KEK being meme'd into Kill Every Kike
Somefag is spreading this; with an obvious attempt to get the word 'KEK' classified as hate speech equal or greater than 'Nigger'.
Anons this is counter productive. You'll be seeing thousands of anons getting banned from normalfag social media over something like this.
I want to blame cuckchan but at the same time it could be Holla Forums or the kikes. I doubt leftypol could possibly be this creative though.
Top K E K : Kill Every Kike
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I fucking like this. Is a double meme
you say that like it's a bad thing…
It is a bad thing. The few anons who travel into those murky waters are feeding redpills to the groups and normalfags that use those platforms. I'm with you, normalfag social media is cancer but these are shadows lurking to harvest souls for the cause
Fuck off and go wank to Akkad op. KEK has always been a silent gas the kikes. Why can't you people just fuck off back to wherever you came from.
Okay, I kek'd
I firmly support this, at least it will put an end to Sarcucks Kekistan cancer
This is true. I can get behind this angle
I'm okay with this
THIS! I'm sick of Saracuck and his fucking bullshit. He tried to steal out meme, now we're merely taking it back.
Reminds me of how people think AR-15 means Assault rifle - 15…
Fucking nigger doesn't realize that this was an attempt to shove off the supposedly Sargon of Akkad created "kekistan" meme.
We even had a thread on it already.
Doesn't it?
Great idea, let's assert our dominance on kekistan
This is why it isn't known.
That being said this should be pushed. The more I think about it all plebbit fags from nu/pol/ would be banned if this happened. This is a good thing. Then again the faggots will try and come here
Means ArmaLite Rifle (L is omitted since compound word)
google it user
Somefags need to drop this in leftist areas. I'm not going to Plebbit but I'll hit a few Holla Forums bunkers. Let's make this happen
A for effort. But you can't honestly believe you're the first to have come up with this.
A few people have attempted the same meme in the past. It just never caught on.
It'll definitely get the /Christian/s on board since we'd no longer be referring to "KEK" as a pagan idol.
Praise K.E.K.
What would be counter productive is all those journos writing articles about newest nazi memes making themselves look more like clowns than actual professionals
Shadilay !
I really like this. We get our point across and the retards with kekistan flags take the heat. Maybe some will even drop their cuck CivNat stance and become a NatSoc. If they're going to call you a GnatZi anyways, why not be the real thing?
Kek does not stand for "kill every kike." Kek is the All, he does not lend his own meme token to a petty things such as genocide.
This is a pretty good D&C to get the matetialists of Holla Forums to try and subvert Kek from the spiritual Kekkists tho. Watch a lot of the anti-Kekkists come out of the woodwork to do the work for them, like crabs in a bucket who want to make sure that if "Hitler did nothing wrong" doesn't succeed as a meme its true but meme potential for causing conversions? not so much then Kek won't either. It is an attempt to harness the jealousy of those who remain motivated by hatred to the exclusivity of love: you need both for spiritual health.
This won't go anywhere tho, because the intellectual Kekkists, who are the ones pushing it, won't fall for this and will remain concerned with higher things.
I have a feeling that these memes are a result of CTR shills utilizing the memetics behind this image because it was extremely effective against their shilling efforts. Keep in mind kikes lack originality and are only adept at creating poor copies.
Smells like shills attempting to pit the goys against one another.
so much this
Half of those civnatzis are black or mixed sadly
That was my original thought but then meh lately it's seemed pretty chill in here. Most of the shills are legit leftistfags
I actually like this, it'll stop all the reddit faggots from running with the kekistan cringy shit.
this is ctr d&c
Top kek!
Tell me thats from Syria, and not DC
Today, our people.. KILL EVERY KIKE
KEK is insanely popular amongst our useful idiots, td, kekistan etc.
They have also become EXTREMELY resistant to being called nazis/fascists.
This is already an ebil nahdzee frog meme. I see no harm in pushing it to be even more explicit. This kills the overton window.
