We are granted an opportunity to burn down Emmanuel (Emmanuel is a Jewish name by the fucking way) Macron down, to the fucking ground.
It appears to be that Macron has been engaging in some Tax Evasion in the Island of Nevis

First Document: https: //

Nevis Condifetial Relationship Act: http://

Forbes Link: http://
Reuters Link: http://
Letter sent to E. Macron: https://

Macron Denies Offshore Accounts: http://

http:// www.


However, the French media, are absolutely biased in favor of Macron and are unwilling to pick this up, because they know the only way to counter this would be if Le Pen had a huge scandal herself. And she doesn’t.

Go on social media, and start bombing, “Scandal”, “HOLY SHIT”, anything that get the reaction of people. If this reaches French ground, this will make the left unwilling to vote for Macron and will lead to some even voting for Le Pen.
The end of the EU is in our grasp. We are the chosen ones to destroy the new Babylon that is Europa. Macron yesterday in the debate said a few times that with Le Pen’s policies, what it would translate to, was a civil war.
You heard it, Civil war.

Now user, take a breath, and look at the picture of Saint Louis IX. If you have clean European blood, he is your forefather. He fought in the crusades of Europa because he did not believe that Europa had to change into a land of mud. He fought for purity. He fought for Europa. It is now your chance. First we will take Europa back. And then, we will take Constantinople back and then, we will go to Jerusalem and kick all the Zionists back to where they bcome from, seven feet under, IN HELL.

Other urls found in this thread:®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Europe&pgtype=Multimedia

did you get banned last time you posted this thread which was swiftly deleted?
am i gonna get banned too for posting this?

I saw that too. Strangely enough, the thread is still available in the catalog after 404ing. The site was having some trouble earlier, might be tied to it?



It wasn't deleted, the site goes a bit fucky sometimes.
You can post in that thread now.

The cuckchan thread is being carpet bombed by (((French))) shills. I haven't been there for months. Is that the new normal ?


All I see over there are bots and shills. There might be some humans though but I'm not sure about that…

This is the only reaction they can have, they have to stall it out as much as they can until Sunday night.


If you haven't, send it to all the e-celebs out there.
The war for Europe is about to start if we get this through.

Link to with comments like "#Macron t'as fait le con" (Macron you screwed up) or "#Macron si près du but…" (Macron you were almost there…) or "#Macron à deux doigts de l'immunité" with the hashtags #MacronGate #MacronCacheCash #Presidentielle2017 #bahamas

Link also to with comments like "#Macro si t'as rien à cacher, pourquoi t'inquiéter ?" or "Ben alors on a peur de se faire doubler #Macron ?" or "Grave erreur, maintenant les Français vont tout savoir sur #Macron" with the same hashtags.

Le Pen Exposed


If you don't have twitter, make one and start fucking tweeting. Just so you all know, even with 0 followers you can have MASSIVE impact.


ANOTHER LINK TO SHARE with comments like "#Macron l'extra-lucide avait-il prévu sa prochaine mise en examen ?" (Did Macron the clairvoyant foresee his future investigation ?) or "#Macron a tout misé sur un coup de bluff… Les Français vont-ils se coucher ?" (Macron went all in on a bluff, will the French fold ?"

Have we had a look in the panama papers for any companies we now know he is involved with. If he tax evading, im sure we would find his name there as well, and the normies would eat the shit even faster.

If we can bait one outlet to deny the issue, others will be pressured to deny it too. People who believe their stories are voting Macron anyway.


Would this deny him from running for prez or holding office?

If our justice was impartial and our people awake, it would.
But the press does everything it can to shut it down.


True, but we know the press are not impartial. My point was that if they have to talk about it they will be on Macron's side. People who trust the news are voting for him no matter what we do. People who don't trust them will smell something off if they all start denying his tax evasion in unison.

The scans: (account created on May 4th 2012)
The Nestlé deal: (April 23th 2012 exactly 5 years before the 2017 elections first round)

Jack Posobiec periscope :

Wew Win

We need everyone with working twitter accounts to spread this shit asap.

many journalists tried to pass this as a news, but complete silence about this. I've been keeping a blank space on my QuarkXpress document not sure what should fit in there, since the directive is not to spread any single word or rumor about Macron, however rumors even unfounded ones about Le Pen are totally acceptable, and writers are encouraged to make sure these rumors sounds legit, and encourage extrapolation, like the false employments, her political intentions, smuggling money from the EU parliament, ties with Russia "we must not make the same mistake the americans did with Trump we *are* the news
journalism is dead. DEAD. we cannot go against what the businessmen who owns press wants. it's a galaxy and on the top you have people who Macron, Attali, etc are part of.

Consider the government that will come won't be a democracy, they will do things and ensure the press follows what is decided there. This is a new form of socialism that mixes a huge importance for corporation ties with the government.

Use the social media as much as you can, leak everything you can, here, it's dead.

Archived your link user…

Long version of archive link:

Short version of archive link:

Stop shilling for Le Pen . She has already denounced front national. She is another sionist rat.

Shoo shoo, Schlomo.

First time using the social bird, how's this :
Si @Macron rate la #Presidentielle2017 , il pourra toujours devenir voyant; / #bahamas

(If @Macron lose the #Presidentielle2017, he could become a crystal-gazer[voyant] link / link #bahamas) Or should I make it into two post ?

Good enough.

You can reply directly to Macron and LePen and others too create more impact.

Fucking character limit, just gonna send pics related then, two posts, what you think ? I'm extremely autistic when it comes to typing shit, spent so much time rewriting these to fit/have some impact.

Why are there two stickies? It's only splitting up the discussion.


Yau! Free France!

Eat glass.

he'll lose but that'll be after the election, forced resing?

Report in such a way that it would please Frau Merkel.


Well a lot of froggies can speak English so we can start making the buzz, the frogs from here can start spreading it to outlets like wildfire. At least one will for sure pick it up, it's too much of a story to leave. Even if it's some blog it will still have the full story in French.

I don't know about other frogs (I think some are in the same case), but all my twitter accounts have been banned and I can't make a new one without giving in a phone number.
VPNs and TOR doesn't change anything.

It's ok backup plan. We make it such a big story that some other news outlet other than the French outlet picks it. You know something like (((Kikebart))) or something burgerish , if it spreads fast enough some frenchies will pick it up and if Burger and other outlets possibly from other countries also pick it up the gag order that they essentially gave to their press is gonna start to crumble essentially. Time is of the essence.

Also a pun here was to be made about burgers and french fries , some joke was in there and i missed the opportunity if someone can find it. Thank you.

We want burgers in our bread, but french-fries complete it.

Best video I found so far.

Yes it is it is wall to wall Astroturf now

Welcome to 10 years ago, faggot. cuckchan has been wall to wall shills for a long, long time.

there was a time I was comfy at 4pol. when it felt like an eternal christmas sitting next to a warm fireplace with some hot chocolate cleaning a gun. those times are gone. it's like going to the neighborhood you grew up in and it's overrun with niggers, drugs, and crime now.

4chan was run into the ground by chanology. The fun and magic was completely gone.

also where are those digits

just post them one after another like 1/2 2/2 if you really can't fit it and/or put … ellipses to show it goes on

you faguettes need to bring this to the attention of fdesouche

yes that name again is
merushi booku

Pass this around on Twitter anons.

Have you not heard of bit ly?

This just came through on my twitter feed

Israeli lawmaker of ruling Likud party tweets support for French far-right leader Le Pen

Can an user help explain what he meant by this?

When faced with the prospect of losing (Marcon), jews will try to play both sides.

WTF I love Macron now.

Covering their tracks when are nearly exposed. Typical tricks.

No its not gone, its right here.
Its always been here, here is where we are.
Look around you, the same anons, the same magic. The wave is alive, its rolling, never to crash but grow. Swell. And expand.
The magic never dies, only the grass beneath your feet does if you stand still long enough

The way you expose him is by showing Jews did 120 million deaths of Communism, but none of you retards will.

If you were French you would understand that yelling "da joos" is a free ticket to jamal and ahmed's cell in prison.
So, thanks for your valuable input, but I'll keep my low profile and take care of my children and family, who need me more free than jailed.
But since you're a shitskin trapwhore faggot wanker, you'll never leave your mom's boyfriend's basement so you'll never grasp the feeling of having people around you who love you, who need you, and who would miss you if you left.

We never thought of that. You are such a mother fucking genius. Are you like, a math guy?

Keep meming guys until the last vote is cast.

I saw all the posting ids change to identical ones in another thread yesterday. Some serious fuckery going on.

What is a map for $500, alex?


Twitter is pwned, it's literally a CIA funded project, so you will have better luck even on Plebbit. Give it a try if you want.

Is Minitel still running? The frogs used to use that shit as a BBS. Get memes in there.

sauce on that? redpill me.

Pic related


Wikileaks has just dumped a huge pile of related info on Macron:


It's public. We have around 20 hours to win this election.


hey i didnt know there were site problems user

Use this thread when the other one fills.

May the gods be with you true people of France. Do whatever it takes to win and ensure that Macron does not take power, for they have shown their true colors (especially recently) and are almost gloating that they will destroy what we truly know is France. A word of warning though from a burger; should Le Pen win the election, support her however you can, especially when her actions are in favor of France and her people, but if she shows signs and/or does actions that go against what is good for the nation and it's people, call her out on it, question it, and criticize the action. Should she do something like that, let her know that you are against it and tell her why you voted for her. Remember; it is not who you are voting for, but what you are voting for.

The kikes always play both sides. If this happened, the kikes probably know with certainty le Pen is going to win.

Israel is actually more nationalist. A good portion is rightwing who want nationalism, but a lot are also (((globalists))) who want to control all the goys.

Memes aside, it's the leftist atheist marxist jews that Ben Shapiro called out that are pushing all these leftist candidates.

fuck off

all jews are wrong, kill them all here or push them to israel


Macron Leaks contain secret plans for the islamisation of France and Europe

Can anyone confirm?


Not sure exactly where to upload it, but here's a PDF version of the presentation and the original:

I know too many far-left jews unfortunately because I attend a liberal university, but despite their passionate support for open borders and mass immigration, none of them seem to have any issue taking a summer vacation to Israel every year.

