206% Increase in Syrian “Refugees” Admitted to US


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I hope he's fucking serious about breaking up the 9th. If not, he better win it in the supreme court.

This is still going on, right? Last thing I heard was that the 9th court had broken the law because 3 of their (((judges))) voted in secret to perform an illegal block of the President's powers, and the 9th district was begging the president to allow them to retry the case in his favor.

I really fucking hope Trump disbars every last one of them.

This. Trump, you're President now, you probably have delta force teams at your disposal to help these judges have an accident. As the commies like to say, he needs to start breaking some eggs.

If this is real, this is bad… like shitstorm bad..

Has anyone seen any refugees in real life lately? I walked by some black people that smelled even worse than usual and I began to wonder if they were refugees.

I understand that a lot of people here really like Trump (or what he wanted us to think he was) but right now for whatever reason he is acting against his base, we need to start pushing back against him NOW or the kikes who run his administration will just push the same thing thats happening in Europe here

You shills have completely given up on trying, haven't you?

change of tactics, moishe?

you will never fit in

Trump is a traitor. He won't see a second term, he set the precedent too high and nobody will let him get away with this betrayal.


I have seen so many lately it's terrifying. I live in the beltway area and the amount of muslims see everyday has skyrocketed, it used to be that seeing a Burqa was something only on TV but I see at least one every time I am on the metro. I have also seen hundreds of Arabs driving brand new cars, worst part is that they are always with white women.

It's gotten to the point that I count the number of white people I see in local areas and I find myself outnumbered 15 to 1. The number of race mixed couples is also huge as i see more white women with non white men then normal white couples, i can count the number of straight white couples I have seen in the last week on one hand, whats worse is that it's always white female not white male, I never see white guys with non white women, they are always alone… not that I'm one to talk.

how long can you keep ignoring the obvious? Trumps administration is full of Jews and getting worse by the day, something is clearly not right. You /r/the_donald types can cheer-lead for him all you want but if he doesn't start changing his tune the primaries are going to be a slaughter and we will be back to the Obama years only with a right leaning president who is only slightly less hostile to us. Trump doesn't need to be Hitler but he does need to start dealing with the biggest problem for whites, immigration.

I am not here to be his peep squad, I will cheer we he does what we want and hate on him when he doesn't

Either way it's more refugees than Obama let in last year during the same amount of time.

In case you're just a forgetful faggot instead of a shilling faggot, the courts are fighting Trump every step of the way. THey've blocked, unlawfully I'm sure, every attempt at banning immigrants, defunding of sanctuary cities, hell I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to block funds for fixing infustructure at this point just to claim Trump didn't do anything. However, ICE still has had an upswing in action, illegals are starting to actually be afraid unless they're in sanctuary cities (or the state of California, which I think is now a sanctuary state).

It's just chess, he's allowing white genocide to continue because it's all part of his master plan to rid the world of dark-skinned niggers(not the based negroes) and kikes(not the based nationalist Isreilis)

Don't even bother user. Anybody who hasn't accepted what you at saying by now is either hopelessly delusional or intentionally disingenuous either way there is no point arguing with them. You'll just get banned for pointing out the obvious here.

Worse than Obama

always a namefag.

God damn these (1)s

Nice meme. Fuck off anti-Trump shill KIKE.


Gun control laws are on the state level tbh. Only pro gun laws can be passed and maybe 1 or two repeal but congress has that power and the GOP are cucks.

Yes, if you shit on the G-d Emer-r after all he's done for whites you're unquestioningly a shill.

Neuter and spay them, THEN they can come

This is what I'm talking about. There isn't even any point in arguing against you people.

You are the cancer that I killing Holla Forums.

there are more than a few big restriction on the federal level that need to be taken out. Also, federal law trumps state law but I can't fault him on not passing new laws to curtail state laws since that would be nearly impossible even if he had support from his party.

You saw the wall thread, you saw what he wants to do to the courts, you know absolutely what's going to happen to the sanctuary cities and illegals. Yet still you think anyone who doesn't wait for Hitler is a shill. fuck off kike

Yeah they're all getting deported. Fuck off anti-Trump shill KIKE

I'm giving Trump the benefit of the doubt, but you're being a fucking tard. Stop.

Yes levels are creeping up here in SE Wisconsin too. Can't guarantee they're refugees but the hijab levels are rising noticeably and burqas are popping up too. A new thing; Pakistani(?) mothers and obnoxious children showing up at thrift stores. They speak Urdu or whatever and the kids are obnoxious little rodents.

Would like to see some photos of the supposed large amounts of lightbulb-headed Somalians that are being dumped into Minnesota.

Sounds like shill lingo. You're some shill trying to deradicalize me and get me to stop supporting the Government.

He got fucked by the legal system and careerists in the State Department on this one. He's making some very bad decisions right but this isn't his fault.

