

Here's Little Nathan crying over one of our guys beating up an antifa.


If you kill your enemy, you win.

I'm a little drunk, so I can't tell if it's FBI being FBI and tring to get a resurrgance of militias.

OR triggered antifa stirring the pot.

Plz advice

Suffice it to say, brevity is the soul of wit.

If you're a fascist surely you know all about third positions right? How bout this third position. The violent right simply must return, the state is against you, the only response to white genocide is white jihad.

Nathan's the guy who clocked moldylocks right? The hell man, what happened?

He punched a girl that was even shorter than him. He didn't change much.

He punched a bottle tossing antifa. That's a ll that matters

Whites don't jihad, we Crusade. Get it right Abdul.

I thought he was the guy who punched that hairy porn girl. Am I wrong?

OP makes some decent points, but misses an important one. Violence needs organization, as without it they are just random acts carried out by 'lone wolves'. That being said, organization leads to patterns, and patterns lead to getting caught. That leaves us in a bit of a catch 22, where we need to show a pattern to get our message across, yet that same pattern could lead to our message being stomped out. How can this be solved? Don't say 'by being nonviolent' as that is increasingly becoming a non-viable option.

in defense.
we cannot become something unworthy of defending.
neutralizing targets can be as simple as persuading a person or people.

Jews are really desperate to get us to give em a reason to get shut down. We must be really getting under their skin.

General Advice:

He said that in the article and what is wrong with lone wolves? Lone wolves are actually the solution to the question you are asking. Lone wolf actors are both organized and without pattern.

doing prank research from a public computer at a library and keeping hardcopy notes to be destroyed after committing to memory can further prevent planned pranks from being failed pranks

Violence itself is already the defense you dumb coon. We're talking about genocide here. Any violence no matter how petty or extreme is always justified.

Also if exploiting the false-flag manifesto strategy, media will undoubtedly cover it up, but timing is tricky since you can't upload ahead of time without the pranks being foiled, so a script with a timer to upload to several forums/twitters after 48 hours might be useful.

Violence at this point is hugely less effective then collected, calm communication and spicy memes. Learn discipline and strategic patience. Our enemies desperately want us to commit violence because it nullifies our invincibility. We're winning this war from a strategic stronghold of memes. Don't blow this for us.

Google "Operation Gladio." Violence would be the very worst decision for Americans at this point. Europeans might be a different story.

Wow so much FBI trolling in this poast
Its like one giant COINTELPRO thread

politics =/= slaughter

real world evidence is persuasive, but being worthy of retribution only compromises us.

having the power to defend ourselves is another thing.

Trips be checked.
This would be a good time to trim some branches. I wonder how far we could get the Antifa into some real dangerous shit? They don't expect to be caught by feds.

I can't so much as use the card catalog at my library without a card, which requires a photo ID and they mail the card to confirm the address

had it for 20 years, now what?

a much better idea

THERE! Translated in Hebrew for easier comprehension, Shlomo.

George Lincoln Rockwell on PR niggers

We aren't defending our own person. It is perfectly justified to sacrifice yourself for others, if its your own sanctity that you seek to keep safe and not of others then perhaps you should stop being so selfish and instead take a look at the big picture.

i understand the big picture very well.
how to change things from top to bottom and bottom to top.
and how to generate the power to do so.

tl;dr FBI wants you to believe Brevik is a dangerous White Right Wing Militia Rambo and >not a false flag because no reasons just calling retard and words words words words words.

there is no peaceful way to save the white race. I hope you realize this

No. Jews are desperate to keep you docile and ignorant of your capability to damage their system and their state. Kind of like your post.

I don't think any of them understand hebrew, I think they just learn to make the sounds for reading the torah.


Hitler's sugar daddy was IG Farben Warburg Rockefeller Rothschild he was a Zionist agent just like the FBI COINTELPRO on this whole thread.

Had me up until that point. Why not just flat out advocate for based niggers, huh rope culture? Also, you're recruiting from the wrong crowd. You don't look for foot soldiers in the counter intel division. TD or TRS should be your targets.

Jesus Christ and Martin Luther were both antisemite and extremely against violence.



This is true enough. There is no peaceful solution. The article OP posted is just too try-hard and wannabe hardcore-sounding though.

Whoever wrote this shite needs to stop huffing his own farts.
Breivik did absolutely nothing for any norwegian nationalist cause, if anything his actions were directly harmful to any anti-shitskin efforts within Norway.



I agree with the principle behind it, but the proposed application and publishing of this is straight up retard territory.
Yes, violence is inevitable. Yes, it can and will be useful. The writer however is some straight up "if you don't kill people who look at you wrong you're a cuck" edgelord.

Violence (if used at all) ought to be focused, calculated and effective. Not earning yourself jail sentence and informant position (and fucking up your organization) because you're some degenerate with excess energy should be goal in doing so, aside from actually achieving anything of value. People both smart and willing to do anything are already too few in our genepool and should not be wasted on petty shit, let alone encourage others to do so. If you want to send a message, get someone to send it in much harsher (or should I say, Final) terms and independent of obvious suspects. Guess that's just too advanced for this faggot. He should stick with skinheads, oh how so much have they achieved.