There's no such thing as "nationalist" or "globalist" jews because they're all the exact same; their politics simply change depending on what country they're standing in. When they're in Israel they're fiercely anti-immigrant and build border walls, yet when they're in white countries they suddenly want us to import all of Israel's muslim neighbors. This isn't hypocrisy – no jew considers themselves American/British/French/etc. They will always be Israelis even if they never visit the country.


Does anyone have a map thing that shows the votes in real time?


Machine translated:

A few things I got from the presentation:
- They want to tax consumption of halal meats
- They want Arabic to be taught in schools
- They want to regulate religions more
- They want to create a "French Islam" by forcing communities to cater to it



Are the 'They' in that case people that Macron's group talked to or Macron himself?

It's more likley that becasue of the current leaks it's unclear who'll win.
Shillary showed that even with the full might of the msms and everything else that could be politicized, you can still lose as long as you have enough shit on you.

He understands peoples aversion to anything Jews agree with and is using that to his advantage. He wants you to fear Le pen winning, and all he has to do is agree with her.

One of Macron's emails is an Org Chart of Korean names with a Nork address.


Holla Forums pls stop.



from younger brother

Oh, I forgot moot still cringely pretends to be a retarded corrupt japanese guy to save his ass.

Are the norks in with the globalist too? what the fuck

That's a good card to play on the international stage I'd say. Just have to keep moves hidden well.

So I just read an article from (((The New Yorker))), took me 30 minutes because I couldn't take all this shit at once. So he's a confirmed cuck who married a woman being 40 with 3 kids while he was 15, so she was possibly a pedophile, but most likely he is just a faggot. And then he claims that this is "the modern family".

Promoting literal cuckoldry, an illusion of a family he built to hide his degenerate ways. At least just be gay by yourself, don't include children in this. And then emails strongly indicate he had employees buy him cocaine. We had a gay prime minister candidate here in Quebec who also was found using drugs. At least he was frank about his perversion but people have to know gays are much more likely to use drugs and attend questionable parties.


From the fucking Telegraph:

The hell he's centrist. He's a radical pro-corruption globalist and euronationalist. The (((polling average))) in that article puts him ahead by a frankly ridiculous margin. They're saying it will be 62% to Macron and 38% to LePen.


When in Burger time zones will we know if the Frog Queen has ascended and the Grannyfucker has been Shoah'd?

Polls close at 2pm eastern, but we should know sometime before that.

If I were a secretive little country with no economy and wanted to stay in power, what better way than to supply little kids for the leaders of far more powerful countries to play with? How else could such a shitty weak country last this long without China outright buying it from the Kims?

I don't want to be a concern shill, but how much penetration are we getting with our memes to the French people via social media?

we are dominating the hashtags, but many accounts are getting zapped

Did he know Hollande was going to win?

Would this be the right place to drop this?

Bы ктo тaкиe? Я Bac нe звaл!Идитe нa хy

The French activity here has been fucking shit this entire election cycle. The fucking Dutch worked more for Wilders, Jew that he is. I'm hoping they have their own internet setup and boards and memes. This was all on France, we couldn't shill like we I did for Brexit. Expecting the worst but then I always do. Fucking DM even had her father in an article shilling against her.

My theory is that meme magic only works in English, so to speak. What I mean by that is the vast majority of Holla Forums's content (or content stemming from Holla Forums, like the various youtubers and twitter troll army, etc) are all in the english-speaking-sphere of things. We're able to reach people with our memetic warfare in places like America (Trump) and Britain (Brexit), but we have trouble in the non-anglo countries, where we haven't really had the ability to push for people like Hofer, Wilders, or Le Pen due to the language barrier. Especially so in France, because they have that whole "we refuse to speak/listen to english" thing going on. Which I actually respect, but it makes our job a hell of a lot harder.

What about the flight crash in Le Bains? It happened in Frog territory.

It had to occur in France because it was Les Bains is. It was incidental.


Just woke up, did the voting begin? when do we get results?


Final result? or its still going?



they just coming in

It's still going, but I expect to see that later.
I expect to see even more.

Placing my bet at 53% Le Pen.

I hope so user

Don't take this as concern trolling, but what makes you guys so confident?

58.4% LePen win

Cap it

The Silent Majority.

Every election, a large amount of people stay at home.
They look at both candidates and can't tell them apart. One's a greedy jew, the other is jewish greed. Some of these people would vote right and some would vote left. But they don't because they don't see the point.

Macron and Le Pen both tried to get these people to vote.
Macarronni promised them fear (if you don't vote for me, Hitler 2.0 wins!). Makronis promised them terror (we must learn to live with terrorism!). Mercyonis gave them inconsitency (I'm lefty, I'm not lefty, I'm libertarian, I'm authoritarian, I'm neither, I'm trasncending!)
Macron gave his abstainers nothing and now… will receive nothing aswell.

Le Pen gave them Hope. Le Pen gave them a possibility. Maybe even a future. Le Pen gave them a plan. Le Pen gave them safety. And now, she will receive their support.

Every election until Trump's, Politics ignored the Silent Majority. They're silent after all, they don't speak, they grumble between elections about how everything is shit.
They don't spread propaganda. They don't debate. They stay at home and wallow in their self-despair induced by modern society.

For the first time in centuries, someone looked at them and found what they wanted.
Will she give it to the frogs? Time will tell. We can't be sure.
But she's their best bet, and when a man has little to lose, he's willing to bet that little he has on the small chance he can win.
After all, if you lose, you don't lose that much. You just die.

What about Ebola? Clicks and whistles don't count as English or an actual Language for that matter. And Ibbi Pepi from Denmark?
There are quite a few examples of meme magic outside the anglosphere.

I'm talking about elections. Not just happenings in general.

I hope you're right. But I was really disappointed when Le Pen didn't even get first in the first round. After all the fucking terrorist attacks and EU bullshit, you'd think more than ~21% would have her as their favorite. I'm feeling pretty disillusioned with france. Like these people are staring down the barrel of a gun and still think everything is okay.

When are results coming in frogs ?

$$\color{red}{\huge PRAISE KEK}$$

$$\color{red}{PRAISE KEK}$$

You wot m8

somebody ban me and remove theese
i feel like such a normie

I'm not, I already know she won't win. She didn't even get first place in the first round, thinking that more cucks from other parties would flock to her instead of the centrist is retarded.

These are not the American elections, we already had a first round and it put things on the table quite plainly. Not to mention, if the American election had a centrist running, Trump would not have won either, Hillary probably won Trump more votes than anything he ever did or said.

At 8pm GMT+1 French television will declare the new president of France, so in the early afternoon for burgerland

Accounts are getting shut down en masse, even accounts who aren't explicitly pro Le Pen but just very anti Macron, also accounts with over 100k followers. The amount of censorship is insane.

That's 3 hours and 15 minutes from the time I make this post, for those who don't want to do mental math or look up timezones.

I'm surprised there's no election stream like we had for Trump

How's it going Lads. I can't find any fucking data. Exit polls, sentiment?

You came straight from reddit didn't you?

Yes, but meme magic has proved to work outside the anglosphere, contrary to your initial claim. I don't see why a French election would be above the meme's power. Language isn't a problem neither is distance, just the pozzed frogs themselves.

We will know in 10 minutes.
The only way to have a chance to win is if the inner cities leftists cucks stayed massively at home and not all went to vote for a Rotschild banker as a good little socialist (read retard). there were signs for it to be the trend at midday.

If that's the case there is a (small) chance.

I thought 8pm GMT was when the polls close, not when they announce the winner?

topkek Holla Forums is in favor of LePen.

Is it happening guys?

6pm for close, 7pm for result (8pm gmt +1)

And participation is 65,30 % at 5pm all the leftist cucks went to vote.

Macron is president.

That's polls, polls are wrong, you will see

That's not polls that's the interior ministry saying it.

You can vote for another 3 hours

found the Zionist kike shill
nuke both jfc

wtf? I'm a Macaron now!

Won't change the trend, if you have roughly the same participation (it's 5% less) than on the first turn, it means the same pattern of vote from the fist turn will repeat (same people went to vote).
Out of which are the 25% of leftists that said they weren't gonna.
And no they're not gonna vote Le Pen, only people that might do that are the people that voted cuckservative.
She could have won if most of the left stayed at home and the cuckservatives split half for her half for Macron (and frankly even like that it's doubtful I doubt it would be even a 50-50 split, when was the last time you saw boomers not fuck things up?)

Fairly high participation at the end of the afternoon means the leftists went to vote.
They all voted for a Rotschild banker because they can't help themselves they need to suck cocks before getting their ass ravaged.
Because that's who they are.

0/10 in literacy.
What it means to go conquer Jerusalem is taking the land from the fucking jews.
What means putting 7 feet under is that they are dead by us.
What I am implying by hell is that the religion of the jews is a satanic one (Yahew).
Overall a fucking mongrel. Now go kill yourself you fucking shit..

France is almost more cucked than Swedistan. I mean they had 5 major terrorist attacks in the last 3 years and are still embracing multikulti. If that doesn't wake you up nothing will sadly!

It's over, Macron wins by 60%, unless 10 million faggots go out and vote like right now.

Fucking can't get better than this with popcorn.


Read the thread you fucking turbo nigger

6pm UK time.



lesoir. be/1497943/article/actualite/france/2017-05-07/presidentielle-emmanuel-macron-serait-en-tete-avec-plus-62-des-voix-direct



Of course you moron, it's from Belgium. The last time around these polls were decently accurate.

But I bow to your trips.

She didn't have a chance, the data is there, the transfer votes do not exist for Le Pen. It's known data not a guess. Hopefully the cops just let the riots ruin the place and don't bother. Most of them are pro LePen. Let them smash up their 5% Le Pen vote shithole.

None of the socialist and Fillon votes ain't going to Macron.

If you think any Fillon votes go to Le Pen that are meaningful you are deluded. He's thatcher, She's practically Labour in the difference.

It will also be the lowest turnout in decades, so the Socialists and Commies didn't turn out, and many will abstain.

Quads confirm commies and socialists stay home and Le Pen wins.







if le pen wins there is a god

Literally what fucking board is that second image from, no 8ch board has that many posts and we don't have flags on this Holla Forums but the file format, two files and redtext means it can't be cuckchan.

Those are some beautiful quads.
May ALL the votes go to Le Pen, and the communists stay home (or better yet, immigrate to Belgium since the EU loves immigration so much.)

