On Leftypol's "Responding to Bait" Problem

From everyone I've talked to, the reputation of Leftypol outside of Leftypol is "that really edgy commie board that calls everything they dislike 'a spoog' and genuinely responds/gives serious answers to ironic memes." Why do we do this? Should we continue engaging with the obvious bait posts put on there, or will we look like stupid-asses to these people either way?

"should we continue engaging with obvious bait posts?"

the problem is that people here are too retarded to tell when a post is bait

the trick isn't to tell people not to respond to bait - they know that, it's to teach them to identify bait so they know what it actually is they're not supposed to respond to

that's never going to happen, cause people here are spastic, so the whole question is moot

You should tell them that if that's what they think we're doing then they clearly don't understand the concept of a spook.

Only way to fix it is to get mods to delete obvious bait, which is never gonna happen because our mods are lazy af. We're basically living the true anarchist dream.

In fairness many do use it that way

This is an example of bait. Do not respond to it fellow denizens of the leftypols!

I'm so ready for an alternative to Holla Forums where I can get quality discussion that is well regulated.

And when I mean regulated I don't mean Nazi mods like /r/socialism and any other "socialist" bastion on reddit that ban people for saying something they don't like. I mean moderated and regulated in the sense that if it's a bullshit bait post, delete it and post the deletion on a public list for transparency like it should be so people can see what is going on, and make commentary and possibly changes on how the board is run.

But after my millionth run in with reddit recently and getting banned because literally "you're quite the devil's advocate" (I shit you not, that was the reason) and then coming back to this place…I'm getting real sick of the socialist scene online. Either I come here and only get to talk to a crowd of teenagers who find posting Stirner memes repeatedly, or I make yet another account on Reddit to get banned because I step on some SJW mod's toes somehow.

Good fucking God adult leftists need an online place to gather and it is not Holla Forums.

You think you can tell me what to do???

Well yea exactly, that's why me and others have been trying to get all the good posters here to move to bunkerchan. People here complain though with some conspiracy bullshit like 'omg they just want all the power and want to control us' like wtf it's just an image board and we all recognise Holla Forums isnt modded enough but then everyone freaks out when we try to provide an alternative with more moderation?

This is why the left is dying.

I heard Bunkerchan is dead? You know, fuck it dude. I'll start posting there.

it is dead. It gets maybe a post a week.

Curious is his art.

Bunkerchan isnt dead, there are regulars, a small community even. Just very slow, and the only way we can change that is by brining in more posters from Holla Forums.

Well, I'm fucking fed up. At this point it's like a capitalism problem, in a sense. People complain about the quality of this board nonstop. People complain about the LARPing users, the moderators, constant /lol/ shills. Yet so nothing to actually get at the root, which is the shitty board and the shitty moderation!

Time to get on this bunkerchan thing man. I recommend anyone who gives a shit to hop on too, we might as well try something else instead of continually get told "Leftypol is the best option we got".


Why can we only get posters from here? Well where else are we gonna get leftist image board shit posters to bring in content from?

Now there's where you lost me. Shitposting is a problem, not an attraction.

Why are you even namefagging?

Ok well I dont mean literal shitposting. Obviously we want quality content.

Good god, can you people get off this namefagging obsession? This chan culture shit is part of the problem as to why this place doesn't attract new socialists and only attracts people posting more stirner memes.

Like this thread for instance.


Right on, I can dig it. I'm just in a pretty serious mood after my recent run in this morning with some mods at r/latestagecapitalism.

I'll see you at bunkerchan.

There is absolutely no reason to namefag on an anonymous image board unless you are providing quality content you wish to be easily seen or are a massive attention whore. It's usually the latter.

The entire purpose of tripcodes is for frequent posters who bring content to be able to be identified within anonymity, it's not an account system.

You fucking new here then? I keep this name because I comment on threads pertaining to veterans and the military, so people will know I know what the fuck I'm talking about. I didn't just pull this from my ass.

Are you the retard from the brit/pol/ discord who started crying because he got BTFO in his jahans thread?

How frequently do you post? I've been here since the board was below /christian/, yet I've never seen you around.

No, I'm not.

It's because of our dialectical relationship with pol. They think everything is bait or shills so we must believe in sincerity

Not frequently at all actually, I lurk a lot more than I post. I think the last legit time I posted was when some user made a thread about veterans and bringing them into leftism. I started because I'm done with hearing teenagers slander people they've never met who'd be super useful in the revolution, as I am one of those veterans.

So any time someone brings up the military or "I heard from some dude who heard from another dude that some guy murdered a bunch of arabs in Kuwait" I try to swoop in and answer any underlying questions Anons have so they don't have to listen to secondhand dumbass talk about things they don't know about.

No, the problem is that serious posts written by ancaps, nazis, liberals, and the like are structured exactly like shitposts. There is no discernable difference between them. It's Poe's Law in action.

Dude, Nazis and Ancaps making structured posts? I'm the last person who would ever suggest not engaging with them 100%, but how many "muh IQ" threads can you allow? Fuck me.

Mate, the problem won't go away with moving to a different chan.

Shieeet, now I remember. Sorry for getting faggy over the namefagging, I assumed you were another shitposter trying to make an ebin name for themselves.

In any case, I hope you eventually come back or at least find a good place to contribute to. It's nice to have people to combat the "m-military is just imperialist nazi baby killers amirite?" trash that certain individuals like to spread.