You mean very good tactical chess moves, right? Fucking shills ITT, go back to endchan!!!

We could have 99.9% leddit/goon/dumblr userbase and we'd never be as shit as cuckchan.

I can say "I don't really care for negros or jews." and not get b& but on cuckchan you will.

Anyway we have our way of dealing with cancer. Goreposting.

Fuck off kike.

Don't let Trump slide on anything, we need to hold his feet to the fire to fulfill his promises. No foreign wars. illegals out, industry in.

I get it, you're trying to show through exageration that anyone who praises everything Trump does is as cancerous as the shills, but you're not making things any better. You're just adding to the cancer that is slowly engulfing Holla Forums.

kek reddit is more heavily moderated so I like it more, why won't hot pocket x just ban all the anti-Trump "LOL DRUMPF IS A SKYPE" threads

Trump tried to slam the door but the judges got their foot in it, and all the rats are streaming in.

Holy fuck its the faggot who was shilling Meguca, and the faggot who refuses to say g-d pure kikery or yahweh. Hahahahahah
The fucking faggots on meguca are kikes.

Can confirm, a city I visited in WI was effectively pure Syrian "refugee" (especially the high schools). It's not looking good lads, they've systematically targeted all places with nordic/germanic blood. From WI, to MN, to Sweden, to Germany.

Leftykike I know you think the president is king, but we have three branches of government.

Trump did hispart in each of those cases.

You dumb nigger, he tried to ban them.

The president didn't import these scum, it was the holdover cucks obama installed.

Trump did cuck out when the court interfered though.

I've seen a whole lot of talk with very little action. What has he actually done?

88D chess

It would be interesting to see the number of aliens entering the US on a work visa. I expect by the end of the year we'll have the total and I strongly expect that America will be more non white than it was at the beginning of the year. I expect the numbers will be similar to what they were under Obama which means that Trump wouldn't even have bought us time at the very minimum. And that two years of energy and effort was completely wasted of Trump. We'll never get those two years back and every day is precious to us. I hope we don't waste the next four years on Trump or God forbid the next eight years which is almost a decade in 2024.

Just say yahweh you fucking meguca kike. Maybe king kike won't notice. Just once for me shill-kun.

well you must be new. no one from Holla Forums misses the literal faggot nigger.

Not at all, but the only good thing that nigger did was help Iran get nukes, I appreciate the Iran Deal.

against funding israel huh?


nigger gave the insurance jews a monopoly too, helped create isis, fueled the rapefugee crisis, and stoked racial tensions to a breaking point.

This is shitposting.

Yeah he didn't do that either
The Iran deal is bullshit and accomplished nothing either way, the money given back was equal to less than 1% of their GDP and the deal had very little impact on their weapons program

are these jews? or muslims? this can't be real.

Honestly this place is starting to feel like /r/t_d larping as "alt-right". Trump didn't push for the wall in the budget, he has escalated war on syria/russia, cucked on NAFTA, cucked on calling china a currency manipulator, has done a 180 on wikileaks/internet policy, isn't being aggressive with stopping rapefugees, etc.. I don't see why anyone is bothering to defend him at this point. It's not like his popularity matters, it was showing his original MESSAGE was important to the American people, and IT IS GROWING FAST.

Just off the top of my head.

only few redpilled whites, some of which browse >>>/kennedi/ religiously, are thinking how to assist Trump in taking down the refugees by helping him in his chess moves

Don't lose faith in Trump, his chess moves have proven him to be the zenith of what the our race will ever be

Nice /kennedi/ dubs, how was your day on /kennedi/?

I'm confused, you got /kennedi/ dubs but you didn't post a picture of Sage. Are you triggered by birds?

stopped reading, lurk moar

Precisely, the ultimate form of the white man is not the overman, but the Chess Master. So glad my natural and organic friends at >>>/kennedi/ can see this.


Your dubs are so natural and organic!


someone failed at banging refugee women

most of them are 10/10 big breasted women with skin whiter than your average american woman; anyone has the video where a british chad is getting sucked by a married muslim?

NiggA are you trying to demoralize me.

Provide sources for your claims. It's not that I don't believe you, I just don't consider information "off the top of your head" to be credible.

yes, it's not like Europeans here disagree with OUR definition of "nationalism" or wants the US to have more lax immigration laws


God damn I can't even keep the persona up when you faggots are around.

Kek'd. They really have changed the tone of the board recently, the question is are they actually redditors or are they deceitful shills. I'm not sure tbh.

this one?

not to pick sides, but you're the one sounding like a bitter virgin aka a cuck

I disagree with you, I fully support Trump and the mods here.

Hail our people!!

she's fucking gross.

Kill yourself. If you are actually white you are the kind of retard that has helped to ruin western civilization, in all honesty you are worse than a liberal. At least they have the excuse of never being exposed to Holla Forums.