Le Pen, s'il vous plaît faire de la France une grande encore!

News here in Belgium are saying Macron is well ahead so far, 60%+ is the figure they are throwing around.

Who won?

Ye i'm hoping that's wrong, but that could be pretty close to the truth tbh

results on belgian websites as usual


Where the are they getting these numbers from? As far as I know booths are not even closed yet.

Could be.

Always wait until the end.

Wondering that myself. Anyone have any way of monitoring the status (either in French, English, or both)?

That's from exit polls. French authorities said no real data will emerge before 7:45

Polls are 100% being cooked because the EU is meddling in the election. The EU Army is not ready for intervention yet so they are trying to rig things first.

Continue to monitor the situation and keep an eye out for any instances of fraud

10% of exit polls were blank, and I think that sample was just from a region that voted early. I could be wrong…

Frog here, alot of people are kind off stressed from this elections this year but seeing all you anons caring about France kinda makes my heart warm, i know we joke about each other countries, but you guys are awesome, keep it up.

Why do idiots even support this stupid old pseudo right-wing bitch? She kicked her own father out of his party for antisemitism because of her (((boyfriend)))

Exit polls from Belgian french-speaking networks, nothing official ofcourse

The (((polls))) say he'll get 61.5-63% of the vote. Of course we all know how the (((pollsters))) and (((MSM))) strive for accuracy.

vous aussi user

I think that's really been overplayed because even then people in those countries could do what they can to reach their populations, if anything it would be easier for a smaller, more ethnically European country than it would for a 60% white country like Burgerstan which I happen to live in.

I think it really has to do with many of these people just not feeling enough of a backlash from multiculturalism yet like we had here. It took centuries of niggers living here and decades of spics for us to get the message. The French if anyone have the best chance of turning things around because they're much closer to our situation so I have hope for Le Pen. I've seen no effort in Germany whatsoever so I have basically no hope for them this election. That's probably a bigger reason for the success, it took a year and a half of winning the culture war for Trump to win, while the effort for Brexit was a similar process. Le Pen, while she's been big in France for a while efforts only really kicked up in the last few months while the Dutch were just kind of an afterthought. I fear the same will happen for Germany because last I checked the best case scenario was Merkel gets another term or (((Schulz))) wins. Also if Merkel wins wouldn't that be 20 years at least she would be in office? How the fuck are we calling that a democracy when if the same thing happens in Syria/Iraq/etc we bomb them?


they could actually tell anything they want
most rigged election in history

America and France were bros during 1800s, same with America and Russia. We have a lot of white brothers across the world who all want freedom. We help however we can.
J'espere que le vrai peuple de France reussit aujourdhui.

her winning could collapse the EU which serves our interests.

clearly, I don't know many people looking to France for free and fair elections

It's like a group of friends that have known each other for a long time and have been through a lot together; we rip on each other all the time, but deep down we care for each other's well beings, especially when threatened. How are we going to mess with each other if some outsider tries to kill what makes us us?

How many oldies were there in the voting booths?

It's how I predicted Brexit with 99% certainty on the day.

I stayed up overnight for Trump, but our own Brexit? Knew it would win. Because the old people fucking packed it.

old people vote for Macron and need to be gassed

Oldies are kiked


This is logical if they are really anti-EU. The Holla Forums would probably vote (covering his nose) for Mechellon if he went for the second round with Macron.

At the moment the EU is the biggest evil and even an (honest) commie knows it.

Merci anonkun.

Very true.

Yup user, very long true friends.

Alot of oldies voted for macron, but alot of people living outside cities and on the countryside vote for Lepen for years.


dafuqs going on here explain

That goes against my instincts here.

Rich oldies maybe - but don't you have a white working class?

We do user we do.

Unlike in USA, in France the old fucks are cucks, they complain all the time, but will do what their TV will tell them to do.
On the other hand our youth is radicalized, if you considere that a third of the 18-25 are shitskins, yet LePen is leading in this age range, nearly all young whites are radicals.

Who are more concerned with the nogs prawling the streets?

Mate I'm British, we're right next to it. Old people made the difference in this situation because they were PISSED.

The turnout among the elderly was around 90% and they were around 75% for Leave.

Both their turnout and choices were unexpected.



don't underestimate a lot of French shitskins voting for Le Pen

someone like Dieudonné actually told people to vote for her

The first pic its from the Antifas i believe, "7 mai emeute generale" literally "7 may general riot" i think that's from the extreme libs, or extreme gauche like we call it here, they wanna fuck shit up in case Lepen wins.

God just fucking END THIS. Shit is stressing me.

Rich oldies i would say, they dont want people from outside their "little rich world" in their hoods.

i got that what about the envelope thing

It's all about the political system. If Austria & France would have an Electoral College System like the US, they would win like Trump. If the US had a system like Austra & France, Trump would've lost. It's the big cities that more than counter-balance the rural areas that aren't yet pozzed.

Ballots have been arriving torn or duplicated for Macron with no LePen ballots
In short the election has been fixed
He's running at 62%

the alliance of bourgeois and shitskins, under command of the kikes

Between Schulz and Merkel, Merkel is less bad for our cause. Schulz knows to keep low profile, he seems to be very cunning. Merkel is reckless and has made many mistakes. The only good thing about Schulz is that (((his roots))) are more physically evident.

No idea user, maybe rigged votes, or some like that.


France is extremely kiked, every television show and movie is stuffed with them

do they have standard issue white flags and dildos?

and let me guess; antifa doing the counting
fuck it amma stab a nigga
not really fbi senpai

“Now this is what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will tear down its fences and let it be destroyed. I will break down its walls and let the animals trample it” ( Macron Isaiah 5:5).
“I will let in the scum of nations to take possession of their houses” ( Macron Ezekiel 7:24, The New English Bible).
“Thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay, they shall be mingled indeed together with the seed of man, but they shall not stick fast one to another, as iron cannot be mixed with clay” ( Le Pen Daniel 2:43)

Le Pen does her worst scores with old people.
Le Pen = fascist = Nazis.

They massively vote against anything resembling nationalism. And they're the ones that votes the most.

Yeah. And it's Le Pen best demographic but it's also the one that vote the less.

Basically youth and working people vote either commie or fascist (40-40), high income and retiree vote cuckservative and Macron (40-40).

But given french demographic and voting habits, it's the guys that don't work that wins…

A lefty philosopher put it that way "as long as the anger doesn't catch up with the aging population, nothing will change".

And boomer vote for the one promising to keep milking the cows for their pensions and don't rock the boat.
Guess who that is?

They don't exist. So far they've made attempts at integrating some military elements between nations, but the EU still consists of sovereign states with entirely seperate armies and governments, so it's going about as smoothly as you'd expect a multinational bureaucratic undertaking to.

The Brussels kikes thrive on shekels and regulations, very little in the way of hard power.

The pure volume of shills leads me to believe she's doing better than expected.

I hope LePen wins, fuck the EU

The exact percentage they've been predicting all along.

She might be winning. We'll see.

35 minutes until we know

Oh boy. I hope she wins. That would give germans more hope to vote the right thing too.

Indeed. Since this board has been rather slow lately, I've gone to cuckpol a couple of times. It was not quite as bad as I was expecting it to be, with shills largely sticking to their shitty bait threads and not overly active… until the Macron leaks. They went into fucking overdrive yesterday. Haven't even bothered checking today. Generally if they're shilling this hard, they've got a reason.

What armies?

It's not like anyone has standing army save leftovers from the cold war.
France has probably the biggest land army of the fucking EU and they we're all giddy because they managed to get to keep 88 000 combat troop (instead of the cut down to 60 000 planned to make it like the UK and Germany)…

Wikipedia figures are so of the charts it's the perfect example of "wiki is a sauce", it's dubious that if you put the actual soldiers of the EU countries all together in one place you get 300k…
And nearly all of them are mounted on vehicles/planes from the 80's when it's the 70's.
Let them have a war with Russia and have Putin beat Adolf high score for fastest surrender.


Hello Brussels Jew I see you doing damage control about the EU Army. The infrastructure is already in place, you don't need HQ and bases of operation for a fighting force that is already formed. It has been supplied off the books, partially by using NATO equipment. Look into the death of Yves Chanedlon.

You Europeans should be looking into them, or you're going to find out about their existence when tanks roll down your street.

You don't want Europe to do another gang bang and continue to degrade itself as a global influence and power.

Much better to have a war between Islam and the rest of the world.

What's a good place for a burger to put down a small bet on this?

Regardless of this election's results, I think we'll be seeing the EU army really soon in France: either to quell Muzzies increasing attacks, or to quell an uprising of French over a rigged election

The nearest Mcdonald user.

Seriously, save your money. This is not Trump, it's been a fit up from the start. She literally can not win. There is no path. The riots need to start in earnest.

What a cohencidence


Thanks very much


I'm just going to put a tenner down for fun. Never betted on anything, april was a good month financially for me. I figured if I win I'd buy some new shoes or a new shirt or something.

Expect ISIS attacks in addition to Antifa unrest. The EU will allow/create a shitstorm so that the EU Army can be brought in to "peacekeep"

If Macron wins then they will spin it as quelling an uprising of neo Nazis and fascists. They have been developing these PR approaches for many months already.


Death of Europe: Europeans are losing the place they call home, says DOUGLAS MURRAY

IS OUR continent on a suicide mission? Over the years of the recent migration crisis I have been travelling across Europe from the most remote southern islands of Italy to the north of Sweden, from the islands of Greece to the suburbs of France.

I have travelled to the places where migrants continue to land and the places where they keep ending up. Everywhere I have gone I have come to the same conclusion: our continent is in the process of self-murder.

Amid the day-to-day distraction of life and politics, it is easy to forget this biggest event of our time. All pale into insignificance besides the story of the loss by Europeans of the only place we had to call home.

Whenever this country does have a debate about immigration it is minuscule. It tends to focus on Calais. The British public sees footage of people sitting in makeshift tents or hurling missiles into the roads to slow the trucks down so they can board them and break into Britain.

Each time actors, celebrities and politicians head to Calais and visit the camp. They return to tell the British public that it must be more open-hearted and generous.

The argument they make is humane. It is an understandable reaction to human misery but it is a core part of our society's suicide mission.

Take that example of Calais. Before the latest clearance of the camp there were about 6,000 people living there. None of them should have been there.

