Holla Forums's new queen or daughter? She's young enough that she might actually be sincere, unlike EVAlion, and she can't be shut off like Tay for her rad bants.
Holla Forums's new queen or daughter? She's young enough that she might actually be sincere, unlike EVAlion...
Other urls found in this thread:
neither young nor sincere.
Don't be taken advantage of now that you're a target demographic for shekel-hungry e-celeb freaks.
She's 13. She bants with other 13 year olds. This IS the paradigm shift in gen zed. She should be encouraged as an example for her peers.
That is what he wants you to think, user. You're a shit-tier shill.
outs you every time
Evalion is a dirty comie piece of shit.
this was my first thought
And this is a diseased man trying to profit off the right-wing resurgence. Good Goy.
OP is a PEDO trying to push pedo by pushing a girl as an idol.
Proper idol is a grown man both wise and strong, with no chosen blood.
>>>/kennedi/ is better tbh
Give me any evidence she is a man.
Out of pure morbid curiosity I watched the video and she's a 13 year old talking about some 10 year old who is a communist and atheist. Are children really being stripped of their innocence this early now?
There is no queen of Holla Forums
yeah, I mean it's not like Holla Forums "mysteriously became" experts on CP lingo during PizzaGate
the fact that PizzaGate was a thing on Holla Forums only proved to most of us we were not alone here
Then could she be Holla Forums's daughter? Could we push her to natsoc with her hatred of commies?
This was pushed months ago. Fuck off with your Eceleb bullshit
tone of voice, mannerisms, etc. all those of a man with AMD.
Give me hard evidence that these only occur in men with AMD.
Everyone of your posts contains "eceleb bullshit". You sounded like a scripted shill to me.
I don't argue with shills.
You don't argue because you haven't got an argument. You have no evidence to back up your claims, and in the meantime, a child that could possibly prove to be a catalyst for the rise of natsoc in her generation is having her full potential not realized.
ebin. I don't argue because you're an e-celeb shill.
no u
thanks for getting me to watch shill, most of the time I wouldnt ever have but because of you and your obvious trolling I did, and this little girl kicks ass. your a faggot that likes to watch his lifepartner suck black cock
kek, you're the idiot shilling for e-celebs and lining their pockets. get killed laddo
She's making fun of his dipshit fans, you faggot.
no u
I can't understand if that guy even likes the video or not. That defeats the purpose of a sock, no?
Kill yourself.
no u
just waiting for vols to delete this garbage tbh, fuck off with your eceleb bullshit.
no, a 13 year old leafy-clone is not Holla Forums's queen. Sage for retardness
Prepare for your thread to suddenly fill with low effort shill posts and pictures of jewish dogs.
Thanks for the idea
I gotta say this is really disgusting. Using children as propaganda outlets is despicable and naturally should be rejected by the aryan race.
Children are pure and without malace, let them learn by themselves and once they are old enough to comprehend it, then let them speak.
webm or get the fuck out.
IDs with d9 always derail threads so fucking quickly.
quickly kill yourself before your cancer spreads!
She is a voice of her generation as well as one of the oldest of her generation, and you don't find it prudent to push her towards a philosophy she could easily sow in her peers?
it's a kid. fuck off
no because she's an e-celeb, fuck off with this eceleb bullshit
these people are out for one thing: shekels.
The video says capitalist and I don't want to watch this trash, how is a capitalist Holla Forums tier? At least evalion was openly Nat-Soc.
Lol, no.
She was also controlled op out to discredit unironic natsoc's.
Taking the opinion of edgy children seriously.
Isn't she pro communism on twitter now?
This is a girl? also how old is 'it'?
A quick google says she started at the age of 11 in 2015. So 13 or 14.
Fuck off Shlomo, and take your pedo bullshit with you.
Just leave the 13 year old little girl alone, there's no reason to go around stalking her like a certain pedophile namefag on Holla Forums.
Sauce? I only watched her first few videos and I didn't get that impression. Also her personal opinions were irrelevant as long as she played the Nat-Soc role, she was basically a lure for betas. Not really the kind of people you want to attract but we can't reall be as picky as we may like right now.
Last time I checked her twitter was deleted. Do you have pictures or a link.
Why does she come across as a prepubescent boy with long hair? I mean if he shes 13 or 14 then she'd at least come across as slightlygendered in appearance. I mean women mature very early, girls in my school even had like a full set of tits at 14.
While I agree with leaving kids alone and all
is utterly laughable, do you have no recollection of being that age or something? Children can be mean little shits.
Some are late bloomers, hardly unheard of. You're telling me you didn't have any girls in your class that were completely flat even at 16?
Oh, this little foul mouthed e-celeb cancer again. Anyone got the webm of her when she was only 11 years old asking her fans to send her anal beads?
You retards will fall for anything.
Ofcourse there were plenty that were flat at 16 but even the ones at 14 you could tell for certain they were female and not just prepubscent boys who's parents allow them to grow their hair out very long. I'm not mocking this person its just amazing how someone could be a 14 year old girl and I still wonder whether or not they are even the gender they say they are.
Im sorry you didn't know
These kids are very androgynous for some reason. Might be shitty obama food
I didn't. She looks INCREDIBLY underdeveloped for a 14 year old girl. Her skull:body ratio is comically fucked up.
There is clearly something wrong with the way she's growing. No 14 year old girl looks like that. It's not even a matter of chest size. Her proportions are alien like.
Eh, she actually reminds me of my cousin at least appearance wise.
I'm watching the so called girl's videos and she looks like a prepubescent boy with long hair. I honest to god cannot tell, my eyes look at this human and I see a prepubscent human caucasian child with long hair that I'd guy would be male.
guess* not guy
I was honestly shocked myself. Had to double check.