That is what their actually serious posts look like as well. We have already said that they do not have anything that resembles theory. Their belief system literally is memes and buzzwords. You can include the liberals in that as well.

My personal biggest worry is defining what is worth keeping on the board and what is not. I've seen maaany communities get increasingly broad ideas of what constitutes bait, to the point where you'll be banned for saying cunt.

Mods should just do what lolcow does every now and then and stick the board through a hellweek, or something like it.

Rules are enforced mercilessly at a moderator's discretion to discourage shitposting and try to get a user to think before they post, so it's not just a game of trying to ban bait but the retards who respond.

leftypol is a honeypot/community for maligned radicals. fakeposting is a bourgeois construct designed to create an innately hostile posting experience. by non-reactionary seriousposting we disarm the shitposters of their only weapon.

Well, the different chan part comes from having to find a place where we can actively gather around finding new mods as well as deciding how to moderate. As far as I can tell, there is no moderation here.

Its all good user, I'm here for you. If bunkerchan turns out to be the place, I'll be here. I just need a place personally to talk to other leftists who give a shit. Alienation is fucking me hard.

Any place where we gather has to be transparent about its moderation, and it should be a democratic process to elect moderators.

I think youre based comrade

Just use bunkerchan.


Any chan is going to be like a chan. Some are more shit than others, but this is as good as it gets.

Then perhaps we need a new type of discussion board?

Rolled 1, 6 = 7 (2d6)
YEAH! one with up-votes, down-votes and good goy points XD

You just need to find a way to get people to think critically.

Better shit on the board you want to help. That'll help.

I'll keep it real for a bit: no matter how much it hurts, reddit does have better discussion 75% of the time than here. I mean, r/latestagecapitalism where I was recently banned from does have good shit to say. And they actually reach normies who come and ponder their content.

Does it mean that their bullshit gets floated to the top repeatedly? Yeah. Their are flaws with the voting system that every one of us can point out. But chans have flaws too that lead to us getting flooded with shitposts and discussions simply breaking down.

good luck with that fam

The really serious downside to the imageboard format is exactly this: Extreme susceptibility to derailing/shitposting, meaning that for good discussion to happen it requires active moderation.

I'll be honest here, I'm really not a fan of reddit. But if you do have a critical userbase set on informed discussion, it is much less susceptible to shilling if it uses the reddit format, compared to imageboards.
A lot of the problems I personally have with reddit are problems of culture, rather than of format.

Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d6)
Not when IDs are enabled. Which are enabled on bunkerchans left board.

Reddit is very susceptible to Astroturf. Which is why advertisers love the site. Just look at r/hailcorperate.

IDs are great. So long as we also ban tripfags it's all good.

I'll preface by saying that I have no experience using a board with ID. (Never browsed Holla Forums, and only browsed Holla Forums when I was 13)
But while I can imagine it does have a positive effect, I just can't see it eliminating the problem. People are just naturally going to respond to the posts they see. If somebody is dead set on fucking discussion up, they'll manage unless moderation steps in. Which means that no matter what you end up with the problem of having to find the moderation balance between /r/socialism / Snacks style moderation and status quo Holla Forums.

It is the job of the moderation to remove someone who comes in and shits things up.

What are you getting at?

Nothing really. Just that the imageboard format has a stronger reliance on moderation to be 'not shit', compared to the reddit format.

Its the same. Anyone can register an account and troll.

I always see this as a claim, and yet very rarely do I see someone misuse spookposting in earnest. Mostly it's just butthurt idiots that got called out and don't understand why, so they start spamming "x is a spook" out of frustration.

Space since when have you been a technocrat?

Were you hanging out with Howard too long?

Never. I just like changing flags :^)

So we all agree reddit is shit for its own reasons. And we all basically agree, that chans are shit for its own reasons.

A third way is needed. Heavily moderated, anonymous with ID's and optional tripcodes for a damn start.

that's what leftism is though. why don't you join the alt-rght?

Y'all be missing the point here.
The problem isn't the format, the problem is people being dumb.
You can have any style of forum and still be flooded with shit. What makes a good community is, and will always be a good userbase.
Y'all just need to learn to ignore obvious bait and learn to reply to good threads. That's the only way to increase the quality of a board.


That's a terrible idea. What πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€(IπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€) want to see is a lefty shitposting board with no emphasis on debating/learning and complete focus on taking the piss and having a chuckle

I love my spook posting, but rebel is right. Too many people are too quick to cry spook. Regardless of what one thinks of Stirner, it's a potentially useful tool of ours, provided we don't water it down by oversaturating the board with ebin egotist memes.

I've used reddit fewer times than I have fingers, but I feel you about getting a solid online leftist space going. I mean, I do love being a commie shitposter, which you have to admit, is Holla Forums's strong suit, but I can't find any sort of large community that is home to the various strains of leftism, but simultaneously nonsectarian. A place to educate myself, and work to organize and agitate.

I do like the anonymous nature of image boards, and that the closest thing to an upvote is just the number of replies a comment receives. I almost think that the ideal website would force new users into an arbitrary nametag, and they are only granted anonymity if given a pass by a number of oldfags, and names/tripcodes are only allowed by the OP of a thread. Obviously, work towards as democratic a system of site management and moderation as possible.