That's a African or Egyptian Muslim of some type and not a Syrian or Levantine woman
Allowing Africans and other generic refugees from non-warzones under the guise of being "Syrian" is disingenuous and should not be allowed, not that the US should be allowing Sunnis as refugees to begin with


Are you implying that some non-European racial types are fine and should be let in?

Shills aside, you have to be focused more in real life. Most/All alphas are in favor of some form of immigration. Now, you might think that because alphas are a small part of the population, it's not big deal: FALSE.

One alpha can accomplish more in his life than a bunch of betas. Look at Trump, how many women he has deflowered and how much charity he has given. Alpha men see cute girls from overseas, they don't care about 1000s of men that cannot compete with him.

There is a reason some men can impregnate hundreds or thousands of women, while you're alone at night reading this comment. Alphas move the masses, that's what alpha means: everyone else follows you.

All of these are from threads on Holla Forums if you were here after Trump's inauguration you should know most of these, all if you also went to the Spicy waifu posting threads. Please state what specific ones you want sources on and I'll link them

I wonder how Chad Thundercock would look down on you if you said that to him irl…

I never said that, faggot

The feelings of an alpha are much superior and important than the wisdom of betas like you

If you don't believe me, ask aryan women or the multitude of betas that follow said alpha.

my sides exploded

Back to /r/the_donald sandnigger.

If you go to >>>/kennedi/ you'll get educated about how based trump is more than here, Holla Forums is filled with cucks who cannot defend the god emperor properly while /kennedi/ has ardent trump supporters

Boy, you'd best define "non-european" because I've seen you guys unironically say that even Slavs are not really europoids.

slavs and polacks are whites, subhuman anglos are not

here is a thread that documents anglo trash >>>/kennedi/381

top kek
I spilled my milk all over my keyboard
you better help me clean up


I'm in favour of immigration myself, provided that the people coming to the country are racially European. I don't see what being an "alpha" has to do with this. Care to elaborate?

One alpha can accomplish more in his life than a bunch of betas. Look at Trump, how many women he has deflowered and how much charity he has given. Alpha men see cute girls from overseas, they don't care about 1000s of men that cannot compete with him.
So your definition of an "alpha" is somebody who will happily allow himself to be displaced in his homeland as long as he gets more opportunities to get his dick wet? Because that sounds much more like a useful idiot than a leader to me.

What does this have to do with anything I said? This entire post is you ignoring what I said, assuming that you know how things work and making baseless assumptions. Real "alpha" brah.

Why would I care how he felt? 9 times out of 10 the kind of people that you consider to be Chad are actually useful idiots that can easily be guided in the direction you want, if you have the means to do so. His personal opinions are irrelevant.

You heavily implied it.

Assume much? Give me your definition of an alpha, I can't really refute your point until I fully understand what you mean when you use this term.

Slavs are white for the most part, although there are individual Slavs with Semitic and Asian DNA the majority of Slavs are racially pure as far as I know.

Unchecked quads!

That better then it being an even split or mostly men. Worse in the short term, yes, but better in the long.


That is probably the least erotic blowjob it has ever been my displeasure to witness.

Reddit is back with their "if I keep calling them a shill they will go away" tactic.

Yinon plan in effect.

(((They))) are depopulating Syria.

It's just 1488d chess, nothing to see here, move along.

Yes but i haven't seen the wall yet , it's a good start though within reasonable limits. I can't reach a conclusion untill the final fucking brick is put on the wall and says wall completed. Then i be happy or angry that he followed through or didn't follow through on his promise respectively. Untill then though i am gonna remain what is called creatively skeptical, and untill forever i am gonna continue the process of believing nothing of what i hear and half of what i see. Which is a very good eye that let's you reach to a pretty redpilled worldview and which is what led me and many other people here i believe to our conclusions of niggers and kikes and why they should be ovened ( and several topics but just to give an example ).
Yes, but untill he does something to the courts i can't praise him. He will receive praise for his actions, not for his words or his intentions. This is what you should pay attention and it's the reason i don't like seeing these OH OMFG TRUMP IS GOING TO DO X, or OH OMFG TRUMP SAID HE WILL DO X SO HE IS A KIKE SHILL or OH OMFG TRUMP SAID HE WILL DO X BASED. You know what's something i like seeing ? TRUMP DID X ( EMPHASIS ON DID AS IN COMPLETED ), and then analyze the results of those actions. I don't wanna hypothesize on what might happen. If's and but's i have heard enough. Scenarios i have heard 6 million and i have made up for myself on what might happen another 6 million.
I have a clue, but untill drastic measures and actions are taken i can't have a conclusion. If he follows through to his campaign promises i have a pretty good idea what is going to happen to them and he is rightfully going to receive my praise.
Everything else to me is secondary and not so important to his actions. I will give you and everyone else that wants a nice essay if you like. I want you to list his actions ( actions as in what he did till now, not what he promised, not what he might do ) from the begining of his presidency and how this has contributed to the prosperity of White Americans ( or not if you want to go that route ).
The prosperity of White Americans is a very generic term, so i am going to also give you some topics that i believe contribute to said prosperity ( or try to disrupt said prosperity by destroying white Americans ) and if you want you can add your own as well if you think something else that i didn't include is worth mentioning.
Everyone that wishes is invited to give his own input on one or more of these topics. I have low expectations of how this is gonna go due to the drones that are here from cuckchan but let's give it a try since there is an opportunity to spark a debate. The stage is yours.