Meme it
This is brilliant.
The shock value not only makes Pepe more potent and widespread but this development further obfuscates casual comprehension of the Kek phenomenon and as the cherry on top everyone on the (((alt-right))) who resorts to [autistic screeching] over this betrays their lack of conviction, their philosemitism and/or their lack of initiation.
Correct, the tactic that reclaimed pepe from the normalfags is just extreme shock value, we can do the same to get rid of these kekistani faggots by making memes of pepe killing, maiming, torturing kikes or kekistanis doing violent ethnic cleansing. We fought too hard to take pepe/kek back from the normalfags to have Shitgon of Cuckad ruin everything.
Yeah we need visual OC of Kekistani ethnic cleaning if we're going to get anywhere on this campaign.
This is a great idea, thanks OP.
We need a new thread dedicated to OC designed to destroy Kekistan, Sargon, and his ilk.
This thread is already devoted to that purpose, tbh.
Is "kek" used by anybody but imageboard users? Do normalfags use "kek" anywhere on facebook, twitter, or reddit?
"normies" (by which I mean 9gaggers on Facebook) use it, yes.
Superb digits.
Begone mundane
Damn is Holla Forums trying to meme again and failing badly at it? What a dumb fuck niggers they are.
see it in the comment section of news articles on facebook
why don't you niggers admit you ripped off kek from world of borecraft?
it's lol from world of War craft. if you see a green nigger say lol while playing as one of the opposing faction you see kek on the screen. supposed to lol in orcish.
inb4 dweeby technical criticism on wow lore
I like it. It's a message I strongly agree with.
there is no kekistan you sargonfag
I too want all the normalfags to die
Dunno about now but Kek was used a lot when I was in high school, which was around 2013
You need to go back, shill.
It wasnt ripped you fucking spastic, we just made something dumb about it and normies took it too far.
It's not Holla Forums. It's classic Holla Forums that hates retarded redditors such as yourself. BASED JEWS am I right?
Is it?
How about instead of using kek, opt for coopting lol or something else commonly used by your average person?
This makes those leftists want to ban lol or whatever word it is, and people will see the left for what they really are
who the fuck am I shilling for? you balding albino reject.
Fuck off, Shlomo. Kek is already in the process of being coopted and rendered unfunny by Sargon and the "skeptic movement" faggots trying to push this kekistan shit. You want to reclaim kek? Start memeing stuff that normalfags won't touch. It worked for pepe. It can work here too.
What a fucking false flag you're trying to pull off, ultimate samefag.
nevermind, this site is fucking broken, as always
well, while you're "not" ripping off kek from wow, meme the other factions word, bur.
lel, they still think Kek is some fake shit like that spaghetti monster.
Is there a glitch on here? Why is the first 40 posts all have the same ID? Or is it some fag who is literally talking to himself nonstop
Admittedly, that is one of the reasons I've never been too fond of Kek.
I'm not a very good Christian, but I still get that nagging in the back of my brain that says, "No, don't do that!"
Should be
Basically means the same thing and would get normies on board the nationalist movement. When they do a little digging into (((who))) communist really were in the early 1900's they'll see why kikes are universally hated.
The site shat itself
So the users had the same id
Saying it, not the advancement of Kek.
Got a better idea.
Kek's not fond of you either.
People just "worship" him ironically. He isn't real
Well honestly I see Kek as a Chaos God like in 40k
Fuck he possibly could be a proto stage of Tzeentch as Kek represents Great change
But that said Chaos gods represent the emotional energy or Meme Magick if you prefer into them
Tzeentch represents change, the reason Tzeentch is an evil machivelian dick is because of the changes going on reflect that with it bursting that each action acts exponentially with each additional action of the sort in 40k
But If the change is for that of making the world a great white topia then maybe we can do it
Keep in mind that there aren't many nigs in the 41st millenium
Worshipping him creates him
What, were too many involved in Valve's Half-Life 2 weapon naming scheme?
