in
and now you use it yourself, and in the wrong context, AND you expect me to believe you aren't just shilling (with no arguments) against an idea that would destroy the jew.

which is why i never said we should work together, you literal retard. We CONTROL them, did you not read the OP?
this is EXACTLY what this plan does, it diminishes leftist identity politics, and focuses the left onto economic policy. its like im talking to a brick wall here.
great to see youve understood this basic concept that is the FOUNDATION of this plan
now i know for sure you are just jewing. You are making it obvious you are just shilling here because of the way you are promoting complacence on top of twisting the meaning of what im saying and using absurd strawmans to damage real discussion. Complacence is the last thing we need, the battle has far from ended, we cant give up and just keep shitposting within our own communities, we need to expand and branch out. Of course, this is what the jew fears most.

Pray that the autism doesn't hurt them too much.

Because they are the stupidest organization I have ever seen.

Also they're clearly ragebait for the alt right.

what has this place fucking degraded to


please provide some solid reasoning to back your disgruntlement

Underrated post.



the fact that this is the complete opposite of what im suggesting is proof enough for me that you are a shill
in fact its pretty obvious, and you dont even know what the word shill means

or people exist outside of you and havent read this before

Antifa's been around for longer than BLM.

So what truly killed Gamergate, then?

Communists may deliberately try destroying a right wing civilization and visa versa with national socialists, but only centrists will destroy both.

Antifa can't be reasoned with, you retard. These are people that claim to be fighting for "the workers" despite 1) not being workers themselves, 2) fighting for policies that directly undermine and fuck over actual workers, and 3) actively going around attacking the workers they supposedly love so much.

There is no ideology to communists. It's all cognitive dissonance that boils down to "fuck white people ayy lmao"

Fuck off Holla Forums

Egalitarians are just as bad for the race as globalists. Literally the only reason that anyone can be against globalism is because they do no believe in egalitarianism.

No one wants them to be tolerable, the essential aspect is that egalitarianism is wrong in a factual sense as well as a moral one. 'Tolerable' leftists erode while the more annoying ones try to smash, if they gave up their pet minorities and pretensions of "One love XDDDD" then they would be acceptable, but only because they would no longer be leftists.

Go back to Holla Forums, OP. Commies get the noose.

The one and only answer is to

OP. Thanks for being a faggot. Let me take over.

Our primary goal is radicalizing the left. If we radicalize the left on a national level, most centrists, moderates, democrats will become further right. Our secondary goal is to force the principles of national socialism into the mainstream right.

TL;DR: We need to make key ideas of national socialism, fascism, and Holla Forums friendly ideas into acceptable edges of the right. We need to radicalize the left and create or foster the growth of an "aggressive progressive" platform that would breed communists out of disenfranchised minorities, and become a party of mon rule, which would give us more numbers.

We do not need to convert communists, once you become a "revolutionary" you essentially out of reach. If you can find one and slowly red pill them, do it. But when dealing with ANTIFA, BAMN! BlackBlock, etc, etc. we need to work on infiltration and gaining key positions within their ranks. I know many of you are capable of hiding your power level, and operating as a single cell. You need to learn and research infiltration and subversion.

The best way to get into these groups is as a volunteer medic. There are hundreds of resources online on becoming a "Street medic." Getting basic level medical training as a EMT/CNA/PCT will help you get in, and it is becoming more and more necessary for the average Holla Forumsock to have medical skills.

I have subverted a local ANTIFA group in Detroit, I did so as a former DPD member who coaches and gives advice on how to avoid the police. Most of these guys are beta males who have substance abuse problems, and being in ANTIFA subsidizes their profits and offers safe houses for them.

They do vet, and they are always looking. If you're white, expect to pay a couple dollars to get in door. They do not have a 'central' database, but the people within the upper echelons have a rough but sufficient network with each other. If you have done anything major… IE actively worked against them, keep an active rightwing presence on social media, or have a perfectly clean record, they are not going to take you. The best way to describe ANTIFA is as a loosely and moderately disorganized multi cell network. You do have to watch videos and do groupthink exercises if you want to be a part of it.

The other option we have is for the president to call ANTIFA a domestic terrorism organization. That's a bit more complicated, but if construed correctly, we would theoretically dismantle the left further into self-cannibalization.

Fuck off. Antifa are fucking weak. We don't need an alliance to beat these faggots

Uuuh no.
Leftists and antifags willingly serve their jewish masters. Their main goal is to eradicate us. Sorry but no.

Antifa is a joke and literally funded by billionaires and millionaires and the state itself. They are useful idiots, compromised. They can never be allies because they are so stupid they cannot even realise what useful idiots of the elite and bourgeois they claim to hate so much are. In its entire existence, antifa has never taken down a single elite or government. Not once. Yet the government and elite promote and fund their activities. Why do you think that is? Because they are useful tools of the elite to stop the people who can actually stop them, us.

By the way, Antifa is not "new". Their form of leftism isn't new either. They're just really stupid thugs and dregs of society that get into street fights (and lose lol). Think of how they have existed for years and yet they are not even one bit closer to anarchy or communism. Because they are controlled, tools of the elite. Look at who funds them, who leads them.