Not sure what to tell you, looks obviously female to me.
So you are either one of two things if you say this is a boy.
option 1) you are absolutely fucking autistically mentally challenged to the caliber of funny
option 2)you're shitposting ironically
So? Does that make her less usefull?
It occurs to me that a thread specifically on what contact and education should be allowed when it comes to children without the focus on an eceleb should be made. I mean NSDAP clearly promoted instilling ideologies into youth, with the whole Hitlerjugend.
Heil Hitler
Holy shit the amount of derail spam in this thread, like 4pol levels. This shit get linked to on one of their kiddy celeb twitters or something?
Anyway, these >>9850466
If some youtube kiddies are taking up the fight on their own little battleground, damn good for them. In a decade that'll be a whole new generation already primed for our side. It's not really a battlefield we can effect to much though, other than just letting 4pol keep producing kid-friendly memes for them to digest.
But yeah, it's definitely a signifier of a generational paradigm shift. Really supports all those articles that made waves a few months ago about Gen Z being the 'most conservative'. We just have to be ready to take them the rest of the way in a few years.
We don't access to the manpower needed to do that. We have propaganda. That's it.
The long hair and swearing makes her especially come across as a prepubscent redneck boy I'd see from one of my old neighborhoods, one with a nice camera and some good editing skills
Honest to god man, almost every little girl Ive seen/met looks 100% more female than she does.
In my opinion, the fact that you dont see it means you are either one of two things:
1) easily able to interpret someones gender merely on their hair length i.e. you probably are more likely to accept male to female trannys
2) you've lived in an area where all girls have extremely low estrogen/high testerone or either I live in a state where all females have especially high estrogen (Utah)
But srsly the fact you can't see what we're talking about probably makes you the autistic one here.
I completely agree with you! However, a thought occurs to me. Why only push the generation one way? We could introduce a carrot and stick scenario, with commies and liberals mostly being fat and stupid to the eyes of these youngsters, and traditionalists and conservatives generally being fit and erudite? Do you think we could influence both sides, so that we could achieve a generation with fewer independents?
I keep telling you imbeciles and you never, ever listen: QUIT EDUCATING THEM. You numb cunts love feeling superior to them and pointing out their mistakes, but you're fucking us all over because you couldn't keep it in your pants.
Heaven help retards like you guys if I ever get mod privs around here, because I'll fucking ban anyone who gives the shills extra training for free.
She looks like a southern baiyou type girl. They only really mature around 16.
will you do it for free
Educating them also educates newfags which is crucial, and secondly I miss the JIDF because they were actually competent shills and there was challenge/fun in fucking with them, newer shills are a waste, fuck it, lets spice things up and "educate" them.
I've never seen anything like it. I live in the intermountain you see where gendered appearance is very pronounced and obvious.
Even if she is what you call a 'southern baiyou' it seems really really hard to believe she can 13-14 and still look that young. Hearing her talk she comes across as a trained child actor that'd be like 11 and as I've stated before, male.
I mean she must have something biologically wrong with her to be that old and still look that way. I mean even if she was a late bloomer she'd at least look like an agendered 12 year old tomboy, she looks like she wouldnt be making the sentences she makes, shes like female Andy Milonakis.
I sure do love all this 13 year old money lining my pockets. Im the strongest shill out there Ill have you know
ok ok I honestly see where you guys are coming from.
She hardly has any feminine traits. So what is it? The food schools provide? Injections, a disease, what?
I knew a family of girls like her. You're right, they're not normal. They were all prodigies in some way, be it speech, music or acting. They all stared too long without blinking. But they also carried a lot of influence on their peers, excluding autists like me. They mature into normal enough lookimg people though.
we could've found the real life equivalent of this girl.
This anime was about a business man who was reincarnated into a 13 year old loli.
Only a reincarnated business man in the body of a loli would create sentence structures like this
Genetics, food, society breakdown. All contributing factors to this androgyny.
Does that mean all her doujins are gay but not pedo?
what the fuck is also going on with her eyes? Why is she always so exhausted and half-eyed all the time?
snt that just a normal way of conveying smugness?
my best guess is its some kinda biological thing. Idk if its a disease but it somewhat seems like it. I mean if it was somekind of food or injection she'd at least look somewhat discernable regarding her gender. Again, my bet its some kinda biological/possible genetic thing.
Thats fine if this girl is actually some kind of great personality or ability to speak. She just looks like she isnt maturing normally at all.
that pic of her looks like a 10 year old skate boarder boy who just tried his first dubie from the 'older kids'.
Kek. Wouldn't be surprised if she smoked the swamp grass.
Young children don't know anything you fucking idiot. Somebody is feeding this child lines, and you fall for it like a fucking sap.
She admits she reads somebody elses script. Its her delivery and disposition that are important you mong.
No, that's in your head. IDs are a hash of IPs and thread IDs. There is no rhyme or reason to them, they are pseudorandom. Any patterns in IDs you think you notice are imagined.
But whenever I'm a d9 i derail the thread
No, children are worthless for propagandizing. The only thing you'll accomplish is disgusting normal people who feel their guts churn when they see children exploited for politics.
What we need are well-spoken men, not young children.
Sounds like a personal problem tbqh fam.
Your obsession with young girls is extremely troubling.
They are gay AND pedo
They're as bad as furries. They honestly expect the rest of us to tolerate them.
This child will one day be an adult. An adult capable of influencing her generations voting. She is growing up in a society that is swiftly becoming matriarchal, ergo one that will value females voices more. I don't understand what your argument actually is. You think I mean to have her influence current voters? Do you really think Im that retarded?
Nicr argument.
Report and move along.
what the fug is going on here :DDDD
It is a shill that argues with itself and has over a hundred posts ITT, you newfags. Here's your /PoL