By being there they had already broken every one of the rules that our continent put in place which demands they seek asylum in the first country of arrival. Almost nobody arrives into France first.

All these people have landed in Greece or Italy and made their way north.

And yet still the celebrities and others pick at our consciences. Can we not be generous and at least let in the people who are there? It is wholly understandable - and also ill-informed madness.

Over this year's Easter weekend alone about 8,000 people were picked up between the coast of north Africa and the south of Italy.

They were described - as everyone always is - as being "rescued". In fact what happens - what has been happening for years - is that each day boats filled with migrants set out from north Africa.

At first - after some high-profile sinkings - they pulled people out of their boats (or escorted the boats in) when they were close to islands such as Lampedusa.

But over time the European vessels have gone ever-closer to the shores of Libya. Today the smugglers hardly put any petrol into the barely seaworthy vessels they now put out.

The boats need go only a few miles out to sea before they are collected by European naval vessels and brought into Europe. The smugglers now do the smallest part of that journey. The Europeans do the rest.

Of course it is possible when standing in a migrant camp in one of these places or speaking to the people who arrive - as I have done many times - to think that perhaps our continent can cope with this flow.

From these far-flung outposts a few thousand people arriving every single day and then being shipped or flown up on to the mainland of Europe can seem a manageable prospect. In fact it spells a continent's catastrophe.

During the heights of the migration crisis of 2015, when Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel opened up the doors of Europe to the world, the whole continent began to buckle.

But in reality that flood of millions into Europe only sped up a process that had been under way for years. Ever since the postwar period European governments had encouraged migrant workers to come in.

At first - as Chancellor Merkel herself admitted in a speech in 2010 - they expected the workers to return home. But they didn't. They stayed. As did the flow after that and the ones for decades after that.

The governments of countries such as ours failed to get anything right. All their predictions were wrong for decades. They were wrong that people would stay for only a short time. Wrong to think that they would not continue to come in large numbers.

Wrong that they might not want to bring their extended families to join them. And wrong to think that once the tap was turned on anything but very radical action could ever bring the numbers to a controllable level.


In a country such as Britain we are used to politicians promising things on lowering immigration that we know they will never deliver.

Remember the promises to bring immigration down to tens of thousands a year? But even this is just a portion of the big-picture changes occurring across our continent into which millions of people are moving with no end in sight.

During the course of researching The Strange Death Of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam, I have travelled to see the places where those migrants who arrive on our continent end up. Last year the migrant crisis was widely believed to have slowed down.

But it had not and its effects were still visible everywhere. In the outskirts of Paris I saw hundreds of young sub-Saharan men living in tents in the middle of roadways. The French police would occasionally move them a few hundred feet further along.

In remote parts of Sweden areas that used to be filled with Swedes are inhabited instead by the residents of other continents.

Still the dream of some Europeans is that the arrivals into Europe will become European. It is more likely that Europe will simply begin to look increasingly Third World.

Part of the reason is that we keep lying to ourselves, or failing to inform ourselves, about what is happening. Even today the Left and Right in Britain and Europe still pretend that the people arriving are refugees.

Yet as I found out for myself most are not. Most of those who arrived in 2015, for instance, are economic migrants. They are escaping economic hardships we are infinitely lucky not to have been born into. But they are not fleeing for their lives.

Open borders campaigners and others deliberately smudge the differences between these groups, massively damaging their own cause but doing their part in the destruction of our civilisation.

Neither is there any workable system to send people who should not be here back to their own countries.

The system that existed on Europe's borders was never designed to cope with flows of the kind we now have. As terrorist attacks perpetrated by people who have used this system have shown - it is almost totally broken.

As is our ability to integrate people. In 2010 Chancellor Merkel, then prime minister David Cameron and many other European leaders gave big speeches admitting that the policy of "multiculturalism" had failed.

But they then proceeded to speed up immigration to an unheard of high. If immigration had failed at such low levels, how was it meant to work at a historic high?

None of this was any more thought through than the other periods since the war. At the end of my travels I developed some ideas of how to at least slow down this flow, which is the most urgent need for our continent.

I hope Theresa May and her counterparts, all now so focused on Brexit, will consider this. But my fear is that they will not. It will go into the pot of "too big to deal with". As it does for so many other people. But we should be under no illusions if we continue to avoid this issue. Our civilisation's whole future is at stake.

~ The Strange Death Of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam by Douglas Murray

I always get diarrhea on election nights.

Do you think those 60 to 64% are wrong? It will be bang within that. The Wafflekikes data was 100% last time.

It's probably right, you have to understand that the "literally Hitler" propaganda against Trump you got to endure for a few months, the french suffered it for half a century with LePen. The brainwashing is too strong.


How much you anons gonna win when Le Pen wins?

Exit polls have Macron on 64%. They won't be wrong - exit polls in France are not based on asking voters what they voted for, but rather actual votes. It's simply sub-sampling.

3 minutes left






RIP France

65% Macron victory

Official announcement: 65.9% Macron.

it's over goyim

I want sauce right the fuck now or else I call bullshit.

It's ogre. France surrenders to the European Caliphate.

French translation:
. .

Fucking bullshit. It was 50/50 this afternoon, there's no way on earth Macaroon pulled that many votes out of the bag in less than five hours legitimately.

Are you really this fucking lazy? It'll be on every single major media outlet jesus.

Check out the live coverage video.

French :)

Dude all French news outlets just called it at the same time, they always do at 8pm

I'm not saying it was legit btw, i'm just saying those are the numbers

I'm not disputing that they've called the election, I'm disputing the fucking result.

This is so obviously rigged it's laughable.


Ye i agree with that, this has been too smooth sailing for Macron, he never once got in trouble

Either that or the French are fucking stupid

french are fucking stupid

france is ground zero for communism, so its not so surprising that the people are fucking retarded

I don't know, based on my experience with white normies, it isn't unrealistic to suggest 65% of them are fucking retards who would rather vote for their own destruction than be called racist.

Democratic politics are not the answer. Ride the tiger.


dubs confirm
Sharia Law will be enforced in Frogland

Oh boy, time to screencap some salt!

I don't know what you cucks expected. Brexit was a very special exception and caught them off-guard. Trump had the electoral college (Le Pen would win using a similar system). It won't happen elsewhere. It will be an Anglo-only uprising until it's too late.



Fucking frogs


RIP France

Enjoy Sharia, you've earned it.

kill me pls

So more terrorist attacks and generical socio-economic collapse, eh?

Maybe it's too much to hope for, but I'd love it if it came out in a few months that the election was rampantly swung toward Macron through fraud and it kickstarts the next French revolution.


is it over this quickly
arent there more votes to count

Hi Shareblue. Projecting as always. The only salt you'll find is in the pot of boiling frogs.

How many times were you told over the last few weeks?

Their exit-polling is based on actual votes, subsampling, so are extremely accurate. They need to count it all yes but it won't change.

nah this is it, it can fluctuate a little bit (

RIP anons whole life savings

I'm legit not sure whether to be mad or be smug at the fact these retards are getting exactly what they wanted. Fuck the frogs.

Don't give him his (you)
France is doomed, they made their choice, we should now focus on the next european election

You're an retarded. All I was saying is that an EU army doesn't even fucking exist yet. All they have is whatever they can scrape from member state armies, which is not a lot. If Macron actually won, the EU may very well get a whole lot cockier a whole lot sooner, though.

well i knew she'd lose but i wanted to be a little closer than 64 to 33
ffs le pen

We should be happy for them, user.

They've just given us a down payment on a string of new HAPPENINGS over the next few years.

Don't blame her.

Blame the cheese eating surrender nigger monkeys

Meh, even if Le Pen loses, the situation will just accelerate under Macron. All it means is bullets instead of ballots

I'm not even mad that I lost almost $200. It's not even close to the user that bet his life savings.

Look on the bright side. After however many years to a Presidential term there are in France, imagine the mood of the population after this autistic Rothschild failed genetic engineering experiment fucks everything up completely.

Now the election is over, I'm guessing more about the Macron document leak will make it into the press. Everyone who voted for him is going to realise they've made a huge mistake as soon as the terror attacks intensify, he continues to turn a blind eye to the issue of no-go zones made up entirely of migrants, the economy continues to tank, and nothing improves. Everyone who didn't will quickly realise the election was rigged by a 20% margin for him. Going to be fun to watch the happenings.


And the next President of France is…

Well, if that's how it is, then that's how it is. I still believe that we've set some things in motion in the hearts of some of the French. What we should do now is focus our memes on the next big election.

If you don't speak english your memes are weak and you live in the past, simple as that

France is literally in the phase where cuckolding over race is cutting edge and being an atheist is edgy because they are gay and dont speak english

Yeah that's great and all, but will white people even fucking live that long now that Merkel's running France?

It might be too late by then

There's not gonna be any bullets, stop LARPing. Americans are up to their neck in guns and they do nothing but complain online when Antifa destroys monuments and memorials of the civil war, you think France is going to do anything?

There may be in the future, but you can forget that within the timeframe Macron will be relevant.

You dense fucking faggots are making my day.

Well that's just retarded. I hope that weren't his life savings or something

He admitted it was.

Good thing it's only France, then.

I say we get to work on the German elections right now.

It absolutely will be too late by then. Macron will hunt down every nationalist left, all while creating a breeding ground for more Muslims to completely replace them. Francistan imminent.

So, is Europa officially lost?


cling to your fantasies.

Europe is no more.

How is that funny you fucking kike?

Europe's had it worse. Weimar, for example.

Another four-five years continuing in the present mode and the indigent population is going to truly have dehumanised itself and faced to bloodshed.

Enjoy your muslim country, France

France vs Poland/Hungary when?


Well until the day comes I suggest any Frenchanons hunker down and continue to redpill whenever they get the chance. There's fuck all else they can do for the time being

the french are irredimable
have they collectively done anything good for europe, can some one name one thing, even their cars suck horsecock.
no wonder every one hated them in the past
they couldnt even kill conquer islamic spain


user, don't be stupid. Europe is gone.

French won more wars than anyone in Europe bizarrely

dicked up posting

The best thing they can do is start getting out of major cities like Paris. Those are now a lost cause.

Start finding smaller, more rural, predominantly white areas to move into and redpill everyone there. Build homogenous communities and be ready for the next French revolution when the cities and finance finally collapse under the weight of multiculti.

