Literal revisionist history. It would be nice if they would stop pussyfooting around and really overextend their reach so we could be done with this horse shit.
this should really come as no surprise. the only reason the muh feelz group latches on to something that's based in logically understanding reality is for subversion.
Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
Gender has always been a spectrum
A distinction needs to be made.
Science is a methodology of testing hypotheses and tweaking theories when new data is found
Then there's "Science!™" which is just a cultural marxist religion that presents itself as based in facts and evidence.
Spread this screencap far and wide. I already am posting it to several science-posers on twatter and collecting grade A salt
If you're going to spread this, at least do it in a way that isn't so easily dismissed. There are more than two combinations which result in freaks like lactating hermaphrodites.
Look up how rare those freaks are. If anybody points that out they'll be accepting the basic premise.
Which episode was it? I got all of them and I can post the original after converting it.
Here's the removed segment by itself, if anybody has ideas of things to do with it.
Season 4, Episode 8
Sex, you faggot. Words have gender, not people. You might as well adopt the entire snowflake spectrum right now if you're going to encourage it by using their terminology that is inherently tied to their ideology.
Don't let the kikes try to lie about history like they did with the holocaust, we have to throw this back in their hook nosed faces hard.
A quick edit with the data
Get my point?
Technically red blood cells don't have any chromosomes in them. :^) But if anybody points that out, they're accepting the basic premise.
Top fucking kek,
Here I took it one step fuhrer.
My fucking sides
Fucking prove it.
this needs to be spread to all the normalfags in flyoverland who hate the tranny shit but eat up anything coming from tv/netflix
also that girl's a jewess
Yeah, but the 80s hair does a good job of covering the horns.
How about we try to get the album ''Talkie Walkie' from the French duo Air banned as well
In the song biological we have the following hateful lyrics
Only mature red blood cells.
I have nothing to contribute to the conversation
1. Statistically irrelevant.
2. They can't fucking breed; they're ABERRATIONS.
3. Come on, nigger.
Those are disorders, not sexes.
Oh shit, what the fuck is going on in that pic? Is this what happened to her after Nye took her aside and showed her his non-binary sex organ?
Years later, she would go on to star in The Crying Game
Klinefelter's syndrome is not a "gender identity".
Try again shart blue.
Three things that are infinite;
And i'm not sure about the last one
Teachers assign watching Bill Nye as homework, check the comments on the episodes on YouTube. We've hit peak Weimerica.
And in every single one of these cases, the statement "Your chromosomes determine your gender" is still 100% accurate
By the way, has anyone actually confirmed that Netflix did this? I could check on Netflix real quick if I need to I'm not the one who uses Netflix but we have it anyway
why do you think jews/bolsheviks try to wall paper over and destroy the past with their propaganda? Niggers, fags,non-whites in movies/media about Europe in the middle ages or before they were a major problem.They are trying to create a new past full of their BS so they can control everyone.
Ever see a show or something were the main character is really into a time period say the 1950's and they somehow got back to that time find out life sucked back then? They basically want push the idea that life and society was always terrible.
It's around 7:30.
The clip is absolutely in the original. I think he means confirm that netflix removed it from their streaming copy. I don't have netflix, otherwise I would.
My teachers would put on Bill when they had a sub in or were not feeling well enough to teach but not bad enough to not come in.
Feminism BTFO'ed again.
AKA when they were hungover. My teachers did the same.
Back in the mid-90's even jewess dykes didn't deny they were girls or claim there were more than two genders. Sometimes you look back and realize how amazingly hard society's been kiked in such a relatively short period of time.
Well sometimes science is wrong.
That said, it would require more than "muh feels" to disprove that chromosomes determine gender.
Good news: Imgur is aware of it
This means that since Reddit-lite is aware of it, normalfags will be in some time, as well.
What he really said is in vid related during season 5.
Too true, I'm afraid.
1) chromosomal disorders aren't separate genders. If there's a Y, you're male. If there's no Y, you're female.
XYY is still male
XXY is still male
XXX is still female
XO is still female
2) Those are genetic disorders. Saying the existence of medical abnormalities means there are more than 2 genders is like saying that number of chromosomes is a spectrum because there are diseases where people have a 3rd copy, like downs syndrome. Or I could just as easily argue that number of limbs is a spectrum, because there are people born with fewer arms or legs, or people born with extra copies, and siamese twins and such. These are all DISORDERS. They are not normal. They aren't counted as such.
There are some salty fucking comments in there.
Hey what could go wrong? Just a nation of scientifically illiterate tards.
Sex is determined by chromosomes.
Gender doesn't exist, it's a grammatical concept.
'webm related
I was thinking about spamming it on Twitter and Tumblr for Educational purposes.
Exactly right
Thanks for the gender redpill my friend, I was raised with the two terms being interchangeable.
Newton's laws are disproven by quantum physics, but they're still taught to children because you don't need to go into great detail before the fifth grade.
Science for children is observable. You can see there are only males and females walking down the street, but you can't see how protons can sometimes fabricate from nothing.
Gender is exclusively for grammar, i.e. English has three genders(or one depending on how you define it), Japanese has one, French has two and Russian has like six. Sex is for biology. This is why they've managed to sneak in gender based bullshit so easily because it is relative and entirely defined by society and traditions
Plus the word "sex" is a minor taboo term, especially when speaking to or teaching children, and the word "gender" has become useful as a euphemism. Most people who use gender and sex as synonyms do so innocently and with no ideological bent. That's why this shit is so insidious.
is this from some youtube video?
Also has bell curves and law of averages in there too. Perfect for showing racial IQ kek
But that part about cells starting at 0.47 leading into noses is really fun. Someone needs to make a meme about how most of a jew's face is just "one book" and never got past the cover.
Gender has been used since the 14th century to denote biological sex, you ignorant fucking mongloid.
These words have been in use long before you fuckers came along and attempted to change their meaning.
Meme it. This would crush that faggot traitor bill nyeberg.
I never watched Bill Nye past 3rd grade.
The ride never ends.
It's mindboggling that he actually chose to date the blackest nigger he could find early in his youth.
But fortunately he grew up one day, learned some common sense and married a fellow Swedish women and had two beautiful white kids.
The only thing mindboggling is that he doesn't have any mulatto offspring.
Never forget that being falsifiable is a necessary requirement for all scientific hypothesis or theories. You must state conditions that would prove your idea false. All social sciences and much of psychology lack this crucial step. It's literally the most important part of conceiving of a scientific idea.
Yup they took the phrase "sexual intercourse" and shortened it to just "sex" in order to make it taboo to talk about basic biology. Kikes have been fucking up English for a long time.
Strangely bird neutrophils and red blood cells retain the nucleus but not mammals.
That merely shows our symbols and formulas for describing the universe are imperfect. Science and math are the art of using imperfect but still extremely useful laws to predict what will happen. They tend not to scale very well but that doesn't mean it's not useful to weigh a pound of flour out just because it's actually 1.0000934 pounds of flour or that counting something doesn't tell us all of its properties.
shiiiiit i am xxy, my dicks fine but one of my balls is a bit smaller than the other though to be honest the sterility is the best part if i were immune to aids i would be set