FBI dude

Here's the solution;
An organization that is peaceful and unconnected with lone wolves and lone wolves who carry out acts against the enemy. If they get caught, we fund their legal defense. In addition, we also need to be a proactive charitable organization that fights for White interests everywhere.

Then use the Tor network

How so? I have not been following Norwegian politics for very long. What happened as a result of Breivik's actions?


I am in full agreement with the people who point out that skinheads aren't useful. What have they achieved in their history? Nothing. They are not revolutionaries, they are Larping. We need intelligent people who strike with ruthless force against our real enemies. Not randomly beating up some random niggers and then getting jailed for 15 years. That is asinine.



Uh no user. It is chaos made manifest. There is neither spontaneous action nor right moments in the hive mind. The mind is truth, and in truth we learn from others, and teach unto others as is needed. Organization is the illusion. Precepts of holding back are cancer.

Life never holds back.

This is a good article. Bump.


Bump. Interesting perspective,


revolution is the only solution

Tbh this is why we need an economic collapse.
America deserves to suffer for awhile just to remember how it feels.

Economic collapse will be the greatest savior of this nation.
Do every little thing you can to fuck up this economy.
Don't buy American ( watch the cuckservatives on here get mad at this.)
Get on welfare if you can.
Shoplift if you can, don't get fucking caught for petty theft.
Don't keep money in Jewish banks.

it's one thing to accelerate, it's another to put the work toward something good for justice.

What's up with OP talking to himself throughout the first 35 posts?

Hivemind is the product of many mind in contact. Just like a school of fish or a flock of birds. They self coordinate.

if we ever get access to NSA logs, you are getting executed by the RWDS for acting like a nigger. you should go postal before resorting to becoming a nigger.

Being dependent on welfare will only make you a sitting duck for SHTF, get a job or start a business and use any savings you have to buy land and invest in ammunition, medical supplies, funz, etc. and be as self-sufficient as possible. Otherwise I agree, and try to make money off books if possible to avoid giving your money to ZOG.

There it is! Just the phrase I've been grasping for. to describe the pervasive mind-fucking going on.

Semitically correct

Controlled opposition, I wager. Same with Stickman. I did find it odd how quickly those two were propped up and turned into leaderfags in the alt-right community. I honestly thought the whole moldylocks thing was staged. I mean, out of ALL the hundreds of Antifa, not only does the ONE character with already meme-ready material to be made out of her gets attacked, but there was something there to film it, and then she's given loads of attention from both the media and us as well. The whole thing just seem too damn perfect, she was too perfect of a target. It's just like that disinfo that the guy who punched Spencer was a shit-eating cuckold (who was also, like Moldlocks, a degenerate pornstar. WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS???)

I'm honestly starting to believe that we need to consider that both Antifa and the counter protestors fighting with them are controlled, and this is entire Antifa shitshow is one gigantic psyop of some form. To push an agenda, or distract us from something. But what?

So your saying we should act like mudslimes? That just might work.

To distract you from everything. Wall st kikes and the incoming healthcare debt bubble that will bring us back to 2007 recession levels. :^)

Lmao. Go back to your sandbox, sodomite.



He's right, you know.

Nothing is going to happen to change this system while times are good. The huge majority of normies give no fucks about ZOG as long as there is food in their stomachs and a roof over their heads. We need the system to collapse for people to realize the gravity of their situation, else we'll be the frogs in the boiling water.

Ex: Weimar Germany. It was just as degenerate as right now, but the economy was in utter shambles, even compared to the pozzed state of the US/Euro economies right now. The conditions were right for something different.

The problem is that every time someone here proposes ideas on how to collapse the economy, they get attacked by shills, the thread gets shut down, and the user is banned.


You're just advising acting like a nigger. Some of this stuff works, but the more important part is building an informal economy. Move to the country, grow your own food, make/fix your own stuff and stuff for your neighbors, trade with your neighbors, get milk and meat under the table from local white farmers, etc. Sabotaging the official economy is less important than being able to live entirely outside of it.

Welfare is fine. If that money doesn't go to you it's going to some nigger or beaner. Stealing from jewish megacorps is also fine if you can get away with it (don't fuck over your own people, though, and make sure you actually know the difference instead of assuming).

I want this to be the new OP.

I want to go look at Kikebart comment sections and see this
turn into this


Killing word.

n-no.. v-v.. violence is bad!!

Violence is neither good nor bad. It is a tool to be used, just like a hammer. Violence and war are THE law of nature, and there is no evil in nature.

good advice m8. get yourself cataloged by the zog and develop a reputation as an untrustworthy faggot. sure that in a sthf scenario your community will look to you for guidance instead of debating rather or not your a liability that should be dealt with.

name an alternative to estwing. have you ever replaced a handle on a tool before? do you feel confident enough in your abilities to fashion one when sthf and home depot is on fire? would you trust your life with rope & paracord made in taiwan? do you honestly think the $30 hunks of top grain leather with plastic soles from walmart are at all comparable to red wing, chippewa, danner or georgia? what about knives m8? do i go for the inexpensive chinkshit that can't hold an edge or overly expensive chinkshit intended for collectors? what little is still made in this country with exception of automobiles tends to be the best on the market. honestly m8 take your disagree and your cuck >(1) post and shove it up your faggot ass.

Stop LARPing, faggot. You're not a knight templar. You're a faggot shit posting on the internet.

Source on that?