Does Gabriel Kuhn sound like a Syrian name?
I wish we could spoil specific pictures but I can't be arsed to split this.
I have to disagree with kek on this one, it sounds better backwards, World Entirely White
well, I mean…
If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
What the fuck even happened here? The mods were deleting posts, that much I can tell, but it's mostly OP having a 1-way conversation.
With a M$ paint tier ""meme". Its shit.
It's probably a bot. Makes more sense though it's less hilarious than a buttblasted intern whose last thread get that anchor right after it got enough replies to he heil'ed.
If only you knew how bad it really was.
All the IDs have been purged from this and many other threads.
I'm using it because only oldfigs remember it you NEWFAG SCUM
Seeing this on several other boards with IDs. The maintenance clearly fucked something up in a big way making the first 50 or so posts of every thread switched to the OP's ID.
No, basically every single post until the fix had it's ID wiped.
Not even OP can use the OP ID anymore
Shits been happening on other boards with IDs as well.
Yesterday everything was fine, today some of my posts have OPs ID.
Guess something is just fucking up. Again.
More likely to be real than the retarded "god" that Christians worship.
When will this shitty Sarcuck 4chan meme die off? Holla Forums birthed kek-worship, not them.
It's satire making fun of Shillary's attempt to be "relatable," dumbass.
These threads are so transparent. Don't you guys have some neuroscience to do?
I love it. Fuck 4cuck and their civnat cuckoldry.
This should buttblast more (((people))) on the left.
This kekistan bullshit it becoming too much of the friendly faceberg meme of the alt-kike. Keep pushing its controversy and the more outraged they get at what people see as a cartoon frog the funnyer it gets.
Fuck off Jeff. Still not using echos right you balding faggot.
yeah dude not just this thread..
in a QTDDTOT thread OP was having convos with himself for 346 posts…
including a supposed self-face-dox
im spooped
It's actually kinda amazing.
You're a fucking retard.
Do you want to know how I can tell you don't know what you're talking about?
Kek encompasses all things. Peace, love, harmony, as well as hate, evil, and genocide. To identify Kek with one single thing is to entirely lose his essence. That's the singular problem with this. It's like equating Hitler's entire message with just "gas the Jews" and overlooking his love for the Aryan race.
Two of those are for sure not OP.
topkek came after the WOW nerd word Kek was popularised on Holla Forums
Admit it nigger. Autistic wow nerds started that shit.
My videogame buddies all use kek
4chan Holla Forums tier shitposting general
Kek says you're an edgy faggot.
it needs to be taken back, fuck sarcuck and his minions. he is using alinsky tactics to subvert. the whole concept behind the cuckistani BS was to undermine WN causes. Kill Every Kike
Fuck off faggot. How many threads are you going to make before you realize this isn't working.
Shit thread, OP.
The KEK = "Kill Every Kike" meme is literally several years old.
Take your shit OP back to reddit.
That would bring them to our side. Hatred grows us.
I want to be against this, I hate the blasphemous kekistani, but this will hwlp our cause.
I don't even dox but if I see one more of these faggots threads sarcuck, Jeff Holiday and Kraut are going to be my first. Enjoy having leftist trash ruins your flats you lazy fucks.
Dubs confirm for better plan. Sargon and his minions vs leftypol, BATTLE ROYAL!
Anyone who has been infiltrating lefty boards can do this too just post their info and act legitimately angry. Sarcuck has been pissing on the labour party too so I'm sure there are plenty of lefties ready to throw a brick through his window or harass his wife and kid on the way to the shops. Keep going guys You're in over our heads already.
I see nothing wrong with this. If this manages to make the news and someone says the word kike on air I will shit my pants.
Good, if you spout memes on social media you're a massive faggot.
Hnnn I don't think it's time for this yet. Maybe later, but WoW is still online, so even libshits will pick up on this being shitposting.
does op know about ids?
BONUS: which agency is behind it?
Did their sockpuppet software forget how to change ips?