Hey I'm upset she lost too. She literally was France's only shot of salvation. Now it's up to the French to dig down to their revolutionary roots.


ISIS has been let in in large amounts and will be further catered to by the new administration. AND, if the French really do revolt, the EU army will come in and make an example of them. And it'll be easy to find them when Macron is actively hunting down the last remaining nationalists.

It breaks my heart, but face it: France is no more

I'm not ready to write the Germans off just yet. Maybe utter cucks in the heart of Berlin would want to vote for slimy rat like Schulz, but the rest of the country? Not so sure.

Be good to start digging some dirt on him.

The only hope i have is that this will eventually lead to civil war

How many terror attacks must commence, how many killing sprees, how many massacres until the normies wake up.

I can only hope that at least a majority are beginning to acknowledge a problem and are afraid to speak out.

Fear is understandable, ignorance is not.

There was a state parliament election in Schleswig-Holstein today. Merkel's party clearly won, followed by Schulz' trainwreck and the Green party.
The average western European is still living in too good conditions to realize his situation and by the time he realizes it will probably too late.

I'm not gonna do that mang. If shit hits the fan, I'll just go back to USA, where I was born. I'm also french and voted Le Pen, but now I see how fucking brainwashed the majority of population is here, so it makes no sense to sacrifice myself for them. At least there's still based peeps in the US, and I can get guns much easier. Here you can't even name the jew without going to jail. That's something that was supposedly on MLP's agenda though…

I'm not even mad that I lost almost $200

It could always be worse user…

It was over after Round one and everybody who wasn't retarded knew it. She needed 30 plus percent then to carry the tactical voting against her. She got barely 20. This was an open and shut case, there were no variables like the US or Brexit, people stated how they would vote first round, it was the same as the outcome today. You could literally workout the transfer votes to a few percent.
The Parisians are real pieces of shit, 5 fucking percent of that shithole voting for her. I hope tonight Paris is burned to the ground and the pro Le Pen police let it happen.

If we get a breakdown of voting by area, I'd be very interested to see how Nice, Lyon, etc voted vs Marseilles and Paris.

We tried to warn you, France. We really did.

It could all change

Britain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit > sweedes > germans > french

Civil war that, again, will be quelled by the EU army in the name of "fighting Islamophobia."



I wanna believe user, but Le Pen is already accepting defeat on twitter.

If they actually do that, it might ignite people across Europe to try the same

Nonsense. It was over weeks ago, nothing has changed in polling or data. How the fuck could it change.

No, no it can't. Their projections are based on ACTUAL votes, via subsampling - not asking voters what they voted. It's over. It will wobble ±1% at best. This is the result.


Nobody cries here.
Get out fag.

I went there in the 90's and was disgusted. Was worse in the mid 2000's. Went with the gf a few years ago and she said I ruined it complaining about what a shithole it had become.


At least you'll be allowed to travel though.

Your gf sounds like a fucking idiot.

I didn't believe, I didn't stop propaganda, but I'm not a retard. So I knew it was over after the first round. So did she..

Ah, lovely new country lines to be drawn during the eventual French Revolution.

It's just sad. Such a great country getting destroyed by greedy bankers and politicans.

What do you mean?

Reminder that Democracy is and always has been a sham and the only way it sorta works sometimes is with provisions like the Electoral College

Trump won because he know how to game our bastardized system of democracy. Any country with straight democracy is going to get fucked when it comes to stuff like this, the electoral college helps mitigate one party importing/indoctrinating potential voters, and even then it's questionable.

Someone good at Photoshop should make a version of pic related that reads


Yeah, she's a woman. She went for Romance. I was describing a dystopian shithole mixed with full blow Napolean worship. We went south to the Basque region and had a fucking blast. We don't go on city breaks anymore. So it worked and she knows cities are African hell holes.

Is that hapa Tim Pool in Paris? I want to see flames.

This screams of "FIX!"

Why? You can just go to Chicago instead and it'll be a lot cheaper. And you can even bring your own gun.

I am from Yuropoor bro

le pen did double her numbers from last time according to red ice live stream

Just go to your capital city. You might even be able to bring a plastic knife.

The AfD entered the parliament for the first time

Shit, even Corse is mostly blue. WTF is up with that?

We have no hope left in this rotten world.

Zionists and Rothschilds have win the game already decades ago.

Please, can I just die. I don't want to live in this planet anymore. Maybe if reincarnate to another planet there would be no Jews to ruin everything.

I don't live in a no-fun land. We got guns, I just wanted to see France without getting blown the fuck up by Muddies

She lost, France yes! More Rapeugee$.

I don't enjoy seeing La République sinking into the mud


Russia and Murrika have reached an agreement about Syria,
there is still hope in this rotten world.

Seen a bunch of teenage French girls for Le Pen on twitter, they followed back after I followed them. We're getting more people on board till the (((boat))) is easily toppled over

What if the frogs just start rebelling? They've done it before.

The only people that gained from riots in the last 20 years are Africans and Muslims.

Is now the time to weep?

Le Dournier Soupir
Translation: The Last Dying Breath

Do you know if there is other planets in the universe that has not a single Jew living on it?

If yes, could you please tell that planet's location and name.

Jewless planet. I want to go there.

(((SheissHoleStein))) state. The jokes write themselves…

If you're going to cry like a faggot like the shills expect you to, then do it on your own time. Now's the time to push forward on other fronts while sowing the seeds of accelerationism in France.

I lost 70 euro betting she would lose with a good percentage

Exactly, how is this a surprise to anyone?

Yet again the kikes shoved their noses in and ruin a once perfect country.

Man, you're really not getting it. the EU army is meant to keep all of EUROPE from leaving. And I'd love to see how well Europeans would fare with no firearms to protect against tanks rolling through the streets, online registries for problem citizens before they even had a chance to act, and decades of brainwashing to fight against.




They've been collectively jerking themselves off for how tolerant and civilized they are, and now when that isn't translating to utopia like they all planned, there is no plan B.

Well they had been ruining it for more than 200 years, starting with Napoleon emancipating them

Nobodies stopping you from suckstarting a shotgun faggot.

lol, france24 is blaming cuckchan for the hackings on macron

a life without (((them))) could be boring

Meanwhile in Germanistan

You've been watching their propaganda movies like The Matrix too much.

You'd think someone betting their life savings would have tried to get decent odds on it. But no.

Personally, I'm hoping for European markets to boom in response to this big globalist win, so I can sell my holdings into the surge.

Well, because under Macron they'll still let niggers in.

The French people are insufficiently armed for civil war. The police may have supported Le Pen, but I fear they'll ultimately follow orders. I don't expect an armed revolt lead by them.

Where the riots at.

Good one user.

Leyen can suck a dick!

(replying from another thread)

Food for thought, those 11 million people aren't going to vanish overnight, and I'll be extremely conservative and estimate at least 1 million of them are fit for combat.

Now call me out if I'm wrong but you can do a heck of a lot with 1 million people.

This fight isn't over

Absolute best case scenario is large numbers of serial arsonists burning migrant detention centers. And even then, they would easily be taken out before any real damage could be done. In addition, the media would use this as hyper-fuel for "m-m-muh muslims"

Well all I can say is Good Job!! france in electing a literal rothchild piece of shit jew. No wonder paris looks like a mix between turkey and somalia so enjoy your enrichment and stand back and do nothing while your women are raped and men humiliated for the jews pleasure.You deserve everything you got coming, well done.No kys.. oh wait you just did lol.


Even the commies are going to riot

You must be the biggest double niggerkike on Holla Forums at the moment:

Look at this

Pauvre imbécile.

Was reading some shit article on Yahoo. Is it true he wants to get people elected in every county of France, and half of those counties have to have women elected in it? Fucker is a Trudeau, and its worse here because the EU will help fuck France.

And good riddance to that. Europe has repeatedly ruined their own continent over and over again, and this time no one's going to save their ass.

he's like trudeau but even worse


i hope you're not referring to the burgers (((saving))) us in WW II

How many votes are in yet?

*Terms and conditions apply, not applicable to women who disagree

It really is amazing that people swallow this shit as equality.

Over 80%, it's done, she lost.

Wait a damn minute, the map hasn't turned yellow yet.

That is a fucking lie and here is the proof , faggot. Just look at all the other posters who are now insulting the French just because they lost.

French people can arm themselves by breaking into an armory, or a mosque.

You can't blame WWI on the burgers.

Open up them borders nice and wide for the muds and shitskins and we will see how ya doing after 5 more years and millions more gibmedats flood in and countless more raped and terror attacks,lol talk about getting jewed.BRAVO!!

Well it looks like a sequel to EYE is the only thing left to look forward to from the frogs.

May as well know now, what are all of Macron's views?

By the looks of it. France will go from Daft Punk to Daft Prophet.

with a minute more, you could've looked it up and added to the thread. really makes ya think.

Pro-(((EU))), pro-(((multi-cult))), pro-(((Banks))). Denies the legitimacy of a the French ethnicity.

Getting France assraped by mudslimes.
Sucking Merkel's clit.

Damn. The European caliphate really is gonna be a thing, isn't it? At least I have a good eight years of fun times of the salt factories in full force. plently of time to collect funz and find a lovely place out in the woods.

Looks like France is gonna be cucked to death. What strikes me is that why no one has demanded a recount yet?

ikr, I've taken a loan of 500k dollars to bet on Le Pen and now I'm indebted for life :´´(

Do you still believe Trump is going to get a second term? No way

The masses love their chains, don't they? Nothing makes them more comfortable than feeling a tug on the leash.

ofc the jew rigged the ever loving fuck out of it after brexit and Trump they weren't gonna leave it up to voters.

Dumbest shill ITT, and that's an achievement.

I thought of betting a small amount, but the results for round 1 were very troubling. The entire western coast and all of Paris region are full cucks. Even so I figured it would be pretty close, maybe only 5-10% off, with a lot of people just abstaining. I guess the "muh racist", "muh 6 gorillions" card is just too deeply embedded in people here. It won't change until the entire west coast is also massively enriched like Calais and such.

Froganons, there is no political solution. You have to kill the shitskins and drive them out yourself. That is all. Captcha: dnafok

Why are people saying Le Pen lost? Aren't the results not in yet? I'm watching a results ticker and there are still a ton of votes missing.