Not suspicious at all! Might as well start planning your next narrative already, shills. None of your narratives ever last more than a few days.

if you want to find them,
if you are serious about this,
united methodists are the ones doing it.
they do it as the leading cucked kike lovers.
they do it as the hand of the federal system.
they are not going to stop doing it.
it doesn't matter how many are killed.
it doesn't matter how many cities say no.
it doesn't matter how many town and state governors say no.
they don't care, they import, get funds, get feels, and dump to local areas.

http www umcor org/UMCOR/Programs/Refugees

find the united methodists, find the rapists, find the child traffickers, find the low-energy strange ripe for investigation and raiding.


So one dude managed to have a giant schizophrenic conversation with himself. Seriously, an entire fucking thread?
That's almost impressive.

Because he is so far above the common man (read: so far removed) that it is a demonstration of his elevated status to support policies that hurt most men. Not only is a means for signalling your elevated status, it further oppresses those below you and elevates you even further as you decrease what little power the common man. What it really means to be "alpha" is to have options regardless of the environment. What loyalty does an alpha have to his nation if he benefits regardless of (or from) its destruction?

It is how the corrupt white men. You take every single thing away from the "betas" so they have no reason to invest in their race or nation and your give every single thing to the "alphas" so they have no reason to invest in the race or nation.

This was back last year before the election, but I was driving through my former college for the first time since I graduated a few years ago. For reference, the college is in a very nice white college town and there were always very few shitskins there, except some chingchongs in the business school.

But I travel back there, and the first thing I notice is holy fuck why the hell are there so many hijab-wearing shitskins walking around here?. It was fucking insane. In a couple years, the place went from having no mudslimes at all to having at least one hijabi bitch on every street corner.

W-well he tuh-tweeted lots of stuff that could vaguely be interpreted as pro-white…..does that count?

It deeply saddens me that Trump cannot control this because muh republic of sovereign states
empire when

IMO the issue is that he's not fighting back hard enough. He should be causing a shitstorm over these activist judges blocking things that they don't actually have the power to block. But from our end, it looks like he got the notice that the judges are blocking this, and he's just wiping his hands and saying "well, I tried. on to the next topic of discussion"

I didn't elect an anti-immigration and anti-rapefugee president just for him to fold so easily.

hijabi mudslime women look like turtles.

This got my neurons firing and I think I may know at least on primary suspect. Amazon opened a warehouse in SE Wisconsin jew a few years ago. Pic related is from this article: refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com/2017/04/26/somali-refugees-resettled-in-arizona-headed-to-minnesota-in-large-numbers/

Maryland is getting more and more full beekeeper suits walking around. As if they didn't have enough problems with the niggers.

Statesman of the millennium.

This is another master play in the 8D mahjong game. At this rate we won't have to wait for Hitler. Shills BTFO.

When will you faggots learn he's already multiple steps ahead of you?

Glad I'm not the only one. Unless you look VERY fucking ethnic, those videos can be erotic. The problem is the fact that jihad looked liked she didn't even know what is going on. She might as well said, "penis here?" While pointing at her mouth. Who the fucking finds that appealing?!

Don't worry, when Syria is empty, they'll just invent more. Didn't you know 99% of the worlds population is refugees and therefore entitled to move to white countries? Except those white South Africans, they have to stay and be raped, tortured, and murdered.



First day on the job Moishe?

also has only one ID on the first 64 posts

From Wisconsin. Seeing more and more blacks lately. Mainly in Appleton. New London, my home town, is relatively still white though.

Quick, someone tell Yeb!

for those asking, codemonkey wiped all IPs attached to old posts, so they all now show the same ID

Maintenance fucked up the ID's it seems

Do you really believe he can't do anything about it though? I'm skeeved. The President has complete control over immigration. He needs to bark orders, give commands, not take shit and submit. He is the big cheese, the rest of the government is only the plate.


All of the IDs merged to make a >(158)
I sense mod fuckery. Can they now control displayed IDs too?

all the "refugees" shuld be sent to ZOGmerica
it's all happening because of you in the first place

Most threads, new and old, are not like this. I've only seen it here and the Kushner sticky. This seems planned.


Thank g*d for common core