In the end, even if they weren't, none of us are stupid enough to team up with commies. The anarchists are because they are genuinely stupid kids who never learn their lesson that communists can never be trusted. That's why in every revolution that has every existed, communists have backstabbed the anarchists EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Do you think we're stupid enough to ally ourselves with such Jewry? There has been enough backstabbing in history from the Jews as it is and we've learned but you expect us not to know about commie pinkos? Don't make me laugh.

I tend to disagree.

OP, how long is your nose?

For them there is only defeat and pain.

Why aren't mods deleting this gay ass thread?

Not an argument

Well gee golly why didn't Hitler just ally with the USSR to defeat communism in Europe. I'd like to call you a kike but I've revised my opinion on you, even kikes aren't this incompetent. More than likely a shitskin terrified of getting deported.

ANTIFA are political whores. They are as much the product of a Jewish system as we, only they lacking in character chose the dark side. Don't worry about giving home to the prostitutes on the left before you have prepared a home for yourselves. We must build National Socialism from the ground up, as the Jew has co-opted and perverted this ideology; NATSOC has become the promoter of hatred for others when it should be a system fostering love for one's own. Reclaim NATSOC from the kikes, then others will join your cause.

no, im saying "If you can't beat them by violence, beat them by subversion."
hangon let me measure my nose.
15 inches

the sudden surge in their popularity is, and thats what im discussing in the OP
this plan is not to "ally" with them, you would know that if you could actually read the OP
again. read the fucking OP

but whats wrong with at least trying to make them OUR useful idiots?

interesting choice of vocabulary
not all leftists.
in fact, if you ever ACTUALLY talk to proper leftists you will know they are already anti-nwo on heaps of things, with the big exception being race and immigration.

this plan is not to "ally" with them, you know that full well yet you continue to distort the truth. and you call ME jewish. hah
im australian, so neither of those could apply to me.

ive already explained why this isnt correct, and is an inefficient way to convert people to the right.
this would only be true because the "center" would have shifted to the left, in reality, radicalizing the left would create perhaps smaller, but regardless a just as or more potent force against us.
Radicalizing the left would require polarization to the right, which will BADLY divide the country. Surely youve heard the term "divide and conquer," well theres a grain of truth in that. A divided people is easily exploitable, focusing our energy against our fellow countrymen never solved anything but giving an easier time to those who exploit us. There is no benefit to a divided people, and if civil war breaks out the jews have essentially won.
i can agree with this though. ideally, with the right's social right-wingism and the lefts economic leftism, we can combine the two to make national socialism, essentially.

thats why we remove identity politics from the left. so that they will not be social egalitarians any more.
huh? you can be against globalism and also against egalitarianism easily. egalitarianism is not "everyone is equal so there should be only one country" its "countries deserve to be equal and have the rights that all other countries have"

I think we're at the bargaining stage right now.

we already have made a home on the chans, what more do we need? this kind of operation can be done alongside anything else, if anything it is pretty much parallel to 'reclaiming natsoc'

read the OP
literally none of what you said matters in this plan

yeah this thread is going slower than i expected, i think ill turn the life support off now and go to work on another thread essay, this time on a little less controversial subject. in the meantime ill dump a few comfy gondolas

the is one of the most Holla Forums things i've seen here in a while.
We disagree with them on a fundamental level. they want to produce equality of outcome instead of a meritocracy. they aren't anti-government, they are only now because "liturally HIETLER" under trump. these shits in the uk support an authoritarian that talks about 'requisition' of private fucking property, and the shits in US supported a lying witch who was public ally accepting corporate bribes. they DEMAND twitter and facebook to report thoughtcrime to the authorities, and will fucking clap when someone is arrested for their badthink.
stop lying, Holla Forums, and get back in your containment board. communism is a failed meme that needs to die.

No, there is no converting these people. Like Yuri said, once they've been conditioned, no amount of convincing will ever stop them from gravitating to their cucked ideology.

No, the solution is humiliation and memes, just like it's always been.

Apart from that, we need to arm ourselves and train because the commies clearly have their own version of a "day of the rope" planned. We already have seen them turn college campuses into mini struggle sessions. Once there are more of them, they will become more brazen and things will get a lot more violent. Expect them to start actually lynching "Nazis".

This. If we can show normies more horror shows like Evergreen and humiliate ANTIFA, then the normies will gravitate away from them.

I recommend seeing ANTIFA et al as an opportunity instead of a problem. As the far left becomes more polarized, the normies will be looking for other groups to gravitate to. We will have massive opportunities to redpill normies the worse it gets.

fuck, im taking the bait, here we go
depends if you are a retarded ancap or not, I for one am at least partly (national) socialist, so quite a few things that they (old-school OWS socialists) say resonate, mainly on economic policy and in terms of "elites". i went more into detail in the OP
yes and we can exploit this more and more, as explained in the OP, we make them less and less complacent with the current situation, and help mobilize them in a direction that is more productive for us.
the shits i am talking about are a little different to the shits you are talking about. I explained in the OP how i reference mainly bernie supporters, not hillary. this is a big concept you have to understand, because we are essentially deconstructing the hillary-brand leftist hive and moving them all to the bernie-brand (or similar) leftist, which is CONSIDERABLY more tolerable, you have to agree.

also, do you know how i can tell you are an ancap?

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