Corse voted Macron en masse in the beginning of the campaign, I guess the constant with Corse is that they just do whatever the fuck the French don't want and then act as if their island is a separate nation.

Now that things are done and over, what are our new tactics? Smearing Macron into illegitimacy? Getting another country's election done right instead of this one? Part of me believes what went wrong with this one was the tardy mobilization, we need to get down and dirty real fast with the next one.

Apparently, the next two minor elections of any importance will happen for Norway and New Zealand in September, then South Korea in late december and finally the Austrian National Council next year in september. We still have some chances, and not only that, we could just start digging for increasingly more deep and dark shit for other European bureaucrats to try and get another early election going.

Yeah I noticed that too, even on Jewapedia and other sources. I think the shills are at full force today.

France will burn. Good.

I like Chaos…….

The areas left to report are mostly the cities, which are extremely anti-LP

exit polls.

Also, apparently over 4 million didn't vote. Probably has nothing to do with mangled ballots the government mailed out or the fact that Macron voters abroad were mailed two Macron vote ballots to mail in.

France has been dead for a while, it's only becoming official now. Maybe it's actually a good thing, without a paradigm shift White Nationalism could never exist in this ultra-cucked nation (we are gallic celts that have been successively cucked by franks, jacobinists, kikes, germans, shitskins and so on)

forgot the romans

kek, you are such an edgy faggot

You're watching Sperg Vikernes' channel, don't you?

well fuk

his video only confirmed what I already thought.
t. frog who never felt "french"
pic-related is paradigm shift

The only way out is driving shitskins to kill tourists and bomb touristic landmarks.
Only then the French will wake up.

nope, not even then. rich faggots on cocaine don't make up 65% of Macron voters. majority of it is ugly slaves watching beautiful rich people and voting for them without any other reason because they're been mentally nigger-ified beyond any hope.

Not really a surprise there, shit was a long shot, even if it was worth the try.
So what are some non cucked countries a french bro could migrate to nowadays? It seems staying there is like asking for the ol nigger assrape

Help keep Hungary uncucked.

The French do.

Violence is the only solution. This is true for the USA as well.

Isn't there another french government election in a couple months? Maybe FN can get some extra seats if Macron is shown to be corrupt, but I dunno how much of a difference it will make given how this turned out.
One thing's for sure: you can count on twitter to interfere with elections. Expect them to censor/delete pro-nationalist accounts and push pro-globalist stuff like they did in the past couple days. Same with facebook.

MSM can prevent race war by not reporting on happenings. Even this is a very long shot

How droll.

Looks like the only way to cure france of its cuckoldry, is to revolt.

USA is a constitutional republic though, so closer to Rome than Athens.

Yes, but your constitution is basically the Talmud so it doesn't matter

change will not come from a democratic majority

You better explain what you mean by that because the constitution was created when there were no kikes around whatsoever. It's also the only reason we don't have national hate speech laws like the rest of Europe and why we still all have our guns, unlike most of Europe. If that constitution wasn't there, built like it was, we'd be much worse off.

The constitution states multiple times the USA is for whites only. Not my fault the kikes subverted our government and warped my nations values just like they did to yours and the rest of the western countries.

Of course.

Oh shit, the niggers are chimping out outside already. It's only been two hours since election is over.

Isn't there an amendment that says the US must protect Israel?

Bongland general election is next month m8


Are we out of the good timeline now?

No, but we're chained to the Israelis ideologically and economically on both the right and left. That's the funny thing about the US. It's the nation with the best gun laws and containing the most pro-white people (excluding maybe the eastern euros) but it also the place that cultural marxism started and permeated through the world.

Now I've heard everything.
I really want to know where you heard such a thing. The USA government is essentially Israel's puppet, but even the kikes wouldn't be so retarded as the put something like that in writing.

It's called pilpul. It's the verbal jujitsu bullshit that kikes do. They come up with all sorts of crazy shit to figure out a way to make one thing actually mean the exact opposite of what it says. This skill comes from thousands of years of arguing over retarded shit in the talmud. It's why they make such good lawyers and such too. It's how they have been able to somehow get the 2nd amendment completely null and void. It's how they turned this explicitly white nation into a nation of nonwhite BLANDA UPP'd trash

I'm pretty sure it was here


Wait hang on apparently I answered my own question, people are saying that Le Pen lost because she conceded the election. The fuck? Apparently this was made 3 hours ago, but the voting wasn't closed until 2 and a half hours ago. I don't understand.®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Europe&pgtype=Multimedia

It's the (((times))) but I'm still looking around

Let's not take this the way the libshits did. Let's approach this with humour. We will keep links on every facilitated terror attack, every even more frequent rape and murder, all the abductions evictions for more space for """"Displaced minorities"""" , and we will mock them. We need to target every family that loses loved ones to this and we will laugh and mock the shit out of them, until they either cave completely and off themselves or break the conditioning and arm themselves. We need to trample them for their treason with all of our might.

There are only 27 amendments to the US Constitution. Don't be lazy, go check them yourself. There is no "America must support Israel" amendment to the Constitution, no matter what you may have heard.

She conceded because it was clear she lost. Conceding in such situations is customary. She could have refused to concede, but that wouldn't change the fact that she still lost.

Nothing has really changed. The globalist plans might inch forward but this just means the fight is still on like it would have been if Le Pen won, while a chance for a slight improvement was squandered today the war is not over by a long shot.
Let us learn what we can from this and then steel ourselves for what is to come. Let these setbacks fuel our determination in the dark days to come.


I don't see how an electoral victory can be possible now. Macron will amplify immigration to boost his voter base until no nationalist can ever win again.

She should have demanded a recount. People were posting on Twitter the torn ballots they received for Le Pen. It was a dirty, rigged, election and they won.

I believe they learned from the US Presidential Election and feared us. So they ramped up the dirty plays and censorship.

Those fucking kikes…

Rigging may have happened, but it was unnecessary. The results of the first round made it clear that she would lose the second. Everyone to the left of Macron and Le Pen voted for Macron because they saw him as a "lesser evil".

She needed 50%+ in the first round. She almost got a plurality in the first round, but that's not enough.

could be worse user could be alot worse
atleast hillary's not potus

Still depressing as shit and infuriating. It shows Democracy is a waste due to rigging and niggers.

And BASED Trump is keeping all his campaign promises, oh wait.


The silver lining is perhaps now more people will realize that. Democracy doesn't hold the key to our victory. We need other plans.

What hasn't he achieve or is in the process of achieving? Are we at war with Russia or the chinks?

A hard sell, at best.


This is FALSE.

The Constitution says NOTHING as regards the racial qualities of the US, NOTHING about demographics.
They left that to other legislation - the Naturalization Acts of 1790/95, for example, wherein it IS explicitly stated that one must be White to be a US citizen… So why'd they put it there, and not in the Constitution?

Dunno. Point being: The Constitution is shit, worthless as regards our views, EXACTLY BECAUSE it doesn't have that inclusion.
The sole matter of import, maintaining the racial character of the nation, was delegated to some lesser legislation that was far more easily altered.
The Founders failed, because they lacked true vision, and foresaw none of what was to come.


And it will fall exactly the same, unless something is done to stop it.

Dude… Look, real talk now: France is dead.
There will be no revolt, there will be no coming back from this - the nation of France, and the French people, are done.
They're fucking done. They don't have the will, nor the numbers, to change what is going to happen to them.

At this point, France IS South Africa, if in a slightly different context as regards the shade of the invader. This is the context we must now look at with regards to France - and if you cannot do so, you are only hurting yourself.


He's already done some pretty good stuff, like appoint a based supreme court justice, instead of whatever jew drone Hillary would have chosen.
Time will tell if he's a sellout, but so far he seems to be playing mind games, and maybe it's to throw off the jew. Going with a direct approach like JFK is obviously a bad idea. The deep state was already powerful then, and has only grown moreso since.


He just backed out of exiting NATO and NAFTA, continues fighting Assad, and just let a spending bill that don't cover the god damn fucking wall.

inb4 le concern trolling

There will be a mass protest in Paris and other cities tomorrow against the election of either Macron or Le Pen. This will be the beginning of the bloodshed. Many trucks of peace are to come as well.

Scroll down the page. You're several hours behind.


He didn't say he would exit NATO and NAFTA, he said he would either exit them or rework/renegotiate them. His preference was for the latter; the threat to leave them if he doesn't get the renegotiation that he wants is how he gets the renegotiation to happen in the first place. This is all straight out of the Art of the Deal, anyone who was paying attention throughout the election would have understood this. As for fighting Assad, where's the evidence that this is happening besides that meaningless air strike?

Because nobody has ever lied on the internet before
And insulting the French people for voting for a man who doesn't know how to keep a fucking refrigerator company in his country and wants to declare sanctions on countries for not wanting to take in rapefugees isn't whining it's pointing out that they made a retarded decision.

He didn't stay out of foreign conflicts.
He didn't fund the wall.
He didn't deport them all.
He didn't drain the swamp.
He didn't get us out of NAFTA or NATO.

The better question is, what has he done that was of any meaningful, and beneficial, bearing whatsoever? I can't presently think of anything of import worthy of noting - I'm sure you'll have some graphic or copy-pasta to suggest otherwise, of course, and I'd love to see it… But as it stands, Trump has been thoroughly underwhelming.


I rather doubt it.

Yeah, that's what he said but that's not what we wanted him to do. We wanted him to make good on his most extreme threats. He wasn't promising that, but that's what we wanted out of him anyway. I don't care if Trump delivers what he promised. I care if Trump delivers what I want, whether or not he promised it.

NO, they are protesting the the election of either of these candidates. They protested against them being the choices over the last two weeks. They would be protesting tomorrow if Le Pen had won as well.

Yeah, no, they haven't been protesting these two candidates the last two weeks. Not at all…

Considering SCOTUS nominations need to be confirmed by Congress (and Congress is filled with jew and cuckservative jew lovers), I'd say we did pretty good in that regard. I wasn't expecting much better anyway.

The question isn't what they've done, but what they're going to do.
And I rather doubt you're going to see violent riots in the streets tomorrow that lead into something greater.
Stay hopeful, if you like.

It's not "either of the candidates" Le Pen has already lost, yet you're speaking as though it still could be either.

ETA for Revolutionary France? 2 years? 5 years? 10 years?

And there is no change to them, what a master deal. Just like he is just working with saudi arabia.

But wait, his kike in law and stupid daughter are getting hang of things. (kushner business with soros)

I'm telling, start to get mad now before is too late.

That's not the fucking point lad!

Then you had no real faith in Trump to begin with.

The whole point of Trump was this dude who presented as though he would not be made to bow to the enemy - and then he promptly bowed to the enemy, fell to his knees, and shoved the enemies' circumcised cocks into the back of his throat and kept them there, where they yet remain.
Its like… You had this series of dudes who had their hands tied behind their backs, and this guy stepped up and said "I WILL NOT ALLOW MY HANDS TO BE TIED BEHIND MY BACK!", and for once people actually believed it because of the circumstances, and as soon as he'd won power his hand was behind his fucking back and tied up in a bow… And now you're here, saying, "Well, at least they made it a pretty bow", and that's not meaningfully beneficial to my reckoning.
Take that as you will.



w.r.t. politics, I don't believe in faith.

There is no way in hell you could get a National Socialist or anything even vaguely resembling one nomination through Congress. Even if Trump tried, he'd be unable to do it, so faith in Trump is irrelevant. You'd need faith in Trump and faith in GOP senators. Anybody who has faith in GOP senators is delusional.

Thinly veiled defeatist shilling is still shilling.

Time to keep looking through those leaks lads

There's a lot of really explosive stuff on the EU that could shake things up, we need to follow through


At this point, still believing Le Pen will win has got to be some sort of neurosis.

Betting the next terrorist attack will be in a week. Macron will visit all the mosques and say "we have to stand together, and get used to this"

By that reasoning, I think Hillary would have been better.
Think of the potential, from our end, that having, say, four fucking Jews on the SCOTUS would effect. Horrible shit would happen, yes, but perhaps it must - and how could anyone deny Jewish control when half the SCOTUS was liberal kikes? They couldn't.

Instead, Trump gave us a moderate cuckservative.

At this point, I will invariably choose extreme left over moderate right, because the extreme left serves my ends my effectively - even as they destroy, their destruction eliminates the comfort which keeps so many distracted.
Unless Trump does an about-face on several issues, I will be voting straight democrat in 2018 and 2020, the most progressively liberal candidates that I think have a shot. Because moderate rightwing cuckservatism does nothing but perpetuate the comfort.

That word has destroyed this place.

It's interesting that you assumed I was referring to anything specific and decided you needed to reply to my innocuous statement.

not going to be hard to do that when they force french values to be their values.

Its interesting you made a stupid comment in a void and then passive-aggressively implied implications from the response you got.

Macaroni won. Its already happened.

When the DOTR finally comes, will white men across America own rifles? I sure hope so, for our sake. For that reason, if nothing else, it's for the better that Trump won. There are no conceivable benefits to accelerationism that would justify giving up our firearms.

Interesting posts

It's not like you're alone in this thread with people talking about that same thing. What a surprise someone related. But of course you didn't mean anything.

That's campaign rhetoric, and you're pretty naive if you took it all at face value. If he actually tries those "no bullshit" tactics, they'll just shut him down, either in congress, or physically like JFK. You can't get anyyhere like that, so other tactics have to be used. He was never going to actully act like this in the first place. Maybe Ron Paul would have, but of course he stands even less chance to become president than Marine Le Pen.

Great post.

Is, IMHO, a fantasy. There will be no DOTR - certainly not so long as comfort remains.

I welcome the attempt to take firearms from people, that being something that actually could create enough of a collapse as to allow a DOTR scenario to play out.
Thus, for that reason, if nothing else, its not for the better that Trump won.

There are many conceivable benefits to accelerationism, as I already laid out in at least two cases. The fact that you think the government demanding our firearms wouldn't result in conflict, and thus drastically increase the chances of DOTR, suggests to me you don't actually think DOTR is coming at all either.

I didn't take it at face value, I never do with politicians - but many did. And still do.
Because thats what we actually NEED, not fucking empty campaign promises that result in nothing but glad-handing with the corrupt bureaucrats.
Your whole argument here is just another shade of "muh 4D chess", and I don't buy it at all. This isn't chess, this isn't strategy, its fucking limp-dicked civnat cuckoldry, having gotten to power by the expression of the very same, I grant you…. Albeit, there were many instances that folks - here and elsewhere - took as dog whistles. Projection, nothing more, that I grant you as well, but it doesn't change the outcome.

If I NEED X, and all you can produce is Y, then I don't give a fuck about you, no matter how well intentioned you might have been.
And if Y only prolongs things, achieves no outcomes, whereas Z - extreme leftism - has a far greater potential, even if in its detrimental nature, to bring about outcomes I desire, well then, why the fuck would I choose Y over Z?
I wouldn't, because its fucking stupid to do - either way, I'm not getting what I NEED (X), and only one of the two (Z) has a good chance of bringing about something other than what I need (conflict) that has a good chance of generating what I need (X), whereas the alternative (Y) just prolongs the gradual degradation I see around me.

I'm sure that was autistic as fuck, but it makes sense: If you can't get me what I NEED, I don't give a shit what your excuses are, and I'm going to look elsewhere for alternatives - because you can't get me what I NEED.

You can bet your ass that Hillary was going to go for the guns. Obama had already nudged the ball in that direction. She would have gotten all the leftists and women on board, further cucked the military, and got an actual jew on supreme court.

This is either excellent bait, or the most confused person I've ever seen.


Here lies the france we once knew.
Please pay your respects.
And gear up for war.

Not really.

I welcome the attempt to take firearms from people, that being something that actually could create enough of a collapse as to allow a DOTR scenario to play out.

Reminder: Its an attempt to take the guns that kicks things off in The Turner Diaries…. So why are you scared of it?
The only suggestion is that you think it'll work, and that there won't be a response as Pierce wrote about… Me, I'm not so sure - if ANYTHING was liable to kick things off in the US, I think it'd be that.

Because Americans love their fucking guns, and its been stated enough at this point, enough people GET IT, that to lose the guns is to lose any hope of resistance when necessary - and that is DEEPLY ingrained in American thought and culture.

So by all means - come try and take the guns. Let's see what happens - I mean, how could it be any worse than what we're already facing, just as a result of time ticking by?


Good, let them try.

We have trannies and women in front-line infantry and special forces roles. It can't get any worse than it is lad. We are officially at the bottom of the barrel.

Good. I mean, horrible, mind you, but good in that HOW COULD ANYONE WITH A BRAIN QUESTION THE CONTROL OF JEWRY AT THAT POINT!?
How could anyone question, when half the highest court in the land is made up of people from a group that composes 2% of the population, a group which contains less than 1 million geniuses in the US (Whites have upwards of 10 million in the US alone), that said group has undue power?

… And scarier question: If they still continue to question it, do they deserve to live?


I saved that and named it 'Welcome to France'.

yeah, soon all their family will come too

Well the danger is that they don't question it. If you can create enough chaos and distractions, financial turmoil, and isolate people enough, then abstract high-brow ideas like "What's the race/religion of the newest supreme court justice?" (which may or may not even be overtly visible to the average american) becomes a meaningless questions when your next thought is instead "How do I keep this roof over my head and not get fired from my 3 part-time jobs?"

If their are any National Front supporters in the military, now is the time to launch a coup, kill the traitors, and slaughter the invaders.

You are going to die anyways.

Fellow anons,
We lost a race that we could not win. Le Pen was not Donald Trump. Le Pen is not an outsider, she is a politician which means that she can’t play the system as Mr. Trump did. Le Pen had some big fuck ups and overall, the French populous don’t have the balls to do a second French revolution without anyone forcing them to
Wha- What?
Yes, a revolution forced upon them is what we need.

How do you make a Muslim explode? You paint a picture of Mohamed. You paint a few and you start desecrating them. But not just shit memes, but, really strong well done art aimed at fucking triggering them. The point is to Trigger them.

And Remember, Macron only wants to make french islamic to coutner christianity. THe pope wont care because he is a Zion puppet.

So tell me user, how does it feel being the last Bastion for Europe and western civilization?

It's like I'm back in 2010.

Nice to see quality posts

>mfw Macron will certainly make me pay a rent on the land and the house I own I shit you not it's part of his platform
But check'em I guess. Should we take arms now or should we wait for people to drown in liberal shit ? I'm seriously thinking about leaving this junkhole behind me and restart from zero in Hungary. tfw No wife & no children for being too much of a traditional man

Thems the breaks, m8.

The chaos, distraction, financial turmoil, and isolation? Its not going anywhere.
And a lukewarm cuckservative moderate goy isn't going to raise any eyebrows - but 4/8 SCOTUS judges being kikes would sure make a lovely meme, would certainly raise some eyebrows.

I do not believe this system can save itself, and I am progressively (no pun intended) certain that the only way to fix any of it is to burn it all down, burn it all down before we're so small a fraction of the population that we're drowned in mud when the fires start - and the fires WILL start, one way or the other, just by requisite of what we're creating demographically in this country. Better the fire start now than later - I'd rather be the one running around in the cold with a rifle, than leave it to my even-more-outnumbered sons.

Limpdicked civnat cuckservativism isn't going to make that happen - its entire purpose, it seems, is to continue to try and hold up the old cancerous system, which failed us and continues to fail us each and every day. The progressive left? They want to start fires, because they're confident they will be standing when the smoke clears… I'm less confident in their ability in that context, and so, I'm more inclined to give them power, and let the fires start burning, than I am to sit back and watch my people ground into nothing prior to said fires being started, because again, those fires ARE going to start one way or another.
The only question is when the sparks will catch - and if someone is going to burn, I'd rather it be me than those who follow in my wake.

Our fathers and mothers were willing to pass it off to the next generation, and so we look upon the misery of our future with growing uncertainty and ever-present anxiety - the calm before a storm that we can see on the horizon, a storm I hope hits before I'm too old and weak to weather it, before my sons must bear that burden.

THAT FUCKING IMAGE. Its the graphical interpretation of what I'm talking about here:


I just can't even wrap my mind around what these people think they are doing what the hell

here's what's happening. it's not just fancy theory

anyone else smug as heck right now? this small loss is only gonna make the snowball roll down the hill that much faster

Time to start thinking differently, mein kamerad.

Please think next level everyone. you need to support only Syrian refugees coming to the US. The average American is very against this.Syrians, Sunni or Shia also hate Israel with a passion. the Sunnis support Israel attacking Assad because they justify it as Caliph Omar used Christian soldiers to conquer Persia just as they today use NATO to fulfill their strategic interests but they are enemies at the end of the day. Third world immigration from other nations will slowly degrade the US, socially, intellectually, institutionally and morally but our enemies will never allow us to point that out in a larger frame. They will only focus on small frame issues and not let us show people the larger picture of whats happening in terms of corruption, crime, functioning society and intellect. Syrian, Afghan and other similiar refugees are different. they will commit high profile terrorist acts, they will do outrageous things and they will make it intolerable for Americans to keep immigration coming in, no matter how many resettlement seminars they attend. As you have all learned recently, judges won't make it easy to restrict immigration from one country. If they can't stop immigration from one nation but they keep on having mass shootings and mayhem, they will change immigration policy as a whole. The average idiot will demand that something be done. As well, Syrian refugees will influence American foreign policy towards Israel. they are typically enterprising people (as has been seen by passing local Jordanians by even though they are refugees) so they will get the funds to create influence over their local politicians. The Jewish reaction will be to stop this. Notice the so called right wing media never talks about refugees from the Congo or rural Cambodia committing crimes. They will only focus on Muslims or Muslim blacks. Right now many Jews are taking the side of Muslims because they want to forge a collective group against the white man as white men have forged a more powerful block than they ever thought possible. they thought we were down for the count and some are readjusting their strategy. we must put them in an untenable position by joining them on the Syrian refugee issue so they can longer stay on the left with the refugee issue. They know a majority Muslims America would be terrible for them but leftist Jews dont really think that would happen. they are using Syrian refugees as a short term acceptable migration that they dont really expect in large numbers to encourage others, who they can influence easier, to come here in large numbers down the road. They have centrist and left wing Jews join the Syrian refugees while the older more conservative Jews hammer Syrian migration becasue they are worried they cant be controlled and will destroy US policy towards Israel. syrian refugees will not accept gay marriage and they will not buy Hollywood products. they are more of a problem for our enemies then for us. Take the poison pill, it will be painful but it will hurt the enemy more than it will hurt us and there are few other viable options right now. You should never push for other immigration of course. Just get the craziest, most jihadi minded people here as well as the crafty business guys who will get to fund US politicians on Israel policy. Joemerica will be at his breaking point. Israel and its diaspora will have to choose letting off the immigration issue or face a nuclear armed, Muslim run United states. Their choice.

What a clusterfuck.

It's true. Most Syrians and other middle easterns hate yews.

Holla Forums, find cartoon terrorism and a wife. I hope this catches on.

Thought you'd like that. Used to debate this shit on /n/. Can't state it much better than you are, but there's a lot of merit to accelerationism. It's amazing how many people lend credence to the need for overton window shift, but shy away from the only way to truly and finally put a nail in it. Current system leaves us with a pendulum swing, and every time it shifts, it just scrapes more off our grave.

You don't have a family. Stop trying this Machiavel 2.0 shit on here, whet SHTF you'll be peeing your pants like the whiny faggot you are.

Sending this because France is done. election results would have been worse without the obvious over the top Muslim immigrant attacks but if it had not happened then it would have been a death from below rather than from the mosque down the street. Syrian refugees is a red herring. When you focus on only Syrian refugees as the problem, you are doing your enemies bidding. the problem are people from sub Saharan Africa, crime ridden Latin America and the jungles of the rest of the world because you will not get rid of them, ever. Muslim immigrants from the most extreme parts of the world will red pill everyone with any common sense because it is so over the top horrible and they don't even try to pretend to play by the rules like other groups do. NO OTHER MIGRANT GROUP FROM A COUNTRY THAT HATES ISRAEL is trying to come to the US and Europe in large numbers. If it was Turks, Egyptians or Iranians, you would definitly hear about them too.

Wrong on all accusations, didn't address any points. 1/10 post.
Does bring up another point that idiots will always advocate progressive policies out of fantasy, not experience.

Emmanuel Macron walks out to address supporters in Paris to the EU anthem ‘Ode to Joy’

He couldn't be more clear how mmmuch he wants Merkel's poontang.


The Macron leaks contain secret proposals that would lead to the islamisation of France and Europe

A-am I still a man even if I shed a tear for France?

What is going on with these numbers? Pic related.

hahaha pol btfo again



There isn't. Not anymore. Not after today.



How about the part where people resist, first financially (gun sales go up) then physically.


France is lost. What a pity!


Wait…that's not NEWs"



Welcomes it's newest country

👉 #France

🇫🇷 Sharia La France 🇫🇷"

#Trump #MAGA

The eternal boomer strikes again and I bet the rest of the 56% of the youth are shitskins that are only there because the boomer scum imported them.

Reminder : It once took Germany 3 days to conquer France…

It's taking Islam fucking ages to do it

Germany may have been able to liberate them from Islam in 3 days as well
But after 2015….all seems lost…as Germany becomes Islamic at an equal rate

There will be a lot of blood I'm sure

The poles will save germany this time.

Disappearance of Marine Le Pen ballots in the night at polling station


Europe: “Eight to ten million migrants are still on the way”


I don't have any advice to take from faggots who have nothing more to lose than their own meaningless lives. If you had a family you wouldn't be here advocating for them to starve, suffer and die in pain in a civil war you certainly aren't prepared to fight. Fuck off, treating people like me who actually care for the well-being of their beloved ones as idiots is precisely what your rootless class has done for decades. Do you kikes still think this tactic will work ?
The fact that us white people did lose a small battle today doesn't mean we will start to behave like niggers. So go back shilling cuckchan, Moshe, you're still on the line for the oven.

That was the globalists' plan, from the very beginning, of course. It was pretty clear in 2015, when Merkel invited millions of them overnight, without any real plan or papers or anything whatsoever, that the entire purpose was to create massive chaos. You can even think about this from an engineering or software perspective: when you design something, you do a prototype, you test it, then make corrections as needed, and test again, until it's demonstrated to work properly. None of this was done at all, and instead Merkel just invited all of them at once.
The plan is for things to get so bad that all the people cry for help to their masters to do something, anything. And that's when things will really start to change, and real fascism will emerge. They're already getting ready for this with their EU army plans, and subverting individual nations to weaken them. Right now all the plebs in France are rejoicing that they didn't elect a fascist nazi for president. Well in fact they did, they just don't realize it yet. But it will be a dictator(s) of the EU, rather than France.


@ChooseToBFree 2h2 hours ago
Moments ago, France voted to ERACE their culture and EMBRACE the Islamization of their country.

It's official, the French just elected a bunch of crack-heads. Islam will never be satiated, and no school classes are going to change that. And it's sad to see people actually defending this thought on the linked page. Then again that blob also has articles like this one:
The propaganda is working, but I wasn't expecting the propagandists themselves to swallow it (assuming the leaked email was never meant for public view).

Funny because you came in the ass end of a good discussion, ignored all points, parroted the same line that always gets parroted, and ad hom'd with a spelling mistake. You are an intellectual nigger. May as well have just grabbed your dick and swayed side to side.

It's not about one battle either, brain coon. Fact is, you got triggered at someone thinking about the end of (((your))) corrupt as fuck system. Blow me, then blow your chimp brains out.

We're not even a french speaking website, kikes are looking for any excuse to try to make a dig.

is there any chance it was a rigging?
smells like a rigging

Yes good point like project management. Run through the first few in a test who are actually not that bad and nothing happens. Then comes the big wave and it's almost impossible to stop with the systems in place. The African refugees get almost no mainstream press but they are just as bad. All the redpilling has been done by Muslim immigrants doing unimaginable things but that negative press is helped along by Israelis and Jews who have doubts and concerns with that many coming over uncontrolled. they will point to Christian Africans or Hindu Indians as "positive immigration" when they themselves want neither in Israel.

Please tell me you've killed yourself.

Sorry for experiencing the enrichment first-hand because of being a Frenchie, you retarded kike.
No one is parroting anything except you. People who are about to get enriched actually care about their communities and certainly don't want to throw them in a race war right away. You would understand that if you weren't a rootless cosmopolite.

I doubt so. It's too large-scale to be rigged. Macron really won.
We don't have many ways to get out of this.
Anyway, thanks Holla Forums for caring. That was very heartwarming to see bros from everywhere trying to help.
Now, things are going to get real.

If these battles were that easy, with no losses, life would be kinda boring

Globalist puppets are cancer.

It's getting to the point where you're going to have to fight.


There are a number of positives from France choosing suicide.

Many of the shills on cuckchan will pissoff elsewhere thinking the board is no longer relevant. The Alexa rank went through the roof, and previous notorious campaigns such as HWNDU have drawn unwanted attention from organized shilling.
You can see just how infested it is at the moment with the number of pro Macaroni threads. (((They))) just can't help outing themselves.

I saw photos indicating rigging was occurring.
-A voting machine of some kind with 2 Macaroni labels and a blank label.
-People with definite rip in the Le Pen voting paper sent in the post, but Macaroni one is undamaged.

The most positive aspect of this is that "nothing good" can come out of this.
In the sense, that French will sink.

Paris will burn like pic related. Why? Because we know that laws are fake. We know that all laws are backed by violence. WIthout violence, laws are futile.

The Islamists now this, and that is why there are certain districts all over France, Sweeden, and Germany that they tell you "This is not France". Because, it actually isin't. In that area they have done a coup, in which they apply their own law.
I'm pretty sure they slit a lot of girls clits in france.

Once these people get confident because more mudslims are on the way, they will start chimping out. Once these people start chimping out, there is no other option, the white people must revolt like pic related.

However, we in Holla Forums should not be so blind and say "Islamists" are the problem, Globalists are the problem. We should start taking action into who is behind the movement of the rapefugees and immigration from africa.
hint: it's the Jews .

So after today's loss we have to do 2 things:
1) Bait the Muslims into chimping out.
- With Pictures of Mohamed desecrated. (Charlie Hebdo, degenerate fuckers, do that better than us).
2) Start digging into the Mafias that are pushing the people to immigrate. We know Soros is related, so why don't we doxx and find out all the people implicated in the chain of command and expose these fuckers.

Islam is the immediate problem, but we have to expose the motherfuckers that brought the problem to the west. If we don't do that, we loose the end game.